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Face/Heel and gimmick status for new workers

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<p>So I start a new company, and sign a bunch of unemployed workers. When they sign on they choose a new gimmick and a face/heel. However I have a plan for my new recruits and want specific persons to join a tag team or a stable so I suggest that they switch to fit my plan as the owner/booker. Their information says that "They haven't debuted yet so there is nothing to keep them from changing", but when you talk to them and suggest a change they from heel to babyface (or vice-versa) they say "It is too soon for me to make another turn". </p><p>

It can become even more frustrating when these new workers suddenly change gimmicks, face/heel alignment without even consulting you on it!</p><p> </p><p>

This makes no sense, particularly when the worker in question is inexperienced or a rookie that has little or no popularity in the area. I could see this sometimes with popular established workers but, in reality, often even they would easily shift alignment when moving from one territory to another. I should even have input or gimmick approval (again, except for very well established workers).</p><p> </p><p>

I could be missing something as I am new to the game but you should be able to meet with the new worker and provide input on your company plans before they make gimmick and face/heel decisions.</p>

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You can change their disposition without talking to them first and even if they told you that (and i guess it is because there is no text for this particular situation) you are able to change it anyway.


Honestly, i don't understand how they can change anything on their own, i mean, i don't think is even possible. Can you explain further?

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Again, I am new so it is possible that I am just missing something.


A good example is Wolfie Tagg and Kalder Tagg. Two young, and basically unknown brothers from Montana. I Negotiate with them, then sign them. However upon joining the roster, Wolfie goes Heel and Kalder goes Babyface despite them being a Permanent Unit as a Tag Team. When I try to switch them to match so they can team without a show penalty (confusing the audience due to misalignments) the message of "It's too soon for me to make another turn" pops up.


Of course within a few weeks it seems that they can just randomly decide to switch alignments despite that message. For example: I had a plan for Big Tex Avatar to be assigned to a Face Stable and Manager, but he went Heel. So I put him with a Heel Manager and Stable. Several weeks later I started getting match penalties because he decided to switch back to Face.


Now if this was reality, I would sit down with the new workers (again, who have no popularity in the territory) and say directly "I want you both to be Heels (or BF) when you sign up". I can also avoid the match penalty by setting the territory itself to Isn't Enforced for the Face/Heel split, but that is a work around and not a real solution (what happens if I want a strictly enforced Face/Heel split?)


You state that you can change their disposition without talking to them first. Can you clarify on this point? Is there something specific that I am missing that can change these scenarios?

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<p>Ah! Thanks! The "Turn" button on the bottom of the pop-up when you click on the Works line of the character's status section.</p><p> </p><p>

The downside is that it isn't very intuitive or easy to find. Why not just have it in the "Talks to Worker" section where the rest of your interactions are? </p><p> </p><p>

I still feel that should ALWAYS approach you when they want to do a Face/Heel turn, or change a gimmick. They should meet with you upon signing and review their details for their character. McMahon (or Watts, Von Erich, Crockett, etc.) presumably never just let new workers arrive and start making these decisions without approval. It would add to the realism of the game if every signing met with you and stated, for example, I am planning on being a Babyface with an Adventurer gimmick, and you can accept or adjust it to your plans as the Owner/Creative. You could even have the worker get slightly unhappy or upset when you force such details onto them against their initial plan. Maybe have them argue some with you?</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sonofpaul" data-cite="sonofpaul" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48713" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Of course within a few weeks it seems that they can just randomly decide to switch alignments despite that message. For example: I had a plan for Big Tex Avatar to be assigned to a Face Stable and Manager, but he went Heel. So I put him with a Heel Manager and Stable. Several weeks later I started getting match penalties because he decided to switch back to Face.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There's no way he should be changing disposition without you selecting it; it may be worth putting this in tech support.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sonofpaul" data-cite="sonofpaul" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48713" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ah! Thanks! The "Turn" button on the bottom of the pop-up when you click on the Works line of the character's status section.<p> </p><p> The downside is that it isn't very intuitive or easy to find. Why not just have it in the "Talks to Worker" section where the rest of your interactions are? </p><p> </p><p> I still feel that should ALWAYS approach you when they want to do a Face/Heel turn, or change a gimmick. They should meet with you upon signing and review their details for their character. McMahon (or Watts, Von Erich, Crockett, etc.) presumably never just let new workers arrive and start making these decisions without approval. It would add to the realism of the game if every signing met with you and stated, for example, I am planning on being a Babyface with an Adventurer gimmick, and you can accept or adjust it to your plans as the Owner/Creative. You could even have the worker get slightly unhappy or upset when you force such details onto them against their initial plan. Maybe have them argue some with you?</p></div></blockquote><p> Sorry but it never happened to me that workers turn or change they gimmick on their own. Like i said before, i don't think can happened at all and i can't think of anything that could be causing you this confusion.</p>
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<p>I'll take a closer look at it to see if I can figure out the details before sending it in to Tech. </p><p> </p><p>

Maybe when I click on the suggestion to initiate a face/heel turn in the Talk to Worker screen it initiates the change despite the "It's too soon for me to make another turn" message? </p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for the help folks.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sonofpaul" data-cite="sonofpaul" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48713" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ah! Thanks! The "Turn" button on the bottom of the pop-up when you click on the Works line of the character's status section.<p> </p><p> The downside is that it isn't very intuitive or easy to find. Why not just have it in the "Talks to Worker" section where the rest of your interactions are? </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's not intuitive at all. It's a bit easier if you've seen similar misguided interface choices in previous games (most notably in the most recent WMMA, there's also some counter-intuitive clicking on text in profiles to find vital game functions), but some of the user interface just doesn't make the slightest bit of sense even to some experienced players (like me).</p><p> </p><p> TEW2020 is a great game like all it's predecessors. After just a little bit of testing, I'm already confident that the mechanics at the heart of the game are leaps and bounds better than the already fantastic TEW2016. Unfortunately all that wonderfulness is a bit hidden underneath a weird, clunky interface that seems like a significant step down from 2016 and 2013.</p>
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