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New laptop question

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Hey guys, I have been looking at a new laptop to play the full game when it drops I was looking at the i5 surface surface pro 3. Would this run smoothly on there? I’m looking for something that will run this and out of the park baseball to be exact.
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For years I had a Macbook so played TEW2016 on a very cheap windows tablet. The game isn't GPU heavy at all so the game can play very well on old or new computers easily. I wouldn't base a laptop choice purely on running TEW but what else you'll be doing with it.


Only storage is an issue on older machines or my cheap tablet for example if you download mods and picture packs.


In short, anything with windows will knock TEW out of the park but if you're wanting to play other GPU intensive programmes or games, then you'd need to be wary of that fact.

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For years I had a Macbook so played TEW2016 on a very cheap windows tablet. The game isn't GPU heavy at all so the game can play very well on old or new computers easily. I wouldn't base a laptop choice purely on running TEW but what else you'll be doing with it.


Only storage is an issue on older machines or my cheap tablet for example if you download mods and picture packs.


In short, anything with windows will knock TEW out of the park but if you're wanting to play other GPU intensive programmes or games, then you'd need to be wary of that fact.


I work on a computer all day with it has come wrist problems and cramps in my hand. Looking to something handheld and touchscreen if possible. I am playing on a old Mac now but unfortunately it’s resolution is too low

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