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Lionesses of Wrestling - From The Ground Up

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Saturday, week 1 February 2020

Gloucester Street Youth Centre

Attendance: 49

Not broadcast

Commentary: None



  • A pale-haired woman opens up the show, projecting sheer disdain. She gets a microphone and introduces herself as Svenja Schwartz ‘but you can just call me your superior’. She says she’s heard about the woman claiming herself to be some kind of champion… but that can’t possibly be right, she’s certainly never defeated her. This… Sakuyama shall meet her promptly in the main event, title on the line, such that the belt can be awarded to its rightful owner. — E+


  • Masked Damsel versus Ellen Ward is our opener and it starts us off hot. What a difference having someone with some knowledge constructing the match can do. The Damsel attempts cheap tactics aplenty, but Ward pays her back with interest from the Bank of Elbows To The Face. Damsel switches it up and tries to increase the pace, and though that pays dividends in the short term, Ellen suddenly snaps her out of the air with a nasty dropkick. An instant later, the A&E is locked on and Damsel frantically submits. — E


  • Sakuyama emerges from backstage. Direct and to the point, she says that she doesn’t know where Schwartz came from, but she’s got no intention of backing down from a fight or a challenge. She’s on!


  • A new face is introduced as Countess, who struts down to the ring emitting an imperious aura, certainly carrying herself with confidence. Her opponent is Abbi Archer, who approaches to lock up warily, giving plenty of respect. Unfortunately, the two of them have the chemistry of a kid pouring every single sachet into the beaker of their christmas science set and struggle to get any of their timings correct. Countess strips off one of her gloves and tosses it to the mat, then promptly loads up the other as the official disposes of the hazard—but gets snagged with the cutter as she’s winding up to punch! Archer covers! Three count! — F+


  • After Archer gets done celebrating, Countess has recovered enough to grab hold of a microphone, and boy howdy is she pissed. She insults first Abbi, then the audience, then the referee. In no uncertain terms, she proclaims this defeat to be a gross injustice and one that there shall be a reckoning for. — E+


  • More lighthearted, Cap’n Swann and Bosun Bakshi emerge together. Polly has been bandaged around the head (Bakshi shelters her protectively from the crowd). The two of them run down a list of nautical misdemeanours that other members of the roster are allegedly guilty of committing, including ‘bilge-ratting’, ‘scurvy evasion’ and ‘insufficient deck-swabbing’. It’s goofy but the fans are into it as the pair conclude that there just isn’t anyone who is sufficiently swashbuckling to contend with them. Instantly, as decreed by wrestling law, they are interrupted by a thumping rap-rock theme, and out charges a hyped-up Samba Barnes, accompanied by Lottie Lace. It seems we have a tag team match! — D-


  • Both teams do a decent job in the first tag contest in the promotion’s history, but as it turns out, one person not being on everyone else’s page can do more damage than you’d think, or perhaps the refereeing? Or maybe it wasn’t assembled quite as well as it might have been. Perhaps it was a bit too long. In short, though the individual performances really aren’t bad at all, somewhere in there it loses what was making it good, though there’s still a huge (comparatively speaking) pop for Samba Barnes launching herself across the ring to intercept Swann as Lace nails Bakshi with a running soccer kick for the win. — E-


  • Thankfully it comes back together for the main event. Svenja clearly has the experience to work Sakuyama over, utilising a well-rounded style to keep the champion on the back foot as the match develops. Sakuyama, though, continues to prove that she has fighting spirit aplenty and kicks out with authority each time she’s covered, reverses an irish whip and hits a downright decent belly-to-belly on the rebound. The action goes back and forth, Svenja getting two with a foot on the ropes before the referee catches her at it, Sakuyama managing a two in turn off a discus elbow. The finish is sudden and brutal, Schwartz attempting a curbstomp which is thrown off into a massive knee to the gut and the Kagawa Driver 20. Retention. — E+



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SMW: 4/4
Herrbear: 4/4
Zergon 4/4
tryker: 3/4


Yeah so I think this will be fairly straightforward for a while as the roster develops and shakes out, so we'll see how we go with predictions. Can totally see why you might go for Svenja to win though...



Nice! I was afraid you'd put the title on Svenja first thing.


Keep that ball a-rollin'. :)




Yeah, Svenja is overall solid; has the highest experience on the roster for one thing, and some of the best performance skills. Doesn't stand out beyond belief but everything combined makes her probably a small cut above the rest of the roster. However, there are other problems... and Ellen does have title preferences.


Watch this space with Svenja...

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Shortly before Lionesses of Wrestling V...








“...we definitely want it to look competitive at the end, so maybe an attempt finisher flurry; make it really look like Svenja is within an inch of winning and Sal just manages to get the win this time. Debra, you can sort the exact details there. Any questions?”


I finished laying out what I wanted from the main event and looked around the table. I’d grabbed a corner of the room to designate the booking area, let everyone know what was what, tell the results, let them work on the matches with Debra. Sally sat opposite me, Debra to my left, while Svenja leaned on the table, standing. We’d had a brief chat earlier, and I wasn’t sure what to make of her. Pretty businesslike.


Now, she was making a face. “No, no. This doesn’t really work for me.”


I hesitated. This was the first time anyone had objected to the brief I’d given them. “Alright,” I said cautiously. “What’s up?”


“Well, why aren’t I winning?”


Sally stilled. I blinked. “I, uh… come again?”


Svenja straightened, frowning. “No offence, but I’ve been doing this much longer than any of you. I was under the impression I’d be getting the belt pronto to carry the show.”


“That’s… not the plan.” I look Debra’s way, hoping for a bail-out. I didn’t get one as she barely shrugged, something that might have been a smile coming and going on her face.


“Mm, I don’t think that—” Svenja suddenly stopped. I followed her eyes.


Across from her, Sally had fixed her with the harshest glare I’d ever seen her give. Svenja coughed, broke eye contact, focused back onto me.


“—that was what I expected, but I suppose I can work with this.” She fixed me with a plastic smile. “Let mum, Sally and I work out the match. Thanks.”


I nodded carefully and stood up from the table, turning back to the rest of the room to find Lottie, Samba and Rajni to discuss our own spots some more.


My stomach was sinking again, and I didn’t think it was hunger this time.

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Assassin vs. Samba Barnes

Actual wrestlers over random masked alter egos.


Lottie Lace vs. Countess

This one may actually know how to wrestle.


Shinobi vs. Rajni Smith

She may be terrible at wrestling, but she's not a random masked alter ego!


If Svenja wins, she receives a British Championship rematch

Sakuyama & Abbi Archer vs. Svenja Schwartz & Ellen Ward

She's going to be so mad if you keep asking her to lose.

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Assassin vs. Samba Barnes

Again, going with costume person is going to lose logic


Lottie Lace vs. Countess

Don't have much idea about either girl just yey but Lace sounded like bigger name on roster review.


Shinobi vs. Rajni Smith

Rajni picks some momentum here.


If Svenja wins, she receives a British Championship rematch

Sakuyama & Abbi Archer vs. Svenja Schwartz & Ellen Ward

Despite potential backstage problems with Svenja's ego, looks like her team is set to win here with that stipulation.

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Saturday, week 2 February 2020

Gloucester Street Youth Centre

Attendance: 48

Not broadcast

Commentary: None



  • The masked Assassin faces Samba Barnes in a fast paced match, the pair locking horns in an energetic display that’s probably trying a bit too hard. Even so it’s enjoyable seeing them grapple, particularly with Barnes going big with a few of her throws and sending Assassin flying across the ring. Unfortunately it’s marred by an accidental coming together: Barnes slips diving for Assassin and lands awkwardly on her arm, immediately snapping into a ball. Assassin covers and gets the win, but Barnes has to be helped to the back, cradling her injured limb. — E

  • Svenja Schwartz emerges, masking her anger with disdain. She declares that Sakuyama got extremely lucky last week and as such now has a stay of execution. Nonetheless, the uncrowned queen of LoW wants there to be an accounting, and states that if Sakuyama has a shred of the honour she claims, she’ll grant her another shot. Sakuyama comes out and is bemused by what Svenja’s saying: she won fair and square, clean as a whistle. Look, they had a good match, but she’s not just going to give her another shot immediately: other people deserve that opportunity. Schwartz hates to hear that, and after a couple more arrogant statements, cheap shots Sakuyama and, getting the better of the brawl that ensues, throws her to ringside and throws down a challenge. Main event tonight: Saku finds a partner, Svenja gets a partner. If Svenja wins, she gets another shot. Sakuyama, wounded and angry, yells back that Schwartz is on! — E+

  • Our next match pits two of the newcomers against one another, and Lace continues her hot start to life in LoW as she largely has her way with the inexperienced Countess. While the blueblood has her moments, not least when she scores a thumb to the eye outside of the ref’s view and manages to lay in with some strikes, Lace is definitely the more accomplished wrestler. She battles out of a grounded sleeper and tees off, countering a rush with an arm drag and then flattening Countess with the Penalty Kick. — E

  • Once more, as soon as she’s caught her breath Countess grabs a microphone and goes ballistic. She claims that a woman of her standing has never been treated with such lack of class as she’s seen here, and that the fans and wrestlers should feel privileged to have the chance to even glimpse her, let alone lock up with her in a ring. Get out of her sight. — E

  • Who forgot that Rajni has a memory like a sieve? The booker! Sally-as-Shinobi tries to pull Rajni to a decent contest, and while it’s not terrible, there’s no prizes for detecting who was carrying the load here as Smith fails to remember her spots and on a couple of occasions remembers them in the wrong order, really damaging the flow of the match. Still, as Aviator Agarwal’s Flight of the Valkyries hits, distracting Shinobi, Rajni pounces from behind with a backslide and picks up the win. — F+

  • The Sea Dogs are out and run through a goofy skit that only tangentially has anything to do with wrestling, and then only because they lean on the fourth wall to discuss people coming out to interrupt them. Swann and Bakshi are allegedly on the hunt for booty, this may or may not be a euphemism. Alas there is none to be found. It’s essentially two friends messing about, but it fills some time and the fans are receptive. — D-

  • It’s time for our main event. Sakuyama is out first with Abbi Archer as her partner, unlikely to anyone’s surprise. Their opponents come out singularly, Schwartz and then Ellen Ward, whose expression is completely unreadable. Both teams operate well, and Ward in particular has a chip on her shoulder, seemingly on a mission to do as much damage single handedly as she can. Saku takes a beating, and Archer gets the hot tag to spring around and claim the advantage back. Schwartz enters the ring to take some of the wind out of her sails, but seems surprised by how dynamic Abbi is, the energy trumping the skill this time around. Schwartz is forced to tag out and we end up back with Sakuyama vs. Ward. Kagawa Driver attempted—Schwartz tugs her clear—GLITTERING MAGICIAN! Schwartz blind tags herself in off Ward’s back and runs in to steal the pin, with Ward relegated to blocking Archer’s attempted save… and shooting Schwartz a look of pure murder. — E+



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Moments after the opener…


I cut my celebration short to all but run backstage, heart in my mouth. There was a cluster of people gathered around Samba, collapsed on a chair, clutching her arm across her chest. It felt like the whole room turned to watch me as I hurried over.


“Are you okay?”


She fixed me with a pained smile. “Hey boss. Yeah. All good.”


“That didn’t look all good.”


She started to shrug, and then clearly thought better of it. “I mean, it hurts, if that’s what you’re asking. Might be broken.”


“Bloody hell.” I hissed out a breath through my teeth. “Look, I am so sorry—”


She cut me off. “Nah, nah, not your fault.” She started to reach out, then flinched, withdrawing her arm. “Fffffff*ck me.”


“We need to get you to A&E.”


“She’s got a broken arm and you want to put her in a hold? Harsh, Disaster.”


I gave Rajni the finger. Samba nodded slightly. “Probably a plan.”


“Someone needs to take her, then,” piped up Abbi. “I can go—”


“No you can’t, you’re in the main event,” said Sally.


“I’ll… probably be back?”


“Uh, guys…” I glanced over my shoulder. Lottie was hovering. “We’re going to start to have dead air in a sec here. Match is over, remember?”


A ripple ran through all of us. My chest clenched. Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.


“Svenny, get out there. Go. Oi! Sally! You be ready for your cue!” Debra cut through the chaos and building anxiety, grabbing me by the shoulder. Her eyes locked on mine. “Show goes on, right?”


I swallowed and nodded. “Show goes on.” Svenja was already heading out.


“I’ll go with her,” said Nicky like the saint that he was. “You don’t need me now anyway.”


I mouthed a huge thank you at him.


Samba nodded and rose. She paused one more time. “Don’t worry about this, boss, it happens.”




Not good enough.

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<p>Woops this took a bit. ADHD brain. Thanks for the predictions!</p><p>

--</p><p> </p><p>


</p><pre class="ipsCode">SMW: 8/8

Herrbear: 7/8

Zergon 7/8

tryker: 7/8

Regis: 3/4 - New challenger!</pre><div></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

Running the alter egos is a bit harder than it was in 2016 because the initial levels of momentum feel a bit more harsh. Folks with positive W/L still have poor momentum. So it goes.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="SHkkCoa.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SHkkCoa.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> As it turned out, Samba had fractured her arm and would be out for four to six weeks. Guiltily, I had to admit that it was a relief. I’d been panicked that my mistake—and I couldn’t shake it being <em>my</em> mistake, no matter how many people told me it wasn’t—had resulted in a career-threatening or life-altering injury. Samba was going to have to deal with a cast for a while, but she would be alright.</p><p> </p><p> Unfortunately, this now left us short, and being honest, even with Samba we were still blowing through matches way too fast. Maybe running every single week hadn’t been such an amazing idea, but I felt like we were committed for at least a couple of months: going monthly this early would signal to the fans that either we weren’t serious or that were about to go under.</p><p> </p><p> I thought about how much if the tab was picking up and tried not to wince. Still wasn’t happy with how much we—I—was relying on her, but the deal was too good to pass up. It was down to her that we even had a roster in the first place. Double duty was fun to an extent, but how long was it really viable? Just had to think about Rajni showing up late the other week for that.</p><p> </p><p> I… was going to need to email Debra and make some calls.</p><p> ----</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Prediction card for Lionesses of Wrestling VII: Roar</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49019" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing]<p> </p><p> Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding]</p><p> </p><p> Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing]</p><p> </p><p> Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings]</p><p> </p><p> Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer</p><p> </p><p> LoW British Championship</p><p> Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz</p></div></blockquote>
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Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing]


Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding]


Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing]


Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings]


Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer


LoW British Championship

Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz

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I am liking this so far. Honestly while it is somewhat realistic that there is little female representation in Britain (here's hoping a certain soon to be mother has inspired some folk over here along with a raging Scotsman or two) it is probably the thing keeping me away from a save in my own country. Of course there is a longterm challenge there if a player wants to set up a few dojos or a performance centre to begin feeding.


And well damn poor Samba, she'll be back though and regrets are the basis of learning.



Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing]


Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding]


Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing]


Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings]


Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer


LoW British Championship

Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz


I kind of don't see how Svenja gets back into contention if she loses here but the bulk of the story is on the chase and she is the most seasoned in working that.

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Aviator Agarwal vs. Lauren Harding [New signing]

Going to continue my actual person over cosplay alter ego


Assassin vs. Hardaway [Played by Harding]

Well, Assassin did get win last month so going with her.


Bosun Bakshi vs. Leftenant Jennings [New signing]

Same logic as in first match (assuming that´s not an alter ego which then name kind of sounds it would be.) If it is.. well I guess debut win to keep newcomers momentum up.


Ellen Ward vs. Carrie Cornwall [Also playing Jennings]

Diddo or if Carrie is her real personality then just going with more established girl.


Sabbat [New Signing] vs. Abbi Archer

Going with more established girl here.


LoW British Championship

Sakuyama © vs. Svenja Schwartz

Thinking it´s still too early for title change unless there´s a story reason for that with Debra demanding her daughter getting the belt

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<p><strong>Lionesses of Wrestling VII: Roar</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Saturday, week 3 February 2020</p><p>

Gloucester Street Youth Centre</p><p>

Attendance: 51</p><p>

Not broadcast</p><p>

Commentary: None</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Straight into the action this week with Aviator Agarwal up against a new face, an arrogant young woman introduced as Lauren Harding. Exhibiting maximum disdain for her opponent, Harding slings as many insults as she does punches, arguing with the referee, the fans, and Agarwal herself at one point, when the pilot starts egging her on at ringside. The shocked reaction as she realises it’s her opponent gets a good chuckle out of the audience, but otherwise the action is little to write home about. Agarwal wriggles out the back of a slam, hits a neckbreaker, and then gets her splash for the win. — <strong>F</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>As Agarwal is celebrating, the lights suddenly go out. In typically English fashion, the crowd promptly goes ‘weyyyy!’ and starts to catcall… however, no mere technical malfunction is this, but ninjutsu! The lights come back on and Shinobi is standing behind Agarwal! Tight sleeper hold! Agarwal fights it, fights it, but is slowly choked out cold. — <strong>E</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>A new face in the heavily quotation marked sense of new appears next: Lauren Harding with camo stripes painted under her eyes, hair tied into a bun and vaguely military patterned gear is now said to be Hardaway, no first name given. It’s just one of those LoW things. Her opponent is Assassin, and the twosome have a decent brawl, highlighted by them standing and trading toe-to-toe for thirty seconds in the middle. Assassin starts to take control after hotshotting Hardaway off the ropes, and continues to pick up some steam—thankfully with no broken limbs this time—by hitting a vicious reverse DDT and grabbing the pinfall. — <strong>E</strong><br /></li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Bosun Bakshi swaggers her way out for the third contest of the evening. The so-called Leftenant Jennings is another newcomer wearing a very cheap naval style jacket and a peaked hat. Bakshi is deeply displeased by the notion of fighting a ‘naval knave’ but puts forth a game effort in another pretty underwhelming contest dragged down by collective inexperience. A couple of minutes in—just long enough, say, for someone to take a quick breather and then swap outfits—Cap’n Swann emerges with a pirate flag and starts to march around the ring, cheering on her second in command. The display obviously gets into Jennings’ head, and while Swann isn’t doing anything to interfere per se, Jennings takes her eye off the ball and falls victim to a Plank Drop (an arm drag off the top). — <strong>F</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>This monumental victory sparks jubilation from both Bakshi and Swann and the pirates celebrate wildly, swashbuckling their way around the ring, waving the flag, and kissing Polly. Swann surprises everyone by breaking out an improvised sea shanty, even getting some of the crowd to join in with her as she goes. The pair celebrate to the back. — <strong>D-</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Shorn of naval accoutrements, Carrie ‘Chippy Fighter’ Cornwall is barely unrecognisable as Jennings. Nonetheless, we are told she is somebody different, so this we must accept. When has wrestling ever deceived us? Ellen Ward faces her down impassively. Carrie gets some early offence in with some combinations of punches and a headlock takeover, but as she moves into an arm wringer, Ward twists out and cracks her in the jaw with an elbow. From there, Ward has the lioness’s share of the match, smartly dodging a running dropkick, smashing a low clothesline into Carrie as she recovers, and then crucifixing her arms for the A&E submission. — <strong>E</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Sakuyama comes down to the ring with a microphone and the British title. She admits that Schwartz got the better of her last week, and that she’s redoubled her training as a result. She has no doubt that Schwartz is good, but her arrogance is a weakness. No match should ever be taken for granted: coming into a match thinking she’s already won is exactly why she’ll lose. Sakuyama warns Schwartz that while she’s managed to get this title shot, she should be careful what she wishes for. — <strong>D</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p>

</p><ul><li>Cloaked in darkness, the competitor known as Sabbat cuts a sinister figure as she slinks her way down to the ring, with Abbi Archer looking rather rattled by her opponent. The match, unfortunately, doesn’t live up to that initial bit of presentation, even with the pair’s seemingly intuitive grasp of each other’s style. Ultimately, they’re both just very raw, and even with a script to follow, it’s barely hanging together. The ending, also, is a bit of a bomb, because as Abbi leaps to deliver the cutter, Sabbat’s neck is wrenched too hard, and she’s obviously hurt as the pin is counted. — <strong>F+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Once Sabbat leaves, thankfully under her own power, Archer starts to make an exit. However, her path is blocked by Countess, who has a microphone. She singles Abbi out as ‘the swine who ruined her grand unveiling’, and verbally attacks her. Archer glares, and her attention fixed on Countess, she is suddenly assaulted from behind by an attacker through the crowd! The woman, a tall figure wearing a hangman-esque outfit, body slams Abbi on the outside, causing her to writhe in pain. Countess, smirking, tells Abbi to say hello to her High Executioner. As promised. — <strong>E+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p>

</p><ul><li>Sakuyama emerges first for the main event, game face on, looking ultra serious and very close to a legit fighter. She stares a hole through Schwartz all the way down to the ring, and is met with a sly smile. Schwartz reclines in the corner as the official checks her for weapons, luxuriating like a cat in the sunshine. They lock up, and after a good chain sequence, Schwartz manages to get control with a shin rake into a series of heavy knee strikes. As she clambers into the lead, she grounds the match, using liberally dirty tactics each time it looks as though Sakuyama might be rallying. Eventually, Sakuyama manages to reverse a figure-four, catching a hard-earned breather, and then begins a fiery comeback sequence. The Kagawa Driver 20 is evaded on the first time of asking, but Svenja’s curbstomp is also dodged, and a second attempt simply leads to Schwartz being caught and then twisted around to be planted with a thunderous Kagawa Driver. — <strong>E+</strong><br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

SHOW RATING: <strong>E+</strong></p>

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Not sure when I'll run predictions to, we'll see. Maybe 5 shows and do raw numbers and percentages? I'll workshop it.



SMW: 11/14

Zergon 11/14

Herrbear: 7/8

tryker: 7/8

Teasenitryn 4/6 - new challenger!

Regis: 3/4




Regarding the roster, things will eventually even out a bit in terms of establishing who everyone is and the pecking order, but acknowledge that there's some scene setting and of course everyone being an unknown.


Things will adjust in time, we're kinda still in chapter one here.

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We were finishing up for the night, making sure everything was packed away and that we weren’t leaving any messes in the ‘locker room’ area. William, the owner of the Youth Centre, wasn’t exactly going to be thrilled with us if we destroyed the place. He was already being really accommodating, what with letting us store a few things and put up fliers, so I didn’t want to step on his toes. Finding another venue would be hell.


As I packed up a box, a voice at my elbow made me jump. “Ward.”


I managed not to fling everything in my hands on the floor as I spun around. “Svenja! Bloody hell. Don’t sneak up on me.”


She smiled thinly. “Sorry.”


We stood there for a moment, looking at each other. She didn’t blink. I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Uh so, what’s up?”


“Sally’s alright. Could have bumped more.”




I knew that Svenja hadn’t been thrilled about dropping a second straight singles match, given her unhappy face at today’s booking check-in, but she’d kept it quiet this time around.


“Anyway, hope you appreciate what my mum’s doing for you.” The way she said that was pretty damn pointed, I opened my mouth, then closed it again. Paused.


“I really appreciate her help.”


“Mmhm.” Svenja leaned a little closer. “It’s a pretty big favour. She must see something in all this.”


I didn’t lean away. I wasn’t sure what she was driving at, but if she was going to crowd my personal space, I wasn’t about to shrink back like a wimp. “I guess she does.”


“I know Sally’s your mate. I can respect that you didn’t want her to drop the title straight away,” said Svenja. She was still smiling, but her eyes weren’t lit up at all.


“Good. I don’t want us to have any problems.” I spoke firmly, assertively.


Her eyes hardened. “No, me neither. I’d hate to upset mum.”


I frowned. Her smile grew a little further, showed teeth. “I’m booking how I think is right.”


“Of course, of course.” She stepped back lightly. “I’m confident in your decision making. Bye now.” She gave a backhanded little wave and strolled off.


I watched her go, frustration bubbling up beneath the surface. Great. This was just what I needed.

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