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How did you work out you had low destiny?


I think my UC has rock bottom destiny but i'm 47 shows into a dynasty so i'm sticking with this until the bitter end.


Three years in and his main stats (Aerial/Tech/Flash) all seemingly peaked at mid 60's (even regressed in Tech after a box increase :( ) and I don't want to event talk about SQ/Charisma....



Pretty hard to get over in a workrate fed if you're not able to work. Admittedly could go back to it and just grind through it but I've got a soft spot for trying to turn untalented plodding heavyweights into stars. Current game's got a regen that's a NBT & a Hot Prospect with incredible entertainment stats - Mega Star here. Just needs alot of seasoning.



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Woohoo! The new patch quickly sees my UC reach the Olympian heights of 71 pop. Also I’ve only gone and snapped up Alicia Strong right from USPW’s clasps. She obviously wants a place in the Hall of Immortals. And to headline events and stuff.


98 remains my high-water personal mark though. No singles match my UC has had has come anywhere near that. Despite another 9 months. Also I’m worried as Brazzle is obviously not content with having turned a backyard fed into a Multinational organization that challenges the Global Leader. She’s decided that we should be an episodic Lucha Libra fed now. Because “always change a winning concept” is a well known expression. My UC is not really set up for that with her 78 in Puro and crappy entertainment skills. Everyone has to have a gimmick and actual storylines and stuff now. It’ll be interesting to see what comes of that. I’m thinking about ditching some of the tournies to better fit the product.

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Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler

11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute.

Adrian Garcia


So I haven't had a match below 80 in 2 months with numerous of those matches being over 90, including this one. My pop is capped a 75 across mutliple areas. I have a broadcaster with Huge coverage in Canada, Big in USA, Mexico and Japan and Medium everywhere else. I'm at 75 across multiple regions throughout the globe despite my great performances. My company is also steadily growing as I've put on numerous 90+ rated matches, usually at least 3 a show and since I'm running a three ring match focus, that's enough to give me at least a low 90's grade. If I truly am hardcapped at 75 despite being a NBT, not sure what to do going forward. I suppose I could continue spamming that match on a PPV where I max out the Event spending things in hopes it gives me that last 1 overall. I've had a few 99 rated matches this year, but still no 100 yet.

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Nice. Hopefully you can get there.



On a LuchaX note...



Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50




Only my second show gets a 50, owing mostly to Remmy Skye's very high popularity in the South West. For $40 it's a big steal to get match grades like he's been delivering.


The promotion is based around trios, with everyone in their own. Quentin Queen is allegedly in a trio with his best friend (who lives out of state) and his girlfriend (who lives in Canada), but they unfortunately seem to keep missing shows... Overall feel I'm going for is pretty CHIKARA.


Bonus for secondary RTGer Emil Evans as he immediately finds good chemistry with his stablemate. Unfortunately, while his partner's an athletic monster there isn't a lot of knowledge he can pass along as a fellow rookie, but they do collectively have Sarah Taylor to learn from.





Melanie Rhul rolls...

8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige


Emil Evans rolls...

24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill



Absolutely taking the money at this size. It'll be very nice to not have to worry about cash so early on, given the starting roster is 16 with all these trios and it feels weird to leave people out. Lets me make a start on upgrading merch too. Guess we made a great first impression, or maybe Candy Floss's rich aunt passed away.


Emil gets +5 aerial to start him off.

(I figure if I ever roll something promotion-affecting for Emil I'll re-roll, so as not to skew anything in my advantage).


Eager to see how we roll from here.


Edit: Remmy got caught with drugs three days later. XD

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2022 has come to a close and it was a phenomenal year for CWA Reborn, and for myself. We'll start with the end of the year awards. Wrestler of the Year is CWAR's Jay Chord! Company of the Year is CWAR. Show of the Year is CWAR WrestleFestival 6, which is listed below. Young Wrestler of the Year is Chris Carnage, that's me! Woman Wrestler of the Year is CWAR's (and 5SSW) own, Fuyuko Higa. Manager of the Year is CWAR's Jack Bruce.


CWA Power 500 Members: Jay Chord (1), Ernest Youngman (4), Rocky Golden (8, not technically a member yet, he just joined the roster on the first of January), Bunrakuken Torii (10, in our dev fed), Chris Carnage (17, me), Sonny Wildside (20), KC Glenn (21), Mark Griffin (25), Robby Griffin (26), Nelson Callum (29), David Stone (31), Shooter Sean Deeley (33), Fro Sure (36), Magnum Kobe (38), MYSTIC Dragon (39), Cali Slick (40), High Flyin Hawaiian (41, in our dev fed), Greg Gauge (42), Casey Valentine (47), Frankie-Boy Fernandes (50), Edd Stone (51), Brooke Tyler (55), Lauren Easter (65), Aldous Blackfriar (66), James Diaz (69), Amber Allen (72), Acid II (73), Tiffany Jade (74), The Architect (78), Island Boy Apollo (80, in our dev fed), Davis Wayne Newton (87) and Hollywood Bret Starr (98) round out the top 100 for us.




This was the biggest news ever for our company. We now have a cemented figurehead. In terms of in ring, I'm skeptical how he's going to do. This signing was more to give us a figurehead and to ensure our wins in National Battles, for Canada for sure, but hopefully for USA as well as currently USPW is kicking my teeth in by a narrow amount every month. The drawback is Jay Chord is now a massively wealthy man as he had wage matching. On the bright side, after winning Wrestler of the Year, I'm not so sure he isn't deserving of his newfound wealth.


In terms of myself, as posted here a couple times now, it really feels like my UC is pop capped at 75. That hasn't limited me in getting 99 match grades, but it could make it more difficult. The steroid roll I got before has surprisingly been wonderful. I suppose as long as I don't die in increases physical skill gains. Hopefully I don't die before I can complete the challenge. I've listed below all of my rolls for the past 3 years. My only goal for the upcoming year is to be #1 in the Power 500. Chances are slim that happens as Chord is a machine, but one can hope.




First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler

24. “Aerial Assassin” You have devoted yourself to climbing that turnbuckle, +5 to your Aerial or Flashiness skill

Flashiness from 6 --> 11


Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

36. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill

Consistency 53 --> 58


Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

49. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes


This overode my Can't play gimmicky/underdog well, so that's nice. Giving Performer should help at some point as well!


A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75

32. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology)

Psychology 46 --> 66


Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company

35. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Safety skill

Safety 56 --> 61


Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler

4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)

Yuta Isono


End of 2020 Roll

28. “I lost my smile” You are going through a tough time, add “Personal Issues” to your attributes


Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500

22. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +5 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill

Brawling 35 --> 40





We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company

34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill

Psychology: 70 --> 75


Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler

32. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology)

Selling 50 --> 70

What a lucky roll to get that a 2nd time. The first one I put in Psych, but as that is 77, I figured getting selling from 50 to 70 would be more beneficial than Psych from 77 to 97, although that was extremely tempting.


Going Places - Break into the Top 250

8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige

Hit 220 on the Power 500

I'll take the 5 prestige


End of 2021 Roll

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)

Brooke Tyler is now dating Chris Carnage




Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90

“Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted yourself to training in the ring +5 any Primary skill of your choice

Technical 52 --> 57


The Road To Glory - Work for a Big company

16. "I told [WWE] to have Triple H pick me up in a limo, then we could go test together. They never asked again" Add "Steroid User" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Steroid User" or "Former Steroid User" if previously a Heavy Steroid User.


Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler

11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute.

Adrian Garcia


Legendary Show - Book a 100 rated show


31. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +10 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

Athleticism 60 --> 70


End of 2022 Roll

40. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +5 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character

Toughness 53 --> 58

MMA Fighter


Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100

50. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes


A Select Few- Break into the Top 50

46. "Living the Gimmick" You are now comfortable playing a role and you know it takes time to build a story, add "Plays Gimmicky/Cartoonish Well" and “Slow and Steady” to your attributes


Here's my UC Stats and Attributes. Not shown is Slow and Steady.


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Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler

11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute.

Adrian Garcia


So I haven't had a match below 80 in 2 months with numerous of those matches being over 90, including this one. My pop is capped a 75 across mutliple areas. I have a broadcaster with Huge coverage in Canada, Big in USA, Mexico and Japan and Medium everywhere else. I'm at 75 across multiple regions throughout the globe despite my great performances. My company is also steadily growing as I've put on numerous 90+ rated matches, usually at least 3 a show and since I'm running a three ring match focus, that's enough to give me at least a low 90's grade. If I truly am hardcapped at 75 despite being a NBT, not sure what to do going forward. I suppose I could continue spamming that match on a PPV where I max out the Event spending things in hopes it gives me that last 1 overall. I've had a few 99 rated matches this year, but still no 100 yet.


So close! How many shows have you booked so far?

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Roll was: 36. “Solid? Liquid? Gas?” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Consistency skill


Progress is pretty slow and the wrestling industry is 14 and declining! The economy is also dropping so it looks like more slow progress is ahead.


The Dynasty is here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547337

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<p>Year 1 (plus a couple of months) in the bag!</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks to work restarting and the other TEW stuff I'm doing, it's been a bit harder for me to get to this as often as some of you have. Nevertheless, my challenge is still going well! Decent little strategy I have going to hopefully lead to further success as time goes on. Everything can be seen within the video linked below, although the last 10-15 minutes or so are just recapping the world outside of the challenge so not as necessarily. Admittedly did get a bit confused as to whether we're still doing year-end rolls on top of the achievement ones, but nevertheless, feel free to watch as my challenge continues! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://youtu.be/4QllXdzRmsc" rel="external nofollow">https://youtu.be/4QllXdzRmsc</a></p>

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Year one concluded for Luchasaurus X and Melanie Rhul!




Things have gone pretty well. Initially carried by Remmy Skye's major South West popularity, WrestleWorld's debut has done a lot for various members of the team by boosting them up (though that's starting to have a knock-on effect in expenses, thanks to pay rises). Top to bottom, shows have been great. Admittedly, we wouldn't be where we are if we hadn't got that early money roll, as we'd otherwise be about 15-20k in the hole. Though y'know, I wouldn't have brought in expensive veterans for one-offs if I didn't have that money, swings and roundabouts. Still, it's too bad, as before the first wave of pay rise requests, we had just about started to make money.


We're at 15 popularity from a monthly schedule of free events. Will have to decide whether to hold on at Insignificant or rise while acknowledging we'll get hammered in regional battles/production values. May be best to cap myself until I have the money to go head to head.


Booking has centred around the various trios that make up the company and shorter term rivalries. A big thing has been Quentin Queen constantly complaining about being mistreated and that management is deliberately scheduling conflicts such that his girlfriend in Canada can't attend shows. Sick of Queen's whining, Chairwoman Candy Floss finally agreed to go one on one with him at our season finale show, only to lose, which should set up a match between Quentin and new champion DinoKnight/Ashley Grover.


DinoKnight/Grover has been a big beneficiary of WrestleWorld and performing extremely well. As a result, she's had a super successful year, winning King of Trios alongside Raptor Jr (Charlie Corner) and Candy Floss, then the Primo Dino Tournament, before finally dethroning Remmy Skye at the season finale. Remmy has done well, but his inconsistency and the fact he got caught on soft drugs (hey... it's legal in California) made the time feel right for a change.



Melanie Rhul has been part of The Evil Council and done pretty well with Fat Cat (Nathaniel Ca$ino) and Clawter (Swipe Romero), not least because she has tag chemistry with Clawter. At the introduction of the tag team titles in December, she became part of the first pair of champs alongside Clawter, which isn't undeserved as they're the best performing team in the company.


Have come close to 50 match grade a couple times, but not there quite yet...


Secondary RTGer Emil Evans has done okay as part of Sarah Taylor's Stretch Club, but isn't doing quite as well overall, likely because his regular tag partner isn't as good as Swipe. He and The Man, The Myth, Xavier are still developing together.



Peeling back the scouting curtain for a moment, Melanie has developed as follows:


+8 brawling

+7 puro

+7 hardcore

+1 technical (blegh)

+7 aerial

+7 flashiness

+2 psychology (blegh)

+5 experience

+2 charisma

+2 microphone

+2 acting

+3 sex appeal (went from skinny to toned randomly)

+7 basics

+2 selling

+7 consistency

+7 safety

+3 stamina

+4 athleticism


+31 pop (South West)


Not thrilled with the lack of technical improvement, given it's her best stat and still sub fifty, but so it goes, my roster doesn't overflow with technicians.




Doing better than Emil though. He's hardly moved in several stats.




Might need to peel him off Xavier so he has more chances to learn, since Xavier is so raw...






Melanie -

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->…


So she's now dating BP Swoll, because they're close enough in age to not be weird, have a compatible personality, and the size difference amuses me. Piggyback rides!


Emil -

26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes


Might help him out. He's not terrible at promos by any means.

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Rolled into 2021 in my RL RTG. Still at NXT-UK. 7th in the world. Medium, just like NXT and WWE themselves. AEW sits at large, but still 3rd overall behind WWE and New Japan. AEW is about to take a hit, I hope, as I just stole Chris Jericho and he's just running out his contract before joining us.


Rosemary, NXT UK's Women's Champion, just won woman wrestler of the year.


Most improved company of the year went to Tower Wrestling, the company I founded, where owner Raven has been happily booking himself, ever since I left.


I cracked the top 500! Meet your new #482 wrestler in the world.


10. "Paging Dr Zahorian" Your owner thinks the roster looks a bit small. Hire a 'dirty doctor' using the backstage rules menu


Already got this one, oh well.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="lr10540" data-cite="lr10540" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt="M5rs4Wg.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/M5rs4Wg.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler</p><p> 11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute.</p><p> <strong>Adrian Garcia</strong></p><p> </p><p> So I haven't had a match below 80 in 2 months with numerous of those matches being over 90, including this one. My pop is capped a 75 across mutliple areas. I have a broadcaster with Huge coverage in Canada, Big in USA, Mexico and Japan and Medium everywhere else. I'm at 75 across multiple regions throughout the globe despite my great performances. My company is also steadily growing as I've put on numerous 90+ rated matches, usually at least 3 a show and since I'm running a three ring match focus, that's enough to give me at least a low 90's grade. If I truly am hardcapped at 75 despite being a NBT, not sure what to do going forward. I suppose I could continue spamming that match on a PPV where I max out the Event spending things in hopes it gives me that last 1 overall. I've had a few 99 rated matches this year, but still no 100 yet.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Can you raise your size or body shape at all? If you do it should change your pop cap to a higher number. I got Brett Starr from break-out star to Huge Star and a bunch of other workers too by having them go up a size in shape and size.</p>
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<p>Well my popularity rocketed to 75 from 70 and then stuck again. </p><p> </p><p>

Getting a hundred rated match is much harder than previous versions - possibly because of the difficulty of getting very high pop. My UC managed a 99 in the tag GP in 2024. Teamed with Jippensha against the Estrella Blanca/Purple Viper team. I even threw in a crazy bump. But I still haven’t booked a 100 rated match for anyone let alone my character. I’ve finally got Electric Dreamer to 85 pop but her work rate isn’t the best. Oh well! Onwards and, well, levellish really.</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nothing like getting into a game, moving up to run NXT: UK, then having real life kill all your enthusiasm. <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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Nothing like getting into a game, moving up to run NXT: UK, then having real life kill all your enthusiasm. :(


That's got to suck. That is one of the reasons I like the C-Verse, nothing that happens in the real world can influence your thinking on your wrestlers.

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My company is the biggest in the world, becoming titanic in a couple of months and with 99 pop in most of the US. My character is assured a Hall of Immortals place(not sure how) when she retires but we still haven't scored a 100 rated match, never mind my character doing it. Feels like I've got as far as I can go with this save. My other workers are pushing their pop cap up sporadically but I'm mired on 75. Think I might have to call it quits. For the time being in any case.
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My company is the biggest in the world, becoming titanic in a couple of months and with 99 pop in most of the US. My character is assured a Hall of Immortals place(not sure how) when she retires but we still haven't scored a 100 rated match, never mind my character doing it. Feels like I've got as far as I can go with this save. My other workers are pushing their pop cap up sporadically but I'm mired on 75. Think I might have to call it quits. For the time being in any case.


I did the same. I don't understand the pop caps in this save. How can I be a NBT but can't eclipse 75 pop despite massive tv coverage on a broadcaster and strong booking? I don't get it.

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<p>Looks like we are in for a serious challenge this year.</p><p> </p><p>

I've barely got off the ground, the industry and economy are in the toilet and with the current level of ticket sales I can only run 16 shows a year. Also, i'm not sure if it the latest patch but i'm suddenly getting a lot of requests for pay rises - i'm going to have to cut some people because they are not worth the new amount they are asking for.</p>

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My Company has risen to being an absolute powerhouse in the wrestling world in terms of popularity and money stopped being an issue a while ago too.

Unfortunately my best match was rated a 99 and my user character never got a rating higher than 94 until this point.

Looks like I still have to keep trying for quite a while

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has everyone given up on this :)


I've been really struggling to book 2022, I just completely ran out of ideas so I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey instead. I'm up to July 2022 at the moment and I think i've finally got enough ideas to finish the year.


My wrestling industry is now at 0 and the economy is at 33 and falling. I have a few written contracts coming up at the end of the year and I need to start making some hard decisions. At the moment I am breaking even by running 16 shows a year.

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Has everyone given up on this :)


I've been really struggling to book 2022, I just completely ran out of ideas so I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey instead. I'm up to July 2022 at the moment and I think i've finally got enough ideas to finish the year.


My wrestling industry is now at 0 and the economy is at 33 and falling. I have a few written contracts coming up at the end of the year and I need to start making some hard decisions. At the moment I am breaking even by running 16 shows a year.


Well I didn't want to be the fella to bump the thread but I will now I guess.

After the spectacular failure of LWE!!! I decided to take my ventures to America with the new character of Double R to the S, Regal Ronald Sampson in a modern classical wrestling product with Gold Class Wrestling.


The first year was spent doing what most do in their first year of booking RTG. Spamming events and relying on Ernest Youngman before he inevtiably gets signed. We came out of the year barely in the green but with a few good results and achievement gets!




First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler

Mystery Box Roll

38. “Casting Call" You have been cast in a small TV show, next stop Hollywood! +5 points to spend across Charisma and Acting. Also add TV Actor to Misc for your character. If previously your character had "TV Actor" add "Movie Star"


Pretty good little roll for the nice charisma and acting boost but I'm actually not that interested in the TV Actor attribute as I don't want RRS to go away any time soon when I'm building the company around him.




Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

Mystery Box Roll

3. "Trusted Companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster).


Well that's nice, I rolled Joanna Silver for this which is kinda unfortunate because I still haven't pushed her properly yet but she doesn't seem to be going anywhere so I have time.

2020 Year End Roll

17. “I Fought The Law And The Law Won”* Add "Chequered Past" to your character's personality. If you have this already upgrade to "Often in Trouble" and if needed, "Most Wanted"


uh oh



As we went into this year in high spirits we were instantly brought down by the crashing economy that crippled our sponsorship revenue. It recovered in October and is going up now but for a time there we almost went bankrupt. We had to stop running as many shows as we did which slowed our pop growth massively but we still managed to crawl into Tiny towards the middle of the year.



Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

Mystery Box Roll

26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes


That is, and excuse me for saying, a DAMN fine roll. Didn't get any other achievements throughout the year but the progress we're making is great and I'd love to share the best show of the save so far.





My user character had held the GCW Royal Heavyweight Championship for exactly 364 days at the time of the show and it was about time he got his comeuppance as all heels should. He'd been dodging the undefeated Nate DeMarcus for the entire later half of the year but "The Great" finally got his hands on Double R to the S. Great match for such a tiny company and RRS has grown so well since the beginning of the save. Hoping to get that 75 rated match in 2022!


2020 Year End Roll

53. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country.


One of those things that would have been very useful at the start but doesn't really matter now. Sorry for the long post but It's a two year update so what can you do? I'll post another one at the end of 2022! Here's some stats for now.




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I've done a few L2G over the last few years in RW databases but this looks like a whole new ball park & I love it! Going to start one later today, quick question, is the idea to move promotions or can you stay with one (or is it just up to the person). Either way I'm going to spend a bit of time reading through the thread as everyones stories look interesting! :)
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I've done a few L2G over the last few years in RW databases but this looks like a whole new ball park & I love it! Going to start one later today, quick question, is the idea to move promotions or can you stay with one (or is it just up to the person). Either way I'm going to spend a bit of time reading through the thread as everyones stories look interesting! :)


Feel free to move if you can get a new job. I've applied for about five with no success so far. Only as booker though, owner goals are part of the challenge.

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