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TCW have hit Titanic in January 2027, all that remains for the company is to chase down USPW and get the #1 spot.


Time for another roll:


2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)


So I declared war on USPW, i'm not sure what practical effect this will have though.


Achievements remaining after my roll amnesty:

Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler

[unlocked; rolled - 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.]

Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler

Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company

2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)

Going Places - Break into the Top 250

[unlocked; rolled - 4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)]

Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100

A Select Few- Break into the Top 50

Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10

Legendary Event - Have one of your events reach Legendary importance or win the main event of an already legendary show

[unlocked; rolled - 34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill]

Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards


Roll for 2027: 15. "Painkillers are mankind's way of saying 'just watch me'" Add "Pain Killer Abuser" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Pain Killer Abuser" or "Former Pain Killer Abuser" if previously a Heavy Pain Killer Abuser.



The only achievements left are match rating based, 2027 is the year of the GGG mega push so let's see how that goes.

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We are currently in June of 2020. Southern Championship Wrestling has turned into a tour schedule -- as I am trying out an idea I had to replicate a classic wrestling territory. Under Pat Castle's booking leadership and the ownership of the Masked Mauler, SWA runs three tour shows a week. We are running in the South East and Mid Atlantic -- essentially running a combination of the Memphis, Continental, and Crockett territories.


We are currently $436 in debt but the tour shows are gaining us (usually) small amounts of popularity. The goal behind them is to build experience for my core of inexperienced wrestlers [Pat Castle and Paul Torrence, Wild Red Stallion, Cockroach Carter, Zippy Deverell, Pepper Pelton, the Hot Taggs] while also allowing me to simulate running spot shows but then having a big monthly show.


Currently, the SWA Southern Heavyweight Champion is Justice Jolson, who is operating as my lead heel. He took the title of Jack Griffith in May at the Volunteer Slam. The tag team champions are the First Nation Soldiers, Roger Monteiro and Wild Red Stallion.


A typical spot show is three matches using eight guys and two promos. Sometimes they have four matches but always use eight guys. We typically have two singles matches and a tag -- but sometimes we will have an eight man tag main event and then three or four singles matches with the wrestlers in the eight man tag facing off in singles matches. It allows me to keep the budget low. I tend to run the same matches over a tour period -- working the storylines.


I have also added a couple of more talent to my roster -- though they don't work every show. The Heartbreak Express, the Past Masters, Riley McManus, and Conner Threepwood have also joined. They give some depth and allow the occasional freshening up of matches and programs as SWA works on growing.


We will see if it is sustainable and if I will start to turn a profit with SWA and if Pat Castle can continue to impress as a booker and develop as an in-ring talent!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So I started an attempt of this shortly after the game's release, but that attempt kinda fizzled out. I was a Hall of Famer in RTG 2016, so I should probably make an honest attempt in this one as well. Especially since it'll be interesting to do as a longer more dedicated series outside of my YT stuff. This is taking place in a 2006 Real World mod as well, but I plan to act as if I don't know the future outcome of anyone outside of their ratings at that moment in time. Nevertheless, rambling aside, here is what I'm starting off with:







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Good luck CR.


I'm getting close to abandoning my save as an RTG. My UC has wrestled 346 matches and is still only up to 59 brawling, 84 Psych and 72 selling. My pop has capped out at 72. The thing is that the save itself is one of my all time favourites so i'm going to carry on for now to take TCW to number one and keep booking the rise of Tommy Cornell Jr.

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I restarted sooner than I thought! I hit number one in the world with TCW and my Total Mayhem main event got messed up with a month to go so I realised I had achieved everything I was going to on that save.


So, meet Archibald Arnold:




I have decided to game this save as much as possible hence the return to the old style of points distribution.


Here is the company:




I think there is a lot of untapped potential in women fighting men as underdogs, if Rey Mysterio can be world champion then why not Becky Lynch? Thea Davis is my owner and will be the main female worker.


Also, the idea of starting in Boston with a British character is an attempt to get easy storyline ideas - Arnold will be leading a Redcoat faction for example.


Here's the product:




Wish me luck!


Edit: I realise that I made a big geography mistake, for some reason I thought that MA was in the Tri State region! The promotion is based in Tri State but I guess to start off we're running towns in upstate New York around Albany.

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I think the uselessness of weekly shows is a big issue in this version of the game. There is no reason to run weekly shows unless you are role playing.


Interesting that you use autobooker too.


You might be right about experience but there is more too it as well. I am in my seventh year on my RTG save and there have only been 37 100 rated matches in total. BHOTWG have had 13 99's and no 100 rated match.


Keep it up, hopefully you will be the first to beat the challenge!


Yep its always my biggest difficulty booking weekly shows that most of the time are hard to find useful. Autobooker also only does so much. I make much more progress with events and limiting to 2-3 a month when using a larger company.

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Well, i've booked 24 shows today and have reached the end of 2020. The financial situation is improving, I am now making $200 a month but I am $3000 in debt. I am fairly confident of making this back but I have a critical owners goal of reaching £10k by the end of 2021 which seems less likely.


Like everyone, I hired Ernest Youngman who is my top performer alongside Logan Wolfsbane. My UC has done alright and got a 56 rated match against Wolfsbane on the last show of the year.


Current Records:


Best Match - 59 - Ernest Youngman over Remmy Honeyman (Oct 2020)

Best Show - 56 - 3LW Ring of Fire (Oct 2020)


Time for a few rolls:


First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler

23. "The Man of 1004 holds!" You got stretched by a technical master, +5 to your Technical skill


Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

19. "'Tis but a scratch" Those bumps and injuries are really starting to add up, add either Troublesome Neck, Back, Shoulder or Knee to your character


End of 2020 roll

12. "Like A Chimney" Add "Smoker" to your characters addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Smoker" or "Former Smoker" if previously a Heavy Smoker.



These rolls suck, I gave myself a troublesome knee and the smoking thing is no good at all. My technical prowess went up from 8 to 13 so that is something...

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Year two is finished. Things started off badly with Youngman, Wolfsbaine and Stuntman all walking out on me for one reason or another but I built the year around my great chemistry with Danielle Sweetheart and we had some great matches including a 76 in November.


I had an owner goal of reaching $10k by the end of the year so I went down to monthly shows after March and ended the year with $12,724 in the bank. Because of this we still only have 7 pop in Tri State so we're a long way from tiny. I'm going to run at least three shows a month in 2022.



Current Records:


Best Match - 76 - Archibald Arnold over Danielle Sweetheart (November 2021)

Best Show - 56 - 3LW Three Lions Friday (January 2021)


2021 Rolls


Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler

2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you)


End of 2021 roll: 32. "Chance to Train" You have been offered the chance to train with a Wrestling Legend. Gain +20 points to spend on any Fundamental skill. (Basics, Selling, Consistency, Safety & Psychology)


Thea Davis smartly stepped in to stop me declaring war on NYCW


The second roll is huge! Basics, Consistency and Safety are going up steadily as I work more matches so I won't be increasing those. I was torn between Psych and Selling but I went for Psychology because it seemed stalled out at 77 and I think it is one of the most important stats in the game.

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I just finished Year 3. I finally made Tiny and I have $44k in the bank.


Current Records:


Best 3LW Match - 80 - Davis Wayne Newton over Remmy Honeyman (December 2022)

Best UC Match - 76 - Archibald Arnold over Danielle Sweetheart (November 2021)

Best Show - 70 - 3LW Three Lions (December 2022)


2022 Power 500 Ranking - #482


2022 Rolls:


Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

20. "My Only Addiction is Wrestling" Add "Straight Edge" to your character's addictions. Change any current addictions to Former. Future rolls that roll addictions will be lost (and unable to be rerolled)


Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500

40. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +5 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character


End of 2022 roll: 42. “They Love Me… They Hate Me…" You have gotten better at making the fans cheer for you or boo you. Can increase either your Babyface or Heel Performance by one stage (Base -> Better -> Amazing etc.)


Nice, so I am now a straight edge badass! I chose MMA because that seems to gel better with wrestling.

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2023 was a huge year for the RTG. I was offered the PSW job in June which was a pretty nice leap from a tiny company to a small company on the verge of hitting Medium. The year started with a show in front of 248 people with my start up company and ended with a 15k sell out of Plum Park with PSW.


We hit medium in November and won most improved company of the year in the end of year awards.


Current Records:


Best PSW Match - 82 - Nelson Callum over Hugh de Aske (PSW Philly Heatwave - August 2023)

Best UC Match - 82 - Davis Wayne Newton over Archibald Arnold (3LW Waving Flags - June 2023)

Best Show - 81 - PSW Dominance (November 2023)


2022 Power 500 Ranking - #499


2022 Rolls:


Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company

50. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes


We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company

19. "'Tis but a scratch" Those bumps and injuries are really starting to add up, add either Troublesome Neck, Back, Shoulder or Knee to your character


End of 2023 Roll

22. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +5 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill

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If i may ask, what's the use of the "become a protege from someone? or becoming a tv/mma whatever? " because you cannot get the pops or advantages they offer, yeah the mma fighter and actor give you some stat boosts, but the attributes do legit nothing since a user character can't get pops like protege improvements. Same with dating, outside of a backstage boost it does nothing.


Also when will the challenge get updated with the new attributes like golden mane and others?

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The company


Hiromu's skills



Basically, Hiromu is from Manilla and moved to Florida. The product is Fast and Furious, and the goal is to combine the East and West. Never done something like this before as I have only been playing for a few months. Had a semi-successful TCW and BCG series in the past and have done good in a 1992 local 2 global so figured I would give this a go

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If i may ask, what's the use of the "become a protege from someone? or becoming a tv/mma whatever? " because you cannot get the pops or advantages they offer, yeah the mma fighter and actor give you some stat boosts, but the attributes do legit nothing since a user character can't get pops like protege improvements. Same with dating, outside of a backstage boost it does nothing.


Also when will the challenge get updated with the new attributes like golden mane and others?


Some give stats boosts but mostly they are there for flavour and role playing.


I do need to look at the rolls though, we are two years in and still nobody has completed the challenge. It is time to remove all of the negative/useless rolls and add in more stats/pop boosts and some of the new attributes.

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First year in the books and it was a good one. Started off doing weekly shows for free, I hit tiny in May and Small in August. I'm glad I read through this forum first cause otherwise I would have been completely lost. Lost money the first two months then made profits of less than a thousand until October. Put ticket price to normal and started getting about 12 grand a show. Upgraded production enough to get to wrestle world and still getting a profit of 20-30 grand. The company has 42 pop in the South East so small size is going well.


Highest event was a 67 in November and the best match was Xavier Reckless retaining against Jackpot Jordan. I didn't end up signing the usual ones (Ernest, Wolfsbaine, Fro Sure, DWN) and decided to build up good workers. My major stars are Xavier Reckless, my UC, James Diaz and Miller Fforde. Xavier is easily my best worker, he got 417th in the world, next closest is Miller in 499th. Basically, the plan is for Xavier to just be THE guy until he either gets poached (which won't happen for at least 3 years) or he retires. Then imma feed him to my UC so he is my biggest star.


Speaking of Hiromu. he has had an alright year. His skills are improving and he now pulls low 40's but is one of the better workers on the mic thanks to his hot new catchphrase. He got injured in March for 6 weeks so that sucked. He averages a 44, has won 29 and lost 12. HIs best match was in October when he and Xavier beat Diaz and Fforde (72).


My rolls have been alright:


Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

-26. “If you smeeeeeeeeeeelll!!” That new catchphrase of yours has really caught on, you heard someone in the street say it! Add “Hot New Catchphrase” to your attributes


Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

-47. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes


First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler''

-44. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes


Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company

-11. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute.

(Honest Frank, my owner)


End of Year roll

-20. "My Only Addiction is Wrestling" Add "Straight Edge" to your character's addictions. Change any current addictions to Former. Future rolls that roll addictions will be lost


This year's goal is to improve Hiromu as much as possible (any tips?) and prepare myself financially for medium


Hiromu's skills: https://imgur.com/a/w04TXlP

Year 1 Roster: https://imgur.com/a/Wu7OCVl


Great start, good luck with year 2.


If you want tips I can recommend the discord server: https://discord.gg/6rk3Augs


I'm on there most days as AntoninusGRS

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I am up to July 2024 in my save. TCW did their usual nosedive to medium and sacked the owner so I once again took up the job of saving them. It's a slow start so far as I get used to the roster and build teams and stables. The main two stars are Wolf Hawkins and Ernest Youngman and we also have Edd Stone, Kill Switch and Frankie-Boy Fernandes.
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Going back to TCW so soon after abandoning the last RTG save there was a bit much too soon so I started a side project which has been a lot of fun. Meet Chloe Chaos:




Chloe is booker of Valkrie Pro Wrestling, an all female promotion in Northern England. Thanks to defizzle for the awesome Valpro graphics which I am using for this save.


So far things have been pretty slow going because there are no British female workers available to hire in the UK at the start of the game. Three years in and still none have been generated. Instead I have been asking unemployed workers to become available in the UK and hope they move there so I can save the travel money. I have a nice little roster of females living in Northern UK including Lucy Stone-McFly, Unstoppable Tai and Eri Sato.


Here is the top ten matches so far:




As you can see Eri Sato is the main workhorse but Chloe is hanging in there.


I'm facing a situation I have never dealt with in this challenge before which is that my start up company has grown faster than the popularity of the workers and there are no stars to bring in. Any female worker of more than 10 pop in the UK is signed to USPW or CWA. This means that every VPW star has to be built from scratch which is pretty fun.


Here are the first three years worth of rolls:


First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler

6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.


Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50

41. "This here's what you call Domination" You've discovered a new found ability to Dominate, add "Plays Dominant Well" and “Squash Master” to your attributes


Hello World - Work for a Tiny company

25. “It’s a skirt!” You have devoted your holiday season to learning Colour Commentary from the masters +60 to Colour


End of 2020 roll:

45. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes


End of 2021 roll:

15. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes


End of 2020 roll:

47. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes

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End of 2023 and ValPro has made great progress. I'm running four shows a month (three monthly shows and one annual - super gamey I know). We're up to 44 pop in Northern England and are about halfway through the small-medium grind. The cherry on the cake was winning the 'most improved promotion of the year' in the 2023 year end awards.


Top Ten Matches:




Lucy dominating but my UC has the top match which is pretty cool.


2023 Rolls:


Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company

20. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Safety skill


End of year roll for 2023

2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) There's no one in my area since CWW went bust and war would be pointless anyway since no other British company has women's wrestling

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End of 2024 and for the second year running we are the 'Most Improved Promotion of the Year'. Very Nice. We are now up to Medium with a worldwide TV show on OnDem and $1.4m in the bank.


Top Ten Matches:




Founding Mothers are my user character and Thea Davis so I have 3 of the top 4 matches in company history.


2024 Rolls:


Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler

40. “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” You feel like you could do this forever. Add ‘Age is just a Number’ to your character. Add +10 across Resilience and Stamina


We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company

15. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes


End of 2024 Roll

46. “Train, Fight, Hurt People, Repeat” Everything you do looks like it hurts, add "Plays Legitimate Well" and “Explosive ring style” to your attributes if you choose

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just coming back to this after a few months. Interest in wrestling is going up again with all the recent going ons! Just not sure if I wanna continue from my old save of 2+ years or start a new game. Saw the rolls were made much more friendly, so losing the soft drug user would be lovely. Pretty shocking to see nobody has completed the challenge yet.
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Just coming back to this after a few months. Interest in wrestling is going up again with all the recent going ons! Just not sure if I wanna continue from my old save of 2+ years or start a new game. Saw the rolls were made much more friendly, so losing the soft drug user would be lovely. Pretty shocking to see nobody has completed the challenge yet.


Maybe try the old save for a few shows and start again if you are not feeling it?

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I've reached the end of 2025 in my save and we are still going strong. Still at Medium and still a loooooong way from Big (in Ireland we are 48 pop short!) but the money is rolling in and we have £5.2m in the bank.


The big story from 2025 for ValPro was Sara Marie York getting released by USPW. I immediately snapped her up and it's fair to say that she has made a huge impact:




2026 seems like it will be a grindy year and it's time to start thinking about creating a broadcaster, at the moment I have Medium coverage in the UK and Small or worse in the rest of the world. I could create a broadcaster with Big coverage in the UK and small in the rest of the world for $9.5m.


Chloe is doing well and has broken into the Power 500 for the first time at #192. This added to Sara Marie York creating some great show ratings mean we have five rolls!


2025 Rolls:


A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75

15. “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry, add “Hot New Move” to your attributes


Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90

49. "He's got the whole world in his hands" You've discovered a new found ability to play Mysterious/Occult gimmicks, add "Plays Mysterious/Occult Well" and “High pain threshold” to your attributes


Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500

9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter


Going Places - Break into the Top 250

28. “The RTG Movement” The fans love you, Yes! Yes! Yes!, add “Groundswell of support” to your attributes


Annual Roll 2025

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)



The sibling roll is amazing because it's hard to find new female talent in the UK, this will give my roster a huge boost.


The dating one is interesting, the only males on the roster are Alan Round, Damian Carvill, Hector Moreno, Jack Bruce and Roy Worrall. All except Roy Worrall are twice Chloe's age...

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