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Thank you, glad to see I'm not totally alone on this, lol. I definitely should be using Freestyle angles, I've been playing long enough, but since most of the default angles in the game usually suited my needs, I never really felt compelled to do so. I suppose there's no better time to learn, though!


Really, though, all I wanted to say is that I'm disappointed the mod-makers (and Adam to some extent, but he has more than enough on his plate, I don't fault him for it) didn't take the extra hour or so it would take just to make sure all the segments in the game are compatible with how the new overhauled ranking system works. But these things happen, no game is perfect; I'll get the hang of it, it's just frustrating when it's not expected.


You don't have to completely forsake the default angles. For ease of use, I've been picking the default angle and filling it out, then if you select the freestyle angle, it'll keep the names you've filled in, and allow you to change what they're rated on.

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You don't have to completely forsake the default angles. For ease of use, I've been picking the default angle and filling it out, then if you select the freestyle angle, it'll keep the names you've filled in, and allow you to change what they're rated on.

Yeah, that’s how i was initially doing it too. Now I just use freestyle angle exclusively, but the way you’ve suggested here works really well.


Something I keep suggesting (and I don’t think will ever be implemented) would be if default angles could be edited and had the same drop-downs as freestyle. That would cut out the “middle man” (the need to save the angle and then switch back to freestyle) and would make booking angles even easier and intuitive than it is now!


Someone should suggest this...

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Acting is another one I rarely use. I would imagine it's for things like faking an injury. All angles are "acting" but this is specifically selling something outside of the ring. Fake injuries, fake crying, that kind of stuff. If a worker has to act sad because their fake girlfriend dumped them, that's acting. If Vince McMahon has to fake a foot injury, that's acting (until Stone Cold beats him over the head with a bedpan and then it's selling).


Selling is getting smashed. If a worker is just getting destroyed, that's selling.


Star Quality is the male version of sex appeal. I rarely use it because it doesn't come up much but if they're just looking at a picture of a guy and saying "wow! he looks amazing!" I could see it. If a guy goes into the middle and flexes his muscles, that's SQ. The difference I think is Charisma is about engaging the crowd and firing the crowd up while Star Quality is just "look at me!"


Sex Appeal: Duh. Looking sexy.


Menace: Looking mean. For a "backstage ambush" if it's an even fight, everyone is Fighting. If it's a classic "Monster Destroy" then it is Menace vs. Selling. Menace is also looking mean next to someone doing the talking.



I hope that clears everything up.


I tend to use Acting for segments that don't take place in front of the live crowd like Lucha Underground vignettes (ones where no one is being murdered anyway).


Star Quality isn't the male version of Sex Appeal. Sex Appeal is the male version of Sex Appeal. I think of Star Quality angles as being a good substitute for Overness if the guy isn't actually over. Like a video package hyping the next big thing. It's rating their 'wow' factor. So like a video hyping Finn Balor could be rated on Star Quality, but Finn Balor in person going all abs and doing finger guns? Sex Appeal baby.

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People use something other than freestyle angles? I mean as soon as freestyle angles were an option I never looked back?


Agreed. Don't know the last time I used a non freestyle angle.


I used to add a bunch of angles myself. Now I don't have to. I don't think it takes more time either. The added input of freestyle is the same time as looking for the proper angle before.

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As others have mentioned, I think the new angle system is really intuitive and realistic. For a real world example, Brock Lesnar's promos wouldn't be that interesting if it was just Brock standing in the ring for 10 minutes (IE rated on overness or menace) instead of Heyman talking (IE: rated on microphone or entertainment)


Once freestyle angles were introduced, I've never looked back. I never saw any reason to when I could literally make my own angle with my own plot and my own skill its rated on based on what I think each worker does in the angle. It was really frustrating having to exit the game to make another angle with commentary and then import it into the game.


I also pretty much always rated my major angles on entertainment and/or selling. The only time I really ever used the passive skills (overness, star quality, charisma, menace, etc) were in hype videos or if a worker is mentioned, but off screen.

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The new rules actually give a reason to care about skills other than menace for angles so I'm all for them. Previously, if you had a guy like Boo Smithson over enough, you could stick him out there for 20 minutes, rate the promo on overness, and get an excellent grade. Now that's out the window, because imagine how terrible a 20 minute promo from a guy incapable of talking in front of a crowd would actually be.


I get that some people are annoyed by the default angles in the database, but when you click add angle it defaults to freestyle ones which are way, way more effective to book with. You just have to type up a quick descriptor (or not, no one is grading your words!) and control exactly what someone is rated on based on their strengths and what they're doing. It gives you so much more control that I haven't used a default angles since like 2010.

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I tend to use Acting for segments that don't take place in front of the live crowd like Lucha Underground vignettes (ones where no one is being murdered anyway).


Star Quality isn't the male version of Sex Appeal. Sex Appeal is the male version of Sex Appeal. I think of Star Quality angles as being a good substitute for Overness if the guy isn't actually over. Like a video package hyping the next big thing. It's rating their 'wow' factor. So like a video hyping Finn Balor could be rated on Star Quality, but Finn Balor in person going all abs and doing finger guns? Sex Appeal baby.

I use Acting if they're doing anything that doesn't involve talking. So if someone is at ringside having a temper tantrum and destroying the ringside area, that's Acting.


Star Quality for me is similar to what you've said, someone like Randy Orton coming out and holding his arms aloft cockily would be a good Star Quality angle.


Microphone I just use for the Mean Gene type interviewer.


And on the Fighting/Menace for beatdowns, I use Menace if it's a true monster destroying someone in under five minutes. For all other fighting or beatdowns I use Fighting.

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