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Promotion History methodology?

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When creating a promotion, how far do you flesh out its history and eras prior to the current one? Do you create "dead" workers who were a Champ in 1920 just to HOI them?


Question: Would it be appropriate to declare an Alliance in 1900 between people, not promotions. The separate regional champions and a financier mutually agreed to settle a "World" Champion with a tournament and traveling/defending champion but nobody's a "promotion". So there's an Alliance with a World Title and later, a Tag Title. I am also under the assumption people are performing on "Indy Shows" to win Tournament Championships. Big shows, but still "Indy" because they're not owned by like, WWE. Therefore, this speaks more like an Alliance than a Promotion and promotions came about as a result of alliance disagreements and a desire to "cut the pie", and wrestlers demanding a bigger cut. Would this be considered a major irritant to the community-at-large? Would people just "feel" like it MUST be a promotion? The idea is to declare the Alliance age at 1920, the Promotion age to 1970, and the World Title to 1900.

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My first mistake was overdeveloping the 1900-2000 era of guys who will be dead or retired, just to ensure 1-2 title changes per decade and a good rotation of debuts and retirements per decade. I guess it's better to have it there than not to?
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