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ReapeR's Title Belt Renders: 2020

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I am loving all the belts. They reinvent old promotions and provide great value to new ones. Thank you for the time put in.


Next requests:

FutureShock Grand Nationals (Brown strap, silver plates similar to Bellator Title)

FutureShock Grand Tag Team (Brown strap, silver plates similar to NXT UK Tag Titles)

FutureShock Grand Woman's (lavender strap, silver plates similar to Stardom title)


This is the developmental promotion of Epic Championship Wrestling. There is FutureShock: America, FutureShock: United Kingdom, and FutureShock: Japan. I am content to use the same titles for each company. The silver plates reflect that FutureShock is 3 child companies.


First one. Took some creative liberties with it. Hope it works.


FutureShock Grand Nationals


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I am loving all the belts. They reinvent old promotions and provide great value to new ones. Thank you for the time put in.


Next requests:

FutureShock Grand Nationals (Brown strap, silver plates similar to Bellator Title)

FutureShock Grand Tag Team (Brown strap, silver plates similar to NXT UK Tag Titles)

FutureShock Grand Woman's (lavender strap, silver plates similar to Stardom title)


This is the developmental promotion of Epic Championship Wrestling. There is FutureShock: America, FutureShock: United Kingdom, and FutureShock: Japan. I am content to use the same titles for each company. The silver plates reflect that FutureShock is 3 child companies.


Second one.


FutureShock Grand Women's


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I am loving all the belts. They reinvent old promotions and provide great value to new ones. Thank you for the time put in.


Next requests:

FutureShock Grand Nationals (Brown strap, silver plates similar to Bellator Title)

FutureShock Grand Tag Team (Brown strap, silver plates similar to NXT UK Tag Titles)

FutureShock Grand Woman's (lavender strap, silver plates similar to Stardom title)


This is the developmental promotion of Epic Championship Wrestling. There is FutureShock: America, FutureShock: United Kingdom, and FutureShock: Japan. I am content to use the same titles for each company. The silver plates reflect that FutureShock is 3 child companies.


Last one.


FutureShock Grand Tag Team


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Hope this is in the ballpark of what you wanted.


NWF Grand Championship



NWF All-American Championship



NWF Women's Championship




Hi Reaper!


Thanks so much for creating all of these great belts. Really appreciate the work you do in the community and how responsive you are while still providing some really quality stuff!


I have 3 requests for my custom promotion, the National Wrestling Federation (NWF). Based in New York with a Modern Throwback product, they offer a traditional American wrestling product in the modern era.


- Simple babyface vs. heel stories

- A slow, psychology-based in-ring style but with a bit more flexibility and excitement in terms of moves/showmanship etc. to fit in the modern era

- More than a healthy dose of American patriotism in their imagery.


Hope these aren't too specific, just wanted to give some flavour of what I'm looking for - but trust you to put your own spin on it as you see fit!


1. NWF Grand Championship - The ultimate prize, this should be a modern take on retro world titles (winged eagle, NWA title, WCW title in the early 90s etc.) - not technically a world title so no globe, but should have an aura of grandeur about it as if it is a prestigious belt. Gold/Silver/Mix of both with potentially small splashes of red/white/blue in the belt design. Black strap.


2. NWF All-American Championship - more colourful, less serious belt but still enough about it to look like a legitimate prize. Focus on American imagery (flags, eagles etc.) Significant elements of red/white/blue but still on a gold faceplate. Can be on a non-black strap if it fits - preferably white or blue.


3. NWF Women's Championship - women's equivalent of the Grand title, should be a smaller belt and have a slightly different colour scheme. More silver, potentially on a white strap but with a fairly similar design to the Grand title.


Here's some imagery + colour swatches that I used when designing the logo (or more accurately, finding elements online, such as the eagle!). Hope these help - feel free to incorporate any of them in the design as you see fit!


"National" font is Historia Script, "Wrestling" + "Federation" font is Lemon Milk if that helps!




Thanks in advance!

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Hope this is in the ballpark of what you wanted.


NWF Grand Championship



NWF All-American Championship



NWF Women's Championship



These are great! Thanks ReapeR, appreciate it - I like how you built the logos in to the belts, makes them a lot more original!


Keep up the good work my dude

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I'm getting a lot of fun on a new Cverse save with IPW so if it's possible I'd like to request the following:


IPW Xtreme Championship

IPW Trios Championship

IPW Women's tag (you can get creative with the name if you'd like)


Thanks in advance!


First one.


IPW Xtreme



Second one


IPW Trios



Last one


IPW Women's Tag Team


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Amazing work Reaper! This and the Re-Render thread have really made the C-Verse even more alive.


I was hoping to request one belt.


SWF Women's Tag Team Championship


Looking for something similar to the WWE Women's tag team championships. If too difficult, full creative on your part. Thank you!


SWF Women's Tag Team


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Mate those are so good once again!!


I should warn you, I have a few ZEN requests coming up so I hope it isn't too boring for you


Next three please


Using that same Canadian ZEN logo


ZEN:S Unity (tag team title)


and then using the below Japanese ZEN logo


ZEN:Y Knights (again, if it matters, tag title)

ZEN:Y Lord





Thank you!


Hope these work.


ZEN:Y Lord



ZEN: Y Knights



ZEN: S Unity


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Hope these work.


ZEN:Y Lord



ZEN: Y Knights



ZEN: S Unity



Perfect, thank you, only four more ZEN belts left I promise lol


For the next three can I request


ZEN:A Alliance

ZEN:A Virtuoso


using this logo vUfH2Xf.jpg



And then ZEN:L Chums with the below logo




Thanks again!

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Thanks again for these great looking belts. I would like to add another secondary title to the Main Event Wrestling title scene.


MEW Trans-Atlantic Championship

This secondary title represents the company's growing influence throughout North America and across the pond into Europe. I envision the title with a large, round center plate, gold, with either flags (US, CAN, MEX, UK, SWE?) or a globe showing north/south america and west europe/africa.


Thank you!


Hope this works for you, even though it's not a round plate.


MEW Trans Atlantic


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Hey ReapeR, loving the work!


Could I make requests for:


1. COTT Women's World Tag Team Championship -- In keeping with the belt you made for the singles division.




2. QAW Nova Championship -- For up and comers modeled after the Stardom Future belt [like all their star shaped belts] but in yellow/gold.




3. QAW North American Championship -- I [over] thought about whether a United States belt fit QAW and I landed on expanding it as Mexico in particular is a huge part of the product. I think this belt design is so cool so maybe adding Mexico/Canada to the side plates? The eagle is a keeper!




Many thanks in advance! :D

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Edit: I've redacted my request for the time being as the incredible Croquemitaine created MUCH better graphics for the company than I had originally made and given to use as a resource for the belts, but I don't actually have the new images to hand at the moment, so once I've got them ready to share I'll resubmit a request. As always, thanks for everything you do Reaper, the titles are insane! 

Edited by azzak
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