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1) Sign up at neural.love

2) Navigate to the Free AI Art Generator

3) Select 'Photo' on the left and 'Default model', 'Square result' and '4 images' on the bottom, as this selection is infinitely free to use

4) Try out various prompts to create pictures that are usable - if they look like the two above mentioned earlier it would be ideal for me to convert them, as they have perfect lighting, resolution and perspective

You can simultaneously generate up to 3 picture sets at the same time


As prompts you can use: genders, body shapes, heights, weights, nationalities, skin colours, eye colours, hair colours, masks, names of wrestlers and famous people and a combinations of these - additionally I put behind every sequence of prompts the words 'portrait, soft light' as this helps pictures to come out the right way, but unfortunately doesn't guarantee it

Additionally to that you can play with the advanced settings 'Prompt guidance' and 'Negative keywords'. As an example I have used the negative keywords "Darth, Sith, Star Wars" when using the prompt Big Van Vader to exclude the movie villain from being generated. To get mexican wrestlers without masks you would simply put in "Mask" as a negative keyword.

Edited by arlovski
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Most of those are incredible, and I'm definitely going to be using them in the future whenever I have generated workers and no pictures that'd really fit them already !

I was wondering one thing, though: could this also be used to add/change aspects of existing people (something like "Sheamus but blond", "Sami Zayn but with tribal face tattoos", "Sanga with a superhero mask", "Baron Corbin but fatter", etc) ? Because if yes, it'd have an even greater potential for people who want to give a gimmick to workers that never used those, or like to have the picture reflect physical changes after a match (like, say, a Hair vs Hair match) !

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Haven't tested this extensively yet, but I would say with the free version that relies on prompts only probably rather not, unless it is someone super famous. If it's someone with lots of pictures on the internet it kinda works. Obviously there are paid options as well, like a generator that restyles an existing image, but I haven't tried them out. 

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  • 1 month later...

I've added a few more pictures and turned the whole thing into a database: https://www.mediafire.com/file/452ug2cht3of6g2/AING_Project.rar/file

That way anyone who wants to use them can easily import them under 'Free Pictures' so they will show up in their game as Newgens. It's roundabout 1600 pictures at the moment. Not sure if or when I will continue to work on this.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, lavelleuk said:

Personally I think they work really well as free pics!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I also feel like there's some potential there for newgens. I specifically like the masked wrestlers so far, that the AI has generated.



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20 hours ago, arlovski said:

I specifically like the masked wrestlers so far, that the AI has generated.

Yeah a lot of the masked ones definitely stand out! But I could see any of say the latest you've posted coming up in a game and not looking out of place. It depends how you like your renders I guess, I like a good mix so I have no problems with some more cartoony looking guys being on the same roster as some of the more realistic looking renders people have made recently.


But taking just this random section below for example, I could see any of them being monster heels or useless big men graduates. Top left has PGHW tough guy written all over him...last one could be a serious threat or a wannabe star on the lower indies! 


The problem with earlier TEW versions was that you saw the exact same new guys coming through every single game, well same pictures anyway. I know with my mod I tried to get as many free pics as possible in the hope that people could play multiple long-term saves and still see different renders each time to mix things up, what you're producing should hopefully help people who feel like I did

20 hours ago, arlovski said:



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The AI generated images are outstanding, really appreciate the effort and hope you don't totally abandon creating packs of them! They may have finally convinced me to world build my own database despite having no time at all to do this lol. If you decide to make more and need an extra pair of hands to hammer away at generation I would be happy to help :)

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8 hours ago, uprightmonkey said:

The AI generated images are outstanding, really appreciate the effort and hope you don't totally abandon creating packs of them! They may have finally convinced me to world build my own database despite having no time at all to do this lol. If you decide to make more and need an extra pair of hands to hammer away at generation I would be happy to help :)

Thanks! I'm not sure if I will do enough for a whole database, but I will try to add some more. Currently I am looting out what prompts to use to get people without masks coming out good. Moving on I am also going for a certain more exaggerated and less realistic style now as you will see in the batch below.

I would be happy if others started using these tools as well - we can't have enough renders.



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1 hour ago, lavelleuk said:

Are they all new ones in that link, or all together? Just asking as I already downloaded the other so don't want to create duplicates 

It's just all pictures I have posted so far in one zip plus the stuff I sorted out due to art style / lighting / perspective.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I was asked whether I could post the re-renders I am using in my current diary. Here they are: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ad1xugv31zpzsg0/rerenders.rar/file

Some of these are overlapping with the ones I already posted. I just started creating these specifically for the diary, as I wanted to see if this is going to give me a more satisfying visual consistency. Also they are very BCG-focused at the moment, meaning it's people either working for BCG or potentially interesting for me when playing a BCG save. 

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7 hours ago, arlovski said:

I was asked whether I could post the re-renders I am using in my current diary. Here they are: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ad1xugv31zpzsg0/rerenders.rar/file

Some of these are overlapping with the ones I already posted. I just started creating these specifically for the diary, as I wanted to see if this is going to give me a more satisfying visual consistency. Also they are very BCG-focused at the moment, meaning it's people either working for BCG or potentially interesting for me when playing a BCG save. 

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

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