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Help with storyline feds

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I have been playing TEW for years and have never been able to deal with storylines as I prefer to deal with performance based feds.


I want to have a go at booking AEW but i'm still clueless as to how to deal with storylines.


Any tips you can give me for dealing with them? Can you turn storylines off and still deal with the matches and angles without trying to maintain storyline heat?



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I have been playing TEW for years and have never been able to deal with storylines as I prefer to deal with performance based feds.


I want to have a go at booking AEW but i'm still clueless as to how to deal with storylines.


Any tips you can give me for dealing with them? Can you turn storylines off and still deal with the matches and angles without trying to maintain storyline heat?




There is an option in the settings to turn of storylines

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<p>If it's your first attempt at storylines, you could just use my old method of "Throw it all together". Basically, it doesn't take much pre-planning and it makes use of the games storyline function.</p><p> </p><p>

I choose two wrestlers (occasionally 3 or 4) that I want to be feuding. If there's a younger guy I want to push hard, I'll have them in a story with someone who is more over than them. I usually sprinkle in a few others as supporting characters, just to give me a bit of variation.</p><p> </p><p>

I look ahead between 3-6 PPVs (depending on the perception / overness of the guys involved, and sometime's I'll have them go longer top guys) and decide this is where I want to end the story. I use a notepad with all my PPVs planned out and I write (for example) - Savage over Flair - End Story. I just choose the winner as the person I want to push the most. Once I have my PPV written out, I transfer the info on to the games pre-booking.</p><p> </p><p>

In the the PPVs leading up to that ending I'll put them in a match or two and have tainted, cheap, interference or draw finishes, plus a match or two with the supporting workers (or other major players that may be in the story).</p><p> </p><p>

In the TV leading to the PPV(s) I'll usually use angles and match distractions / interference between the two main guys and other Major players / Supporting workers to build the heat. But I don't think about it too much. It's not very creative and maybe a bit gamey but I don't post my shows or anything so it's just for my benefit.</p><p> </p><p>

As you go on and get into it a little, you may want to get creative and start writing your segments. I do plan to do this one day but every-time I decide to do it, I get lazy.</p><p> </p><p>

I have tried turning storylines off but to be honest, it is quite fun having them on, even just using this method.</p><p> </p><p>

Creative storytelling is better then basic storytelling. Always.</p><p>

Basic storytelling is better than no storytelling. Always.</p><p> </p><p>

If you don't want to go too in-depth, just use my chaos method.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DiamondDallas" data-cite="DiamondDallas" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="50146" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>How many Storylines do you run at the same time?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It really depends on how many matches you want on the PPV. If you are playing a storyline fed, any match not tied to a story or tournament will get penalized.</p><p> </p><p> For me that usually winds up at about 8 stories every 3 months. But not every show has to advance every story. The expectation is just that one or two stories are advanced every show so you still have freedom with the rest of your card.</p>
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How many Storylines do you run at the same time?

I generally play a LOT more storylines than required. As an example, in my current WWE 2004 save, I’m required to have five storylines, but at present I think I have about fifteen.


I just basically create storylines for anything I think is a story. As an example, I had Maven beat Matt Hardy on an episode of Raw, decided that could be a storyline (Hardy gets pissed and goes after Maven), so made it a storyline. I’m not sure how long it will go for or if there’ll ever be a payoff at a PPV, but it means when I book Raw I can see “oh yeah, these two have a feud going” and track where it’s up to and decide if it will be continued on this show.


The great thing about this system is you can end storylines or add/remove workers at will, so at any point if something’s not working for you (brother), you just change it.

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It may feel like a lot of writing, but what I do is sort of map out my feuds beforehand and improvise from there if things get offtrack. You don't have to be really specific. It could be as simple as...


1: The Rock + Austin -

2. Austin + The Rock -

3: Rock =

4: Austin = The Rock

5: Austin + vs. The Rock -


Then a lot of the times I'll actually write what happens, like...


1: The Rock costs Austin a match against D'Lo Brown

2: Austin beats up Rock backstage

3: The Rock cuts a promo on Austin and tells him he slept with his wife

4: The Rock and Austin brawl outside and the police are called.

5: Austin beats Rock at the PPV.


This took about a minute to write but you're coming up with a story and motivation for characters, which I think is what TEW is best used for.

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It may feel like a lot of writing, but what I do is sort of map out my feuds beforehand and improvise from there if things get offtrack. You don't have to be really specific. It could be as simple as...


1: The Rock + Austin -

2. Austin + The Rock -

3: Rock =

4: Austin = The Rock

5: Austin + vs. The Rock -


Then a lot of the times I'll actually write what happens, like...


1: The Rock costs Austin a match against D'Lo Brown

2: Austin beats up Rock backstage

3: The Rock cuts a promo on Austin and tells him he slept with his wife

4: The Rock and Austin brawl outside and the police are called.

5: Austin beats Rock at the PPV.


This took about a minute to write but you're coming up with a story and motivation for characters, which I think is what TEW is best used for.

Yeah, that’s the key to a good storyline, having a motivation or a reason for the two guys to be feuding, not just throwing them together as a game mechanic.


This can often be something I struggle with or get a bit lazy on, but it really does helps with each storyline to take those extra thirty seconds to a minute just to work out what each character’s motivation is.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I've only played EWR for the past 16 years. The differences between these games are so big that I am still quite overwhelmed.

No problem, I think you’ll find a lot of people on this forum are happy to help out because we just enjoy talking about the game in general.


A good bit of advice I’ll give you is feel free to make it as simple or as complicated as you yourself see fit to satisfy your own “head canon”.


That’s the beauty of TEW, you really are generally only restricted by your own imagination. Some people can book a show in five minutes, others (like myself) take FAR too long and plan every segment out to the nth degree.

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