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Building Momentum

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Is there an "official" description of the momentum system in the Player's Handbook somewhere? I haven't found anything. (Really missing a search function in there...)


Alternatively, has an overview of the possible momentum stages been posted somewhere with the correct ordering from cold to hot?


The only thing I've seen is under the contracts section which is just a baseline description of what it is and how it works. . It just their kayfabe success, so booking people well in matches and angles raises it booking them poorly lowers it and people with poor momentum will find it difficult to gain popularity until their momentum swings back upward. . bare in mind that is only for recent momentum there is a hidden long term momentum that I haven't seen anything about beyond it exists. .


the stages are as follows


Ice Cold

Very Cold






Very Warm


Very Hot

Red Hot

White Hot

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Not entirely sure here, but I'm playing a small fed that has plenty of grapplers on non-exclusive deals. These grapplers often work on other shows, or at "big time independent" events which don't show up as an employer. I think this might change momentum. Sometimes my workers are suddenly at warm momentum, and I haven't used them for a few shows.
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The only thing I've seen is under the contracts section which is just a baseline description of what it is and how it works. . It just their kayfabe success, so booking people well in matches and angles raises it booking them poorly lowers it and people with poor momentum will find it difficult to gain popularity until their momentum swings back upward. . bare in mind that is only for recent momentum there is a hidden long term momentum that I haven't seen anything about beyond it exists. .


the stages are as follows


Ice Cold

Very Cold






Very Warm


Very Hot

Red Hot

White Hot


Thanks alot! I dug up the original Dev Journal post about momentum which actually states that the short-term momentum is hidden.

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Thanks alot! I dug up the original Dev Journal post about momentum which actually states that the short-term momentum is hidden.


Ah ok, I got it backwards then. . So the one displayed would be the long term


Not entirely sure here, but I'm playing a small fed that has plenty of grapplers on non-exclusive deals. These grapplers often work on other shows, or at "big time independent" events which don't show up as an employer. I think this might change momentum. Sometimes my workers are suddenly at warm momentum, and I haven't used them for a few shows.


I could certainly be wrong but the momentum you see should only be affected by your booking as it's specifically how they are booked in your company. . With that said there are definitely some instances where momentum doesn't seem to update consistently as I've had many examples where a worker will still have good or bad momentum after a show and for the week until I get to my next show where they will all the sudden change to from negative to positive or vice versa once I'm in the PM stage. .

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