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Money in the bank style post match cash ins

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I haven't looked through the current game's angles but in theory you could create your own Angle where the wrestler turns it in, and then just book a match right after that for the title, or do a beatdown angle, then the turn in angle, then the match and then you make make the person doing the cash in do domination to sell the "beatdown" and "surprise" nature of the match, even if the title holder ultimately wins.


If you want to interrupt a current match you could do outside interference and have the match get "thrown out" or end in DQ, then do the beatdown and cash in, then do a one on one or triple threat match if you want to kayfabe "turn it into a 3 way match".

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<p>There’s two ways I’d go about booking a Money in The Bank cash-in.</p><p> </p><p>

If you don’t care about the show rating that much, you book an angle for the cash in, followed by a match (if it’s a beatdown style Edge on John Cena type match you go 1 to 2 minutes, Call in Ring, Decisive Victory, Pinfall). You might still be able to pull off a good show if that match rates ok, you have a high angle ratio and you book some really good angles.</p><p> </p><p>

The more “gamey” way to do which will avoid tanking your show would be to have the cash in just be an angle. Have the title change hands as part of the “Edge cashes in his MITB briefcase and pins John Cena 1...2...3” angle. You can do it with Road Agent notes</p><p> </p><p>

Personally I’d do the first way for the realism and how the show/title history would look (I don’t care about grades that much and I’d be fairly confident of booking around the penalty anyway), but each to their own. There’s no right or wrong way to do these things.</p>

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