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Request for features to be patched in

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1. Let me scroll using the mouse wheel in every menu. It's annoying when I can't scroll using the wheel, and for that matter, it seems completely arbitrary when I can and can't scroll that way.


2. When I'm booking the show, I can pull up the tournament menu to see what matches I need to book to advance the tournament. Cool! How about also giving me the ability to select a match in that tournament and immediately add that 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 match to the card, a la pre-booking? Obviously, I wouldn't be able to make it a specialty match, but if I'm not trying to make it a specialty match, this would certainly be convenient. While we're at it, can I have the option to move a match from the tournament bracket to pre-booking?


3. Let me pre-book the finals for a tournament for a monthly event, even when the semi-finals or quarter-finals are not yet finished. The pre-booking could simply say "TBA vs. TBA" in that case. This way, I could avoid the starpower-based penalty to attendance because I didn't book enough matches with enough big stars at least a week in advance. As long as the finals were pre-booked at least a week in advance, and as long as the finalists have enough popularity to otherwise overcome the attendance penalty, then I should avoid the attendance penalty.


4. The "division" feature is supposed to be there exclusively as a sorting tool for the player. It's not supposed to have any effect on gameplay. Well, how's about letting me quickly and easily sort through workers based on their division, rather than making me go through the "search" sub-menu? In 2016, I used the "push" feature primarily for that purpose, since it allowed me to simply click on a push to filter out those who were in that push, making it an easier way of sorting through wrestlers than the actual division system.


5. When automatically assigning referees and road agents, consider doing so in a way that minimizes the chances that any one ref or agent will get worn out through overuse. I should only get such a message if I'm booking so many damn segments that at least one of them simply HAS to get overworked like that.


6. The "hire cost" for a venue I own should automatically be $0.


I'll add more suggestions here as I think of them.

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