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<p>ICWA Collision: Jan Week 3, 1996 (Episode 010)</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="CollisionBannerTrans.png" data-src="https://u.cubeupload.com/Corporate_Icon/CollisionBannerTrans.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


“Machinehead” by Bush brings us into another episode of Collision with Rich Landrum and Captain Lou Albano. The card is as follows:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="e6I5WMF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/e6I5WMF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="3lBIG2a.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/3lBIG2a.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="gaQhHzc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gaQhHzc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="ITUpgNF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ITUpgNF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Opening Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Tag Team</strong></p><p><strong>

The Samoan Gangsta Party Defeated Public Enemy</strong></p><p><strong>

Match Rating: C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="4tvZBnB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/4tvZBnB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="6Jz9U9V.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6Jz9U9V.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="tdcGly5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tdcGly5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

An angle backstage occurred featuring Missy Hyatt, Lexi York and Elizabeth</p><p>

<strong>Angle Rating: C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="ed2oWXe.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ed2oWXe.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="XxT8Lhj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XxT8Lhj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="y0m4OrX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y0m4OrX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="NLRJz3Q.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NLRJz3Q.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

The Miracle Violence Connection Defeated The Windhams</strong></p><p><strong>

Match Rating: B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="G6jn6wL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/G6jn6wL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Nk0UZWY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Nk0UZWY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Angle:</strong> We get a recap of the World Tournament and see clips of Piper and Vader going through their various tournament matches. We hype that at Genesis one of these two men will become the very first ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion of the World. We also advertise that live on Demented this Tuesday night we'll see the official contract signing for this very bout.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Segment Rating: B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Dgh8qom.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Dgh8qom.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="HOqWRte.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HOqWRte.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="Y5D1JDW.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Y5D1JDW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong></p><p><strong>

Ken Shamrock defeated Stevie Richards (w/ Blue Meanie)</strong></p><p><strong>

Match Rating: C</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="YMSgtMi.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/YMSgtMi.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>

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ICWA Demented: Jan Week 4, 1996 (Episode 016)



ICWA Demented

Episode 16

January Wk 4, 1996




Out of the opening video package we find ourselves at ringside where Double B Burt Busch and Jesse Ventura at ringside. They remind of us of how we went off the air last week with Cactus Jack putting the full fledged assault on Steve Austin as retribution from an assault by Austin on Jack previously. Further more our commentators remind us that tonight is the night our Genesis Main Event gets officially signed as Roddy Piper and Vader will meet to sign the contract for their world title main event match coming up this Saturday night on Pay Per View.


Segment Rating: B-




From there Burt sends it backstage where Larry Matysik is standing by with Kamala and his agent Brother Brucie. Larry interviews Brother Brucie about Kamala’s up coming match later tonight with the World’s Most Dangerous Man Ken Shamrock. Brother Brucie starts getting into how Kamala’s going to beat Shamrock tonight when the promo is interrupted by a vistor…




Doug Gilbert walks into the scene in Blue Jeans and a blue Ribera Steak House jacket. Gilbert garners a bit of a mixed reaction, but that reaction becomes heavier on the boos when it becomes apparent that Gilbert isn’t being hostile or confrontational with Brother Brucie.


Brother Brucie, “Wellllllllll-Well… Mister Gilbert… Here for a shot at my Uganda giant?”


Doug shakes his head, “No sir… Brother Brucie, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping I might could get a moment of your time.


Brother Brucie, “What can I do for you Mr. Gilbert?


Doug Gilbert, “I understand you’ve got some clout backstage… You’ve got the ear of some folks with influence around here; is that right?


Brother Brucie smirks and says coyly, “Perhaps…


Doug slumps, almost hat in hand as he says, “Brucie… I need a favor.”


Brother Brucie grins, places a hand on Doug’s back and says, “By all means Mr. Gilbert, let’s walk and talk. Tell ol’ Brother Brucie what he can do to help.


With that Brother Brucie signals for Kamala to follow as Brucie wraps an arm around Gilbert’s shoulders and the trio walk off camera.


Burt Busch, “What in the world? Doug Gilbert just asked Brother Brucie for a favor? What is that about?”


Segment Rating: C-





Tag Team

Jay Eagle & Romeo Valentino Vs Hercules & The Barbarian (w/ Gary Hart)

Match Rating: D

The bugs meet the windshield as Hercules & The Barbarian squash the local talents. Burt and Jesse put over the seemingly unstoppable force of these two monsters lead by the devious and nefarious Gary Hart as we head to commercial Break.






When we return Rick Landrum is standing by with Road Warrior Hawk re-watching the brief annihilation of Jay Eagle and Romeo Valentino at the hands of Hercules and the Barbarian. Rich Landrum asks how Hawk’s feeling about his tag match against Herc and Barb four days from now at Genesis after seeing that squash, and additionally if Hawk has been able to find a partner. Hawk gives the usual loud and proud kill ‘em and grill ‘em type response, and states that he doesn’t have a partner yet and he doesn’t care if he finds one either because whether it’s two on two or two on one, he’s ready to crush Gary Hart and anybody who’d stand beside him.

Segment Rating: B+




We head back to ringside where Burt Busch and Jesse Ventura switch gears and begin discussing the brewing tag team title feud between the Steiner Brothers, Snake and Brian Lee of the DoA, and the Miracle Violence Connection (Dr. Death & Terry Gordy). We see some clips of the wild brawls featuring all six of those guys and clips of last week when leader of DOA Cyrus and close friend of the Steiners Ken Shamrock ended up involved as well.


Burt explains that in an effort to avoid any further destruction before the Pay Per View all six of those tag teams were told to stay home tonight, however, it has been made official that at Genesis this Sunday night the Steiners will defend their ICWA World Tag Team championships in a Triple Threat match against the DOA and the MVC.


Segment Rating: B





Buddy Landel (w. Missy Hyatt) Vs Rick Martel

Match Rating: C+


Rick Martel and Buddy Landel have a solid bout that concludes when Rick Martel gets the Boston Crab locked in for a submission victory.






When we find ourselves in the dressing room of Doug Gilbert, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Elizabeth and Mr. Hughes. It seems Carlos Cabrera and our camera man arrived just before we came back from break.


Carlos informs Doug Gilbert that word came down just moments ago from the top brass here in the ICWA that at Genesis Raven and Stevie Richards are being mandated to meet Doug Gilbert & Hacksaw Duggan in tag team action. If Raven and Stevie Richards fail to show up and compete, they’ll face indefinite suspensions and crippling fines. And furthermore, if any body should come to ringside on Raven’s behalf other than Lexi York – who is a licensed manager- they will be held to the same repercussions, plus Raven and Stevie Richards will also be indefinitely suspended and fined.

Everybody seems happy until Carlos remarks, “It seems like Brother Brucie really came through on that favor you asked him for, Doug.”


It becomes immediately obvious that Duggan and Elizabeth didn’t know Doug Gilbert went to Brother Brucie. Duggan begins hollering saying things like “Brother Brucie?! Come on Douggie, we can’t get in bed with a slimeball like Brother Brucie!”

An annoyed Gilbert waves off Duggan and Elizabeth’s protests dismissively and says it’s just a one time favor. He needed somebody with enough clout to force Raven to show up and fight him. Things are tense in the Gilbert camp as we fade back to the ring.

Segment Rating: C




Cactus Jack makes his entrance and cuts a promo on Steve Austin, letting Austin Know that two weeks ago when Austin assumed Cactus Jack could be used a message to bait Terry Funk and there’d be no repercussions, Austin made the biggest mistake of his life.




Austin hits the Demnta-Tron and tells Jack that all the sum-bitch needed to do was take his ass whippin’, stay dead and let the ol’ cowboy from Amarillo ride in to avenge his fallen protégé. But since Jack couldn’t do that, if Jack insists on coming after Austin, Austin will be glad to stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry one more time.


By the time it’s said and done, we get a BANG BANG and know that Austin Vs Jack will occur at Genesis.


Segment Rating: B







Ken Shamrock vs Kamala (w/ Brother Brucie)

Match Rating C+


This match went longer than most would have probably anticipated and was much more of a back and forth ordeal than some have expected. In the end Ken Shamrock hit a belly to belly suplex and was about to put on the ankle lock when…




… Cyrus came down and jumped on the apron. Shamrock let Kamala go and darted toward Cyrus. Cyrus jumped off the apron just before Shamrock could nail him. Shamrock and the ref both start hollering at Cyrus. Shamrock turns and is caught by surprise with a fireman’s carry into a Samoan Drop by Kamala. Kamala follows with the big splash, 1, 2, 3 Kamala wins thanks to the distraction from Cyrus.






When we return it’s time for the contract signing, Burt Busch hosts the event in the ring. Piper comes down first and sits on the announce table side of the table that has been set up in the ring. Vader and Race come down next. Standard contract signing. Harley says a few words about Vader destroying Piper and becoming the first ICWA Champion. Piper gives a fiery impassioned promo about all the things he’s done, but how he’s never been World Champion… Until now. Until Genesis where he’ll finally have the big belt around his waist.


Things get heated, the table gets tossed and Burt gets out of dodge. We go off the air with Piper and Vader nose to nose, ready to go. See ya at Genesis!



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ICWA Collision: Jan Week 4, 1996 (Episode 011)





“Machinehead” by Bush brings us into another episode of Collision with Rich Landrum and Captain Lou Albano. The card is as follows:




Opening Match


Taz Defeats Paul Varelans

Via Tazmission

Match Rating: D




Match Two

Tag Team Match

The Samoan Gangsta Party defeated Jay Eagle & Romeo Valentinio

Via Pinfall

Match Rating: D





Hype Video

Showcasing The events that got Vader and Piper to the finals of the world title, and clips of the contract signing on Demented this past Tuesday night

Segment Rating: B+




Match Three

One On One

Rob Van Dam went to a ten minute time limit draw with Sabu

Match Rating: C





Highlights of recent events -including those of last Tuesday night on Demented- transpiring between Cactus Jack and Steve Austin.

Segment Rating: B-




Main Event

One on One

Time Limit: TV Time Remaining

Jim Duggan went to a Time Limit Draw with One Man Gang

Match Rating: C


Show Rating: C



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ICWA Genesis: Jan Week 4, 1996 (Pay Per View 001)




ICWA Presents: Genesis

LIVE on Pay Per View

From the OnCenter War Memorial in Syracuse, New York

Saturday Wk 4 January, 1996




Opening Angle: Burt Busch & Jesse Ventura get us hyped up as they summarize the ICWA’s short but significant rise from Birth in October of 95 to debuting on Pay Per View here in January of 96. They also put over the upcoming card, and specifically the conclusion of the multi-month 31 man ICWA World’s Heavyweight Title tournament as Vader and Roddy Piper meet in the main event tonight to finally crown the very first ICWA World’s Heavyweight Champion!


Segment RATING: B+


Opening Match

ICWA Women’s Championship

One On One

Luna Vachon Vs Madusa





The women’s title hasn’t seen much TV time since it’s debut in 1995. Madusa became Women’s champion on an Episode of ICWA Demented on wk 4 of November 1995. She had 3 successful title defenses between then and Genesis. However, much like Madusa before her, Luna Vachon’s television debut proved a successful title capturing opportunity as Luna Vachon defeated Madusa for the ICWA Womens Championship.


Match Rating: C


Match Two

Tag Team Match

Hercules Hernandez & The Barbarian (w/ Gary Hart) Vs Road Warrior Hawk & Mystery Partner



Much to the delight of the sold-out crowd in Syracuse, Road Warrior Animal made his ICWA debut to join his longtime partner Road Warrior Hawk. The Road Warriors had a Hell of a hard-hitting fight with Hercules and The Barbarian right up until Hawk and The Barbarian both went down from simultaneous clotheslines. Hawk found his way to make the tag but just as he got there, Animal dropped off the apron to gasps and boos. With Animal walking away, the remainder of the match became a two on one handicap match which proved too much for Hawk to overcome. Hercules and The Barbarian picked up the win from a double flapjack. Road Warrior Animal has turned heel.


Match Rating: B


Match Three

Tag Team Street Fight

Raven & Stevie Richards (w/ Lexi York) Vs Doug Gilbert & Jim Duggan (w/ Elizabeth & Mr. Hughes)



After months of being toyed with and avoided by Raven, Doug Gilbert wasted no time bringing the fight to Raven here tonight. This fight found its way all over the ringside area. At one point Mr. Hughes found himself distracted arguing with Elizabeth and got laid out with a 2x4 shot from Duggan that was meant for a ducking Stevie Richards. The fight continued.

Hacksaw and Stevie spilled back into the ring, but Raven and Gilbert remained on the floor. Gilbert gave chase to Raven with a steel chair, but Raven managed to grab Elizabeth and pull her in front of him, expecting Gilbert to back off. Gilbert however just keeps going and a wide-eyed Raven realizing Gilbert’s willing to shoot the hostage to hit the hostage taker (so to speak) eases his grip just enough that Elizabeth is able to dive away at the last second as Gilbert nails Raven with the chair.


Burt Busch, “My God… Only by the grace of God and about an eighth of an inch of space did Doug Gilbert avoid hitting Elizabeth with that chair!”


In the ring Jim Duggan witnessed what happened and he is wide eyed with surprise. He takes a step toward the ropes, perhaps considering going out to the floor to address the situation. However, before he can Stevie Richards schoolboy’s Duggan to his shoulders for a two count.


As the fight continues, Gilbert and Raven eventually end up back in the ring. Gilbert scoops him up for a slam. But Raven slips down behind Gilbert. Gilbert turns around and BAM! Evenflow DDT. 1, 2, 3.


Winners: Raven & Stevie Richards

Match Rating: C+


Raven, Stevie and Lexi are quick to clear out. Once Doug Gilbert comes to, he is incensed about losing. Hacksaw gets a mic and cuts a promo essentially telling Gilbert that this has all gone too far. What started as vengeance for Elizabeth has become something else. Elizabeth is practically a prisoner these days, being manhandled by that goon Hughes. Gilbert has become so driven to beat Raven that he’s becoming almost as bad as Raven and that’s not who Gilbert is. It’s time to let this go before it consumes him totally.


Gilbert agrees, but when they turn to leave Gilbert low blows Duggan from behind and begins beating him with his own 2x4. Elizabeth tries to lunge between them but Mr. Hughes bear hugs her from behind so she can’t get away from him. Gilbert finishes his onslaught on Duggan before he finally drops the 2x4 and heads for the back. Hughes trades his bear hug for a firm hold on Elizabeth’s arm so he can drag her in tow, not allowing her to stop and check on Duggan.


Doug Gilbert has turned heel.


Segment Rating: C+


Match Four

ICWA Tag Team Title Match

Triple Threat Match

Disciples of Apocalypse [brian Lee & Snake w/ Amy Lee] Vs Miracle Violence Connection [Dr. Death & Terry Gordy] Vs The Steiner Brothers [Rick & Scott Steiner]





This match was the barn burning brawl everyone expected it to be. The referee was in a constant struggle to keep control of what was going on. Eventually with everyone else brawling amongst themselves on the floor, Terry Gordy happened to roll in and turn just in time to be taken over with a Frank-n-Steiner. Gordy kicked out at three and a quarter, but that was a quarter too late.


The Steiners Retain

Match Rating: B


Match Five

Grudge Match

Tatanka Vs Darius Cain



After weeks of vignettes and attacks under the cover of darkness, Tatanka was finally able to meet Darius Cain one on one in Cain’s in ring debut for the ICWA. The two had a solid bout but in the end Darius blinded Tatanka with a crimson mist similar to that of Muta’s green mist, followed by The Dark Embrace [scorpion Death Drop style reverse DDT].


Winner: Darius Cain


Match Rating: C+


Match Six

ICWA National Championship

Cactus Jack Vs “Stone Cold” Steve Austin





For the first time, Steve Austin was announced to the ring tonight as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Before Austin could even finish coming down the ramp, Cactus Jack came out and darted toward him, the fists flying about three quarters of the way down the aisle way.


After several minutes of brawling on the floor around the ringside area, they eventually found their way in the ring where the bell sounded to officially start the contest. Jack and Austin were both pushing the rules as far as they would go. Both men would go to 4 and some change before breaking holds.


The match would spill out onto the floor a couple of times, allowing Cactus to deliver the diving elbow drop off the ring apron to Austin on the concrete. It also allowed Austin at one point to lift up the black crash mats at ringside to expose the concrete and deliver a pile driver to Jack on the exposed concrete.


These guys fought for more than fifteen minutes, both men being nearly disqualified a bunch of times. But finally in the ring the referee ended up getting sandwiched in the corner on accident. Jack got the double arm DDT but there was no referee to count the three. As Jack starts yanking the referee around by the shirt to get him moving, Austin was able to roll out, grab his title belt, and roll back in. Jack turns back just in time to take the title between the eyes. Austin covers 1, 2, … Jack kicks out. They come up, Jack goes for the clothesline, but Austin ducks under, kicks Jack in the gut, grabs him by the neck and hits a new move that Burt Busch calls, “A Stone Cold Stunner!” This time Jack stays down 1, 2, 3.


Winner and still Champion: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin

Match Rating: B


Match Seven

One On One

Cyrus (w/ Woman) Vs Ken Shamrock



The Founder and President of the DOA MC verses The World’s Most Dangerous Man. This one was a bit slower paced, giving the crowd an opportunity to come down from the Austin/Jack fight and recharge their batteries for the upcoming main event.


Shamrock eventually took Cyrus over with the Belly to Belly and was about to put on the ankle lock when Woman withdrew a small item from her bra and sprayed Ken in the eyes with it. The referee’s view was just obscured enough by his ring positioning that he didn’t catch it, but Shamrock’s reaction was enough to have Burt Busch speculating that perhaps it was Mace or Pepper Spray. Either way it was enough to allow Cyrus to get up, boot the blinded Shamrock in the breadbasket and powerbomb him to victory 1, 2, 3.


Winner: Cyrus

Match Rating: C+


With that we go back and watch a video showing us highlights of the World Title Tournament focused around Vader and Roddy Piper.


From there we switch to a sky view of the jam packed Oncenter… Finally “Das Alte Leid” by Rammstein AKA Vader’s theme hits the PA as the crowd begins to boo…


Main Event

ICWA World’s Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final

Vader w/ Harley Race Vs Rowdy Roddy Piper

Referee: Tommy Young

Road Agent: Harley Race


Vader entered the ring first, looking as big and as nasty as he’d ever looked. In tow, his manager and a former world champion in his own right, Harley Race.


Once Vader’s theme was replaced by the sounds of bagpipes the crowd’s tune immediately changed to one of great adulation and excitement.


Burt Busch, “Listen to this capacity crowd here in Syracuse!”


Jesse Ventura, “They’re absolutely deafening Busch.


“Piper for President” and “In Rod We Trust,” were just a couple of the noticeable signs amongst the standing, shouting masses.


As Piper stepped between the ropes, Vader remained in his corner, snarling like the beast that he’d proven to be over the course of the last couple of months.


Burt Busch, “Vader is the man that nearly ended Terry Funk’s career… Vader is the man that broke Ron Simmons leg and put him out of commission for the foreseeable future. Vader is the man that took Cactus Jack’s ear from his very skull… And now he is the man who looks across the ring at Roddy Piper as his final obstacle between he and the ICWA Heavyweight Wrestling Championship of the World.


Jesse Ventura, “When you put it like that, Roddy Piper is perhaps the least enviable person in the building tonight, but don’t sell the Hot Rod short Busch.”


Burt Busch, “Absolutely not… Roddy Piper is one of the biggest stars in the history of our sport. He has headlined every event worth mentioning, he has been a leading man in Hollywood, he has beat a who’s-who of grapplers, but the one thing he has never done in his illustrious career is become the World Heavyweight Champion. He has defeated some of the greatest champions of all-time, but he himself has never been champion, and I know from personal conversations with Roddy that it eats at every fiber of his being that he has never been at the pinnacle of the sport in that capacity… That he has never been the World champion.


As these two gladiators size each other up from across the ring, our ring announcer provides the introductions. During the introductions referee Tommy Young displays the new, never before worn ICWA World’s Heavyweight Championship




He raises it for all of the fans to see. He allows both Vader and Piper to take a look as the introductions conclude. Finally he hands it down to a hand at ringside who gets it over to the time keeper. Piper’s eyes follow the belt and that’s all the opening Vader needs to dart across the ring with shocking speed for a man of his size in an effort to squash Piper against the buckles to start the match.


Burt Busch, “And here we go! The ICWA World’s Heavyweight championship on the line! The waiting is over! No more challengers, no more tournament brackets, no more contracts to sign… Folks, no matter who wins this bout history is being made, and we’re so happy that you’ve joined us here tonight to be a part of it!”


Vader kicks things off pummeling Piper with hard shots in the corner. He whips Piper across and tries to follow him in with another corner splash, but Piper moves just in time for Vader to throw himself into the buckles. From here Piper begins to get on the offensive to the fans delight. Piper’s early strategy seems to be to take quick, hard jabs when they’re available, and to use Vader’s size against him. This works for Piper for a couple of minutes. Vader misses on an elbow drop, and misses another corner splash, both of which allow Piper to stay ahead if anybody were judging this thing on points. At one point Vader drops to a knee and Piper slaps the Sleeper Submission hold on him.


Burt Busch, “Piper with that patented sleeper submission hold…”


Jesse Ventura, “Nobody applies that hold quite as well as Roddy Piper, but I don’t think he’s got all of it here…”


Sure enough, Ventura’s suspicions prove correct as Vader is able to get to his feet and run backwards crushing Piper between himself and the corner buckles. Piper is forced to release the hold and this allows Vader to take over on offense. Much to the crowd’s dismay, Vader would remain largely in control for the next several minutes. Every so often there would be a glimmer of hope as Piper would fight his way to his feet from chin lock and escape only to eat a big boot, or take a knee to the gut.


On occasion, Vader would knock Piper out of the ring, allowing Harley to get a shot or two in before rolling the Rowdy one back into the Mastodon. It was after one of these such exchanges that Vader came over, scooped the lifeless Piper off the mat, scooped him up and slammed him down near the corner. Vader climbed to the second rope and looked back…


Burt Busch, “I think he’s sizing him up for that Vader Bomb…


Vader bounced about, but seemed to change his mind and began climbing to the top rope.


Burt Busch, “Oh wait a minute… What’s he gonna do here?”


Vader flipped backwards but as he did Piper had just enough life to roll toward the corner, narrowly escaping being crushed beneath a Vader Moonsault.


The crowd goes nuts as Burt Busch exclaims, “PIPER MOVED! PIPER MOVED! Vader went for the Moonsault, but he took too much time and PIPER MOVED!”


Harley is spitting gravel at ringside as Vader and Piper are both down on the mat. Tommy Young begins the count as the crowd is roaring…




Burt Busch, “Piper and Vader are both down! This crowd is desperately trying to get the Hot Rod back to his feet!”


Jesse Ventura, “Let me ask you this Busch, what happens if neither man can get back to their feet?”


Burt Busch, “Well I… I guess it’d be a draw…”


Jesse Ventura, “And then what? We still don’t have a world’s champion? They share the belt? What happens if this thing ends up being a draw?”


Burt Busch, “I don’t know Jesse… I don’t think anybody ever thought this match would come down to a draw, but we may end up finding out.


Narrowly before 10 both men find their feet. Vader darts toward Piper looking for a clothesline but Piper ducks under. Vader spins back around and BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! A series of hard rights back Vader up to the ropes as the crowd roars. Piper goes for the Irish whip but Vader swings through and reverses. Piper comes back off the ropes and Vader throws up a big boot, but Piper ducks under. Piper hits the other ropes as Vader turns and Piper leaps up and nails him with a flying elbow shot. Vader stumbles back holding his mouth and slumps back against the ropes. Piper darts toward the big man and Vader pushes himself off the ropes just in time to eat a clothesline from Piper that makes him slump back down into the ropes. Piper then leaps up and hits a dropkick that makes Vader go through the ropes to the outside floor as the crowd goes wild.


Burt Busch, “Piper is on fire! Piper is still in this thing!”


Harley Race rushes around the side of the ring to Vader who is on his feet cussing and kicking at the fan barricade. Meanwhile, Piper darts back, hits the ropes, and by the time they realize what’s going on Piper uncharacteristically dives through the ropes in a sort of suicide dive/crossbody leap that makes both Race and Vader hit the floor as the crowd goes wild.


Burt Busch, “OH! Roddy Piper through the ropes! Roddy Piper with the high risk maneuver and boy did it pay off!


Piper gets back into the ring and while Race is still down, Vader is not far behind Piper. Vader follows him in and Piper is right on him with hard right hands getting Vader to the corner. Piper tries to whip Vader across but Vader reverses and Piper hits the opposite corner. Vader follows him in and hits a hard body splash. We’ve entered catch as catch can territory as Vader and Piper are going back and forth, both men sweating heavy, each move seeming like it could be the last. Finally Vader gets Piper in the middle and lands the powerbomb.


Burt Busch, “UGH! Powerbomb! And that’s gotta be it… These two have taken each other to their limits but there’s no way anybody can get up from that after the fight these two have had… Vader is our new.. WAIT A MINUTE?! HE KICKED OUT! HE KICKED OUT! ROWDY RODDY PIPER KICKED OUT! MAH GOD, How in the HELL did he kick out?!”


Jesse Ventura, “Calling that a kick out is a stretch. He got the shoulder up. Vader should have put weight down on that far shoulder. You can be lazy with your covers against a guy like Roddy Piper.


Vader becomes confrontational with Tommy Young, but Young insists that Piper narrowly kicked out. Vader eventually turns back and heads back for Piper. He bends down to grab him and Piper takes him over in a small package…




Vader and Piper come up and Vader gives the big avalanche splash to Piper in the middle making Piper hit the mat. Vader peels him back up and then scoops him up looking to slam him near the corner… However, as he does Piper pushes himself back and grabs Vader in a sleeper while staying on his back.


Burt Busch, “He’s got it again! Piper has got the sleeper on him again!


Jesse Ventura, “But can he keep it on him?!”


Vader gets lined up with the corner and charges backwards like he did previously, and crushes Piper into the corner pads. Piper lets go as Vader stumbles forward, but Piper only grabs his back for a moment, then runs back up and jumps back on Vader’s back, locking it in again.



Burt Busch, “Vader breaks free… BUT WAIT… PIPER’S GOT IT AGAIN!”


The crowd is going nuts as Vader tries to shake Piper off of him. Piper takes a few steps back toward the buckles but he doesn’t have the stamina to run back and crush Piper again… Vader instead drops down to a knee making the crowd roar even more.


Burt Busch, “Vader is fading and fading fast!”


Jesse Ventura, “Vader’s got great conditioning for a big guy, but at the end of the day he’s still a big guy and this thing’s been going a long time…”


Vader’s resistance seems to dissipate as his arms fall limp at his side. Young rushes in and lifts one of Vader’s big ol’ arms, clearly struggling to do so. He lets it drop and counts 1. Young repeats the process and counts 2. He finally lifts it a third time…


Burt Busch, “If Vader’s arm drops a third time, we’ll have a new world’s champion…”


Young releases and…




The bell sounds and Piper releases the hold, allowing Vader to flop the rest of the way to the mat as the ring announcer declares:




The bagpipes take the PA as the crowd is going wild. Tommy Young hands Piper the belt and raises his hand as Piper leans his head back, his hair drenched with sweat.


Burt Busch, “Do you believe it?! Roddy Piper has finally realized his dream of becoming the World’s champion and he has done it here in the EYE-SEE-DOUBLE-YOU-EH!”


Jesse Ventura, “I don’t think we’ve heard the last of the man they call Vader, but I have to give it up to the Hot Rod tonight… I would have bet good money on Vader, but Piper has earned that championship belt here tonight.


Piper climbs the corner ropes and raises the belt high in the air as Burt Busch says, “Folks, what a night it has been! What a night it will be three nights from tonight when we return to FX for ICWA Demented! We have got a new world champion, and with a new world champion there will competitors coming out of the woodwork to lay their claim to the next title match!”

Jesse Ventura, “That’s right. Becoming champion is the easy part; Remaining champion is a whole different ballgame.”


Burt Busch, “Folks, we are out of time here tonight… Thank you so much for joining us on this, our inaugural Pay Per View appearance. We are sure to have many more down the road and we hope to see you at each of them. Tuesday night don’t forget to join us as Roddy Piper makes his very first appearance on FX as the ICWA Champion! For Jesse Ventura and everybody else here at the ICWA, Good Night from Syracuse New York!”


Match Rating: B+

Piper Celebrates Victory Angle Rating: B

Overall Show Rating: B



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