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Workers in development contract expiring

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You could always shortlist them and set contract expiry emails to important


I know this now. I just had to lose three workers before I figured it out. :( Just seems unnecessary. I'm greedy and would prefer my child company contracts were treated like they are mine because.. they are.

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I'm pretty sure I did get notifications when, as SWF, my RIPW developmentals expired? Unless I shortlisted them, but I don't think I did.


Do you guys own the company you're sending them to? Or do you have an agreement with an independent company? (eg TCW and MAW)


It may be a problem with the latter, but not the former.

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In my save I have 2 developmental companies, and they are all filled with people I hired. I've re-signed quite a few of them because I received notification about their contracts expiring soon thru the email. Soooo, I don't think that is actually your problem.


You might have the same problem I ran into when I first opened one of the companies. If someone turns in their notice that they are leaving your company, like when they are on a handshake deal, it doesn't notify you they are leaving your developmental company like it would if they were on your main roster. Got kinda annoying going to see what my developmental was putting on for shows and seeing in the news that "Ricky Banderas Quits UWL," even tho I signed him.


Honestly it's probably a glitch in the game tho. The game probably had Ricky Banderas turn in his resignation to the AI controlled developmental, as it's probably coded that way. Would be a nice fix tho.

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