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Enter the World of Kali ( C-Verse )

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England, in the country side !


There is a party, children running around, adults talking, everyone seems to enjoy the afternoon. Further in the garden, boys are playing football or soccer in the US, the blond one take the ball and with an amazing strengh for his age, take a shot and score a goal, leaving the goalkeeper helpless. He and his teammates celebrate the goal like they just won the world cup….something that England didn’t do since….1966 ! Even if they could do it in the future, after all they have now a new generation, a new golden generation with Sancho, Rashford and co…


But we aren’t here to talk about soccer, next to the mansion, a group of 3 girls are talking...no...they are fighting ???....Ah ok, they imitate their idols :


First girl : I’m Cherry Bomb, the best female wrestler that ever existed !


Second girl : What ??? How can you say that ? The best female wrestler of all time is clearly Sensational Ogiwara or even Kit Hitayoma !


First Girl : The fact that you mention 2, shows that they aren’t !


Second Girl : Those 2 revolutionize women wrestling ! The women wrestling was always a thing in Japan, the Joshis are the real deal ! Not like in the US where we talk about women revolution like….10 Years later after ! Like it’s something new, you created it, bla bla bla ! At the end, Japan had always women wrestling as a thing, we didn’t discovered it just now !


First Girl : What are you talking about ? What about AAA ? QAW ?


Second Girl : QAW is super recent ! AAA collapsed ! But if you look at the Joshis, they were there before these 2 companies and they are still here ! Japan already had their women revolution long before the US…


The first girl was about to respond when…


Third Girl : Girls ! Stop ! We are a family ! Remember ? We are The Avatars, right ? Kate ? Hana ?


Hana & Kate ( together ) : You’re right Lucy !


Kate : It doesn’t matter if Japan had the women revolution first. The important thing here is the women are getting more attention.


Hana : You’re right ! But i’m a little sad that 5SSW is in trouble after the Tsunami and AAA collapsed ! These 2 companies seemed to be able to compete with companies like TCW or PGHW !


Lucy : Yeah ! Well it didn’t happen !


Kate : 5SSW seems to recover in my opinion ! You have to admit that ! When you see stars like Megumi Nakajima or Shiori Jippensha or the biggest one…


The 3 girls together : Yuma Maruya !!!


Kate : She is clearly the face of 5SSW right now ! Even if they won’t say it and it’ not official but Yuma is the face of 5SSW !


Hana : I agree ! She is the face of 5SSW ! After all when you see what she can do in the ring, it’s well deserved.


Kate : I dream of the day i could face her in a match ! That would be so cool !


Hana : Oh ! I’m not the only one who want to be a wrestler in the future ! And you Lucy ! Do you also dream of being a wrestler in the future ?


Lucy : Not necessarily ! But to be involved in the business ? Yes ! I want to change it, to do something that was never done. I don’t know but i want to do something special ! Like you said Kate, the women are getting more attention but i want to push that further.


Kate : Right there ! That’s the Lucy i know !


Hana : Yeah ! Always dreaming bigger than anyone else !


Lucy : Girls ! I have an idea. Let’s make the promise to be in the business in the future. Agreed ?


Hana : Agreed !


Kate : Agreed !


The day went well and the 3 girls said goodbye to each other. Kate return to USA meanwhile Hana return to Japan leaving Lucy with dreams in their heads.


10 Years Later, New York, USA


A phone rang multiple times, finally someone answered it…


Kate : Hello ?....Hey Lucy ! How are you ?....I’m fine !...You have great news ? Tell !...huhun...You want what ?...OK, I’M IN !!! When do we start ?....In a few weeks ?...Did you call Hana ?....You’re about to ?...Ok, let me prepare myself and i will join you in couple of days ! Bye Lucy !!!


She hangs up, run to her bedroom, start packing super excited. Her dream seems to come true…


Tokyo, Japan


Same thing happen, a phone rang multiple time, answered by...you guessed it by now…


Hana : Hello ?...Hi Lucy !...Great News ?....huhun….I’M IN !!!...Did you tell this to Kate ?...Oh you already did ? So she is always first hun ?....I’m kidding Lucy ! I wanted to tease you....When do we start ?...In a few weeks ?...Cool ! By the way, did you call other women ? Because if it’s only Kate and I, i think the promotion won’t go far ha ha !...Oh you did ?...And they all in ?...Cool ! That means we can start quickly !...I’ll go prepare myself and join you in few days ! Bye Lucy !


Few days Later, at the airport of New Delhi


Kate : Hey Lucy !...Hey Hana !


The 3 girls...correction...the 3 women run to each others and had long hugs.


Lucy : I’m so happy to see you here !


Kate : I will miss it for nothing !


Hana : After all...we made a promise when we were children so….


Lucy : So let’s go fulfill our dreams !


Hana & Kate : Let’s Go !!!


The 3 women, hand in hand, take their luggages, plunged into the city of Delhi, confident of their success….

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The Avatar Corporation proudly present to you :







Cup of Destiny ( Trophy Title )



2020 : ...


Parvati's Champion ( Main Title )



Current Champion : ...


Kali's Champion ( Other Main Title )



Current Champion : ...


Hanuman's Champion ( Secondary Title )



Current Champion : ...


Ashvin's Champions ( Tag Team Title )



Current Champions : ...


Rings of Fate ( Trios Title )



Current Champions : ...




Aki Kamio

Asami Okubo

Black Diamond

Captain Kyodo

Chitose Ariwara

Christy Higgins

Debbie Rose

Devil's Daughter


Emiko Miyoshi

Hana Avatar

Hoshiko Tagawa

Jeri Behr

Joanna Silver

Joy Ryder

Kaori Mochizuki

Kaori Takenouchi

Kate Avatar

Kate Lilly

Katherine Goodlooks

Kichi Mochizuki

Mighty Girl

Nami Genda

Namiya Khan

Olivia Diamond

Power Girl

Reva Lal

Sabrina Wells

Spider Isako

Velvet Suarez

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The Avatar Corporation has invested money on indian wrestling saying that the Indian market is the biggest market in the world that is untouched by wrestling companies around the world. Kashmir Singh, Indian wrestling superstar, said months ago : "India will be the El Dorado of Wrestling, mark my words !".


And after the opening of 2 wrestling companies, one in Delhi and the other in Mumbai, The Avatar Corporation has open a third one in Bangalore. If the first two are exclusively about men wrestling, this one is exclusively a women wrestling company called after the indian goddess Kali. It's called "Kali Wrestling Promotion" and to run the company, it is the responsability of Lucy Avatar ( 21 Years old ). She will office as owner, Head Booker and Referee of the company. One smart move is to make Kashmir Singh, the one who impulse the revolution in Indian wrestling as a Road Agent for the company.


It's good to see that the women won't be left behind or forgotten. I proudly present to you the first card of the first show of Kali Wrestling Promotion wich will see a mini tag team tournament to crown the first tag team champions called "Ashvin's Champions" of the company, you can make your prediction down below, in the comment section :


Kali Clash 2020


Main Event


Finals Ashvin's Tournament


Match 3

Namiya Khan vs Joanna Silver


Match 2

Power & Mighty ( Power Girl & Mighy Girl ) vs The Mochizuki Sisters ( Kichi & Kaori Mochizuki )

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 2/2


Match 1

Icons Unlimited ( Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose ) vs Aki Kamio & Chitose Ariwara

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 1/2


OOC: You can predict the winner of the tournament also ^^


That's one hell of a roster, damn. :D


Well i won't use them all the time as the same time. And i use the fact that it's only 20 to 60 $ per show depending of the wrestler, i start with 250 000 $ and gaining little money from sponsors and i'm doing 1 show per month, sometimes 2 shows but mostly 1 show per month.

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Icons Unlimited</strong> vs Power & Mighty</p><p>

Finals Ashvin's Tournament</p><p>

<em>Lilly and Rose are the most established team and I see them winning at the end of the night.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Match 3</p><p>

<strong>Namiya Khan</strong> vs Joanna Silver</p><p>

<em>I see great things out of "The Pride of Pakistan"</em></p><p> </p><p>

Match 2</p><p>

<strong>Power & Mighty ( Power Girl & Mighy Girl )</strong> vs The Mochizuki Sisters ( Kichi & Kaori Mochizuki )</p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 2/2</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1</p><p>

<strong>Icons Unlimited ( Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose )</strong> vs Aki Kamio & Chitose Ariwara</p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 1/2</p><p> </p><p>

This seems really interesting will be keeping an eye on this.</p>

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<p>Good start. I am also using Avatar Entertainment as part of the backstory in my MGPW diary so will be following this. Good luck.</p><p> </p><p>

Match 3</p><p>

Namiya Khan vs <strong>Joanna Silver</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Match 2</p><p>

<strong>Power & Mighty</strong> ( Power Girl & Mighy Girl ) vs The Mochizuki Sisters ( Kichi & Kaori Mochizuki )</p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 2/2</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1</p><p>

<strong>Icons Unlimited</strong> ( Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose ) vs Aki Kamio & Chitose Ariwara</p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 1/2</p><p> </p><p>

I am going with Rose Sisters as you would like your 1st winners to be popular.</p>

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<p>Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Icons Unlimited ( Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose )</strong> vs The Mochizuki Sisters ( Kichi & Kaori Mochizuki )</p><p>

Finals Ashvin's Tournament</p><p> </p><p>

Match 3</p><p>

Namiya Khan vs <strong>Joanna Silver</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Match 2</p><p>

Power & Mighty ( Power Girl & Mighy Girl ) vs <strong>The Mochizuki Sisters ( Kichi & Kaori Mochizuki )</strong></p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 2/2</p><p> </p><p>

Match 1</p><p>

<strong>Icons Unlimited ( Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose )</strong> vs Aki Kamio & Chitose Ariwara</p><p>

Semi-finals Ashvin's Tournament 1/2</p>

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