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Pre-Book Storyline Starts

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It would be nice if there was a way to Prepare a storyline to kickstart as another ends.


E.g. Two of my top talents fight earlier on the card closing out their storyline, then the winner attacks the champion after the main event to kick start the next feud, I want that Storyline to start off.

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It would be nice if there was a way to Prepare a storyline to kickstart as another ends.


E.g. Two of my top talents fight earlier on the card closing out their storyline, then the winner attacks the champion after the main event to kick start the next feud, I want that Storyline to start off.


There is a way, although possibly not optimal. Use the "end storyline" road agent note, then go back to the booking screen once that match is over and create the new storyline. I haven't tested it, but you should be able to do this with on-the-fly-booking.

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Don't even need on-the-fly booking. This was possible in 2016 too. Set a storyline to end in a segment. Then go to pre-book later on in the show and click on storylines. The old storyline will have ended and the you can make a new one mid-show.
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