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Does anyone else do this?

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I am going through my entire roster and looking at each wrestler and how I see myself using them. Looking at not only how good they are, but whether they actually fit in the promotion as it will look as early as next year and as late as 5 years from now.


You see, I have a TCW game where I let my roster get full of great workers with potential for stardom. I don't have enough midcard types and I need to address that. So I am looking at a guy like Logan Wolfsbaine, who puts on amazing matches but has a pop cap somewhere in the Star category, is not great locker room material and is only really great at being a heel. Do I need him around with Greg Gauge, Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins all in their prime with Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum already in the main event scene? Is it even a good idea to keep a guy like that who wants to be in the big time (he did one of those "I'm the MVP" interviews) but has no shot at it around?


Just wondering if anyone else looks at stuff like that when they get tired of the clutter on their roster.

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I am soooo guilty of judging a worker based off of their photo and my first impressions of whether or not I can make them a star. In my mind Conner Threepwood, Rich and Famous, and Texas Pete are huge stars. And I pretend that Fabulous Frank really is good on commentary because I just love the idea of having an Honest Frank and a Fabulous Frank on commentary and I imagine they have great banter.
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I always set a cap for myself for how many workers I can have on my roster depending on my size. Never going over it has saved me from so many problems, the main exception being that if a good worker gets off a written contract I can't sign them until I get rid of someone else on my roster, and I don't like just firing people to make room for a better worker, I wait for their contract to come up first.


My way of playing might not be everyone's cup of tea but I don't worry (too much) about finances, I can actually make stars because not everyone can be a main eventer when you intentionally limit yourself, someone has to job or be a mid carder so you can't just push every worker you have. I find it a limiting yet relaxing way of playing TEW at the same time.

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I do this all the time.


In past games, I've often fallen into a rut of hoarding talent that has no business being on my roster, believing I'm the only promotion that's going to spend the resources to develop them. With indy shows and the ability to supercharge new worker generation, I've moved away from that. This year, I didn't start a dev company the moment I could and I've let new workers sit unemployed if they didn't meet my requirements (40+ basics and safety, personality, etc). By the same token, I've snatched up almost all of the existing talent (outside of 5SSW and CILL) that I could and mainly only signed new workers that my PC produced. I've made value judgments on some workers as well, taking a more strategic view of the workers on my roster.


For example, one of my goals has been to boost the likes of CZCW, 5SSW, ACPW, and EWA (OLLIE to a far lesser extent as well) using shared workers. But, knowing that USPW and CWA will immediately look to fill openings in their women's division with workers likely to be on one of our rosters (everyone else is locked down to either long term writtens (5SSW loyal workers) or exclusive writtens), I have to choose which workers I want to keep knowing that someone else is going to be targeted. So I locked down Maisie Laurels, Queen Amazon, and Elsa Calvo and let them have Jaguar Queen, Amy St. James, Toku Kijmuta, Lady Lotus, and Shiori Jippensha. The problem I'm running into is shared workers handing in their notice to the smaller companies. OLLIE has been ravaged by that, losing Agueda Alonso, Emilia Reyes, Purple Viper, La Hija del Diablo, Electric Dreamer, and Mystery Pink. They had to hire the likes of Golden Delicious and Mary Beth Chase to fill gaps. Lady Liberty and Fuyuko Higa too but they're not bad workers like the former two. It's turned into a bit of a chess game. What piece am I willing to sacrifice to save other pieces.


I've largely succeeded in my goals though. Judging by CZCW's tour page, their most popular workers are the people we share. Same with ACPW, EWA, and 5SSW. I screwed up once though when I signed Lisa Bowen, hoping to use her to boost MAW. Now, while she is the most popular worker on MAW's roster, they don't benefit because they don't run angles. :o Now, the House of Stone has graduated a group of workers (one of whom has 22 basics. WTH is Dan Jr teaching these girls?) and while I will sign one, I'm curious to see where the rest of them end up. There's pretty much no talent available other than new workers, besides Higa, unless they look abroad (there are some folks on 5 Star's roster that aren't loyal but they only work in Japan.....unless I talk to them).


But yeah, this year I've spent a lot more time on roster management. Heck, I've even broken some of my own rules in that respect (Unstoppable Tai is on my roster!).

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