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Can a development promotion have a development promotion?

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I am trying to add some unique companies and products to my game, and I'm working on created a 'Scripted Reality' company in the WWE Universe to revive their old Tough Enough show as a reality show for new wrestlers coming out of the Performance Centre, before they make it to NXT. I find NXT often has so many wrestlers on the roster that some of the new/lower end talent don't get a chance to work regularly, so I want to have another option for them.


What I want is that new workers coming out of the Performance Centre (or those who have been signed but might need some more polish) can be assigned to Tough Enough. Each Tough Enough season is 3 months long, so workers can work there for a bit and I assume when the season/tour is over, the workers would be recalled to NXT. Then a new batch of workers can be sent down a few months later when the next season starts.


The idea I has was to create Tough Enough as its own company with the Scripted Reality product. I was then going to create a relationship with NXT to be their development promotion. Would that give me the result I am looking for? Is this idea even doable (for the AI)?

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="seminoledozer" data-cite="seminoledozer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51100" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>why not have 2 development companies yourself? Just assign all your performance center graduates to the Tough Enough company first.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I don't want to play as WWE. I was hoping to find a workflow for the AI to achieve this.</p>
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I like this idea, it is what they have in minor league baseball. I think when the WWF first created the developmental system they had a similar system like this. Where they had two developmental companies and the green guys would go to one promotion and once they were better they went to the other company.


Granted I could be wrong, but I think that I recall that was the case. Ohio Valley was the upper promotion and the one in Florida was where the newer guys went.

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Granted I could be wrong, but I think that I recall that was the case. Ohio Valley was the upper promotion and the one in Florida was where the newer guys went.


Even before Florida there was Les Thatcher's HWA and Power Pro Wrestling. I had a similar setup when I controlled WWE and I had NXT UK as the "AA" level and NXT as the "AAA" level.

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