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WCW: 1991, Bridging The Gap

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Introduction Post


Hi there, long time reader, long time player, multiple time Dynasty attempter.


I've often been in awe of how some of the fantastic writers on this board can keep a dynasty going for so long, not only playing the game for a serious amount of in-game time, but keeping a dynasty going. It's incredible to me. I have had around 8-10 long term games over the past 2 TEW's and have always wanted to translate that into a Dynasty. My issue I think has been trying too hard to make it a great looking piece of work.


Guys like Eisen-verse have a certain part of the brain that I lack, I've never been an artist, nor have I ever drawn or designed anything that doesn't look like it was drawn by a drunk Horse. I can however, fairly confidently claim, that storyline wise, I'm not too bad. In terms of developing storylines that make sense and last a good amount of time, whilst also being logical and fitting the characters in game.


That's the aim with this Dynasty. To bring to life the ideas and characters and storylines that swirl around and try and put them into cohesive words, that you guys, will hopefully enjoy. It won't be the prettiest piece of Dynasty-ing, but it will hopefully provide you with some enjoyment.


First Proper Post On Route...

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WCW - January 1991


I've played this mod a couple of times before and really enjoyed the WCW angle, they have a solid foundation and enough talent up and down the card to give yourself a good few months of solid grades whilst developing some of the younger talent available.


The aim with this is to run a successful promotion. I don't really care what WWF are doing, I'll be going after some of their talent and they'll be after some of mine. That's fine. All I want is to make my promotion enjoyable, providing good matches and good storylines for the viewer/reader.


I'll be playing as Booker to provide a bit more realism, each to their own but I've never enjoyed being able to sign whomever you choose whilst also keeping everyone you want to keep.


As I said, WCW in January 91 have a very good base from which to build....my next post will be highlighting some of my current stars as well as the base of the plans I have for them going forward.

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Best of luck to you, fella. I'm toying with the idea of starting an AEW or 91' WCW dynasty after I lost steam with my MAW save.


It's easy to get overwhelmed and be in awe of the excellent graphics on the board.

As long as you tell a compelling story and the passion shines through, it'll be great. That's what I try to do as mine are never going to look as good as like Historian E-V etc.


Best of luck. I'm following.

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WCW 91


The Current Stars


Faces in Blue, Heels in Red!


Sting - The Top face in the company and the pivot around which the Main Event scene whirs. Excellent charisma and Entertainment ability, good enough in the ring to be able to have good matches with just about anyone, and young enough to carry the can for years to come. My Number One Face by a good margin.


Ric Flair - The leader of The Four Horseman, the best in ring talent in the company, with entertainment skills to burn. A fantastic foil for the uber-face Sting and with a powerful faction at his back. My Number One Heel, also by a good margin.


Lex Luger - The current US Champion, his bio states Jim Ross identifies him as "the fastest improving wrestler in the world". Personally, he's never really been my bag. Good entertainment skills, only decent in the ring and 32 years of age, he'll be given a chance to show his skills but I deem him a long way off Sting.


Arn Anderson - Ric Flair's right hand man, though the fact that the first words in my bio for him are "Ric Flair" maybe does him a disservice. My bad. A great worker, very good on the mic and able to drag a good match out of anyone, he'll be an integral part of my WCW going forward.


Barry Windham - Another talented worker near the top of the card, equally effective as either face or heel, current member of The Four Horseman and, rather strangely to me at least, only 30 years of age. He accomplished a hell of a lot in his 20's!


Stan Hansen - Bit of a part -timer here, but good popularity across the board, very good in the ring and underrated as an entertainer, slightly past his best but I have a good 9-12 months worth of story for him from the outset.


Brian Pillman - Uber talented with massive unlocked amounts of potential. I see him as both a fantastic face and heel, either old school face or face with an edge, dirty heel or cocky heel. He's a solid worker already and someone I have big plans for.


Big Van Vader - My goodness I was excited to see him here, I don't think its a spoiler to let you know I signed him to a 10 year contract as one of my first acts. A bona-fide star and a Monster Heel. Lord, he excites me.


Beautiful Bobby Eaton - I can't say his name without the "Beautiful" pre-fix, thanks to Tony Schiavone so this is what we're stuck with. Very good in ring, a true pro and can work as either a face or a heel. One of the backbones of WCW.


Dan Spivey - A big bruiser, decent both in the ring and on the microphone, I've always struggled to find the right stories and characters for him but this is something I can hopefully rectify this time round.


Jimmy Garvin - He of amazing hair and good charisma, a member of The Fabulous Freebirds in my WCW, along with Michael Hayes and managed for now, by one Diamond Dallas Page. Good experience and decent pop, a steady midcard hand to have around.


Junkyard Dog - Someone who, to my shame, I've always bled pop from onto younger workers before cycling out of my company post haste. I'll be trying a different approach this time, excellent entertainment skills and a genuine legend in the Mid South Region. He is on the downward slope in-ring wise but he has a part to play, that's for sure.


Larry Zbyzsko - The "living legend", somehow only 37 despite being the aforementioned "LL". A solid in ring performer and someone who can be relied upon to help usher in the next wave of babyface performers.


Michael Hayes - Leader of The Fabulous Freebirds and I'll mention again my shock at a performer's age. He's 31 for goodness sake! That means that at the height of his fame in WCCW he was in his early 20's. How he managed to escape the 80's with hold of his liver is a mystery to me. Great entertainer and someone i'll be looking to utilise going forward.


Rick Steiner - The elder Steiner and member of the uber-talented Steiner Brothers tag team. Great as a face or a heel but possibly a ceiling on how high he can go...unlike....


Scott Steiner - The younger Steiner Brother, super athletic, great charisma and looks like a beast. For me, the sky is the limit for Scotty, providing he keeps his attitude in check!


Ricky Morton - One of half of super face duo "The Rock n' Roll Express", a consummate babyface able to have good matches with a variety of opponents. Robert Gibson is out injured at the start of 91, so keep this in mind if Morton isn't a regular on TV.


Ron Simmons - One half of Superbad tag team "Doom", the current WCW tag champs. Potentially an upper-carder as either face or heel, I'll be squeezing as much as possible out of Doom to start with.


Butch Reed - The former "natural" and now other, less talented member of "Doom". Will be a regular for now but not someone who has a massive shelf life with WCW.


Sid Vicious - Loaded with menace and a current member of The Four Horseman, the sky is the limit for Sid, providing he can maintain an upward trajectory on his in ring skills. Being alongside Anderson, Windham and Flair should help to start with. A future World Champion?


Brad Armstrong - Member of the famous Armstrong wrestling family, a solid in ring talent but lacking a bit on the entertainment side of things. An important member of the midcard for me, at least.


Dustin Rhodes - "The Natural" and son of "The American Dream" Dusty, he is loaded with potential across the board, only 21 and managed by his dad, a future main eventer maybe?


El Gigante - Sigh. At least he wears just the basic wrestling trunks in my WCW. Still, that doesn't mean he is going to be around for long.


Kevin Sullivan - The definition of small man syndrome. If he were perhaps 4 inches taller, maybe Satan would have one less follower. However, he is a very good brawler, good on the mic and can be used in a few different capacities. As long as he doesn't eat farm animals in the locker room, he can stay.


Michael Wallstreet - Good in the ring, but as exciting as watching paint dry. A potential tag team specialist and a solid heel hand, nothing more.


Terry Taylor - A funny one. Some think he and Mr Perfect happened across the wrong gimmicks and are interchangeable, a lot hate him. Not offensive, good in the ring and able to utilise a number of roles, he has a place in my WCW.


Z-Man - Or Tom Zenk, I don't mind. Super talented and destined for the top, at least in his own mind. In mine however, he is an average mid card performer, nothing more. And his ****ing name has to change.


There are a number of others, but I would prefer to introduce them as they appear during the shows, hopefully to provide at least an "Oh Yeah, I forgot he was there during this time". Either that or a shrug, your choice!!


Whew, that's the starting roster. It goes without saying that there will be a number of incomings and outgoings over the coming months and it wont be until the second quarter that things start to take shape.


A couple of housekeeping notes.


I have decreased the Weekly TV shows to One per week. It's a 2 hour show. This should hopefully stop angles and wrestlers from becoming over exposed too soon whilst also providing time for younger wrestlers to get over in front of a national audience. It could change but this is the plan for the first year at least.


The World Heavyweight title is vacant, Sting is down as holding the NWA World Heavyweight Title but is set to inactive, I don't mind this as it jives with the angle i was looking to take it from the start.


I am looking at introducing monthly PPV events going forward. It helps me to book and is what I am most comfortable with.



Aaaaaaand with that, I think we are about ready to go. First show preview coming up.....thank-you so much to anyone who has taken the time to read this. It is much appreciated. I hope to entertain you enough to keep reading as we move through.

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Best of luck to you, fella. I'm toying with the idea of starting an AEW or 91' WCW dynasty after I lost steam with my MAW save.


It's easy to get overwhelmed and be in awe of the excellent graphics on the board.

As long as you tell a compelling story and the passion shines through, it'll be great. That's what I try to do as mine are never going to look as good as like Historian E-V etc.


Best of luck. I'm following.


Thanks a lot mate, that means a lot. One of the best saves I've had was a 91 WCW game on 2013, I didn't do one on 2016 as I didn't want to "sully" the memory! But I figure enough time has passed now to give it a go again!


The storylines are what's important to me, I'm never going to be able to put together an amazing looking piece of work. I've made my piece with that. I'm just going to have to make sure that my storytelling is tight as can be!


Thanks for the words mate, it would be nice to see another WCW 91 save alongside mine!

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WCW - World Championship Wrestling


Date? - Saturday, Week 1 January


Venue? - Columbus Municipal Auditorium


Attendance? - 3,916. A sellout!


Announcers - Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -


US Title - Lex Luger

WCW Tag Titles - Doom

WCW TV Title - Z-Man


What happened? - Let's find out..



We have a cold open. The audience is stirring as a man makes his way to the ring. He isn't unknown to this WCW audience...the opposite in fact.


"My name...is Paul Heyman...and I am the advocate for the richest man in wrestling, Ted Turner. What this means, for those of who who remain uninformed, is that I am in charge of the show. Mr Turner realised he needed someone to take charge of wrestling affairs. Someone trustworthy, reliable and honest. Someone....like me!"


JR is flabbergasted at ringside at the re-named Heyman's sudden promotion but can't find the words to articulate this, instead spluttering blasphemous noises into the headset. Fortunately, the man in the ring has no such difficulty with words.


"First order of business is to put to rest the rumours about our Championship, the most prized title in the business, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. I have put together the top four contenders in the company and over the next three weeks, Four will become Two and those Two will meet at our inaugural SuperBrawl PPV Extravaganza in February!"


"Those Four Contenders are Sting, US Champ Lex Luger, Stan Hansen....and The Nature Boy, Ric Flair! Next week, our main event will be Sting v Stan Hansen with the following week's main event being Ric Flair v Lex Luger. Buuuuut, because I am in such a good mood, tonight, you'll get to see all 4 of these stars in our Main Event. Sting will team up with his good pal Lex Luger to take on Stan Hansen and Ric Flair".


"Oh, J.R, I know you'll hate this, but not only am I overseeing all of WCW's Wrestling Operations, but I get to keep my manager's license. You're going to see a whole lot of Paul Heyman this year, and we're only six days in!"


Heyman takes his applause and leaves the ring, I think J.R is able to breathe again. On we go....



Match One - Doom vs The Lightning Express for The WCW Tag Team Championships


Doom defeat The Lightning Express after 9.38 of action when Ron Simmons pinned Tim Horner following a Dominater. Rating- 65



Backstage - We have an interview with The Steiner Brothers, short and to the point. They want a tag title shot and they want it now. Rating- 51



Match Two - Z-Man vs Rip Morgan for The TV Title


Z-man makes a standard defence of his TV Title, picking up the victory after 5.01 of action when he drops Morgan with a swinging Neckbreaker. Rating- 41



Video Segment - We get a look at a hype video put together to introduce some of the new talent recently signed by WCW, focusing mainly on two main stars....Steve Austin and Steven Regal! Rating- 41



Match Three - Dustin Rhodes vs El Cubano


Dustin Rhodes picks up a comfortable victory, watched on by his father at ringside, dropping Cubano with a DDT for the victory after 5.48 of action. Rating- 50



Backstage - Off to the locker room of the famed Four Horseman, we get a word from an animated Ric Flair. He feels a lot better knowing that within 8 weeks, he will have his World Championship back around his waist. He also takes time to hype up Sid Vicious, the most dominant member of The Four Horseman there has ever been! Rating- 77



Match Four - Sid Vicious vs Pez Whatley


Poor Pez, he takes an arse-kicking for 3.46 before getting put out of his misery with a spine-jarring Powerbomb.Rating- 33



Video Segment - We get a hype video for Brian Pillman, the high flying, crowd popping, leap tall buildings in a single bound, superstar....erm, wrestler. He's in action, next week. Rating- 67



Match Five - Arn Anderson and Barry Windham vs Tommy Rich and Ricky Morton


An old school match this, they go back and forth for a good 20 minutes, in truth with The Horseman on top for the majority of the match, Morton manages to make the hot tag to Rich, but Robert Gibson he is not, and after 20.12 of action, he takes a Spinebuster from AA and The Horseman pick up the win. Rating- 62



Post Match Hype


Flair and Sid join AA and Barry Windham in the ring. Flair takes the mic and hypes up The Four Horseman, there have already been 2 examples of their dominance so far this evening, with another yet to come in the main event! Rating- 80



Match Six - Big Van Vader vs Ranger Ross


The Army Vet gives his all, but newly minted Vader with his super contract is a different beast. Laser focused, he destroys Ranger Ross for 5.56 before putting him out of his misery with not one, but two VaderBombs. Rating- 55


Post Match


Vader looks to add more injury to the insult and goes for a third VaderBomb. Before he gets chance to hit it though, El Gigante comes rushing (ish) out of the back and sends Vader out of the ring, not in fear, more as a calculated measure. After all, if he beats up 2 men in one night, he'll have mown through the roster in 4 months!! Rating- 62



Backstage Segment


Back we go to our Two main heroes. Sting and Lex Luger. Sting does most of the talking, hyping up the tag match coming up next as well as stating that after he defeats Hansen and Luger defeats Flair, they'll have no problem throwing hands to decide a new World Heavyweight Champ! Rating- 69



Main Event - Sting and Lex Luger vs Ric Flair and Stan Hansen


The two faces work a lot better as a team than Flair and Hansen, which is to be expected. They have a natural bond and a common enemy in The Horseman whereas Flair and Hansen are two bad guys who happen to be on the same team. Still, they are both world class workers and manage to turn the match toward them. Hansen looks to take out Luger with a massive lariat, however, Luger manages to duck and Flair takes the impact, sending him flying out of the ring. Sting takes advantage, hitting a stunned Hansen with the Scorpion Death Drop for the victory after 22.29!! Rating- 75


Show Rating? - 74


TV Rating? - 1.14


Post Show Thoughts


So, we have week one in the books. We are off and running with big performances by Vader and The Horseman (aside from Flair of course....he can't be happy) as well as hype for Pillman and new signings Steve Austin and Steven Regal!


Our first big show will be Clash Of The Champions taking place at the end of January!


Keep your eyes peeled for the preview for Week 2 of WCW! Going forward there will most likely be a brief preview for next week's show but I do try and include as much hype as possible during the show itself. Feedback on this would be great as I am undecided either way.


Prediction wise it will most likely be a Monthly thing. Especially at the start of this Dynasty I don't envisage a lot of back and forth TV matches, especially whilst I am trying to filter out the shite and bring in a lot of other workers.


Feedback, thoughts and critique are all more than welcome!


Thanks for Reading!

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Quick Note, I had literally typed up the whole show when something happened to my laptop and it deleted the bastard thing. This is normally enough to make me give up but persevere, I shall.




WCW - World Championship Wrestling


Date? - Saturday, Week 2 January


Venue? - Boutwell Auditorium


Attendance? - 5,000. A sellout!


Announcers? - Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -


US Title - Lex Luger

WCW Tag Titles - Doom

WCW TV Title - Z-Man


What happened? - Let's find out.



Match One - Brian Pillman vs George South


Pillman makes his much anticipated 1991 debut here, easily taking down George South and finishing him off with Air Pillman after 4.15 of action. Rating - 48



Video Hype - We get a video of Steve Austin, the self - proclaimed Superstar of the 90's. He is super confident that he will have what it takes to take out every bit of trash in WCW. Rating - 25



Match Two - JYD vs Rip Rogers.


An entertaining performance here by JYD, who hunts down Rip and finishes him off with a bruising diving headbutt, for the decisive victory after 3.45. Rating - 37



Backstage Promo - Larry Zbyzsko is here and he isn't happy. He isn't happy with the so called "youth movement" taking place in WCW. He especially isn't happy with old men not willing to call it a day. Specifically Dusty Rhodes, riding the coattails of his hack of a son, Dustin. No matter, says Larry...he'll take the job on personally and rid WCW of Dustin and his over the hill dad! Rating - 59



Match Three - Z-Man vs Jimmy Garvin for the WCW TV Title


Jimmy Garvin has an unusual focus for this one, especially for a hard partying Freebird, he seems to genuinely want the TV Title. Hayes is a pain in the arse on the outside and Z-Man has it all to do. However, Hayes got a little too sure of himself and didn't bother to hide his attempted interference particularly well, getting Garvin dq-ed after a blatant shot to Z-Man whilst the ref was looking at 7.25. Rating - 55



Post Match - The Freebirds continue their assault of Z-Man, both taking it in turns to lay him out with hard right hands. Hayes uses his cane over the back of Z-Man and leaves him laying as they laugh their way to the back. Rating - 56



Backstage Interview - Back we go, to the imposing figures of Ron Simmons and Butch Reed, the WCW Tag Champs. They both get a chance to speak, delivering a unified message. The Steiners are going down. Doom isn't just a name....its a prediction. Rating - 51



Match Four - Steven Regal vs Mark Youngblood


The plucky Apache is no match for the hard-hitting Brit. Regal grounds Youngblood almost immediately, finishing him off with his version of a cross-face, the Regal Stretch at 5.44. Rating - 23



Backstage Interview - Double A and Barry Windham of The Four Horseman are standing by. AA talks about their victory last week and hype up Ric Flair's soon to happen WCW title win and Sid being a beast. AA finishes by stating they have called in extra help to ensure their goals are met. Rating - 67



Match Five - Tully Blanchard vs The Italian Stallion


Watched on by Double A and Windham, the returning Tully hasn't lost a step, brutally beating down TIS, finishing him off with a lethal backdrop driver. Rating - 52



Match Six - The Steiner Brothers vs The Royal Family


A strong performance here by Rick and Scott, they spend just enough time to show the fans how strong they are without taking the piss. Rick picks up the pinfall over Jack Victory with a Steinerline after 6.23. Rating - 65



Backstage Interview - Ric Flair is here, and he hypes up Sid again as the Monster of the 90's, an unbeatable weapon of mass destruction. He hypes up Tully's victory earlier on and also lets Luger know that he better be ready for a beating next week. Rating - 71



Match Seven - Lex Luger vs "Dirty" Dutch Mantell for the WCW US Title


Dutch gives a good account of himself here, doing all he can to grind down Luger and keep him from using his explosive power and speed. Luger starts to make a comeback however and the writing is on the wall. Successive successful clotheslines are followed by The Rack for the victory and successful title defence at 8.11. Rating - 69



Match Eight - Steve Austin vs Tommy Rich


A tough first match for Austin here, going up against former NWA World Champ Tommy Rich. That was 10 years ago however and the business has changed. If Austin is right and he is "the wrestler of the 90's", then he has to win matches like this. Which he does. After 7.55 of action, Austin picks up the win with a 3/4 sitout facebuster, which remains as of yet un-named! Rating - 50



Backstage... - We go back to see Lex Luger towelling himself down after his victory earlier this evening. Out of nowhere though Luger is dropped like a sack of potatoes with a vicious lariat from behind. Stan Hansen continues his assault, taking off his belt and whipping the tar out of Lex Luger. It appears he has made up for his miscommunication with Ric Flair from last week and has proven himself a true friend of The Horseman. Rating - 71



Backstage Interview - Across we go to Ric Flair again, who has demanded some more time to speak. He thanks Hansen for his help, explaining that whilst he can easily defeat Lex Luger without help from others, he much prefers to do it easily, leaving himself time to recover for the final vs Sting. He is what he says he is, "The Dirtiest Player In The Game!" Rating - 84



Main Event - Sting vs Stan Hansen in a WCW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi-Final Match!


This one is a brawl from the outset, the fire of revenge burning a hole inside Sting and unleashing itself as a variety of punches, kicks, chops and clotheslines on The Cowboy. Maybe Sting started too fast though, using up too much energy without putting Hansen away. Hansen is a multi-time, multi-company World Champion though and not someone who can be put away easily. As we tick past 10 minutes Hansen is in firm control, working over the back and neck of Sting.


The crowd murmurs as a ruckus breaks out in the entrance way. Lex Luger is being held back by security from storming the ring, his distraction does give Sting an opening for a comeback however and he makes the most of it. Hansen is reeling from big right hands as Sting looks to take back control. The ruckus at the entrance way gets larger as The Horseman barrel into Luger sending him sprawling across the rampway. Arn, Tully, Flair and Sid inflict a massive beatdown on Luger. Sting sees this and seems to switch into a higher gear, he drops Hansen with a massive DDT before dragging the near 300 pound Texan back to his feet before dropping him once again, this time with a Scorpion Death Drop for the decisive victory at 20.04. Rating - 77



The show goes off the air with Sting storming up the ramp, steel chair in hand, sending The Horseman scattering as he forms a protective shield over his best friend. With anger in his eyes, Sting vows to destroy The Horseman once and for all.



Show Rating? - 77


TV Rating - 1.31



Post Show Thoughts


Happy with all of main event guys. Sting, Luger, Hansen and The Horseman all performed well in their segments this week. I was disappointed with Tommy Rich. Austin is young but loaded with potential so the blame for their below par match in my eyes lies squarely at the feet of Tommy. I don't envisage a long WCW career for the platinum Blonde brawler.


Solid performances from Doom and The Steiners. I'll be looking at adding The RnR Express and The Horseman to the title picture moving forward aswell as a couple of freshly signed tag teams that will be making their debut soon! The tag division is important to me and important to the success of my WCW.



WCW Week 3 Preview


Next weeks show will be headlined by the other WCW World Heavyweight Title Tourney Semi Final between Ric Flair and Lex Luger. Is it as cut and dried as it seems?


We'll also see more from Dustin Rhodes in light of Zbyzsko's comments this week as well as members of both Doom and The Steiner's in action.


There will be another new face making his debut along with more from The Freebirds and their desire for TV Title Gold.



Final Word


Because I am a fan of organising stuff, at the end of each month I shall do a quick roster break down from top to bottom, placing the wrestlers into a form of a league table, so you guys can see who is moving up and who is moving down. It will be popularity based to give you guys an idea of who is gaining pop and why.


Thank-you so much to everyone that takes the time to read this, scan this, or just read the results of the matches. The aim is to provide people with something to look forward to reading about and maintaining compelling storylines to entertain you.


Any feedback, critique or general comments at all on this Dynasty would be greatly appreciated.


Thank-you so much.



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheJon" data-cite="TheJon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Glad to see an early WCW dynasty, good luck to you.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sting didn't start doing the death drop until his Crow days. Not a bad start though. I'll definitely check in on this!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Jaysin. Let's call it creative license. I'm not a big fan of the ridiculous amount of roll-up finishes WCW used around this time and I wanted something to show a different, more vicious side to Sting. Which he'll need if he is to hold onto his title.</p><p> </p><p> Thanks TJ, it's much appreciated. There'll be a third show arriving at some point today, UK time.</p><p> </p><p> Much appreciated!</p>
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<p><strong>WCW </strong>- World Championship Wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Date?</strong> - Saturday, Week 3 January</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Venue?</strong> - Club La Vela</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Attendance? </strong>- 5,531. Bigger crowd, not a sellout</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Announcers?</strong> - Jim Ross, <strong>Jesse Ventura</strong> and Tony Schiavone</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Who are the Champs?</strong> -</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>US Title</strong> - Lex Luger</p><p>

<strong>WCW Tag Titles</strong> - Doom</p><p>

<strong>WCW TV Title</strong> - Z-Man</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<em>In a pre-show match, highly talented "Beautiful Bobby Eaton picked up a comfortable win over Keith Hart</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>What happened?</strong> - Let's find out.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match One</strong> - Brian Pillman vs Motor City Madman</p><p> </p><p>

We start this episode of WCW much like last week, with a high octane and highly successful performance from Brian Pillman. Like last week, he picked up a fairly routine victory after 4.39 with an Air Pillman. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>39</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Segment</strong> - Back we go now, for a few words with JYD. The sheer likeability of the man shines through, giving him a super working class aura. He has been watching WCW closely and there is a man. The one they call "Vader". He is big, strong and a complete wrecking ball. However, he is completely without scruples and uses his God given abilities to take things too far. That is something that JYD cannot, and willnot, let slide. He wants a match with Vader to teach him a lesson. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>54</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Two</strong> - El Gigante vs Norman The Lunatic</p><p> </p><p>

Not the greatest match here, nor was it designed to be. It gives the commentators time to quickly run down the burgeoning issue between Vader and both El Gigante and JYD. Two men who have taken umbrage with BVV's actions over the past couple of weeks. After 4.19, El Gigante picks up the win alongside more momentum with a chokeslam, ably performed on the big man. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>30</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong> - We get a brief rundown of the past 5 months of Sid Vicious and his complete domination of a lot of undercard WCW workers. We have yet to come across a man physically able to stop Sid in his tracks. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>73</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Three</strong> - <strong>The Headshrinkers</strong> vs The Young Pistols</p><p> </p><p>

We have a debut here, the freshly signed tag team of Fatu and Samu are here in WCW and have been named The Headshrinkers. They are rough, tough and quick for their size with the ability to absorb insane amounts of punishment across their cranium. TYP are a solid enough tag team but the savagery of Fatu and Samu is way too much. After 7.37 of near domination by THS, Fatu picks up the victory over Steve Armstrong with a big splash off the second rope. An impressive debut from The Samoans. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>55</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Four</strong> - <strong>Scott Hall</strong> vs El Cubano</p><p> </p><p>

Another new signing makes his debut here, the rough, tough and well built Scott hall oozes star quality. He stands 6ft5" and is built like a brick shithouse, armed with a staggering quantity of charisma. He doesn't seem to give a crap whether the fans like him or not, but a connection to him they most seem to have, cheering him on as he takes the fight to the wily heel Cubano. A top rope back suplex is followed by a newly-named Crucifix Powerbomb finisher which we are told is called "The Edge". It gives Hall the duke at 5.03 of action. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>37</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Segment</strong> - We go back to see the familiar figure of Tommy Rich, looking like he is getting ready for his match tonight. He is lacing up his boots when a shadow appears, cutting the light out surrounding Tommy. HE stands up, fists clenched, ready for a fight. It's not going to be a good one though as the man across from him is Big Van Vader! Rich throws a right first but it bounces off the skull of Vader, barely making an impact. Vader is quick and starts clubbing both sides of Rich's head, in the Vader fashion we all know and love. He beats Rich down to the ground before dropping a leg across the back of his head. He drags Rich to his feet before lifting him up and slamming him straight through a massage table, leave both Tommy Rich and the massage table, completely destroyed. Why? Because he can I guess. Vader is a marked man, but he doesn't seem to give a shit. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>60</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Five</strong> - Michael Hayes vs Terry Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

Potentially a good match here, JR is quick to tell us that the winner of this, will get a TV title shot in the immediate future, which leads to Z-man making his presence felt, watching the match from the end of the entrance way. Back and forth these relative veterans go as we approach the 8 minute mark. Terry Taylor manages to get a sleeper and sinch it in tight on The Freebird. However Jimmy Garvin makes his presence known with a clubbing right hand to the back of Z-Man, this manages to take the attention of our referee away from the match, giving Hayes the chance to mule kick TT straight in the nuts, doubling him over. He quickly drops TT with a sick-looking DDT for the super tainted win. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>61</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match Celebration</strong> - Hayes is joined in the ring by both Jimmy Garvin, and their new manager Diamond Dallas Page. They celebrate the win in a typically over the top Freebird fashion, acting like they've won the Superbowl. A win is nice of course, but they're not champions yet. Something they don't appear to have understood given the succession of Strutting Roosters we have in the ring. Z-man will have his work cut out, keeping the TV title around his waist. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>55</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Six</strong> - Dustin Rhodes vs Lethal Larry</p><p> </p><p>

Lethal Larry is Larry Cameron, who suffered a heart attack at the end of 93 in a match in Germany and unfortunately passed away. He was very much an enhancement talent in WCW and so it proved here. Dustin is looking good, adding some flash to the basic fundamentals he has, playing to the crowd whilst staying in complete control. It took Dustin 5.15 to win this match, finishing LL with a reverse atomic drop, followed by a big bulldog, driving Larry headfirst into the canvas. I'm sure Zbyzsko was backstage watching this, and he should be worried. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>27</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype Video</strong> - We get a brief video running down the recent debut's of Steve Austin and Steven Regal, complete with quick soundbites from each about their plan for WCW in 1991. As the video looks to come to an end however, we get the blank silhouette of 2 other wrestlers. These are as yet un-named but the voice over tells us the ink on the contracts are dry and we will soon have <strong>Two More</strong> new wrestlers, genuine World class wrestlers coming soon. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>52</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Seven</strong> - Rick Steiner vs Butch Reed</p><p> </p><p>

Time for a tag team preview match now. Both men are the elder members of teams who, sooner rather than later, will be wrestling for the WCW Tag Titles. It's an even match, both men are fairly similar size, strength and speed wise, so we are looking for something else to make the difference. That came in the form of each man's arsenal. Steiner is a master of a variety of suplexes and used at least four variations in this match alone. The final one, a beautiful butterfly suplex, was enough to pick up the win for Rick after a fast paced 10 minute encounter. The Steiners start to gain some momentum. Ron Simmons, on the other hand, does not look happy with his partner. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>66</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Backstage Challenge</strong> - Despite the knowledge he was in the building and the fact that his future opponent was wrestling tonight, we don't hear from Larry Zbyzsko. We do however, hear from Dustin Rhodes. Appearing alone, without his father, Dustin speaks directly into the camera, and directly at Larry Zbyzsko. He knows Zbyzsko doesn't rate him, but he is puzzled as to why Larry hasn't yet challenged him to a match. No matter, says Dustin. He wants Larry and is making a challenge to face him right now. If LZ is right and Dustin is a flash in the pan, it'll be an easy nights work. However, if LZ is wrong, it's going to be a painful lesson for the teacher. The challenge has been issued! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>59</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hype</strong> - Ahead of our Main Event pitting Ric Flair vs Lex Luger, we get a quick peak inside the locker-room of The Four Horseman. Tully, Arn and Windham are in a huddle, but we are unable to hear what they're saying. They look confident though. Just then, the camera pans across to Flair and Sid. Flair looks directly into the camera and smiles, as Sid walks up to the camera and shuts it off. The main event is next! <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>65</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Main Event</strong> - Ric Flair w/Sid Vicious vs Lex Luger w/ Sting</p><p> </p><p>

Both men are seconded tonight, which adds yet more fuel to a fire burning extremely hot. Luger starts a house of fire, tossing Flair around the ring like a ragdoll. Flair himself sets a new record of 4 Flair Flops in the first 3 minutes! A distraction by Sid however, gives Flair chance to chop Luger from behind, taking control of the match and Luger's legs, exactly where Luger does not want to be. </p><p> </p><p>

Lex Luger isn't called "the fastest improving wrestler in the world" for nothing though and as the match ticks toward 20 minutes, he makes his comeback. Flair is pinballed around the ring as Luger hits him with clotheslines, atomic drops and 2 vertical suplexes in a row. As Flair is clambering to his feet after the second one, Sid makes his presence known, jumping onto the apron, in an attempt to draw the ire of Luger. Which it does. But it also draws the ire of Sting, our big babyface drags Sid to the floor and peppers him with right hands, staggering Vicious in a way not seen in some time. </p><p> </p><p>

Flair has had his time to recover in the ring though and as Luger has turned his attention back toward Flair, it has given Flair the second he needed to lock Lex Luger in a small package, with Flair tucking his legs across the bottom rope for added leverage. It's a very tainted win, but it's still a win after 20.18. <strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>81</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Post Match</strong> - A number of things take place in what can only be described as a hectic last 4 minutes. First, Flair runs into the now free arms of Sid Vicious and is protected up the ramp, leaving Luger and Flair seething in the ring. Luger more so, given the chance he has just lost. Then, we get the testing of the microphone over the loud speakers as our newly-minted Director of Wrestling Operations <strong>Paul Heyman</strong> makes his presence known. </p><p> </p><p>

He has a couple of announcements for us. </p><p> </p><p>

1. At Clash Of The Champions, set to take place in 8 days time, it will be a huge tag match in the main event. It will be Ric Flair and a mystery partner to take on Sting and a mystery partner.</p><p> </p><p>

Both Sting and Flair look completely confused by this turn of events. Flair has 4 other partners he would sooner choose in The Horseman, whereas Sting has absolutely no trust in Paul Heyman giving him a fair shake. Heyman seems as genuine as someone like him possibly can be when informing Sting that it will be a former World Champion joining him.</p><p> </p><p>

2. Also taking place at Clash Of The Champions will be a US Title Match. Stan Hansen has demanded a one on one shot at Lex Luger and has been granted the match, to take place at The Clash.</p><p> </p><p>

Paul Heyman thanks the fans for coming, and lets us know one more thing. Our main event next week at WCW will be Sting taking on Arn Anderson in a no-dq match!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>79</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

We go off the air with an air of confusion surrounding our main event scene. Flair and Sting have new partners to look forward (or not) to. Luger will defend his US title against a pissed off Stan Hansen. Double A has the chance to soften up Sting next week and we again wonder just who the new signings are going to be!!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>76</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TV Rating?</strong> - <span style="color:#006400;"><strong>1.35</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Post Show Thoughts</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

A mixed bag this week. The main event scene is drawing good ratings across the board with everyone playing their part, but the other end of the spectrum, even guys like Dustin Rhodes, whose pop is in the 40 range, only pulls a match less than 30. But it is to be expected I guess, especially as we start this Dynasty. Once everyone is where I need them to be, it should be a lot more solid up and down the card. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Week Four Preview</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

We have Sting v AA in the main event. We have the other half of the tag teams with Ron Simmons taking on Scott Steiner, which promises to be a very physical match. Will we find out who the two new signings are? And are they related to the mystery partners at The Clash?</p><p> </p><p>

We have Z-Man defending the TV Title against Michael Hayes, he'll need to be at his best to avoid dropping the title amongst all the interference bound to happen. Vader, Steve Austin and Scott Hall will also all be in action as we go home to The Clash!</p><p> </p><p>

We will also have a full run down and prediction contest for The Clash itself. Six matches in total, a lot more even than the shows!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">My Final Thoughts</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Thank-you so much again to anyone who takes the time to read this. Thanks to anyone that has any sort of critique, be it positive or negative. This is a pure pleasure project. I like writing about wrestling. I love wrestling itself and the opportunities this game opens up for Wrestling fans. I hope this comes across. </p><p> </p><p>

Any feedback, general thoughts or ideas on what is/isn't working would be fantastic. This is going to be a long running thing. I'm hoping to get at least 18 months of a Dynasty out there. This format seems to work well for me in terms of being able to get my thoughts and ideas out clearly. </p><p> </p><p>

Thanks Guys,</p><p> </p><p>


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WCW - World Championship Wrestling


Date? - Saturday, Week 3 January


Venue? - Club La Vela...again


Attendance? - 5,941. Bigger crowd.....again, not a sellout....again


Announcers? - Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -


US Title - Lex Luger

WCW Tag Titles - Doom

WCW TV Title - Z-Man



In a pre-show hype video we see the best of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, The Rock n' Roll Express



What Happened? - Let's find out....



Match One - "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton vs The Juicer


Two very talented in-ring competitors start the show off with a bang as Eaton takes on Art Barr under his rather odd gimmick, The Juicer. Its a fast pased bout is this, with Barr giving as much as he is getting from the experienced yet still young enough to challange, BBE. It is Eaton that picks up the win though, a vertical suplex followed by a perfectly executed Alabama Jam at 5.34. Rating - 65



Hype Video - We get a short 2 minute video showing the debut of The Headshrinkers. The video focuses on their strengths, power, speed, menace, toughness, and getting across that the WCW Tag Division is put on notice. Rating - 42



Backstage Promo - Back we go to everyone's famous New Yorker - Paul Heyman. He hypes the show tonight and let's everyone know just how much of a game changer the new signings will be. He also has an important announcement to make...


The camera pans to the left and we see a mammoth sized figure next to Heyman. "My new client, Big Van Vader, was looking for the right type of guidance. He has all the physical gifts a man could wish and now he has a guiding hand of the most successful advocate in all of Professional Wrestling...me. Paul Heyman". Vader bumps fists with Heyman and stares directly down the camera...the game well and truly changed. Rating - 72



Match Two - Big Van Vader vs Pez Whatley and The Italian Stallion


It may be a handicap match, but it has absolutely no negative effect on Vader. He destroys both men with clubbing fists, big suplexes, humongous leg drops and two VaderBombs apiece. The match is done at 4.39. Rating - 33



Hype Video - Another quick video, re-introducing the snobbish Steven Regal, he is above any American that steps in the ring with him, and though he cannot bear to touch any of these unwashed American's, without Regal, the class level in WCW will stay below par. Rating - 42



Match Three - Tully Blanchard vs Brad Armstrong


Barry Windham is seconding Tully this evening and it looks as though Brad will have his work cut out for him if he is to gain a positive result tonight. Armstrong is a fighter though and does all he can to negate the outside interference whilst trying to wear out Tully using his speed advantage. It's not a bad plan but it remains 2 on 1 and Tully manages to get a semi-clean victory after 8.06 with a Backdrop Driver. Rating - 74



Match Four - Brian Pillman vs Big Cat


Another impressive performance by "flyin' Brian here. He takes it straight to the massive Cat, constantly keeping him off guard with his whirling dervish style of attack. Big Cat does manage to catch Pillman eventually and aims to wear down the smaller man. It works...but only briefly. Brian Pillman is in a rich vein of form so far this year and manages to get the match back in his favour. A missile dropkick is followed more or less straight away by an Air Pillman, managing not only to take Big Cat off his feet, but keep him on his back for the 3 count at 5.28. Rating - 43



Match Five - Scott Hall vs Pat Rose


We get another match more or less straight away, this time it is Scott Hall looking to continue his momentum. Rose doesn't have the physical nor mental ability to have any sort of positive impact on Hall, leaving Hall to completely dominate the match. After 5.05 he picks up the victory with a very impressive "edge" on the unfortunate Rose. Rating - 32



Backstage Hype - We get a backstage interview with Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious now. The two Horseman members discuss their plans for later on, with Double A going head to head with Sting with the plan to soften him up for The Clash this weekend. Anderson is supremely confident that not only will Sting not be 100% this weekend, but both Sid Vicious and he will leave Sting in such a state that it will be a mere formality and the richest prize in the business, the WCW World Heavyweight Title, will belong where it is supposed to. With The Four Horseman. Rating - 76



Match Six - Steve Austin vs Norman The Lunatic


One of these men is a badass, and it isn't the one with "lunatic" in his name. Steve Austin is aggressive and clinical in his dismantling of the former "Mike Shaw". Austin drags this match on maybe slightly longer than he should but his dominance is in no doubt. 5.21 is how long it takes. Austin finishes the match with his 3/4 jaw breaker, JR announces he will be looking to find out the name of this "stunning" manoeuvre. Rating - 32



Backstage hype - A pre-produced and to the point video now with El Gigante, Vader's opponent at The Clash this weekend. Through the subtitles we learn that El Gigante prided himself on protecting people from bullies back in his native Argentina. The way he sees it, Vader is a bully, on a bigger scale, and it is down to Gigante to protect WCW from him. Rating - 44



Match Seven - Z-Man vs Michael Hayes for the WCW TV Title


Z-man starts off the defence of his title like a man possessed, taking it straight to Hayes and rocking him back on his heels. Garvin jumps on the apron and is knocked straight off and into the steel guardrail . This distraction though, is enough to give Hayes chance to turn the momentum around. Relentless is the word of the day, Hayes is determined to gain his first singles Championship in WCW, he doesn't care who it comes at the expense of. Z-Man is no easy pickings though and is determined to keep hold of his TV Title.


As the match ticks toward the 10 minute mark, both men are showing the effects of going all out in this match. Zenk has control of the match and looks for a diving cross body off the top rope. He waits for Hayes to reach his feet and launches himself smack-dab onto Hayes, they go crashing into the canvas together. However, the sheer force of the crossbody enabled Hayes to roll through, finding himself on top of Zenk. Quick as a flash, Hayes hooks the tights outside of the ref's eyesight and just like that, we have a new TV Champion. Rating - 47



Backstage Brawl - We don't have time for Hayes to celebrate though as there is a ruckus backstage. We go back to see agents and producers desperately trying to keep Stan Hansen and Lex Luger apart. The two rivals look to have found eachother backstage and they certainly don't want to wait until The Clash. Unfortunately we don't get to see any more action. Fortunately we will get to see these two go at it this weekend. Rating - 75



Match Eight - Ron Simmons vs Scott Steiner


A bruising encounter here. Neither man is able to take full control of the match. These two are evenly matched in both the power and toughness categories. Simmons using his pro football experience to unleash explosive attacks and Steiner using his wrestling pedigree to try and keep Simmons under some form of control.


The match comes down to one decisive moment just after the 10 minute mark. Steiner whips Simmons into the ropes and launches himself into the air looking for a Frankensteiner. Simmons has this scouted though and holds himself back on the ropes, leaving Steiner nothing to do but to crash to the canvas. As Scotty looks to get back to his feet, Simmons rushes to meet him and, in one movement, picks up Steiner and crashes him hard to the canvas, Steiner's head hitting especially hard. There is no kicking out of this and Simmons picks up an extremely impressive victory. Rating - 62



Mystery Hype Video - A short hype video now, promoting the big tag match to take place at The Clash. We focus on both Sting and Flair trying to prepare for the match and looking to build vital momentum ahead of their World Title match at Superbrawl. This is hard though, as neither man has a clue who their partner is going to be. Friend? Or Foe? Rating - 82



Main Event - Sting vs Arn Anderson. No Holds Barred


These two men know eachother extremely well. They've been both friend and foe over the past few years. Don't be mistaken though, Double A doesn't want to just hurt Sting, he wants to win this match for himself. He's never really been seen as a true main eventer on his own. Winning this would show everyone just how good Arn Anderson really is as a top wrestler. Wanting to beat Sting is a completely different ball game than actually beating Sting is and, with just over 15 minutes gone, Double A has struggled to get positive momentum going.


He's a wily old fox though, is Double A. It takes but a second in wrestling to completely change the way a match is going and as Sting is attempting to roll Double A over and sinch in the Scorpion Death Lock, Arn seizes the moment and kicks Sting with his free foot, sending Sting crashing shoulder first into the ring-post. This is the moment Arn wanted and as Sting staggers around, Arn absolutely levels him with a wicked Spinebuster!
















NO! Sting just about manages to get a shoulder up. The good shoulder. Arn is frustrated but gets to his feet and measures Sting for another Spinebuster. Sting blocks it though and hits Arn with a double handed chop to the throat of "The Enforcer" before spiking him with a wicked DDT. Much like the Hansen match, this seems to be the set-up for Sting's new Scorpion Death Drop manoeuvre. Before he has chance to hit it though, he is levelled from behind by Barry Windham. The ref has no other choice but to end this match as a disqualification at the 18 minute mark. Rating - 78



Post Match - Sting is a tough man and not one who is ordinarily beaten down by one man. This isn't one man though...we have 5 of the best wrestlers in the world and they all have a common goal. To beat the tar out of the biggest babyface in all of pro wrestling. Anderson nails another spinebuster, Tully follows with a backdrop driver, Barry Windham with a spine crushing superplex and the assault is given a 6ft 9 exclamation point in the form of a huge Powerbomb by Sid Vicious. Sting is out. Sting is done.


The Horseman aren't though, more specifically Ric Flair isn't done. Sting is lifeless and unable to protect himself. He's in prime position, in other words, for a Figure four leg lock. Flair sinches it in and leans all the way back, putting an immense amount of pressure on Sting's knees. The bell is ringing and the ref's are trying to drag Ric Flair off of Sting. There is no Lex Luger to help and there's Five Horseman. They will stop when they're good and ready and they don't appear ready just yet. The show goes off air with referees, producers and backstage staff desperately trying to pry Ric Flair off Sting as The Horseman stand guard. This round is definitively Ric Flair's. Rating - 79



Show Rating? - 77


TV Rating? - 1.37



Post Show Thoughts


A bit more of an intense ending to the show this week. I'm not a fan of parity booking and wanted to go all out with Sting getting the shit kicked out of him, leaving more questions surrounding The Clash's main event this weekend. Who are the partners? Will they all co-exist? What will Sting's condition be? Will he even make it to the match?


I wanted to give Hansen and Luger a bit more time but didn't want to leave out some of the newer guys I am trying to push. Pillman, Austin, Hall, Vader and Regal are all important to me. I am looking at at least 3/4 of them to be upper-midcard at least by the end of the calendar year. Maybe even higher than that.


Not a Z-Man fan and I wanted to give Hayes a title run, for a time at least. I am looking at doing a bit more with the Freebirds. We have Hayes and Garvin, DDP as manager as well as a couple of guys who could be brought in to compliment them.


I was looking to surprise with the Simmons victory, Scott is a massive part of the future but i wanted to give him a challenge to overcome on the way there.


I really hope you guys enjoyed it! If any of the post show thoughts stuff is unnecessary then let me know, it's not something that is set in stone as of right now.



The Clash Preview


It's a 2 hour show, I didn't want a full PPV in January as with Starrcade being the biggest show of the year, i wanted to give a full couple of months build toward the next one, to give wrestlers and their storylines time to breathe after hopefully coming to a crescendo at Starrcade.


It will be important in terms of setting the stage and being used as a launchpad to launch us into the next wave of PPV matches.


There will be a prediction contest though, I'll have the matches up shortly and will give you guys ( hopefully you'll predict!) 24/36 hours to get in on it. I have The Clash written up already so I'm ready to go with that.



My Final Thoughts


Thank-you again to everyone that takes the time to read this, like it, vote for it, comment on it, or even think about it whilst working or driving in the car! Any feedback, be it positive, negative, helpful or even unhelpful, let me know. I'm doing it to hopefully provide a bit of entertainment. If there is something I can improve on that would make it more entertaining, I'll definitely take it on board!,


Cheers Guys,

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Clash Of The Champions




Main Event Tag Match - Ric Flair and ? vs Sting and ?


US Title Match - Lex Luger © vs Stan Hansen


Six Man Brawl - Doom and Kevin Sullivan vs The Steiner Brothers and JYD


Special Challenge Match - Sid Vicious v Terry Taylor


Battle Of The Big Men - Big Van Vader vs El Gigante


10 Man Battle Royale, winner gets a US Title Shot within Four Weeks


Contenders are - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Brian Pillman, Bobby Eaton, Dustin Rhodes, Larry Zbyzsko, Ricky Morton, Scott Hall, Steve Austin, Tully Blanchard.



Feel free to fire in your predictions as well as any reasoning behind them and any general thoughts on how the show is shaping up. As I said, the show is written up and ready to go.


Happy Predicting!!

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<p>Main Event Tag Match - Ric Flair and ? vs <strong>Sting and ?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

US Title Match -<strong> Lex Luger © </strong>vs Stan Hansen</p><p> </p><p>

Six Man Brawl - Doom and Kevin Sullivan <strong>vs The Steiner Brothers and JYD</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Special Challenge Match <strong>- Sid Vicious</strong> v Terry Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

Battle Of The Big Men - <strong>Big Van Vader</strong> vs El Gigante</p><p> </p><p>

10 Man Battle Royale, winner gets a US Title Shot within Four Weeks</p><p> </p><p>

Contenders are -<strong> Arn Anderson</strong>, Barry Windham, Brian Pillman, Bobby Eaton, Dustin Rhodes, Larry Zbyzsko, Ricky Morton, Scott Hall, Steve Austin, Tully Blanchard</p><p> </p><p>

Should be a decent show. That is a stacked lineup for the battle royale!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sco xY2Jx" data-cite="Sco xY2Jx" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51139" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Main Event Tag Match - Ric Flair and ? vs <strong>Sting and ?</strong><p> </p><p> US Title Match -<strong> Lex Luger © </strong>vs Stan Hansen</p><p> </p><p> Six Man Brawl - Doom and Kevin Sullivan <strong>vs The Steiner Brothers and JYD</strong></p><p> </p><p> Special Challenge Match <strong>- Sid Vicious</strong> v Terry Taylor</p><p> </p><p> Battle Of The Big Men - <strong>Big Van Vader</strong> vs El Gigante</p><p> </p><p> 10 Man Battle Royale, winner gets a US Title Shot within Four Weeks</p><p> </p><p> Contenders are -<strong> Arn Anderson</strong>, Barry Windham, Brian Pillman, Bobby Eaton, Dustin Rhodes, Larry Zbyzsko, Ricky Morton, Scott Hall, Steve Austin, Tully Blanchard</p><p> </p><p> Should be a decent show. That is a stacked lineup for the battle royale!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Cheers mate. Yeah "decent" is probably the apt word to describe the show. It's an important one but it also is going to set the stage for the company going forward aswell as introducing some new names. These won't necessarily be names that need to be pushed slowly to the top ala Hall, Austin and Regal etc. More so they'll be names that are already bona-fide main eventers, giving the company a shot in the arm whilst also providing new opponents for The Horseman and Sting!</p><p> </p><p> I always have some from of Battle Royale on or during a PPV. it pains me to leave out wrestlers, especially when I have such a good amount of genuinely top drawer in-ring performers. The Horseman, Pillman, Eaton, the new young signings all have their first couple of feuds laid out. A couple may stem from this particular match and i thought it important to keep them in the public eye as much as possible.</p><p> </p><p> Show will be up today!!</p><p> </p><p> Anyone else who wants to join in on the predictions....please do! I look forward to see which way people interpret the way I book. </p><p> </p><p> Cheers guys!</p>
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WCW - Clash Of The Champions


Date? - Sunday, Week 4 January


Venue? - The Omni. WCW's "home" arena


Attendance? - 17,000. A sellout! People must be digging the new direction!


Announcers? - Jim Ross, Jesse Ventura and Tony Schiavone


Who are the Champs? -


US Title - Lex Luger - since Dec 90

WCW Tag Titles - Doom - May 90

WCW TV Title - Michael Hayes - since Jan 91



What Happened? - Let's find out....



Match One - Big Van Vader vs El Gigante


Both men have talked tough over the past few weeks. Both men seem genuinely confident that they will come out of this match on top.


The only wrestler that was ever going to win this match was Vader. Straight from the opening bell, he makes a mockery of the size advantage that Gigante has. He clubs him straight down before mounting the mammoth Argentinian. He rains in blow after blow as E.G desperately tries to cover up.


The first five minutes are all Vader. Gigante makes a desperate attempt to turn the match to his favour, but is cut off sharpish by Vader. A spinebuster is followed by a a big splash before Vader drags a near lifeless Gigante to the corner. A Vaderbomb follows (just one) and this one is done. Rating - 57


Post Match Promo


Paul Heyman loves to gloat, and after that performance, he is well within his rights to do so. He hypes up Vader as only he can and at the end of this 2 minute segment we are left with no doubt that Vader is a serious contender for Championship Gold here in WCW. Rating - 67



Match Two - Sid Vicious vs Terry Taylor


We go from one big man to another here, with Sid Vicious looking to draw the "big man" attention back toward himself..and The Horseman. He is seconded here by Double A with the talented Terry Taylor finding himself friendless tonight.


Taylor is a good wrestler and he gives a good account of himself here. He plays the smaller man well and uses his quickness and superior pure wrestling ability to try and keep Sid guessing.


As the saying goes though.." a good big man will always beat a good little man", and it is never more true than tonight. It takes Sid upwards up of 8 minutes but he manages to fangle hold of Taylor, first with a Chokeslam and then with a heavy Powerbomb for the Three. Arn watches, un-needed and impressed. Rating - 53



Backstage Reveal


Back we go to Sting's locker room for an interview with our Number One Babyface. He is confident in his chances tonight. He isn't 100% but he will not give The Horseman the satisfaction of pulling out. That's something he will never do. He will fight and fight and continue fighting until he has nothing left. But, before that happens, you can bet your bottom dollar that Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and The rest of The Horseman will be going down with him.


Sting is certainly hyped up tonight. The only thing that can break his concentration however is a noise from off camera. Sting glances to his left and does a literal double take. It appears he has seen who his tag team partner in our main event tonight is.


Who is it?


















Jim Ross about has a heart attack on commentary. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is back in WCW and back on the opposite side of the ring from maybe his greatest rival, Ric Flair. Sting has back-up. Serious back-up. Rating - 72



Match Four - 10 Man Battle Royal for a US Title Shot.


Contenders - Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, Tully Blanchard, Bobby Eaton, Steve Austin, Scott Hall, Brian Pillman, Dustin Rhodes, Larry Zbyzsko and Ricky Morton.


The crowd are still abuzz from the reveal of "The Dragon". The Four Horseman, despite being nearly a third of this match are visibly rattled, leading to Scott Hall claiming a huge scalp, driving Barry Windham over the top rope and down to the floor! Windham is gone!


Dustin Rhodes and Larry Zbyzsko meet eachother in the centre of the ring, their war of words fresh in both men's minds. Dustin is younger and stronger, Larry the wily veteran and it takes every bit of his wiliness to use Dustin's momentum against him, sending Dustin Rhodes out!


Steve Austin is a house of fire from the off, taking it to both faces and heels indiscriminantly, Ricky Morton the first to feel the wrath with Bobby Eaton the next out. Steve Austin makes a major impact here in his first big time match.


Shortly after Eaton exits, Austin finds himself staring face to face with Brian Pillman, another young stud with a tonne of momentum coming into this event. Austin looks to make his third elimination of the match but Pillman has him scouted, ducking a clothesline and executing a beautiful looking drop-kick, sending Steve Austin over the top rope!


We are down to 5 men. Double A and Tully from The Horseman, Brian Pillman, Scott Hall and Larry Zbyzsko.


The Horseman use their numerical advantage, taking it straight to Scott Hall, as Pillman and Zbyzsko fight it out across the ring. Arn holds Scott from behind whilst Tully launches right after right square into the gut of Scott Hall. Tully takes control and looks to hit a backdrop driver. Scott Hall is a big man though, and not one to be lifted easily. Double A sees this and barrels toward Hall, looking to help his team-mate. Shockingly, Scott Hall manages to duck out of the way and Arn Anderson goes crashing out, with Tully unknowingly being used as the ramp to do it!


Over the other side of the ring, Larry looks to take Pillman out and go closer to gaining singles Gold but Pillman won't be denied, Larry looks to lock on a sleeper but Pillman manages to evade, both men end up exchanging right hands perilously close to the ropes. Foreshadowing in full effect here as Tully comes behind and eliminates both Brian Pillman and Larry Zbyzsko, leaving just 2 men left. Scott Hall vs Tully Blanchard.


Both men circle as the fan's anticipation grows, sensing a major upset on the cards here. Unfortunately, Arn Anderson hadn't quite taken himself to the back just yet and makes his presence felt here. He hops on the apron and draws the attention of Scott Hall who wings a big right hand at him. Double A sees this though and as quick as he was up...he's back down, leaving Hall catching nothing but air. This gives Tully a massive opening and he has too much experience to let this one slip away. He dumps Scott Hall over the top rope, claiming the win and the shot at the US Title! The Horseman celebrate backwards up the ramp as Scott Hall seethes on the floor. I don't think this one is over. Rating - 73



Hype Video - A short video now, to give the crowd chance to cool down, highlighting the feud between Doom and The Steiners. Both teams have a win over the other in singles competition this past couple of weeks and with the addition of JYD on the face side and Kevin Sullivan on the heel side, we should be in for a brawl! Rating - 63



Six Man Brawl - The Steiner Brothers and JYD vs Doom and Kevin Sullivan


Sometimes a match is completely different to what you think it's going to be. Sometimes it's not. This is a brawl. Pure and simple. From the first second of the match to the 15th minute, all six men barely pause for breath as they take it to opposing team members. It is completely random. Ron Simmons ends up taking out both himself and JYD on the outside of the ring with a quite vicious spear tackle. Rick Steiner and Butch Reed fight all the way up the ramp.


This leaves Kevin Sullivan and Scott Steiner the last two men standing.....in the ring anyway. Sullivan has the experience edge and looks to make it count by picking up the victory for his team. Scotty has a point to prove however. He was defeated on WCW TV and is a house of fire here as he looks to gain the win. He breaks free of everything Sullivan attempts to dish out and nails three successive German Suplexes. He doesn't hold on. He just flings Sullivan around the ring and picks him back up again. After the third Sullivan looks done. Steiner isn't though, he drags Sully to his feet and launches him into the ropes where he is met on his return with a picture perfect Frankensteiner for the hard-fought yet decisive victory. Rating - 67



Post Match - Scott heads to the back to find his brother, Simmons looks to do the same with Butch Reed. JYD finally makes it to his feet but this isn't a sensation he'll have for long. No sooner is he up than he is straight back down again, courtesy of a vicious clothesline from Big Van Vader! With Paul Heyman shouting instructions the assault is as brutal as it is sudden. Mounted punches are followed by a Spinebuster and a Vaderbomb. JYD is left a battered and bruised mess as Heyman guides Vader back up the ramp. Rating - 58



Match Six - Lex Luger vs Stan Hansen for The US Heavyweight Title


Not so much a change of pace here...more a continuation. Luger and Hansen meet head on in the middle of the ring. Luger carries the edge in raw power, but Hansen carries power of a different variety. Allied with his experience and toughness, Hansen is a hard man to stop. Luger gives it a good go but both men exchange rights, lefts and clotheslines over the first six minutes without either man managing to get out in front.


The experience of Hansen starts to show as the match ticks on. His immense ability to fight down pain and keep moving forward looks to give him the edge here. A stiff brainbuster leaves Luger down and Hansen looks to be close to victory. Hansen takes his place about 6 feet from Luger and winds up his world famous lariat.


Funny thing about experience. It nearly always increases alongside age and wear and tear. Luger has far less on his body and is very much improved as a wrestler. He sees Hansen's lariat coming and just about manages to avoid it. Luger continues his forward momentum, bounces off the ropes and nails a running forearm to Hansen. The crowd roar as Luger looks to finish the match off and retain his title. He stalks Hansen for The Rack, his immensely painful Argentinian back-breaker.


Hansen wobbles to his feet and Luger hoists him up. He has the legs but hasn't quite grasped the head of Hansen. Hansen fights as hard has he can and manages to find a foot(or finger) hold in Lex's face. More specifically he rakes the eyes of our US Champ, causing both men to tumble to the floor. No more than 5 seconds later both men seem to have found a third wind exchanging hard rights as they both tumble outside the ring. There is no let up here though as they brawl around the ringside area, neither man giving an inch. The ref follows them around and does what he can to guide both men (or even one, give us a winner guys!) back to the ring but neither man has any intention of doing so, brawling their way up the ramp as the ref is forced to call for a double count out! - Rating - 86



Backstage - Our cameras pick up Luger and Hansen continuing their brawl through the backstage area, using whatever they can to try and gain an edge and come out on top of this brawl. Backstage agents are, fortunately, backstage to help and finally, finally, this brawl comes to a heated stalemate.


Which is handy, because the camera pans to Arn Anderson beckoning us inside the locker room of The Four Horseman. It appears from his much improved demeanour that Ric Flair's tag partner has been revealed and that it is someone Flair is happy to team with.


Who is that man?


This is that man...















None other than "Ravishing" Rick Rude! He shakes hands with Ric Flair as Arn slaps him on the back, happy to have him on side. Our Main Event tag match is next!! Rating - 85



Main Event - Ric Flair and Rick Rude vs Sting and Ricky Steamboat


I think it is fair to say that anticipation is high coming into this one. Sting teaming up with one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Ricky Steamboat. This should give him an edge in almost any situation. However, Ric Flair has on side one of the toughest men in Pro Wrestling in Rick Rude. He's not just a pretty face. He's not just built like an Adonis. He is a world class Pro Wrestler.


It is a see-saw battle in every sense of the word(s). Sting uses his strength, Flair his experience, Steamboat his quickness and Rude his toughness as both teams battle to emerge the winner. There is no Horseman outside the ring for this one, with Flair looking to Rude alone to help secure the victory.


The match ticks toward 20 minutes with Flair on top and Steamboat desperately looking for a tag. Flair goes up for his "signature" double axe off the top, but in a complete shocker, he is caught up there and dumped into the ring by Steamboat. This is the chance he was looking for and he manages to tag in a relatively fresh Sting.


Flair doesn't quite manage to make it to Rude though, Sting in his haste runs straight over Ric Flair and into Rick Rude, sending him crashing to the ringside area. Sting continues his assault on Flair, looking to give him a receipt for the beating he took on WCW Television.


It was a beating though and as fresh as Sting is in this match, he is way below 100%. Flair looks to reverse the tide with a low blow which drops Sting to his knees. Flair doesn't have much time to celebrate though as Steamboat is back in with a flying chop from the top rope, causing Flair to "flop" face first onto the mat. Rude is next in with a big forearm to the back of Steamboat's neck followed by a vicious neckbreaker. Again though, the wrestler on top is not on top for long.....Sting is up and he nails a running clothesline perfectly, nearly taking Rude's head clean off!


This is the moment Flair needs though, Sting's attention briefly diverted, he cradles his rival and with extra leverage from a pull on the tights, at 23 minutes, we have a winner! Rating - 83



Post Match - That's not to say though that any of these men give off the impression of being victor's. We had over 20 minutes of all out wrestling between four of the finest in the business but at the end of the day, Ric Flair found a way to win. Not only that but he managed to pin his upcoming opponent at SuperBrawl for the World Heavyweight Title! The Horseman do make an appearance now, celebrating at the top of the ramp with both Flair and Rude as Steamboat consoles Sting in the ring. Off to TV we go, and the build to SuperBrawl begins! Rating - 86



Show Rating? - 88


Buy Rate? - 0.88



Post Show Thoughts


Putting aside the reveals, the shock for me was Luger and Hansen getting an 86, without a clean finish. I did not expect that.


Rude and Steamboat both debuted successfully in terms of in ring and gimmick performance. I hope that the Battle Royal was a surprise. I want to introduce new faces to feud with The Horseman, people we haven't seen before, to create fresh, not quite dream, matches!


There will be a proper WCW TV Preview show coming up soon, I want to give it the time it deserves and start to put into place the feudal pieces that will carry the show over the next few months.


As always, any feedback, be it positive or negative, helpful or not, let me know!


Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this. It is greatly appreciated.



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great show, man! you seem to know your stuff when it comes to booking, cause i really like what you're setting up so far!


i'd like to give you some suggestions, if you don't mind:


-I do hope you sign the harts. the timing would be perfect, too, as bret was stuck in the midcard and owen was in NJPW, i believe. same with davey boy and neidhart.


-speaking of perfect, curt hennig would be a perfect signing, too (pun intended)! macho man randy savage, too. as for tag teams, terry gordy and steve williams as well as the fantastics would be good additions.


-do you plan on having a cruiserweight division? cause most of the cruiserweights (benoit, the malenkos, jerry lynn, waltman, etc...) were available. the only problem is that they're not over, but yeah, could be a good idea. especially since you got pillman to build it around.


all in all, keep up the good work!

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Good show, dude. Plants seeds nicely for future feuds and you booked it pretty much how I would have.

I was also 100% with thinking Rude and Steamboat would be the mystery partners.

WCW is lacking star power at this time and they're too good not to pick up.

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Good show, dude. Plants seeds nicely for future feuds and you booked it pretty much how I would have.

I was also 100% with thinking Rude and Steamboat would be the mystery partners.

WCW is lacking star power at this time and they're too good not to pick up.


Nice one pal. Appreciate it. I think when you start with WCW and look at the available talent, they're the two ready made main eventers you practically have to sign. They're both great workers. Rude is pretty much in his prime, Steamboat a bit older but he has another 2/3 years left I reckon.


I'll always try and make sure every match means something. It's a bit harder with the Vader/Sid matches but the Battle Royal was a prime way of both getting a lot of wrestlers on the show as well as starting/furthering new feuds.


great show, man! you seem to know your stuff when it comes to booking, cause i really like what you're setting up so far!


i'd like to give you some suggestions, if you don't mind:


-I do hope you sign the harts. the timing would be perfect, too, as bret was stuck in the midcard and owen was in NJPW, i believe. same with davey boy and neidhart.


-speaking of perfect, curt hennig would be a perfect signing, too (pun intended)! macho man randy savage, too. as for tag teams, terry gordy and steve williams as well as the fantastics would be good additions.


-do you plan on having a cruiserweight division? cause most of the cruiserweights (benoit, the malenkos, jerry lynn, waltman, etc...) were available. the only problem is that they're not over, but yeah, could be a good idea. especially since you got pillman to build it around.


all in all, keep up the good work!


Appreciate the kind words mate, thank-you.


I am a million percent open to suggestions. I actually have Owen under contract which is pretty random but he's out with "personal issues". Bret for sure is someone i am going to go all out for when he becomes available. Maybe Bulldog, depending on what his in-ring skills are like.


I'd love to book a prime-ish Savage. I've only ever been able to book an older one in mid/late 90's WCW games so having him as his 91 self would be amazing. Perfect would also be someone I'd go all out for.


As for the tag teams, I wanted to sign Gordy and Williams out-right but I held back as I wanted to give Doom and The Steiners chance to have a proper feud. If they're still free come the Spring you may well get your wish!


Cruiser's is definitely something I am looking toward. But i need to trim the roster first before I bring in a new division. There is a bucket load of fantastic young talent available but it won't be something that happens the first part of this year!


Really glad you enjoyed the show. Hope you enjoy what's to come!


Great show, man.


Cheers mate, it's much appreciated!

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I am a million percent open to suggestions. I actually have Owen under contract which is pretty random but he's out with "personal issues".


Believe it or not, Owen had a very short-term WCW contract in late 1990. A perfect person to build around. Dean Malenko is out there somewhere too. Solid guys to run on your B show and bring up for a Lightweight division with the likes of Pillman and Brad Armstrong. Early 90s WCW was such a great time.

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Believe it or not, Owen had a very short-term WCW contract in late 1990. A perfect person to build around. Dean Malenko is out there somewhere too. Solid guys to run on your B show and bring up for a Lightweight division with the likes of Pillman and Brad Armstrong. Early 90s WCW was such a great time.


Yet it has a terrible reputation. They had the talent but the booking was ****ing stupid half of the time. They had random tag teams win the titles whilst halfway pushing wrestlers only to stop for no obvious reason. They managed to have two world titles on the go aswell.


I'm going to try and keep away from all that nonsense!!

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Right, here we go...


WCW TV Preview - Week 1 Februrary


Our first month is in the books and we head toward Superbrawl with momentum on our side. We have a couple of matches announced for this week on TV.


Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat


We are wasting no time here with this match. Historic rivals and completely opposite personalities, these two couldn't be more different. It is Steamboat's first singles match in WCW for nearly 2 years and he couldn't have wished for a tougher start. You know that Sting, The Horseman and Rick Rude will be watching this one.


Speaking of The "ravishing" one, will we hear from him with regard to his mission statement upon entering WCW? Is he here to help Flair or does he only care about himself?


We also have a TV Title match with Michael Hayes vs Brad Armstrong. Will the Freebirds cost Brad? Will Z-Man show his face? Will a new challenger emerge?


We will also get updates from The Horseman, Scott Hall, Brian Pillman and others with the following in action;


Steven Regal

Dustin Rhodes

The Steiner Brothers


We are on for a jam-packed show!




The show itself will likely be up either later on tonight or early tomorrow depending on time. Preview's for next week's shows will continue to take place at the end of the actual show itself as with in January.


WCW League Table


I'm undecided on this. I was going to put together a football style league table, ranking the wrestlers on their average popularity across the USA. It would give you guys an idea on who is gaining pop, who is losing pop and who the most popular wrestler in the WCW is on a month by month basis.


It's genuinely down to you guys, is this something you would like to see, or is it a tad gimmicky?



Thank-you again to anyone that takes the time to read this, comment on this, contemplate reading this or thinking about Ricky Steamboat vs Ric Flair whilst driving their car!! I appreciate it massively!!!


Cheers guys,

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I would say: Yes. It is a very gimmicky idea but this is early 90's WCW and they were all about the gimmicks.


They put forth ideas to create actual toys such as a rageometer, which would measure the level of a wrestlers rage and a slam meter which was to determine how forceful a slam was. Gimmicky BS ideas but that was WCW. You're idea is logistically more sound and useful than those would've been so don't worry about being 'gimmicky'.

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