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AEW: Elite Madness (AU 1991)

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AEW Dynamite

Weds wk 4 Feb, 1991

Attendance 641; Birmingham AL




Rude, Tully & Jericho hop out of a Mercedes laughing after Rude takes his crew for a joyride. They park right next to a dumpster and head into the arena.

Brian Pillman pulls himself up from inside the dumpster, A banana peel is on his head. As he jumps out and starts looking and touching the new car.

The Gentlemen’s club roll up in a Mercedes Benz insulting Pillman as they step over his body.

Rating: 50



#5 Raven (3,3,0) vs #4 Tully Blanchard (3,2,0)

Tully looks disgusted at Raven sitting in the corner. And before the bell starts stomping on the sitting bird.

Tully scoops Raven for a slam but tosses him outside, Raven comes back with throwing Tully into the barricade and proceeds to choke Tully with a cord connected to one of the monitors.

The Ref manages to calm the 2 and get them into the ring. Tully notices the drip of red from his forehead.

Tully begins to out wrestle Raven, using solid mat skills and holds to ‘teach’ the kid a lesson

Tully Blanchard defeats Raven wit a slingshot suplex

. Rating: 43



Raven heads backstage and is greeted by a man with retro punisher eyebrows. Who laughed like the Joker, and a curled up beard like the Devil.

Raven My friend such an amazing beating you took out there, My name is Mr.Sinister Mitchell and I work on behalf of some very high prestigious clients.


Raven-So you’re a corporate sleaze So What? What does that have to do with me?


Sinister- I personally want to represent you...for free of course an up and coming wrestler like you shouldn’t pay for such services. But one of my Clients have asked for a meeting with yourself. And I am sure he will Reward you Raven in riches beyond imagining.


Raven-If you are offering services for free and your boss wants to meet me whats in it for him...Whats in it for you??


Mr.Sinister Mitchell puts his arm around Raven and walks with him.


Sinister- Nothing that would cost you heavily here my friend...Just your soul nothing more.


Rating: 43



Meanwhile Brian Pillman is still admiring the Mercedes. He tries the door each at a time. All locked, he kicks the Mercedes withhis “new Boots” and the alarm trips. Startled Pillman screams and starts kicking the Car until the alarm seems to break. He smiles sheepishly then. He jumps half in the dumpster and pulls out a coat hanger and starts jamming it around the window of the car door




#2 Booker-T (3,0,0) vs 4# Eddie Guerrero(4,4,0)

Booker T comes out confident hoping to continue his winning streak,

Eddie quickly stops the glowing confidence with a series of chain wrestling, with a flare of lucha, getting the better of Booker with a springboard armdrag.

Booker-T scoops Guerrero for a bodyslam, witha forceful impact, Booker rises to the top rope and tries to hit a Missile Dropkick but misses as Eddie counters with a dropkick of his own.

Eddie connects three vertical suplexes together before rising to the top for a amazing Pump handle splash only known as the frog splash. Eddie wins.




Mexi-Metal( 0,4,0) vs The New Road Warriors (Animal & Terminator) (0,0,0)

Mark Nulty & Raymond Rougeou comment about the dissollving tag team division

The New Road Warriors come out in a menacing fashion and absolutely decimate the young Luchadors in furious and quick fashion.

There was ZERO offense from Mexi-Metal as the power of Animal and Terminator overwhelmed them.

In the End it was a Doomsday Bomb (double Avalanche turnbuckle powerbomb)

New Road Warriors defeated MexiMetal

Rating: 44



Rude comes back out to his mercedes when someone told him a tweaked out blonde was trying to steal his car, only to see Pillman throw down the hanger frustrated and grabs a garbage can.


Rude-Woah woah woah Kid Kid what are you doing.


Pillman looks at the car, then at rude, then at the garbage can.


Pillman-C-C-Can I have your Car? I could get soooooo much medicine for a car this nice maybe like 3 whole medicines now…


Rude- Are you High?


Pillman-I’m trying to be hahahha


Rude- Step away from my car kid.


Rick Rude steps closer,


Pillman- Woawoahwoahwoah okokokokokok what about a match I win I get your car you win You keep your car.


Rude- Why would a do that? Its a new Car!


Pillman- But it got all these dents and the side window is scratch and you got a smashed windshield.


Rick Rude looks at the perfect windshield.


Rude- No it isn’t.


Pillman- Yes it is


Rude- No it isn’t


Pillman- yes yes it is.


Pillman then smashed the garbage can onto the windshield. Shattering it Rude Screams My Carrrr before chasing a laughing pillman through the arena. And into the ring.

Rating: 66



#1 Brian Pillman(4,1,0) vs #3 Rick Rude (3,2,0)

Pillman slides in the ring and out the ring followed by Rude. then around the ring. Then in the ring again.Rude follows but is hit with a crossbody and a series of wild punches.

Rude Comes back with a series of punches himself before hitting a fall away slam.

Pillman does get the better of Rude however and jumps to the Apron. He is about to hit his finisher when Chris Jericho runs out to intervene grabbing Pillman's ankle.

Rude capitalizes suplexes Pillman into the ring before giving Pillman a Rude Awakening

Rick Rude Defeats Brian Pillman with Rude Awakening, Chris Jericho helped Rude Cheat.

Rating 73



© Randy Savage (5,2,0) vs © The Great Muta (5,0,0)

Champion vs Champion Tonight. Muta comes out with a series of kicks to Machoman’s leg, before landing an enzeguri

Machoman comes back with a series of punches but when runs for his falling Lariat, gets hit with a dropkick to his knee.

Machoman even with the weakened leg comes back though landing a german suplex never before seen performed by the living legend. It was enough of a move to let Machoman rip off the top rope for his Flying Elbow Drop sealing the victory.

Rating 79


Overall: 69





AEW Revolution 91’

© Randy Savage (6,2,0) vs 4# Rick Rude (4,2,0) AEW Heavyweight Championship

© The Great Muta (5,1,0) vs 1# Brian Pillman (4,2,0) AEW Elite Championship

1# Animal(3,0,0) vs Norman Smiley(0,0,0)

3# Tully Blanchard (3,2,0) vs 5# Raven (3,4,0)

Eddie Guerrero(5,4,0) vs Ultimo Guerrero (0,2,0)

6# Cactus Jack(1,3,0) vs La Parka (0,1,0)

David Taylor(0,0,0) vs 8# Chris Jericho (2,5,0)

Mexi-Metal(0,4,0) vs Rey Mysterio & Booker-T (0,0,0)

10# Kid Kash (1,5,0) vs 8# Sandman



Elite News-

William Regal suffered an injury working in another promotion Borken Metatarsal (3 Months)


Norman Smiley, & David Taylor have new “Try out Contracts”


Chris Benoit has signed exclusively with NJPW and will be leaving AEW


MachoMan Randy Savage has completed 3 working agreements with companies across the world. AJPW, UWA, BWA have joined the AEW in the international Players Club. A international association for talent trades and etc


I may have to edit some past posts I accidentally deleted a few pics from imgur trying to transfer to different folders. If the pics break I will update them.

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Randy Savage (6,2,0) vs 4# Rick Rude (4,2,0) AEW Heavyweight Championship

© The Great Muta (5,1,0) vs 1# Brian Pillman (4,2,0) AEW Elite Championship

1# Animal(3,0,0) vs Norman Smiley(0,0,0)

3# Tully Blanchard (3,2,0) vs 5# Raven (3,4,0)

Eddie Guerrero(5,4,0) vs Ultimo Guerrero (0,2,0)

6# Cactus Jack(1,3,0) vs La Parka (0,1,0)

David Taylor(0,0,0) vs 8# Chris Jericho (2,5,0)

Mexi-Metal(0,4,0) vs Rey Mysterio & Booker-T (0,0,0)

10# Kid Kash (1,5,0) vs 8# Sandman

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AEW Revolution 91’

Sunday Wk4 Feburary, 1991

Attendance: 639, Atlanta GA



10# Kid Kash (1,5,0) vs 8# Sandman (1,3,0)

Kid Kash comes out, rushes in the ring and tries to attack an unaware sandman. Before the Bell Sandman cracks his cane off the noggin of Kash. The ref taken aback doesn’t call for a DQ since the bell never rung.

Sandman connects the White Russian Legsweep and goes for a sloppy pin and gets the 3.




The Macho Man is Pacing back and forth His long time Valet Miss Elizebeth is trying to calm him down.


Macho- No Elizebeth its too risky I Won’t have that Womanizing snake undressing you with his eyes. I know you came back to help me But tonight you can help me by staying out the way.


Machoman takes off his glasses his eyes Bloodshot.


Machoman-Rick Rude & the Gentlemen’s Club you have been a thorn in my side since Day 1, but tonight after I beat your leader Rick Rude in that ring in front of all these people you will give the Macho Man the respect he deserves oh yeahhh! I may be getting old but My body has more fight left in it then all 3 of you combined. And Tonight when my Hand is raised in victory once again. The Macho Man will prove why I am the AEW World HEavyweight Champion OOOOHHHH YEEEEEAHHHH!




Mexi-Metal(0,4,0) vs Rey Mysterio & Booker-T (0,0,0)

Booker & Rey make up the new team Mystery Book tonight.

Mexi-Metal frustrated at not winning came out with less head banging than usual.

Booker comes out fire hot with a series of punches and a Harlem side kick.

Mexi-Metal fire back on a small Rey with tilt-a-whirl Back breaker Leg drop combo.

Mexi-Metal keep up the offense and seal the deal with an astounding New Finisher “Head Bang Lullaby” (Turnbuckle Hurricanrana + Hurricanrana) *Think Private Party’s finisher but More Lucha:)

Rating: 34



David Taylor(0,0,0) vs 8# Chris Jericho w/ Rick Rude (2,5,0)

David Taylor debuts as a posh upper class englishman, It didn’t connect with the fans

What did connect is his fluid chain wrestling in which he out maneuvered Jericho in every angle of the match.

Jericho tried chain wrestling, striking, & High flying techniques but couldn’t find home on many of his attacks.

The Finish came when David Taylor snapped off a high angle German suplex which layed Jericho out in devastating fashion.

Rick Rude applauded the newcomer. Walks into the ring kicks Jericho out of the ring and raises the Englishman’s hand.

Rating: 28



6# Cactus Jack(1,3,0) vs La Parka (0,1,0)

Cactus Jack makes an attempt at Lucha wrestling tonight mimicking some of the masked stars techniques.

La Parka hits a springboard crossbody to the outside sending both men into the crowd.

Cactus later in the match attempts the same thing, although successful He crashes head first into the Barricade knocking out a tooth.

La Parka pulls a chair from under the ring and sets it up center ring. But before using it, he turns and takes a kick to the stomach. Followed up with a Double arm DDT. Cactus Jack takes the win.




Eddie Guerrero(5,4,0) vs Ultimo Guerrero (0,2,0)

The 2 Guerrero’s (No relation) attempt to steal the show

Ultimo almost makes it a early night with a backflipping Turnbuckle fallaway slam. But Eddie breaks out of the pin.

Eddie strikes back with a beautiful head scissor takedown sending Ultimo to the outside, Eddie follows up with a beautiful senton sending both men crashing.

Eddie goes for a frogsplash but Ultimo pushes him on the turnbuckle. He goes for a superplex but is reversed into a pin allowing Eddie to steal the win.




Mr.Sinister Mitchell Leads Raven into a locker room lit with candles and a pentagram on the floor. Dramatically Mr.Sinister unveils his client. Its the founder of the Church of Satan himself Anton Lavey. Dressed in full satanic Getup.


Lavey- Raven my Child Son of Lucifer, I am Anton Lavey I am the one who summoned you to this unholy place.


Raven- I’m not one for theatrics so spit it out. I have a match next.


Lavey- I want to offer you a partnership with the dark one himself.


Raven- Ohh really. And what does he offer me.


Lavey- Power, Wealth, Fame. all for one small price.


Raven- let me guess my soul.


Lavey- I told you he was smart Mr.Sinister. Yes Raven your soul. I can tell you are still skeptical so allow me to show you just a fraction of what the dark lord has to offer. Tonight I will be by your side. And tonight you shall triumph over this pleb.


Raven chuckles


Raven- Sure why not whats the worst that could happen.


Lavey- Just endure the wrath of some man in the sky...if you believe in that sort of thing.



3# Tully Blanchard (3,2,0) vs 5# Raven w/Mr.Sinister & LaveyVtXxlgPs.jpgqLdlA0Ls.jpg (3,4,0)

Tully comes out with a no nonsense assault. Sneering in Ravens ‘Dark Corner’ after knocking Raven to the ground several times.

Tully throws Raven to the outside and into the steps. Showing disdain for Raven.

Mr.Sinister tries to intervene but is suplexed on the outside. Lavey Cowers behind the Announcers.

Several Minutes go by of a pure pummeling. Until the Lights go out in the arena. The crowd begins to scream in shock.

15 seconds and the lights turn back on. Tully is laid out in the center ring Raven sits in the corner, the Ref is confused.

Tully isn’t moving as Raven crawls over for the pin. And the win.

Anton Lavey and Mr.Sinister Mitchell rush the ring laughing like evil cartoon characters.




1# Animal(3,0,0) w/ Paul Ellering vs Norman Smiley(0,0,0)

Animal & Paul Ellering come out with Ellering saying I booked this match I booked this Match.

Poor Norman Smiley, Smiley received every Move Animal knew.Even When Norman was Knocked out , Animal wouldn’t Stop. Children cried at what they saw.

Ellering Screams Finish it. 2 Powerbombs flow into a DVD. something Fresh from Animal. The ref makes a quick 3 count.





© The Great Muta (5,1,0) vs 1# Brian Pillman (4,2,0) AEW Elite Championship

The Strung out Pillman comes out in Eddie Guerrero’s Boots with face paint smeared on his face to imitate Muta.

Muta doesn’t enjoy it and unleashes Kicks to Pilmans torso. Pillman hits the ropes and Muta runs for a Clothesline, Pillman counters and flips Muta to the ground.

Pillman uses his high flying technique to wear down the champion. Almost “Turning on” the old pillman. Until a missed dropkick by Pillman allows Muta to hit a running bulldog.

With a Space rolling Elbow to Pillman in the corner Muta puts two fingers to his throat. At the last second Pillman seemingly Plants a kiss on Muta when Muta recoils Pillman shoots Greenmist/Spit from his mouth into the face of Muta.

While Muta is scammering around blinded, Pillman begins to fall into the corner and laugh, not capitalizing on Muta’s weakness.

Pillman eventually goes for a regular Air Pillman but Muta has had time to recover and shoots What looks to be Blue Mist in the Face of Pillman. Pillman hits the ground SNORING!

Muta Picks up the win.




Rick Rude- All Month I hear, Randy is the Champion he is the Champion of the people. He still got it. What that Oatmeal eating balding twit isn’t telling his stupid fat greasy fans is he doesn’t even believe it. He doesn’t believe the words he says he doesn’t believe the words the people say because deep down he knows his candle blew out long ago. But thats ok because after tonight Gramps I’ll take all that stress away and you can go back to the old folks home where AEW should have left you to play Backgammon with Agnes.





© Randy Savage (6,2,0) vs 4# Rick Rude (4,2,0) AEW Heavyweight Championship

Cage Match

As the Cage lowers on these 2 Men only 1 will walk away as a Champion Tonight.


Savage gets the best of Rude after the lockup. Sinking in a Deep Headlock dropping to one knee. Rude eventually breaks from the hold with a Back suplex.


Rude must have been watching last week as he starts to target the knee of Savage. A chop block starts the wear and tear of the 38 yr old.


After a few Minutes Macho Man is limping, The fans begin to worry when his knee buckles attempting a Suplex. Rude Taunts Savage calling him an old horse that needs to be shot. Before attempting to climb the cage.


But you can’t keep the Machoman down. 5 feet from the top Rude feels a draft Macho Man has Rudes Trunks and his bare ass is showing. With one big tug Rick Rude falls from the cage, Rude lands on the rope Groin first the result is a priceless face of agony. Rude fails to get off the rope.

Macho Man climbs the Turnbuckle, He looks up then at Rude. and turns towards Rude before Leaping. Rudes’s still stuck sitting on the ropes as Macho Man Randy Savage delivers a modified Elbow from the top. Both men go crashing to the ground Savage clutches his knee Rude still clutching his groin and now chest.


Macho Man gets up limping and climbs the Cage, Tully comes running out with a chair and wraps the chair off the Cage and the Macho Man’s fingers. Macho Man falls to the ring, Rude capitalizes with the Rude Awakening before climbing to the very top of the cage. Savage wakes up as Rude’s feet touch the other side. Rick Rude is the New AEW World Heavyweight Champion.



Overall: 70



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AEW Revolution is the last episode of AEW Elite Madness.

playing through the next month 2 issues hit my game...Not sure if the game connected it together or just an amazing coincidence.


1 day After Revolution AEW struck a small TV deal.

3 days after Revolution Rick Rude dies in an accident. The Belt goes Vacant.

2 weeks after Rude passing away Macho Man reports he is going on Hiatus with no Return Date (My Avatar was an 11yr old Jason Mamoa. I guess it is what I get for having all the setttings set to high from the 9000verse but sitting there trying to wrack my brain on how to spin it after both my main guys in and out of ring are unavailable proved too difficult So in Feb 91' AEW closes down only to reopen under Cody & the Elite in 2020.


Kanegan You win the prediction, I'm a man of my word your reward *Next Diary is in the PM


To all my steady readers thanks as always you guys inspire me to write, create. Although short this has been my funnest save to date, and from the view my most popular so once again thank you all

See you all soon

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I did have fun writing a RL Diary despite my Geek knowledge it is so much easier to write for Real wrestling than superhero beatdown shows lol, it does blow I had a whole 3 month story for Macho, I was getting into my Raven (Raven, Pillman, Muta, Gordy Cult) bit. I will say there are 75% mercenary wrestlers in the mod so it did make it difficult to manage backstage, and took away from some of the realism (Shane Helms was so troulesome) and I feel dirty modifing the Database to fit my needs lol. I've been fiddlin with the 70's C-Verse Im thinking that will be my next venture.
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