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TCW - The Return of J.K. Stallings

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Note: This diary was first created on the old forums, and some of the formatting has gone awry while being pulled over.  While it lasts, if you want to see what the original looks like, you can find it here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=549323




Kyle Rhodes sighed deeply.


"We need this Brent."


Brent Hill, booker of TCW, nodded thoughtfully.


"I know, but it doesn't need to be today."


"No Brent, this is getting to me. We can build stars, but when bloody USPW come with their cash, what can we do? I'm not sure how much more I can put up with this."


Hill clapped his boss on the shoulder.


"Investment is always welcome, but there's always another investor, another company who thinks you can make money out of this business."


"I just hope it's this one. The fact that he wouldn't even give his name - I hoping he's rich and famous, and ready to invest."


The door to the room that they were sitting in opened, and a young lady invited the two men through. She led them through a couple of corridors, before knocking on a door."


"Come in!"


Rhodes' face screwed up - he couldn't place the voice - slightly squeaky, a voice he was sure he had heard before. He looked around at Brent Hill, who just shrugged, and they made their way through the door.


"Kyle Rhodes - it's been a long time!"


Kyle Rhodes' jaw dropped, with the realisation that he was talking to his old boss, J.K. Stallings.


"J.K. - it's been a long time!" Rhodes, quickly recovered, striding over shake Stalling's hand firmly.


"Take a seat, take a seat. You've looked after HGC well, my friend."


Brent Hill and Kyle Rhodes exchanged glances.


"TCW, JK. A lot of our fans may struggle to remember HGC now" point out Rhodes.


"Sure, sure, but we can make them remember it, right?"




"Let's cut to the chase, shall we? You're after investment?"




"Well, I'm not an investor. I'm a buyer. I want to buy back my company. Those figures you were looking for, a 10% investment? Do them maths, that's my offer."


"You haven't been in the business for years, the landscape has changed." mused Rhodes.


"Yes, yes, I know. USPW, eh? We never thought that they would take over, back in the Giant Redwood days. We used to have great battles with SWF, didn't we? Anyway, TCW need to be able to compete - we can't just continue to bring through the most talented wrestlers in the US just so USPW can bring them in to job them out to some pretty boy, can we? I bring money - but also, I bring the future."


Rhodes turned round to Brent Hill, who shrugged. He turned back to J.K. Stallings


"J.K., this isn't just down to me - there are other investors. BriCo owns TCW, not me."


"Done, done, I'm sorry, but I've already seen them. The decision is yours, but it's a simple decision. This assures the future of TCW. But there are a couple of conditions."


"Oh?" Stallings turned round to face Brent Hill.


"Brent, I've got a booker that I want to bring in."


Brent was deadpan.


"Come in, come in - meet Eayragt. Some kind of username, I don't know. Ear of rat? Doesn't matter. He's backstage, not front out house. He booked for USPW before, you know. Couple of times, actually. Alternate universe. Worked I say."


Brent Hill raised an eyebrow, and held up his hand as Kyle Rhodes started to intervene.


"You'll be recompensed, of course. We still need you backstage, no cut of salary. And a 12-month bonus."


Brent Hill stood up and walked over to J.K. Stallings Jr. He towered over the shorter man, but the tension broke as he stuck out his hand, which Stallings eagerly grabbed. Hill turned round to shake Eayragt's hand.


"Gladly, good luck."


"Hang on, the deal's not done yet." piped up Rhodes. "I don't know who this kid is. Alternate Universe?"


"Don't worry, he can do it. And Brent's happy. Anyway, my next condition is a good 'un - I want to reopen HGC. No, no, not like that. A development company for TCW like you've never seen before. We will grow our own stars, who like those beforehand can go from HGC to TCW. That's where most of my money will be going. That, and to bring in a big star every now and then!"


Hill turned around to Rhodes.


"Kyle - you're drained; this is taking too much of a toll on you. Take the offer. You won't get another one like this."


Rhodes paused for a moment, before addressing Stalling and Eayragt.


"Well, I've got my conditions. This is TCW, not USPW and SWF off casts. We have great talent; we can develop great talent. Don't turn us into something that no-one recognises."


"Of course, of course" said Stallings. "That's not to say we can't make signings - the world still hasn't seen Aaron Andrews or Wolf Hawkins take on some of the world greats - let those matched happen in TCW."


A slight pause finally allowed Eayragt to say his first words.


"Look Kyle, I love traditional wrestling. This is all about in-ring talent - the best matches in North America. We have got a great roster; we just need to keep them. You need to earn a place on this roster, I promise."


Kyle Rhodes looked like he had run out of arguments. "Well, it's done then. Where do I sign."


"Tomorrow, as you said, many signatures, lawyers, yada yada yada. Bring your bank details - I pay promptly. Champagne?"


"Tomorrow, thank you. We had better go. We need to finish some plans for Psycho Circus."


"I assume Aaron Andrew's is retaining?" chipped in Eayragt.


"You want him to?"


"I do."


"Consider it done. Please respect the smaller promotions though, they are wrestling's life blood." Eayragt nodded.


Handshakes all round, before the two men from TCW left, leaving the two men who were soon to own and book the company.


"This is going to be big. Now, are you going to tell me your name now we're in business?" asked Stallings.






"Close enough. My real name is hidden on some credits somewhere. No need for everyone to know that. What's in a name? You've dropped the junior, my name's unpronounceable."


"Fine. But remember I'm your boss. We will get more popular. Or I will find someone else to fill you roll."


Stallings winked and left. This was going to be interesting.


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This might not be like the diaries you are used to reading - the show write ups will be nowhere near the detail of other diaries. The main reason is I have not got the time to long match write-ups, especially considering I will often have matches going over 20 minutes. My writing of dialogue is not that good either, so you will get little of that. However, for a significant event you might get more.

What you will get is how I am playing the game, and what I find out about the game - chemistry, physical decline, negotiations. Take a look at my old diaries if you're not sure what this will look like:

CZCW '97 - A Coastal Zone Even Back Then
USPW A Joker At Work (Photobucket was free back then...)
FWE Without Your Kids
And finally, Diary of the Year winning (I've overhyped it - it never deserved the award, Scapino was robbed):
USPW Bring Out Your Kids

Wow, it's been over nine years since I've done written a diary. My oldest child? Just turned nine. Those two facts are linked.

EDIT: At one point in this diary I suddenly start using pictured, then I stop and completely change how shows are written up. Don't let that offput you too much!

Anyway, you're going to need need my goals from J.K. Stallings (yes, he's dropped the Jr. so I don't have to type it constantly):
Grow to Big in 2 years
Keep Wolf Hawkins and Andrew Andrews above 71 popularity for 18 months
Do not hire MMA crossovers (for 21 months) or technician flyers (for 27 months)

The first is definitely on my lists of personal goals, while if Hawkins and Andrews dip below 71 I'm doing something wrong. Looking at the list of MMA Crossovers, Christopher Bull would need a few years in development. However, the technician flyers make the introduction of a lightweight division unlikely, as there are plenty of talented workers in that category that I'm going to have to leave alone for now.

I'll give you a summary of how development is going at the end of the month. I won't be stripping North American Companies, and HGC is only tiny, so there will be some young rookies there.

TCW Presents Total Wrestling:
Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Jay Chord
Mighty Meaty vs The Nation of Filth
Greg Gauge (c) vs Flying Jimmy Foxx for the TCW Television Title
Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs The Elite
Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins for the Number One Contender to the TCW World Heavyweight Title
Aaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor in a non-title match

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Devine Fortune defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney (58)
-A random thrown together tag team show excellent chemistry teaming together... that's not the long term plan, but with a lack of depth in the tag division I'm... still not sure I can make that work. Chance Fortune did get pinged for physical decline

Wolf Hawkins defeated Edd Stone and Yuri Yoshihara (55)
-I went in to the match seeing what Yuri could learn from this triple threat match. I think he might have to learn to stay away from Wolf Hawkins after completely botching taking a move from Wolf, which could have injured one of TCW's star attractions. The botch ruined the match, and Wolf was furious afterwards.

Killer Shark defeated Dean Daniels in 6:24 (53)
-A fairly average squash. Dean's on the physical decline.

The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond) defeated Chance Fortune and Danny Fonzarelli in 14:01 (69)
-I'll be honest, I didn't mean to double book Wolf or Chance Fortune (spot the extra dark match that I added at the last minute). I'm still getting used to this roster. I'll sell it as an angry Wolf wanted another match, pinning Chance Fortune. No justification for Fortune wrestling again. The face team are both on the physical decline, and Chance was pretty tired by the end of the match.


Jay Chord defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8.09 (78)
-A great start to the new year for TCW, in a match that started spectacularly. The two brawled back and forth, before Jay put away his opponent with a Cradle Piledriver.

After the match Jay Chord got on the mic to proclaim himself the chosen one of the future, boasting about his legendary ability. It was slightly surprising to see Wolf Hawkins come out to confront him, reminding Chord that he was not the King of Kings - Wolf was, and he was the one chosen to become the next Heavyweight Champion (90)

The Elite defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 9.06 (60)
-After Chris Flynn picked up a dislocated shoulder against Elliot Thomas at TCW Psycho Circus, The Elite were after revenge, and they got it with Eddie Chandler making Thomas tap to the Fabulous Stretch - and he made sure to keep hold of it for several seconds after the tap. It was no surprise to see Nate Johnson on the physical decline, but slightly surprising that Eddie Chandler was not. The tag chemistry between the face team was also welcome.

Greg Gauge (c) defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 18:18 to retain the TCW Television Title (63)
-A slightly disappointing match, as Benny Benson supported his partner from the commentary table with no success. The Foxx is showing physical decline, which is a little disappointing.

Mighty Meaty defeated the Nation of Filth in 6.10 (50)
-This had no right being on the show but, in a nod to Stalling's old days (and a recognition of the lack of tag depth) the Nation of Filth were brought in on a one-night deal in their home town. They tried to go all out, which only ended up with Stink injuring his arm, so the match was at least as bad as you would expect. Mighty Mo did dominate, but it is also clear Tana is on the decline.

After the match the Sinner Society hit as the Nation of Filth disappeared. Tana was dropped on the crowd barriers, before the Society left in the face of an angry Mighty Mo (69)

Aaron Andrews was then shown backstage. He pointed out to Wolf Hawkins that he was in a line, and it would either be Sammy Bach or Freddy Huggins to face him at TCW Malice in Wonderland. I'll be honest, this wasn't scripted, and it wasn't perfect, but it did a job (88)

Freddy Huggins defeated Sammy Bach to become the Number One contender to the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 20.51 (73)
-A pretty good match had the unwelcome addition of Wolf Hawkins, who appeared ringside to taunt the contenders. It proved Bach's undoing as he verbally let rip at Hawkins, allowing Huggins to hit the Huggins Kiss for the victory. The bad news? Physical decline for Sammy. I'm not writing him off yet...

After the match Sammy Bach got on the mic to address Wolf Hawkins as he headed back up the ramp. Bach told Hawkins that he's the king of nothing until he's proved himself at Malice in Wonderland

Aaron Andrews defeated Joshua Taylor in a non-title match in 29.02 (68)
-You know what a hot crowd didn't want? A long, technical rematch from the PPV. Which is a pity, as that's what they got. They weren't too impressed by Taylor's new move, either. Andrews did get the victory to finish this feud.

Overall Rating 73

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For come reason I had in my mind that Joshua Taylor was a technician (I get better at playing this game, honestly) - I mean he is skilled in that aspect, but booking a technical masterpiece was not a good idea. Backstage and Freddy Huggins offered to put over T-Bone Bright. That's... not going to work. Robert Oxford is hot on Elliot Thomas... I had no plans for him, but a potential team with Biggins? Not sure. Finally, Wolf Hawkins in mildly irritated... I guess putting him in two dark matches where he almost gets injured will do that.

I've begun to fill up development with some young, unemployed talent. The first show was Main Evented by Raphael and Quentin Queen defeating Gringo Starr and Phillip LaGrenier, and wasn't anything to write home about...

But the highlight of this week? Realising the written deals I had been offering weren't exclusive. That was going to be a problem for one person, so I withdrew the offer, and I'll have to hope I can come back in a few months. This does mean that anyone I've just signed will not be on the house show circuit either.

TCW Presents Total Wresting:
Benny and The Foxx vs Joshua Taylor and Greg Gauge
Might Mo vs Matt Hocking
One Man Army vs Freddy Huggins
Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins vs Troy Tornado and Jay Chord
Human Arsenal vs Wolf Hawkins
Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs The Elite
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TCW Presents Total Wresting:


Doc Hammond defeated Joffy Laine in 8:02 (46)

-A debut for Joffy with a gimmick that didn't work, against an opponent he didn't click with. Instantly looks like he either needs a tag team partner or he's going down to development.


T-Bone Bright, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Maverick, Roderick Remus and Davis Wayne Newton in 14:08 (49)

-A second debut, but this gimmick hit the spot a little better. Still, not the most amazing match as T-Bone pinned Remus.


Devine Fortune defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 12:15 (51)

-I'll be honest; despite the chemistry I don't see the heel team working long term. I do like Speed, but he was off his game.




Freddy Huggins defeated One Man Army in 15:24 (71)

-Just like last week we got a strong start to the show, with the Number One contender defeating OMA (who didn't get a booking last show). Unsurprisingly, the face is in physical decline.


Freddy Huggins got on the mic to suggest that Aaron Andrews was distracted by Wolf Hawkins, and was unprepared to meet him at Malice in Wonderland. Not too surprisingly Andrews came out to refute this, and had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand during the segment (83)


Joshua Taylor and Greg Gauge defeated Benny and The Foxx in 17:52 (67)

-The face team don't have chemistry as a team, but it kind of worked in this match, with Benson so focused on his rivalry with Greg Gauge that he left Foxx exposed to a Butterfly Lock that he tapped to while Benson and Gauge argued.


Mighty Mo defeated Matt Hocking by DQ in 9.23 (71)

-This one was a hot brawl, and it was the interference of the Sinner Society that caused the DQ.


Tana the Mighty was out to assist, but the Sinner Society had the upper hand until... a small, masked man came out to help? The Society seemed puzzled, but a few high flying moves from Masked Cougar saw them off (65)


Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 10.34 (68)

-Despite the fact that I'm riding tag team chemistry for the moment, the heel team got a relatively straight forward victory. I've got a soft spot for Tornado, having only once booked him briefly before his devastating injury, but a major singles push is beyond him.


Troy hyped up his partner after the match, continuing to call him the future of the company (67)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Human Arsenal in 18:20 (81)

-Well, this one should have been the Main Event. Wolf returned to main show action with a great, technical match, which could have easily been on PPV. In fact, it may well be before the year's out. Importantly, Human Arsenal is NOT in time decline.


Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated the Elite in 12:31 (78)

-This wasn't going to be as good as the previous match, but was still impressive. Of course, the face team won, despite Wolf cheerleading his Syndicate colleagues, with Andrews pinning Johnson.


Wolf Hawkins pulled Sammy out of the ring as he went to celebrate with Andrews, and accused the face of hanging on Andrews coat tails. Andrews came over to berate Hawkins, but this just caused a distraction for Jay Chord to appear, hitting the Jay Cutter on Bach. Pushing broke out between the wrestlers ringside, which was just watched by a grinning Huggins from the top of the ramp (89)


Overall Rating 79

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Most of my signings have been free agents, but Masked Cougar, Davis Wayne Newton and Joffy Laine were the three that previously had contracts. Masked Cougar holds a special place in my heart, having been the figurehead of my regional promotion... oh, ten years ago? Having never seen him make the big leagues, I had to give him an opportunity here. DWN will surely find a place on the main roster, while Laine will have to earn a place in dark matches, to see if he can avoid a trip to development.


Yes, Cougar is not the most obvious addition to a feud between 4 large brawlers. There were better choices out there, but a masked hero... it just fit.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Masked Cougar vs Roderick Remus

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Titan

Devine Fortune, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn and The Elite

Benny Benson vs Maverick

Aaron Andrew and Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Edd Stone and Joffy Laine in 11:35 (53)

-DWN in his second multi-man dark match, this time on the winning side as Taylor made Laine tap.


One Man Army defeated Nick Booth in 8:48 (52)

-Must think of something for OMA to do.


Mighty Meaty and Human Arsenal defeated Greg Gauge, Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 12:45 (56)

-Greg Gauge picks up a rare loss, but was kept strong, as Tana pinned Courtney. I'm at that point now where I need to decide if Speed and Courtney are a tag team to invest in, or I split them up... and I do appreciate Marc Speed, so I'm considering the latter. However, the lack of tag depth is a nagging doubt for me.




Benny Benson defeated Maverick in 15:16 (58)

-The first appearance of the year for Maverick, but the match didn't justify the length. Benson put him away with a Shockwave From Next Year.


Benny Benson took the mic after the match and challenged Greg Gauge to a TV Title match, which brought the champion out. He accepted, and I think tried to look viscous, but didn't do a great job of it (64)


Masked Cougar defeated Roderick Remus in 8:07 (43)

-A debut for Masked Cougar and... I found an opponent he didn't click with at all. The work rate was there, but the performance wasn't, but the match ended with a I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar.


The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Chris Flynn and The Elite) defeated Devine Fortune, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 15:45 (56)

-The first real show of The Syndicate as a combined unit this year, and although everyone got their time to shine Doc Hammond got the win by submitting Biggins, while his team mates kept everyone else busy.


Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Titan in 4:34 by disqualification (54)

-A short, brutal back and forth. Killer Shark tried to interfere but was pushed away, Nick Booth was swatted away, before Titan blasted DDD with his Tag Title belt. In full view of the ref.


The odds stacked up on DDD, before Masked Cougar was the first man out. He took out Booth before being launched into the crowd by Killer Shark. Mighty Meaty were next out, which caused the Sinner Society to start to back up (62)


Troy Tornado was shown hyping up Jay Chord, reminding him that he was the future, and never to forget it (70)


Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated T-Bone Bright and Matt Hocking in 13:41 (67)

-Gameplay wise I'm not sure if the team of Chord and Tornado makes any sense, but it works in my head so I'm going with it. Neither face has... wait, Hocking's a heel, isn't he? That sure didn't help the match. Let’s say he and his partner didn't get on, and Bright shrugged as Hocking took the pin from Chord.


Freddy Huggins came to the ring to claim that at Malice in Wonderland he held the advantage. He had nothing to lose, whereas Andrews had to have one eye on the rest of the roster - and that would be his undoing (82)


Freddy Huggins and Wolf Hawkins defeated Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach in 22:04 (74)

-A rare defeat for Andrews, as the two heel challengers put on a decent showing. Admittedly The Syndicate were out, with Eddie Chandler distracting the ref as Doc Hammond attacked Aaron Andrews. This left Sammy Bach exposed to the Huggins Kiss from Freddy.


We went into an all-out brawl... suitable of the last show before a PPV, but a week early. Andrews got some of his momentum back by taking on both of The Elite, but again Freddy Huggins was able to keep out of the fight, and looked very happy about it (90)


Overall Rating 74

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Yes, I forgot Matt Hocking was a heel when I booked his match. Yes, that makes him one of the forgotten men on my roster. I'll work with it.


Goodness know why I made that opener so long...


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Darryl Devine vs Matt Hocking

The Behemoths © vs Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Greg Gauge © vs Benny Benson for the TCW Television Title

Sammy Bach vs Eddie Chandler

Human Arsenal vs Jay Chord

Aaron Andrews and One Man Army vs Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond

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TCW Presents Total Wresting:

Edd Stone defeated Roderick Remus in 13:30 (63)
-A decent high flying battle which could have quite happily been on the main show... if I was actually doing anything with these two. Stone got the decisive pin after a Party's Over.

Marc Speed defeated Joffy Laine in 9:30 (54)
-Joffy may have found his place as a jobber, which is borderline criminal. He tapped for the first time in TCW.

Human Arsenal and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Maverick and David Wayne Newton in 13:21 (60)
-The heels were given plenty to show in this match, with Maverick being particularly vocal to Dazzling Dave Diamond. It's almost as if I think I might need them to face one another at the PPV... anyway, Arsenal put away DWN with the Ammo Dump.


Greg Gauge (c) defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW Television Title in 13:32 (74)
-A quality start to the show - I haven't done too much with this feud apart from let it go through the motions, but this match did not end the feud. Flying Jimmy Foxx was ringside, and jumped up to the ring side when Gauge grabbed brass knuckles from his tights. That just distracted the ref for Gauge to blast Benson in the head, allowing him the easy pin.

Backstage interview for Aaron Andrews... and he's on the hype for Malice in Wonderland. It worked (90)

Matt Hocking defeated Darryl Devine in 9:12 (63)
-I'm a huge Darryl Devine fan, but I'm not sure he's going to break the midcard here. He fell to the Hock Drop.

Hocking grabbed Devine's hair and set up for another Hock Drop when T-Bone Bright came out for the save. No idea where Chance Fortune was. Yes, T-Bone and Hocking will face each other at the PPV because I accidentally booked them as partners last week. I am neglecting the midcard, I'll admit (61)

Wolf Hawkins was shown backstage, hyping up The Syndicate for their match tonight (65)

Sammy Bach defeated Eddie Chandler in 13:48 (68)
-So this turned into a Submission Match, but Chandler made a mistake and left his shoulder on the mat while trying to break the Bach On Your Bach, and was shocked to hear the bell after the three count.

The Behemoths (c) defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 6:53
-Thomas still looking weak out there, and he took the pin from Titan after a Titanic Choke Slam.

Encouraged by Chris Flynn, the Behemoths picked up their opponents for chokeslams, and just waited. The commentary team speculated that they were waiting for Masked Cougar to come out. Instead Mighty Meaty appeared, and got on the mic to tell them to put Biggins and Thomas down because they needed to save themselves for Sunday - where Mighty Meaty were going to join Masked Cougar to face the Sinner Society. The champions put Biggins and Thomas down, with force, before jawing away at Mighty Meaty. They and Chris Flynn all faced in one direction, leaving them rather obviously exposed to a high flying hit and run attack by Masked Cougar (70)

Jay Chord defeated Human Arsenal in 18:04 (78)
-Troy Tornado was once again out with Jay Chord, and his encouragement eventually broke Human Arsenal. He flew out of the ring and took out Tornado, but also crashed into the ring barrier. Dazed, Jay Chord comfortably took control of the match from there.

Sammy Bach came to ringside, and joined the commentary team, saying that he was out to even up the odds against The Syndicate (83)

Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond defeated Aaron Andrews and One Man Army in 23:20 (76)
-Perhaps a little disappointing, but that may have been the constant interruptions from The Syndicate. Sammy Bach, then Devine Fortune chased away the members who weren't involved, but that left Freddy Huggins to make his first appearance of the night (almost as if I had forgotten to book his earlier segment), hitting Andrews with his own title, allowing Hawkins to make the pin.

Freddy Huggins backed up the ramp, with Laura Huggins by his side shouting about him being the future champion. As Andrews recovered, Huggins said he hoped that he enjoyed the close up view that he got of his title, as on Sunday he will lose it, to the biggest star in TCW (84)

Overall Rating 78

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<p>Just caught up on this now. I like how you're booking Freddy Huggins, the dude definitely has the skills to hang in the upper midcard in TCW, maybe even main eventing the odd PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

I wouldn't say that you're coming across as neglecting the midcard in TCW, but it's definitely easy to do. They really don't have much going on for them there beyond Greg Gauge</p>

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Just caught up on this now. I like how you're booking Freddy Huggins, the dude definitely has the skills to hang in the upper midcard in TCW, maybe even main eventing the odd PPV.


I wouldn't say that you're coming across as neglecting the midcard in TCW, but it's definitely easy to do. They really don't have much going on for them there beyond Greg Gauge


Thanks for your words. Huggins is delivering at the moment, as he tried to show that he's not just a stop-gap until Wolf Hawkins' title shot.


Midcard is being worked on...




As we all know, everyone loves T-Bone Bright, and Doc Hammond has now offered to put him over, joining Freddy Huggins in making that offer.


A look at Mid Atlantic Wrestling:


TCW still have a development deal with MAW, and I hadn't recalled the young talents down there to see how Jay Fair would book them. I even sent Joffy Laine down, to add a little more talent to the 15th Rip Chord Invitational. The results?


Joey Fili lost on the preshow

Joffy Laine teamed with Harvey Robbinfield, defeating Duke Freeman and the only non-TCW man in the match, Sandman Winks

Seth Whitehead failed in a tag team title shot, teaming with Deuce Deadline

Guillotine and Jaylon Martins did not appear

Zippy Deverell, who is working at HGC as well as MAW, didn't appear

Meanwhile, Miller Fforde went through Copperhead, The Architect and Josh Jacobs to join Greg Gauge in winning the Challenge (although he's a long way from catching up with Gauge's three wins)


You know what, they're all recalled. Joffy stays on the main roster, Zippy stays with MAW as he's not on an exclusive deal, everyone else goes to HGC.


Malice in Wonderland is legendary, huh? Maybe not this year...


TCW Malice in Wonderland

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Maverick

One Man Army and Human Arsenal vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado

Benny and The Fox vs Devine Fortune vs The Elite vs Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney

Mighty Meaty and Masked Cougar vs The Sinner Society (The Behemoths and Chris Booth)

T-Bone Bright vs Matt Hocking

Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins

Aaron Andrews © vs Freddy Huggins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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TCW Malice in Wonderland


Doc Hammond defeated Dean Daniels in 8:10 (48)

-Not the most exciting start as Doc dominated as close to we have to a jobber.


Joshua Taylor defeated Elliot Thomas in 7:46 (63)

-A much better match, but let’s remember the last PPV was headlined by Joshua Taylor. I really need to find something for him to do.


Bart Biggins defeated Roderick Remus in 12:56 (57)

-A more open contest than the previous round, Biggins getting the win with a B-Dropper.




The Elite defeated Benny and the Foxx, Devine Fortune and Marc Speed & Jeremie Courtney in 12:15 (45)

-Okay - I know Benny and Foxxy have poor chemistry, but I used that. I did not expect Eddie Chandler to break his nose when taking a move from Chance Fortune. A bloody Eddie Chandler wrapped Flying Jimmy Foxx up and made him tap to the Fabulous Stretch, but this was not the start I wanted.


After the match Benny and Foxxy argued, with Benny claiming his partner tapped to early. Foxx denied it, and they left shaking their heads (63)


Aaron Andrews on the hype for the Main Event - that's got to raise the crowd (78)


Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Maverick in 7:26 (61)

-In a match designed to just give DDD something to do.


Jay Chord and Troy Tornado defeated One Man Army and Human Arsenal in 19:05 (74)

-This is the type of match that makes you remember why Troy Tornado was hyped as such a big star in his youth. His neck injury obviously put paid to that, but there was a lot of talent in this ring, and they delivered. Chord took the victory, pinning Human Arsenal after a Cradle Piledriver.


The Sinner Society came out for the next match, and we got the rarely seen sight of Eddie Peak. He said that he was stepping into the ring, so the face team had better fear for their very existence. Mighty Meaty were out with Masked Cougar, announcing that Mighty Meaty would receive a Tag Title shot if they won, so they had nothing to fear, and everything to gain (73)


Mighty Meaty and Masked Cougar defeated The Sinner Society in 12:39 (65)

-Well, this was an all-out brawl, to no-one surprise. It was also not too surprising to see Masked Cougar struggle, not really suited to this style of match. Eddie Peak was a man possessed, but as he brawled with Mighty Mo outside the ring Tana the Mighty was left alone in the ring with Killer Shark, and was able to pin him after a Big Samoan Splash.


T-Bone Bright defeated Matt Hocking in (62)

-A slightly more mundane match, but not too shabby. Bright got the win after a... Powerslam. He needs a better move.


Wolf Hawkins was out to state that TCW was just waiting for him to become World Heavyweight Title, when Sammy came out cheers from the crowd. Wolf Hawkins tried to dismiss Hawkins, but Sammy was like a man possessed, claiming that Hawkins was only where he was because of his position in The Syndicate, and on his own he was nothing (85)


Sammy Bach drew with Wolf Hawkins in 30:00 when the time limit was reached (77)

-As the match started Wolf waved away the Syndicate, but what he thought would be an easy match was no such thing. Eventually his team mates were out to boos from the crowd, but Devine Fortune were out - with an angry Eddie Chandler focusing on the man who broke his nose. Refs came to clear the side of the ring as the match swung from one way to another, and we even got an exchange of finishers. As the commentators noted that this match was nearing it's 30-minute time limit (did I not tell you matches were capped at 30 minutes unless otherwise stated?), the breakthrough looked close, but the crowd were disappointed as Bach hit a Bach On Your Back but was unable to capitalise as the bell was rung for 30 minutes.


Freddy Huggins and his sister were out for the hype - and he gave a focused promotion that really drew the crowd in, and had on affect as Andrews felt the need to interrupt it (89)


Aaron Andrews © defeated Freddy Huggins in 27:51 to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title (76)

-Huggins was booked as the confident underdog, but as the match went on the story became would this be the second match of the night to be timed out? Even I wouldn't book that, and despite the match going to and fro with Huggins even hitting a Huggins Kiss, Andrews was able to fight back and took a hard earned victory after a Flying Body Press.


Overall Rating 77

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What's this - post match speeches? I'll get behind Sammy, Wolf and Jay. Nothing too controversial there. Robert Oxford let me know that he felt Elliot Thomas was the future. Maybe not yet.

Well, this first month had been and gone. In a rookie error newcomers were initially given non-exclusive contracts, but that has been rectified for the new main roster newcomers. Not yet for those in development. Plenty of chance for me to regret that...

So, three wrestlers added - Masked Cougar, Davis Wayne Newton and Joffy Laine. Only the former has debuted on the main roster, receiving a push that may make some other wrestlers jealous.

Speaking of that... Chris Flynn, Edd Stone, Danny Fonzarelli, Vita and Shawn Doakes are all annoyed with me. I can understand that. Wait - so is Greg Gauge? Not sure if it was his pre-show multi-man tag defeat, or not being booked on PPV... wait, yes I do, you can find out now. This game has got a lot more options than the last version I played! He's not happy with missing the PPV, and I bung him a small bonus to move him to irritated.

Best match was Jay Chord defeating Human Arsenal. His feud with Sammy Bach has gone to the back burner as Bach has moved on to providing Wolf Hawkins something to do while waiting for his title shot. Two of my TV shows were better than my PPV - it's developing! Worked a profit though.

Over the next 3 months Dazzling Dave Diamond, Jeremie Courtney, Chris Flynn and Dean Daniels contracts are up. The former is definitely the priority!

Yuri Yoshihara hasn't wrestled since he almost injured Wolf Hawkins...

HGC are a tiny development company running out of the South West, owned by Plague and booked by Tamara McFly. Grace Harper and Terry Smith sit at the announce desk, Craig Prince is the principle Road Agent, while David Poker and Erin Lawrence are the refs.

The roster is currently:
Raphael, Quentin Queen, Phillippe LaGrenier, Arthur Dexter Bradley, The Masked Mauler VII, Gary the Entertainer, El Hijo de Neutron, James Diaz, Texas Hangman, Alistair Shufflebottom, Charlie Corner, Gringo Star, Chip Martin, Prime Time Jack Pryde, Dreadnought, Zippy Deverell, Astro, Seth Whitehead, Harvey Robbinfield, Guillotine and Duke Freeman. Dharma Gregg was added as a manager, and convinced to give up smoking.

Probably the most interesting going on in development is the team of James Diaz and Dreadnought, who have begun to team as Risk and Reward. Their fathers’ history was intertwined in PGHW history, so if they take off I'll need to make sure they don't come sniffing.

The only title that has been awarded in the Number One Contenders belt, which was picked up by Phillippe LaGrenier. Hopefully the HGC Global belt will soon being won so he is able to contend. It would not be surprising to see either Quentin Queen or Raphael win the belt, as they have headlined the last three shows against one another.

TCW Presents Total Wrestling
Chance Fortune vs Wolf Hawkins
Benny Benson vs Matt Hocking
Greg Gauge (c) vs Danny Fonzarelli for the TCW TV Title
The Behemoths (c) vs Mighty Meaty for the TCW Tag Team Titles
Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado

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TCW Presents Total Wresting:

Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Chris Flynn in 9:12 (60)
-Great chemistry - we can expect to see this match on the main show.

Masked Cougar, Edd Stone and Human Arsenal defeated Marc Speed, Jeremie Courtney and Yuri Yoshihara in 12:24 (55)
-The first match that I've booked Yoshihara in since he tried to injure Wolf Hawkins. He still looked completely out of place, but didn't injure anyone and took the pin.

Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Elliot Thomas and Bart Biggins in 12:28 (62)
-Perfectly acceptable tag match, in an organisation with a week tag division, so I'll take that.

Freddy Huggins defeated Joffy Laine in 8:09 (66)
-A rather one sided affair.


Freddy Huggins was still in the ring with his sister when the main show started, and said that he outdid everyone's expectations, but he wasn't finished. He showed the world that he could go toe to toe with the champion, but lost focus when he started to battle the clock as well. He demanded another shot with no time limit, so he could concentrate on getting the victory he deserved (87)

Greg Gauge (c) defeated Danny Fonzarelli to retain the TCW TV Title in 12:33 (68)
-Given Fonzarelli's lack of appearances on TV, it was not too much of a surprise that despite him given offence he was made to tap to the Proton Lock.

Edd Stone came out with Vita... that's another combination which hasn't been seen recently. He complained that he was not given an opportunity at TCW Malice in Wonderland. Kyle Rhodes (we could do with a Commissioner, couldn't we?) told Stone that he was in luck - starting next week a four team tournament would start to name the Tag Team challengers for TCW The War to Settle The Score, and he wanted to see new teams, each with one wrestler who did not wrestle at the last PPV. Edd Stone did show in this segment why Vita normally speaks for him... (61)

Benny Benson defeated Matt Hocking in 13:12 (60)
-A decent little midcard match, Benson winning with the Shockwave From Next Year.

As Benny headed back stage he was met by Flying Jimmy Foxx, who suggested that they put themselves in for the tournament if there weren't four new teams. Benson dismissed the idea - they wrestled together at the PPV, and he was after a rematch with Greg Gauge (66)

Mighty Mo and Tana the Mighty cut a quick promo backstage before their title match, saying that this was their time to take the title (69)

Mighty Meaty defeated The Behemoths (c) to win the TCW Tag Team Titles in 12:58 (77)
-This was a great brawl, with the ref doing a strong job to keep Chris Flynn out of the match. The competitors spent as much time out of the ring as in it, Tana taking Killer Shark out of the match with a Big Fat Samoan Splash against the floor. That left Mo vs Titan in the ring, Mo picking up the victory after a Plunging Spinebuster.

Celebration time (80)

Wolf Hawkins defeated Chance Fortune in 11:32 (76)
-Devine Fortune were completely outnumbered by The Syndicate, and Hawkins picked the man who broke Eddie Chandler's nose apart... always helped by quick interferences from his stable mates.

After the match Eddie Chandler jumped into the ring a slapped on the Fabulous Stretch, screaming about his nose. Darryl Devine tried to help, but just ate a Full Moon Rising from Hawkins (62)

Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord and Troy Tornado by disqualification in 25:28 (79)
-A great match, with The Syndicate coming out at the twenty-minute mark. This proved a distraction with Sammy Bach arguing with Wolf Hawkins, and Jay Chord throwing his hands up in frustration. The ref tried to clear the ring, but turned around to see Freddy Huggins hitting a Huggins Kiss on Aaron Andrews, and that's a disqualification.

There was a proper all out brawl afterwards, with Jay Chord walking off and shaking his head. Turns out if you have all you stars out to end a hot show it goes down well (94)

Overall Rating 82
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Well, that was easily my best show yet. Pleased, especially considering the early part of the show was spent integrating some of my forgotten stars into the TV Show. Some people were surprised to see Masked Cougar not get involved in the Tag Title match, but his future lies close, but elsewhere. Although Tana is physically on his way down, Mighty Mo is definitely on the way up, and they make great champions who can get a crowd going with a few minutes on the mic. Canadian coverage is negotiated for all TCW shows - a year for events, just 9 months for TCW Presents Total Wrestling to give me more flexibility when the US TV deal runs out at the end of the year.

HGC had their best ever match, with El Hijo Del Neutron looking amazing against Gringo Star in a 56 rated match.

TCW Presents Total Wrestling:
Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking
Benny Benson vs Freddy Huggins
Masked Cougar and Edd Stone vs Roderick Remus and El Hijo Del Neutron
Flying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton
Human Arsenal and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Behemoths
Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado in a non-title match

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


The Syndicate defeated Death Row, Tribal Warrior and Dean Daniels in 11:02 (54)

-Don't worry, Death Row and Tribal Warrior were local talents brought in brought in to give the dedicated fans who showed up early to the South Western venue a surprise. We even brought in Insane Machine to Road Agent the match. Of note, Death Row were not past their prime - however of more note, Shady K managed to injure Chris Flynn, bruising his kidney after a bad botch.


Darryl Devine defeated Yuri Yoshihara in 7:46 (43)

-Most important thing about this match? Yoshihara didn't injure anyone.


One Man Army and T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 14:06 (61)

-I do actually have plans for both of these faces, but both were unable to appear on the main show tonight.


Jay Chord defeated Joffy Laine in 8:50 (68)

-Jay Chord's going to be speaking tonight rather than wrestling, so he showed off his skills here.




Jay Chord started the show, and he demanded that Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins all came to the ring. One by one they came out, unsure why they had been called out. Chord told the men in the ring that they were foolish, distracted, quarrelling amongst one another, and it's getting in his way. He said that they had to end it in the ring as Aaron would defend his title in a four-way match at The War to Settle The Score against Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and... not Wolf Hawkins. He would have to wait, but he could nominate any member of The Syndicate to participate (87)


Greg Gauge and Matt Hocking defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 13:27 (61)

Elliot Thomas still looking like the weak link.


Benny Benson came out after the match to challenge Greg Gauge to a rematch for the TV Title. Greg Gauge smirked, and Benson accused him of dodging him. That brought Freddy Huggins out, to tell Benson that he had to prove he wasn't dodging anyone, by facing him next (74)


Freddy Huggins defeated Benny Benson in 11:48 (73)

-We let Benson to get in a decent bit of offense here, to justify himself as a challenger to Greg Gauge, but he wasn't got to win against the man who had recently been on a hot run of form to the Main Event. Especially as Greg Gauge stayed ringside, and took Benson's attention off Huggins, leaving him vulnerable to a Huggins Kiss.


In a theme of people clashing as competitors changed between matches, Sammy Bach argued to Freddy Huggins on his way to his match, telling Huggins that he knew his game. Bach told him don’t expect to be able to hide during the four-way match and try and sneak in for the win, as he won't allow it. Laura Huggins got right in Bach's face, telling him to take the insult back, and her brother ended up having to drag her away (69)


Sammy Bach defeated Maverick in 8:39 (69)

-Sammy Bach did look a little distracted, as if Laura Huggins had got to him, but eventually focused to take Maverick out with an Adrenaline Shot


Masked Cougar and Edd Stone defeated Roderick Remus and El Hijo Del Neutron in 12:16 (63)

-Mighty Meaty came out to join the commentary team for the next two tag matches, the winner of which would meet next week to face the new champions. A few notes about this match - Del Neutron was never the planned partner from Remus, but after his showing last week for HGC he got the call for one night. We were in the home of CZCW, so we told the guys to go out and put on the best match that they could, as if they were Main Eventing Surf Slam. Despite the fact that Remus and Del Neutron showed absolutely no chemistry as a team whatsoever, it was an impressive match that the crowd for right behind, with everyone getting in offence and going for finishing moves. Edd Stone got the win after hitting the Party’s Over on Remus.


Quick backstage segment, with Wolf Hawkins with The Syndicate. Doc Hammond, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler wanted to take the title shot, and Hawkins told them they would have to prove themselves next week (82)


Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Danny Fonzarelli in 12:02 (68)

-This was a much slower affair as Taylor and the debuting DWN made it into a technical affair as their opponents tried to take to the sky. Taylor was the star in this one, making Foxx tap to the Butterfly Lock.


Dazzling Dave Diamond and Human Arsenal defeated The Behemoths by count out in 8:48 (62)

-Mighty Meaty were ready to leave when The Behemoths came out for their match, and got straight in the Tag Champions faces. They decided to stay for the match, and the ex-champions looked distracted, eventually just brawling with the new champions, earning themselves a count out.


Mighty Meaty and The Behemoths brawled, until DDD and Human Arsenal helped to separate them. Floyd Goldworthy was screaming about a rematch, but Mighty Mo took the mic to tell them that they would have to wait (68)


Jay Chord came out with Troy Tornado for the Main Event. He took the mic and declared that he was going to be the ring enforcer for the match (80)


Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado in a non-title match in 14:01 (78)

-Great chemistry between these two - we could only dream about what this match could have been without Tornado's serious neck issues. Anyone expecting to see Jay Chord interfere would have been surprised - in fact when The Syndicate came out it was Chord who kept them away from the ring. Tornado almost got the win after that, but took the pin after a Flying Body Press


Wolf Hawkins argued with Chord after the match, asking him whose payroll he was on. Chord didn't give an inch, and when The Syndicate surrounded him both Tornado and Aaron Andrews interjected themselves. A right brawl started, and again Freddy Huggins was out to watch. This time he was joined by Sammy Bach, who made it perfectly clear that he had his eyes on him (92)


Overall Rating 79

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Two debuts in the tag matches - DWN has been in a few dark matches, whereas Del Neutron gets a reward for a steller showing at HGC. The latter was for one night only, but he's one of the top talents that I'm keeping an eye on. I went for a very different approach for the TV show, with a number of shorter matches, and I think it had the desired effect.


Huh, Jason Azaria doesn't think we should keep Jeremie Courtney around...


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Nate Johnson

Edd Stone and Masked Cougar vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton

Darryl Devine vs Doc Hammond

Greg Gauge © vs Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Benny Benson for the TCW TV Title

One Man Army vs Eddie Chandler

Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins vs Jay Chord and Troy Tornado

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Bart Biggins and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Roderick Remus and Yuri Yoshihara in 11:03 (52)

-Roderick Remus can't catch a break, but at least I've worked out I can tell Yoshihara to keep it simple to reduce the chance of him injuring anyone. He's also growing into his gimmick.


Matt Hocking defeated Joffy Laine in 11:05 (49)

-Here's another man who can't catch a break - Joffy Laine must be desperate for creative to come up with something for him. Wait, that's me, isn't it?


Tana the Mighty defeated Maverick in 7:43 (59)

-A match I was considering putting on the main show, but I ran out of space. A good choice to push onto the pre-show.


Human Arsenal and T-Bone Bright defeated Marc Speed and Jeremie Courtney in 11:48 (59)

-Courtney off his game again - apart from the fact that it's always handy having jobbers, he could probably do with a few months in HGC. Marc Speed would appreciate that, as he's being dragged down here. We also had a lesser spotted Bright get the victory with the T-Bone (it's still a powerslam, but with a better name).




The Main Event is stacked with talent, and they were all out - Wolf to remind everyone that his Syndicate entrant for The War to Settle The Score would be determined tonight, Huggins to tell him to concentrate as they teamed up later, Bach to argue with Huggins, Andrews to remind them all that he was the champ, and Jay Chord to call them bickering fools. Troy was noticeably the man out of place (92)


Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Nate Johnson in 8:43 (59)

-It's going to have to be a bad day for The Syndicate if Nate Johnson gets chosen to challenge for the title after this match...


Next it was the TV Title, with Benny Benson upset at Flying Jimmy Foxx both for trying out for the Tag Titles without him last week, and for accepting this match. Foxx told his partner to concentrate on the match - the odds were in their favour (64)


Greg Gauge © defeated Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW TV Title in 16:14 (68)

-A decent match, with Benson and Foxx going from distrusting one another, teaming well, to distrusting one another again. Benson hit a B-Drop on his partner, but was thrown from the ring by Greg Gauge who stole the pin.


Doc Hammond defeated Darryl Devine in 8:08 (62)

-Chance Fortune did come out with Darryl Devine, but Chris Flynn pulled him away - The Syndicate seeming to rule that there were uninterrupted 1 on 1's tonight. Which led to Devine tapping to the Texas Cloverleaf cleanly.


Edd Stone and Masked Cougar drew with Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton when both teams were attacked by The Behemoths in 14:04 (68)

-Did we know that Stone and Cougar had great chemistry? Not sure that we did, may be we'll have to officially name them. Interesting though that in a match where Taylor was the star and Cougar struggled a bit, DWN fitted in just fine. It was a good match that fell apart when The Behemoths hit the ring and attacked both tiring teams.


Mighty Meaty were out to help out (makes a change from when Masked Cougar had to help them)... I guess we're having a four way at The War to Settle The Score? (66)


One Man Army defeated Eddie Chandler in 12:38 (63)

-Oh, I've completely mis-ordered this show. A competitive match that the crowd never really bought into burst into life when Devine Fortune hit the ring, obviously unhappy with being pushed around by The Syndicate. Devine distracted the ref, Chance Fortune elbowed Chandler in the head (with the commentary team reminding every that he was responsible for breaking Chandler's nose last month), and One Man Army hit the Guided Missile.


Wolf Hawkins was out, before he berated Chandler, telling him that Doc Hammond was his pick (shocking decision as the only winner tonight). Freddy Huggins came out to pull Hawkins away, reminding him he had a Main Event to think about (77)


Wolf Hawkins and Freddy Huggins defeated Aaron Andrews & Sammy Bach and Jay Chord & Troy Tornado in 21:33 (81)

-Turns out if you get all your pushed talent in the ring then... well, the odd one out sticks out like a sore thumb, but you still get a great match. Hawkins and Huggins struggled to be on the same page, and even Jay Chord had to tell them to concentrate on the match. The finish came when Chord and Tornado brawled outside the ring with Sammy Bach, leaving Doc Hammond to crack Andrews' World Title over his head. Freddy Huggins got the pin, with Hawkins almost breaking it up before he thought better of it.


Hammond, Huggins and Hawkins looked as if they were trying to start a stable called HHH (don't worry, it's not going to happen) by beating down Aaron Andrews. Sammy Bach tried to help but was dragged away by Jay Chord and Troy Tornado, only freeing himself when the beatdown was over (83)


Overall Rating 74

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Several points to come from that show - the tag qualifier match and subsequent beatdown gave the crowd too much Masked Cougar and Davis Wayne Newton - I should have seen that coming and could have easily shortened that down. Then a great Main Event which wouldn't have looked out of place the week before the Pay Per View but... I never seem to quite time the big matches correctly.


Dazzling Dave Diamond got a reward for signing a new contract with a win over Nate Johnson. Marc Raisin was never approached for a contract, as there's other similar talent out there, cheaper. He gets rewarded for his new contract by going into a stable with Aaron Knight, which is likely to be a good career move. Monty Trescarde was offered a contract, as he's definitely got the talent to succeed in TCW, but once SWF pushed the price up I wasn't going to start offering Main Event money.


Remember after my first show when Freddy Huggins offered to put T-Bone Bright over? Just tried it on the house show circuit - awful chemistry. I think I'll pass.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

T-Bone Bright vs Maverick

One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Elite

Mighty Mo vs Joshua Taylor

Bart Biggins vs Jay Chord

Human Arsenal vs Doc Hammond

Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs The Behemoths

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  • 2 weeks later...

TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Cougar Stone defeated Yuri Yoshihara and Pretty Okakura in 8:56 (51)

-A Japanese wrestler on a handshake deal joins, an unimaginative team name for the faces, who won with a combination dubbed "Hear Me Party Roar". You didn't come here for creativity, did you?


Joffy Laine defeated Jeremie Courtney in 9:23 (41)

-Oh, Joffy’s finishing move is the Death Spiral, is it? I would never have known, what with him not have won a match yet. It wasn't great - I told them to go all out and Laine did well, but a grumpy Courtney, unhappy with the booking, didn't.


Marc Speed defeated Dean Daniels in 8:13 (50)

-I'm losing the crowd, aren't I, giving people who have jobbed for the last 2 months’ wins?


Benny Benson defeated Roderick Remus in 11:27 (64)

-Well, this was a total turnaround, and great chemistry to boot. You may see this one again...




We have Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and a silent Doc Hammond to start the show... but Andrews slightly struggled going off script. Wolf Hawkins did announce that he was bringing his title shot forward to TCW Battleground, facing whoever (claps Hammond's shoulder) takes the victory on Sunday (83)


Wolf Hawkins defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 8:12 (82)

-WTF? Honestly, this was an extra match booked as the show was running short. It'll be the best match of the night. Benson was ringside, but didn't assist his partner at all.


Benny Benson called Greg Gauge out after the match, telling him that he deserved another one to one match for the TV title, where he could focus on taking the title. Greg Gauge out to accept, saying that in an unusual step it will be held at The War to Settle The Score (67)


Backstage interview, and we allowed Floyd Goldworthy some mic time, with the menacing Behemoths behind. Goldworthy claimed that they had been entered into the Tag Title match on Sunday, and would win the titles back, but not before defeating Sammy Bach and Aaron Andrews tonight (71)


T-Bone Bright defeated Maverick in 7:07 (64)

-With another T-Bone.


The Elite came out for their match, but were not expecting Chance Fortune to come out mic in hand. He asked Eddie Chandler how his nose was, and only Johnson holding Chandler back stopped him from leaving the ring. Fortune laughed, before saying that they had to settle this one on one - at The War To Settle The Score (60)


One Man Army and Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Elite in 13:07 (66)

-Inevitably this ended with Eddie Chandler chasing after Chance Fortune outside the ring, which left Johnson exposed to DDD.


After the match Wolf Hawkins slipped into the ring and hit a Full Moon Rising on DDD, because if not we had nothing for him to do at the PPV. This is why I'm bringing his title shot forward (81)


Joshua Taylor defeated Mighty Mo in 8:59 (62)

-No, these two don't click. It won't matter in a multi-man match on Sunday, that Taylor's team will be taking a little momentum into.


Mighty Mo and Tana were on the hype, pointing out to the crowd it was a four way at The War to Settle The Score, as they wouldn't know otherwise. Tana struggled a bit in this one (75)


Jay Chord defeated Bart Biggins in 9:01 (80)

-Seems that Jay Chord is also some talent (you think?) - another throw away match that will be better than almost anything at the PPV.


Jay Chord took the mic to question how long it will take him to be given a one on one World Title shot, after Hawkins used his influence to move his title shot. He also issues an open challenge for Sunday, what with *ooops, Chord's been so involved in the Main Event this month he hasn't got a match ready* (70)


Doc Hammond defeated Human Arsenal in 13:25 (71)

-Given that Hammond has a title shot, we had to give him a bit of momentum, and this was perfectly acceptable (just not as good as a lot of the previous matches).


Wolf Hawkins declared his man the next World Champion, and he would know what to do when he faced him. It was Hawkins to struggle with the lines here, but Hammond's face was perfect when it was suggested that he lie down for Hawkins (73)


Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated The Behemoths in 10:23 (77)

-This is what I was expecting from the match - I just did not expect to see two better matches tonight. The Behemoths were made to look like a threat, but weren't going to win here. It probably should have been a DQ, but Bach got a clean pin.


Aaron Andrews celebrated with Sammy Bach, but you could see Bach distracted by looking at the title belt. Freddy Huggins came out to make it clear that he saw it too, and Andrews had better watch his back on Sunday, as he will quickly find that he has no friends (92)


Overall Rating 82

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Jeremie Courtney is angry at taking the fall to Joffy Laine in the pre-show - his contract is coming up, and he could do with time in development. I can't see him re-signing, so I'll cut him loose and keep an eye on him.


You may have noticed that I sort of have a replacement in Pretty Okakura. He's got a new hot move, and a new, hot catchphrase... the latter of which is pretty irrelevant as no-one understand it in this country. He's only on a PPA deal due to his loyalty to SAISHO, but he's a pretty decent talent, and if he ever leaves SAISHO he'll get signed on full time. I have kept costs down by getting him to relocate to the Mid-South (admission time - I've only just realised that you can get people to relocate, so I've taken advantage of that so I can stop playing travel expenses to some of my development workers based in Canada and Mexico).


Yes, the TV Title is being defended on PPV. Traditions don't have to remain forever...


TCW The War to Settle The Score

Jay Chord open challenge

Chance Fortune vs Eddie Chandler

Might Meaty © vs The Behemoths vs Cougar Stone vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Greg Gauge © vs Benny Benson for the TCW TV Title

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Wolf Hawkins

Aaron Andrews © vs Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins vs Doc Hammond for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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TCW The War to Settle The Score

Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Pretty Okakura 8:43
-Not a bad little singles debut from Okakura, who made the crowd get their phones out to try and work out who he was.

Troy Tornado and Marc Speed defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 11:12 (58)
-So I'm not making the same mistake as last PPV by annoying names by leaving them off the big show.

Eddie Peak defeated Joffy Laine in 8:45 (55)
-I think I'm meant to use Eddie Peak as a special attraction on PPV, but with a heel heavy top of card it was a pre-show win instead.


Eddie Chandler defeated Chance Fortune in 12:39 (52)
-After I found out that Eddie Chandler wasn't on time decline, I had visions of him being given one singles run in the company. However, he's not managed to look above "solid", so I'm not sure he'll get it, despite the victory over Chance Fortune with the assist from Nate Johnson.

Benny Benson was out for his TV Title challenge, telling the crowd the he would undoubtedly win tonight (61)

Greg Gauge (c) defeated Benny Benson to retain the TCW TV Title in 13:39 (73)
-We knew this would be good after we previously found out about the chemistry between the two, so maybe should have placed this later in the card. Benson was confident, but was slowly worn down by Gauge, who's brass knuckles again put him in a position to attach the Proton Lock.

Freddy Huggins was backstage hyping the Main Event, when Sammy Bach interrupted to say that he wouldn't let him hide during the match before trying to steal to pin at the end. Huggins just grinned at Sammy, pointing out that he shouldn't pretend to be friends with Aaron Andrews, as he was after the title just like anyone else - and Huggins equally had his eyes on Bach (90)

Human Arsenal, One Man Army and Danny Fonzarelli defeated Matt Hocking, Maverick and Roderick Remus in 11:42 (62)
-Well, this was a thrown together use a bunch of people. Arsenal and Hocking both noticed, and were not into the match at all, although Arsenal did pin Remus after an Ammo Dump.

Jay Chord came down to the ring, once again announcing himself as the future. He was interrupted by T-Bone Bright, who told him that his future was in the ring against him - and everyone here wanted him to hit the T-Bone and shut Chord up (86)

Jay Chord defeated T-Bone Bright in 15:36 (77)
-So, time for a bit of honesty. I've never really looked at Bright's stats properly - I assumed he was a typical brawler, lacking in stamina who need a bit of protection. A little bit of protection will help, but there's some serious talent there. As such I let him go a little longer than Chord, making him out as a threat that I haven't done in the last few weeks. So much so that when Chord did get on top he couldn't keep Bright down, and the eventual pin came with the feet on the ropes.

Eddie Peak cut a promotion with Floyd Goldworthy, calling it a disgrace that The Behemoths had to fight their way to get their rematch - but they were always happy to fight, and would win the titles back tonight (68)

Mighty Meaty (c) defeated Cougar Stone, Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton and The Behemoths in 10:25 to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles (78)
-This was carnage, topped off by a stunt bump as The Behemoths threw Edd Stone from the ring through a ringside table. Straight afterwards a flying crossbody from Masked Cougar took Killer Shark over the top ropes, and the ring slowly. This allowed Tana the Mighty to pin Joshua Taylor after a Big Fat Samoan Splash to retain the titles.

Wolf Hawkins hyped up Doc Hammond, telling his that he was in a great position to win the title, which would allow The Syndicate men to do what was right at TCW Battlegrounds (81)

Wolf Hawkins defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8:48 (77)
-Not sure that this one deserved the second last slot of the night, but Hawkins was always going to get the win with his upcoming title shot. Decent brawl, DDD not in the title picture right no.

Aaron match cut a pre-match promo, pointing out how Wolf Hawkins and The Elite were banned from ringside, which will make the Main Event even more memorable (88)

Aaron Andrews (c) defeated Sammy Bach, Freddy Huggins and Doc Hammond to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 27:01 (80)
-A great match, with Aaron Andrews and Doc Hammond focused, but Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins arguing between one another. Anyone who concentrated on Aaron Andrews pre-match announcement wouldn't have been too surprised with Chris Flynn coming out, but a strike to the chest from Andrews sent him reeling, with the commentary team reminding us of his injury. The finish came with Freddy Huggins and Sammy Bach hitting finishers on Aaron Andrews, before fighting over the pin. That left Doc Hammond to lock on the Texas Cloverleaf to Bach, but Andrews recovered hit a distracted Freddy Huggins with a Flying Body Press, getting the pin before Hammond could make Bach tap.

After the match Wolf Hawkins was out with a mic, declaring Andrews win a fluke, that would not be repeated next month when they fought (90)

Overall Rating 82

Edited by eayragt
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A great show to end the month, and there's direction for the future there as well. Showing the "PPV" on Canadian terrestrial TV certainly exposed the company to more viewers, although seemed to have a negative effect on buy rate as some Americans could just find a way of watching it on TV. An acceptable compromise.




TCW is slowly growing, from 72 across the states to 74/75 after the PPV. Canada is also on the slow rise. Continue this and TCW could become Big by the end of the year, and challenge SWF for the position of second biggest promotion in the World (realistically, it's not that simple).


TCW has turned a comfortable profit in each month - helped by Aaron Andrews awesome merchandising. It's a long gap to Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins, and Mighty Meaty (those shirts sell well in XL and XXL).


Aaron Andrews is easily to most popular worker, having jumped from 82 popularity to 85/88 across the US. Other notable changes:


  • Wolf Hawkins - 80 to 83/85
  • Freddy Huggins - 65 to 77/79
  • Jay Chord - 71 to 73/75
  • Greg Gauge - 50 to 60/61


Masked Cougar and Davis Wayne Newton are still considered unimportant (which did mean I couldn't risk the effect of putting the Tag Titles on them), but are slowly getting known. Joffy Laine needs to appear main show.


One signing for the month, Pretty Okakura. He's working a fabulous darling gimmick that the crowd are getting, but being PPA and not speaking the lingo, he may well take up the jobber role from a soon to depart Jeremie Courtney. Davis Wayne Newton and, briefly, El Hijo Del Neutron made their main show debuts. Joffy Laine is still yet to.


Next contracts up are Chris Flynn (who I have found difficult to use with him carrying two injuries), Dean Daniels (who is an expensive Road Agent) and Chance Fortune (who I need to think about if he has a future on not).


With SWF falling to medium the production company were concerned that we were now a direct comparison, and they were a much more polished product. I have had visions of investing in my training facilities, but instead moved to Major Licensed music, and through High Quality and Majestic Production values. The set will look very special on Tuesday...


In a fit of organisation, instead of just booking a few events, I've almost filled out the next PPV in my notes. Of course, as I write shows this is subject to change (I also need to know if Chris Flynn will be fit, which I don't think he will be).


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Benny Benson vs Doc Hammond

Greg Gauge © vs Flying Jimmy Foxx for the TCW TV Title

Mighty Mo vs Titan

Darryl Devine vs Nate Johnson

One Man Army vs Maverick

Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal vs Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton

Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Marc Speed defeated Joffy Laine in 7:53 (54)

-A chance for Speed to try and get some momentum, at the expense of Laine.


One Man Army and Bart Biggins defeated Pretty Okakura and Yuri Yoshihara in 9:51 (49)

-The face team were both completely off their game, and the Japanese heels unknown. Still, Okakura held up his end, and I'm not sure that I want to lose him to jobber land.


Roderick Remus defeated Chance Fortune in 8:18 (54)

-So meant to book this result the other way round...


Eddie Chandler defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 9:11 (67)

-A second booking mistake on a row? At this stage I had to go back to the booking screen to make sure I hadn't made a habit of it...


Wolf Hawkins defeated Masked Cougar in 8:41 (79)

-So, that might be match of the night. On the pre-show. Smooth.




Wolf Hawkins started the show off with Doc Hammond, to announce that his partner was moments away from winning the title on Sunday - as such he has been given a one on one match next week. This brought Aaron Andrews out to tell Wolf Hawkins that he knew he was trying to stack their match at Battlegrounds in Hawkins favour, but it didn't matter - he would be champion, now, then, and as long as he's in TCW (89)


Doc Hammond defeated Benny Benson in 9:28 (69)

-Again Hammond applied the Texas Cloverleaf, but this time there was time for his opponent to tap.


Freddy Huggins and Sammy Bach clashed backstage, both arguing that they were more worthy of a title shot than Doc Hammond. Jay Chord came over with Troy Tornado at his side, telling them that they were soon to be known as the whingers in TCW. He told Bach to find a partner, as he would team with Freddy Huggins in the Main Event (82)


Edd Stone defeated Jeremie Courtney in 7:22 (55)

-I found a gap in a show, so took the opportunity to book a defeat for Courtney.


Darry Devine defeated Nate Johnson in 7:46 (59)

-A rare victory for Devine, although the match did show why the competitors were both better off in the tag division.


Flying Jimmy Foxx was on his way to the ring for this title shot when Benny Benson rushed up to him to tell him he would be at his side. Foxx told him to stay out back - he wanted to do this on his own (61)


Greg Gauge © defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx to retain the TCW TV Title in 11:08 (66)

-Out did come Benny Benson, and in his attempt to take out Greg Gauge just clobbered Greg Gauge, enabling Gauge to take the pin.


Flying Jimmy Foxx recovered and shook his head, asking Benson why he came out. Benson looked frustrated... and blasted Flying Jimmy Foxx with a forearm before hitting a B-Drop. We'll call that a successful heel turn (56)


Mighty Mo defeated Titan by DQ in 7:53 (78)

-We discovered that these two had great chemistry on the house show circuit, so decided to use that here. A great brawl that spread outside, Titan dropping Mo headfirst onto his own title belt. Which earned a DQ.


Refs were out to make sure the regular post match brawl didn't get out of hand, and Tana the Mighty announced that the Behemoths would get their rematch next week (78)


Aaron Andrews had a backstage interview to say he was ready for Wolf Hawkins and anything The Syndicate could throw at him - and knew what he would need to do (90)


Aaron Andrews and Human Arsenal defeated Joshua Taylor and Davis Wayne Newton in 11:04 (79)

-A little more TV exposure for DWN, but it was him who took the pin after a Standing Hot Shot from Andrews.


Sammy Bach brought out his partner for the Main Event - and T-Bone Bright had gone from "barely on TV" to "in the Main Event". Odd (85)


Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins defeated Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright in 18:50 (80)

-This is it, I finally realise the Bright has his place, and I need to start using him properly. Although the results of this show has already made me alter the plans for two of my matches at Battlegrounds. Anyway, a great contest with both sides looking strong, but for the second time in a week Jay Chord was to pin Bright.


Overall Rating 82

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I don't know how on earth you dragged T-Bone Bright to an 80-rated match, but I'm impressed. Tell me your secrets! Are you using specific booking notes for him or is he just being covered for by Bach and Jay there?


I annoyed Devine in my save by jobbing him out too much and he ended up leaving, which I regret as he's very talented. It's that damn tag team with the charisma vacuum that it Chance Fortune that puts me off him! I'm glad you're giving him a bit of love though.

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