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TCW - The Return of J.K. Stallings

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Marc Speed defeated Elliot Thomas (58)

Mighty Mo and Cougar Stone defeated Tigre Salvaje, Yuri Yoshihara and Harvey Robbinfield (56)

Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated Devine Fortune (65)

Jay Chord defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley (74)




Freddy Huggins started off the show... if I've done that before it was a long time ago. Laura Huggins hyped up her brother, calling him the next World Champion... which brought out the champion, Wolf Hawkins. The champion told Huggins that he was in the title match because he has allowed it - he must do what is best for both of them. Laura tried to clam things down, but T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez were out to throw wood on the fire, trying to stick a wedge between the two men that they would face in 12 days time. Hawkins grew frustrated, but Huggins told him that he knew what he had to do - Hawkins has his part to play to (99)


Steven Parker defeated Nate Johnson in 7:04 (62)

-Nate Johnson is slowly getting annoyed at me as he doesn't want to head to being a full time jobber. Too late for that...


Aaron Andrews defeated Team Tornado in 9:57 (79)

-Troy Tornado joined the commentary team to see how his young charges would do against the former World Heavyweight Champion, but despite him selling for them, he got over the odds and pinned DWN after he missed a strike from the top row.


As Aaron Andrews celebrated Troy Tornado took a microphone and slipped into the ring. He accused Andrews of trying to destroy two promising young men's careers, just like he has down to every young talent who has tried to get a break at TCW since he joined. Andrews snatched the mic off Tornado and called him deluded - he fought in the ring, and if he won it was because he was the better man. If Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron were being let down by anyone, it was the man who formed "Camp Tornado", and he needed to take a good, long look in a mirror (84)


Matt Hocking © defeated Roderick Remus to retain the TCW TV Title in 9:22 (68)

-A back and forth contest that barely kept the crowd interested - their interest was most peaked when Jay Chord interjected to drop Remus's neck into the top rope, which gave Hocking the opportunity to hit the Hock Drop.


Steven Parker was out to make sure that no further damage was done, but Chord had no intention of doing anything more. He motioned that he was Number One, before heading backstage (77)


Joffy Laine defeated Dusty Ducont in 4:12 (46)

-Dusty leaves to rejoin USPW full time on Thursday, so we gave him the send off, and finally a singles victory for Joffy Laine. Ducont wasn't happy, but he carried out the job professionally.


Joffy Laine rushed out back to see Dazzling Dave Diamond to celebrate his victory, but DDD told him not now - he had a job to do next (67)


Greg Gauge defeated Findlay O'Farraday by DQ in 8:29 (58)

-Two talented wrestlers, one struggling to get over. What do you get? A hot mess when they just didn't mesh at all. Gauge almost played the face in distress role before saving himself by taking O'Farraday down to the mat, which also be why the match didn't work. It was outside the ring where O'Farraday threatened to put Gauge through a table, which made the ref warn him about the DQ. Ring enforcer Dazzling Dave Diamond came over... but joined in the attack and Gauge. DQ then.


O'Farraday and DDD smashed Greg Gauge though the table, as Sammy Bach came rushing out to help. The DDD and O'Farraday made their exit, as Bach called for help for his colleague (71)


Killer Shark defeated Tana the Mighty in 6:29 (67)

-I was surprised to see that I had never booked this 1 on 1 match, so booked it as my Wild Brawl here. With the two men going all out Tana was right at the end of his stamina by the time the Sinner Society member hit the Shark Bite for the upset victory.


Lenny Brown was out after the match to tell Killer Shark he was not mucking about - he wanted to see Eddie Peak now. Laughter hit, the lights dimmed... but when they were back up Eddie Peak was behind Brown with a mic in hand. He got right behind Brown and whispered "I'm here", before dropping the mic and trading blows with Brown. Killer Shark joined in but Brown was not backing down, and it was the heels that were forced from the ring... but Peak was still laughing (71)


Freddy Huggins defeated One Man Army in 9:14 (76)

-To make this a good show I needed this one to deliver - it wasn't bad, it was what average, but I needed a little bit more. Despite OMA's unorthodox offence, Freddy Huggins is the man with the World Heavyweight Title shot at Threatening Behaviour, and a distraction from his sister once more allowed him to deliver a Huggins Kiss.


T-Bone Bright, Mainstream Hernandez and Doc Hammond defeated The Syndicate in 17:57 (81)

-Possibly a little long, and possible falling into the troupe of the heel title holders failing when teaming together. There's a reason why it's a troupe. Wolf Hawkins didn't give an inch to his challengers, but there were fights happening everywhere when Doc Hammond was left in the ring for Eddie Chandler, wrapping him up in the Texas Cloverleaf.


After the match Wolf Hawkins threw Doc Hammond out of the ring, but was on the back foot when T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez entered. Freddy Huggins rushed out and climbed the ring post, waited a moment, before taking out the faces with a flying crossbody. He got up and shrugged at Hawkins, before casually leaving the ring (81)


Overall Rating 83


Online Hot Threads:

Dazzling Dave Diamond turn to join O'Farraday!

Might Mo signs huge new deal!

Debut rumoured for Threatening Behaviour

Jay Chord interested in Japanese tour

Dylan Siddle joins TCW backstage team



To be fair, I didn't expect anything more from the end result of that show. What I was expecting was more from the Gauge / O'Farraday match, despite the DQ. That really does make me reconsider some of my plans, but I really want to stick to them.


Dazzling Dave Diamond swiftly turns heel - although this has been a long term plan for a while, this was rushed through due to Greg Gauge's face turn. Where this leaves Joffy Laine, who's just picked up his biggest victory in TCW, is uncertain.


Dusty Ducont leave with a 2-13 record (two preshow tag team victories before Saturday Night Showcase). As a jobber on Showcase, he would have been fine, but USPW want him back to join on their main show, and I'm not getting in the way of that.


Dylan Siddle joins my road agenting team - he's slightly better than some I have in that role. I didn't steal him from CZCW (I wouldn't do that) - for some reason they released him, so I'm giving him job security.


Of more interest is Mighty Mo's contract. I've set myself an upper limit of Aaron Andrews $80,000 a year for offering contracts, a decision that has left stars like Nicky Champion out of my reach. Lets just say that Mighty Mo is now earning almost $60,000 a month more than Andrews after USPW and SWF came sniffing. This changes things.


Saturday Night Showcase ended up as a little disaster - Arthur Dexter Bradley breaking his sternum was a minor inconvenience, but Dazzling Dave Diamond tearing his abdominal muscle in the Main Event in his first match since his heel turn was far more serious. He did manage to finish the match and collapse on Tana the Mighty to take the victory, but will not be able to wrestle for 50 days. Of more pleasing news Pretty Okakura returned from injury, was given some mic time (did he speak English fluently beforehand? Never noticed) before taking victory over Harry Allen.


TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

Camp Tornado defeated Devine Fortune and Arthur Dexter Bradley (46)

Pretty Okakura defeated Harry Allen (51)

High Flying Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Maverick and Nate Johnson (60)

Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Tana the Mighty (65)


Overall Rating 68


However, Saturday Night was not so bad when you compare it to SWF's evening - North American Champion Angry Gilmore's minor concussion will keep him out a month, but more devastatingly Brandon James will be out for at least a year after suffering a spinal injury that could end his career.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Aaron Andrew vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Darryl Devine vs Marc Speed

Tana the Mighty vs Findlay O'Farraday

Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs Shockura

T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Jay Chord

Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Aaron Andrew vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Darryl Devine vs Marc Speed

Tana the Mighty vs Findlay O'Farraday

Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs Shockura

T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Jay Chord

Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Aaron Andrew vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Darryl Devine vs Marc Speed

Tana the Mighty vs Findlay O'Farraday

Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs Shockura

T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Jay Chord

Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Lenny Brown vs The Syndicate


Thanks for the predictions! On with the show:


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Mighty Mo defeated Harvey Robbinfield (61)

Sammy Bach and Joffy Laine defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara




Dazzling Dave Diamond came out to start the show, for some reason on crutches - it's hard to show the crowd a tore abdominal, so we got creative on the injury. He stoically ignored the boos and jeers in the ring, but as he went to speak Greg Gauge's music hit. The youngster told DDD that he got everything that was coming to him when he picked up an injury on Saturday Night Showcase. Gauge asked DDD why he attacked him, and the veteran laughed... and then winced. Diamond told Gauge that he was just another young upstart who thought he was the next big thing in TCW - but he wasn't. Not everyone gets to live off their name value - he spent years working through the ranks, and only he know what it is to have to truly work for a living. A living which could have be ruined by Tana the Mighty on Saturday, and he demanded the Samoan came to the ring. He obliged, flanked by his partner Mighty Mo, and went to shake Diamond's hand. DDD told him he wasn't having any of that - Tana was a danger in the ring, and the only way to protect the rest of the workers at TCW was to face the most dangerous man on the TCW roster - Findlay O'Farraday. Tana told Diamond that he was not responsible for his injury, but he will face up to O'Farraday. Mo told Tana that he had his back, but was cut off by Diamond shouting "No!". He demanded that Tana and O'Farraday were left one on one in the ring, to which Greg Gauge scoffed, telling Diamond that wasn't how he worked last week. DDD proposed that this week everyone stays away, at the forfeit of their contract, and Tana was happy to accept even as his colleagues looked on concerned (91)


Aaron Andrews defeated Phillipe LaGrenier in 7:58 (73)

-Andrews mixed it up with the most recent call up to the TCW roster, and managed to do a good job of both making him look good while winning convincingly.


Troy Tornado applauded Aaron Andrews after the match, telling him that once more his was picking on youngsters, and would struggle against him. As he walked down to the ring the music of Cougar Stone hit, and Andrews introduced Tornado to the two men that the rest of Camp Chord would face on Sunday - so he better make sure his youngsters are ready for the challenge (78)


Marc Speed defeated Darryl Devine in 6:19 (63)

-Much as I would like Devine's career not to end as a jobber in TCW, it's hard to manage with his beaten down body and inconsistent performances. Speed made him tap to the Cross Armbreaker.


Findlay O'Farraday defeated Tana the Mighty in 6:16 (69)

-The biggest singles victory in O'Farraday's TCW career. Tana wasn't too happy with the booking, and really didn't put in his best performance, but O'Farraday took the opportunity to work stiffly and looked more dangerous than he ever had before. He delivered an Atomic Spinebuster onto the ringsteps, before dragging Tana back into the ring and making the pin.


After the match O'Farraday dragged Tana out of the ring and showed great strength to slam the Samoan through a table, before disappearing through the crowd as Greg Gauge and Mighty Mo came out to tend to their fallen colleague (69)


Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated Shockura in 8:48 (68)

-A return to Tuesday night action for Pretty Okakura, reminding everyone of the tag team that he briefly formed with Matt Hocking before his injury. Traditionally this would mean a victory, but they found the wrong opponents and it was Remus who took the victory with a schoolboy roll up on Hocking.


Mighty Mo and Greg Gauge joined together to cut a backstage promo targeting Findlay O'Farrady and Dazzling Dave Diamond - demanding a match at Threatening Behaviour. They recognised that Diamond was injured, but told O'Farraday that if he didn't someone to wrestle with they would have to face both of them alone (68)


Lenny Brown was shown with Doc Hammond and One Man Army, before moving away and coming face to face with Killer Shark. They both grinned at one another, before Brown asked Shark where his boss was. Shark chuckled, and told Brown that he would see soon (78)


T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez defeated Human Arsenal and Benny Benson in 8:16 (84)

-A great showing from the Heavyweight Title contenders, teaming together well to take victory over the adhoc team that I put together a couple of months ago that still seem to be going...


Bright and Hernandez hyped the Main Event on Sunday, telling Hawkins that they would work together and make sure that the best man won - while Hawkins would have to keep an eye on his back as Freddy Huggins was not one to be trusted (90)


Jay Chord defeated High Flyin Hawaiian in 10:36 (80)

-Jay Chord can pull of great matches with any type of talented wrestler, and he duly obliged here against High Flying Hawaiian. I haven't quite worked out where on the roster the face fits at the moment, but he can definitely deliver wherever it is.


I called an audible, and got Jay Chord to tell everyone he was not just the greatest worker to have ever some out of MAW, but was the greatest worker at TCW. That brought out Greg Gauge, who told Chord that he hadn't proved himself the best worker from MAW yet, and he told him that he was happy to take that crown. Gauge told Chord that he was the one who brought Findlay O'Farraday to TCW - maybe he should be the one to team with the brute on Sunday. Jay Chord seemed to consider it, when Steven Parker and Roderick Remus were out to tell Gauge that they still wanted a part of Jay Chord, so it was the heel who said that perhaps they could all meet in the ring on Sunday, which the faces seemed happy with (84)


Backstage and we had a quick angle with The Syndicate... of which Hawkins is really the only one suited well to these types of angles (69)


The Syndicate defeated Lenny Brown, Doc Hammond and One Man Army on 14:59 (83)

-This match really turned when Lenny Brown was outside the ring and dragged into the crowd by Eddie Peak, with the ref conveniently oblivious to what was going on. He somehow didn't even see the two men fighting on the video screen, which ended with Peak driving Brown into a bunch of chairs. In the ring The Syndicate did what they did best - take advantage of the numbers game, and Joshua Taylor took the victory after the Butterfly Lock on One Man Army.


As The Syndicate celebrated Freddy Huggins came down to the ring. Wolf Hawkins looked on suspiciously, but accepted Huggins hand. He slowly smiled, before the heels took the mic and told Bright and Hernandez that they would work together to eliminate the faces on Sunday - and would enjoy every minute of it (96)


Overall Rating 87


Online Hot Threads:

Dazzling Dave Diamond injury throws Threatening Behaviour into chaos

Tana the Mighty gone from TCW?

Gauge / Chord feud brewing?

Krusher Karloff Tag Team Champion at 50!


The biggest news coming out of that show - Tana the Mighty has wrestled his last match for TCW. I knew as his contract was running out that he was going to ask for more money than Aaron Andrews, and I couldn't justify it. Since then I've broken that pay cap with Mighty Mo, but Tana was slowly on his way out, taking regular defeats in the last month. Of course, injuring Dazzling Dave Diamond wasn't part of the plan.


Admittedly the exit wasn't handled too well - it was the perfect opportunity to split Mighty Meaty and job Tana down the card, potentially to a heel Mighty Mo. However, I decided that I wanted Mighty Meaty in the Syndicate / Hammond / OMA feud, so they stayed at the top of the card until the last few weeks.


You add that to DDD's unscheduled turn and then injury and this month has been a bit of a booking mess - so much so that now Sammy Bach has found himself without a match at Threatening Behaviour. It was going to be Bach / Mo / Gauge vs DDD / O'Farraday / Speed, then cut down to Mo / Gauge vs O'Farrady / Speed. Midway through booking the show I changed that again and merged it with the Parker / Remus vs Chord / Hocking match that was planned, so it's now Mo / Gauge / Parker / Remus vs Chord / O'Farraday / Speed / Hocking. Which is a bit random. And not really what I wanted.


And there's one of my top feuds going into the next PPV off because of awful chemistry, fortunately discovered in time at house shows... Saturday Night Showcase didn't offer much more than a decent main event between Sammy Bach and Tigre Salvaje, but did have some hype interviews for the PPV.


TCW Saturday Night Showcase

Maverick defeated Elliot Thomas (34)

Bart Biggins defeated Nate Johnson (51)

Killer Shark and Chris Flynn defeated Harry Allen and Joffy Laine (54)

Sammy Bach defeated Tigre Salvaje (71)


Overall Rating 71


TCW Threatening Behaviour

High Flyin Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

Lenny Brown vs Eddie Peak in a Street Fight

Mighty Mo, Greg Gauge, Roderick Remus and Steven Parker vs Jay Chord, Findlay O'Farraday, Marc Speed and Matt Hocking

Aaron Andrews vs Troy Tornado

Cougar Stone vs Camp Tornado (Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron)

The Syndicate © vs One Man Army and Doc Hammond for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Wolf Hawkins © vs T-Bone Bright vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Freddy Huggins for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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TCW Threatening Behaviour:


Bart Biggins and Darryl Devine defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara (48)

Killer Shark defeated Clark Alexander (51)

Sammy Bach defeated Nick Booth (72)




Dazzling Dave Diamond started off the show, declaring that the team of Jay Chord, Findlay O'Farrady, Matt Hocking and Marc Speed would be the ones to face Parker, Remus, Gauge and Mo in the opener. Sammy Bach appeared, to tell DDD that he didn't know what had got into him, but if DDD was out ringside in the match, he was going to support his colleagues. Out came Jay Chord to tell Sammy Bach that he was everything the crowd didn't want - an old has been trying to stay relevant despite not having a match (84)


Mighty Mo, Greg Gauge, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated Jay Chord, Findlay O'Farraday, Matt Hocking and Marc Speed in 16:05 (79)

-Jay Chord was off his game. Jay Chord still pulled out a 97 rated - Mo and Gauge also chipping in with a 91 and 90 rating respectively. With the addition of DDD and Bach at ringside, the action was taking place everywhere for the entire match. Chord argued with Bach, Mo focused on O'Farrady after he "injured" Tana last week, and everyone else tried to show of their moves. That meant Remus going ariel time to take out Chord, O'Farrady and Bach outside the ring, and Mighty Mo delivering a Plunging Spinebuster to Speed in the ring to take the victory.


Lenny Brown came out for the next match, waiting as Eddie Peak's laughter bounced around the arena. The lights dipped, and when they were back on Eddie Peak was in the ring with a chair - but Lenny Brown was up the turnbuckle with a cane. He leapt into the leader of the Sinner Society, kicking off the match (77)


Lenny Brown defeated Eddie Peak in a Street Fight in 9:09 (76)

-The match that never happened last month - and a pity it didn't, as the two men showed good chemistry with one another. Peak did a good job in his domain, but whenever it changed to wrestling it was clear that he is now a long way past his best. It didn't matter too much here, with canes, chairs, stop signs, chains and a prosthetic leg (provided by an audience plant) used as weapons. It took two Star Treatments from Brown to take the victory, the second one onto a trash can.


Backstage and we saw Joffy Laine approach Dazzling Dave Diamond. Laine asked his former colleague why, and DDD sneered at him - telling the youngster that children always whined "Why?" when they didn't get their own way, and he was no different to any of them (68)


Cougar Stone defeated Camp Tornado (El Hijo Del Neutron and Davis Wayne Newton) in 9:07 (77)

-Considering Edd Stone was the only person in this match with any type of overness the fact that the crowd was fully engaged was a testament to everyone's skill in the ring. They all got in their offence, but Stone took the victory with a Party's Over on Del Neutron.


Jay Chord was interviewed backstage, being asked how much the defeat set him back. Chord declared that he had not been defeated - he was not pinned, and it took a jealous Sammy Bach's to keep him out the action. He said that he was still The One Jay Chord - certainly better than any of those ex-MAW boys. He stopped as the camera zoomed out to show Greg Gauge, who raised his eyebrows at Chord. Chord turned back to his interviewer, to reaffirm that he was The Chosen One, and the best thing to ever have come out of MAW. With that, he left (88)


High Flying Hawaiian and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Human Arsenal and Benny Benson in 8:52 (71)

-So this match happened because... we had space for it, and nothing else that these four men were doing. The face team does have good chemistry, but I'm still not quite sure that I want either of these men as permanent tag team. HFH got the victory over Benson here.


Aaron Andrews cut a promo on Troy Tornado, telling the leader of Camp Tornado that being aligned to him was the only thing that was getting in his colleagues way, and he was here to take him out of the equation (79)


Aaron Andrews defeated Troy Tornado in 11:28 (86)

-We knew these two had great chemistry, and they put on a great match. Camp Tornado were out mid match to watch but not interfere, and they saw Andrews take out their leader with a Flying Body Press.


The Syndicate © defeated Doc Hammond and One Man Army to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 15:09 (77)

-One Man Army was identified as the weak link in this one. He did get a stroke of luck with his double title reign just a few months ago, but he's firmly back to down midcard now. Perhaps five years ago this would have been top drawer, but taking out Mighty Meaty from the PPV match last month really has lowered the match quality. Maybe it was also a bit long for some of the workers, Taylor eventually taking the win by locking on the Butterfly Lock to One Man Army.


Main Event hype, and we went from the heels, to the faces cutting promos, all about who Wolf Hawkins could trust (83)


Wolf Hawkins © defeated T-Bone Bright, Mainstream Hernandez and Freddy Huggins to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title in 25:14 (89)

-My first slow build match (I kind of forgot that option existed...), and everyone except Bright got a bonus for how they did with that. All four men got ratings 90 or over, with Hawkins hitting 100, but the announcing team really let down the match, not quite keeping up with what was going one. Which was a lot - Huggins and Hawkins seemingly getting on well and not keeping an eye on one another like the faces predicted. Huggins and Hawkins both broke up pin attempts on one another, and even once were left alone in the ring to slowly turn to face one another... only to leave the ring to attack the faces. The ending came after Wolf Hawkins hit a Full Moon Rising on Mainstream Hernandez, Bright hit a T-Bone Powerslam on Hawkins, only to be bundled out of the ring by Huggins with both men looking as if they hit the floor painfully. While the ref checked on them it looked as if Mainstream Hernandez was going to be the man to recover to take advantage... until RANGER made his debut, slipping into the ring and hitting a Global Meltdown on Hernandez. He dragged Hawkins onto Hernandez before leaving the ring, holding back both Huggins and Bright as they tried, unsuccessfully, to break up the three count.


After the match Ranger grabbed the World Heavyweight Title and dragged Hawkins to his feet, raising his hand as his opponents looked on, shocked (98)


Overall Rating 89


Online Hot Threads:

Ranger joins TCW and The Syndicate

Does Camp Tornado have a future?

Bloated roster expecting to see cuts in next two months

Eddie Peak signs new deal


A victory to Wolf Hawkins with a huge assist from Ranger, who became another wrestler snatched away from SWF (joining Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez, Lenny Brown and High Flyin Hawaiian). A huge man with solid wrestling skills who should be a great signing, but his Bad Ass gimmick has so far come across badly (it gives a bonus to mic work, but a negative to psychology!). Although going 11-41 this year he only had one televised singles victory over Justin Sensitive - his main work was teaming with Marshall Dillon as the Dallas Cowboys in a never-ending feud with the Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee).


Development worker Jaylon Martins signed a new contract, but during the negotiations I forgot to re-send Martins to development. Worked out well, as Human Arsenal has decided to take the young man under his wing. A charismatic athlete, he is unfortunately several years away from justifying a role on the roster, and will likely have to go back down to development. He had been at MAW, with a 3-7 record, but he will probably end up a HGC.


Interesting point to note - when I originally signed Findlay O'Farraday it was on a six month PPA contract. With that coming up I needed to make a decision about whether I gave him an exclusive written deal, stealing him away from BGC, or extended his PPA deal. I took a look at his stats to see how he had been developing, and as a 35 year old there are mostly only minor improvements - apart from Safety, where he's increased from 62 to 82 in ten months. That's a substantial improvement, showing that Japanese tours can benefit even a 35 year old.


I was prepared to let Eddie Peak go after this PPV, but decided that his charisma was too valuable, and signed a PPA deal. This one does let him wrestle on Total Wrestling - not sure if he will yet or not.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Findlay O'Farraday

Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs Shockura

Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor

Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach and Lenny Brown vs The Sinner Society (The Behemoths and Chris Flynn)

Edd Stone vs El Hijo Del Neutron

One Man Army and Doc Hammond vs Wolf Hawkins and Ranger

T-Bone Bright vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Freddy Huggins to determine the last entrant into the King of Kings Tournament

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Flying Jimmy Foxx vs Findlay O'Farraday

Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs Shockura

Bart Biggins vs Joshua Taylor

Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach and Lenny Brown vs The Sinner Society (The Behemoths and Chris Flynn)

Edd Stone vs El Hijo Del Neutron

One Man Army and Doc Hammond vs Wolf Hawkins and Ranger

T-Bone Bright vs Mainstream Hernandez vs Freddy Huggins to determine the last entrant into the King of Kings Tournament

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Human Arsenal defeated Jaylon Martin (58)

-Jaylon Martin did manage a dark match on the roster against his mentor, and they showed good chemistry with one another. Human Arsenal sold strongly for the youngster, but he still needs to go back to development… surely?

High Flyin Hawaiian and Joffy Laine defeated Phillipe La Grenier and Yuri Yoshihara (54)

Mighty Mo defeated Nate Johnson (74)




The show opened with Wolf Hawkins bringing out the newest member of The Syndicate, Ranger, with the champion calling the newcomer the most gifted wrestler of his size that he had ever seen in the ring. As he went on to call The Syndicate the most dominant force in wrestling, his opponents from Threatening Behaviour (Freddy Huggins, T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez) came out, Hernandez leading them to tell Hawkins that he had cheated his title defence, and each and every one of them. Hawkins grinned, and told them it was nice to see them so unified - however, that would surely end soon. He knows that there's one slot available for the King of Kings tournament - and the three men would face on another to decide who took that slot. Hawkins told them that he hoped the best man would win, before leaving as a cloud of distrust settled (100)


Greg Gauge and Steven Parker defeated Shockura in 11:06 (81)

-Do I need to tell you Greg Gauge was the star? Probably not. The heels worked well together once more, but the talent of the face team took over, and it was Gauge who got Okakura to tap to the Proton Lock.


We got a video to show the seven wrestlers who would compete in the King of Kings - Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Greg Gauge, Steven Parker, Jay Chord, Joshua Taylor and Findlay O'Farraday (76)


Joshua Taylor defeated Bart Biggins in 5:50 (73)

-Bart Biggins in singles TV action? That's a rare showing. The commentators speculated during the match whether or not Wolf Hawkins had signed off on Joshua Taylor being in the King of Kings competition, wondering how happy his boss would be. He cruised to a regulation win here with a Butterfly Lock.


Dazzling Dave Diamond was shown backstage, when Joffy Laine approached him once more (we've finally realised his talent on the mic). DDD sighed, but Laine told him he would not be brushed off - he once thought Diamond had his best interest in heart, but now knew that he never should have trusted him. Diamond told Laine that he was lucky that he wasn't cleared to wrestle, or he would beat a bit of respect into the youngster. That brought Sammy Bach over to usher Joffy Laine away, telling him that he was better off without Diamond (83)


Findlay O'Farraday defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 5:12 (56)

-Flying Jimmy Foxx quickly went from a PPV victory to falling to an Atomic Spinebuster, as the O'Farraday push continues.


Jay Chord was down to congratulate O'Farraday, but as they headed to the back Mighty Mo met them on stage. Mo told the two men then he didn't know how they managed to get into the King of Kings - but he was ready to take the spot off either one of them. Jay Chord told Mo that was not how things work - Mo needed to prove himself as a singles wrestler. Mo and O'Farraday went face to face, Mo telling O'Farrady he was ready (87)


Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach and Lenny Brown defeated The Sinner Society in 10:55 (77)

-Joffy Laine was ringside with the faces for this match, Nick Booth on the other side (but no Peak or Goldworthy). Surprisingly, Chris Flynn outperformed The Behemoths for the heels, however it was the faces who took the victory, Bach pinning Titan after an Adrenaline Shot.


Backstage and Floyd Goldworthy was with Eddie Peak. Peak looked into the camera and addressed Lenny Brown, telling him that his had won a battle at Threatening Behaviour, but he was far from winning the war. He demanded that Brown meet him in the ring next week, where he will crush the life out of him (68)


Camp Tornado were shown backstage, with Troy Tornado telling his colleagues that they needed to step up - starting with Del Neutron (53)


Edd Stone defeated El Hijo Del Neutron in 8:43 (73)

-A decent contest between two talented workers, with Edd Stone enjoying his rare foray out into singles action. He took the victory with a Party's Over.


Wolf Hawkins and Ranger defeated Doc Hammond and One Man Army in 11:13 (82)

-A debutant teaming with the World Heavyweight Champion - there was only one winner from this match, despite the cadre of their opponents. Hawkins spent most of the time in the ring, but when Ranger entered he was made to look a huge threat, and he put away One Man Army with a Global Meltdown.


T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez cut a joint promo hyping the Main Event, telling Huggins that they were determined that they could work to ensure the best man received the entry to King of Kings (84)


Freddy Huggins defeated T-Bone Bright and Mainstream Hernandez in 21:30 (83)

-These three men went all out against one another, determined to take the last place at King of Kings. Freddy Huggins was up against it but showed off the talent that he has shown all year long by not backing down at all. The crucial point came when Mainstream Hernandez went for a 450 Splash on Huggins who pulled the ref and T-Bone Bright in front of him to take the hit. Huggins went for the Huggins Kiss on Hernandez, but he fought out and delivered an Apparition #14 to Huggins. As Hernandez went for the pin Ranger rushed down from the ring and dragged Hernandez out, hitting a Global Meltdown on the face. That left Freddy Huggins in the ring to deliver a Huggins Kiss on T-Bone Bright and take the victory.


Freddy Huggins rolled out of the ring and came face to face with World Champion Wolf Hawkins, with Ranger hulking behind him. There was a tense moment between the two, before Wolf Hawkins extended his hand, and the two men shook as the show ended (82)


Overall Rating 86


Online Hot Thread:

Huggins / Hawkins alliance formed?

Big stars set for King of Kings

Eddie Peak set for first TV match for years!

Quentin Queen and Raphael drop HGC Tag Titles to Guillotine and Seth Whitehead - heading to main roster?

Casey Valentine to leave USPW to join SWF


The competitors for King of Kings are now set, with an interesting dynamic of Syndicate member Joshua Taylor entering, alongside Freddy Huggins who was assisted by the World Champion. Alongside Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Steven Parker, Jay Chord and Findlay O’Farraday, it’s looking like quite the tournament. Over the next couple of weeks, we will go from eight men to four, who will battle at King of Kings. Although the focus will be the King of Kings tournament, there are a few other things to be sorted out in the next few weeks, so there’s a lot to squeeze in.


Backstage, Brent Hill and Sammy Bach are hot on Lenny Brown and High Flyin Hawaiian. That's why I signed them!


TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

Roderick Remus defeated Yuri Yoshihara (41)

Killer Shark defeated Harry Allen (44)

-Somewhere in this squash was some great chemistry

Camp Tornado defeated Devine Fortune and Clark Alexander (50)

Sammy Bach and Joffy Laine defeated Nate Johnson and Tigre Salvaje (56)


Overall Rating 62


Yes, the show was rubbish. It doesn’t really make any difference, but I shall try and improve the show a little. Sammy Bach and Joffy Laine got some mic time (targeting Dazzling Dace Diamond), and Bach told me that Laine was a natural. Yes, it’s taken me ten months to really get him going, but that’s why he’s getting mic time, okay?


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

One Man Army vs Ranger

Lenny Brown vs Eddie Peak

High Flyin Hawaiian vs Davis Wayne Newton for a TCW TV Title shot

Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge vs Freddy Huggins and Joshua Taylor

Sammy Bach vs Findlay O'Farraday in the King of Kings tournament

Steven Parker vs Jay Chord in the King of Kings tournament

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<p>Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs <strong>Human Arsenal and Benny Benson</strong></p><p>

One Man Army vs <strong>Ranger</strong></p><p>

Lenny Brown vs <strong>Eddie Peak</strong></p><p>

<strong>High Flyin Hawaiian</strong> vs Davis Wayne Newton for a TCW TV Title shot</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge</strong> vs Freddy Huggins and Joshua Taylor</p><p>

<strong>Sammy Bach</strong> vs Findlay O'Farraday in the King of Kings tournament</p><p>

Steven Parker vs <strong>Jay Chord</strong> in the King of Kings tournament</p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Bart Biggins, Elliot Thomas and Dean Daniels defeated Jaylon Martins, Nate Johnson and Tigre Salvaje (44)

-I forgot Martins was a face here, which didn’t help the match

Maverick defeated Chance Fortune (36)

Eddie Chandler squashed Arthur Dexter Bradley (66)

-Good chemistry

Doc Hammond and Joffy Laine defeated Shockura (62)




Freddy Huggins started the show to claim to be the man to become the next King of Kings after doing what no-one else has had to do – fight an extra match to get into the tournament. That brought Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins to out with Ranger to tell Freddy Huggins that he was welcome – he had The Syndicate to thank for his victory. Huggins smiled, and told Hawkins that may be the way that he sees it, but he remembers Ranger costing him a victory at Threatening Behaviour, and as far as he’s concerned, Hawkins still owes him a title shot. That brought out Mainstream Hernandez to point out that Ranger cost him the chance at a title shot as well, and was wondering when he gets that back. Hawkins shrugged, and said that someone would have to earn their shot at King of Kings, to which Hernandez pointed out that he’d been screwed out of that by The Syndicate as well. Hawkins just laughed, and told Hernandez that he had to make his own luck in TCW, perhaps he should go back to where things were easier for you (99)


High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Davis Wayne Newton to earn a TCW TV title shot in 7:53 (71)

-These two wrestlers were told to go out and show off their talents in the opening, and they put on a great all action bout. DWN got a couple of near falls, but HFH took the victory with a Pacific Crush.


Sammy Bach cut a promo to hype his King of Kings match against Findlay O’Farraday, saying he was going to be the first man to pin the giant in TCW (71)


Sammy Bach defeated Findlay O’Farraday by count-out to advance in the King of Kings in 8:43 (66)

-Sammy Bach was on the defensive as O’Farraday unleashed furious chops on the veteran. They went outside the ring to continue the battle, which left the ref in an awkward position. He clearly didn’t want to count both men out of the tournament, so tried to get between the men to force them back into the ring. This was never going to work, with O’Farraday shoving past Hapstander, who bumped into the ringpost and collapsed dramatically (and conveniently) onto the floor. O’Farrady charged Bach through the barriers by the side of the ring, but as he celebrated Mighty Mo rushed out from the back and went toe to toe with the giant. They disappeared off through the crowd, and by the time Bach and the ref had recovered Hapstander had no choice but to count O’Farraday, who was nowhere to be seen, out after Bach crawled back into the ring.


The cameras cut backstage and Mo and O’Farraday were still going at it, destroying a concessions stand in the process. It took all the wrestlers who weren’t on the card today to pull them apart (71)


Ranger defeated One Man Army in 7:06 (69)

-The newcomer outperformed the veteran here, but they did show some chemistry and Ranger showed off his Global Meltdown once more.


Steven Parker was shown backstage with Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez, with Parker hyping his match with Jay Chord. Parker told Chord that he had never shown Mid Atlantic Wrestling any respect, having done know more than pass through his father’s creation. Parker said that he would show Chord what he had missed out on, and teach him a lesson he should have learned years ago (83)


Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus defeated Human Arsenal and Benny Benson in 9:14 (76)

-The Mid Atlantic boys had a decent contest with Human Arsenal and Benny Benson, with Hernandez taking the victory with a Pontiac to Home on Benny Benson.


Eddie Peak defeated Lenny Brown in 7:50 in a hardcore match 7:50 (75)

-Having somehow forgotten to book the hype segment for this match, the commentators quickly filled us in on their recent feud as they quickly went all out at one another, and we discovered this was a hardcore match. Both men took chair shots from one another, and they fought out of a Peak of Perfection and Star Treatment. The deciding factor was Killer Shark, who completely legally interfered, delivering a Shark Bite to Brown onto a chair, which was enough for Peak to make the pin on his first televised match for years.


Eddie Peak took a mic to declare that Lenny Brown had sinned and would be taken straight to hell, as Killer Shark dragged him over to the announce tables. Eddie Peak continued his sermon, but mistakenly thought that the increased crowd noise was for appreciation, not T-Bone Bright taking out Killer Shark. Bright pulled up Brown as Peak backed away telling Bright that he had sinned, as he would be punished (81)


Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge defeated Freddy Huggins and Joshua Taylor in 15:53 (78)

-Honestly, expected a bit better from this match. Next week Andrews faces Taylor and Gauge faces Huggins in the King of Kings tournament, and this was a little preview. Part way through the match the rest of The Syndicate were out, but as they looked to make the decisive interference Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus arrived to provide some face support. Wolf Hawkins was clearly angry at the MAW boys coming out, and was shouting at both them and the heel team, until the point where Freddy Huggins turned around and told Laura Huggins to tell The Syndicate man to shut up. That drove a wedge between Taylor and Huggins, and the face team were able to take advantage with Gauge rolling up Taylor to take the victory.


Gauge celebrated but was jumped by Ranger, and things broke down into a huge brawl, Huggins rolling out of the ring and not getting involved (88)


Jay Chord cut a quick promo, telling Steven Parker that it was time to eliminate the thorn in his side for good (74)


Jay Chord defeated Steven Parker to advance in the King in Kings in 18:53 (84)

-It isn’t chemistry that does this, it’s just the two men’s skills and background blending perfectly to have a match that had just about everything. Chord and Parker did everything to make the other man look a million dollars as they went at it, trading near falls until Steven Parker hit the Future Shock. To Parker’s shock Jay Chord kicked out, and the youngster took over, screaming “I am the future!” as he delivered a Cradle Piledriver for the victory.


Overall Rating 86


Online Hot Takes:

Jay Chord and Sammy Bach advance in King of Kings

Scythe takes first SWF World Heavyweight Title from Rocky Golden

SWF fight off USPW and TCW interest to re-sign Primus Allen

TCW fail in bid to sign Hailey Hunter

Elizabeth Cartier gives birth to first child

Herrbear score 5/6 in prediction contest victory!


We have the first two semi-finalists in the King of Kings contest – Jay Chord after a fabulous victory over Steven Parker, and Sammy Bach after… squeezing past Findlay O’Farrady with Mighty Mo’s assistance. Elsewhere the Eddie Peak / Lenny Brown feud seems set to continue with Peak getting his win back, with T-Bone Bright back in the mix after his unsuccessful title challenge. Meanwhile, High Flyin Hawaiian will be getting a shot at Matt Hocking’s TCW TV Title after victory over Davis Wayne Newton.


On the signing front I did explore contracts with both Primus Allen and Hailey Hunter, but both proved too expensive to justify the costs. I am much more interested in another ongoing negotiation…


TCW Saturday Showcase:

Ground and Pound defeated Devine Fortune (43)

El Hijo Del Neutron defeated Clark Alexander (42)

Marc Speed and Maverick defeated Harry Allen and Arthur Dexter Bradley (51)

Doc Hammond and Bart Biggins defeated Tigre Salvaje and Remmy Skye (60)


Overall Rating 63


Quentin Queen and Raphael have officially been called up to the main roster and debuted in victory while outperforming Devine Fortune. Remmy Skye made a one-off appearance in the main event and reminded people of the talent he has… underneath his issues.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Mighty Mo vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Cougar Stone vs Ground and Pound

Matt Hocking © vs High Flyin Hawaiian for the TCW TV Title

Greg Gauge vs Freddy Huggins in the King of Kings

Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler and Ranger

Aaron Andrews vs Joshua Taylor in the King of Kings

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<p><strong>Mighty Mo</strong> vs Phillipe LaGrenier</p><p>

<strong>Cougar Stone</strong> vs Ground and Pound</p><p>

<strong>Matt Hocking ©</strong> vs High Flyin Hawaiian for the TCW TV Title</p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge</strong> vs Freddy Huggins in the King of Kings</p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs <strong>Wolf Hawkins, Eddie Chandler and Ranger</strong></p><p>

Aaron Andrews vs <strong>Joshua Taylor</strong> in the King of Kings</p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Doc Hammond and One Man Army defeated Titan and Yuri Yoshihara (57)

Sammy Bach defeated Nate Johnson (70)

Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated Dean Daniels and Flying Jimmy Foxx (62)

Jay Chord squashed Jaylon Martins (72)




The first segment of the show was for the six competitors still in King of Kings to come together, have an argument, and a debut… who I forgot to debut in the segment. So Chord and Bach boasted of having already qualified, whereas as Andrews, Gauge, Taylor and Huggins all insisted they would join them. Then the segment just… ended (94)


Mighty Mo defeated Phillipe LaGrenier in 4:42 (69)

-The wild brawl of the night, as none of the others would have fit this bill. That made it not perfect, but good chemistry just about made up for it.


After the match Findlay O’Farraday made his way to the ring, chucking the ring steps in before him, obviously angry at Mo costing him his spot in King of Kings last week. Mo took a mic and told O’Farrady to stop – anger was blinding his ability now, but they were in a position to light up a PPV with an epic match between the two of them, which seemed to please O’Farraday (75)


Bach was shown quickly backstage with Dazzling Dave Diamond telling him he was a beaten man last week and should be nowhere near King of Kings. Bach brushed Diamond off, telling him it was water off a duck’s back, and he wasn’t interested in a word he had to say (70)


Cougar Stone defeated Ground and Pound in 7:49 (69)

-A main show debut for Quentin Queen and Raphael, but it was not to be in victory. They were given a fair showing, but the more experienced team pulled out the victory, Cougar pinning Quentin after a Hear Me Party Roar.


Next we have a debut of the person we forgot to debut earlier! We shoe-horned in an extra segment, with Jay Chord claiming to Wolf Hawkins that he would be the man to take his title from him. Queen Emily debuted, calling herself the Queen of Spades, to tell Chord that he had plenty to do first, and she was going to be in charge of making the matches around here (81)


Queen Emily was followed out of the room where she came face to face with Vita, who told her that Edd Stone had been passed over by the management for years, and was worthy of a title shot – singles title, tag team title, he was ready and waiting. Queen Emily told her that everyone would have to earn their shots – nothing would be given away. Troy Tornado joined in, to say that Camp Tornado were worthy, then Doc Hammond and One Man Army to scoff at Tornado’s suggestion. There was a loud argument but Vita quietened them down to ask where Queen Emily was, and they realised she had left during the confusion (74)


Matt Hocking © defeated High Flyin Hawaiian to retain the TCW TV Title in 9:07 (79)

-Big victory for Hocking, who was outperformed by his opponent but managed to pull out the victory. Hawaiian just couldn’t hit the Pacific Crush, but one Hock Drop was all that Hocking needed.


Eddie Peak was shown backstage, preaching about the second coming of the Sinner Society. It had a proper cultish feel, and as the cameras panned back we saw Lenny Brown and T-Bone Bright shaking their heads and looking concerned (78)


Freddy Huggins defeated Greg Gauge to advance in King of Kings in 12:29 (80)

-Sometime in the future this is going to be a great feud, but this match was kept somewhat shorter, and it was a huge surprise to see Wolf Hawkins out. Both competitors seemed unsure about why he was there, but eventually it became clear as after Gauge dumped Huggins out of the ring the champion used the distraction to drill Gauge with his title belt. After that, all Huggins had to do was to get back into the ring and hit a Huggins Kiss to take the victory.


Freddy Huggins went backstage and cut a quick promo to hype his chances of becoming the next King of Kings, which brought Jay Chord over. Chord told Huggins that he was being used by Hawkins, but true talent would show through. Huggins laughed, and told Chord that he was not as stupid as he thought he would, but he didn’t mind if he underestimated him (94)


Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins, Ranger and Eddie Chandler) by disqualification in 11:59 (80)

-The three ex-MAW men teamed up against The Syndicate, and they proved to be a well oiled unit, certainly working quicker than Eddie Chandler and Ranger. The only way that the heel team were able to keep up was with illegal assistances, and despite numerous warning from the ref when Ranger took out Steven Parker a disqualification was called.


The Syndicate stormed out back and barged in Queen Emily’s office. Hawkins told her that the standard of refereeing was dreadful in TCW and demanded that she do something about it. Emily smiled, and told Hawkins that she thought the problem was too many people doing something they shouldn’t, so she would help make the referee’s job easier in the Main Event – by banning The Syndicate from ringside. As Hawkins begun to protest Emily added that if they did come out, Taylor would automatically lose his spot in King of Kings (86)


Aaron Andrews defeated Joshua Taylor to advance in King of Kings in 19:45 (81)

-My first ever Main Event repeated here. The match was booked differently to the disastrous technical showpiece I tried to book in January, but we still managed to get moments of psychology waning, which did disrupt the match a little. Joshua Taylor was booked to go toe to toe with Andrews, with it swinging both ways – until the moment that Greg Gauge came out. Taylor shouted at the man who The Syndicate cost a King of Kings spot earlier, but his appearance alone was enough for Andrews to take over, delivering a Standing Hot Shot for the victory.


Greg Gauge was shown laughing to himself as he left the ring, as Andrews celebrated in the ring to close the show (81)


Overall Rating 87


Online Hot Threads:

Queen of Spades, Queen Emily, takes over at TCW!

O’Farraday set to leave BCG

Greg Gauge gets revenge on The Syndicate!


We have an authority figure at last! Queen Emily (who has taken on the moniker of Queen of Spades) adds TCW to her SWF and USPW history. Traditionally a heel, she offered The Syndicate no favours with her rulings, and it will be interesting to see how this develops.


The King of Kings tournament is set, with Aaron Andrews, Sammy Bach, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins progressing to the semi-finals. Yes, this tournament is often used to help develop young talent, but excluding the champion this is probably the four hottest wrestlers in TCW this year. Eggs all in one basket, but I’m hoping it will deliver.


Finday O’Farraday is set to leave BCG after he signed an exclusive extension to his TCW contract, and dutifully dropped the BCG World Title to Yoshinaka Taku.


Backstage and Aaron Andrews is hot on Ranger. Don’t imagine that will overrule his creative control if they face one another! Jaylon Martin is still on the main roster as Human Arsenal is working well with his protegee, passing on tips each week. Didn't stop him getting squashed by Killer Shark at Saturday Night Showcase...


TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

Killer Shark squashed Jaylon Martins (39)

Lenny Brown defeated Tiger Salvaje (61)

Benny Benson defeated Clark Alexander (53)

Sammy Bach and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound (64)


Overall Rating 66


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

One Man Army vs Troy Tornado

Chance Fortune vs Ranger

T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs Ground and Pound

Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs The Sinners (Chris Flynn and Nick Booth)

Harry Allen vs Findlay O’Farraday

Cougar Stone and High Flyin Hawaiian vs Matt Hocking, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins

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One Man Army vs Troy Tornado

Chance Fortune vs Ranger

T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs Ground and Pound

Greg Gauge and Steven Parker vs The Sinners (Chris Flynn and Nick Booth)

Harry Allen vs Findlay O’Farraday

Cougar Stone and High Flyin Hawaiian vs Matt Hocking, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson

Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</strong></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Marc Speed and Tigre Salvje defeated Dean Daniels and Jaylon Martins</span> (52)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Bart Biggins defeated Pretty Okakura</span> (56)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Wolf Hawkins and Joshua Taylor defeated Clark Alexander and Arthur Dexter Bradley</span> (75)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>MAIN SHOW:</strong></p><p> </p><p> Wolf Hawkins started the show with Joshua Taylor, claiming that there was an injustice last week that screwed Taylor out of the King of Kings progression. Aaron Andrews came out, pointing out that The Syndicate think that they can ruin riot – but last week they got their comeuppance. Queen Emily was out, with the Queen of Spades calling out Jay Chord, Sammy Bach and Freddy Huggins to make the draw for King of Kings next week. As the three men filed out, Hawkins got into Freddy Huggins' face, before rolling out of the ring as the Queen of Spades “randomly” drew the below matches for King of Kings:</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord</strong></p><p><strong> Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p> Emily turned her attention to The Syndicate, telling them that they had an opportunity to team up, as they would face Greg Gauge, Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus at King of Kings (94)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Cougar Stone and High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Matt Hocking, Human Arsenal and Benny Benson</strong></span> in 12:07 (80)</p><p> -These six men showed some great, fast action (apart from Human Arsenal, who’s definitely slowing down). Multiple near-falls came until High Flyin Hawaiian took revenge on Hocking for last week by pinning him after a Pacific Crush.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Vita was shown with Queen Emily, with the Queen of Spades agreeing that Edd Stone had done enough to be in the Number One Contenders match at King of Kings for the TCW TV Title (60)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Findlay O’Farraday squashed Harry Allen</strong></span> in 4:27 (45)</p><p> -Harry Allen took a beating here, falling to an Atomic Spinebuster.</p><p> </p><p> Might Mo came out to the top of the ring entrance, and told O’Farraday that he wasn’t going to find things so easy on Sunday when he promised to become the first man in TCW to pin the bruiser. O’Farraday screamed at Mo to bring it, but we’re going to have to wait for Sunday for this one (72)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Ranger defeated Chance Fortune</strong></span> in 5:55 (66)</p><p> -A run out for Ranger here, to once more show off the Global Meltdown finisher.</p><p> </p><p> The of the Syndicate all joined Ranger in the ring to cut a promo on the upstarts from the Mid-Atlantic that they would be facing on Sunday and… they all did well, each of them receiving a positive road agent report note, even Eddie Chandler (82)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated Ground and Pound</strong></span> in 8:26 (75)</p><p> -Raphael and Quentin Queen are being booked fairly evenly in matches, but are not getting the wins, and so it repeated itself here, Brown hitting the Star Treatment on Queen.</p><p> </p><p> After the match Eddie Peak was out with The Behemoths, Chris Flynn and Nick Booth, telling Bright and Brown that they would be indoctrinated into The Sinner Society on Sunday and would be made to bow down before him as their leader. Bright took the mic and told him that would never happen, but Peak just laughed, telling him he would fall under his influence like so many have beforehand. Peak told Bright and Brown to find a partner to face the wrath of The Sinner Society on Sunday – unless they want to submit first? (82)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Greg Gauge and Steven Parker defeated The Sinners (Chris Flynn and Nick Booth)</strong></span> in 7:20 (78)</p><p> -The Sinners were sent into this next match with Eddie Peak at ringside, shouting instructions to them. When Gauge caught Booth in the Proton Lock Peak demanded that Booth did not tap, but the youngster couldn’t hold out, and eventually tapped.</p><p> </p><p> After Gauge and Parker left Eddie Peak entered the ring, and Booth remained on his knees in the middle of the ring. Peak told Booth that he was told to not tap – he must show strength… he must learn. Peak rolled out of the ring and pulled out a kendo stick, before chucking it at Chris Flynn. Peak demanded that Flynn teach Booth a lesson, and although Flynn paused when Peak demanded it once more Flynn unleashed a flurry of blows on Booth’s back (69)</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Camp Tornado were in Queen Emily’s office. Troy Tornado told Emily that his crew had been overlooked in TCW, and Emily had the opportunity to set things right. Emily pointed out that she as the Queen of Spades, and his wish was her command. El Hijo Del Neutron would be part of the Number One Contender for the TCW TV Title match on Sunday, while Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton would be facing the ex-tag team champions, Doc Hammond and One Man Army, and Tornado would face One Man Army right now (63)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Troy Tornado defeated One Man Army</strong></span> in 10:25 (63)</p><p> -Yes, both these men are at the twilight of their careers, and this match really showed that they needed to mix with the youngsters to keep the pace up. Tornado got the victory after an assist from DWN.</p><p> </p><p> Team MAW – Greg Gauge, Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus cut a backstage promo targeting The Syndicate and... it was Roderick who came up with a new catchphrase, telling The Syndicate that “I… will… break… you… down!”. The crowd loved it (90)</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach defeated Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins</strong></span> in 17:16 (84)</p><p> -We got a preview for King of Kings, with all four semi-finalists going at it hammer a tong at one another. Each man managed to hit their finisher, but it was Bach you took the victory after a second Bach On Your Back to Huggins as Chord and Andrews fought outside the ring.</p><p> </p><p> As Andrews and Chord continued to fight Wolf Hawkins slid into the ring and got in Freddy Huggins face, still annoyed that Huggins didn’t help Joshua Taylor last week. That brought Team MAW out, then the rest of The Syndicate, and we had an almighty brawl to end the show (94)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Overall Rating 86</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Online Hot Threads</strong></p><p><strong> Vote for the winner of King of Kings here!</strong></p><p><strong> Herrbear scores an impressive 6/7</strong></p><p><strong> Roderick Remus time to shine?</strong></p><p><strong> Chance Fortune walks out on TCW!</strong></p><p><strong> Jeff Nova divorces – loses half his wealth!</strong></p><p><strong> Casey Valentine joins SWF</strong></p><p> </p><p> With that, King of Kings is set with… no titles on the line! That’s different. However, in the three King of Kings matches and the MAW / Syndicate match we have four matches we are sure will deliver. The Number One Contender to the TCW TV Title is sure to feature some great action, while The Sinner Society will be involved in their usual brawl.</p><p> </p><p> With just a week left on his contract, Chance Fortune did the job to Ranger, and was set for one more job (to El Hijo Del Neutron) on Saturday Night Showcase… but he walked out me beforehand. He’s currently FCW Puerto Rican Champion, so he shall focus on that while putting the last of his fifteen years at TCW behind him.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51391" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TCW Saturday Night Showcase:</strong><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Darryl Devine defeated Tigre Salvaje </span>(54)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Camp Tornado defeated Clark Alexander, Harry Allen and Arthur Dexter Bradley</span> (53)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Bart Biggins defeated Phillipe LaGrenier</span> (53)</p><p> <span style="color:#0000FF;">Matt Hocking © defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx</span> to retain the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong> (59)</p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating 61</em></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yes, we gave Darryl Devine s victory just to spite Chance Fortune…</p><p> </p><p> <strong>TCW King of Kings</strong></p><p> Edd Stone vs High Flyin Hawaiian vs Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal vs Benny Benson vs El Hijo Del Neutron to name the Number One Contender for the <strong>TCW TV Title</strong></p><p> Mighty Mo vs Findlay O'Farraday</p><p> T-Bone Bright, Lenny Brown and Joffy Laine vs The Syndicate (Eddie Peak, Killer Shark and Chris Flynn)</p><p> One Man Army and Doc Hammond vs Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> Greg Gauge, Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs The Syndicate</p><p> Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord in the <strong>King of Kings Semi-Final</strong></p><p> Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins in the <strong>King of Kings Semi-Final</strong></p><p> <strong>The King of Kings Final</strong></p>
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TCW King of Kings

Edd Stone vs High Flyin Hawaiian vs Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal vs Benny Benson vs El Hijo Del Neutron to name the Number One Contender for the TCW TV Title

Mighty Mo vs Findlay O'Farraday

T-Bone Bright, Lenny Brown and Joffy Laine vs The Syndicate (Eddie Peak, Killer Shark and Chris Flynn)

One Man Army and Doc Hammond vs Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton

Greg Gauge, Steven Parker, Mainstream Hernandez and Roderick Remus vs The Syndicate

Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord in the King of Kings Semi-Final

Aaron Andrews vs Freddy Huggins in the King of Kings Semi-Final

The King of Kings Final

Aaron Andrews

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TCW King of Kings


Darryl Devine, Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas defeated Nate Johnson, Tigre Salvaje and Yuri Yoshihara (50)

Marc Speed defeated Harry Allen (59)

The Sinners defeated Dean Daniels and Clark Alexander (6:41)




Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins in the King of Kings tournament in 18:42 (77)

-We went straight into King of Kings, with the Main Event of the first Pay Per View I ever booked in TCW. With a better warm up this match would have gone down better, but it certainly did an excellent job of warming up the crowd. Perhaps a little too long for an opener, the match ebbed and flowed both ways, with the commentary team wondering how much this would be taking out of both men. Huggins did hit the Huggins Kiss but was slow to make the pin, and he was incredulous when Andrews kicked out. While he argued with the ref Andrews made the recovery to break out the Ace Crusher to take the victory and progress to the Main Event.


We cut backstage with Dazzling Dave Diamond sidling up to Queen Emily. DDD told Emily that he felt that she needed a King, and he was the man to cement her power in TCW. Emily told DDD that he needed to prove himself, as he was already the most powerful woman in the business. Suddenly a huge commotion kicked off outside the office, with DDD and Queen Emily rushing out to see what was going on. Jay Chord and Sammy Bach were going hammer and tong at one another, and DDD waded in with a load of other staff who happened to be around at the time. The two men were held apart, and Emily screamed at them to stay in different locker-rooms during the next match, and they weren’t to touch each other until their match begun (89)


One Man Army and Doc Hammond defeated Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton in 9:05 (69)

-Let’s be realistic – three of the four men are well past the prime of their career. As such the match just never kicked off, and despite showing some good energy it was DWN who took the pin from One Man Army.


The MAW Alliance of Greg Gauge, Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus cut a backstage promo, stating that the were not phased about taking on The Syndicate, even though they were facing the World Heavyweight Champion and Tag Team Champions. They claimed to have the advantage as The Syndicate would all be in one place, and would be easier to deal with (80)


Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach in the King of Kings tournament in 13:25 (79)

-Sammy Bach was out first, but Jay Chord instantly followed and went straight after the veteran, and the two men brawled inside and out of the ring. Disaster hit as we got an injury, but we got lucky as it was the man who I always planned to take the pin. Bach caught an elbow from Chord round his eye, and it instantly swelled up, blocking his vision fully from that eye. That slowed the match down, until Jay Chord delivered the Cradle Piledriver to take the victory.


T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown were shown backstage with Joffy Laine, asking him if he was ready to face The Sinner Society. Laine confirmed he was ready, and man, we should use his mic work some more (73)


The Sinner Society defeated T-Bone Bright, Lenny Brown and Joffy Laine in 9:34 (69)

-Is this an upset? Bright and Brown outperformed the other men in the match, but the presence of Joffy Laine did indicate that the Sinner Society did have a chance. The key here was a new, cloaked man attacking Joffy Laine while the ref was distracted by a mass brawl outside of the ring, which left Killer Shark able to hit the Big Bite to take the victory.


Eddie Peak raised the hand of the cloaked man, before taking the mic and introducing the newest member of The Sinner Society – Danny Darkness (yes, it’s the former Danny Fonzarelli / Jay Darkness) (69)


TV Title holder Matt Hocking cut a quick promo, saying that he would be waiting for the victor of the next man. Toilet break (58)


Edd Stone defeated High Flyin Hawaiian, Masked Cougar, Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, and El Hijo Del Neutron to become the Number One Contender to the TCW TV Title in 9:31 (79)

-The instruction here was basically – you’ve got 10 minutes to show off your talents. Off you go. The six men did just that, and it was a little spotty, but short enough to keep the crowds interest. Edd Stone was the most impressive performer in the match, and it was him who took the victory after hitting a Party’s Over on Benny Benson.


Mighty Mo defeated Findlay O’Farraday in 12:34 (70)

-This was booked as a wild brawl, and both men slightly struggled with the length, both being noticeably tired at the end of the match. O’Farraday made multiple pin attempts of Mo but could not take him down, despite wearing him down by ramming him time and time again into the corner of the ring. Frustrated, Findlay removed the cover of the turnbuckle, but the was seized upon by Mo, reversing a whip to send Findlay into the exposed turnbuckle. Mo scooped up O’Farraday and threw him head first into the turnbuckle before hitting a Plunging Spinebuster, becoming the first person to pin O’Farrady in TCW.


The Syndicate cut a backstage promo, telling the MAW Alliance that they had pulled themselves up from the independent scene, but were no match for the experienced masters, the champions, The Syndicate (85)


The Syndicate defeated Mainstream Hernandez, Greg Gauge, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated in 22:18 (89)

-A superb multi-man match, where everyone was given the opportunity to shine. Wolf Hawkins only wanted to tag in when his team was on top, and quickly tagged out when there was any momentum change. Unsurprisingly in a match with this many participants it managed to break down completely, with Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker, Joshua Taylor and Eddie Chandler brawling outside the ring. Inside the ring Greg Gauge grabbed Wolf Hawkins for an Omega Driver, when Ranger stretched over to tag himself in. Gauge delivered the Omega Driver before applying to Proton Lock on the World Heavyweight Champion, while Ranger hit Roderick Remus with a Global Meltdown. The ref made the three count, while the commentary team protested that Gauge was the legal man.


We got a video package celebrated Aaron Andrew and Jay Chord, which pointed out that the only time they’ve met before the match ended in a draw (99)


Jay Chord defeated Aaron Andrews to win the King of Kings tournament in 17:49 (83)

-This was one of those matches where the performance of the wrestlers was so high (96 and 98 respectively) that everything else let the match down, so it was rated well, but not as great as it could have been. The match started a little slower, but soon built up as the two tired men gave it their best to put one another away. Andrews delivered the Standing Hot Shot, but Chord pushed out, and tried to hit the Cradle Piledriver. Andrews reversed and went for the Ace Cutter, but Chord pushed Andrews away and took him down with a brutal clothesline. Once more he went for the Cradle Piledriver, this time hitting it and making the pin to win the King of Kings tournament.


Jay Chord stood in the ring and celebrated after the match as the show ended (69)


Overall Rating 86


Online Hot Threads:

Jay Chord defeated Aaron Andrews to win King of Kings

Controversy in The Syndicate / MAW battle

See Danny Fonzarelli’s new look!


That would have been my best show if that Main Event hadn’t been a bit too good, getting commentary pings to knock it down a step. Overall, I’m happy with it though, despite the eayragt trademarked misbooking. That came in The Syndicate / MAW match where The Syndicate were meant to lose, but I managed to put an incorrect road agent note in, so the computer had to guess what I meant. This result almost made me completely rewrite my plans my next months Main Event, but eventually I managed to write the match in a different way where I think it will work.


Jay Chord becomes the third ever King of Kings, overcoming Aaron Andrews for the first time, after injuring Sammy Bach on the way. Bach’s bruised eye socket will allow him to wrestle, but I will probably keep him out of the ring for the next few weeks. Elsewhere, Edd Stone became the Number One Contender for the TCW TV Title, and Danny Fonzarelli gets repackaged as Danny Darkness to join The Sinner Society, playing off his old Jay Darkness character. I kept him as Danny rather than Jay as he hasn’t been Jay Darkness for over a decade, and I’d rather younger fans recognised who he was. He’s still angry at me for feeding him to Findlay O’Farraday back in August, the last time he was seen on TCW screens.


Edd Stone has generously offered to put Ranger over. Edd Stone is approximately 2 points of overness more popular than Ranger in the US. It may not have been the most generous offer in the world.


BCG started off their first tour without Findlay O’Farraday, and with Razan Okamoto also on the shelf with a broken leg it was described as “underwhelming”. Slightly guilty…


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Harry Allen and Clark Alexander vs Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn

Doc Hammond and One Man Army vs Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs The Behemoths vs Ground and Pound to become the Number One Contender to the TCW Tag Team Titles

High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Arther Dexter Bradley vs The Syndicate (Joshua Taylor, Eddie Chandler and Ranger)

Mighty Mo vs El Hijo Del Neutron

Matt Hocking © vs Edd Stone for the TCW TV Title

Aaron Andrews, Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge vs Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins

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<p>TCW Presents Total Wrestling:</p><p>

Harry Allen and Clark Alexander vs <strong>Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton</strong></p><p>

<strong>Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas</strong> vs Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn</p><p>

<strong>Doc Hammond and One Man Army</strong> vs Steven Parker and Roderick Remus vs The Behemoths vs <strong>Ground and Pound</strong> to become the Number One Contender to the TCW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Arther Dexter Bradley vs <strong>The Syndicate (Joshua Taylor, Eddie Chandler and Ranger)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Mighty Mo</strong> vs El Hijo Del Neutron</p><p>

Matt Hocking © vs <strong>Edd Stone for the TCW TV Title</strong></p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews, Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge</strong> vs Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Human Arsenal ad Benny Benson defeated Dean Daniels and Jaylon Martins (55)

Darryl Devine defeated Phillipe LaGrenier (57)

T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara (64)




King of Kings Jay Chord started the show in one of our longest opening segments that we’ve had foe some time. After claiming that he was The Chosen One, The One Jay Chord, your future World Heavyweight Champion, Wolf Hawkins came out to tell the youngster to calm down. Hawkins reminded Jay Chord that all he had done was win a contest that your champion, Wolf Hawkins, has won before. Now comes the hard part – proving you’re worth it, winning the big one, showing that you are the best. That brought out the MAW Alliance, with Mainstream Hernandez questioning if Wolf Hawkins was really the best. Hawkins smirked, telling the Alliance that they had been defeated last night, and were irrelevant. Greg Gauge questioned this, bringing up on the screen Hawkins writhing in pain, as Ranger pinned the illegal man. Gauge told Hawkins that he was about to tap, when Queen Emily made her way out. She said that Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez would get another shot at Wolf Hawkins in the Main Event, teaming with Aaron Andrews against Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins. Meanwhile, Steven Parker and Roderick Remus would team up together to face The Behemoths, Doc Hammond and One Man Army and Ground and Pound to name the next Number One Contender to the Tag Team Titles (99)


The Syndicate defeated High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Arthur Dexter Bradley in 5:32 (72)

-A relatively quick victory for The Syndicate. The biggest threat was the high flying attacks from High Flying Hawaiian, but this was not sustained by his team, and ADB tapped to a Butterfly Lock from Joshua Taylor.


Mighty Mo came out for his match and was surprised to see Findlay O’Farrady come out. Mo told O’Farraday that he had seen him off, and he needs to back off. O’Farraday looked ready to fight, but when El Hijo Del Neutron came out he turned away (82)


Mighty Mo defeated El Hijo Del Neutron in 8:30 (78)

-Despite the difference in styles the two showed good chemistry, and Del Neutron was able to use his skills to bring down Mo and have spells on top on the mat. It was a valiant effort, but Mo was able to take over with his strength, delivering a Plunging Spinebuster for the victory.


Sammy Bach was shown backstage going in to see Queen Emily. He demanded to face Jay Chord, but Emily pointed out Bach could barely see out of his right eye, and he was in no fit state to fight. Sammy Bach turned to flirting, but that stopped when Dazzling Dave Diamond came in laughing at Bach. The two stared at one another, with DDD asking Bach how his eye was, before Bach reminded DDD of his own chest injury (90)


Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton defeated Clark Alexander and Harry Allen in 6:20 (67)

-The two veteran faces were brought in to do a job on Saturday Night Showcase, but their three-month contracts are not being renewed. They did one last job here, DWN hitting a Fisherman’s Suplex on Allen to take the victory.


The MAW Alliance was shown backstage when Aaron Andrews walked over. Andrews told the Alliance that he had a bone to pick with Jay Chord, and Greg Gauge told him that was fine – they were after Wolf Hawkins. Andrews turned around to Parker and Remus, and wished them good luck for their match (91)


Steven Parker and Roderick Remus defeated Doc Hammond and One Man Army, The Behemoths and Ground and Pound to become the Number One Contenders to the TCW Tag Team Titles in 9:47 (70)

-Each team got a little time to shine (a very little in the case of Ground and Pound, who’s appearance in this match was slightly dubious). The Behemoths did go a huge rampage, but as they continued after Hammond and OMA out of the ring Steven Parker was able to deliver a Future Shock to Quentin Queen to take the victory.


The Behemoths stayed out after the match, and were joined by Eddie Peak, Chris Flynn and Danny Darkness. Eddie Peak said that he was out to induct Danny Darkness into The Sinner Society – he had thrown off the trappings of the modern culture, and had taken his place by his side. To cement his place, he would show his true worth in battle (67)


Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 7:07 (58)

-Danny Darkness was built up as a monster in this one… which is quite a turn from his previous booking. He took the victory with a… Retro Rocket? Might have to rename that. Dark Death. That’ll do.


As soon as the match ended T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown rushed out from the back, and slid into the ring to attack Darkness and Flynn. The four men went at one another with Eddie Peak cheerleading on his colleagues from the outside, without joining then. Eventually the two teams ended up on either side of the ring, with Peak clapping his colleagues on the back and leading them away (72)


Matt Hocking © defeated Edd Stone in 10:55 to retain the TCW TV Title (68)

-I was hoping for better, and it was Edd Stone who outperformed the TV Champion. They tried to show off their moves, but the crowd were never fully engaged. Vita did try to get involved, but as the ref forced her away Hocking delivered a low blow, and that slowed down Stone enough for Hocking to hit a Hock Drop to retain his title.


Wolf Hawkins, Freddy Huggins and Jay Chord were shown backstage, eyeing up one another suspiciously. Jay Chord told them that they needed to get on with it, and he would show why he is the King of Kings (79)


Aaron Andrews, Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge defeated Wolf Hawkins, Jay Chord and Freddy Huggins in 18:32 (85)

-This one was a slow build, with the heels not trusting one another, but Jay Chord happy to take the lead, showing off to his team, the faces and the crowd. This seemed to egg Hawkins on to show off himself, but after almost getting caught in a Proton Lock he scrambled away to tag in Huggins. The finish came with Freddy Huggins out of the action and Aaron Andrews and Jay Chord going at it outside the ring. Hawkins and Greg Gauge were having a technical exchange in the ring, which resulted in Gauge applying the Proton Lock on the World Heavyweight Champion. Freddy Huggins recovered to break the hold, but Gauge launched him over the top rope, tagged out to Hernandez before throwing himself up and over onto Huggins. That left Mainstream Hernandez to have a quick exchange with Wolf Hawkins, delivering the Apparition #14 to take the upset pin.


Overall Rating 86


Online Hot Threads:

Hernandez pins the World Champion!

Harry Allen and Clark Alexander leave TCW

Interest grows in Ernest Youngman

Primus Allen celebrates new contract with SWF North American Title

USPW poach Multimillionario


A huge upset as Mainstream Hernandez pins the World Champion Wolf Hawkins in the Main Event. It’s almost as if that was meant to be the finish to the PPV match on Sunday… Elsewhere Danny Darkness got his first victory for some time as the Sinner Society feud with T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown seems to be no closer to ending. Steven Parker and Roderick Remus become the Number One Contender to the Tag Team Titles, while Matt Hocking and Edd Stone had an uninspirational TV Title match.


A couple of new gimmicks debuted in that show – Sammy Bach has gone more suave in his old age (despite the bruised eye), while Eddie Peak is an Evil Preacher. They both went down well.


A number of contracts of talent that I signed to HGC when I joined TCW are coming up, and I can’t renew all of them. Cuts will be made, but El Hijo Del Neutron does get a new deal. Jay Chord thinks Titan should join the cuts, as he can’t sell. Yeah, he’s right, but The Behemoths are pretty much the only tag team that was in place at the start of the year that are still together, so they have their place.


And it finally happens – Ernest Youngman is offered a contract by one of my rivals (SWF). I’ve allowed him to stay in the indies and show what a star he is there (in his last 16 matches, apart from a 68 and 69 rating, he’s been constantly pulling out mid 70 rating matches, with a couple of matches breaking 80), but I don’t intend on letting him join a rival.


TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

Bart Biggins defeated Tigre Salvaje (51)

Joffy Laine and Akima Brave defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara (48)

Findlay O’Farraday and Marc Speed defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx and Darryl Devine (59)

Lenny Brown defeated Nick Booth (63)


Overall Rating 69


With Harry Allen and Clark Alexander leaving, there was a vacancy for a lower midcard face, and there wasn’t anyone over popular enough in HGC to take that role. In comes Akima Brave, who has been without a job since leaving WLW after his tag partner, Toma, had a falling out with management.


(I booked Quentin Queen instead of Queen Emily in the segment introducing Akima Brave. Whoops)


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Akima Brave vs Jay Chord

Dean Daniels vs Findlay O’Farraday

High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Arthur Dexter Bradley vs The Sinner Society (The Behemoths and Danny Darkness)

Steven Parker vs Eddie Chandler

Cougar Stone vs Shockura

Aaron Andrews and Mighty Mo vs Troy Tornado and Davis Wayne Newton

Mainstream Hernandez vs Freddy Huggins in a lumberjack match

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Marc Speed defeated Jaylon Martins (33)

-Didn’t click

Doc Hammond and One Man Army defeated Tigre Salvaje and Yuri Yoshihara (61)

Greg Gauge and Roderick Remus defeated Ground and Pound (73)




The Mid Atlantic Alliance (I’m not actually calling them that, but it’s quicker than typing their names all the time) started the show, with Mainstream Hernandez claiming a World Heavyweight Title shot after pinning Wolf Hawkins last week. The Syndicate made there way out, with Wolf Hawkins telling Hernandez that he may be a pretty boy who got lucky, but he is not ready to face someone like him (clearly forgetting that they have faced once at TCW already and Hawkins narrowly avoided defeat then). Last out was Queen Emily, to tell Hernandez that he still needed to earn the title shot and suggested that Wolf Hawkins find an opponent for him tonight. Hawkins though about it, looking over his team, before declaring that he would nominate Freddy Huggins, in a move which confused everyone (84)


Jay Chord defeated Akima Brave in 6:36 (73)

-Akima started this match ferociously, as we tried to build him up as a threat. Until he fell to a Super DDT.


We went backstage to where the Syndicate were with a perplexed Freddy Huggins. Huggins asked Hawkins what his agenda was, and the champion said it was simple – with Huggins in the ring to face Hernandez, all four men of The Syndicate could be on hand to ensure that the result went the way it was meant to. Huggins looked unconvinced, but could do little about it (80)


The Sinner Society defeated High Flyin Hawaiian, Flying Jimmy Foxx and Arthur Dexter Bradley in 8:18 (56)

-The performance of this match was once more High Flyin Hawaiian, who is suffering from not having a feud, and has ended up as someone talented to carry a face team. For some reason we’re building up 45-year-old Danny Darkness as a threat, and he took the victory with a Dark Drop in ADB.


Eddie Peak took a mic after the match and declared that the Sinner Society was stronger than every – The Behemoths, Danny Darkness and Chris Flynn could take on anyone. He told T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown that they needed to find some partners, as at Psycho Circus they would be waiting to punish them for their sins. Not sure how much of Nick Booth we’re expecting to be seeing after that… (72)


Findlay O’Farraday defeated Dean Daniels in 3:55 (42)

-Main show squash, not much more I can say about that.


Cougar Stone defeated Shockura in 8:03 (72)

-Both teams worked really well in this match, showing that we could have the basis of a tag team division… if only two of these men weren’t currently feuding over a singles title right now. Edd Stone took a step towards getting a rematch by hitting a Party’s Over on Hocking and pinning the champion.


Sammy Bach was shown backstage barging in on Queen Emily and Dazzling Dave Diamond. Diamond dismissively asked Bach what he wanted, with Bach telling him that he was here to ask the Queen for a match against Jay Chord at Psycho Circus. Diamond sneered, but Emily told Bach that if he was fit, he could wrestle. Bach smiled at Queen Emily before winking at Dazzling Dave Diamond as he left, and Diamond told Queen Emily that she shouldn’t have done that. Emily told Diamond that she was in charge, and he needed to prove his worth. She told him to tell Hernandez and Hawkins that tonight’s Main Event would be a lumberjack match, and reminded him that he may need to stay away from the ring while he was injured (85)


Steven Parker defeated Eddie Chandler in 11:26 (79)

-Steven Parker is magnificent foil for a Main Eventer, but here slightly underperformed against one half of the Tag Team Champions. Naturally, Joshua Taylor and Roderick Remus were at ringside, with Remus leaping from the ring apron to occupy Taylor which allowed Parker to hit the Future Shock on Chandler and take the victory.


As Parker and Remus headed backstage, they were met by Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez, who told them that the Main Event was a lumberjack match. Everyone promised Hernandez that they had his back, and Hernandez said he was ready for the biggest match in his career (90)


Aaron Andrews and Mighty Mo defeated Camp Tornado in 10:20 (81)

-Andrews feud with Camp Tornado is a thing of the past, but he met them once more here, partnering with Mighty Mo, and once more took victory after a Standing Hot Shot on Tornado.


After the match Lenny Brown and T-Bone Bright came out to invite Andrews and Mo to join them against The Sinner Society, which the two men accepted (71)


The lumberjacks came out for the Main Event – The Syndicate, the MAW Alliance, Lenny Brown, T-Bone Bright, Doc Hammond, One Man Army and The Sinner Society. Next came the participants, and this was long enough to be its own angle (86)


Mainstream Hernandez defeated Freddy Huggins in a lumberjack match in 17:35 (86)

-Great match – my fourth best on TV. The battle here was to stay in the ring, as it should be in a lumberjack match, with both men suffering when they went to the outside. However, despite the overbooking they were allowed to show off inside the ring, putting on some superb action and both justifying their rise to the Main Event over this year. When Ranger tripped Hernandez all hell broke loose, with at one point eight different men in the ring, but it slowly cleared. Ranger was the last non-participant in the ring, throwing Greg Gauge out, but Hernandez was quick to toss him over the top rope as well. Huggins rushed in for the Huggins Kiss, but Hernandez grabbed the top rope, kicking Huggins away before delivering a Moonsault to the heel. He followed that with an Apparition #14 and made the pin to take the victory.


Immediately after the match Wolf Hawkins and Ranger slipped into the ring to attack Hernandez as the battles continued outside. Ranger picked up Hernandez for a Global Meltdown, but Greg Gauge chopped the big man down at the knees from behind. Gauge threw Hawkins out of the ring before attempting to apply the Proton Lock to Ranger, but The Syndicate member managed to drag himself out of the ring, and the show ended with a stare off (85)


Overall Rating 86


Online Hot Threads:

Mainstream Hernandez books World Title shot

Sammy Bach expected to be fit for Psycho Circus

Danny Darkness – Sinner Society or scrap heap?

Vessey and Deeley win Tag Team Grand Prix


The Main Event confirms Mainstream Hernandez’s World Heavyweight Title shot at TCW Psycho Circus. The two men met early in Hernandez’s TCW career in a beat the clock match, that Hawkins only won because Hernandez didn’t realise the match hadn’t ended after the clock expired, so it’s set up to be an interesting one. It looks like Greg Gauge will face Ranger as well, so we’ve managed to extend one match from the last PPV into three matches for the next one. That partially explains why Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright (and to a lesser extent Lenny Brown) have been squished together into one team, otherwise too many people risked missing out the PPV. It appears that Nick Booth is no longer a member of The Sinner Society after being completely ignored by Eddie Peak (and, admittedly, me for most of the year).


Atom Smasher just pulled a 97 rating in the Main Event of SWF Christmas Clash, way above his popularity. Way to put himself on my radar. He’s available next summer.


TCW Saturday Night Showcase:

Human Arsenal defeated Elliot Thomas (55)

Bart Biggins defeated Yuri Yoshihara (43)

The Behemoths defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley and Jaylon Martins (42)

Greg Gauge defeated Nick Booth (69)

Doc Hammond, One Man Army and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound and Philippe La Grenier (58)


Overall Rating 63


There was a new commentary team for Saturday Night Showcase, with Queen Emily and Eduardo Prieto joining Shawn Doakes. They are talented, but have no experience together, hence a run on Saturday Night Showcase. We didn’t exactly give them much to work with this show…


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord

Elliot Thomas vs Findlay O’Farraday

High Flyin Hawaiian and Cougar Stone vs Camp Tornado

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Freddy Huggins

Roderick Remus vs Joshua Taylor

Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright vs The Behemoths

Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge vs Wolf Hawkins and Ranger

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Joffy Laine vs Jay Chord

Elliot Thomas vs Findlay O’Farraday

High Flyin Hawaiian and Cougar Stone vs Camp Tornado

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Freddy Huggins

Roderick Remus vs Joshua Taylor

Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright vs The Behemoths

Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge vs Wolf Hawkins and Ranger

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


Bart Biggins defeated Pretty Okakura (58)

Darryl Devine, One Man Army and Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Phillipe LaGrenier, Tigre Salvaje and Yuri Yoshihara (53)

Steven Parker defeated Nate Johnson (65)




The show started with the Mid Atlantic Alliance, with Mainstream Hernandez telling the crowd that despite the best effort of The Syndicate he had earned a title match at Psycho Circus. As he went on to say how he would defeat Wolf Hawkins, the champion led The Syndicate out tell Hernandez to not get ahead of himself. He declared that in no way was last week’s match fair, and as such he declared it null and void. Out came Queen Emily to slightly underperform, telling Hawkins that only she could void the match. Hawkins made his excuses, but Emily did not accept any of them, and confirmed Hernandez’s title shot. She demanded the ring cleared so the next match could start, and at this point Roderick Remus was meant to say something – but his mind blanked (92)


Joshua Taylor defeated Roderick Remus in 13:56 (79)

-We know that Remus can go, we just need to get him more popular. It would help if he didn’t flub his lines, but here he was all business, going toe to toe with one half of the Tag Team Champions. We got a lovely technical exchange as Remus slipped out of an attempted Butterfly Lock and immediately reversed into the Remus Clutch, but Taylor was just able to get to the ropes. The men surrounding the ring eventually provided the distraction that Taylor needed, needing just one moment while the referees head was turned to knee Remus down below, and he followed up with a Shining Wizard to take the victory.


Backstage and… Arthur Dexter Bradley is in an angle? He was trying to show Freddy Huggins some respect, but Huggins told the face that he wasn’t his friend, and he’s see him in the ring (68)


Freddy Huggins defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley in 4:46 (71)

-A short showcase for Huggins, with him convincingly defeating ADB. During the match the commentary team mentioned that ADB would be doing everything to earn a new contract because (I need the crowd to know that for a future angle).


Backstage and Queen Emily was shown in her office with Dazzling Dave Diamond and… these segments really work. Diamond was frustrated that Emily had let Sammy Bach and Mainstream Hernandez get their own way, but she hardly seemed bothered. She told DDD that he needed to bring something to the table, make an impact on her behalf, or she would be looking for a younger, more good looking associate (82)


That’s when The Syndicate barged in, upset at not getting their own way. Queen Emily frustratingly swept her desk clear, before standing up and demanding to know what they wanted – and Hawkins wasn’t getting out of his title man. Ranger strode up to Emily and towered over her, telling her that she wanted Greg Gauge. Emily did not move one inch, telling Ranger that he would make the match for Psycho Circus. Ranger smiled, but then she added that the match would be revoked if the rest of The Syndicate interfered in the Main Event (87)


High Flyin Hawaiian and Cougar Stone defeated Camp Tornado in 10:44 (72)

-Matt Hocking joined the commentary team to… stink on commentary. He went on about Edd Stone, who he would be facing at Psycho Circus, and actually detracted from the match. The match certainly wasn’t too long for the talent, but perhaps for the story, and Camp Tornado took another loss with Stone pinning Davis Wayne Newton.


We had a backstage sermon from Eddie Peak with the Sinner Society (emphasising once more by his absence that Booth was no longer a member). He told his group that the enemy were lining up before them and would claim to be fighting for justice, but only they could bring those around of to justice, and only he could cleanse those of their sins (71)


Findlay O’Farraday defeated Elliot Thomas in 3:03 (49)

-Short. Decisive.


Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown were shown backstage, hyping their upcoming battle against The Sinner Society. Andrews claimed that The Society were hypocrites, and Eddie Peak no more than a deluded cult leader, and he would not let his poison spread through TCW. Bright and Mo said that they were ready to take on The Behemoths later (87)


Jay Chord defeated Joffy Laine in 7:23 (78)

-With Sammy Bach and Joffy Laine interacting in the last few weeks, it made sense for Chord to face Laine here, looking amazing while defeating him.


Chord grabbed Laine’s hair and pulled him off the canvas, when Sammy Bach rushed down to the ring. Chord dumped Laine down and stood in the ring, not flinching as Bach got in his face. They jawed at one another, with Bach flicking away Chord’s finger as he tried to prod Bach’s still injured eye. Chord smiled, and rolled out of the ring while Bach saw to Laine (83)


Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright defeated The Behemoths in 9:28 (78)

-It’s a wild brawl! It’s a lack of selling! It’s everything you expected out of this match – apart from maybe interference. It’s Titan who tends to take the defeated for The Behemoths and it happened again here, falling to a T-Bone Slam.


Greg Gauge and Mainstream Hernandez cut a quick promo before the Main Event – Gauge happy that he has the opportunity to bring Ranger down to size, and Hernandez declaring himself ready for the title (84)


Mainstream Hernandez and Greg Gauge defeated Wolf Hawkins and Ranger in 15:29 (81)

-A fabulous match – so good that it got the announcing ping which greatly affected the final rating. Hernandez and Gauge have definitely joined the top echelon of wrestlers at TCW, along with Hawkins, Andrews, Chord and Huggins. Ranger didn’t let the team down though, despite clearly being a step behind some of the time. He showed incredible power to stand up while Greg Gauge was trying to apply the Proton Lock, forcing Gauge to release the hold, and he followed it up by ramming Gauge’s shoulder against the ringpost. Gauge had to play the face in distress after that, but once Hernandez tagged in he was a whirlwind of action, dropping Ranger, throwing Hawkins back out of the ring as he tried to enter, and finally hitting the Apparition #14 on Ranger to take the victory.


Overall Rating 83


Online Hot Threads:

Hernandez gets momentum boost before title shot.

How will Dazzling Dave Diamond show his worth?

Number of contracts due in next month at TCW – all change?

Atom Smasher – SWF MVP?


Psycho Circus is just about set, with a couple more matches to be added next week. I almost put Darryl Devine in one of them after his minor run since Chance Fortune left – until I noticed that run had been exclusively on Saturday Night Presents and Tuesday’s pre-show. Having not been on the main show for 2 months, a sudden appearance on PPV was not in order. With his contract expiring he did earn a new 6-month deal, but like Chance Fortune before it’s a PPA deal and he will be allowed to work in smaller promotions.


Some may question how long I can milk this MAW Alliance / Syndicate feud – the PPV will give some of the answers.


TCW Saturday Night Presents:

Chris Flynn defeated Knuckles (59)

Human Arsenal and Benny Benson defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley and Jaylon Martins (55)

Roderick Remus defeated Nate Johnson (54)

Doc Hammond and Joffy Laine defeated Ground and Pound (61)


Overall Rating 68


Unusually for Saturday Night Presents there was a preshow match – One Man Army defeating WWA graduate Tom Eisen. Eisen (no, he’s not) is a heavyweight brawler who looks the part, but is a long way off being ready. There’s a debate about if he’s even ready for HGC, and he only pulled off a rating of 8, but there’s something there. Hopefully he gets signed up by a smaller promotion at some point and given a chance.


No, I haven’t signed Knuckles. I had a hole, so got him in for one night. Because I don’t post most of my angles I could just about get away with saying that we had a great promo by Steven Parker hyping his his tag title shot with… Raphael (instead of Roderick Remus). That does explain why I had to cut down the Main Event because he was on the show too much. Raphael was confused and… you know what, I’m just going to use that as an excuse to book a match next show.


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:

Sammy Bach vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Greg Gauge vs Quentin Queen

Steven Parker vs Raphael

One Man Army, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Joffy Laine and Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Pretty Okakura, El Hijo Del Neutron and Davis Wayne Newton

Bart Biggins vs Findlay O’Farraday

Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn

Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone vs Wolf Hawkins and Matt Hocking

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Sammy Bach vs Phillipe LaGrenier

Greg Gauge vs Quentin Queen

Steven Parker vs Raphael

One Man Army, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Joffy Laine and Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Pretty Okakura, El Hijo Del Neutron and Davis Wayne Newton

Bart Biggins vs Findlay O’Farraday

Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn

Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone vs Wolf Hawkins and Matt Hocking

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Finally caught up, it was really interesting to see how your TCW evolved


Sammy Bach vs Phillipe LaGrenier Always bet on Bach

Greg Gauge vs Quentin Queen Don't see an upset happening here

Steven Parker vs Raphael Surely Parker is the better prospect

One Man Army, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Joffy Laine and Masked Cougar vs Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Pretty Okakura, El Hijo Del Neutron and Davis Wayne Newton Tough choice here, but I feel like the heels need the momentum

Bart Biggins vs Findlay O’Farraday Probably an easy choice given I'm a fan of Findlay

Aaron Andrews vs Chris Flynn I like both wrestlers, but Ace has more to give than Flynn

Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone vs Wolf Hawkins and Matt Hocking Another tough choice but I feel like Hernandez, or even Stone, pinning Hawkins at this point would have huge implications

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Thank you jackwad and Herrbear for your comments - always appreciated!


TCW Presents Total Wrestling:


T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated Maverick and Nick Booth (74)

Eddie Candler defeated Dean Daniels (62)




Queen Emily came out to start the show, telling everyone that tonight, on the last show on ACE, we had a special treat in the Main Event – World Heavyweight Champion Wolf Hawkins would team up with TV Title holder Matt Hocking to face the men who will challenge for their titles at Psycho Circus – Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone. Wolf Hawkins came out and told Emily that once again, she was wrong about what the fans wanted to see – they wanted to see him with his team, the dominant team in TCW, The Syndicate. Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone made their way to the ring and hyped up the crowd, getting a loud cheer from then when they asked if they wanted to the match as the main event. That brought the TCW TV Title holder Matt Hocking out to the ramp to say that he was ready, and any true champion would give the fans what they wanted. Hawkins look exasperated but told the faces that he would see them in the Main Event (98)


Steven Parker defeated Raphael in 6:36 (69)

-Yes, we stuck with our plan of running this match based on a badly booked promo on Saturday Night Presents. The Tag Team Champions, The Syndicate, joined commentary, but with Roderick Remus ringside with Parker they behaved themselves, downplaying the challengers chances as Parker took a victory with a Future Shock.


After the match the champions stood up, showing off their titles. Parker and Remus took microphones to remind the champion that it’s been 50 days since they defending their titles, and that is the only reason why they still hold them. The declared that at Psycho Circus that changes, but the champions didn’t seem too concerned, walking off holding their titles high (80)


Sammy Bach defeated Phillipe LaGrenier in 8:25 (73)

-Sammy Bach’s first match since being injured by Jay Chord at King of Kings, and he took it a little tentatively, making sure to protect his face. LaGrenier was able to take advantage on this weakness and did get a nearfall on Bach, but he focused and applied a Bach On Your Bach to take the victory.


Jay Chord came out after the match to tell Sammy Bach that he shouldn’t be worried about the damage to his face – he wasn’t the pretty boy that he thought he was – he was a washed up has been, and he will be put out of action permanently at Psycho Circus (89)


One Man Army, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Joffy Laine and Masked Cougar defeated Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Pretty Okakura, El Hijo Del Neutron and Davis Wayne Newton in 9:37 (6)

-The reason for this match was explained as it kicked off – the ten men involved would take part in a an over the top battle royale at Psycho Circus for a TV Title Shot next week. They all had a little show off, with constant hard-hitting moves, and it was Akims Brave who go the victory with roll up on Benny Benson after a stiff clothesarm.


We went backstage to Queen Emily’s office where she was with Dazzling Dave Diamond and Arthur Dexter Bradley. ADB was selling himself for a new contract, which Emily said was not going to be given away. Next week he would have a contract match, as everything needed to be earned in TCW. At that point Freddy Huggins came in, and said that he had done everything to prove himself in TCW, but he didn’t have a match on Sunday. Emily told him to he had to wait his turn – not everyone can wrestle all the time. She told him that he would headline Saturday Night Showcase, which clearly wasn’t what Huggins was after (82)


Findlay O’Farraday defeated Bart Biggins in 5:50 (69)

-A slightly longer match than O’Farraday has been having recently, with a lot of the match taking place outside the ring, and Biggins being crunched against a ringpost. When back in the ring Biggins wriggled out of O’Farraday’s grips and went for a rollup, but O’Farraday was too powerful and broke out of the pin. An angry O’Farraday the went on a Powerslam fury, pinning Biggins after a fourth slam.


O’Farraday picked up Biggins once more when Elliot Thomas rushed out from the back. Thomas climbed to the top turnbuckle, and as he launched himself at O’Farraday the giant dropped Biggins, and caught Thomas cleanly. He proceeded to dump Thomas over the top ring, but rolled out of the ring disgruntled (46)


Greg Gauge defeated Quentin Queen in 8:18 (75)

-Greg Gauge was in control in this match, but when Ranger came out to scout his opponent on Sunday he slowed down, being careful to make sure his back wasn’t turned for any length of time. That gave Queen an opportunity, but Gauge’s talent showed and he made Queen tap to the Proton Lock.


Ranger crossed his arms ringside, staring motionlessly at Gauge. Wolf Hawkins came out to be his mouthpiece, telling Gauge that he was the one who asked for the match, and he would be taken out by the monster that is Ranger (84)


Aaron Andrews defeated Chris Flynn by count out in 7:48 (86)

-These two men brawled with one another ahead of their match on Sunday, but Chris Flynn seemed to give up, backing out of the ring. As the ref’s count got near ten Andrews had enough, heading out to drag Flynn back to the ring. However, it was a trap, with The Sinner Society out to cut him off from the ring. Chris Flynn rushed back to the ring but Andrews charged through Titan and grabbed Flynn’s ankle before he could get back into the ring, and the Sinner Society man was counted out.


The Sinner Society piled in after the match, and Andrews was on the backfoot, being severely outnumbered. Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown were out from the back, but now before Killer Shark hit a Shark Bite on Andrews onto the floor, before The Society disappeared through the crowd (82)


Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone cut a promo together, declaring that they would make the last show on ACE something to remember (82)


Wolf Hawkins and Matt Hocking defeated Mainstream Hernandez and Edd Stone in 15:35 (77)

-I may have overhyped the main event – it was actually my worst main event in a long, long time. Hawkins and Hocking did not work as a team at all, and although the commentary team sold it as mistrust between the heels it had a real affect on the match. Edd Stone did deliver a Party’s Over on Hocking, but Hawkins managed to tag himself in and hit a Full Moon Rising to take the victory.


Overall Rating 82


Online Hot Threads:

Did wrestlers sabotage last match on ACE?

End of year Battle Royale booked for Psycho Circus

O’Farraday set for handicap match

Shock as Tyson Baine takes USPW World Heavyweight Title


A disappointing end to TCW on ACE, and a damp squib of a Main Event. Hopefully that hasn’t taken the steam out of the build to Psycho Circus, as until that point any interaction between Hernandez and Wolf Hawkins delivered the ratings. Total Wrestling will move to CBA in 2021, who have a larger reach in the US, but also adds Canadian coverage.


Freddy Huggins officially doesn’t have a match, a shame for the man who has competed for the World Heavyweight Title on several occasions this year, and has been one of the surprise stars. I normally try to not book anyone who’s on PPV on the Saturday beforehand, but the Battle Royale for a TCW TV Title shot made that interesting. As such Death Row was brought in, and we ended up with this:


TCW Saturday Night Showcase

Marc Speed and Maverick defeated Death Row (49)

Troy Tornado defeated Jaylon Martins (43)

Doc Hammond and High Flying Hawaiian defeated Ground and Pound (67)

Freddy Huggins defeated Darryl Devine (79)


Overall Rating 77


TCW Psycho Circus


World Heavyweight Title Match - Wolf Hawkins © vs Mainstream Hernandez

In one of his first matches in TCW Mainstream Hernandez almost defeated Wolf Hawkins in a Beat the Clock match, only losing as he didn’t realise that the match was continuing. Since then Hernandez has aligned with other MAW Alumni and found great success, and after clashing with The Syndicate over the last couple of months now gets his first World Heavyweight Title shot. Can he upset the current champion, Wolf Hawkins, or will The Syndicate leader end the year the champion?


Tag Team Title Match - The Syndicate © vs Steven Parker and Roderick Remus

The MAW / Syndicate feud continues with a Tag Title shot for Steven Parker and Roderick Remus, who have exchanged singles victories over the last month. The Syndicate have held dominated the titles in TCW in the second half of the year, but are we due for a swing as the year ends?


TCW Title Match - Matt Hocking © vs Edd Stone

Edd Stone has earned his shot at champion Matt Hocking, as the title is defended once more on PPV. Both men will want to make short work of this match, with them due to defend the title just two days later.


King of Kinds Rematch - Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord

Last month at King of Kings, Jay Chord progressed to eventually win the tournament after defeating Sammy Bach who only had the use of one eye after an injury picked up during the match. Now fit, Sammy Bach wants revenge, while Jay Chord will be wanting to carry on with his momentum from last month.


End of Year Battle Royale

All ten men will start in the ring in an over the top battle royale, with a title shot to be earned in the first episode of Total Wrestling to be shown on CBA. All of the men will think they can win this one, but it is Akima Brave who goes in with the momentum after making the on last Tuesday on Benny Benson


Sinner Redemption?

Last month Danny Darkness joined The Sinner Society, but they have found themselves against a strong group made up of Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown. One thing we know is that it will be a brawl for the ages, but who will come out on top?


Clash of the Styles - Greg Gauge vs Ranger

In the final bout between MAW / Syndicate members, Greg Gauge and Ranger will face one another in a true clash of styles. Ranger is looking for revenge after Gauge dumped him out of the ring in the match where Hernandez earned his title shot, but Greg Gauge has not backed down an inch and has proved that he has non problems in taking on men larger than him.


Handicap Match - Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Findlay O'Farrady

Findlay O’Farraday has defeated both of his opponents in the last could of weeks, but at Psycho Circus will have to face both men in a Handicap match. Is two men what is needed to slow O’Farraday down, or will Fighting Findlay continue with his roll of destruction?


TCW Psycho Circus

Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs The Sinner Society

Greg Gauge vs Ranger

Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Findlay O’Farraday

Number One for TV Title Contender Battle Royale featuring:

One Man Army, Joffy Laine, Akima Brave, Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Pretty Okakura, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron

Matt Hocking © vs Edd Stone for the TCW TV Title

The Syndicate © vs Steven Parker and Roderick Remus for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mainstream Hernandez for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown vs The Sinner Society

Greg Gauge vs Ranger

Sammy Bach vs Jay Chord

Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas vs Findlay O’Farraday


Number One for TV Title Contender Battle Royale featuring:

One Man Army, Joffy Laine, Akima Brave, Human Arsenal, Benny Benson, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Pretty Okakura, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron


Matt Hocking © vs Edd Stone for the TCW TV Title

The Syndicate © vs Steven Parker and Roderick Remus for the TCW Tag Team Titles

Wolf Hawkins © vs Mainstream Hernandez for the TCW World Heavyweight Title

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TCW Psycho Circus


Doc Hammond and High Flyin Hawaiian defeated Nate Johnson and Yuri Yoshihara (63)

Freddy Huggins defeated Jaylon Martins (69)




Greg Gauge defeated Ranger in 12:09 (88)

-We thought we’d start off with this match to see if we could start the show hot – and man, did we start it well. I’m looking at the rest of the card, and although I’m expecting a lot of good things, if the main event gets pinged for announcing then this could be the best show of the night. Greg Gauge looked his normal millions dollars, but he did it by selling his socks off for Ranger, making him also look incredibly dangerous. On their feet it was Ranger who was in charge, on the mat Gauge took over, but could not apply the Proton Lock to the man from The Syndicate. He did, however, slip out the back of a Global Meltdown, before hitting the Omega Driver for the victory, inflicting Ranger’s first singles defeat in TCW.


Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown were shown preparing to go to the ring to face the Sinner Society, when Eddie Peak came in, offering peace. He told the men that he was here is a moment of calm to offer forgiveness for what has to be done in the ring, as their sins will be cleansed, and they will be redeemed. Andrews tried to interrupt, but Peak just continued, so Andrews beckoned his team to the ring. Brown was the last to leave, stopping at Peak and telling him he was a phoney, which was enough for Peak to stop and pull a sadistic grin (87)


Aaron Andrews, Mighty Mo, T-Bone Bright and Lenny Brown defeated The Sinner Society in 9:47 (82)

-Well, performance ranged from 95 (Andrews) to 45 (Danny Darkness), so to say there was a variation in talent would be underselling it a little bit. The men brawled inside and out of the ring, but the talent on the face team was too great for the heel, Mo putting away Titan with a huge Plunging Spinebuster at the same time as Danny Darkness was slamming Brown onto the floor outside the ring.


Freddy Huggins was shown backstage entering Queen Emily’s office, but he was cut off by Dazzling Dave Diamond. A frustrated Huggins asked Dazzling Dave Diamond what he actually did, to which the veteran laughed telling Huggins that he did more than him right now. Diamond told Huggins he was the self-appointed King of Spades, and he was telling Huggins to leave. Huggins looked around and shrugged, saying that he had better things to do. As he left Emily arched her eyebrow at Diamond, querying the use of the word “King”. Diamond nodded, and Emily asked him if he had made sure that their Ace was going to make an impact, and he told Emily that he had it sorted (83)


Edd Stone defeated Matt Hocking © to win the TCW TV Title in 11:35 (79)

-And so ends Matt Hocking’s disappointing reign. This was his best match, and he performed admirably with a well-matched opponent. Like so many of his title defences Hocking was outperformed, and the title is best placed elsewhere. An all-out, high flying match slightly tested Stone’s stamina, but he took the victory with a Party’s Over.


We got a package of Jay Chord and Sammy Bach’s interaction for the last month, concentrating on Bach’s injury and promise of revenge. A different way of doing things, and probably better placed actually closer to the match… (85)


Findlay O’Farraday defeated Bart Biggins and Elliot Thomas in 9:13 (59)

-A toilet break that some people would have been surprised was still going on when they came back, O’Farraday struggling a little more with two opponents to concentrate on. Eventually he managed to hit Atomic Spinebuster’s on Bart Biggins, before dragging Thomas out of the ring and driving him through an announce table. He returned to the ring to a defiant Biggins who got in a small amount of offence, before taking another Atomic Spinebuster and taking the pin.


The Mid Atlantic Alliance were shown backstage, hyping their respective title shots, with them promising to end the new year on a high (84)


The Syndicate © defeated Steven Parker and Roderick Remus to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 13:47 (84)

-An incredibly even match, which swung both ways with partners breaking up near pinfalls time and time again. The match simplified when Roderick Remus made the leap out of the ring to take out Eddie Chandler, which left Steven Parker and Joshua Taylor in the ring alone together. Unfortunately for the face team Taylor took advantage of the ref checking on their partner with a rake in the eyes and a knee where it hurts the most, before locking the Butterfly Lock in on Parker and making him tap.


Troy Tornado was shown with Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron telling them to take their chance in the Battle Royale next (60)


Benny Benson defeated One Man Army, Joffy Laine, Akima Brave, Human Arsenal, Flying Jimmy Foxx, Masked Cougar, Pretty Okakura, Davis Wayne Newton and El Hijo Del Neutron in a Battle Royale in 12:58 (70)

-I really, really wanted to pull off an upset with a Pretty Okakura victory, but when I tested the water seven of the other competitors complained at the result. Even Benson taking the victory upset One Man Army, so I conceded and let him have the most eliminations, including taking out both members of Camp Tornado. Pretty Okakura pulled off some great moves in a series with Cougar while eliminating him, but a charging Akima took them both out of the ring. At the end of it One Man Army normal disregard for his safety cost him, putting too much momentum into his attacks, allowing Benny Benson to duck and lever him over the top rope for the victory.


Syndicate were shown backstage add their target was Mainstream Hernandez, with Wolf Hawkins telling him that the titles were The Syndicate’s to keep (88)


Jay Chord defeated Sammy Bach in 15:19 (92)

-Phenomenal match – by far Bach’s best this year, and the second best match this year. After a month’s break recovering from his (relatively minor) injury, Sammy Bach seemed back to his previous youthful best. He meshed well with Kings Jay Chord, and they pulled out everything – brawls, technical exchanges and top rope moves. Bach did hit an Adrenaline Shot which Jay Chord kicked out of before rolling out of the ring. A frustrated Bach leapt over the top rope onto Chord, before draping the youngster over the announce table. Bach climbed up to the top turnbuckle, but the ref left the ring, getting between Bach and Chord. Bach shook his head and jumped down as the ref turned his attention to Chord and started a ten count. That allowed a stranger to leap to barriers and come into the ring, sneaking behind Bach. The newcomer hit a Supreme Stunner on Bach, and the crowd recognised the newcomer as Spencer Spade. He left the ring and pushed Chord into the ring, and the youngster staggered over to Bach and made the pin, getting the three count.


Jay Chord staggered out of the ring as Spencer Spade took a mic and rolled back to stand over Bach. Spade declared that “The Ace of Spades was here in TCW”, dropping the mic on Bach (85)


We had a video recap of the Hawkins Hernandez feud – it worked better earlier than it did here (76)


Wolf Hawkins © defeated Mainstream Hernandez to retain the TCW Tag Team Titles in 22:35 (82)

-Yes, announcing ping it is. It’s almost getting to the point where unless one of the top announcers in the world become available, I’m not sure if it’s worth putting my top stars together – I’ll get better results aiming for a match in the low 90’s as a high 90’s match will end up in the 80s. So, that’s top of my shopping list next year, but for now I have to work with what I’ve got. The match began slowly, but really begun to ramp it up as Hernandez took to the top rope, delivering a beautiful Moonsault to the champion. Hernandez went for the pin, but backed up as the Tag Team champions came out to ringside. Parker and Remus quickly followed, and a brawl started outside the ring, meanwhile in the ring Hawkins took momentum after a jab to the eyes. He went for a Full Moon Rising, but Hernandez slipped out, and delivered a roundhouse kick that swung the momentum out in his favour. That brought Ranger out to the ring, but once he was on the ring apron Greg Gauge grabbed his leg, and pulled him back down. The ref tried to restore order, but Joshua Taylor was able to get into the ring, hitting a Superkick on Hernandez. Parker charged in and he and Taylor went over the top rope, but Wolf Hawkins was able to pick up the pieces, hitting a Full Moon Rising to retain his title.


Overall Rating 84


Online Hot Threads:

Sammy Bach and Jay Chord pull off MOTN

Spencer Spade hits TCW!

Edd Stone takes TV Title

Jason Azaria leaving TCW?

Adam Matravers – Wrestler of The Year


In some way the show was better than expected – Jay Chord and Sammy Bach overperformed, and I was happy with the Tag Title, TV Title and Syndicate match. The Main Event was as feared – a match that without better commentary was not going to play out as good as it could have been. After the ping last month, I looked more into the commentary team, and with Azaria’s skill going down and Doakes’ skill going up, it was Doakes who was now the better announcer. Less experienced, but after the failure last month I thought I’d give it a go, letting him take over in the PPV booth from Azaria. It’s 11 months until and of the big announcers become available, but Lee Bambino is getting considered as he is currently better than my current announcers. Otherwise I might have to bring in Mitch Naess on a PPA deal, which isn’t ideal.

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And that’s the end of my first year, so the obvious next step is top look at the end of Year awards:


Wrestler of the Year – Adam Matravers

-With a 35-1 record, only losing to Sebastian Koller at the end of the year in a 99 rated match – his second 99 of the year. With 23 of his matches rated in the 90’s, this was a well earned award.


Company of the Year – 21CW

-The fourth biggest company in the world have had seven of their PPV’s rated in the 90’s (including a 95 rating), five matches rated 99 and 37 matches rated in the 90’s. Without one of their stars, Edward Cornell, who left for SWF this year. They earned this award.


Team of the Year – Rocky Golden and Atom Smasher

-These two have teamed up 24 times this year, losing just 4 matches, but it’s the quality of their matches which has shone through. Atom Smasher is on the form of his life, regularly being SWF’s top performer. His contract is up this summer, and there will be no shortage of suitors for his services.


Match of the Year – Adam Matravers vs Sebastian Koeller

-The main event of 21CW last PPV year did not disappoint, with Koeller defeating Matravers in a 99 rated classic, with the German taking his first World Title.


Show of the Year – 21CW: London Calling

-A 95 rated PPV, headlined by Koeller unsuccessfully challenging for Adam Matravers World Title in a ladder match. Tommy Cornell and Antithesis defeating Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu also overperformed, but the huge surprise was that the third best match of the night featured Beau Boulder, being carried by Jonathan Faust in a match of quality that Boulder hasn’t been close to again this year.


Young Wrestler of the Year – Charger Saiki

-3-40, and a social media storm that saw his online presence vanish does not look like the quality for this award. However, he has proved a perfect foil for Atom Smasher, taking part in several (unsuccessful) matches to get himself noticed for the right reasons.


Veteran Wrestler of the Year – Rogue

-An absolute workhorse, going 51-29 with one draw. Excluding a couple of poor matches with American Machine he has worked well with each and every wrestler that he’s faced. He also put to bed his feud with Valiant, decisively coming out on top.


Female Wrestler of the Year – Alicia Strong

-No surprise here – Alicia going 42-4, only losing each of her four title shots during the year. Despite the fact that she hasn’t held the title she is key to the division, averaging a rating of 82 while scoring 89 ratings against Sara Marie and Tiffany Jane.


Most Improved Company of the Year – TCW

-The third biggest company in the world, I have grown 12 points in the US this year, along with substantial Canadian growth (outside The Maritimes). Top of the US Battle – can I make it to the Number One promotion next year?


Independent Wrestler of the Year – Masao Tsubouchi

-The 30-year-old EX2010 wrestler has been both Junior Heavyweight Champion this year, and winner of the Junior Grand Prix. His best match of the year was in the first round of that tournament, in a 92 rated match with Nichiren Amigawa. He ended with a 64-17 record, meeting Pretty Okakura 26 times in multi-man action, but not yet in a singles match.


Manager of the Year – Dharma Gregg

-Oh. She’s my one manager in HGC. She’s given up smoking. I don’t really have anything else to say about her apart from… she’s only got 5 days left on her contract, and I haven’t offered her a new one…


Announcer of the Year – Duane Fry

-End of November is when his contract is up. In case you were wondering.


Colour Commentator of the Year – Emma Chase

Also available this year.


Referee of the Year – Lucy Avatar

-Oh, that’s my Avatar. Maybe if I had made myself an announcer my main events would have been a little better…


So, shall we see where my wrestlers land up on the Top 500? Do we have to? Let’s say my booking habits don’t do my wrestlers any favours here – Andrews has faced plenty of youngsters, Huggins on the preshow, Jay Chord with a lesser known Findlay O’Farraday, and Hawkins some average matches with The Syndicate. It all counts against you when you’re looking at average rating…


35. Wolf Hawkins (down from #4)

63. Aaron Andrews (down from #15)

67. Jay Chord (down from #7)

77. Mainstream Hernandez (down from #23)

87. Freddy Huggins (down from #75)

90. Spencer Spade (down from #77) (nothing to do with me!)

97. T-Bone Bright (new entry)

105. Sammy Bach (down from #22)

107. Steven Parker (down from #104)

109. Greg Gauge (down from #97)

110. Joshua Taylor (down from #55)

111. Eddie Chandler (down from #98)

113. Ranger (up from #385)

146. Lenny Brown (up from #286)

149. Mighty Mo (up from #151)

162. Edd Stone (up from #213)

166. Tana the Mighty (new entry) (okay, he’s no longer with me, but he did only wrestle for TCW this year)

182. Pretty Okakura (up from #303) (for his EX2010 work)

190. Roderick Remus (down from #167)

202. Doc Hammond (down from #146)

203. Human Arsenal (down from #103)

213. Masked Cougar (down from #153)

225. One Man Army (down from #175)

228. Findlay O’Farraday (down from 218) (TCW brought down his BGC work)

235. High Flying Hawaiian (down from #207)

247. Benny Benson (down from #150)

253. Dazzling Dave Diamond (up from #388)

258. Chris Flynn (up from #342)

267. Davis Wayne Newton (down from #258)

270. Matt Hocking (down from #171)

271. Titan (new entry)

278. Troy Tornado (down from #132)

286. Killer Shark (new entry)

289. El Hijo Del Neutron (new entry)

351. Flying Jimmy Foxx (down from #267)

382. Nick Booth (new entry)

412. Marc Speed (down from #333)

417. Joffy Laine (up from #468)

431. Nate Johnson (down from #63)

457. Danny Fonzarelli / Darkness (up from #499)

460. Maverick (down from #204)

482. Darryl Devine (down from #337)

495. Bart Biggins (down from #279)


#497, Chance Fortune, will be joining SWF this month. You can’t really argue with my top wrestlers on the list, but it’s clear that T-Bone Bright has earned the most improved position in TCW.


Online Hot Theads:

TCW sign deal with EX2010

Chance Fortune to join SWF

Dread divorces


EX2010 are not accepting excursions from TCW - Joey Fili is the first man to join.


Changing the Rules:


Traditionally I’m a small promotion man in TEW, so playing as TCW seems like playing TEW on easy mode (and that’s by design). No money issues, incredibly talented workers, harmonious backstage, a boss who has put some limitations in, but never enough to stop me signing most wrestlers, I can pretty much do what I want.


So I’ve given myself limits. Some of which I’ve already broken.


Don’t give anyone a contract bigger than Aaron Andrews (BROKEN):

Andrews started the year as the star of TCW – he still is, but his $80k a year salary is now looking a little small. Mighty Mo was the man to break this barrier – I almost didn’t, but as a TCW graduate I felt I had to fight to keep him.


Only sign a star you want to build around to a contract with Creative Control (KEPT):

If someone gets Creative Control, I want to have big plans for them, rather than just having a talented worker on the roster. The closest to signing was Ricky DeColt, as I did have plans, but his middling US popularity made me decide it wasn’t worth it. Nicky Champion and Edward Cornell also wanted Creative Control, but had failed the previous limit which I was still keeping to. So far, it's just Aaron Andrews with Creative Control.


After the first signings, don’t raid the indies (KEPT-ish):

Masked Cougar, Davis Wayne Newton and Joffy Laine were the three signings when I took over TCW. Ernest Youngman was meant to be signed as well, but I left him in the indies for most of the year. Of the three signings Masked Cougar was the most justified, teaming up with Edd Stone in Cougar Stone for most of the year. Davis Wayne Newton eventually joined Camp Tornado to little success, and Joffy Laine was wasted for six months, before slowly getting involved in storylines, particularly with Dazzling Dave Diamond. Other signings have predominantly been workers who were being released, signed on PPA, or stolen from SWF. The obvious exception was Findlay O’Farraday, so I guess I care about the indues more on this side of the globe than that in teh Far East. There is one more indie signing to come, but as he was going to be stolen by one of the other big boys I deemed it acceptable.


Don’t bribe wrestlers (KEPT):

After my first PPV I discovered stars getting unhappy if they were missing from it. A small bonus moved Greg Gauge back to only irritated, then I realised how little backstage issues I was having. As such I’ve banned myself from any further bonuses – if wrestlers get upset, I just have to deal with it. Danny Darkness is still furious at the way his Fonzarelli character was ended by Findlay O’Farrady, Nate Johnson and Maverick are (rightly) annoyed at their booking, Marc Speed is irritating at his lack of PPV action, and Roderick Remus is still upset that people think Pretty Okakura’s injury from months ago was his fault. Get over it.


However, I wanted to try and make things a little more challenging, so I’ve tried to make things a little more challenging. My backstage is harmonious so… I’ve relaxed the backstage rules? I’ve allowed outsiders and alcohol, which I’m sure will keep people happy, but will it have a knock-on effect later down the line? We will see – I’ve increased randomness as well to see if that helps. I’ve also made a slight financial adjustment to the game…

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