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What would be considered a grand slam in a 3 way brand split

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A bit of a strange question, what would be considered a grand slam in a promotion with a 3 way brand split?


Say each brand has:


1 Primary

1 Secondary

1 Floating Tag Team

1 Tertiary


What would you class as a grand slam? Would it be per brand? Overall? Or all 3 primaries?


Running a second SWF game with a 3 way brand split and want to have my own 'unofficial' grand slam so I can build someone up, but I'm a bit stuck on the definition on it.

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I would be tempted to say - "You must win the Primary, Secondary, and Tag title of all three brands".


Normally, it would mean three singles titles, and the tag team (four titles). And most companies don't have more than 3 singles titles. WWE does have the WWE, Universal, IC, US, and 24/7. But would Randy be denied Grand Slam because he wasn't a 24/7 champion? Probably not.


The more titles a company has, the more convoluted it gets. In NJPW, are you a Grand Slammer if you haven't won the Jr Heavyweight and Openweight Trios?


If there are Weight Splits, I would say you must have every championship you can legally compete for. So a Lightweight can be Grand Slam without the Heavyweight Championship, and vice versa with a Giant.



In my promotion, I have a Men's Brand, a Women's Brand - both equal. Then, I have a reserve developmental brand, and I keep my World Titles branded but my Secondary titles unbranded. I also keep my Tag and Trios titles unbranded.


My title arrangements are:

Brand 1:

World - Primary


Brand 2:

Women's World - Primary


Brand 3:

Futureshock - Tertiary

Women's Futureshock - Tertiary

(As a reminder, this is an extension of Futureshock, my developmental company. I have two other child companies, Valkyries and Warriors, but they are real companies and Futureshock is blatantly a farm system).



World Tag - Primary

Intercontinental - Secondary

Trios - Secondary


Rampage Royale

Diamond in the Bank

(There is a Men's and a Women's version of each)


So - in my company, nobody is expected to go to the Reserve Brand unless they're coming from developmental. So you don't need the Futureshock title to be a Grand Slam. But if I gave them a Primary title, you would have to win it to become a Grand Slammer.

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I would say they should hold all four titles on their brand. I suppose the idea of having won four titles across your three brands only comes into play if you have a regular brand rotation or a fairly weak brand split (with lots of crossing over between the brands). If you're trying to build up a guy who's been on multiple brands, then I'd say market it in head canon as a wrestler has to win one of the primary titles, one of the secondary titles, one of the tertiary titles, and one of the tag titles (I tend to run cruiserweight divisions, so I count the tag and cruiserweights as "divisional", so they can have won one of the two, but that's me).


And for the record, I'm not really fond of the modern WWE version of the grand slam. I liked having the European title be a part of it (or they can treat the US as a tertiary title, but they don't market it that way). It just made it feel more special because the guys who won the Grand Slam were guys who had, generally, "grown up" in WWF/E.



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