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Merchandise Levels Guidlines (for fellow mod makers)

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Couldn't find this in the handbook so I figured it would be useful for fellow mod makers, especially when you're creating companies and hate going back to see the correct info for each level :)




Ramshackle (1)


– At this level your merchandise operation is virtually non-existent; what little merchandise you do offer is home-made and sold only at shows during the intermission. The company does not make worker-specific merchandise; instead, workers are allowed to bring their own merchandise and sell it during intermission. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $0.20 per fan in attendance


Amateur (2)


– At this level your merchandise operation consists of little more than a small selection of shirts that are primarily sold at shows during the intermission. The company does not make worker-specific merchandise; instead, workers are allowed to bring their own merchandise and sell it during intermission. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $0.50 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $1 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business


Small Time (3)


– At this level your merchandise operation is pretty basic and staffed by friends and volunteers, but at least has some degree of organization to it. The company does not make worker-specific merchandise; instead, workers are allowed to bring their own merchandise and sell it during intermission. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $1 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $3 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business


Growing Business (4)


– At this level your merchandise operation has some part-time staff and is being run as a legitimate money-making part of the company. You can start to monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. The company does not make worker-specific merchandise; instead workers are allowed to bring their own merchandise and sell it during intermission. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $2.50 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $5 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $750 per month


Comprehensive (5)


– At this level your merchandise operation is fairly well established and, although limited in its range and using only part-time staff, run in an efficient manner. You can start to monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your Major Stars and Stars but are limited to selling it in your home area. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $3 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $10 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $1,250 per month


Professional (6)


– At this level your merchandise operation employs professional, full-time staff and offers a quality service in both the live event and mail order side of the business. You monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your Major Stars, Stars, and Well Known workers but are limited to selling it in your home area. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $5 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $15 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $2,500 per month


Industrial Scale (7)


– At this level your merchandise operation is dealing with large amounts of stock and using industrial-level processes. You monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your Major Stars, Stars, and Well Known workers and can sell worldwide. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $7.50 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $20 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandise costs you $5,000 per month


Enviable (8)


– At this level your merchandise operation is a business within a business and is running at a very high degree of efficiency. You monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your entire roster and can sell worldwide. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $12 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $30 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $10,000 per month


Award Winning (9)


– At this level your merchandise operation is an award-winning business that employs high-level executive staff and a large workforce. You monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your entire roster and can sell worldwide. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $15 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $40 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $25,000 per month


World Class (10)


– At this level, your merchandise operation has reached peak performance and is offering a world class service, maximizing your potential for profit. You monetise your old events by selling them on DVD and Video On Demand. You produce worker-specific merchandise for your entire roster and can sell worldwide. At live shows you can expect to make an average of around $25 per fan in attendance. You can expect to make around $50 per popularity point per region each month from the mail order side of the business. Running this level of merchandising costs you $50,000 per month

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Limited - basic video editing, maintenance work on essentials ($150/month)

Amateur - basic entrance, ring aprons, amateur video editing ($500/month, $150/show)

Semi-Pro - nice entrance, ring aprons, banners, semi-pro video editing ($1.5k/month, $500/show)

Pro - pro set (entrance, screens for vids, ring barriers), custom aprons/banners, pro videos ($7.5k/month, $2k/show)

High Quality - pro set, limited pyro, custom aprons/banners, pro videos ($15k/month, $10k/show)

Majestic - massive set (jumbotron & ramp), hq pyro, cutting edge videos ($25k/month, $25k/show)

Industry - massive set, hq pyro, travelling costume & prop departments ($30k/month, $50k/show)




Volunteers - friends & family helping out (free)

Small - small live event crew with 1 pro and enthusiastic amateurs ($2.5k/show)

Medium - medium live event crew with pro team leaders ($7.5k/show)

Large - large live event crew with pro team leaders ($20k/show)

Pro - large full time pro live event crew ($100k/month, $25k/show)




Amateur - filmed by amateur cameraman, distant hard cam & hand-held work ($100/show)

Semi-Pro - single hard cam, two roving cameramen ($500/show)

Hired Pro - small pro unit on industry-standard equipment ($2.5k/show)

In House - in-house crew with industry-standard equipment that understand wrestling ($7.5k/month)

Industry Standard - in-house crew with top of the line equipment ($20k/month)

Cutting Edge - in-house crew using cutting edge equipment ($35k/month)




Small Time - pirated well known songs, this is illegal (free)

Generic - generic mass-produced instrumental tracks ($250/show)

Local - local musicians ($500/show)

In House - professional musician creates custom made tracks for you ($10k/month)

Minor Licensed - songs from smaller bands ($25k/month)

Licensed - songs from mid-level bands ($50k/month)

Major Licensed - songs from major bands ($100k/month)


This is the quick and dirty guide I've got for production

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Limited - basic video editing, maintenance work on essentials ($150/month)

Amateur - basic entrance, ring aprons, amateur video editing ($500/month, $150/show)

Semi-Pro - nice entrance, ring aprons, banners, semi-pro video editing ($1.5k/month, $500/show)

Pro - pro set (entrance, screens for vids, ring barriers), custom aprons/banners, pro videos ($7.5k/month, $2k/show)

High Quality - pro set, limited pyro, custom aprons/banners, pro videos ($15k/month, $10k/show)

Majestic - massive set (jumbotron & ramp), hq pyro, cutting edge videos ($25k/month, $25k/show)

Industry - massive set, hq pyro, travelling costume & prop departments ($30k/month, $50k/show)




Volunteers - friends & family helping out (free)

Small - small live event crew with 1 pro and enthusiastic amateurs ($2.5k/show)

Medium - medium live event crew with pro team leaders ($7.5k/show)

Large - large live event crew with pro team leaders ($20k/show)

Pro - large full time pro live event crew ($100k/month, $25k/show)




Amateur - filmed by amateur cameraman, distant hard cam & hand-held work ($100/show)

Semi-Pro - single hard cam, two roving cameramen ($500/show)

Hired Pro - small pro unit on industry-standard equipment ($2.5k/show)

In House - in-house crew with industry-standard equipment that understand wrestling ($7.5k/month)

Industry Standard - in-house crew with top of the line equipment ($20k/month)

Cutting Edge - in-house crew using cutting edge equipment ($35k/month)




Small Time - pirated well known songs, this is illegal (free)

Generic - generic mass-produced instrumental tracks ($250/show)

Local - local musicians ($500/show)

In House - professional musician creates custom made tracks for you ($10k/month)

Minor Licensed - songs from smaller bands ($25k/month)

Licensed - songs from mid-level bands ($50k/month)

Major Licensed - songs from major bands ($100k/month)


This is the quick and dirty guide I've got for production


you are a life saver

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Also you could add some real life companies what they level at that would help a lot too for Mod makers :)


I was thinking of doing this as well,


I'm not really great at knowing a lot about companies fighting styles but when it comes to noticing their budget in merch, production, broadcast etc. I have a pretty good grasp on it

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