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Bring Back A Worker From Left The Business

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I think there should be a way to bring back workers that have "Left the Business" in the game. I'm not saying something like in the live editor (though you could do this in the last TEW if I am not mistaken), but you should be able to talk to those workers to try and lure them back. For instance if I were booking the WWE and I wanted to talk Trish Stratus into returning for the Woman's Rumble or something similar to that.
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If they're able to come back they would be on hiatus not left the business. One is permanent the other isn't


But that's not true though is it. Look at the example I stated above. Or any other time someone has come out of retirement or "Let the Business". Look at ODB as another example. I think it would be really cool, and realistic, to talk workers into coming back into the business.

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I think anybody who's watched or paid attention to pro wrestling for a significant length of time has seen people who had "left the business" (it's really not right to see the scenario where the popular conception was that they'd never come back and argue that they were really "On hiatus") have returned either as in-ring or backstage performers (or even behind-the-scenes roles).


For a controversial example: for five years, CM Punk was adamant that he would never come back to pro wrestling, that he was done with wrestling, and that he couldn't see himself ever returning. He had "left the business", despite the protestations of legions of fans. Then, out of the blue, he makes a one-night return under a mask to interfere in a match at an indy show, then he makes noises that he might be willing under the right circumstances and for the right reasons to return to the wrestling world in some form, and then he comes out on WWE Backstage as a commentator. Now, if I were making a mod in the year 2016, I likely would have had no realistic choice (outside of a decision made simply as a fan) but to list CM Punk as "Left the Business". In the year 2020, I'd be tempted to list him as "Retired" or even "On Hiatus" after WWE Backstage's cancellation. All of this means that there is a chance that, if I've got the negotiation skills and/or the money to entice him to come work for my company, I can hire him as a commentator or some other out-of-ring role and, if I've got those negotiation abilities and his physical attributes haven't been pushed too far down, I could convince him to become an in-ring performer again.


I say all of that to say this: in professional wrestling, the concept of "Left the Business" is a very relative term. And, it's something that we (in our roles as wrestling owners and/or bookers) should have the ability to negotiate with a worker to see if we can change. Now, I'm all for a 70-year-old whose body is beaten up and whose skills have fallen completely off deciding that he/she doesn't want to return. But, I should still be able to talk to them and ask. If they say no, then they say no. But, not to even allow for the conversation is an odd choice at best.



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