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The Rise of the Rebel City

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Welcome to the Rebellion


The world works in mysterious ways. One moment, you're living comfortably. The dream job, set for life.

You've got it all.

I had given my body and my life to this business. I'd hung up the boots and settled in backstage.

I was creating some of the best wrestling shows the world had ever seen.

I was the happiest man in this business. Then, just like that, it all changed.


One phone call, and my life's work was torn right out of my hands.


"Hey, uh, Steve? It's Paul. You know, ah, with everything that's been going on in the world we've had to make some cuts recently.

I've just got off the phone with Vince and, er, I've got some bad news..."



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Welcome to the Rebellion, Part II


As I watched the phone ring again, I couldn’t tell you why I decided to answer it this time.

An unknown number, ringing again for the ninth consecutive day.

I didn’t answer it last Monday. Maybe there was internal respect for their persistence. Maybe that's why I answered

Whatever the reason was, I picked up the phone.

I don’t know what I expected. AEW? Impact maybe. Christ, had I really fallen to Impact already?


“Hello, is that Steven Regal?”

“Hi, yes, this is Steven speaking. How can I help?”

“Blimey, Steve, you’re tough one to get a hold of. Look we’ve come to you with a proposition.”


So forward and unprofessional, maybe it’s Major League Wrestling?

I should have hung up there and then, but they’d only persist, so I may as well humour them for a bit.


“Steve, we’re a consortium, led by a wealthy investor who wishes to put their money into the wrestling business”

“Let me guess, you want a TV deal too. You want a slice of that revenue AEW and WWE are getting?”

“No Mr. Regal it’s not quite lik-“

“Look, whoever you are, you cannot take on Vince. And whatever is left in the US is AEW’s now. You’re too late.”

“No we don’t want the US, there’s nothing there. We’re aiming to conquer a more fragile market.”

“Like where?”


“Britain? Mainstream wrestling died in the UK in the eighties, what’s the point?”

“Our investor believes in the talent there, they believe with the right visionary, something can be achieved.”

“I’m not so sure I follow. The British market is a hostile at best and volatile at wor-“

“We’re not asking for an answer right, Steve. Just let us send some info over and let us know what you think.”


The sigh wasn’t subtle. I agreed to the view their terms, but the plans sound foolish.

Conquer the mainstream wrestling market in Britain? Ha. There is no mainstream wrestling market in Britain.

Ah well, at least I can have a good chuckle at whatever they send my way.

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Part III

The following is an announcement from Steven Regal


As you are likely aware at this point, I was removed from my creative post at WWE’s NXT brand.

My years helping to establish the NXT brand as a powerhouse in the world of professional wrestling were some of the best of my career.

It was a position I was content in and a position I was happy to see out my career in.

Of course, the world works in mysterious ways and I was removed from my position by the WWE.

Over the past few days, I have spoken with an investor who wishes to create a brand-new company in my homeland, England.

They wish to have me in charge of the day to day running of the company – and I have accepted their offer.


The British scene has fallen on hard times.

Attendances are down, the talent has upped and left. With the right vision, we can revive a dying Britwres scene.

This is the final mark I wish to leave on this industry. A revolution in British wrestling and a rebellion against all those who tore it down.


Our rebellion starts in the heart of the City of Rebels itself.

The home of Robin Hood. The city of Nottingham.


Welcome to Rebel City Wrestling.

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Part IV


I suppose it’s ironic that a man named Regal was now leading a rebellion.

Not very Regal at all is it?

Either way, I’d accepted an offer to get this new company off the ground.

There were some terms, there’s always terms.

Firstly, this investor, whoever they are, is going to offset any losses for the first year.

Pretty good? Yeah, he only wants a TV deal within three years to compensate him for that.

Being based in Nottingham makes things tough too.

I get London is crowded, but what about Manchester? Liverpool?

The rebel aesthetic is the only thing making Nottingham appealing.

Either way, it’s time to make some calls – let’s put the first four shows live and see what people think.



Rebel City Wrestling Vol-1: Rise of the Luddites

Rebel City Wrestling Vol-2: Robin Hood Trophy Night 1

Rebel City Wrestling Vol-2: Robin Hood Trophy Night 2

Rebel City Wrestling Vol-3: Richard the Lionheart

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Volume-1: Rise of the Luddites

[Matches have a 25 minute time limt]


Main Event


"The Aussie Arrow" Kyle Fletcher vs. "The Black Swan" Cara Noir




Kid Lykos II vs. Omari


Mark Davis vs. Jurn Simmons


A-Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham


"The Rebel Son" Gabriel Kidd vs. Spike Trivet

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Rebel City Wrestling Presents:

Vol-01: Rise of the Luddites

June 2020

Live from Nottingham, England


[Matches have a 25 minute time limit]



"The Rebel Son" Gabriel Kidd vs. Spike Trivet

Spike Trivet defeated Gabriel Kidd in 13:19 using underhanded tactics.

Match Rating: 39



Post-Match Promo

“You boo a man like me, yet cheer for a false idol like that?

Gabriel Kidd represents Nottingham to its core. Ugly, volatile and a complete failure.

You people have spent far too long bowing to a non-existent archer and his merry men.

Soon enough, you will all be bowing to me.”


Segment Rating: 37



Mark Davis vs. Jurn Simmons

Mark Davis defeated Jurn Simmons in 14:12 via pinfall with an Airplane Spin


Segment Rating: 39



Kid Lykos II vs. Omari

Omari defeated Kid Lykos II in 13:29 via pinfall after an interference from Dan Moloney


Segment Rating: 28



Post-Match Action


After costing Kid Lykos II the match, Dan Moloney continues to beat the masked wrestler down.

Omari pulls him off and the two exchange a few words.

After a brief moment of calm, Omari begins to attack Kid Lykos II.


Segment Rating: 32



A-Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham

A-Kid defeated Jonathan Gresham in 21:29 via submission with a Crossface


Segment Rating: 48

Main Event


"The Aussie Arrow" Kyle Fletcher vs. "The Black Swan" Cara Noir

Cara Noir defeated Kyle Fletcher in 17:47 via pinfall with a Package Piledriver


Segment Rating: 44


Match of the Night: A-Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham

Final Show Rating: 42

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Volume-02: The Robin Hood Cup Night 1

[There are no time limits. The winner will also be crowned the RCW World Champion


Round One


"The Aussie Arrow" Kyle Fletcher vs. Mark Davis



"Drilla" Dan Moloney vs. A-Kid



Lucky Kid vs. Spike Trivet



"The Black Swan" Cara Noir vs. Jonathan Gresham


Who's your pick to win the Robin Hood Cup and become the first RCW World Champion?

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