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[DOTM]WCW 1998: Too Big To Fail?

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WCW Monday Nitro Live! June Week 1, 1998 - Episode #140– “Opportunity”


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Nitro opens to a recap video of last week with Kevin Nash vs Lex Luger that ended with a dummy made up to look like Nash falling from the top of the arena hanging right in front of Nash. And Sting in the sky stalking.




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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW MONDAY NITRO</b>



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Tony, Mike & Larry welcome us to the show as we are now less than three weeks away from The Great American Bash. They take us back to last week where we saw Sting play mind games with Kevin Nash. We understand “Big Sexy” is here tonight, will he have a response to Sting? But, we need to switch gears to take you back to earlier today and show you this footage:




A video plays where a camera crew is following J.J. Dillon as he power walks through the hallway. In the distance we can hear a commotion and it gets louder as J.J. gets closer to it. We can soon see that security is holding Buff Bagwell back and keeping him from entering the building. J.J. walks up to Buff and looks him dead in the eye and asks what does he want. Buff implores J.J. for just a chance saying that his contract with WCW is still valid. J.J. says that he is aware of this and he is also aware that Buff has been contacting his office for weeks asking for a chance to wrestle again. But, Buff spent over a year in the nWo trying to kill this company and after they kicked him out, now he wants back into WCW? Too bad. Buff can sit out his contract. J.J. orders security to remove Buff and goes to walk away, but Arn Anderson comes up.




He tells J.J. that he was watching this and Arn understands how J.J. feels, he truly does, but maybe Buff has some stuff still in him. Maybe he just got turned around. Arn says, let the kid in and let's give him a shot tonight. A chance at redemption and to prove what he can do. Against the greatest of all time...the champ..the Nature Boy. J.J. asks Arn if he is sure and Arn says that they are. J.J. walks over to Buff and says fine, he can have this opportunity tonight. And J.J. will even do Buff a favor and make it the main event. But, don’t make WCW live to regret this. Buff swears he won’t and J.J. tells security to let him in.


The announcers return to the desk to tell us that Buff Bagwell has a one night reprieve and will headline Nitro against Ric Flair tonight, but let's go to the ring with our opening contest here on Nitro.


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<b>BOOKER T AND CHRIS JERICHO VS THE HARDY BOYS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This young duo of Matt and Jeff Hardy really work well together and nearly score an early pinfall on Chris Jericho before Jericho is able to tag out and Booker comes in. Booker and Jericho then spend some time with the upper hand but these kids called Hardy won’t go away quietly. Booker misses a Harlem Sidekick when Matt Hardy rolls out of the way and tags in his brother. But Booker tags in Jericho and when Jeff charges, Jericho does an Enziguri onto Jeff’s head knocking him out. Jericho then nails a Lionsault for the pinfall.




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After the match as Booker & Chris celebrate, Bret Hart comes down to the ring with a microphone. He looks at Booker and Jericho and congratulates them on this win tonight. He also congratulates those kids, Matt and Jeff Hardy, on a good outing. Those boys have some talent. Bret says that last week Bret said that two men would have an offer from the Hitman that they can’t refuse and those two men are Booker T & Chris Jericho. Bret says that the three of them have something in common...all three of them have an issue with the New World Order. So let’s go on offense. Let’s take the fight to the nWo. So, the offer is this...at The Great American Bash Bret wants Booker T & Chris Jericho to be his partners as they collectively challenge right here and right now...Scott Hall, Randy Savage and that little maggot Syxxx in a six man fight. Booker and Jericho don’t need to even think about it, they quickly shake the Hitman’s hand and the three stand together with Bret telling Hall, Syxxx and Savage that they have a challenge to answer. They play to the fans as Nitro goes to a commercial break.




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Monday Nitro returns and the Nitro Girls are in the ring doing a dance routine where they are dressed up like the Washington Wizards but in sexy uniforms and the routine ends with Kimberly Page on top of the girls mimicking a slam dunk.


Tony, Mike & Larry begin to take us back to last week on Nitro when suddenly:


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DDP comes down from the crowd and goes toward where the Nest would be, but they’re not there. He looks disgusted as he hops the guardrail and grabs a mic and gets in the ring. Page says that of course he’s not here tonight. But Raven, it’s time to stop the games. For over six months he has made Page’s life a living hell. He’s beaten DDP up, scared DDP’s wife and taken DDP’s title. So this is personal, eh? Well let’s get personal. Page says that despite what Raven calls himself, the fact is that Page has known the real man behind the cult - and Scott Levy is still in there inside of Raven. Somewhere inside is still a man that can go. So here’s a challenge. In 3 weeks at The Great American Bash it will be DDP vs Raven again. But this time let’s see if Scott Levy can show up. The title on the line. No Raven’s Rules. No lackeys. Just two men that can actually wrestle. That can actually fight. DDP tells him to stand up and be a man again and meet Page face to face. And if Page loses? Raven will have won this war because Page won’t challenge again. But if Page wins, maybe...just maybe… Page may save the soul of Scott Levy. DDP goes back through the crowd with the challenge made.


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Eddie Guerrero leads the way with Chavo behind him proudly and Rey Mysterio following not proud at all. The announcers take us back to last week where we see Dean Malenko asking Rey why he is doing this. And Rey leaves with Eddie.


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Rey and Psychosis have a fantastic back and forth Lucha match but Rey is becoming even more annoyed as Eddie and Chavo keep distracting the ref whenever Rey is in jeopardy. At one point Psychosis nails a Guillotine Leg Drop on Rey but Chavo is on the ropes and the ref doesn’t see the cover. Eddie slides in to attack Psychosis but is backdropped over the ropes by Psychosis instead. When Psychosis turns around, Rey is uptop and flies off with a Hurricanrana into a cradle pin for the three count.




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After the match, Eddie is celebrating like he won the match. Chavo is also celebrating like his uncle on the match. Atticus on the microphone and says that since Dean Malenko wants to stick his nose in La Familia’s business, perhaps we should stick our nose in Malenko’s business. This Saturday night, Malenko will face Chavito and if Dean can win, he will get a Cruiserweight Title shot at The Great American Bash. But Eddie warns that wherever one La Familia member is, the rest of them are not far behind. See you Saturday.


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Backstage Mortis and Wrath are talking when the Nitro Girls walk past. Mortis is obviously distracted by them as Wrath is talking. Eventually the big man gets fed up and shoves his partner. Mortis asks Wrath if he would have a shot with any of them. Wrath scoffs and tells him no, because Mortis is a freak. Offended, Mortis looks up at his partner and shoots back ‘Yea, and you’re George Clooney too.” They walk off, still arguing.


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Nitro returns and it’s time for this week’s The Great American Bash moment and it is Ric Flair retaining the World Heavyweight Championship against Terry Funk from the 1989 Great American Bash. We see Ric Flair reverse the inside cradle that Funk tried to do to score the pinfall and retain the title. The Great American Bash is in 20 days from The Baltimore Arena LIVE and only on pay-per-view.


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<b>GOLDBERG VS HUGH MORRUS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


During the match, the announcers take us back to Brian Adams losing by disqualification to Goldberg 8 days ago at Slamboree but stealing the TV Title from Goldberg.


Goldberg is distracted by what has been transpiring with him and Adams and that allows Hugh a chance as he does some power moves on Goldberg and even nails the No Laughing Matter but that just pisses off DA Man. Goldberg kicks out of the pinfall attempt at one and does so with force and then nails Hugh with some Haymakers before hitting a Spear and a Jackhammer for the pinfall.




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This week’s Castrol GTX Drive Hard Moment of the Night is Goldberg delivering an emphatic Jackhammer to Hugh Morrus.


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After the match Goldberg looks at the camera and says that “Adams, you stole my belt - well keep it clean cause at the Bash...your ass is NEXT.” Goldberg storms off.


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We go to Mean Gene who is at the entrance way. Mean Gene says that there has been some shake ups in professional wrestling and a former major player for the competition up north could be making his way to World Championship Wrestling. Who is that “major player”? Call the WCW Hotline to find out. 1-900-909-9900. The call cost a $1.99 a minute, kids get your parents permission before calling, but call right now. And stick around, when we come back Hour #2 kicks off LIVE from our Nation’s Capitol. It’s Nitro. Don’t go anywhere.


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Hour #2 kicks off with pyro as Tony, Mike & Bobby are at the announce table. They remind us that later tonight Buff Bagwell will take on the Nature Boy Ric Flair in our featured contest. The camera pans the crowd who are excited and center on “Sensuous” Sherri Martel again at ringside.




She smiles and waves and watches as our next match kicks off featuring The Total Package.



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<b>LEX LUGER VS BUNKHOUSE BUCK</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This match is pretty much a showcase for the Total Package. Though, Buck gets some shots in, he eats a lot of power moves by Lex including a Power Slam, a stiff clothesline before surrendering to the Torture Rack.




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After the match, Kevin Nash storms down the aisle and is in the ring nailing Luger from behind before Lex can ever see it coming. Nash goes outside the ring and grabs a chair and nails Bunkhouse Buck with the chair in the head, splitting him open. Nash hits Luger in the back with the edge of the chair. And then drops Buck with a Jackknife.


Nash then cuts a promo calling for Sting. Nash says “you wanna play mind games, you wanna cost me a match against your best friend? Huh? Where are you Stinger? This man is your best friend. You want to play games? Watch this.” Nash sets up a chair and powerbombs Lex directly onto the chair, flattening it and destroying Lex’s back in the process. Nash looks at the camera and says “your move”. Nash storms off while Tony quickly throws to commercial.


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WCW returns to a commercial for WCW/nWo The Great American Bash headlined by Sting defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Kevin Nash. The Great American Bash is live in twenty days and only on pay-per-view.


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We come back live into the arena where Lex Luger being placed on a backboard and being taken from ringside to the back for help. We see a replay of what Kevin Nash just did and the announcers tell us that it is a direct response for Sting’s mind games. Kevin Nash may have just ended the career of the Total Package here tonight.


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The announcers take us back to eight days ago at Slamboree where The Steiner Brothers regained the WCW World Tag Team Titles. Also to last week where The Steiners said that G.T.T. could have a shot if they wanted it.


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<b>G.T.T. VS HIGH VOLTAGE</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Pretty big squash match as a pissed off GTT makes High Voltage pay for losing the titles to the Steiners. They take particular enjoyment out of beating both kids to a pulp before nailing the Death Drop on Rage for the pinfall.




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After the match, LoMonaco & Hughes nail the Death Drop one more time onto Robbie Rage. The announcers speculate that this is an acceptance of The Steiner Brothers’ saying they would be willing to defend against G.T.T. again.


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We go to the announce table where Tony, Mike & Bobby tell us that Lex Luger has been taken to a Washington DC hospital after the attack from Kevin Nash and that Nash has been seen exiting the building. We hope to have an update next week. They then took us to earlier tonight where Buff Bagwell asked for a chance to return to active competition in WCW and Arn Anderson agreed to let him face Ric Flair in the ring. Let’s go to Mean Gene who is at the entrance set.


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Mean Gene is at the Nitro set and brings out The Nature Boy Ric Flair & Arn Anderson. As they come out we see that Chris Benoit is with them. Arn starts off by saying that the reason that they are giving Buff this opportunity against the greatest of all time, Ric Flair is because...like Buff, in our misspent youth - Arn & Ric could make bad decisions. But, the Horsemen are not dumb and they know that this could be a set up. Ric steps forward and says, “Chris, that is why we brought you out here. Brother, I know that you have an issue with Raven and with Nancy, but right now I need your focus. We don’t know if this Buff thing is on the level. But just in case - my best friend, AA, the Enforcer and I need you to have your head in this game and to watch our backs.” Benoit produces a tire iron out of his back pocket and says that won’t be a problem. The Horsemen warn Buff to be on the level. From there Ric Flair, Arn Anderson & Chris Benoit head down to the ring. Gene tells us to not go anywhere, when we come back Buff Bagwell will face Ric Flair in our main event on Nitro.


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Nitro returns with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit in the ring. Buff comes out and it is notable that he gets no entrance music, no fanfare. He comes out with WCW stripping any bells and whistles. The point being made, Buff walks down to the ring and enters the ring for his opportunity.



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<b>RIC FLAIR W/ARN ANDERSON AND CHRIS BENOIT VS BUFF BAGWELL</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Ric lights Buff up early on with chops and punches to the face and begins working on Buff’s knee, but Buff stages a comeback when he launches Ric off the top of the rope. They battle on the floor where Buff throws Ric into steps. Back in the ring Buff goes for The Blockbuster but Ric hits the ropes and crotches Buff. Ric climbs to the top and does a SuperPlex onto Buff and cover...1...2...kick out by Bagwell. When Ric goes for the Figure Four, Buff grabs Ric’s head and cradles him for a near fall. After some more near falls the finish comes when Buff goes to pick up Ric, but the Dirtiest Player in the Game pokes Buff in the eye, chop blocks him and locks in the Figure Four. Buff has no choice but to submit.




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After the match, Buff leaves the ring while Ric, Arn and Benoit celebrate the victory. As they’re celebrating, an employee of WCW comes down to the ring to get their attention. He is holding a manila envelope. After speaking to Arn, the guy hands the envelope to a confused Benoit. Chris opens it and pulls out a photo. He looks at it and is disgusted by the image, drops it in the ring and immediately storms out of the ring. Arn and Ric look down as does the camera and we see Woman in leather lingerie laying on a bed with Raven cuddling her from behind. Arn and Ric look equally disgusted and chase after Benoit.


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We go to Tony, Bobby & Mike who are disgusted by the horrific way that Woman is torturing Benoit. They tell us that next week the United States Champion, Raven will be on Nitro and we do expect that he will answer the challenge made by Diamond Dallas Page here tonight. The announcers also tell us that The Steiner Brothers will be on hand next week. They remind us that Dean Malenko will face Chavo Guerrero this Saturday Night on TBS for the right to face Eddie Guerrero at The Great Americ….Tony suddenly chimes in with news that something is happening in the backstage area.





We go to the backstage where a beat down by Scott Hall, Syxxx, Randy Savage & Konnan on Bret Hart, Chris Jericho and Booker T are in progress. Hart and his friends are in street clothes and their bags are nearby so it is clear that they were jumped by the nWo as they were exiting the arena. The nWo drops the baseball bats that they were carrying. Savage is on top of Booker beating the hell out of him, Syxxx has Hart & Hall has Jericho. Finally the pack has done their damage and Hall grabs a nearly unconscious Bret and looks at him saying “You want a war at the Bash? You got one.”


The nWo walk away and enter a waiting limousine. They drive off into the night with Bret, Jericho & Booker down and out as Monday Nitro goes off the air.









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I really like the Luger storyline. Good way to write him off for awhile if needed.


The DDP/Raven feud is really fun too. I'm excited to see Raven's response.


You're kinder to Buff than I ever am.




It's funny because a lot of the Buff story last night was real. I was legitimately unsure if I wanted to do anything with him. I was giving him an opportunity because I was (and truth be told still am) on the fence on whether or not to release him. He did well against Flair, so he may get another shot.

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No wonder poor Matt Hardy became broken. $10 million in debt is a lot of money. Your assembling quite the roster i wonder who the “up north” superstar is...


I can tell you that will be revealed before the summer is out ;)


And yeah, the Hardys better make me A LOT of money down the line. That was the cost to get them under exclusive contracts. All about the future.

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WCW Monday Nitro Live! June Week 2, 1998 - Episode #141– “Hometown Collision”


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J.J. Dillion is in the ring as Monday Nitro opens from The Palace in Auburn Hills. He is surrounded by police as he says that he is tired of the constant nWo attacks and tonight WCW will stand up and fight back. The World Tag Team Champions and Michigan's proud sons, The Steiner Brothers approached J.J. earlier today and demanded a match with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. And they are willing to put their titles on the line. So tonight, in this ring - in our featured contest, The Outsiders will face The Steiner Brothers for the WCW World Tag Team Titles - their refusal to do so will see the nWo lose their World Title opportunity at The Great American Bash! And to ensure that this match is fair and square, the ring will be surrounded by WCW wrestlers to keep the nWo from interfering. J.J. ends by saying "on a personal note, Kevin...I have it on good authority that someone will be coming for you this evening." J.J. looks to the rafters and then smiles and welcomes us to WCW Monday Nitro.




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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW MONDAY NITRO</b>



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Pyro explodes as The Palace of Auburn Hills comes to life for Monday Nitro LIVE. Tony, Mike & Larry welcome us to the show as we are just thirteen days away from The Great American Bash in Baltimore and, as you just saw, a blockbuster main event for this evening has been signed. The Steiner Brothers will put their WCW World Tag Team Titles on the line against The Outsiders. WCW wrestlers will guard the ring and if the Outsiders refuse, then nWo loses their title shot at the Bash. And it appears Sting will be here tonight to seek retribution against Kevin Nash. Also tonight, Bret Hart has demanded a match with the nWo after last week's vicious attack on him, Chris Jericho & Booker T. WCW has agreed and has ordered the Macho Man Randy Savage to face the Hitman to kick off Hour Number 2. We're rocking and rolling so let's go to the ring to kick off Nitro.


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<b>CHRIS BENOIT W/ARN ANDERSON VS STEVIE RICHARDS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Benoit just beats the snot out of Raven’s best friend all to send a message to Woman and Raven and to let out some frustrations. Stevie barely gets any offense in but eats about six German Suplexes. After hitting a flying Headbutt, Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface and Stevie Richards immediately taps out. Benoit won’t let go but the ref eventually talks him into releasing the hold.




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After the win, Arn and Benoit grab a mic and Arn speaks for Chris and says that they have a message directly for Nancy. The games have to end. They know that she is here tonight because where one of these Nest flunkies are, the rest are far behind. Before this night is over, Chris Benoit will find Woman and will get answers as to what all of this is about. Bet on it.


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The announcers take us back to last week where Goldberg demanded Brian Adams face him at the Great American Bash for the Television Title. We are told that the thief of the TV Title, Brian Adams, will be here when Nitro returns. We’re live on TNT.


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Nitro goes to commercial with a hype video of a new tag team coming to WCW and it is the team of Meng & Yuji Ngata. The video focuses on both men in a ring destroying two poor souls before ending them with a Tongan Death Grip from Meng while Yuji does a savate kick to the head.



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Nitro returns with a clip of “during the break” where we see Woman in a dark, black room. She is sitting on Raven’s lap and the two were looking at a tv that was showing Benoit & Arn’s threat. Woman looks at Raven and they smile and she says “come find me, Chris.”



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Prior to the match, Brian Adams comes out without the TV title belt as he gets into the ring. In the ring, he grabs a house mic and says “Goldberg, just in case you decide to try to sneak attack me here tonight, MY title is home. You want it, you can try to take it from me at The Great American Bash.”



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<b>BRIAN ADAMS VS THE BOOTY MAN</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The announcers put over that this is the first time that we’ve seen The Booty Man in over a year. And it is not a happy return for him to WCW. Brian Adams simply mauls The Booty Man as he looks to send a message to Goldberg. Eventually, after throwing Bootman around the ring like a ragdoll, Adams nails the Heart Punch and gets the 3 count.




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After the match and true to Adams’ prediction, out runs Goldberg. Adams tries to make a break for it, but Goldberg catches him by the hair just as Adams is about to go over the barricade. Da Man throws Adams head first into the ring post and rolls him into the ring and spears Adams literally out of one shoe. Goldberg looks down in disgust and snarls getting a measure of revenge before the two fight in thirteen days at The Great American Bash.


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We go back to WCW/nWo Slamboree and see The Anvil Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith arrive in WCW as well as the next night when they scored a pinfall victory. When Nitro returns, Anvil & Davey Boy will be in action on Nitro.


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<b>DAVEY BOY SMITH AND JIM NEIDHART VS THE HAAS BROTHERS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The young Haas Brothers are put over as talent in WCW Mid-Atlantic and getting their first taste of the big time. They get a competitive match early, but soon The Anvil clubs Charlie Haas and nearly caves in Charlie’s chest and that turns the tide. Soon Russ Haas eats a Powerslam by Davey Boy for the 1..2..3.




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After the match Davey Boy grabs a mic and says that they know that they just got to World Championship Wrestling, but Davey Boy & The Anvil have a pedigree as tag team wrestlers that the world knows all about. And Davey Boy & Anvil believes that they can lift the tag team division up here in WCW. Now they know G.T.T. and the Steiners have an issue and here tonight the titles could change hands, but when there is chaos, there is opportunity. So Anvil & Davey Boy are throwing their hat into all of this and announcing that they too want an opportunity at the Tag Team Titles at The Great American Bash. So, WCW...make a decision.


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We go back to last week and see the closing moments of Nitro where Scott Hall, Syxxx, Konnan & Randy Savage attacked Bret Hart, Chris Jericho & Booker T. We are told that when we come back hour number two will kick off with Bret Hart against the Macho Man Randy Savage. Do not go anywhere. Nitro will be right back.


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Nitro goes to break with The Great American Bash Moment: Sting defeating Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at The Great American Bash 1990 in Baltimore. WCW/nWo The Great American Bash is live in Thirteen days from the sold out Baltimore Arena. Only on pay-per-view.


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Nitro girls do a huge number at the Nitro set that highlights each woman and ends with them all on top of the WCW logo set pieces as pyro explodes all around them to kick off hour number two.


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<b>BRET HART VS RANDY SAVAGE W/ELIZABETH</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This is a fantastic match that goes through two segments and really is an epic encounter between two of the best. Bret tries to work on Macho’s leg early on to limit the high flying but, Savage does take to the sky including a flying knee drop onto Bret’s throat. When Savage goes for a Flying Axehandle, Bret catches him, lays Macho on the mat and locks in the Sharpshooter This brings out Syxxx who attacks but Booker is right behind him and soon both outside men are in the ring and a brawl breaks out. The ref throws his hands up and disqualifies everyone.




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After the match the two sides continue brawling until Chris Jericho runs down with a chair and nails Macho in the back and then swings at Syxxx but he ducks and dives to the floor. Elizabeth pulls both men into retreat as Bret, Booker & Jericho stand tall in the ring. WCW has run the nWo off.



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We go to the announcers who take us back to earlier this evening where J. J. Dillon announced that tonight, in their home state, The Steiner Brothers will get The Outsiders one-on-one for the World Tag Team Titles. WCW wrestlers will surround the ring to ensure that The Outsiders face the Steiners fair and square. That is still to come on Nitro.


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We go back to Saturday on WCW Saturday Night where Dean Malenko defeated Chavo Guerrero to earn a WCW Cruiserweight Title match at The Great American Bash. When Nitro returns, Dean Malenko will be in action, LIVE on Nitro.


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Nitro returns to a commercial for WCW/nWo The Great American Bash featuring Diamond Dallas Page against Raven for the WCW United States Title.


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Chris Benoit is shown on video saying “During the Break” as he searches an empty room before running into Diamond Dallas Page who is also looking for Raven. Eventually both men find a room that looks like the room Woman was in earlier with Raven. Now there is simply a television with a VCR and a post it note saying “play me”. The screen comes to life and we see Woman and Raven sitting in this very room mocking Benoit for missing his chance. Woman is playing with Raven’s hair and acting like she wants to jump his bones. Raven cuts a promo on Benoit saying that he took Benoit’s queen. And just in case Page is watching this, Page wants a wrestling match at the ppv and not a brawl? He wants “Scott” to come back? Well, Page….Scott is dead. Raven is what is left. And next week on Nitro, Page & Benoit will both learn that a Raven is far deadlier than a man. As this game of cat and mouse comes to an end. Woman says that she’s ready to go play and says “ta-ta Chris”. Raven laughs as they walk out of the room and the video fades to black. Both men stare at the television in angry silence before Benoit picks it up and throws it against the wall, smashing it into pieces. Benoit turns to the door and says to no one in particular that Raven is his. Page, right behind him, tells Benoit to get in line as they exit.



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<b>DEAN MALENKO VS JERRY LYNN</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


The announcers put over that Jerry Lynn wanted to try his hand against Dean Malenko and he nearly beat Dean in a fantastic encounter on Nitro. Lynn and Dean have a match based match instead of the usual highflying. After some near falls, Lynn gets a standing reverse headlock with his knee on Malenko’s back. Malenko is about to counter out and after some back and forth locks in a Texas Cloverleaf for the submission victory.




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Dean shakes Jerry Lynn’s hand and thanks him for a great match and then gets on the microphone. Dean says that he doesn’t understand what Rey has been thinking and he wants answers. Dean calls out Rey for a face to face. The crowd roars to life as Rey Mysterio Jr. starts walking down to the ring. But before he gets there, Chavo & Eddie come rushing out from the back and block Rey’s path. Eddie orders Rey to stand behind Chavo. Eddie has a mic and says that Dean wants answers, wants to talk to his friend, but his friend is La Familia. Rey is Eddie Guerrero’s property and he will speak when Eddie gives Rey permission to do so. Now, Chavito failed on Saturday Night because that is what Eddie, the head of La Familia, told Chavo to do. Eddie says that he allowed Dean to survive two nights ago but that was just so that Eddie could have the pleasure of ending Dean’s dream for the last time in thirteen days at The Great American Bash. But, who knows - maybe next week Eddie will allow Rey to speak. Rey looks like he wants to puke as Eddie and Chavo order him to the back. Dean keeps calling for Rey to be a man, but Rey does as he is told.


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The announcers are disgusted but tell us to not go anywhere. When we come back, the Steiner Brothers defend their tag team titles against The Outsiders on Nitro. It’s our main event. It’s live. And it’s next on TNT.



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Nitro returns to a video where G.T.T. says that they are pulling for Rick and Scott tonight because they want to make sure that at The Great American Bash, the Steiners’ inspiring resurgence ends at the hands of the tag team of this next generation - G.T.T. “Good luck, we’ll be watching.”


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We go into the arena and see that numerous WCW wrestlers, heels and faces, have surrounded the ring. People such as Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Booker T, Meng, Hugh Morrus, Wrath & Mortis, Juventud Guerrera, High Voltage and others.



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The Outsiders make their way down to the ring with the rest of the nWo but the WCW wrestlers allow Nash and Hall to go through the circle they’ve set but not the rest of the nWo. Savage and Konnan try to start a fight but J.J. sends out security and the nWo is forced into retreat. Nash and Hall were cocky before this went down, but now their cocky faces falter just a little as they enter the ring. The champs come out to a hero's welcome by the fans and the match is on.


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<b>THE STEINER BROTHERS W/TED DIBIASE© VS THE OUTSIDERS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


With no one to help them, the Outsiders are forced into the ring whenever they try to escape. The Steiners drop Hall over and over with Suplexes, but the reason The Outsiders are dangerous is that they are a great team. Before long, Hall and Nash pick Rick Steiner off and begin to beat him down while keeping Scott Steiner away. Eventually the Dog Faced Gremlin is able to drop down and avoid a big boot from Nash who ends up being crotched on the rope and that allows Rick to tag in Scotty who cleans the house. Eventually, the Steiners nail a top rope bulldog onto Scott Hall for the pinfall




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After the match is over, The Outsiders want to attack the champs but the crowd of wrestlers protect the champs. Suddenly the crowd, including the Steiners, attacks The Outsiders as the nWo start running down again. A brawl happens around the ring and in the chaos, Kevin Nash ends up in the ring.




Nash kicks Juventud Guerrera in the head sending Juvie over the ropes but fails to see Sting rappel right behind him. The crowd roars as Nash turns around and sees the champion with his bat pointing at his challenger. Nash charges as Sting nails Nash with the baseball bat in the stomach before hitting Nash with the bat in the back. Sting pull’s Nash’s head back and drops Big Sexy with the Scorpion Death Drop.


Team WCW prevents the nWo from getting to Nash to save their leader and Nash is out with Sting pointing his bat directly at Nash’s head - the warning clear as Monday Nitro goes off the air.






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I know it's not fashionable, but I really hope Kaz Hayashi gets a push at some point. He's one of my favorites.


Spoiler alert: at some point in the back half of 98, I will be doing a Night of the Cruiserweights special of some kind. I will look to him to see if he can begin to be spotlighted.

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WCW Monday Nitro Live! June Week 3, 1998 - Episode #142– “Prelude To The Bash”


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WCW Monday Nitro opens with a highlight video of last week where WCW came together to force The Outsiders into a one-on-one match with The Steiner Brothers. The video shifts focus to Sting and Kevin Nash where Sting attacked his opponent and dropped him with the Scorpion Deathdrop. The video focuses on Sting’s glare as we are now six days away from The Great American Bash!





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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>WCW MONDAY NITRO</b>



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Pyro goes off and the crowd comes to life as WCW Monday Nitro from the sold out Roberts Stadium in Evansville, Indiana comes on the air.




The Nitro Girls do a dance in the center of the ring that kicks off the show and ends with the pyro exploding in the ring.




We go to the announce table where Tony, Mike & Larry welcome us to the show. We are six days away from The Great American Bash where the leader of the nWo, Big Sexy Kevin Nash, will face off with WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting. Tonight Goldberg & Brian Adams will each compete in matches where the one with the fastest winning time will pick the stipulation for their Television Title match this Sunday at the Bash. Just before we came on the air we learned the following news: the WCW Executive Committee made the decision that this Sunday at The Great American Bash, The Steiner Brothers will defend their World Tag Team Titles against G.T.T. as well as The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart in a three-way-dance. But, in our main event Randy Savage & Scott Hall w/Syxxx in their corner will take on Booker T & Chris Jericho w/ Bret Hart in their corner just six days away from their six man brawl at the Bash. Let's go to the ring with our opening contest here on Nitro.


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<b>CURT HENNIG VS BUFF BAGWELL</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


We are told at the beginning of this match that Buff is still on a probationary period for WCW.


Buff and Curt have a pretty strong wrestling match but tempers flare when Buff shoves Curt and Curt responds by slapping Buff so hard, he falls on his butt. From there, its a bit of a slug fest before Curt goes for the Hennig-Plex but Buff reverses it into a small package for a close 2 count. Buff goes up for the Blockbuster but Curt ducks and Buff hits the mat hard. Hennig nails the Hennig-Plex and bridges for the 1...2...3.




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After the loss, Buff goes to shake Hennig’s hand. Hennig looks like he does not trust Bagwell and walks away leaving Buff standing there like a man without a country.


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We see a highlight video of Brian Adams vs Goldberg. The announcers tell us that when we come back, Brian Adams will compete first in the attempt to have the fastest time tonight and thus pick the stipulation for Goldberg vs Adams at The Great American Bash this Sunday. Adams in action, next on Nitro.


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Nitro returns with a commercial for The Great American Bash this Sunday on pay-per-view centered around Dean Malenko vs Eddie Guerrero for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. The Great American Bash is LIVE this Sunday at 8pm eastern | 5pm pacific.


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Backstage we see Mortis and Wrath. Mortis says he’s been working on a new finisher. Wrath seems surprised and asks him to show it. Mortis centers himself and begins flinging his arms around with wild martial arts actions before he thrusts out his arms and screams HAUDOKEN!


Of course nothing happens but Wrath just shakes his head before saying ‘“Street Fighter? You’re such a sell out,” before he walks off. Mortis gives chase pleading his case.


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In the back Buff chases Hennig and asks him why Curt would not shake his hand. Hennig says that he spent four months in the nWo with Buff and that alone was enough to know what kind of man Bagwell is. “Marcus, take the hint...no one in WCW trusts you...and I don’t either.” Curt walks off and Bagwell looks hurt.


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<b>BRIAN ADAMS VS BOBBY BLAYZE</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Adams comes out with the TV title around his waist like he is the champion. We are reminded that Adams will set the time, as long as he wins, that Goldberg must beat later tonight. And right away it’s clear that Adams will win this match as he nails Blayze with a vicious clothesline as soon as the bell sounds and dominates the entire match enjoying himself. At 2:38, Adams nails the Heart Punch and the ref counts 1...2...3 at 2 minute 45 seconds. Adams has set the time that Goldberg must now beat later tonight.




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In the back Eddie Guerrero is leading La Familia through the backstage hallways. The announcers tell us they will be out here with Mean Gene, next on Nitro.


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Nitro returns to the final The Great American Bash moment and it’s from the 1992 Great American Bash where Big Van Vader defeated Sting to capture the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The Great American Bash is THIS SUNDAY. Live and only on pay-per-view. Call your local cable operator and order right now.


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Mean Gene welcomes us back to Nitro at the entry set as he brings out his guests the WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero and his so called “La Familia”. Eddie comes out with his arms thrown over the shoulders of Chavo and Rey. Chavo looks thrilled, Rey? Not so much. Gene says that this Sunday at the Great American Bash, Eddie must defend his title against Dean Malenko, but Malenko’s biggest desire may be to get through to Rey Mysterio. Eddie says everything is fine with Rey and he doesn’t understand why people think Rey Mysterio is unhappy, Essai. Rey Mysterio is Eddie Guerrero’s brother. He backs Eddie Guerrero 1000% because the truth is Eddie Guerrero is Rey Mysterio’s favorite wrestler. Rey Mysterio is La Familia...aren’t you, Rey? Rey looks at Eddie with disdain but then bows his head and mumbles “sure”. Eddie looks at the camera and says instead of worrying about Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko needs to worry about La Familia this Sunday at the pay-per-view. Because Dean may be the Man of 1,000 Holds but this Sunday at The Bash the only numbers that matter are….3 Versus 1. Eddie winks to the camera as La Familia go to the back and Gene tells us let's go to our next match here on Nitro.


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<b>DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE VS RIGGS</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


As Page comes to the ring, we see that Raven is nowhere to be found. This match is a wrestling match that turns into a brawl as DDP seeks to make an example out of Riggs. But Riggs is able to hold his own and takes control for a portion of the match when Page charges and Riggs sidesteps him and Page crashes chest first into a turnbuckle. After a couple near falls, Riggs looks for a Piledriver but Page resists and Riggs can’t lift him. Page is able to configure Riggs onto his shoulders out of the Piledriver into Death Valley Driver set up into a Diamond Cutter from out of nowhere. Page covers 1….2….3.




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Post match, DDP cuts a promo on Raven saying that this Sunday at the Great American Bash - Scott Levy will come back out despite Raven claiming that the wrestler that Page has known for nearly a decade is dead. He’s there inside the twisted mind of Raven. And this Sunday, it is that man - that’s the wrestler that Diamond Dallas Page will bring back to life. Even if Page has to beat Raven to a bloody pulp to bring Scotty back. And once Levy returns...then Page will take his title. This Sunday, this all comes to an end and Raven will...feel...the...BANG!



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The announcers tell us not to go anywhere. When Nitro returns, Ric Flair & Chris Benoit will team up against Saturn & Reese of Raven’s Nest to kick off hour number two. . Don’t go anywhere Nitro will be right back on TNT.


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Nitro returns to chaos in the back as Ted DiBiase lays crumpled on the floor having been put through a table. He is unconscious and the World Tag Team Champions, The Steiner Brothers, are looking around for the culprit while medical checks on Ted. Just as this happens, G.T.T. walks by and as soon as the champs see them, they’re on G.T.T. attacking them before being pulled apart. The Steiners accuse LoMonaco & Hughes but they deny it saying that they don’t waste tables on dinosaurs. The Steiners refuse to believe it and say they will deal with G.T.T. at the ppv. As the Steiners tend to their manager, the camera pans to Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith a ways away down the other side of the hall. The Anvil is stroking his beard and he and his partner laugh before walking away. Who took out Ted DiBiase?


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<b>RIC FLAIR AND CHRIS BENOIT W/ARN ANDERSON VS SATURN AND REESE</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


Flair & Benoit handle Saturn pretty well and show classic Horsemen techniques in keeping Saturn away from the big man. When Reese does tag in, he clears house until Flair chop blocks the big man and then Benoit is able to work on his neck on the ground. After a flying headbutt, Flair is tagged in and tries to go for the Figure Four but Reese kicks off the Nature Boy and tags in Saturn. Soon, Benoit and Saturn are in it and after Triple German Suplexes, The Crippler looks ready to finish things off. This brings out Woman who comes down the aisle in a flowing leather dress and sneaks up behind Arn and pushes Arn shoulder first into the ring post. Benoit and Flair see this and go to check on Arn which allows Saturn to grab chairs and nail both men on the floor causing a disqualification.




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After the match Saturn continues to wallop Flair with a chair while Reese takes aim at Chris Benoit. He throws the Crippler across the floor before picking up the ring steps and moving them closer. With Woman smiling encouragement, Reese picks Benoit up by the throat with both hands and nails a Double handed Choke Bomb onto the steps. The Horsemen are left as Woman takes her man and they exit through the fans to a chorus of boos.


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The announcers are disgusted but their focus has to shift. They take us back to earlier tonight where Brian Adams secured a time of 2:45. Goldberg will be in action next and will decide who will beat the clock and get to pick the stipulation for the Television Title match at the Great American Bash. This is Nitro, we’re live on TNT.


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Monday Nitro returns to a commercial for The Great American Bash centered around Kevin Nash & WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. The Great American Bash is this Sunday on pay-per-view.


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The announcers take us back to what we just saw. We are told that Chris Benoit is being treated in the back with potential back injuries and the announcers say that Woman has broken Benoit’s heart - but question has she now broken his body?


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<b>GOLDBERG VS STEVE BRADLEY</b><span style="font-weight:normal;">


This youngster Bradley has some moxey as he headbutts Goldberg at the beginning of the match. This only angers the Television Champion who begins to maul the kid and hits a few powerslams as well as a superkick. The finish is Goldberg nails the Spear. Brian Adams comes rushing out to try to stop everything as Goldberg hits the Jackhammer and covers. Adams makes it into the ring just as the ref’s hand hits 3 at the 1 minute 49 second mark.




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After the match, Goldberg snarls at Adams who has quickly backed out of the ring. Goldberg asks for and is handed a microphone. Goldberg says that for weeks, Adams has backed away from Goldberg and ran like a coward and that’s after stealing Goldberg’s title. Well no more running, Brian. This Sunday at The Great American Bash, there is no escape. Because the match is a STEEL CAGE. And Brian Adams? You’re next!! Adams looks like Goldberg has signed his death warrant.


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The announcers put over how huge of a match that now is and then they run down the final card for WCW/nWo The Great American Bash this Sunday from the sold out historic Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland:


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“Big Sexy” Kevin Nash vs WCW World Heavyweight Champion Sting


Six Man Match:


Scott Hall, Macho Man Randy Savage & Syxxx vs Chris Jericho, Booker T & Bret “Hitman” Hart




Diamond Dallas Page vs WCW United States Champion Raven w/Woman




Dean Malenko vs WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero w/La Familia in his corner




“British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith & Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart vs G.T.T. vs WCW World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers



Steel Cage Match


Brian Adams vs WCW World Television Champion Goldberg


And more. WCW/nWo The Great American Bash is this Sunday on pay-per-view. Call your local cable operator right now to order the show. Do not miss out. And don’t go anywhere, when we come back the main event of Savage & Hall vs Booker & Jericho is next on Nitro.


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This is a fantastic back and forth match as the nWo tries to use underhanded tactics but Booker & Jericho seem ready for it. After some near falls, Jericho is isolated by Savage and Hall who really put a hurting on the Lionheart while Booker tries to get in. At one point, Jericho is able to nail an Enziguri on Savage and tags in Booker but Syxxx was on the apron and the ref did not see it. This is enough for Bret Hart who goes over and blasts Syxxx and slams him into the steps. Macho goes for the Elbow Drop but Jericho rolls out of the way and this time Booker T tags in in front of the ref. Booker cleans house and goes for a Book-End on Hall. At this point Konnan rushes down to the ring and gets on the apron distracting Bret and the referee, this allows Elizabeth to hand Macho Man brass knucks, Savage slides in and nails Booker in the back of the head knocking him out. Savage throws Jericho from the ring as Scott Hall covers and the ref sees the cover….1….2….3.




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After the match, the nWo leaves the ring gloating that they’ve stolen this one. Bret gets into the ring with his teammates as the Hitman assures that this Sunday things will be different.


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The announcers tell us not to go anywhere. We have been told that we are awaiting a final comment from Big Sexy Kevin Nash. We are going to take our final commercial break right now. When Nitro returns, we will have that comment. Don’t go anywhere.


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Nitro returns to a live shot of the crowd when suddenly….



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The Wolfpac theme plays but there is no Kevin Nash walking down to the ring. After a few moments of confusion the lights go out and while the crowd expects Sting, instead a live video begins to play on the big screen.




It’s an empty room, likely somewhere in the building and all we see is a single folding chair from the vantage point of the camera. From the right side of the screen we see Nash enter frame and sit backwards on the chair, wearing a ballcap turned around. He’s quiet for a few moments before looking up with a half grin. When he speaks he’s casual and soft.


“Sting, you know deep down I respect you for the career you’ve had and the champion you’ve been but I think you don’t really understand me. I think you view the nWo as some kind of…crutch that I need. I love my boys but Stinger I don’t need them to kick your ass and I don’t need them to take that title. They’re my brothers but I’m a man all my own. At the Great American Bash that WCW World Title is coming home. I don’t say that to brag or to give some big, impressive threat. Look in these eyes. You wanna get real? You wanna get past the mind games and the little cosmetics? I’m seven foot tall, and I’m three hundred pounds. I can kick your head off your shoulders and break your back when I drop you in a jackknife. You think I need other people? You think I can’t do what I want, when I want? Keep thinking that way. Seriously, keep it up. Baltimore….six days….see you there.”


Nash stands and walks out of frame as the Nitro logo signals the end of the show.




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Spoiler alert: at some point in the back half of 98, I will be doing a Night of the Cruiserweights special of some kind. I will look to him to see if he can begin to be spotlighted.


Ohhhh this is awesome! Jung Dragons are one of the more under appreciated acts in late WCW. The triple threat tag ladder match from Starrcade 2000 with Jung Dragons, 3 Count, and Evan Karagios and Jamie Noble was amazing.


As for this week's Nitro, another banger! I can't believe it's already time for the Great American Bash.


Also, I love what you're doing with Goldberg. Starting him with the TV title is a good way to help build his credibility. Plus, Adams is a good name for Bill to put away.


Davey and Neidhart weren't very good at this point in their careers, but they still had name value so adding them to the Steiner/GTT feud is definitely a good call. I still expect Scotty to turn on Rick at some point so he can start a singles run.

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Ohhhh this is awesome! Jung Dragons are one of the more under appreciated acts in late WCW. The triple threat tag ladder match from Starrcade 2000 with Jung Dragons, 3 Count, and Evan Karagios and Jamie Noble was amazing.


As for this week's Nitro, another banger! I can't believe it's already time for the Great American Bash.


Also, I love what you're doing with Goldberg. Starting him with the TV title is a good way to help build his credibility. Plus, Adams is a good name for Bill to put away.


Davey and Neidhart weren't very good at this point in their careers, but they still had name value so adding them to the Steiner/GTT feud is definitely a good call. I still expect Scotty to turn on Rick at some point so he can start a singles run.


Now why would I ever break up a bond as strong as those brothers? 👀

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kimberly" data-cite="Kimberly" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now why would I ever break up a bond as strong as those brothers? <span class="ipsEmoji">👀</span></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I just love Scotty in general. Steiners are my favorite tag team of all time, but Big Poppa Pump ruled!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I just love Scotty in general. Steiners are my favorite tag team of all time, but Big Poppa Pump ruled!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Hmmm I wonder if Midajah is around <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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