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NeoTokyo: We are Joshi! (C-Verse Women's Revolution)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarK_RaideR" data-cite="DarK_RaideR" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51812" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Good show and an interesting development with the appearance of Starfall. Also, I may be wrong but it seems some of the portraits in the opening post as well as the show do not match the people in the text below?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> For the purpose of this diary all of the images are correct (I double checked). Several of these women don't have WillR0ck renders, so I stole from retired wrestlers and 5SSW people I won't be bringing in like Unstoppable Tai(theres one who uses the same render as Yu Hashimotos tag partner, so I swapped hers out too)</p>
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Really good stuff so far. I love the lean towards Stardom in the booking more so then say 5 Star.


I recently got into STARDOM and realized that this company seemed to play itself towards their product better than 5SSW does so i wanted to use that. Glad you're enjoying it!

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Majima-Gun (Majima, Takasu & Kawabata) vs StarFall (Jippensha, Hashimoto & Lotus)

Heartbreakers (Mushashibo, Tsujimura & Kasahara) vs Kanto Cyber Elite (Takami, Onryo & Frost)

The Next Big Things vs Petra Forsberg & Rei Chikanatsu

Himari Miwa vs Kana Kikkawa

#Cute (Mizucore & Kiyoko Kikkawa) vs Majima-Gun (Mochizuki & Isako)

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Majima-Gun (Majima, Takasu & Kawabata) vs StarFall (Jippensha, Hashimoto & Lotus)


Jippensha is my favorite so


Heartbreakers (Mushashibo, Tsujimura & Kasahara) vs Kanto Cyber Elite (Takami, Onryo & Frost)


KCE are the beast


The Next Big Things vs Petra Forsberg & Rei Chikanatsu


They feature a Keith so that's reason enough


Himari Miwa vs Kana Kikkawa


#Cute (Mizucore & Kiyoko Kikkawa) vs Majima-Gun (Mochizuki & Isako)

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


NeoTokyo: New Year Elite Tour day 1



Fallout from the previous event is discussed, especially wwhen it comes to StarFall. A rundown of the card for the night is done, talking about the debuts coming.




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">




Kiyoko Kikkawa says she's excited about her debut tonight, and to be working alongside a real idol like Mizucore. She says she'll giev it her all. Mizucore says that they're going to show everyone just what they can do tonight!




Kichi Mochizuki amd Spider Isako say that they're looknig forward to playing spoiler tonight. They don't care that they're fighting someone named Kikkawa, they're going to show her that this yard belongs to Majima-Gun.

Promo Rating: 9


Opening Match

Mizucore & Kiyoko Kikkawa vs Kichi Mochizuki & Spider Isako


Not the prettiest match by any means, the brawling style of Kiyoko Kikkawa was put on display whenever she was able to get offence in, but Isako and Mochizuki kept her isolated for much of the match, working her over in their corner. Mizucore would be practically bouncing with anticipation of the tag, and when Kikkawa finally managed to get away from the other women she exploded into the match, hitting both with her tremendous high flying offence. The comeback was cemented when Mizucore would dropkick Mochizuki out of the ring, tagging in Kikkawa who would run the ropes and explode with a massive LAARIAT! to Isako before tagging Mizucore once more who would hit her Doki Doki Senton and pin her in the middle of the ring.


Winner: #Cute

Finish: Mizucore pins Isako with a Doki Doki Senton

Rating: 35




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



Himari Miwa says that she's been looking forward for a one on one match with Kana Kikkawa. The two of them both have fantastic legacies, and the names Miwa and Kikkawa are two of the most influential in all of Japanese wrestling. She says that a win over Kana will put her one step closer towards proving that she is worthy of the Miwa name.


Promo Rating: 16



Kana Kikkawa has been pretty impressed with Miwa recently. She wished that she would have had a chance to see their fathers square off in a wrestling ring, but that wasn't going to happen anymore. Today, however, the Kikkawa vs Miwa dream match would happen right here, and when Kana submitted Miwa in the middle of the ring she would be targetting the daughter of Koiso next for her FutureShock title.

Promo Rating: 69


Match 2

Himari Miwa vs Kana Kikkawa


What do you get when you put the daughters of two legends in the ring against one another? Well not the most polished match ever to be perfectly fair, but the technical styles of both women meshed well as they worked a clinic between the ropes, trading holds and throws. It was completely split down the middle on who would win the entire match, Kikkawa teasing a lariat on several occasions while Miwa went for her Pride Bomber. In the end Kikkawa would take Miwa up, trying to set her up for some kind of slam which Miwa would work her way out of. She would go to transition itt into a Pride Bomber, but Kikkawa managed to put her into a Hydrangia instead, causing the woman to tap out. They would shake hands after the match to a great reception from the crowd.


Winners: Kana Kikkawa

Finish: Kikkawa submits Miwa with a Hydrangia

Rating: 56



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Match 3



Keith was fuming about Forsberg cheating to beat her. She said she was going to avenge that tonight, Montero backing her up and saying that it doesn't mattter who Forsberg gets to team with her, they wouldn't stand a chance against The Next Best Things.

Promo Rating: 9



Forsberg says that she has already proved that she was the greatest performer in the company when she pinned Keith, but if she wanted an Encore performance, she'd be happy to show it to her again. Rei Chikanattsu says she's dealt with children like Keith and Montero for her entire career, and she's not going to let themn push her around. She'll put them down a peg.

Promo Rating: 69


Next Best Things vs Petra Forsberg & Rei Chikanatsu


Forsberg was attempting to serinade the crowd when Keith broke in and stole the Microphone away. The brawl that would ensue would show Forsberg peacocking and avoiding her opponents as best she could, not wanting to tag in when Chikanatsu had taken over. She spent the majority of the match singing loudly from the ring apron, Chikanatsu being overcome by the numbers game as the younger wrestlers beat her in the corner. Forsberg would eventually try to toss the microphone to Chikanatsu while distracting the referee, but Montero would intercept it and toss it out of the ring before hitting Forsberg with a Tope Suicida, Keith taking down Chikanatsu and submitting her with the Proton Lock.


Winner: Next Best Things

Finish: Keith submits Chikanatsu with a Proton Lock

Rating: 53




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Match 4 - Faction Warfare





Riot Squad stands by as Mushashibo calls out Takami, telling her that she respects the hell out of her, and their match for the titles was an excellent match, but she didn't have Kikkawa here. She was teaming up with a couple of girls who she had less experience with, and at the end of the night Heartbreakers were going to stand tall again.

Promo Rating: 19





Kanto Cyber Elite are a united front. Ai Takami says that No Remorse is a great team, and Heartbreakers have a lot of fantastic workers, but they don't have that something special that makes KCE so great. That's what's going to bring them the victory tonight.

Promo Rating: 27


Heartbreakers vs Kanto Cyber Elite


In an exceptional match, the two stables had a great time to showcase ttheir skills, and they took full advantage. All six women left the match looking like stars, but it was the star of one that would shine brighter than the rest on the night. The tag team of Riot Squad worked well together, isolating Frost first and using their experience as a team to keep her away from her corner. Eventually, of course, she would catch both of them with fantastic german suplexes and then tag in Onryo, who entered like a woman possessed. Mushashibo would take the fight to her as the two deputies showcased their skills. Mushashibo, in particular, looked like a woman witth something to prove, and the crowd was split right down the middle. There was a true sense of something big happening when it looked like she might be able to pin Ai Takami, but it wasn't to be. Takami would force her to push back to her own cvorner, taking in Rika Tsujimura. The other members of KCE would keep their opponents at bay while Takami managed tto get Tsuhimura up into a thunderous Takami Bomb, pinning her for the victotry.


Winners: Kanto Cyber Elite

Finish: Takami pins Tsujimura with a Takami Bomb.

Rating: 62




<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Main Event





Majima says that the three women who they'll be facing tonight are entitled. They are three women who came into NeoTokyo with an axe to grind and a chip on their shoulders, thinking they're better than everyone else here. They muight be good, but they won't be shown any 5 Star treatment around her, besides maybe the 5 Star ass whipping they were about to get.

Promo Rating: 71





Jippensha say sthat she isn't expectitng any special treatment because of where she came from. The fact that she's a former world champion means nothing to these people, but she knows exactly how to prove herself: by taking down the Universal Champion. Yu Hashimoto says that she is one of the most dominant women in the world, and thatt she's going to afflict everyone here with a heavy dose of Torment and Sorrow. Lady Lotus says nothing, her eyes turning clouded white as the camera pans into her, a laugh audible from behind her mask.

Promo Rating: 64



Majima-Gun vs StarFall


The women of StarFall were met with boos from the crowd as they made their entrance. This didn't seem to bother them, though, as they were determined to send a message here tonight. Majima wasn't going to let them send it at her expense, however, and she started the match off by squaring off against Shiori Jippensha. The two of them didn't hold back, Jippensha trying to work over Majima's leg while Majima punished each strike and hold with tthunderous kicks and punches. The crowd was getting behind it as they watched the two women take such punishment until they would eventually tag out. From there on it was a frenzy of strikes and throws between the six women, the eventual finish coming after finisher teases from all six women. Mio Takasu would eventually be the one who would fall as Yu Hashimoto was holding back Majima, the two engaged in a brutal brawl, and Lotus wiping out them and Chie. Jippensha would get Takasu into a Jippensha Leglock, which to her credit she refused to tap out from until she nearly fell unconscious from the pain. StarFall celebrated in the ring.


Winner: StarFall

Finish: Jippensha submits Takasu with a Jippensha Leglock.

Rating: 56


Show Rating: 58



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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #009BE0; margin:10px;background: #FDFF5C; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


NeoTokyo: New Year Elite Tour day 2


Main Event

Onryo & Nami Genda vs Shiori Jippensha & Yu Hashimotto


Match 4

Emiko Miyoshi vs Kitsune Danger


Match 3

Chitose Ariwara & Hoshiko Tagawa vs Mio Takasu & Tameka Sky


Match 2 - Young Lions

HEARTS OF GLORY vs Style & Substance


Opening Match - Young Lions

SUPREME Yoshida vs Stella Saint




Onryo & Nami Genda vs Shiori Jippensha & Yu Hashimotto
Emiko Miyoshi vs Kitsune Danger
Chitose Ariwara & Hoshiko Tagawa vs Mio Takasu & Tameka Sky
HEARTS OF GLORY vs Style & Substance
SUPREME Yoshida vs Stella Saint

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Main Event

Onryo & Nami Genda vs Shiori Jippensha & Yu Hashimotto

Match 4

Emiko Miyoshi vs Kitsune Danger


Match 3

Chitose Ariwara & Hoshiko Tagawa vs Mio Takasu & Tameka Sky


Match 2 - Young Lions

HEARTS OF GLORY vs Style & Substance


Opening Match - Young Lions

SUPREME Yoshida vs Stella Saint

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<p>Sorry this has been a bit slower than most of my previous diaries. I am at the end of my work season and got sent out of town for a few days so I don't have my notes. I'll he posting tomorrow when I get home! Should be back to wvwry couple of days pretty soon. </p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for your patience and understanding</p>

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