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[RELEASE] Territory Daze

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Okay, here is Version 3.10 of Territory Daze. It's a relatively small update, hence why it's Version 3.10 rather than Version 4.0 but it's still very much worth your time. Here's what to expect from this update:

  • Thanks to @benjirino and @Skummy, I've hopefully implemented a few changes to All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling and Empressa Mexican de Lucha Libre which ensures their long term playability and/or survival. I'd love to hear some feedback on this as I've only done a small amount of testing so if there are any other problems formed by the changes, I'd love to hear about them.
  • Thanks to @justtxyank, I've managed to add a handful of Japanese staff members that'll debut in the future of this modification, and also editted the pictures of a few workers.
  • And @Livertadores will be happy to know I've added Kenny Omega and Kazuchika Okada. 😛

So yeah, it's not a ground-breaking update but if you've found that AJW and/or EMLL struggle in your game saves, this will hopefully solve a lot of these problems. As always, if you'd like to buy me a bottle of Coke (I don't drink coffee) for my work, you'll find the information below. Please enjoy yourselves and experience an era of professional wrestling that many of you wouldn't have experienced before.


Grey Dog Software has recently made it very clear that we aren't allowed to link directly to donations on their forums to ensure they're covered if anything was to go wrong, but they've graciously allowed people to do it through third party websites such as social media. Therefore, I've created a Twitter account to simply link people to my (or more importantly my wife's) PayPal account. Please be aware that all my modifications are and ALWAYS WILL BE freeware and I do them because I enjoy it, but if you would like to give me something in return then it'll be truly appreciated. Thanks.

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  • 2 months later...

With EMLL and AJW, as with AJPW and NJPW, I usually create a tour for them although with AJW, I keep it down to 3 shows per week & they seem to boost their popularity pretty quick. I also lower their show to 1 hr

I also tend to change 50th state, BWF, BTW & AJW to have their broadcast deal give 75% to company

For EMLL, XHTM and canal 8 need much lower expectations and they should have their TV show Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre. They also need their Anniversary Show which should be on number 36 by 1970

I always had a few suggestions,

Arnold Skaaland has current title change mentality as a booker, so Bruno usually loses his title real quick and then it turns over quite frequently, he should be arch conservative like Vince Sr. 

Dale Martin Promotions had Viewpoint and Royal Albert Tourneys both held on Fridays where they got those respective cups, I believe the latter was held in December...still don't know how to get all of Joint Promotions to participate though. 

Hollywood Wrestling, broadcaster was KCOP

AGPW should have a tour in the summer months

Lee Henning, Blackjack Lanza, Lars Anderson & Bob Orton Sr need booking skill even in 1970

Stan Lane needs future color

Florida Sportatorium should be owned by CWF

Dallas Sportatorium should be owner by BTW

PCAC had KBHK - Big Time Wrestling on Sat Night. Hank Renner was announcer and Pepper Martin was color. All Star Wrestling was Friday nights at 9pm. KTVU also has a strong signal there

roster for PCAC was

bookers red bastien & johnny doyle
ray stevens & pat patterson pepper gomez kenji shibuya 
bearcat wright
henry orderman
enrique torres the great mephisto ricky romero the destroyer
red lyons blackjack lanza buddy austin angelo poffo red bastien
bobby bruns steve stanlie ray thunder stern wilbur snyder
walt harris announcer
pete peterson referee
cow palace 18 man battle royal annual Nov 11
ray stevens & peter maivia tag team
pat patterson & paul demarco tag team
have house show in Alaska
Roddy Piper based in SW
ed wiskowski dean ho black gordman alex smirnoff
mando guerrero kurt & karl von steiger texas red jimmy golden
vivkie williams the fabulous moolah chavo guerrero bob roop
ed moretti
Cow Palace 18 man Battle Royal for PCAC on Nov 11

They usually ran in kaiser center oakland as well as cow palace

Motoko Iko needs on screen and road agent

Jim Crockett Sr. should have Wrestling in his blood

Moolah and Donna Christenello need desperado and age is just a number

Nick Bockwinkel & Jerry Lawler need Age is just a number

Vern Gagne needs announcing skill and on screen job, he should also have age is just a number and desparado

Randy Colley needs Moondog Rex gimmick

Bill Smithson should be Moondog Spike, not Larry Latham or Larry Booker

Larry Booker should have Larry Latham and Moondog Spot as alter egos

SWCW needs a a TV Show as Joe Blanchard was the first wrestling guy to really grasp the importance of TV for wrestling, which is the only reason he lasted so long.

A lot of jobbers, I usually make their respect above 50, reputation above 70 with their selling, consistency and safety in the 80s. This tends to make companies give them contracts despite their lackadaisical performance skills, I also made 'jobber' in the matches section where it is 1 min to 10 with 1 minute non wrestling and an average prestige since it boosts the star

Eddie Graham should not be good in business, he was a creative GENIUS, but well, we know why he self deleted. Cornette should probably be a lesser Eddie Graham, good in creativity and bad in business.

Bunny Love and Crusher have great chemistry

Wayne Ferris is GREAT off script 

Friday is 100% heel

ECWA Super 8 Tournament with their Heavyweight, Tag Team, Legacy and Territory championships, even though records were not kept, the 1st HW champion was in 1967 and was Red Devil

I also added the American Heavyweight championship lineage and the Original World Heavyweight championship putting those old guys like Hackenschmidt, Edwin Bibby, Evan "Stangler" Lewis, Frank Gotch, Tom Jenkins, Wladek Zbyszko & Jim Londos in the Hall of immortals along with that little known wrestler Abraham Lincoln :)

I may be combining these with other notes on other mods so my apologies but it is what I have written down when I am going through your fantastic mod and changing things like having Mark Callaway have an alias of Undertaker for WWF only , which might be a bad idea

But doing so, I have scoured hundreds of pages of Cagematch and The Wrestling data while watching Wrestling documentaries lol


Anyway, sorry for the old man diatribe


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14 hours ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

I also tend to change 50th state, BWF, BTW & AJW to have their broadcast deal give 75% to company

Which promotion do you refer to as "BWF", sorry?

14 hours ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

For EMLL, XHTM and canal 8 need much lower expectations and they should have their TV show Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre. They also need their Anniversary Show which should be on number 36 by 1970

XHTM aren't part of the modification as far as I'm aware, but I've just done a small bit of research on the station and think it could warrant inclusion in the future.

As far as I'm aware, there was no lucha libre on television at this time. There was in the 1950s with television studios actually challenging EMLL itself because they could offer more money, but in 1956 the Department of the Federal District prohibited the broadcasts because some parents complained that their children imitated the "dangerous movements of the wrestlers" which actually lead to the huge surge in popularity in the 60s as everyone followed through the movies and magazines. As far as I'm aware, the sport didn't actually return to television until the 90s when CMLL joined Televisa. I'm always happy to change though if you (or anyone else) can prove otherwise?

I know you said these aren't all notes for Territory Daze so I'm guessing this may well be the case, but just as we're on the subject, the Aniversario show is already part of the modification and the next number is 37, not 36, as far as I know.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Dale Martin Promotions had Viewpoint and Royal Albert Tourneys both held on Fridays where they got those respective cups, I believe the latter was held in December...still don't know how to get all of Joint Promotions to participate though. 

From my records, they were held on Wednesdays and both were held in April. I just realised I never made corresponding events though, so I've now added them for the next update so everything is linked correctly and set to be run at the correct venue (the Royal Albert Hall). Unfortunately, there is currently no way of holding joint shows (even within an alliance) unless you simulate it yourself by bringing in other Joint workers manually.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Hollywood Wrestling, broadcaster was KCOP

I believe this happened shortly after the start date of the modification unless you can prove otherwise? In my records, the Los Angeles Times reported that "tonight" (August 12, 1970) was the "25th anniversary of the Wednesday wrestling shows on KTLA" so I presume they moved to KCOP in the early-70s, as I know they were popular there through the rest of the decade. I just realised I haven't added KCOP, so it'll be there for the next update.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

AGPW should have a tour in the summer months

They do. Week 3 of June to Week 3 of September.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Florida Sportatorium should be owned by CWF

Dallas Sportatorium should be owner by BTW

Both are already the case.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

PCAC had KBHK - Big Time Wrestling on Sat Night. Hank Renner was announcer and Pepper Martin was color. All Star Wrestling was Friday nights at 9pm. KTVU also has a strong signal there

Again, I think this is something that changed slightly later than the start date of the modification. Everything I've added is correct as far as I'm aware. I've added a note to myself to include KBHK for future updates though.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

roster for PCAC was

1.) bookers red bastien & johnny doyle
2.) ray stevens & pat patterson pepper gomez kenji shibuya 
3.) bearcat wright
4.) henry orderman
5.) enrique torres the great mephisto ricky romero the destroyer
6.) red lyons blackjack lanza buddy austin angelo poffo red bastien
7.) bobby bruns steve stanlie ray thunder stern wilbur snyder
8.) walt harris announcer
9.) pete peterson referee
10.) cow palace 18 man battle royal annual Nov 11
11.) ray stevens & peter maivia tag team
12.) pat patterson & paul demarco tag team
have house show in Alaska
Roddy Piper based in SW
13.) ed wiskowski dean ho black gordman alex smirnoff
14.) mando guerrero kurt & karl von steiger texas red jimmy golden
15.) vivkie williams the fabulous moolah chavo guerrero bob roop
16.) ed moretti
Cow Palace 18 man Battle Royal for PCAC on Nov 11

1.) Red Bastien was still an AWA staple at the start of 1970, and Johnny Doyle died in 1969.

2.) Pepper Gomez was also part of the AWA mantle at this point. Kinji Shibuya is a better shout as although I can't find anything confirming he was signed at this point, he's currently a free agent and I know he was a regular so I don't think it'll hurt sticking him with PCAC.

3.) Bearcat Wright was more of a regular in Los Angeles until Gene LeBell ran him out for being a mercenary and as far as I'm aware, he was closer to Arizona at this point.

4.) The only Henry Orderman I know of died in the 1940s?

5.) I know Enrique Torres became a road agent after retiring, but I couldn't find anything to suggest he was with PCAC? The Great Mephisto was still encased in the South East in January, 1970 and didn't head west until the early-1970s. Ricky Romero was still a huge part of Amarillo booking. And, finally for this line, The Destroyer was definitely more associated with Los Angeles but at the starting point of this modification, he had moved away from the South West for the time being and began touring a wider circuit.

6.) Billy Red Lyons was all around at this point but at the date of the modification, he wasn't in San Francisco and was predominantly in AWA with the aforementioned Red Bastien. Blackjack Lanza was a fixture of the Mid West and, as far as I'm aware, only headed down to the South West in the mid-60s, which is already represented in his employment history. "Killer" Buddy Austin was still around the area at this time (predominantly in Los Angeles and Hawaii) but he certainly wasn't with PCAC at the start of the modification. And Angelo Poffo was with PCAC in the mid-1960s but had left by the end of the decade.

7.) Bobby Bruns retired in the early-60s and to the best of my knowledge, I don't believe he worked as a road agent or such like in the area? I presume you mean Steve Stanlee? If so, he was in the area in the mid-to-late-60s (particularly in Hawaii) but as far as I'm aware, he was retired by the end of the decade. Similarly, Ray "Thunder" Stern was retired in the mid-1960s. Wilbur Snyder wasn't in the area at this time and was largely entrenched in the Great Lakes area (and surrounding areas) after touring Japan in 1969.

8.) Is already the case.

9.) I believe Pete Peterson was gone by this point as he would have been incredibly old.

10.) I neglected to include it because they didn't host one in 1970 and 1971. I may add it in though as a 20 Man Battle Royal and an achievement. I could skew reality a little bit and make it active or just add it as inactive and allow users to bring it back; I'll have a think about that, and see which I think would be most entertaining.

11.) Is already the case.

12.) They began teaming in 1971 so I completely missed this. I'll add it for future updates.

13.) Ed Wiskoski didn't debut until 1972. Dean Ho was definitely in Canada at this point, and did venture down in PNW too. Black Gordman was in PCAC in the late-1960s (which is represented in his employment history) but was back South of the border by the start of the next decade. Alexis Smirnoff had literally just debuted and hadn't left his home area yet.

14.) Mando hadn't debuted yet. The Von Steigers had left the area by the late-60s, and they didn't stay anywhere for too long. I presume you mean the female Texas Red and not the future Undertaker? If so, unfortunately, I can't find enough information on her to include her in the modification, and I'm not sure she was in PCAC at that time either way. Jimmy Golden/Bunkhouse Buck was still working with his family in the South East as he had only just debuted.

15.) For both Vickie Williams and The Fabulous Moolah, I don't believe they brought in women's wrestling until later in the year Fran Gravette, Sandy Parker and Donna Christanello joining them too. Chavo Guerrero wasn't in the area yet. And Bob Roop had only just debuted so was still only seen in the South East, as far as I'm aware.

16.) Ed Moretti hadn't debuted yet.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

They usually ran in kaiser center oakland as well as cow palace

I'll add the Kaiser Center for future updates.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Motoko Iko needs on screen and road agent

I wouldn't class her as either. She never appeared on-screen regularly and I don't think you could put her under the bracket of Road Agent as that's not the role she fulfilled.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Jim Crockett Sr. should have Wrestling in his blood

That is already the case.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Moolah and Donna Christenello need desperado and age is just a number

The Fabulous Moolah was already assigned correctly, but I've added Desperado to Donna Christanello.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Nick Bockwinkel & Jerry Lawler need Age is just a number

I've added it to Nick Bockwinkel as that's a very good shout, but I'd argue Jerry Lawler did decline quite rapidly it just didn't stop him from wrestling.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Vern Gagne needs announcing skill and on screen job, he should also have age is just a number and desparado

I don't believe Verne Gagne did announcing or fulfilled an on-screen role, did he? He also doesn't need Desperado as he already has Wrestling in the Blood enabled. I'd also put him in the same bracket I put Jerry Lawler in as he's someone who did decline, it just didn't stop him from competing. There's plenty of wrestlers from around that time who state he was well passed his best by the 1970s and basically relied on a headlock.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Randy Colley needs Moondog Rex gimmick

Already the case.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Bill Smithson should be Moondog Spike, not Larry Latham or Larry Booker

Larry Booker should have Larry Latham and Moondog Spot as alter egos

This is already the case. Moondog Spike has the "Bill Smithson" alter ego and Moondog Spot has the "Larry Booker" and "Larry Latham" alter egos.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

SWCW needs a a TV Show as Joe Blanchard was the first wrestling guy to really grasp the importance of TV for wrestling, which is the only reason he lasted so long.

The Southwest Championship Wrestling promotion is not part of this modification.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Eddie Graham should not be good in business, he was a creative GENIUS, but well, we know why he self deleted. Cornette should probably be a lesser Eddie Graham, good in creativity and bad in business.

I believe this is reflected in both examples. Both their Business Reputation and their Booking Reputation are far lower than their respective Booking Skills.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Bunny Love and Crusher have great chemistry

How so?

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

ECWA Super 8 Tournament with their Heavyweight, Tag Team, Legacy and Territory championships, even though records were not kept, the 1st HW champion was in 1967 and was Red Devil

Without aforementioned records, I'm more inclined to leave it as it is - a challenge for users should they so choose. 

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

I also added the American Heavyweight championship lineage and the Original World Heavyweight championship putting those old guys like Hackenschmidt, Edwin Bibby, Evan "Stangler" Lewis, Frank Gotch, Tom Jenkins, Wladek Zbyszko & Jim Londos in the Hall of immortals along with that little known wrestler Abraham Lincoln :)

It's something I've considered but I've already denoted a considerable amount of time and energy to the Hall of Immortals, and the workers title histories within. I think doing much more just inflates and slows down the modification for very little gain.

On 6/13/2023 at 6:14 AM, OleCrankyGamer said:

Anyway, sorry for the old man diatribe

I love this sort of thing as it makes me go back through the nitty-gritty of the modification so don't ever feel like you have to apologise. And I also love hearing from "old" men who may actually know more about this time than I do. I thank you for your comments and your time in putting together these notes, even if they weren't all meant for this modification. If you ever have more, I'll be happy to comb through them again. :)

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16 hours ago, Mammoth said:

I love this sort of thing as it makes me go back through the nitty-gritty of the modification so don't ever feel like you have to apologise. And I also love hearing from "old" men who may actually know more about this time than I do. I thank you for your comments and your time in putting together these notes, even if they weren't all meant for this modification. If you ever have more, I'll be happy to comb through them again. :)

Don't know as much as I think I did as you, of course, are correct that some of my dates are off 2 or 3 years forward or back with wrestlers in PCAC

I also need to take notes when I combine mods but I didn't know you would continue to update, which was a very pleasant surprise! I never knew France had pro wrestling

BWF is British Wrestling Federation which was run by Orig Williams in Wales, but I think I added that one. 

Great info on no TV in EMLL during that time, I did not know that!

I also changed the storyline of Sammartino to be Ivan Koloff and made Arnold Skaalands booking to be arch conservative and Bruno held onto the title for another year and half before dropping it to Ivan, which I thought was pretty cool

I got confused with AGPW because their TV show stills runs, so I was seeing matches in January for them but yes, I see the tour schedule, is there a way to match up a show with an event so I can choose the location for the show? Like AWA holding their TV Show at WTCN studios?

For Bunny Love and The Crusher, I recall in the 70s when she was in WWA, and they played off each other so well, one of those long lost memories where hardly any video exists. Although I believe I added WWA on my own

BTW, any plans to put Gulf Athletic Club with KHTV-39 at the Sam Houston Coliseum? I put them in but it is so difficult to have them act like they did in real life, using loaners for their Saturday extravaganzas

I am trying to use your mod to give all the NWA territories a US HW and US Tag team champs with their local titles and then having a NWA World Tag Team that travels like the NWA World & Jr HW Champs and then try to take over Florida, Crockett or Georgia in 1980 and compete with the WWF

Thanks again for all the continued hard work! 


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36 minutes ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

I didn't know you would continue to update, which was a very pleasant surprise!

Always updating! 😆It's a never-ending project as a modification maker.

39 minutes ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

is there a way to match up a show with an event so I can choose the location for the show? Like AWA holding their TV Show at WTCN studios?

Unfortunately not. I imagine it's something Adam could potentially add to a future iteration of TEW (if that's ever going to be a thing at this point) as it's theoretically the same mechanics as the ones he uses for events.

42 minutes ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

For Bunny Love and The Crusher, I recall in the 70s when she was in WWA, and they played off each other so well, one of those long lost memories where hardly any video exists. Although I believe I added WWA on my own

No, WWA is already part of the modification. I didn't know they interacted very much though, so thanks, I'll add their chemistry now.

46 minutes ago, OleCrankyGamer said:

BTW, any plans to put Gulf Athletic Club with KHTV-39 at the Sam Houston Coliseum? I put them in but it is so difficult to have them act like they did in real life, using loaners for their Saturday extravaganzas

It's something I've ummed and arghed over for a long time - especially when I added Paul Boesch to the modification. I'm always open to adding more promotions, especially if it opens up other possibilities. I'll give it a look over next time I go in for a large update of Territory Daze, but I can't promise anything either way.

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  • 1 month later...

AWA playing as Verne, went Vince Jr all over the wrestling scenes ass and signed a bunch of guys to exclusive contracts right out of the gate. Expanded my TV around the country, bought failing promotions in debt and just cannibalized them for overness, just generally being an aggressive old bastard. Bruno, Wahoo, Bock, Baba, Ray Stevens, Ernie Ladd, Race, The Spoiler. I've milked the overness of older-still active guys like Karl Gotch, Crusher, Dick The Bruiser, Lou Thez, and Gagne himself. I'm bringing up rookies like Andre and Dusty (who had rando good tag chemistry, woop woop) 

World Champ - Bruno Sammartino, US Champ - Ernie Ladd, Commonwealth Champ - Harley Race

Tag Champs - Verne Gagne & Ray Stevens, Six Man Champs - Bockwinkle and The Blackjacks (managed by Bobby Heenan)


Edited by Ping von Erich
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Was watching UWF show from 1986 and came across something interesting. Jay Clayton was the Color Commentator with Jim Ross. He was going by his real name Jay Smith. So you may want to add Future Color Commentator for him. I was honestly surprised to see him, because I never recall seeing him before. From all I read about him, after he left wrestling, he never came back.

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I've found out something that you should check out, there are TWO Francisco Flores... and these are combined into one character in your mod.

The owner of the UWA, Francisco José Flores Lecona and the wrestler Francisco Flores (who wrestled in several NWA territories under the name of "El Torro") are different people. I found that via Luchawikia.


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Does anyone know how far down the line there are wrestlers to debut? Are we able to play this from 1970 all the way to the 2020's or does it stop somewhere before then?


If this is as in depth as the first post, I expect this to be the best real world mod of this itteration of TEW. Really sounds like you've done incredible work, @Mammoth

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2 hours ago, RatedRKO16 said:

Does anyone know how far down the line there are wrestlers to debut? Are we able to play this from 1970 all the way to the 2020's or does it stop somewhere before then?


If this is as in depth as the first post, I expect this to be the best real world mod of this itteration of TEW. Really sounds like you've done incredible work, @Mammoth

You'll have debuting real world workers through until present day but they obviously become more sparse as time progresses. The 80s and 90s are very playable as there are a ton of debuting workers, but the 2000s and later are less so - even though major names like John Cena, Batista, Adam Cole, Adam Page, Shinsuke Nakamura etcetera debut.

The Shifting Sands update (set in 2006, if you didn't know) I'm currently working on covers these dates though and as they're both made by me, the statistics and such like work very well together so if you're so inclined, you could easily import things from that to fill it any potential holes in later years of Territory Daze.

Thank you very much for your kind comments. There's certainly a lot of detail in there. I know the time period puts some people off but you really don't need to know the time period to enjoy this modification as I include a hell of a lot of information in descriptions and biographies to give you all the backstory one needs. I hope you enjoy your playthrough and please feel free to let me know just how far you get. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/29/2024 at 7:26 PM, LordofGustav said:


I've found out something that you should check out, there are TWO Francisco Flores... and these are combined into one character in your mod.

The owner of the UWA, Francisco José Flores Lecona and the wrestler Francisco Flores (who wrestled in several NWA territories under the name of "El Torro") are different people. I found that via Luchawikia.


Thank you so much, I was going crazy as I was going through the database adding in some obscure women wrestlers and some 50's guys and I was wondering why the wrestler never really added up to the owner!

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On 2/4/2024 at 11:17 AM, Mammoth said:

You'll have debuting real world workers through until present day but they obviously become more sparse as time progresses. The 80s and 90s are very playable as there are a ton of debuting workers, but the 2000s and later are less so - even though major names like John Cena, Batista, Adam Cole, Adam Page, Shinsuke Nakamura etcetera debut.

The Shifting Sands update (set in 2006, if you didn't know) I'm currently working on covers these dates though and as they're both made by me, the statistics and such like work very well together so if you're so inclined, you could easily import things from that to fill it any potential holes in later years of Territory Daze.

Thank you very much for your kind comments. There's certainly a lot of detail in there. I know the time period puts some people off but you really don't need to know the time period to enjoy this modification as I include a hell of a lot of information in descriptions and biographies to give you all the backstory one needs. I hope you enjoy your playthrough and please feel free to let me know just how far you get. :)

Yea, I think the perfect setting would be Jan 1970 to Jan 2000 as your other mod covers later on so well and there are a PLETHORA of Attitude era mods

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On 7/23/2023 at 11:25 AM, Ping von Erich said:

AWA playing as Verne, went Vince Jr all over the wrestling scenes ass and signed a bunch of guys to exclusive contracts right out of the gate. Expanded my TV around the country, bought failing promotions in debt and just cannibalized them for overness, just generally being an aggressive old bastard. Bruno, Wahoo, Bock, Baba, Ray Stevens, Ernie Ladd, Race, The Spoiler. I've milked the overness of older-still active guys like Karl Gotch, Crusher, Dick The Bruiser, Lou Thez, and Gagne himself. I'm bringing up rookies like Andre and Dusty (who had rando good tag chemistry, woop woop) 

World Champ - Bruno Sammartino, US Champ - Ernie Ladd, Commonwealth Champ - Harley Race

Tag Champs - Verne Gagne & Ray Stevens, Six Man Champs - Bockwinkle and The Blackjacks (managed by Bobby Heenan)


I bumped up Race's attributres a bit and he becomes THE MAN by 1975
I also lowered Killer Kowalski's overness and increased Ivan Koloffs and VOILA in the 8th of my test sims it was Ivan...not Killer who unseated Bruno!

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  • 3 weeks later...
20 minutes ago, Zero said:

Love this game but have been playing the original version.  Does the newest version have an updated "future workers"?

Wow, if you've only played the original then there should be plenty of new names. There were over 500 names added in the last update alone. I'd always suggest you use updates as beyond workers, they'll also include fixes and other improvements. You can find the latest update in the original post if you can't find it in the thread itself for any reason.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, LordofGustav said:

Why International Championship Wrestling is not included? I mean, as a future promotion of course.

Because the South East was already pretty stacked. I'm always open to suggestions though, so if you and others feel like you'd rather see it in there, you can expect it in future updates. 👍

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I really love this mod.  For me, the fun in the game is the alternative history aspect of it. I'm currently playing as NWA Hollywood and building around as many good technical wrestlers as possible and growing slowly as I've hit 63 pop in South West and 29 in Mid South so Medium sized isn't far away. I was glancing through the future workers section and couldn't find Scott Hall anywhere. I remember hearing about the limitations as far as how many future workers are involved and how far the narratives reach. I feel like I'd like to expand on the length of the save so rather than complaining about this excellent work or waiting around,  I was thinking of just taking some time to play around in it myself. You know the pro active approach lol.


For any of you who have went deep deep into a save, I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on who to add in future workers or what essential narratives should be added to carry the game into the new millennium.  I'm far from an expert, but I'd be more than happy to share the updated data, but I'd love a little input from those more knowledgeable than myself.

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The mod is great as is but what I personally did was imported workers from other mods(decreasing their skills a bit) as I like the way Mammoth creates a bigger challenge with the workers having tough grades.  You might have to go through and delete duplicates as sometimes the names don't match.

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2 hours ago, JohnnyRaider37 said:

I really love this mod.  For me, the fun in the game is the alternative history aspect of it. I'm currently playing as NWA Hollywood and building around as many good technical wrestlers as possible and growing slowly as I've hit 63 pop in South West and 29 in Mid South so Medium sized isn't far away. I was glancing through the future workers section and couldn't find Scott Hall anywhere. I remember hearing about the limitations as far as how many future workers are involved and how far the narratives reach. I feel like I'd like to expand on the length of the save so rather than complaining about this excellent work or waiting around,  I was thinking of just taking some time to play around in it myself. You know the pro active approach lol.


For any of you who have went deep deep into a save, I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on who to add in future workers or what essential narratives should be added to carry the game into the new millennium.  I'm far from an expert, but I'd be more than happy to share the updated data, but I'd love a little input from those more knowledgeable than myself.

Love this save and currently have a game in the late 80s.  For future workers, I found a few late 80s saves and uploaded the data.  I do have a few repeats but what can you do.  

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2 hours ago, JohnnyRaider37 said:

I really love this mod.  For me, the fun in the game is the alternative history aspect of it. I'm currently playing as NWA Hollywood and building around as many good technical wrestlers as possible and growing slowly as I've hit 63 pop in South West and 29 in Mid South so Medium sized isn't far away. I was glancing through the future workers section and couldn't find Scott Hall anywhere. I remember hearing about the limitations as far as how many future workers are involved and how far the narratives reach. I feel like I'd like to expand on the length of the save so rather than complaining about this excellent work or waiting around,  I was thinking of just taking some time to play around in it myself. You know the pro active approach lol.


For any of you who have went deep deep into a save, I was wondering if anyone would have any suggestions on who to add in future workers or what essential narratives should be added to carry the game into the new millennium.  I'm far from an expert, but I'd be more than happy to share the updated data, but I'd love a little input from those more knowledgeable than myself.

Scott Hall should be in there. He's actually named "Scott Hall" too, so you shouldn't have any difficulties finding him. I'm pretty sure I added him a while back too, so you're either playing a really old version or you've mistakenly missed him somehow. It's great to hear someone taking the initiative too. It's certainly the best way to do it as although I have updates planned, I'm far from the quickest modification maker. 😆I hope you get the tips you're looking for.

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