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IWG: What does it take to be IMMORTAL! (in the Cornellverse)

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Tuesday, Week 4, December 2019


The phone rings....... It takes a while before I realize what is going on. Coming out of a dead sleep my eyes focus on the alarm clock on my nightstand. 2:01 emblazed in red numbers as my eyes come into focus. The cellphone on the nightstand rings.......




My voice half asleep and probably sounding quite annoyed.


Happy Holidays, Boy-O!


Comes from the other end of the phone connection. I recognize the voice instantly. It's my Dad. To say I've had an interesting childhood is an understatement and it all centered around my Dad and his career. So why should I be surprised that he'd call at 2 in the morning and have any consideration for sleep.


I've got the GREATEST of news! he continues.


I've heard this before as we moved from town to town in pursuit of my Dad's dream. A dream he's chased his whole life. A dream I feel like he's tried to infect me with as well.




I'm sure he could hear the irritation in my voice.


Oh, is it Boy-O? You know here in Vegas we really don't keep time. I mean this is The City That Never Sleeps.


Dad, that's New York! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.


Really? I've never understood that statement. I've seen New York sleep. Have you ever seen NYCW, man that's a snooze fest!


Dad, can you just get on with it? You said you have good news.


Not just good news Boy-O, GREAT NEWS! I just hit the jackpot at Sin City Showcase. Not the penny slot jackpot, but the big one. The Mega Jackpot.

I JUST WON 20 MILLION DOLLARS!!! I've finally done it. I'M RICH!


I could feel my eyes dilate a little as I hear my Dad's expression. Internally though I tell myself to keep calm. I have heard my Dad and his million get rich schemes and chasing the dream diatribes. But maybe this time it'll be different. Maybe this time my Dad will finally find happiness in his elder years and finally put the past behind him. But that though is fleeting as I hear the words I've dreaded.....




THE DREAM! The Dream my Dad has had his entire life. The Dream he passed onto me and somehow I feel in my bones but I have tried to deny. The Dream! That's all I've ever heard about. I'd almost say I am sick of The Dream but The Dream has infected my being and I too live for The Dream! I did it so much I too pursued my Dad's dream which became my dream. I did it when I quit my good paying job and trained in the Mid-Atlantic Boot Camp. I was the oldest student, much older than anyone else, in that first class and Rip Chord took a liking to me. After working in Mid-Atlantic Wrestling for a few years, Rip Chord got me a tryout with USPW. A Dream I thought I was going to achieve when Sam Strong liked my tryout and signed me to a contract personally. Childhood heroes now aiding me in The Dream. I proved I was a talker, a good charismatic entertainer. No doubt because I grew up around my Dad. That man could talk anyone into anything, or so it seemed. But I was lost in the Land of the Giants and when USPW was bought by Allen Packer, I knew it was my time to go. I got my release during the takeover before I could even ask for it and I decided it was time to recede back into the normal life. A 9-5 that provided stability and as much as I tried to deny it inside myself I knew The Dream lived on.


My Dad, on the other hand, never left the business, EVER. Growing up we moved from town to town living a carnival life style. It was too much for Mom to take and so she left him, but The Dream never did and I was along for the ride. There was the East Coast, the West Coast, Canada, even JAPAN. My Dad was a talker like I said and he could sell anyone. That's why I regarded him as one of the best Wrestling Managers EVER even though he never really broke through in the business. Even when Babes of Sin City closed down, a place I think my Dad did his best work and was tailor made for, he never quit. He remained on the Independent scene but never really left his base of operation, Las Vegas. He always felt Las Vegas suited him. But what came next made my jaw drop.


Did, you hear me Boy-O? The Dream lives on! And I know how to make it happen. We're going to make it happen and we're going to make it happen together. Remember all your make believe organizations as a kid and e-Feds that you used to run in your teens and 20's. It's time to make that REAL! I'm going to start my own wrasslin' company. And you BOY-O, You are going to be my second in command. We're going to do this together.


I was stunned. Speechless. Was my Dad serious? I have been out of wrestling for 7 years. SEVEN YEARS! I felt like I had finally put The Dream behind me, yet hearing my Dad's words and his excitement in his voice reignited that fire inside me, renewed the passion in my bones. I was once again at my Dad's mercy in pursuit of The Dream.


I heard some inaudible female voices on the other end and Dad's voice broke me out of my stupor.


I have to go now Boy-O! Another pressing matter just popped up. I'll be flying back to the East Coast at the beginning of the New Year and we can discuss details then. Viva La Dream!


The phone goes silent on the the end and I just sit there staring at my phone. Is my Dad serious? Are we going to make The Dream happen ourselves? As questions fill my mind, I cannot sleep. I grab an old VHS tape that I used to watch during my tape trading days. Christian Faith vs the champion Bruce the Giant, October 1993. The first time Christian Faith won the SWF Heavyweight title. I knew the match well as it was one of my favorite memories. Watching this match always helped ease my mind in my teenage years. It once again helped me relax as I slipped back into my slumber that I was interrupted from only moments ago.



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The Pro Wrestling Reporter

By: Greg Sluchinski

Monday, Week 1, January 2020


It's the End of the Year Awards and the 2019 edition is hot off the presses. Once again Tommy Cornell is the #1 Ranked Wrestler in the World. Alicia Strong is the highest ranked female in the Power 500 at #27. Surprisingly the two are not the Wrestler of the Year and Female Wrestler of the year respectively. Kinnojo Hinorri of Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods has won the Wrestler of the Year Award after winning his 5th BHOTWG World Championship in August even though he is ranked #130 in the Power 500. Jaime Quine brings home the Female Wrestler of the Year Award after winning the USPW Women's Title in July. This is Jaime's 1st ever USPW Women's Title and this is both Kinnoji and Jaime Quine's 1st ever Wrestler of the Year Awards in their career.


In other Award news...


KitoGuchi, comprising of Chojiro Kitoashi and Bussho Makiguchi, of PGHW won the Tag Team of the Year Award even though they did not win any Tag Titles the whole year. They did win the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series for the third time. This is the second time the team has won the Tag Team of the Year Award.


Mark Adonis is a rising star in the United Kingdom for 21CW winning the Young Wrestler of the Year Award, while Rich Money has won the Veteran Wrestler of the Year Award, using his influence as Head booker in USPW to win and retain the USPW World Title.


Frankie Perez has been heating things up on the West Coast as he wins the Independent Wrestler of the Year for his work in CZCW. USPW has won Company of the Year for the third time, All since Allen Parent and Reverie has taken over the company. While CWA and Canadian Wrestling in general are The Most Improved Company of the Year.


Genio Verde of EILL has won the Manager of the Year Award for the first time ever. Keiji Takeda, the voice of PGHW, won Announcer of the Year Award for the first time. Emma Chase has won Colour Commentator of the Year for the 5th time and seems to have a stranglehold on the award as she IS the best in the business. And Eugene Williams wins Referee of the Year Award for the second time, this time winning it working for the Canadian Wrestling Alliance and putting in some consistent work.


In other juicy news Fern Hathaway and Richie Riggins seem to be cozying up to each other in the cold New York weather. And an unconfirmed rumor I've heard is has-been Manager William Khan has recently come into some money and is looking to open up his own wrestling federation in the Mid-Atlantic somewhere with his son Alexander Khan, a once wrestler most famous for being a jobber, I'm sorry enhancement talent, in USPW.

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Wednesday, Week 1, January 2020


Dad arrived at the airport in typical Dad fashion. He was dressed in a silk shirt a size or two too large for his frame. He wore dress style khaki pants and his combover that usually barely covered his bald head was slicked back, accentuating his horseshoe almost skullet style hairstyle. But the icing on the cage was his big prescription glasses. Those glasses became his signature in Japan. Everywhere we went people who were wrestling fans instantly recognized my Dad by his glasses. I remember walking into a fancy restaurant in Tokyo once and instead of waiting the waiter seated us right away and asked for an autograph. My Dad asked him how did he know who he was. The waiter replied back in broken English pointing to his face "BIG GLASSES". Today Dad truly was Slick Willy, manager to the Gaijin Monsters. Dad really believes in Kayfabe and though this attitude was a bit dated in today's wrestling generation with the internet and all, HE still felt it was vital for the business.


Now I found myself walking down Granby Street. Dad demanded I pull over as soon as the street came into view. I parked at one of the various parking garages on the street and we began to walk. For me this walk was Memory Lane. Before I began chasing The Dream, I spent my early 20s here running from myself. Granby Street was once the entertainment hub for my disenfranchised youth and though a hodgepodge of music venues, restaurants, clubs, and bars still remain, some under different names, it is not the bustling street it once was. Dad stopped our journey in front of a building with a huge marquee and a thousand tiny lightbulbs. It once used to be the Granby Theater but now it was a ghost of a building with FOR SALE written on the marquee. This place had gone through a few iterations. It was once a theater and then a nightclub and then a theater again. Now it was dormant. Dad being Dad fiddled with the multiple doors at the entrance and Voila one opened. He beckoned me to come inside and check it out with him. What was inside was a mess. Seats that were arranged like theater seating were tattered and in disrepair. No single aisle had a full row of seats in it and some seats were ripped right down to the stuffing. The stage though, the stage was beautiful. It ran the length of the opposite wall of the hall. It had old maroon velvet curtains and a beautiful silver screen still intact. Not being able to stay silent any longer I broke down and asked Dad.


Are you sure about this? Are you sure about starting a wrestling company?


Dad looked at me and smiled. I knew that smile. I could see a million half baked ideas floating around his head that were coming to fruition in the gleam of his eyes.


Boy-O, of course I am! I've never been more sure of something in my life. I mean there I was in Vegas trying to sort out my next booking, staring at this slot machine, and so I put my money in and pulled the handle. Just as I hit the jackpot, the idea hit me. If I couldn't make The Dream working for someone else, I could create The Dream for myself. And then I though about all the paper belts you made as a kid and those computer Federations you used to run and realized The Dream has become a father and son venture. 10 Million Dollars would not be better spent.


I thought you said you won 20 Million Dollars?


Well you know your dear ol' Dad. I may have exaggerated a bit Boy-O. And....Well....I may have partied a bit more than I anticipated when I was in Vegas.


I rolled my eyes but half expected an answer like that from my Dad.


So what do you have in mind? For the Fed that is? Are we going to do something hypermodern and different and try and shake up the industry?


Well, you know Boy-O, I am more of a traditionalist. I HATE what they call Hardcore Wrasslin', that stuff has no psychology or story involved. I also really dislike real life wannabe MMA wrestling. If I wanted to do a Mixed Martial Arts company I'd have built a cage in Vegas and have people beat the heck out of each other for real. I was thinking some sort of good traditional Wrasslin' with an updated Entertainment feel. Something to represent the times. Just no Hardcore and No workers that work an MMA Style!


Speaking of workers, who does the hiring?


Well you do, Boy-O. I'm the mouth and the money but you are the brains. You had to have made a few connections during your travels as well. So how hard could it be to shake a few hands and make a few deals? But not too many deals. I'll arrange the travel for everyone and heck I'll even pay for their travel, but I'd prefer if we turn a profit in a year's time and I'd like to rise in popularity in that year as well.


Knowing how demanding my Dad was I could feel the tension creep into all my muscles. It felt like my first match all over again. Dad flew into Baltimore for a One Night Only appearance in MAW to manage my opponent, a very young, very green Findlay O'Farraday. He said he wanted a ringside view of my debut. I sold the heck out of every move, not getting too much offense in and when it came time for the finish, a huge Atomic Spinebuster, my foot slipped and it looked more like an Atomic Bellyflop as Big Fin fell on top of me. I apologized to Findlay afterwards in the back and Dad helped smooth things over but I never forgave myself for botching my big in-ring debut.


Alright Dad. Yeah I got some idea. Like, well, you keep referring to my fantasy booking days and E-Feds, so I was thinking what we could do is use the internet to really help drive our product. I know you love Kayfabe and all but I gotta say Kayfabe is pretty much dead. Unless we use our product to make the fans feel like they are in on it. Like they know something our wrestlers don't. Or maybe our wrestlers do know it as well and we use that to swerve our fans every now and then.


Dad looked at me harshly and a little disheartened. It was a look I know too well from my childhood. But suddenly something changed. My Dad smiled. It looked like a lightbulb turned on.


You know Boy-O! I LIKE IT! Not love, but like it. What do we call it?


Wrestling Nerd Nirvana!


No Boy-O! What do we call the company?


Going through my mind of all my favorite ideas from over the years I had many names pop into my head; Big Dawg Championship Wrestling, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrasslin'. Why did everything have Championship attached to it? Then it hit me.....


International Organization of Tactical Arts or IOTA for short!


No way, Boy-O! First of all that name is way too long, there's no zing in the name, and it sounds way too small time. There was that one name I always liked. You know, you used it in that internet federation. What was it? Infamous Wrestling?


Immortal Wrestling Guild?


That's it! That's the one Boy-O! I like it. You see this is what I'm talking about. You being the brains and all. This is what it's about. Father and son living The Dream.


One Week Later


The words SOLD appear on the Granby Theater Marquee and in the lighted window boxes on each side of the box office hangs a poster:



Immortal Wrestling Guild




One For the Ages




"Norfolk's Own" Lex I. Khan vs Cowboy Harry Allen



"Independent Wrestler of the Year" Frankie Perez vs Handsome Stranger


"Hawaiian Thunder" Clark Alexander vs "The Bonafide Gentleman" Shooter Martin


"Samoan Wildboy" Akima Brave vs The Architect of Your Destruction


And in a special attraction


"Son of a Monster" James Diaz vs "God's Gift to Rock N Roll" Charlie Corner


And so much more



Granby Theater

Friday, Week 3, January 2020







OOC:I promise there is wrestling to come! Next post will be IWG's inaugural event.
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IWG One For the Ages


Immortal Wrestling Guild




One For the Ages


Granby Theater

Friday, Week 3, January 2020


As fans start to enter the Granby Theater they can see it has undergone some changes. On the lower floor there is no permanent seating, just standing room only. In the center of the auditorium a ring is set up. The stage remains and still runs the opposite end of the auditorium and the maroon curtains are closed. From the stage runs a platform structure that runs all the way to the ring. There is a small square barricade that encircles the ring separating the fans from the action. On the side walls still remain the tiered box seats and over the entrance to the auditorium remains a balcony that is closed off to the public with lights, spotlights, and video cameras set up. Renovations seem to still be going on but tonight they've been put on hold for a wrestling show.


As fans are mulling around, some with concessions from a few make shift concession stands that are littered around the side walls of the auditorium, a small toned man with blonde hair, wearing a well tailored suit, and white rim glasses comes to the ring carrying a microphone.





Let's go ahead and kick off the night with some action. Our first competitor hails from San Diego, California. He is BIG PAPA SWOLL.


With little to no fanfare a huge mountain of a man standing at 6'7" and around 340 pounds of muscle makes his way to the ring.


Bambino: His opponent from Los Angeles, California. MEXICAIN.


A much smaller middlewight sized man comes out on stage wearing a black backwards ballcap and sunglasses.




Papa Swoll vs MexiCain


The match begins and both competitors circle each other in the ring to build up the tension for some action. MexiCain makes the first move attempting to punch Papa Swoll but Papa Swoll doesn't budge. MexiCain tries to punch Pap Swoll again and he grabs his face and adjusts his jaw. A smile comes over Papa Swoll's face and he laughs at MexiCain. MexiCain goes to punch Pap Swoll a third time. This time Swoll catches MexiCain's fist and squeezes MexiCain's fist in his hands. MexiCain screams in pain. Swoll then whips MexiCain into the ropes and hits a huge scoop slam on MexiCain. From then on in the match Papa Swoll just applies power move after power move on MexiCain. Papa Swoll finally puts Mexican out of his misery when he whips MexiCain into the ropes one last time, Swoll himself throws himself into the ropes and he meets MexiCain in the middle of the ring with a tremendous POUNCE! Papa Swoll covers for the pin 1,2,.3!


Papa Swoll defeated MexiCain via The Pounce in 11:45

Match Rating: 24 with Terrible Wrestling and Nonexistant Crowd Heat


The ring clears and Lee Bambino gets back in the ring.


Bambino: Our next match is set for One Fall. First out lead to the ring by Deanna Desire from Long Beach, California, Cali Slick. And his opponent from Corbin, Kentucky, Zippy Deverell.



Cali Slick w/ Deanna Desire vs Zippy Deverell


Cali Slick looks intense as he is lead to the ring by Deanna Desire. As soon as the match introductions are finished, Cali Slick immediately attacks Zippy Deverell with clubbing blows. Cali Slick brawls a bit with Deverell until Deverell can turn the match around a bit. Deverell tries to gain and keep an advantage by hitting a few moves and then bouncing off the ropes and hitting a few more moves but nothing spectacular. Slick is able to dispel Deverell's offense and take control of the match. Cali Slick hits the Slick Back and gets the win.


Cali Slick defeated Zippy Deverell via Slick Back in 13:02

Match Rating: 33 with Subpar Wrestling and Nonexistant Crowd Heat


The ring clears and again Lee Bambino gets back in the ring.


Bambino: Time to keep the action continuing. Coming to the ring first from Mexico City, Mexico, Mr. Lucha III. And his opponent from The Great Dismal Swamp, Cobra Joe


The crowd pops a little at the mention of the nearby swamp.



Mr. Lucha III vs Cobra Joe


This match actually had some decent wrestling as the two men matched each other hold for hold and move for move. The end came when Cobra Joe was able to lock in the Viper Vice getting Mr. Lucha III to submit. The crowd cheered a bit as the locally billed wrestler got the win.


Cobra Joe defeated Mr. Lucha III via Viper Vice in 12:25

Match Rating: 41 with Decent Wrestling and Nonexistant Crowd Heat


Again the ring clears and again Lee Bambino introduces the next match.


Bambino: Moving right along to our next match. Our next wrestler hails from Las Vegas Kip Keenan. And his opponent is known as "The Assassin of the Squared Circle" from Chicago, Illinois Ernest YOUNGMAN!!



Kip Keenan vs Ernest Youngman


The crowd REALLY got into this one. The two competitors are technically sound and delivered a technical masterclass of independent wrestling. Neither man ever gained a huge advantage and each competitor really shined. Youngman finally delivered his devastating finisher The Hit to pin Keenan. Ernest Youngman then waits for Kip Keenan to stand up. Youngman extends his hand out to Keenan and Keenan shakes it. The two competitors leave the ring together.


Ernest Youngman defeated Kip Keenan via The Hit in 14:41

Match Rating: 50 with Good Wrestling and Decent Crowd Heat


Lee Bambino again gets in the ring.


Bambino: Now we are going to take a brief intermission and then return with more action.


The crowd grumbles a little bit as intermission sets in.




After a slow start the fans started to get into the All Action first hour of the show only to have it go to an intermission. About 15 minutes into the intermission the Public Announce system starts up.


CH-CH-CH-CH-CH-CH-CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB!!! blares over the PA. The maroon curtains pull back and standing behind the curtain is....





Cherry Bomb stays on the stage and looks over the crowd for a moment allowing those fans still in attendance to gather themselves for the rest of the show.


Cherry Bomb: I AM THE AUTHORITY here in the Immortal Wrestling Guild and TONIGHT I wanted to inform you we begin the Tournament for the IWG Championsip.


Before Cherry Bomb can say anything more, the lights dim, the spotlights around the auditorium flash around and a slow bass line plays over the PA. The movie theater style screen begins to play a simple video package with the words, Lex.......I.......KHAN flashing across the screen. Then he steps out on stage and smirks and looks at Cherry Bomb.





Lex: Cherry, or is it Ms. Bomb? Anyway, whatever it is, you better just hand over the IWG Championship of Immortals to me right NOW Everyone knows that Norfolk, Virginia (pause for cheap pop from the crowd) Does everything better! And I'll prove to everyone here that LEX I. KHAN does it BEST!!


Before Lex can get another word out a man in the crowd holding a microphone interrupts Lex.




Man in the Crowd: NOT SO FAST! There's more talent here than you are giving everyone credit for. Lex! I am Frankie Perez, 2019 Independent Wrestler of the Year and I've come all the way to the East Coast to prove, I AM IMMORTAL!


Another very familiar face appears on stage on the other side of Cherry Bomb.



Handsome Stranger


Handsome Stranger: Looks like tonight just got a little more HANDSOME!


Again though another wrestler interrupts. This time from up on the balcony



The Architect of Your Destruction


Architect: Hey SUCKERS prepare for a SPOILER ALERT! The Architect is here and he will be the 1st EVER IWG Champion.


Just then a man of Samoan descent walks past everyone on the stage and enters the ring. Cherry Bomb laughs.


Cherry Bomb: Here's an insider tip for you Architect. Know who your opponent is before you release your spoilers.


Segment Rating: 53



Akima Brave vs The Architect of Your Destruction

IWG Championship of the Immortals Qualifier Match


It takes a while for The Architect to make it to the ring, but when it does he uses his procrastination to his advantage and goads Akima Brave in and pokes him "accidentally" in the eye. The Architect uses his created advantage to dominate the match but finally Akima Brave recover and he's upset. He goes crazy on The Architect and hits the Samoan Suplex gaining the victory and advancing in the IWG Championship Title Hunt.


Akima Brave defeated The Architect of Your Destruction via Samoan Suplex in 14:35

Match Rating: 48 with Good Wrestling and Great Crowd Heat



Nelson Callum, D. Wayne Newton, Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Fro Sure, Cameron Love, FB Fernandes


We jump right into action again as we have a special feature Trios match up. Nelson Callum and D. Wayne Newton are from MAW's 1st Bootcamp Class of 2007 and they are joined by PT Jack Pryde, a young up and comer. They take on 3 California Based Wrestlers, Fro Sure, Cameron Love (known as California Love Machine on the West Coast), and FB Fernandes. The match showcases each wrestlers offense for a bit until Nelson Callum gets Cameron Love in the Honey Trap and Love has to tap.


Nelson Callum defeated Cameron Love via Honeytrap submission in 12:25

Match Rating: 37 with Decent Wrestling and Little Crowd Heat


Nelson Callum, D. Wayne Newton, Prime Time Jack Pryde


The three victors remain in the ring as the losing team leaves ringside. Nelson Callum calls for a microphone. A ravishing redhead brings out a microphone to Callum.




Nelson: I am here to put the IWG on notice. The TRIPLE THREAT is here and WE ARE IMMORTAL!


Nelson Callum throws the microphone down and all 4 workers in the ring hold up 3 fingers and pose for the crowd before leaving the ring.


Segment Rating: 39



Shooter Martin w/ his Caddy vs Clark Alexander

IWG Championship of the Immortals Qualifier Match


Shooter Martin (Raphael) comes to the ring with a female dressed as a school girl golfer who is carrying a singular golf club. Clark Alexander hits ringside and the match immediately begins. The match is another barnburner as the two competitors look evenly matched until Caddy gets up on the ring apron and distracts Clark Alexander. Shooter Martin sneaks up behind Alexander and hits him with the Cupid's Arrow and pins Alexander.


Shooter Martin defeated Clark Alexander via Cupid's Arrow in 11:36

Match Rating: 49 with Good Wrestling and Great Crowd Heat


Shooter Martin and his Caddy


Caddy gets in the ring still carrying Shooter Martin's golf club as Shooter gets a microphone. Clark Alexander is still down in the ring.


Shooter: I'm going to put the whole IWG on notice RIGHT NOW! Shooter Martin is here in the IWG for one thing and one thing only. TO WIN THE IWG CHAMPIONSHIP!


Shooter grabs the golf club from his Caddy and swings it, watching his golf shot disappear in the distance. He laughs and leaves ringside as Caddy turns around and waves goodbye to Clark Alexander and leaves ringside with Shooter.


Segment Rating: 39



Charlie Corner vs James Diaz

in a Special Attraction


The two young larger wrestlers hit the ringside and just go at each other from the get go. Neither wrestler concedes any ground to the other. The two wrestlers just beat the heck out of each other and eventually each get a few spots in of big power moves. The brawl finds itself on the outside of the ring on the platform leading up to the stage. The referee begins his count and the two wrestlers pay him no mind. The referee reaches 10 and the bell rings. This match ends in a countout.


Charlie Corner and James Diaz battle to a Double Countout Draw in 8:56

Match Rating: 24 with Terrible Wrestling and Nonexistant Crowd Heat



Charlie Corner and James Diaz


The bell rings again, but the two young wrestlers continue their brawl up the platform. Then a loud whistle being blown can be heard throughout the auditorium.



Big Bruiser Findlay w/ Wild Will E.


From out of the back steps a bald old man blowing a whistle, leading Mid-Atlantic Legend, Big Bruiser Findlay. Findlay goozles both brawling wrestlers and hits a Monster Double Chokeslam on both Charlie Corner and James Diaz, laying them both down and out on the stage. The Bald Man continue to blow the whistle the whole time as he leads Big Bruiser Findlay back to the back while medics check on both Corner and Diaz.


Lee Bambino gets back in the ring and announces they are going to have a second intermission so they can provide medical assistance to the two wrestlers. The crowd's buzz kind of settles down from the excitement as medics are able to get Charlie Corner and James Diaz to the back on their own volition.


Segment Rating: 18




After about 30 minutes, Lee Bambino gets back in the ring and introduces the next match.



Monsters of the Mid-Atlantic (Dreadnought and OSMAN) w/ The Guru vs Seasons Best (Paul Winters and Wilson Summers)


Seasons Best actually hits the ring first as Paul Winters (Known as Ant-Man in Canada) and Wilson Summers (known as Topher Smith in Canada). Then The Guru brings out his two behemoths, Dreadnought and OSMAN (also known as Original Sinner). The Monsters of the Mid-Atlantic are two amazing physical specimens and also two second generation wrestlers. When they hit ringside Seasons Best looks a little worried. Wilson Simmers looks like he's going to start the match but immediately tags out to Paul Winters. The Monsters of the Mid-Atlantic dominate and decimate Seasons Best with Dreadnought gaining the pin after an amazing Dread Bomb (Vader Bomb) from the second turnbuckle.


Monsters of the Mid-Atlantic defeat Seasons Best after Dreadnought pins Wilson Summers via Dread Bomb in 6:05

Match Rating: 33 with Subpar Wrestling and Nonexistant Crowd Heat


We immediately move to the next match



Handsome Stranger vs Frankie Perez

IWG Championship of the Immortals Qualifier Match


The crowd really livens up for this match as the two more well known competitors on the card wrestle. Handsome Stranger keeps the advantage for most of the match and as Frankie Perez gets some momentum and fights back, Handsome Stranger cuts off Perez's comeback and continues to apply the pressure offensively on Perez. Perez finally fights back and keeps momentum on his side, getting Handsome Stranger down on the mat in the middle of the ring, locking in the P-Clutch. Handsome Stranger reaches around for the ropes but has no other option but to tap out.


Frankie Perez defeats Handsome Stranger via P-Clutch submission in 17:45

Match Rating: 47 with Good Wrestling and Good Crowd Heat



Lex I. Khan


Lex: I just want to thank all of y'all that made it out tonight. I personally really appreciate the support and so do all the men and women in the back.

But I know y'all didn't come to see me talk. Y'ALL CAME TO SEE ME WRASSLE! So without further adieu. BRING ON THE COMPETITON!


From out of the back steps the Former TCW Cruiserweight Champion, Harry Allen.


Segment Rating: 64



Lex I. Khan vs Harry Allen

IWG Championship of the Immortals Qualifier Match


This match has some good psychology. Throughout the whole match Harry Allen smiles and keeps smiling no matter how beaten down he gets by Lex. After a good 19 minutes Lex gets Harry Allen where he is horizontal to the ring with his feet on the ropes. Lex drops down into a devastating DDT he calls the Guillotine Neck Drop. Harry Allen is out and smiling no more. 1,2,..3 Lex I. Khan wins and the hometown fans cheer.


Lex I. Khan defeats Harry Allen via Guillotine Neck Drop in 19:55

Match Rating: 66 with Exceptional Wrestling and Exceptional Crowd Heat


As the show comes to a close Lee Bambino thanks the crowd for their attendance and tells them that in 2 weeks time there will be another show as the IWG Championship of the Immortals Tournament continues.



Show Rating: 61

545 in Attendance




OOC: Thank you for your patience. I am finally done with the card.
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Immortal Wrestling Guild




Tag Team Turmoil




The Continuing Quest for the IWG Champion of the Immortals


'Samoan Wildboy" Akima Brave vs "Norfolk's Own" Lex I. Khan


"Indepent Wrestler of the Year" Frankie Perez vs "The Bonafide Gentleman" Shooter Martin



Tag Team Turmoil Qualifier Matches to Crown the IWG Tag Team of the Immortals:


Triple Threat (D. Wayne Newton and Prime Time Jack Pryde) vs So Cal United (Cameron Love and FB Fernandes)


Papa Swoll and Fro Sure vs Monsters of the Mid-Atlantic (Dreadnought and OSMAN)


Seasons Best (Paul Winters and Wilson Summers) vs The Archiect of Your Destruction and James Diaz



A Return Match Featuring:

Cobra Joe vs Mr. Lucha III


also including:


Clark Alexander vs MexiCain

Harry Allen vs Gareth Wayne

Nelson Callum vs Remmy Honeyman

Ernest Youngman vs Ace Youngblood

Cali Slick vs Charlie Corner vs Kip Keenan


Granby Theater

Saturday, Week 1, February 2020





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'Samoan Wildboy" Akima Brave vs "Norfolk's Own" Lex I. Khan

"Indepent Wrestler of the Year" Frankie Perez vs "The Bonafide Gentleman" Shooter Martin

Triple Threat (D. Wayne Newton and Prime Time Jack Pryde) vs So Cal United (Cameron Love and FB Fernandes)

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Harry Allen vs Gareth Wayne

Nelson Callum vs Remmy Honeyman

Ernest Youngman vs Ace Youngblood

Cali Slick vs Charlie Corner vs Kip Keenan

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