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Beginners question about Debuting

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Hi there, i haven't played one of these games since EWR. Although the last i played EWR wasn't too long ago. My question is regarding booking and road agent notes.


In EWR you could pick a specific purpose for your match (eg: to get someone over, etc) and while those options are still there, but take more detail to pull off, what it seems to be missing is the objective "to debut a new star" i've looked in angles, in road notes, everything, and i can't find an option to have someone specifically debut. I hired him to be my top heel and wanted him to disrupt a match and destroy the participants, but specifically wanted to do it as a dominant debut.


Has this option been removed? or am i missing something? Or does it even automatically book it as a debut?


Sorry, i realise this question might be basic, or might be totally defunct as i'm comparing two games with so many years between them.


Thanks for anyone with the patience to reply to a beginners question :)

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If I am understanding it correctly, the debut occurs the moment he appears on screen in any capacity.


There might be a better way, and I don't have the game in front of me, but have the match, set him to interfere with the appropriate ending. Then follow it up with an angle where he destroys the two workers.


Keep in mind, if his overness is not high enough (or the overness of the people he is attacking is not high enough) you may get a message about there needing to be more star power in the segment for someone to be fighting this long.

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Awesome, thank you so much. Yeah i'd have worked out the specifics, but i wanted it to be officially recognised as his debut. He's definitely over enough, i poached him from another company lol. And his personality type/traits has him get more over when dominating and squashing. So hopefully it won't matter too much who it is he's beating up. Low level right now though, and building through the roster to eventually take on the figurehead in a feud.


Taking it slow though and feeling out the game, only using the demo copy. If i'm still enjoying it at the end of the 3 in-game months as much as i am now i'll definitely be unlocking the full thing :)


Thank you again for your reply. If anyone else has more imput, or knows exactly the option i meant in EWR and how it plays out now, any response is appreciated.


I do miss the dirt sheets and internet sites after shows you used to get. They were fun for feedback. I like you still get world wide updates, but it's not the same as looking through the various dirtsheets and news sites to see if your show was mentioned :p

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I once had them appear in a pre show battle royal and it locked in there disposition and gimmick change so did i waste their debut? Is there a boost to someone making a debut, i feel like i read that somewhere?


I don't think there is a debut boost, or atleast not that I've noticed. When I play the C-Verse I always play my made up Insignificant promotion and ALWAYS use Unemployed talent. Most of my guys have absolutely zero popularity across the board, even in their own home area. Sometimes I use the same guys in different saves, sometimes I change it up; the guys that I use more frequently have never showed signs of a debuting boost. They usually get the same first match rating time and time again. Infact, (and as should be expected) my guys give me bad match grades until they gain a little popularity, then they will start giving you better match grades.


I can't say one way or the other about a worker debuting in an angle, I have never had a worker debut in an angle before.

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