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Advice on making storylines?

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@hailthebulldog: I remember reading that they would have a number two babyface that would have to be beaten before the challenger could challenge Bruno? I want to say it was Dominic DeNucci. Is that correct or am I getting him mixed up with someone else?


Yeah both Vince's tended to do this. For Bruno it was DeNucci. For Pedro and Backlund it was different people. Backlund used his protege, Eddie Gilbert, in the Masked Superstar feud. For Hogan it turned to Jake Roberts. This is always a strategy I like using, but my guys are usually friends so I have a guy to plug in if my babyface champ needs a tag partner.

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<p>I try to keep the storylines simple, short, and they revolve around the titles and trophies. I also keep things with a strict face/heel split. </p><p> </p><p>

Most of the time when I'm not pushing anyone in particular I leave the mid and lower card match outcomes to the road agent (make sure the agent is solid and reliable) so that it feels somewhat organic when heels and faces show up. Like the audience has a say in who's popular. Just make sure you have the chemistry figured for your matchups here. Can't just throw anything together all the time. </p><p> </p><p>

For example, I have usually 3 to 5 storylines running. 3 for the titles and 2 for my pushes. I always keep the titles going. Pushes come along when I really want to see someone in the picture.</p><p> </p><p>

Looking at it this way, I'm usually managing about 10 to 15 guys through a federation of 70. The road agent determined matches have proved a great wild card element for me. So I just follow the popularity and positive chemistry to put things together. Also, since I run Japanese style feds I never have to make time for angles. The stories get told in the ring. On very rare occasions I'll use a story in an angle, most likely for a heel/face turns.</p>

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