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Prestige Wrestling League (CVerse)

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Sunday W4 April 2020 - PWL Apex


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Predictions this round

DinoKea: 5/6

Herrbear: 5/6

humph: 5/6


I've awarded everyone a point for the draw


League II Predictions

DinoKea: 21/27

humph: 21/27

Herrbear: 9/12


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Frankie Perez def. Captain Luca

I can't see Perez losing this match


Tigre Slavaje Jr. def. Mimic

Mimic's run hasn't exactly giving me hope


Menace def. Gram Gorman

Menace has suck, but not that low

Mr. Lucha III def. Yasuhide Tayama

Mr. Lucha seems set to win the league.


Nelson Callum def. Konrad Makinen

Same upset as last time.

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Monday W1 May 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Predictions this round

DinoKea: 4/5

humph: 3/5


League II Predictions

DinoKea: 25/32

humph: 24/32

Herrbear: 9/12



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Enjoyed that last show, I really like the roster you've put together. I've often toyed with a league style promotion so this might give me some ideas. I liked the concepts of both your CWW and PSP diaries so good luck going forward with this!


Thanks! Good to see you back around here. The league comes with its own unique booking opportunities and limitations, but I've really enjoyed piecing it together so far. I'm looking forward to catching up with your RAW diary - it was one of my favourites back when you started it, so I'm intrigued to see how you pick it up again!

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I have to admit to being so proud of catching that Callum v Makinen finish. It felt like a bit of a side story but it was definitely a gamble but also a really good story element of having a character viewed as lower on the card being a boogie wrestler for one viewed as higher on the card. Very well done.


Round 7 Predictions:


Frankie Perez def. Nelson Callum

Perez is currently sitting as being your top wrestler, while Callum is still a lower card guy, trying to avoid relegation, while Perez is fighting for the top spot.


Mimic def. Gram Gorman

I think I've made my view on Gorman's role pretty clear. He's pretty much certainly going to be relegated in my eyes and while he's got his one win for the season, he ain't getting any more.


Yasuhide Tayama def. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Toughy, two top stars who both look like they could win squaring off. I'm going for Tayama since he's currently undefeated I believe.


Mr. Lucha III def. Menace

One of these guys is struggling, while the other is my pick to go on and win the whole thing. Yeah, Mr. Lucha III got his 1 loss for the season, so I can't see him losing again


Captain Lucha def. Konrad Makinen

Honestly, not really much reasoning here, just more a gut feeling that Captain Lucha gets the win. Maybe I just don't trust Makinen to win in the main event?

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<p><strong>Frankie Perez</strong> vs. Nelson Callum</p><p>

Gram Gorman vs. <strong>Mimic</strong></p><p>

<strong>Tigre Salvaje Jr</strong> vs. Yasuhide Tayama</p><p>

Menace vs. <strong>Mr. Lucha III</strong></p><p>

Captain Lucha vs. <strong>Konrad Makinen</strong></p>

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Monday W2 May 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Embedded version

<iframe width="70%" height="600" src="https://docdro.id/M3QxP5e" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>


Predictions this round

DinoKea: 4/5

humph: 3/5


I've awarded everyone a point for the draw.


League II Predictions

DinoKea: 29/37

humph: 27/37

Herrbear: 9/12


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I've tried something new in the last post - embedding the pdf into the forum post. I was looking through christmas_ape's excellent RAW diary (go and read it, it's unique and exciting) and saw he had tried it in the past, so credit to them for the idea. Let me know if it works and how you find it - I hope it allows you to read the diary more easily.



I have to admit to being so proud of catching that Callum v Makinen finish. It felt like a bit of a side story but it was definitely a gamble but also a really good story element of having a character viewed as lower on the card being a boogie wrestler for one viewed as higher on the card. Very well done.


Nice prediction! It's what I've really enjoyed with the league format. These mini-stories emerge from repeated encounters and add an extra layer of richness that I never would have explicitly planned. Each wrestler develops a history with every other wrestler which I've kept track of and over time, more of these mini-stories will appear.

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I've tried something new in the last post - embedding the pdf into the forum post. I was looking through christmas_ape's excellent RAW diary (go and read it, it's unique and exciting) and saw he had tried it in the past, so credit to them for the idea. Let me know if it works and how you find it - I hope it allows you to read the diary more easily.


This worked really well. Saved me having to open a new tab which was quite nice. I like to go back and look at the history sometimes too where I feel like this'll come in real handy.


So looking at the league:


Mr. Lucha III currently sits atop the league and with his next match against Gram Gorman, he's likely also going to have to beat the Captain to win the league as Tigre Salvaje Jr. is still within striking distance, particularly since he could both of his next two matches.


Frankie Perez and Yasuhide Tayama could theoretically still win but a ML3 will end those hopes, so it seems like they'll finish near the top, but not winning.


Captain Lucha is basically safe from automatic relegation with Nelson Callum not likely to fall into any major danger. Both sit barely above the playoff though and should still be worried.


Konrad Makinen and Gram Gorman both sit in the playoffs and are stuck with two tough final matches which means neither one is likely to be saved from danger.


Mimic hasn't had the greatest of runs so far, but could still get himself out of danger by beating the Cap (or Tayama technically).


Menace is essentially become a non entity, having not won a match since I believe Mimic in round 1 (could've been Makinen round 2). This has basically locked him into relegation playoffs at best basically and certain relegation if he can't beat Nelson.

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This worked really well. Saved me having to open a new tab which was quite nice. I like to go back and look at the history sometimes too where I feel like this'll come in real handy.


Good to know, thanks! I'm thinking of compiling all the shows in a season into one document and embedding them on the first page of the thread where there's already a list of links. Would that help with going back to look at the history?

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Another top show, shame I missed predictions but then again I suppose I stand little chance of winning season 2! Enjoyed the promos, I assume Kal Owusu is going to be in season 3? It works well having a really small 'active' roster but still being able to include others to keep them in the back of our mind. As DinoKea mentioned I can imagine the league basically coming down to a war between the two luchas which should be great.


I think the embedded things works great! I'm not sure why I didn't continue doing it maybe for some reason it didn't look as good with my slides as it does here. If I'm perfectly honest though I think I saw it done first by Eisen-verse. I remember trying to embed it when I first started posting PDFs in my DAVE diary but not working out how, then I see in EV's SWF he did it so I went back and worked out how (not that it's complicated as you know but I must have been doing something wrong) but regardless it's great for ideas and things like that to spread.


So with me likely unable to win the entire prediction contest I'm going to just give my overall prediction... A bit of a gamble...Captain Lucha defeats Mr Lucha III on final day which allows Tayama to get the win.

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Another top show, shame I missed predictions but then again I suppose I stand little chance of winning season 2! Enjoyed the promos, I assume Kal Owusu is going to be in season 3? It works well having a really small 'active' roster but still being able to include others to keep them in the back of our mind. As DinoKea mentioned I can imagine the league basically coming down to a war between the two luchas which should be great.


Thanks! You can always enter next season's competition in a few weeks.


Owusu is going to try to get back into league competition, but he'll have to earn it!

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Episode 8 Predictions

Yasuhide Tayama def. Konrad Makinen

This week honestly seems incredibly predictable, so I'm sure a shock will be somewhere, I'm just not going to place my bets on which fight. Pretty much every fight is a top competitor versus a bottom one, so I won't include reasoning.


Mr. Lucha III def. Gram Gorman

Mr. Lucha III is looking set to win the league, Mr. Gorman looks set to be relegated. Not much else to say really.


Frankie Perez def. Menace

It's not been a good season for either of these guys really has it.


Mimic def. Captain Lucha

This one could very easily go the other way and I originally predicted it too. But I think Gorms going down, so Mimic needs a win to let that happen.


Tigre Salvaje Jr. def. Nelson Callum

This is the most likely to be a shock given it's the main event, but going for Tigre anyway.

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Monday W3 May 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



Click to see the show


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Embedded version

<iframe width="70%" height="600" src="https://docdro.id/NTUam2c" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>


Predictions this round

DinoKea: 4/5

christmas_ape: 5/5

humph: 5/5


Well done for the clean sweeps!



League II Predictions

DinoKea: 33/42

humph: 32/42

Herrbear: 9/12

christmas_ape: 5/5


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It's all set up nicely for that final main event!


Apollo Prince should be interesting, it's a nice mix this roster of c-verse favourites and lesser used talent. Maybe that's also because I quite like the European scene but have barely actually used it.


Again I can't help but like Kalu, I often find it hard to write those types of faces but his little promos have endeared him to me. Although I'm worried he's not going to earn a spot on the next roster.

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Again I can't help but like Kalu, I often find it hard to write those types of faces but his little promos have endeared him to me. Although I'm worried he's not going to earn a spot on the next roster.


I enjoy writing Kalu's bits, he's developed into a really great babyface. Hopefully we'll see him again soon...

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