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Prestige Wrestling League (CVerse)

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Going to join the club. At this point Kalu is by far my favourite character. Hopefully he can find more success when when he attempts to make a comeback.


S2 Ep. 9 Predictions

Tigre Salvaje Jr def. Konrad Makinen

100% you're waiting until that final match to confirm the winner.


Nelson Callum def. Menace

Menace could win here, but I'm not willing to bet against Callum here.


Yasuhide Tayama def. Mimic

Yeah, I'm going for all the obvious answers here. Mimics season has never looked great while Tayama is once again plagued by draws.


Frankie Perez def. Gram Gorman

No way is Gorman beating the current champ


Mr. Lucha III def. Captain Lucha

And so, the alliance of the first two seasons finally comes crashing down, witn Mr. Lucha III almost certainly doing something to end his alliance with Captain Lucha.

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Konrad Makinen vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Menace vs. Nelson Callum

Mimic vs. Yasuhide Tayama

Frankie Perez vs. Gram Gorman

Captain Lucha vs. Mr. Lucha III


I pretty much agreed with everything DinoKea had to say. So then partly just to be different I've gone for the different ending. I like the idea that Cpt prevents the win and that's the base of a really strong feud.

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Konrad Makinen vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

- Much as I love Mäkinen, there is no way he is beating the guy entering the night in second place. Also, with Tigre having beaten Perez twice (I think), he makes for an interesting title challenger


Menace vs. Nelson Callum

- Menace is already relegated, no reason for him to get a win here


Mimic vs. Yasuhide Tayama


Frankie Perez vs. Gram Gorman


Captain Lucha vs. Mr. Lucha III

- To be fair I can see either man winning this, but I think Tigre gets the top spot

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Monday W4 May 2020 - PWL Television


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



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Predictions this round

DinoKea: 5/5

christmas_ape: 4/5

Herrbear: 4/5

humph: 4/5



League II Predictions

DinoKea: 38/47

humph: 36/47

Herrbear: 13/17

christmas_ape: 9/10


The first league prediction competition has just one more show to go. DinoKea has a slight lead over humph, but anything could happen as we go into PWL Bloodrush.


Herrbear and christmas_ape, I'm afraid you won't be eligible for the predictions competition as it requires you to predict at least 50% of the shows. But thanks for your contributions anyway, and next season you can go for gold!


Remember, the winner of the competition gets to choose a worker for PWL to hire (from a selection I will give soon) and that worker will feature in the fourth league season as an automatic promotion.


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Awesome ending to the league even if I went the wrong way with the main event. I very rarely enjoy long match write ups if I'm honest but I definitely enjoyed the main event, told the story well. I wasn't reading this last post-season so I'm interested to see what shape Bloodrush takes. My money is definitely on Perez.
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PWL Bloodrush




Menace vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Hugh de Aske vs. Kalu Owusu vs. SUKI vs. Washi Heat

(playoff qualification match)

Konrad Makinen & Nelson Callum vs. Captain Lucha & Yasuhide Tayama

Apollo Prince vs. Mimic

Frankie Perez © vs. Mr. Lucha III

(PWL World Championship)

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Really enjoyed that show but was admittedly quite surprised nobody else got the finish. It was very well done though and had me really wondering who would win. The ending too with Mr. Lucha II using Captain Lucha's signature was a very solid way to end it.


PWL Bloodrush Predictions

Tigre Salvaje Jr def. Menace

Man Menace fell quick. I could see it coming as he was generally one of your worst performers, but still 3rd to 10th. Now he's relegated I can't see you letting him get the win over Salvaje


Playoff Qualification Match

Kalu Owusu def. Hugh de Aske, SUKI & Washi Heat

We've been building up to the Owusu return for a whole season. It'd be a massive let down for him to not even make playoffs


Makinen & Callum def. Lucha & Tayama

Tough one considering the calibre in this match. I'm going Callum and Makinen win since they've seemed to be performing slightly better


Apollo Prince def. Mimic

With Mimic relegated and Prince coming up, I think it makes sense to Apollo to get the win here to really establish himself.


PWL World Championship

Frankie Perez © def. Mr. Lucha III

We've spent the who season building up to Mr. Lucha III winning the league, but I think the belt will elude him. With no cap at his side and Perez putting on better shows, I think Frankie will retain.

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<p>Menace vs. <strong>Tigre Salvaje Jr</strong></p><p>

<strong>Hugh de Aske vs. Kalu Owusu</strong> vs. SUKI vs. Washi Heat</p><p>

(playoff qualification match)</p><p>

Konrad Makinen & Nelson Callum vs. <strong>Captain Lucha & Yasuhide Tayama</strong></p><p>

<strong>Apollo Prince</strong> vs. Mimic</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Perez ©</strong> vs. Mr. Lucha III</p><p>

(PWL World Championship)</p>

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Hugh de Aske vs. Kalu Owusu vs. SUKI vs. Washi Heat

(playoff qualification match)


Hey Herrbear, thanks for the predictions. Just to let you know, this match is a 4-way not a tag match. At the moment you've predicted 2 winners so I can't count the prediction at the moment!

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Thursday W4 May 2020 - PWL Bloodrush


Links to each wrestler's entrance music can be found on their wrestler card and sometimes in the text, so make sure to check them out!



Click to see the show


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Embedded version

<iframe width="70%" height="600" src="https://docdro.id/ZOtjoyK" frameborder="0" allowtransparency allowfullscreen></iframe>


Predictions this round

DinoKea: 4/5

Herrbear: 4/5


League II Predictions

DinoKea: 42/52

humph: 36/47

Herrbear: 17/22

christmas_ape: 9/10


League II Predictions Competition Results


Thanks to christmas_ape and Herrbear for your predictions, you both did really well, but didn't reach the 50% entrance threshold to qualify for the competition.


So it comes down to DinoKea and humph who battled it out all season for top spot. Thanks to both of you for your consistent predictions throughout and comments you have made - it's always a pleasure to read them and see your perspectives.



Match predictions: 42/52 = 81%

Winner prediction: 0/10 = 0%

Total score: 42/62 = 68%



Match predictions: 36/47 = 77%

Winner prediction: 0/10 = 0%

Total score: 36/57 = 63%


So the winner of the first full predictions competition is DinoKea!




As promised, the winner gets to choose a wrestler to be signed to the company who will appear in season 4. I've narrowed down a selection of 6 to choose from and I'll post them with their bios and some extra information at some point over the weekend.



All Time Predictions

DinoKea: 77/100

humph: 66/84

Herrbear: 30/39

christmas_ape: 9/10

Historian: 6/10

kanegan: 1/5


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<p>Really enjoyed that final match. Builds up to season 3 really well and was solid on its own. Also nice to see Masked Cougar get the shot the originally lost only a season later (I've always assumed Gorman replaced then, hence why I never have any expectations for them). </p><p> </p><p>

Should be interesting to see what these next few in between seasons bring.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DinoKea" data-cite="DinoKea" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52184" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Really enjoyed that final match. Builds up to season 3 really well and was solid on its own. Also nice to see Masked Cougar get the shot the originally lost only a season later (I've always assumed Gorman replaced then, hence why I never have any expectations for them). <p> </p><p> Should be interesting to see what these next few in between seasons bring.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Actually, Masked Cougar's playoff match was supposed to be against Nelson Callum but he was replaced by SUKI who lost. I had always planned for Gorman to go up, but the nature of the league format means I've had to rely on a few guys to do the job. I guess part of the fun is to predict who's going to get jobbed out all season while there's always the chance of an upset.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="christmas_ape" data-cite="christmas_ape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52184" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Don't know how I missed predictions but another great show and another awesome main event. I really don't know what went down with cpt lucha so that will be interesting.<p> </p><p> Happy for my boy Owusu, I'll be cheering him on in his big match next.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you very much. It was a fun match to write and, although I usually avoid iffy finishes in the big main events, I think the effects on the story will be worth it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Apologies if you can't see the embedded pdf file. A couple of slides from a previous show found their way into the document (thanks to the person who pointed this out to me!) so I had to replace the file. The normal links seem to work as normal, but the embedded one might be broken.</p>
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<p>Been busy all week and haven't had time to check the forums, but I could not have won the competition anyway, even with a clean sweep in the final round (which, for the record, I totally would have gotten:p).</p><p> </p><p>

Anyway, great end to a great season (even if Konrad Mäkinen is being grossly underused), and I'm looking forward to the next go-round.</p>

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Anyway, great end to a great season (even if Konrad Mäkinen is being grossly underused), and I'm looking forward to the next go-round.


Thanks! Don't worry about Konrad - while others are getting their chance to shine now, he will be a huge part of the future of the company in the long term.

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The next two weeks of PWL Television will consist of friendly matches and some story developments outside of the usual League format. Most of it will be showcase and tag matches with the main events being the playoffs. Feel free to make predictions if you like, but the prediction competition will only start when the first League matches begin again.


PWL Television




Captain Lucha vs. SUKI

Apollo Prince & Masked Cougar vs. Hugh de Aske & Mimic

Frankie Perez vs. Tsuneyo Yanagimoto

Gram Gorman vs. Kalu Owusu

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Here are the 6 shortlisted wrestlers for the Prediction Competition winner DinoKea to choose from! I've tried to give you a range of options in terms of both wrestling styles and storyline options. Whoever you pick now will appear in season 4 of the Prestige League (although I can't guarantee they'll survive). The others will stay shortlisted for the next Prediction Competition winner to choose from.



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I'll just ask here, how do you want me to tell you my pick?




Captain Lucha def. SUKI

It's kind of the same rule here as for all the matches, you really want to build up your league members.


Apollo Prince & Masked Cougar def. Hugh de Aske & Mimic


Frankie Perez def. Tsuneyo Yanagimoto


Kalu Owusu def. Gram Gorman

Gram Gorman really hasn't been done much with his time in the league and Kalu is definitely my favourite character.

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You can post it here in public if you like - I'll give him a couple of shows building him up before his debut so it won't be a shock surprise or anything.


Alright, well in that case I've spent a bit of today deciding over my options and after a very tough decision the man I've picked is:


"Unstoppable" Riddick Jordan

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Alright, well in that case I've spent a bit of today deciding over my options and after a very tough decision the man I've picked is:


"Unstoppable" Riddick Jordan


A great choice. Riddick Jordan has some serious potential. I enjoyed using him in my CWW diary last year and as he's a true all-rounder, he's got every chance of achieving great things in PWL!

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