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New Laptop Advice wanted concerning TEW20

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I'm looking for a fairly cheap backup laptop (going to invest in something more fancy sometime in the New Year) that'll pretty much only be used as another machine to play TEW 2020 and all the prior games from Adam (as while my trusty Toshiba Satellite from 10 years ago still runs Adam's games well, it could die on me anytime now).


I'm looking at this refurbished Laptop -https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B082P6GDTZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Would I be correct in thinking that this would not only be fine for running games like TEW 2020/Fire Pro Wrestling World, but also be capable of being able to handle some fairly light video recording/editing?


Thanks in advance for any advice, buying tech right now can be quite stressful, for obvious reasons.

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I second the suggestion for an SSD. The specs seem ok.


Consider an independent for refurbished stuff. I was in a similar situation back in September and got one from a guy a few miles away. He's fully accredited etc and was really good. I got a similar spec machine with SSD for just over £200. He had his own website but I found him on Facebook Marketplace.

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This post is just a little too vague.


Essentially you're saying "I'm buying this laptop to play a game that can run on a computer from 30 years ago, but I also want to play a game with SNES graphics and do some video editing on the side." You're basically asking about three different spec groups, and also telling us that you're going to upgrade again in a few months. What exactly do you want in the computer? Your link to the computer you're looking for seemed okay but I'm assuming you could go cheaper.


Regarding the SSD reconnections, it's not needed for this specific case. It makes a load of difference in video editing, when you actually want to upgrade. But it makes fairly small differences in TEW, and slight upgrades in Fire Pro. Also TEW pretty much runs the same no matter how good your processor is.

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Thanks BrokenCycle. That post has reassured me regarding my thoughts concerning the vitality of an SSD for this specific system. To attempt to narrow it down and (hopefully) be less vague, for now I'm just focused on a back up system for TEW and the ability to play Fire Pro. If needed the video editing can wait until I get a better system with higher specs/SSD next year, so that`s not a dealbreaker.


Thanks again to the three of you for the advice.

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