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A Hardcore American Homecoming (Cverse)

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Trial By Fire Series

Singles Match


"Prime Time" Jack Pryde vs Pepper Pelton




PWC Extreme Championship

Hardcore Battle Royal


El Loco - Martyr - Andrew Harper - "Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin - Mercy Michaels

- Buck Winchester - The Behemoth - Cockroach Carter - ??? - ???




PWC Internet Championship

Singles Match


Wes Revell vs Austin Smooth w/Gianna DeMarco




Lucha Libre Exhibition featuring the stars of OLLIE

Six Man Tag


Extraordinario Jr, Phoenix IV & Cosmic Rider vs Hellspawn 666, Laberinto Jr & Amo Del Gato




PWC Tag Team Championship

Fatal 4 Way


Brothers In Vengeance vs Canadian Hardcore vs Ricky Turner & Jebediah w/February Malaies vs The Night Terrors




Unsanctioned "Lights Out" Match

Singles Match


Harlem Haynes vs Animal Harker w/Clare South




PWC Championship

3 Way Dance (Maybe)


Logan Wolfsbaine w/Andrew Harper vs Nate "The Great" DeMarcus vs Texas Hangman w/Travis Century (????)




Philadelphia Street Fight

Six Man Tornado Tag


Los Guerrilleros vs The Street Kingz w/Carl Batch


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Top Posters In This Topic

Prime Time" Jack Pryde vs Pepper Pelton




PWC Extreme Championship

Hardcore Battle Royal


El Loco - Martyr - Andrew Harper - "Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin - Mercy Michaels

- Buck Winchester - The Behemoth - Cockroach Carter - ??? - ???




PWC Internet Championship

Singles Match


Wes Revell vs Austin Smooth w/Gianna DeMarco




Lucha Libre Exhibition featuring the stars of OLLIE

Six Man Tag


Extraordinario Jr, Phoenix IV & Cosmic Rider vs Hellspawn 666, Laberinto Jr & Amo Del Gato




PWC Tag Team Championship

Fatal 4 Way


Brothers In Vengeance vs Canadian Hardcore vs Ricky Turner & Jebediah w/February Malaies vs The Night Terrors




Unsanctioned "Lights Out" Match

Singles Match


Harlem Haynes vs Animal Harker w/Clare South




PWC Championship

3 Way Dance (Maybe)


Logan Wolfsbaine w/Andrew Harper vs Nate "The Great" DeMarcus vs Texas Hangman w/Travis Century (????)




Philadelphia Street Fight

Six Man Tornado Tag


Los Guerrilleros vs The Street Kingz w/Carl Batch


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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: So this took quite awhile as I've been pretty busy but I've never put this much work into a write up before. I have a good six hours invested into this so I hope the 3 people that read it really enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.






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PWC Presents: From The Ashes

McGaw Arena

Pittsburg, PA



Streaming Live On:







Broadcast Team:




Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank






(opening theme)





As the opening theme for From The Ashes plays we are treated to a video package highlighting tonight’s matchups and the events leading up to them…



As always we are joined ringside by Dane O’Hara and Honest Frank.









Dane: “Welcome everybody to From The Ashes! PWC’s first ever pay per view and boy do we have a big show tonight!”



Frank: “That’s right Dane, every championship will be decided tonight and we’ve got ourselves a couple of good old fashioned grudge matches tonight as well. I can’t wait!”



Dane: “And you won’t have to Frank because we are going to the ring for tonight's first match right now. Our first match in the Trial By Fire series is set and it starts now.”





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Singles Match

PWC Rules





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“Prime Time” Jack Pryde begins the match by doing some showboating and antagonizing the crowd a bit. The two wrestlers enter an exchange of holds and transitions but neither can get the better of their opponent. As soon as Pelton gets a little leverage on Pryde he breaks the hold and slides out of the ring, much to the frustration of Pelton.



Pryde goades Pelton into a test of strength only to kick him in the gut to take control of the match. Pryde pummels Pelton with hard strikes, whips him into the corner and unloads with several knee strikes. Pelton does a good job fighting from underneath and gets in a little offense here and there but Pryde quickly takes back control.



Pryde whips Pelton into the guard rail and then back body drops him on the ringside floor. He rolls him back into the ring and sets him up for the PrydeFall (Crucifix Powerbomb) but he stops to showboat and play to the crowd. WIth his back turned he doesn’t notice Pelton getting a bit of his stamina back. As Pryde continues to gloat Pelton rolls him up in a small package and gets the pin and the win!



Pepper Pelton defeats Jack Pryde via pinfall



After the match a disgusted Jack Pryde grabs a steel chair and beats Pelton down for a few minutes until security grabs him and pulls him to the back.










Dane: “Pepper Pelton gets the win in our first Trial By Fire series match! That has to be a huge upset!”



Frank: “I agree Dane, Pryde looked like the total package, he dominated the match, just let his ego get the best of him and he got caught. It happens and he will learn from it.”



Dane: “Now let’s the head to the back for a word from what appears to be a very angry Hammer Hadley and his camp.”





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Hammer Hadley is backstage with Buddy Garner and Marina Del Ray. They all appear visibly upset about something. Garner addresses the camera as Hadley paces behind him...





Garner: “What I brought to PWC is the greatest athletic specimen you have ever witnessed! His fighting skills are rivaled by no one, his grappling skills cannot be outmatched and his wrestling skills are legendary. So I ask you, why is this man not on the card tonight? If this is PWC’s biggest event by far, then why is The Sultan of the Suplex not competing?



Now I know you don’t have the answers, hell I’m not sure if you even care but soon you will. See I can only assume that Hammer is not on the card because you have too many mouths to feed, too much talent on the roster. Well looks like we are going to have to thin out some of that talent. Watch out PWC because if you don’t let my man compete then he is going to start putting bodies in the hospital, one by one by one.”










Dane: “I guess Hadley isn’t happy about his recent usage?!? Come on man, you’ve been with the company for two weeks. What a diiiiii---”



Frank: “Don’t say it Dane, unless you want to be first on his list!”



Dane: “Whatever, let’s get to the Hardcore Battle Royal. Tonight we crown our very first Extreme Champion.”





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PWC Extreme Championship

10 Man Hardcore Battle Royal


2 Men begin the match, a new participant enters the match every two minutes


No one can be eliminated until all 10 men are in the ring









Before the match attendants place weapons in and around the ring. They then take buckets of thumbtacks and pour them all over the ringside floor…



The first two participants are Martyr and El Loco. Martyr comes to the ring swinging around a chainsaw. He swipes at the crowd in the front row as well as at the referees. Eventually security subdues him and takes the chainsaw away.







El Loco grabs a light tube and immediately cracks Martyr over the head. Martyr is stunned momentarily so El Loco grabs several more light tubes and smashes them over his head as well, busting Martyr open in several places. He goes for one more but Martyr jabs him in the throat and pulls a fork out of his pocket. Martyr jabs the fork into El Loco’s head repeatedly. Blood begins to flow from the forehead of El Loco.












“Blonde Bomber” Jerry Martin enters the match with a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire



He smashes El Loco over the head with the chair and turns his attention to Martyr. He smashes Martyr over the head but the chair shot seems to have no effect. 1,2,3 more chair shots to Martyrs head and he’s feeling no effects. Jerry Martin takes another swing but Martyr catches the chair and grabs it away from him. Martyr then proceeds to hit himself in the head several times with the chair before smashing it over Jerry Martin’s head. Martin crashes to the mat, his forehead visibly busted open from that chair shot.











Buck Winchester runs down to the ring with a bull rope with a metal cowbell on the end. He ducks a chair shot from Martyr and proceeds to wallop him in the head with the cowbell but stops and instead kicks him square in the balls. Martyr drops to the mat in pain. Winchester takes the time to acknowledge the crowd and point to his head indicating that he outsmarted the big brute. Winchester begins working over Martyr with the cowbell when he sees El Loco getting back to his feet. He runs towards him trying to hit him with a big lariat but El Loco catches him and dumps him on the mat with a big sidewalk slam.











The Behemoth walks slowly down to the ring, no weapons in hand which is a first for this match



He steps over the ropes and drops El Loco with a huge chokeslam. Martin and Winchester both try to double team him but he throws both of them off of him and almost decapitates them with a double clothesline. He turns around and sees that the only man left standing is his stablemate Martyr. They meet in the middle of the ring and stare each other down for what seems like minutes then…









Mercy Michaels runs to the ring with a staple gun



He kicks The Behemoth in the gut and staples his mask right to his forehead. He then staples the sides of his mask to both his ears. As The Behemoth is writhing in pain Martyr attacks Michaels from behind and tosses him through the ropes onto the bed of staples on the ringside floor. Martyr rolls outside on the floor and powerbombs Micheals onto the thumb tacks for good measure.








Michael's partner Cockroach Carter runs down to the ring with a bundle of kendo sticks over his shoulder



He grabs one and splits it wide open over Martyrs back then breaks another on his side. He helps Michaels and hands him a kendo stick. They both roll into the ring and clean house, bashing everyone in sight with kendo sticks.









Andrew Harper walks out carrying a table



He sets the table up ringside and rolls into the ring. He pummels on Jerry Martin for a bit before working his way over to Mercy Michaels. A big German suplex and Micheals is down. He faces off with Cockroach Carter and they both start to blast each other with forearms and punches.









A blue Police Box materializes on the stage and Haku from the real world mods gets out. Through the magic of interdimensional travel Haku is here to compete in PWC tonight!



Haku slides into the ring and drops everyone with big head butts. He works the crowd a bit before turning his attention to Buck Winchester. Several big chops later and Winchester’s chest looks like hamburger meat.








The last entrant is a surprise from the Golden Age! It’s Whisky Jack!



All 10 men have entered the battle royal so any wrestler can now be eliminated…



Jack runs down to the ring and cleans house with some vicious elbows and forearm smashes. He drops Andrew Harper with a forearm, then Jerry Martin and El Loco before he locks eyes with Haku. The two meet in the center of the ring and Jack unloads several elbows to Haku’s head. The elbows have no effect as Haku hulks up. He grabs Jack and hits him with a big head butt and Jack flys over the top rope landing on the thumbtacks on the floor.



Whisky Jack has been eliminated...



Haku looks under the ring and grabs a pineapple. He rolls back into the ring and drops El Loco with a big thrust kick. Jerry Martin tries to hit him from behind but Haku turns around and smashes the pineapple over his head. He then tosses Martin over the ropes and he eats a pile of thumbtacks.



Jerry Martin has been eliminated…



After tossing out Jerry Martin, Haku loses his mind and jumps over the top rope to the floor and runs to the back eliminating himself.



Haku has been eliminated…



Mercy Micheals sees El Loco finally getting back to his feet and charges at him like a mad man. El Loco hits Michaels with another big boot and picks him and dumps him on the floor.



Mercy Michaels has been eliminated…


While El Loco eliminates Mercy Michaels he doesn’t notice Cockroach Carter behind him winding up his kendo stick like a baseball bat. As soon as he turns around Carter nearly decapitates him with his kendo stick, causing El Loco to go toppling to the floor.



El Loco has been eliminated…



Carter and Harer go at it again, brawling all over the ring. Carter whips Harper into the corner and hits him with a running knee. He sets him up for one more but Harper counters with a big clothesline. Harper hoists Carter up and powerbombs through the table he set up at ringside.



Cockroach Carter has been eliminated…



As Harper gloats about tossing out Carter Buck Winchester turns him inside out with a vicious lariat. He grabs Harper by the trunks and tosses him over the ropes.



Andrew Harper has been eliminated…



And then there were three. Buck Winchester, The Behemoth and Martyr all face off in the ring. The Behemoth looks over at Martyr and pats him on the shoulder as if to say good luck.



The Behemoth then steps over the top rope and hops down off the mat.



The Behemoth has been eliminated…



Winchester and Martyr size each other up for a bit before locking up. Martyr overpowers WInchester and pummels him with strikes. He takes out his fork again and jabs it several times into Winchestr’s forehead.



Winchester swings wildly as if he was punch drunk wobbling around the ring. Martyr grabs him and hits him with the Vengeance Driver (Michinoku Driver). Martyr then grabs Winchester and tosses him out of the ring.



Buck Winchester has been eliminated…



Martyr wins the PWC Extreme Championship!!!



Martyr tries to stab the referee as he is awarded the belt. The ref drops the belt at his feet and runs out of the ring.










Dane: “I think we just hit our blood quota for the evening…



And Martyr is our inaugural Extreme Champion, and he only tried to murder a few fans and a referee. I would say this match went off without a hitch.”



Frank: “If he did take out a few of those mouthbreathers in the front row the world would probably be a lot better off.”



Dane: “Those fans pay our salaries, you should be a little more respectful!”



Frank: “I’m sorry, we all know wrestling fans are all from the upper crust of society.”



Dane: “I’m sure they can detect sarcasm with the best of them. Whatever, let’s get to the next match.”





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PWC Internet Championship

Singles Match

PWC Rules










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The match starts with a collar and elbow tie up with both men showing off their grappling skills. Several transitions later and both men break the hold with neither able to get the upper hand. Another tie up and Revell whips Smooth into the ropes and elevates him with a big back body drop. Smooth crashes to the mat. Revell uses his brawling skills to pummel Smooth on the mat, stomping at his arms and hands. Revell drops a big knee on Smooth's arm.



A hard Irish whip into the corner by Revell and Smooth is down. He grovels as Revell makes his way to the corner. Revell hesitates and Smooth grabs his tights and slams him into the turnbuckle.



Smooth begins working Revell’s neck with vicious stretches and twists. An elbow drop to the back of Revell’s neck and then Smooth plants his head on the mat with a DDT. Smooth showboats to the crowd for a moment then applies the Smooth Hold but Revell manages to get up, holding onto Smooth. Revell with an eclectic chair drop and Smooth breaks the hold.



Revell sets Smooth up for a big lariat but Gianna DeMarco gets up on the apron distracting Revell. She tosses Smooth a foreign object just before Revell rips off her dress. She falls to the floor covering herself in embarrassment.



As soon as Revell turns around Smooth decks him with the foreign object and covers him for the three count.





Austin Smooth defects Wes Revell by pinfall.



Austin Smooth wins the PWC Internet Championship…













After the match Austin Smooth and a half naked Gianna DeMarco celebrate in the ring as his music plays.



Smooth holds the title up and points to himself, mocking the crowd the whole time.










Dane: “That no good cheating son of a bitch Autsin Smooth! I knew he couldn’t get a win without his hussey getting involved!”



Frank: “He’s merely taking any advantage he can Dane, that doesn’t make him no good, that makes him smart! You could learn a thing or two from him you know.”


Dane: “Shut up Frank! I don’t know why I even try to reason with you. Let’ check in backstage to hear from Animal Harker.”





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Animal Harker is backstage with Clare South…





Harker: “Harlem Haynes, you’ve cost me matches, you’ve tried to end my career and you’ve tried to put your hands on my lady. Tonight it’s my turn!



He’s not 100% they will say…



So what!



He had to sign a waiver to even wrestle tonight…



So what!



He could ruin his whole career all for the sake of revenge…



SO F$%KING WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tonight, so help me God I am going to beat you within an inch of your life! You will wake up 10 years from now still hurting from this match! You have f$%ked with the wrong redneck! 100%, sh$t, I ain’t never been at 100% a day in my life and after tonight, you won’t be at 100% ever again!”










Dane: “Fiery words from Harker there. He clearly is a man on a mission. Now let’s check out some of the stars of OLLIE. It’s lucha time!”



Frank: “¡Lucha, lucha, lucha, lucha!”





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Lucha Libre Exhibition

Six Man Tag (Lucha Rules)














A fast paced, high flying match that featured tons of high risk, aerial offense. Both teams had plenty of time to shine as every worker got in their big spots. The crowd was into the match the whole time and it definitely got the crowd hotter. Extraordinario Jr’s team picks up the win after he hits Laberinto Jr with the Siempre Peleando.





Extraordinario Jr, Phoenix IV and Cosmic Rider defeat Hellspawn 666, Laberinto Jr and Amo Del Gato via pinfall










Dane: “What an exciting match! Those lucha libre guys sure can fly around the ring! The crowd absolutely loved it.”



Frank: “I was a luchador once early in my career. You should have seen me out there doing all kinds of flips and sh$t!”



Dane: “Just quit while you're ahead Frank.



I’m getting word from production that they have a lead on Texas Hangman’s whereabouts. It looks like someone sent us a link to a live video feed from where he is being held. I want to warn everyone first that we are going to broadcast this feed. Since we are live, viewer discretion is advised.”





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The broadcast begins in a dark, candle lit stone crypt. Coffins and tombs line the walls adorned with old stone carvings. The camera pans across the crypt, focusing on a dark coffin in the corner with fog rising around it. The coffin begins to rattle and wobble back and forth…










After a short struggle the lid to the coffin flips open and Texas Hangman slowly rises out of the coffin. He looks groggy and confused.









He explores the area searching for an exit and eventually he finds an old stone door with an ominous sign hanging above…









With seemingly no other choice Hangman pushes open the stone doors and walks down the dark corridor. As he walks further into the darkness Wicked Lester’s evil laugh can be heard getting louder and louder.








After several minutes of walking in pure darkness Hangman enters a large open cavern. Fire and lava illuminate the floor and walls. Just ahead he sees Wicked Lester laughing again. He blinks and suddenly Lester is gone.



The Hangman proceeds across the wide cavern, avoiding the pits of lava and heads down another dimly lit cave. Inside the cave he encounters a group of demons walking aimlessly.






The demon horde catches Hangman in their direct line of sight and charges towards him, gnashing their teeth and snarling.









Travis Century appears surrounded by white light, holding a mysterious looking flintlock pistol. “Use this to smite the evil ones'' He says as he hands the pistol to the Hangman.



The Hangman opens fire on the demons and the pistol emits large beams of white light. The demons explode upon contact with the light beams. The Hangman continues to fire away until every one of the demons has been destroyed.






After dispatching the demon horde, the Hangman walks deeper into the cave, inching further and further towards the darkness. Eventually he enters a sinister looking, one would say satanic throne room.






Sitting on the throne at the far end of the room is Wicked Lester, adorned in some sort of ritualistic shroud. The benches facing him on either side of the room are filled with demons looking on as their leader speaks in tongues.



Lester: “Well Hangman, I didn’t expect you to make it this far but I’m glad you did. I have so much suffering to show you!”



Hangman: “Enough of the games Lester, where in the hell have you taken me?”



Lester: “It’s funny you mention it because that is exactly where you are reaper. You’re in my world now and I have such sights to show you!”



Hangman: “The only thing you’re gonna show me is a fight demon!”




Hangman fires several blasts of light at Wicked Lester. Lester cowers over in pain and convulses as his body becomes engulfed by flames...








As the flames roar higher and higher Lester begins to transform into a giant winged devil…







Hangman shoots at the devil several times but the beams of white light have no effect on the creature. The creature grabs Hangman with one of it’s huge claws.



Lester: “Hehehehehehehehehe, I’m not through with you yet Hangman!”







A black portal of some sort opens on the floor and the giant devil tosses Hangman in…




To Be Continued…










Dane: “What...the...hell?!?”



Frank: “Yeah, I’m not sure what I just saw and I guess we still don’t know where the Hangman is.”



Dane: “As much as we love the Hangman the show must go on of course. Let’s hear from Harlem Haynes..”





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Harlem Haynes is backstage with Canadian Hardcore getting ready for tonight’s Lights Out Unsanctioned Match…




Throughout the history of the world more great men have been defeated by pride than by any other means. Pride can take a man to great heights and pride can cause him to come crashing down. Tonight Animal Harker, tonight what you are doing isn’t noble and it sure as hell isn’t smart. It’s your inflated, dumbass sense of pride. You clearly aren’t in shape to compete, why risk your career for this sh%t? Revenge, man whatever, for the fans, sh%tttttttttttttttttttttt, if you were smart you wouldn’t give two f$%ks about the fans.




But no, you are a man of the people. The hero that always gets back up to fight the good fight. When you win, you do it for the fans, and when you lose it’s because some no good cheater screwed you. Just like in childrens stories.




Well this ain’t no children's story! This is real f$%king life and in real life the good guy doesn’t always win! The hero doesn’t always get redemption…




But the baddest motherf$%ker in the ring, the BMF, that guy, well that guy always wins! So I beg you, don’t come out for the match tonight. Just go home and rehab your injury. Because if you answer that bell,l when it’s all said and done, I’ll be walking away laughing and you’ll be on the floor bleeding!










Dane: “Harlem Haynes sounds focused and confident heading into his match with Harker tonight.”



Frank: “Both men seem ready to fight, this one could go either way but I wouldn’t bet against the BMF!”



Dane: “I’m pretty sure you're not alone there Frank. Now let’s head to the ring for the Tag Team Clusterf$ck. This one’s gonna be wild!”





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PWC Tag Team Championship

Fatal 4-Way Tornado Tag Clusterf$%k








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Brothers In Vengeance and Candian Hardcore both bring weapons to the ring before the match. Sakta and Morisue both bring out bundles of light tubes while Battenberg and McGraw supply the barbed wire bats and what appears to be a bag of thumbtacks.



The match starts as expected in utter chaos as all eight men are in the ring. Sakata and Morisue make quick use of the light tubes, smashing them on their six opponents. The Night Terrors and Ricky Turner and Jebediah roll out of the ring to recover while Otis and McGraw continue to brawl with Sakata and Morisue. Canadian Hardcore give the BIV a taste of theri owne medicine as they bash both men with their own lightubes and in a matter of minutes all eight wrestlers are busted open.



McGraw grabs a large glass shard and jabs it deep into the head of Morisue. The crowd gasps as he wences in pain. Now the blood is really flowing from Morisues head. Sakata knocks Otis out of the ring with a big shoulder block and runs over to save Morisue. Suddenly Jebediah takes out all three men with a big splash off the top rope. On the outside as Otis is getting back to his feet Babau knocks him back down with a springboard moonsault. As soon as Babau lands Ricky Turner hits him with a stiff clothesline. Moroi runs over to take out Turner but Ricky sends him crashing to the concrete floor with a back body drop.



Turner and Jebediah realize they are the only two men standing so they both take a little time to dance in the middle of the ring. They are soon interrupted by Canadian Hardcore who beat both of them down with their barbedwire baseball bats. Otis and McGraw toss Turner and Jebediah out of the ring. Otis and McGraw cover the ring mat with thumbtacks when…



As soon as they turn around they are taken out by stereo missile dropkicks from the Night Terrors which send them toppling out of the ring.



Just as soon as Moroi and Babau can get to their feet they are knocked upside the head again with light tubes by Morisue and Sakata. They toss Baby out of the ring and Morisue hits Moroi with a big running powerslam onto the thumb tacks and pins him for the three count.



The Brothers In Vengeance are your new PWC Tag Team Champions!










After the match Shane Sneer celebrates Morisue and Sakata in the ring.










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After the match the cameras cut directly to the backstage area where Logan Wolfsbaine is accompanied by Andrew Harper…




Logan: “Tonight is the night we make history as PWC crowns its first champion. The first figure head, the first top guy! Tonight three men, well maybe three, will do battle to see who can grab the brass ring. A dead guy, a legitimate athlete and the glorious one Who takes home the prize?



Okay, enough of that rah rah bullsh$t. That just isn’t my style. Take a good goddamn look at the three men, or two men or whatever are stepping in the ring tonight. You all see it, you just don’t want to admit it, there’s only man who’s really championship material in the bunch. Only one man glorious enough to hold that championship…



And that’s “Glorious” Logan Wolfsbaine, your new reigning and defending champion!










Dane: “Well Frank, we’ve got tag team champions for the first time and it’s a couple of men that I surely wouldn’t want to mess with!”



Frank: “Tough as nails and mentally insane, two traits that should never go together.”


Dane: “Well now it’s time for the match we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time for the Lights Out Unsanctioned Match!”





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Lights Out Unsanctioned Match

Singles Match

No DQ, No count outs, Anything goes










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Animal Harker is accompanied to the ring by Clare South. His shoulder is heavily taped and he has a cast on his arm up to his elbow. He looks super focused and ready for a fight.









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Harlem Haynes walks to the ring accompanied by both his bodyguards, Otia Von Battenberg and Saswuatch McGraw along with a chorus of boos from the fans.




The match starts with an intense stare down from both wrestlers. They get within an inch of each other and both talk trash, neither ready to make a move. Haynes shoves Harker and Harker returns the favor. A couple more shoves back and forth and they both start throwing wild punches.



Both men topple to the mat still throwing haymakers, most of which fail to connect. They roll to the outside continuing to brawl. McGraw and Battenberg grab Animal Harker and hoist him up. Haynes levels him with a huge right hand.



McGraw and Battenberg whip Harker hard into the guardrail then place a chair in front of his face. Haynes hits him with a vicious running knee onto the chair. Harker lays lifeless on the arena floor as Haynes taunts the crowd. Harker appears to have been busted open by the steel chair to the face as blood is running down his forehead. Haynes grabs him and pummels him with elbows, causing more blood to flow.



Haynes whips Harker into the steel steps bad arm first. Harker writhes in pain as Haynes grabs another steel chair. He slides Harker back in the ring and pummels his bad arm with the steel chair.



Clare South goes to throw in the towel but the referee explains that this is an unsanctioned match so she can’t do that.



McGraw and Battenberg both join in on the assault on Harker. Haynes stacks several chairs on the mat as They pick Harker up, preparing to double chokeslam him onto the chairs when Clare South sneaks up behind them and hits them both in the nuts. Both men fall to the ground. Haynes charges at Harker but Harker hits him with a big forearm. Harker back body drops Haynes onto the stack of chairs. Clare South has picked up a kendo stick and beats the two members of Canadian Hardcore repeatedly until they roll to the outside. “Kick his ass!!!!” She screams as she looks over at Harker.



Harker picks up Haynes and plants him with a DDT onto the pile of chairs. He tosses him out of the ring. He rams his head into the ring post and tosses him hard into the steel stairs. Harker gets a table from under the ring and sets it up ringside. He grabs some lighter fluid and matches from under the ring as well and proceeds to light the table on fire. He grabs Haynes and positions himself on the apron above the table…



Piledriver through the flaming table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The crowd goes wild as Haynes covulces on the floor as if he had a seizure. Harker rolls him back into the ring and waits in the corner, setting him up for the Southern Psycho Sickle. As soon as Haynes gets back up to his feet Harker decapitates him with a vicious lariat with his cas arm.



As Haynes lay unconscious on the mat Harker immediately drops to the mat himself holding his bad arm. Haynes is down and out but Harker is too hurt to take advantage.



Haynes finally gets to his feet and sees Harker hunched over on the mat, he picks him up and hits him with the Harlem Hustle for the pin and the win.




Harlem Haynes defeats Animal Harker via pinfall









After the match Cockroach Carter, Mercy Michaels and Clare South carry a very injured Animal Harker to the back…








Harlem Haynes celebrates his win and showboats as he exits the ring. He walks to the back talking trash to as many fans as he can when....










Hammer Hadley comes out of the crowd and jumps him from behind! The two men brawl for a but before security separates them and escorts them both to the back.










Dane: “I almost have no words, what a physical contest. Harker has nothing to be ashamed of here, both of these men put there all into this match.”



Frank: “Harker is an idiot Dane, he’ll be lucky if he can even wrestle again with the shape he’s in right now!”



Dane: “Honest Frank ladies and gentlemen, always a source of positivity. Well, we have a World Champion to crown. Let’s head to the back to see if this is a three way dance or what?!?”





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Ed Monton, RDJ and Chris Caulfield are shown backstage discussing the upcoming match…





Ed: “Look guys I can’t find’em anywhere. I have no clue where he’s at but he’s not in the building that's for sure.”



Chris: “Well we’ve waited as long as we can, let’s roll with the two we got here. Whatta you think RDJ?”



RDJ: “Man I hate it for Hangman but you’re absolutely right Chris. We don’t have a choice, we have to crown a champion tonight.”










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PWC Championship Tournament Finals

Three Way Dance, Errr nevermind…

Singles Match

PWC Rules









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The match starts out with both men sizing each other up. A couple of tie ups into transitions and neither man can take control. Collar and elbow tie up by Logan and he whips DeMarcus into the ropes. DeMarcus bounces off the ropes and drops Logan with a shoulder block. Logan rolls to the outside annoyed as DeMarcus smirks at him in the ring.



Logan rolls back into the ring and fakes another tie up into a gut kick on DMarcus. Logan with some stomps to DeMarcus on the mat. He wrenches on DeMarcus’ neck and applies a headlock. In a brilliant test of strength DeMarcus picks up Logan still holding onto the headlock and he drops him on the mat with an olympic slam.



DeMarcus with several jumping clotheslines and a big shoulder tackle knocking Logan to the outside. DeMarcus bounces off the ropes and dives to the outside but Logan ducks out of the way as DeMarcus slams into the guardrail. Logan removes the protective mats ringside and hits a big vertical suplex onto the concrete.



Logan rolls him back into the ring and hits him with three more vertical suplexes. He whips DeMarcus into the corner and knocks him silly with several running elbows. Logan drags him out of the corner and puts DeMarcus on his shoulders attempting a Glorious Bomb but DeMarcus grabs the rope and manages to break free. Logan runs at him with a big clothesline attempt but DeMarcus dodges him, bounces off the ring ropes and drops Logan with a big Snaptackle (Gore). He covers Logan for the three count and the win!



Nate “The Great” DeMarcus wins the PWC Championship!!!









After the match Ricky Dale Johnson and Chris Caulfield present the championship belt to a very emotional Nate DeMarcus.



DeMarcus drops to his knees clutching the title as he sheds tears of joy in the middle of the ring.










Dane: “Despite the enormous amount of confidence coming from Logan Wolfsbaine, Nate DeMarcus takes home the gold, can you believe it Frank?”



Frank: “Like you said Dane, it seemed like Wofsbaine was destined to win here but never underestimate an athlete as gifted as Nate DeMarcus. Now let’s see how long he can hold on to it because now he’s the hunted, not the hunter.”



Dane: “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve had a great time bringing you PWC’s first ever pay per view but now it’s time for the main event. Two groups that have fought pillar to post, two groups that have made each bleed, two groups that have tried to put the other in the hospital. Quite frankly, these are two groups that can’t coexist in this company. Let’s take a look at the events that have led us to tonight's match up.”





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A brief hype video plays running down the events that have transpired between these two groups over the past four weeks...










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Six Man Tag Team

Philadelphia Street Fight





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v4w0ggP.jpge7aNwML.jpgnbPILSK.jpg(Carl Batch could not be here tonight)





The match starts in the arena parking lot as Los Guerrilleros armed with baseball bats are looking for Street Kingz. Kurt Laramee steps out from behind a car right in front of the three men and taunts them. As Laramee distracts Los Guerrilleros Mobstar and Gravedigga sneak up behind them and whack them with steel chairs.



Modstar and Gravedigga slam MexiCain and LatiNoFear into the side of a car and pummel them with punches while Kurt Laramee brawls with Mexico’s Finest.



Mexico’s Finest ducks a punch from Laramee and kicks him in the gut. He grabs his baseball bat and cracks it over Kurt’s back. He does the same to Gravedigga and Mobstar as Los Guerrilleros take control of the match. MexiCain and LatiNoFear pick up Mobstar and powerbomb him through the windshield of a parked car. The three men then tripe team Kurt Laramee. LatiNoFear grabs Kurt and tries to toss him onto the hood of a car but he reverses it and slams LatiNoFear head first into a car window. LatiNoFear is busted open.



Gravdigga gets back to his feet and runs over and takes out MexiCain. Laramee picks up Mexico’s Finest and slams him into the side of a steel dumpster.



All six men are back on their feet as they brawl across the parking lot into the backstage area of the building.



They brawl down a hallway into the catering area. Mobstar slams MexiCain’s head onto a table, then he grabs a tray of food and tosses it right in MexiCain’s face. LatiNoFear whips Gravedigga into the catering table as food flies everywhere. Kurt Laramee grabs a fork from the silverware tray and jabs Mexico’s Finest in the forehead several times. Mexico’s Finest grabs the fork from Laramee and returns the favor as both men are busted open.


The six men continue fighting across the backstage area, slamming each other into equipment crates and scaffolding and anything else that isn’t nailed down. Eventually they make their way to the entrance stage and down the ramp to the ringside area.



Mexico’s Finest chops Kurt Laramee in the throat and goes to look under the ring. He grabs three baseball bats from under the ring and tosses two of them to his teammates. Kurt Laramee appears to be hunched over by the announce table. Mexico’s Finest walks over with the bat but doesn’t notice that Laramee has the ring bell. As soon as Mexico’s Finest goes to hit Laramee with the bat he turns around and smashes the ring bell into Mexico’s Finest’s head. A half conscious Mexico’s Finest throws the bat as he is falling and clocks Laramee right in the head. Both men are down.



LatiNoFear sets up a table on the outside of the ring. He picks up Gravedigga and powerbombs him through the table. Mobstar is inside the ring beating down MexiCain in the corner. LatiNoFear grabs a bat and smashes Mobstar from behind. MexiCian and LatiNoFear set up another table in the ring and another powerbomb crashes Mobstar through the table onto the mat.



The two men go over and help Mexico’s Finest up to his feet. They hold Kurt Laramee while Mexico’s Finest pulls out some handcuffs and fastens them around Laramee's wrist, handcuffing him to the ring post. Laramee is trapped!!



MexiCain and LatiNoFear roll back in the ring and hit Mobstar with a Border Cross (3D). LatiNoFear pins Mobstar for the three count and the win.



Los Guerrilleros defeat Street Kings via pinfall…











After the match Los Guerrilleros continue to assault Street KIngs with their handy baseball bats as the crowd boos loudly, showing their disapproval of the three men from East LA.



All three members of Street Kingz are now a bloody mess as they cover up as best they can trying to minimize the attack when…











Big Smack Scott runs down to the ring with a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire. He swings the chair wildly, chasing off LosGuerrilleros.










Scott helps Laramee up and slides him into the ring. He pulls him up again and the two men hug each other. Scott raises Laramee's hand as the crowd cheers. He picks up the chair again and invites Los Guerrelerros back into the ring. As Laramee backs him up. Suddenly…





Scott turns toward Laramee and cracks the steel chair over his head. Scott screams “We had it made and you f$%king ruined it!!! Took it all away you piece of sh%t!!!”





Scott takes a spike out of his boot and proceeds to stab Laramee in the head multiple times. As the blood gushes down Laramee’s face Scott takes his hand and wipes it across Kurt’s face then smears the blood onto his own face.









Chris Caulfield runs out and starts screaming at Scott…



CC: “Security, get that man out of my ring! He doesn’t even f$%king work here!!!”





Security rushes into the ring and grabs Big Smack Scott. He laughs maniacally as they escort him to the back.




Cameras zoom in on the bloody face of Kurt Laramee as the show goes off the air.










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McGraw Arena

Pittsburgh, PA

January, Week 4












Chris Caulfield and Ricky Dale Johnson meet in a small office in the back of McGraw Arena a couple hours after From The Ashes has gone off the air…





CC: “Well RDJ, how do you think we did?”



RDJ: “I would say tonight was a success wouldn’t you? We got our first champs crowned, the Scott/Kurt feud should draw money, and we have some great stories going heading into next month. Putting the belt on Nate, now that was a risk but one worth taking. Nate can be a big star here if he stays the course. The crowd loves him and he’s athletic as hell.”



CC: “I agree and I’m anxious to see what the kid can do. Sometimes you just need to hand the kid the keys and let him drive the bus. Let’s see where he can take us.



By the way, the whole C.O.T.T. membership stuff went through. We are officially members now. Not that it was a whole lot of paperwork or anything, I basically just signed up online. I think they pretty much let anybody join.”



RDJ: “Hahahaha, C.O.T.T. sure as hell ain’t what it used to be, but it does give us access to some talent we normally wouldn’t have access to so it’s a win for us.”



CC: “True, I plan on taking full advantage of that, believe me. So tonight was a success, the shows have been going well…




What’s next?”



RDJ: “It’s simple, we need to get more eyes on the promotion. More exposure. I mean we can stay the course and slowly but surely we can grow in time but…




The two of us have never been “stay the course” kind of guys.”



CC: “Ain’t that the truth. Let me think…





F$%K! I have an idea. Next week there is a particularly big television event that everyone will be watching.”



RDJ: “You’re talking about the Super Bowl of course. You wanna hijack the Super Bowl? I don’t think we could pull something like that off Chris!”



CC: “No, we don’t need to hijack anything. How about instead of people having to watch that sh%tty halftime show we broadcast a f$%king wrestling show?



PWC Presents Hardcore Halftime!!!”










RDJ: “I love it! We could even put up a countdown clock on the screen so viewers know when to switch back to the game. Great idea Chris, great f$%king idea!”



CC: “I have one better, to showcase our new C.O.T.T. membership we are gonna have a C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship match!”



RDJ: “Wait, should we be advertising that before you get permission. What if they say no?”



CC: “Time to pull out a little trick I learned from Phil Vibert! We are going to advertise the match and market the hell out of this. If they say no then it will look like they pulled out and they are a bunch of p&ssies! We will back them into a corner where they have no choice but to say yes!”



RDJ: “Savage, now I remember why I went into business with you in the first place. You learned everything from a ruthless, chaotic genius!”



CC: “Let’s start making some calls so we can get this rolling. I want as many people as possible tuning in this Sunday.”



RDJ: “Sounds good to me!”










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Are you excited for the big game on Sunday but not looking forward to another boring ass halftime show?





Then the second the first half ends flip over to Wrestleworld for some hardcore wrestling action!








Because PWC presents...









2 VS 2 Tag Team Action







The Night Terrors take on Cosmic Rider and El Laberinto Jr





Brutal singles matchup (PWC Rules)







Hammer Hadley with Team Hammer takes on Mercy Michaels







COTT World Heavyweight Championship Match








"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine with Andrew Harper battles defending champion Pablo Rodriguez







Let's be honest, it's either good old fashioned violence or auto tune...



We know which one you're gonna choose!!!









This isn't meant to be a pick'em contest or anything as I still have the weekly TV show to post before Sunday, more of a just a hype/preview post but if you want to make pics then by all means do.

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I am hoping for a quick turnaround on posting the show as I think it would be cool to get the Hardcore Halftime special posted right at the start of halftime tomorrow but we will see.


I haven't figured out what the winner gets yet but I'm thinking they can pick the stip for the main event at the March ppv. That or they can pick the next World Title challenger.




Hardcore Rising Episode #5

February, Week 1


PWC Rules

Marty vs El Loco


Tag Team Match

Ricky Turner & Jebediah vs Johnny McJobber and Enhancement Talent Jones


PWC Rules

The Gremlin vs Jerry Martin


PWC Rules

Andrew Harper vs Kurt Laramee



Also we hear from the champ - Nate DeMarcus




Wicked Lester does something vile and distasteful that the network won't like!

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<p>Hardcore Rising Episode #5</p><p>

February, Week 1</p><p> </p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

<strong>Marty </strong>vs El Loco</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

<strong>Ricky Turner & Jebediah</strong> vs Johnny McJobber and Enhancement Talent Jones</p><p> </p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

The Gremlin vs <strong>Jerry Martin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

Andrew Harper vs <strong>Kurt Laramee</strong></p>

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Just a quick update for those that are following, I've been really busy with work stuff and the little one just started her indoor soccer league so I havent had much time to write. I'm also working on my womens mod expansion as I'm almost finished with the first release. I hope to have ths next show posted by the end of the weekend or early next week at the latest.
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Content is great, story continues to be interesting to me, and the graphics and promotional work you put into it is excellent. "Lets be honest its good ole fashioned violence or auto tune" popped me. Perfect! haha. Also have been busy with my personal life but just free'd up so I am going to have much more time to be on this board and read great stories like this one. Keep up the great work.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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PWC Hardcore Rising Episode #5

Twin Elm Park

Toronto, Canada



Streaming Live On:





Broadcast Team:



Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank





(opening theme)



Hardcore Rising opens once again with a video package and pyro as the theme song plays over the PA system.



We are joined by Dane O’Hara and Honest Frank at ringside...






Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank





Dane: “One week removed from our first ever pay per view event, From The Ashes and what a success it was. We have new champions and we are proud to say that we are live for the first time in Toronto, Canada!”



Frank: “The Great White North Dane, man have I had my share of great moments here, and tonight should be no exception!”



Dane: “I can only imagine Frank, now let's get to the ring because we have a new champion…



Nate “The Great” DeMarcus!”





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Nate DeMarcus comes to the ring with the PWC Championship draped over his shoulder. He walks down the aisle and takes a lap around the ring high fiving the fans in the front row. He slides into the ring and grabs a microphone…








Nate settles down the crowd as he prepares to speak…




Nate: “You know as much as usually can’t stand those forced chants when I hear them on a particular wrestling show up in New England, I gotta admit that tonight they sound good!”






Nate flashes a grin as the chants grow louder when....

















Harlem Haynes’ music interrupts as he makes his way down to the ring accompanied by Canadian Hardcore…




HH: “Man Nate, boy do I hate to interrupt a brother’s big moment and everything but I’ve got a little problem and unfortunately for you, you're the solution.



You see, now that I got rid of that big bald headed chump Animal Harker I’ve got my eyes on that belt of yours. I assume you ain’t no bitch so whatta you say motherf$%ker!



You gonna give me a shot at that title!”



Nate: “Well first of all yes, you did interrupt me. See if you would have let me finish you would have heard that as PWC champion I’ll take on any challenger. But you had to come down here and start runnin off at the mouth!


Blah, blah blah, I got my eyes on that belt…




Get in line, fool! Everyone’s got their eyes on this belt. So Harlem Haynes…




Be careful what you wish for!”




Harlem Haynes smiles as Nate’s music kicks in as he heads to the back when…









Hammer Hadley jumps the guardrail with Marina Del Ray and Buddy Garner in tow. Before Otis or McGraw can react he pummels Haynes with a flying forearm strike and slings him into the guardrail like a rag doll.



Canadian Hardcore manages to pull Hadley off of Haynes before he can do anymore damage.




Buddy Garner grabs the microphone as Hadley stands tall…



Garner: “This piece of sh%t limping to the back isn’t the only one who wants a shot at that title. My client, the most menacing man on the planet, the destroyer, the dominator, the Sultan Of Suplexes - Hammer Hadley wants a shot at that belt as well!




So why don’t you show the fans what type of man you are and we make this thing a three way dance!”




Nate: “Well I did say I would take on all comers right, so I say bring it! I don’t make the matches around here but if RDJ and Caulfield are down then let’s do this!”















RDJ’s music hits as he makes his way to the ring…



RDJ: “PWC prides itself on giving the fans what they want to see, so you guys want to see a three way dance for the title at Valentine's Day Massacre?”



The crowd erupts into cheers…




RDJ: “Okay, if that’s what you want then that’s what you’re gonna get! In 4 weeks at Valentine's Day Massacre, for the PWC Championship we’re gonna have ourselves a three way dance; Nate DeMarcus verses Harlem Haynes verse Hammer Hadley!”










Dane: “Allright, looks like we have a new challenger and Nate DeMarcus has his first title defense. Frank, this has all the making of a classic!”



Frank: “I for one can’t wait to see this one. Haynes has been on a roll the last month and Nate of course proved himself, winning that tournament.”



Dane: “Martyr’s in action next so let’s head to the ring…




So he doesn’t try to kill us.”





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Singles Match

PWC Rules



PWC Extreme Champion







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Match Highlights:



- El Loco immediately grabs a chair and begins smashing Martyr with chair shots

- El Loco attempts an elbow drop with a chair but Martyr rolls out of the way

- Martyr takes out his trusty fork and busts open El Loco

- Martyr slams El Loco on the ring apron and then puts him through a table with a Vengeance Driver




Martyr defeats El Loco via pinfall










Dane: “Well that was what it was. At least the fans got to see some blood.”



Frank: “Nothing but a bunch of barbarians, and don’t get me started on that nut job Martyr…




Wait, he can’t hear us can he. Nevermind, nothing more to say here, let’s go to the ring for some more action.”






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2 VS 2 Tag Team Match




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Match Highlights:



- Total domination by Turner and Jebediah over the two local talents

- After a few short minutes of pummeling their opponents Tuner and Jebediah put their opponents down for good with a Turner Cutter / Sundown Splash combo.





Ricky Tuner and Jebediah defeat Johnny McJobber and Enhancement Talent Jones via pinfall










Frank: “The future is definitely not bright for the team of McJobber and Jones, that is for sure.”



Dane: “For once I agree with you, but Turner and Jebediah pick up the much needed win here. Maybe that will get their momentum moving forward a bit after a rough month.



Now for those of you who have been under a rock for the past two weeks, PWC has joined the C.O.T.T. This Sunday at Hardcore Halftime our very own Logan Wolfsbaine challenges Pablo Rodriguez for the C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship. Let’s hear first from Pablo Rodriguez and then from Wolfsbaine.”





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Pablo Rodriguez stares intently into the camera. A huge CZCW logo takes up the entire background of the shot. He’s got the C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder as he begins to speak…




Pablo: “So the big news is the C.O.T.T. has a new member. Everyone's all excited about PWC joining up and hell, I’ll admit that I’m intrigued about new opponents to face and new places to wrestle…



Then I get the notice that I’m to face Logan Wolfsbaine. Logan Wolfsbaine? I’ve never even heard of you. Of all the opponents to match up with me, I’m facing this no name. Well so be it. Another career ended before it started.



Sunday, well Sunday is the day of worship, Sunday we go to church and The Priest Of Pain has one hell of a sermon ready for you this Sunday Logan Woflsbaine!”









Dane: “Now let’s hear the response from “Glorious” Logan Wolfsbaine.”





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The camera takes us backstage to the parking lot area behind the arena.









Logan Wolfsbaine is accompanied by his muscle, Andrew Harper…




Logan: “First of all I would like to take the time to applaud all the wrestling fans that worship the Glorious One all around the world! I realize I am virtually god-like to you people so let me just say from the bottom of my heart…



You’re welcome!



Now let’s talk about the big news. PWC has joined the C.O.T.T. Hell, I didn’t even realize the C.O.T.T. was still around. I thought they went belly up years ago but hey, you want the Glorious One to represent your little alliance as champion, then so be it. I will do you the honor of being your World Heavyweight Champion come Sunday, just as soon as I put that old fossil, Pablo Rodriguez out to pasture.



You see Pedro, or Pablo or whatever the hell your name is, you say you’ve never heard of me, well you’ve been doing this for decades and no one outside of that sh%t hole you call Mexico know’s who the f$%k you are!



Let me educate you old man, because you’re lookin at the most heralded, most talented and the most charismatic God damn prospect the wrestling business has seen in years! My talent speaks for itself. So come Sunday when I grab hold of you and get ready to hit “Faded Glory”, when I spike your head on the mat you’ll know exactly who I am…



“Glorious” Logan Wolfsbaine!



And you, well you’ll just be faded glory.”








The Game Changers logo appears before the screen slowly fades to black.










Dane: “Well it certainly looks like Logan Wolfsbaine is confident about his match up this Sunday. He better watch out though, Pablo Rodriguez is a crafty veteran who certainly has an edge in experience.”



Frank: “What a bunch of malarkey Dane, Rodriguez is old and washed up. Logan is more powerful and more athletic. He will impose his will on the old fart!”




Dane: “Well I guess we will agree to disagree then. Let’s get back to the ring for some more action. These next two competitors certainly aren’t going to win any awards for mental stability that’s for sure.”





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Singles Match

PWC Rules



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Match Highlights:



- The match turns into a wild brawl from the start with both men fighting all around ringside

- The Gremlin takes a nasty bump as Martin back body drops him on the top of the stairs

- Martin is busted open from multiple chair shots from The Gremlin

- The Gremlin takes a big swing with the chair but Martin rolls out of the way and hits The Gremlin with a Discus Punch while he’s holding the chair. That is enough to put him away for the three count.





Jerry Martin defeats The Gremlin via pinfall









Dane: “Looks like The Gremlin didn’t fare too well in his debut match for PWC. Perhaps he will have better luck next time.”



Frank: “I’m not so sure The Gremlin was brought in to go on some hot win streak Dane. I think he just did exactly what he is supposed to do.”



Dane: “Sponsors, hold onto your seat because Wicked Lester is going to address PWC next. I shudder to think of what we are about to witness.”





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Geysers of flame shoot up from the stage floor as The Ministry Of The Damned graphics and theme music play. Wicked Lester and his brood slowly make their way down to the ring…









The five men enter the ring and Lester grabs a microphone…








Lester: “Where oh where is the Hangman? What happened to your savior? Your reaper of souls? Your archangel? If he is a servant of your God, then why doesn’t he ride down from the heavens in some haze of white light and vanquish us all?



Oh, I know why. Because I sent him to a place far, far away from your God. A place so far below that not even divine light can penetrate. The Hangman is with my master now! Hahahahahahahahahaha, enjoying all the suffering of his dark kingdom.



And unfortunately for you even a being as powerful as The Hangman can’t fight his way out of hell!”




Lester pulls out a ritualistic looking dagger and cuts his hand. Blood drips down his arm and off of his fingers trickling onto the ring.








He wipes the blood with his finger and paints an upside down cross onto the foreheads of his stable mates and then himself when suddenly…









The arena goes dark.




A video of moths flying toward a light begins to play on the big screen.








The images of the moths transforms into static








The faint sound of white noise echoes throughout the arena. A muffled and distorted voice can barely be heard speaking on what appears to be a loop…








The screen goes black and the house lights come back on…








Sitting in the middle of the ring is a hangman’s noose. Lester and company leave the ring with haste, appearing to be terrified of the noose.











Dane: “I guess Lester thought he got rid of The Hangman but it appears that he’ll be back. I’m going to guess sooner rather than later.”



Frank: “Of course he wants to hide in the shadows like a coward. Just come out and fight the whole group you big chicken!”



Dane: “He’s right behind you!”



Frank: “Ahhhhhhhh, I swear I didn’t mean it, wait…



Screw you Dane, that wasn’t funny!”



Dane: “I got a couple laughs out of it! Now it’s time for the main event of the evening. Kurt Laramee is in action and based on what happened to him at From The Ashes by that scumbag Big Smack Scott, you can bet he’s pissed! Let’s get to the ring!”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">




Singles Match

PWC Rules




QB2tlpv.jpgVS v4w0ggP.jpg W/K89p8PB.jpg




Match Highlights:



- Kurt Laramee storms down to the ring with his trusty steel chain, he immediately rushes in and catche Harper off guard, beating him down with elbows and forearms

- With Harper down Laramee proceeds to whip him in the back with the steel chain until his back is bruised and covered in welts

- Laramee grabs a table and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He lifts up Harper and drives him through the table with a Switchblade Powerslam. - - - - That’s enough to finish off Harper for the three count in what ended up as a virtual squash by Laramee.





Kurt Laramee defeats Andrew Harper via pinfall









After the match an enraged Laramee stands tall with Carl Batch in the ring. He motions to one of the attendants outside and yells “Gimme a f$%king mic!”




The attendant tosses a mic to Laramee…





Kurt: “Now where oh where is that little bitch Big Smack Scott? See you want to cheap shot me from behind, bust my head all up and leave me lying in a pool of my own blood. For what? Because you got sh%t canned from your cushy little sports entertainment job. Well boo f$%king hoo!



You were my brother Scott, we were family. We spent years on the road together, hundreds of car rides, splitting hotels. Even made a pretty damn good tag team. Man you and me, we were inseparable. I guess sometimes the person you would take a bullet for is standing behind the trigger.



Maybe one day we’ll be friends again and look back on this and laugh, or maybe we never speak again but keep this thought in the back of your mind forever…



One day in the very near future I am going to f$%k you up beyond recognition. I know you’re not employed here but that don’t mean sh%t to me. If I see you I’m f$%king you up!”











Suddenly Scott hops the guardrail and taunts Kurt Laramee from ringside…









While Laramee is distracted Los Guerrilleros come out from under the ring and attack him and Carl Batch from behind




They beat them both down for a while until…








Dead Men Walking run down to the ring to make the save!




Los Guerrilleros and Big Smack Scott retreat, laughing and talking smack the whole way. Scott hops the barricade and tries to leave the building though the crowd when…








Chris Caulfield runs through the crowd and jumps on Big Smack Scott. The two men scuffle on the floor brawling the whole time until security finally separates them and Scott manages to flee the arena.




The show closes with an irate Chris Caulfield berating his security team for allowing Big Smack Scott to sneak into the building.





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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #1BBDFF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


PWC Presents: Hardcore Halftime</strong></p><p><strong>

The Ministry</strong></p><p><strong>

New York, NY</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Streaming Live On:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="HEozmaa.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/HEozmaa.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Broadcast Team:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="SrMylWo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SrMylWo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="pC1KedP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pC1KedP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

<strong>Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="GTPI59u.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GTPI59u.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/QfEzazCrFM0?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="HELLYEAH - Oh My God (Official Music Video)"></iframe></div></div> <p>

(opening theme)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

As the opening theme blasts over the PA system we are joined ringside as usual by Dane O’Hara and Honest Frank...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="SrMylWo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SrMylWo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="pC1KedP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pC1KedP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="SH9nou4.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SH9nou4.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “Welcome wrestling fans to Hardcore Halftime! I hope you’re enjoying the big game and we are so happy you decided to skip that poppy bore fest of a halftime show to watch some real action! You can see our countdown clock above, that’s so you can make sure you don’t miss any of the second half. We know you love football as much as you love wrestling and we don’t want you to miss a minute of the big game.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frank:</strong> “That’s right Dane, who wants to see some guy lip synch when you can see some real fights!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “Well time is short for this one so let’s get right to the ring for some tag team action.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tag Team Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Traditional Lucha Libre Rules</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="rR4jmpl.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rR4jmpl.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="dXMw30z.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/dXMw30z.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong>VS </strong> <img alt="5dauQrY.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5dauQrY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="nrfSnaf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nrfSnaf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Highlights:</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

- Both teams start out the match fast and furious with several exchanges and some impressive transitions in and out of holds</p><p>

- Moroi and Babau hit Laberinto and Cosmic Rider with stereo outside dives</p><p>

- Rider and Laberinto take control of the match and hit stereo springboard outside dives to one up The Night Terrors.</p><p>

- Lots of false finishes on either side, eventually Laberinto misses a diving leg drop which gives The Night Terrors enough of a window of opportunity to hit their finisher, Sleep Paralysis and for the three count</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Night Terrors defeat Laberinto Jr and Cosmic Rider via pinfall</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="YQryidN.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/YQryidN.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “The Night Terrors pick up a much needed win after being on the losing end of the Tag Team Title match at From The Ashes.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frank:</strong> “And what an exciting match that was. These luchadors and high flyers sure can get the crowd going!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “Well as you know we are on a limited time schedule here so let’s keep this train rolling. Here comes the Sultan Of Suplexes!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Singles Match</strong></p><p><strong>

PWC Rules</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ZxVd1Sj.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ZxVd1Sj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong>W/</strong> <img alt="K4SUexw.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/K4SUexw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="wKGI7Vt.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/wKGI7Vt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong>VS </strong> <img alt="SRD9n9s.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SRD9n9s.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Highlights:</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

- Michaels grabs a chair and immediately smashes Hadley in the head. Several chair shots later and Hadley is down on one knee</p><p>

- Michaels then grabs a kendo stick and beats Hadley over the back with it until it snaps. He picks up another chair and bashed Hadley in the head but this time he no-sells the chair shot, kips up and tosses Michaels over his head with a wicked German suplex</p><p>

- Several suplexes later and a vicious running knee and Michaels was down, Hadley applies the Hammer-Lock. Michaels eventually taps out</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hammer Hadley defeats Mercy Michaels via submission</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="EQpj6lz.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EQpj6lz.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “As you can see the countdown clock keeps running and we keep rolling along. Hammer Hadley picks up the win in what some might call a wrestling match. I’m not sure if Michaels did one actual wrestling move there. He basically just used a bunch of weapons. Regardless though, he had all he could handle with Hammer Hadley.”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frank:</strong> “I don;t think Mercy Michaels wants to actually wrestle Dane. I think he wants to fight and he picked the wrong dude to fight tonight!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dane:</strong> “You’ve got a point there Frank. But now it’s main event time! We’ve got the C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship on the line. 30 Minute time limit, let’s here briefly from Logan Wolfsbaine before the match starts…”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="P90nd6o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/P90nd6o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="QB2tlpv.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QB2tlpv.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Logan Wolfsbaine is backstage in the locker room area getting ready for his match. He is joined as always by Andrew Harper…</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Logan:</strong> “The biggest sporting event of the century and we are live at halftime! The world is indeed watching. You can feel the electricity in the air as the C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight title is on the line. Pablo Rodriguez, you’re right. I’ve never been a world champion, I’ve never been in the spotlight, in those pressure cooker situations like you have. But I’ve also not been wrestling for the past 50 years either. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

So listen up old man river. Tonight I show you what a top notch wrestler really is. Tonight I work circles around you in that ring and tonight I take your goddamn belt!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Logan starts to head out for the match with Andrew Harper following. Logan turns around and tells Harper to stay behind, he’s doing this on his own.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="mkUs9nt.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mkUs9nt.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";"></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Singles Match</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="KodjUdo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KodjUdo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="fcwDKhZ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fcwDKhZ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><strong>VS</strong> <img alt="P90nd6o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/P90nd6o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Match Highlights:</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

- Both men start off sizing each other up with neither getting the upper hand</p><p>

- Rodriguez whips Logan into the ropes and plants him on the mat with a beautiful drop kick</p><p>

- Rodriguez with a springboard moonsault onto Logan on the outside of ring</p><p>

- Rodriguez goes back to the top rope looking for a plancha but Logan catches him and slams him on the mat with a Death Valley Driver</p><p>

- Logan takes control and grounds Rodriguez with some stiff brawling</p><p>

- Logan slams Rodriguez on the steel steps</p><p>

- Rodriguez slithers out of a powerbomb attempt and drops Logan on his head with hurricanrana</p><p>

- Rodriguez starts making a comeback when Logan reverses an Irish whip and almost decapitates him with a clothesline</p><p>

- Logan spikes Rodriguez with Faded Glory but Rodriguez with one last gasp on energy kips up and hits Logan square in the face with a Pele Kick</p><p>

Both men are down as the time limit expires</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Logan Wolfsbaine wrestles Pablo Rodriguez to a time limit draw. Pablo Rodriguez retains the C.O.T.T. World Heavyweight Championship </strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="P90nd6o.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/P90nd6o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="fcwDKhZ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/fcwDKhZ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="KodjUdo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/KodjUdo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Rodriguez grabs his title and heads to the back as Logan Wolfsbaine sits on the mat in the middle of the ring visibly upset that time has expired.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</div></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="lwJjBrn.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lwJjBrn.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frank:</strong> “That’s all the time we have! Goodnight folks, hope you enjoy the second half of the big game!”</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>



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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="tobin834" data-cite="tobin834" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52305" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Content is great, story continues to be interesting to me, and the graphics and promotional work you put into it is excellent. "Lets be honest its good ole fashioned violence or auto tune" popped me. Perfect! haha. Also have been busy with my personal life but just free'd up so I am going to have much more time to be on this board and read great stories like this one. Keep up the great work.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Sorry I missed this. Thank you very much! I am glad you are enjoying the stories and presentation. As I've said many times, your ECW diary is top notch and if I can pull off a presentation that looks half as good as that one then I'm stoked!</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #CBCBCB; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">




Philadelphia, PA


2 hours after From The Ashes goes off the air














Kurt Laramee sits on a training table in the back of the arena waiting to get treated. The crowds long gone, the show all wrapped up, as he sits on the table, holding a wad of bandages to his forehead to curtail the bleeding, a sense of triumph comes over him.








All good thoughts suddenly leave his mind as the medical trainer comes over ready to stitch up the gash on his forehead. “I always hated getting f$%king stitches man!” He thought to himself.








Grimacing at the thought, Laramee catches Big Smack Scott walking in in his peripherals. Scott walks up holding a few beers flashing a big smile.








Scott tosses him a beer and takes a seat beside him.




Scott: “A little something to numb the pain Kurt? You sure as hell earned it.”



Kurt: “Thanks man, so how was it tonight? Being back where it all started I mean?”



Scott: “It was strange at first but I gotta admit, the crowd was so alive I couldn’t help but get a rush. I haven’t heard a crowd that into it since, well hell, since the XFW days. Sure as hell never had crowds like this in New England.”



Kurt: “Yeah man, it’s a rush for sure. Of course they were doing plenty of booing you, and plenty of cheering for me! Hahahaha”



Scott: “Yeah, keep cracking those jokes. I’m not the one gettin stitched up right now!”



Kurt: “Dude, if it keeps the feud hot then I’ll gladly take a few stitches. I’m telling you man, this feud could be huge. If we really sell the hate, really build up that animosity man, could be feud of the year! Plus, everyone in the business already wants to see you get your ass whipped so if we really get you over as some super scumbag, it will be all the worthwhile when I finally beat that ass!”



Scott: “Oh I understand and I’m pumped for this. SWF would never have had the balls to pull something like this off! And trust me, I know I’m a prick, but I’m a prick that knows how to do business and make money so you can rest assured I’ll do my part. Even if it means more stitches for you!”



Kurt: “As sh%t as you are in the ring Scott, I’m sure there will be plenty more visits to the medic! For now just sit back and enjoy the ride. We are building something special here!”



Scott: “Damn right, I’ll drink to that!”





Both men cheers as they sit and talk a little longer, laying out the groundwork for their big feud...






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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="7m6sIyr.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7m6sIyr.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hardcore Rising</strong></p><p><strong>

Episode #6</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Extraordinario Jr vs </p><p>

Bob Casey </p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Cowboys From Hell vs </p><p>

Brown Pride</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Harlem Haynes vs Jerry Martin</p><p>

Comments: </p><p> </p><p>

Austin Smooth & Andrew Harper vs </p><p>

Backwoods Justice</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Plus we catch up on what Texas Hangman has been up to</p><p> </p><p>

and we hear from Animal Harker...</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

and coming up later in the week:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="roH4fOQ.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/roH4fOQ.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

What a disaster that will be!!!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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<p>Extraordinario Jr vs</p><p>

<strong>Bob Casey</strong></p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cowboys From Hell</strong> vs</p><p>

Brown Pride</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Harlem Haynes</strong> vs Jerry Martin</p><p>

Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

Austin Smooth & Andrew Harper vs</p><p>

<strong>Backwoods Justice</strong></p>

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