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January, 2020

Phoenix Wrestling Company

An entity of 2 Grizzled Vets LLC






Press Release



From the desk of

Ricky Dale Johnson

PWC Commissioner Of Violence,




Management here at PWC realize that a company without champions is less than ideal. Competition without a prize to compete for is meaningless. That’s why I am proud to announce that PWC will crown it’s inaugural champions at our first ever PPV at the end of January - PWC: From The Ashes, streaming live on Wrestleworld.



This week on Hardcore Rising we will kick off the first round of an 8 man tournament to crown the first ever PWC Champion. All matches will be held under PWC Rules. The tournament finals will take place at the From The Ashes PPV.










Along with the top championship, PWC will also feature a secondary championship as well. The very first PWC Internet champion will also be crowned at From The Ashes. The two finalists will be decided by the winners of two Three Way Dance matches held over the next two weeks on Hardcore Rising.







The Participants for each Three Way Dance are:



fu9y7h4.jpg VS pyJ8xTk.jpg VS nrfSnaf.jpg






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PWC will also feature tag team titles and the PWC Extreme Championship for those of you who love your carnage. Stay tuned to Hardcore Rising for more information on how those championships will be decided.








Be sure to tune in this week to Hardcore Rising! The card is stacked as the mayhem movement continues...



PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1

3 Way Dance

Jebediah VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth


2 VS 2

PWC Rules

The Cowboys From Hell VS Local Talent


Singles Match

Bob Casey VS Nate DeMarcus


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

Animal Harker VS Mexico's Finest


PWC Championship 1st Round

The Behemoth VS Texas Hangman


Plus Chris Caulfield has given Kurt Laramee a live mic and an open floor to speak about whatever and whoever he wants!



And Wicked Lester promises to perform a Satanic Ritual live in the ring...


Will the network take us off the air!?! Tune in to find out!!!!





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PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1

3 Way Dance

Jebediah VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth


2 VS 2

PWC Rules

The Cowboys From Hell VS Local Talent


Singles Match

Bob Casey VS Nate DeMarcus


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

Animal Harker VS Mexico's Finest


PWC Championship 1st Round

The Behemoth VS Texas Hangman

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<p>PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1</p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p>

Jebediah VS <strong>Moroi</strong> VS Austin Smooth</p><p> </p><p>

2 VS 2</p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

<strong>The Cowboys From Hell</strong> VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Bob Casey VS <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round</p><p>

<strong>Animal Harker</strong> VS Mexico's Finest</p><p> </p><p>

PWC Championship 1st Round</p><p>

The Behemoth VS <strong>Texas Hangman</strong></p>

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<p>PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1</p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p>

<strong>Jebediah</strong> VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth</p><p> </p><p>

2 VS 2</p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

<strong>The Cowboys From Hell</strong> VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Bob Casey VS <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round</p><p>

Animal Harker VS <strong>Mexico's Finest</strong></p><p> </p><p>

PWC Championship 1st Round</p><p>

The Behemoth VS <strong>Texas Hangman</strong></p>

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PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1

3 Way Dance

Jebediah VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth


He has spent all of his life living in an Amish paradise.


2 VS 2

PWC Rules

The Cowboys From Hell VS Local Talent


Singles Match

Bob Casey VS Nate DeMarcus


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

Animal Harker VS Mexico's Finest


PWC Championship 1st Round

The Behemoth VS Texas Hangman

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<p>PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1</p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p>

<strong>Jebediah</strong> VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth</p><p> </p><p>

2 VS 2</p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p>

<strong>The Cowboys From Hell</strong> VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Singles Match</p><p>

Bob Casey VS <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round</p><p>

<strong>Animal Harker</strong> VS Mexico's Finest</p><p> </p><p>

PWC Championship 1st Round</p><p>

The Behemoth VS <strong>Texas Hangman</strong></p>

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<p><p>PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1</p><p></p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Jebediah</strong> VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

2 VS 2</p><p></p><p>

PWC Rules</p><p></p><p>

<strong>The Cowboys From Hell</strong> VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

Singles Match</p><p></p><p>

Bob Casey VS <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p>

PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round</p><p></p><p>

<strong>Animal Harker</strong> VS Mexico's Finest</p><p> </p><p></p><p>

PWC Championship 1st Round</p><p></p><p>

The Behemoth VS <strong>Texas Hangman</strong></p></p>

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<p>Thank you everyone for making pics! I'm used to one, maybe two people tops usually making pics so this is awesome. Show will be up tonight hopefully, tomorrow at the latest.</p><p> </p><p>

I'll post the contest standings as well when I get a moment. In case you missed it, whoever gets the most pics right gets to pick the winner of the World Title tourney finals. I'll think I'll let the runner up pick any worker for me to do a write up on as well.</p>

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PWC Hardcore Rising Episode #2

The Ministry, Queens NY



Streaming Live On:





Broadcast Team:



Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank





(opening theme)



Hardcore Rising opens once again with a video package and pyro as the theme song plays over the PA system. We are then greeted ringside by the broadcast team, Dane O’Hara and Honest Frank…




Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank



Dane: “Welcome back to Hardcore Rising, we are streaming live again on Wrestleworld! Episode two is on deck and if it’s anywhere near as wild as episode one then we are in for quite a night.”



Frank: “That’s right Dane, last week PWC unleashed hell on the wrestling world and I can’t wait to see what we have in store this week!”



Dane: “The big surprise last week was Kurt Laramee debuting. Recently fired by SWF and now Chris Caulfield has given him carte blanche to say whatever it is he has to say and you best believe no one is safe!”



Frank: “I for one can’t wait to hear what he has to say! But first let’s go to the ring for some action.”




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PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #1

3 Way Dance



pyJ8xTk.jpg w/ B9cVBLv.jpg VS nrfSnaf.jpg VS fu9y7h4.jpg w/ MIdsp7q.jpg



Match Highlights:



- The action starts immediately with neither of the three men wasting time feeling each other out. Moroi bails to the outside and grabs a ladder while Smooth and Jebediah duke it out in the ring


- Moroi attempts a high risk move off the ladder but Jebediah cuts him off and delivers vicious powerbomb off the ladder


- Smooth works Jebediah’s neck, softening him up for the cutter or Smooth Hold finisher. This allows Moroi to eventually climb the ladder and hit a diving senton on Jebediah


- Moroi attempts a big piledriver on Jebediah but he reverses it into a big side slam and gets the pin on Moroi. Moroi is the first eliminated


- Gianna DeMarco distracts Jebediah but February Malaise runs over and grabs DeMarco, bends her over her knee and spanks her. While this is happening the distraction gives Smooth enough time to smack Jebediah with a chair and force him to tap out to the Smooth Hold (Dragon Sleeper)



Austin Smooth defeats Jebediah and Moroi






Dane: “Damnit, that evil harlot Gianna DeMarco strikes again! Austin Smooth is too good of a wrestler to need her assistance every week. Just go out there and win fair and square!”



Frank: “It ain't a crime if you don’t get caught Dane! The only thing that’s important is that Austin Smooth is going to the pay window this week and the other two aren’t!”




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Backstage Logan Wolfsbaine and Andrew Harper are waiting for Austin Smooth. He enters into the frame with Gianna DeMarco in tow and they all high five each other…



Logan: “Of all the sh%tholes places to hold a show, especially after having to spend the night in that cesspool you call Philly last week we come to f$%king Queens! Caulfield and RDJ wpuldn't think of booking a venue in a reputable place like Manhattan, f%$k no. We have to come to Queens and interact with all these wannabe hipster losers and blue collar bums. Luckily I skipped lunch today because if I could throw up right now, believe me I would!



Now onto the matter at hand, the PWC Championship Tournament. See the tournament kicks off tonight and you best believe that the true #1 seed is right here and at From The Ashes you’ll not only be looking at your first champion but also your greatest champion of all time! I’m “Glorious” Logan Wolfsbaine and I'm three wins away from taking home the prize. And there isn’t a goddamn thing anybody can do about it!”







Dane: “What an arrogant, smug son of a bitch that Wolsbaine is! And what’s his problem with Queens anyway?”



Frank: “He's not arrogant Dane, he's confident. You've never been in the ring, you wouldn’t know anything about that! ”




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2 VS 2 Tag Match

PWC Rules






Wes Revell & Buck Winchester make their way to the ring, bull ropes and branding irons in hand, ready for a fight…



IuENMBv.jpgGb0I4bu.jpg VS YWqismJ.jpgYWqismJ.jpg



Match Highlights:


- Winchester and Revell dominante the two local talents from the start


- After a few minutes of offense The Cowboys set one of the poor souls up for “Last Stand In Ol’ San Anton” (Doomsday Device)



The Cowboys From Hell defeat local talent via pinfall






Dane: “Man I hope Caulfield set those local talent guys up with insurance. I’m not sure if that guy's spine will ever be the same again!”



Frank: “More meat for the grinder Dane, more meat for the grinder! And now onto something a little more interesting…”



<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">










Wicked Lester and his brood make their way to the ring, ominous red lighting fills the arena as fog rises from the arena floor…






Candles are scattered around the ring and a satanic statue and altar are mounted in right in the center of the ring…













Lester kneels before the altar as his cohorts chant something strange in Latin. He raises his head and stretches his arms out to either side of him…



Lester: “Lord of Darkness give me your strength to defeat the angel of death! Accept this sacrifice as a show of my devotion!!!”



There is a brown felt bag on the altar. Lester picks up the bag and pulls out a live bat. He smiles and bites the head off of the bat. Filling a large chalice with its blood. He drinks from the chalice and places it back on the altar.



Suddenly the lights go out…







Lightning bolts shoot out of the ceiling of the arena striking the ring posts. The Texas Hangman and Travis Century appear on the big screen…








Century: “Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years...



Wicked Lester, you claim you serve a higher power, a master of the dark arts if you will. Well we also serve a higher power, one that can vanquish your master, suffocate him with light and throw him into the fiery pits of hell once more. You see, this is simply a fight you cannot win, if a fight is indeed what you are after. The Hangman has souls to collect, he doesn't have time for your childish games. So what exactly are you after Lester? Is it a fight you want? Before you answer I’ll give you some sound advice, steer clear of the reaper. This is not a fight you want to pick.”




Wicked Lester smiles and lets out another maniacal laugh…




Lester: “Hehehehehehehehehehehe, ohhhhhhhhhhh preacherman, you hide behind that book that gives you so much confidence. You hide behind that giant being that walks with you, but you see preacherman, I fear nothing because I am the embodiment of fear! My master is the Crown Prince of Fear! So when you make threats, you see, well they just don’t have much effect on me.”



Hangman: ”Then speak clearly Demon, what it is that you want!”



Lester: “I want your souls!!!!!!!!!...



I need your souls!!!!!!!!!!!!...



I will take your souls and I will be indestructible!!!!!!!!”



Century: “Hahahahaha, you damn fool, No one picks a fight with Death.”



Hangman: “Be careful what you wish for Demon. It’s souls you seek but you just might end up becoming one yourself…



For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed; And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and forever grew still!”







The lightning shoots from the ceiling again and just like that the Hangman is gone…







Dane: “What in the blue hell was that?”



Frank: “I think we all just made some pact with the dark lord of whatever, I guess we should go home and listen to heavy metal backwards.”



Dane: “No way that was a real bat right, no freaking way?’



Frank: “If so I hope that Wicked Lester guy has his shots up to date. Now it’s time to pay some bills, we’ll see you back in here in a few minutes.”






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It’s Wholesale Halloween Costumes Dot Com, the place for all your Halloween Costume needs!



Check us out now, we have thousands of old Halloween costumes on clearance.



It’s never too early to start getting prepared for Halloween!












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Singles Match

PWC Rules



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Match Highlights:



- Casey laid in a couple of good shots in the beginning but DeMarcus eventually overpowered him


- DeMarcus with an impressive delayed release Gorilla Press Slam on Casey


- DeMarcus puts Casey down for good with the Snap Tackle (Gore)



DeMarcus defeats Casey by pinfall






Dane: “Not much offense for old Bullet Bob there but DeMarcus looked like an absolute superstar!”



Frank: “DeMarcus is clearly the best athlete in PWC. I just wish the guy had a legit mean streak Dane, he's a little too soft for my liking.”



Dane: “Be careful what you wish for Frank, be careful what you wish for.”



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Shane Sneer is backstage with his clients, The Brothers In Vengeance. He cuts a promo about how they are the most hardcore tag team in the history of wrestling and that they will be carving a path of destruction through the PWC roster






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Ricky Dale Johnson comes down to the ring and tells everyone he has two special announcements…



RDJ: “First let me say that it’s been a pleasure being back here in New York! I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves tonight. Now, with that being said, it looks like we have two titles that need to be decided at our very first PPV in two weeks, From The Ashes!







First off we have the Extreme Championship, now being that this title is for wrestlers that are truly hardcore, we are gonna have ourselves a hardcore battle royal and the winner of that will be the first ever PWC Extreme Champion!





Now that brings us to the Tag Team Championship. We have a hell of a lot of great teams here in PWC so we are gonna take the top four teams and put them in a fatal four way elimination match at From The Ashes. Whichever team walks out the winner will become the inaugural PWC Tag Team Champions!”




The crowd cheers as RDJ makes his way to the back






Dane: “Well Frank, looks like all the championships will be decided in just two short weeks from now at From The Ashes!”



Frank: “I’m calling it Dane, that fatal four way is going to be the match of the night! No telling how much crazy sh%t we are gonna see in that match.”




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PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules



3AxW7RX.jpg w/xRok4cW.jpg VS vLHOn26.jpg



Match Highlights:



- This match started out as a wild brawl right from the start with both men fighting outside the ring, using anything they could get their hands on as a weapon


- Mexico’s Finest hit Animal Harker with a vicious spear onto the barricade

Animal Harker pummels Mexico’s Finest with the hammer for the ring bell, busting him open badly


- Mexico’s Finest went to hit Harker with brass knuckles but Clare South grabbed his arm, giving Harker enough time to hit him with a low blow and finish him off with the Stump Puller Piledriver



Harker defeats Mexico’s Finest by pinfall







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Immediately after the match Harlem Haynes runs into the ring and begins assaulting Animal Harker. Haynes tosses him outside and wraps his arm around the ring post and WHAM!!!! Crushes his arm with the chair shot.



Haynes lays in several more chair shots to Harkers arm…






Clare South tries to intervene but Haynes just tosses her aside and continues his assault until…












Mercy Michaels and Cockroach Carter run down to make the save as Haynes retreats through the crowd.




Michaels and Carter help Harker to the back as he clutches his arm in pain.






Dane: “What a despicable attack by Harlem Haynes. It will be a miracle if Harker can continue in this tournament!”



Frank: “He should have been watching his back Dane! He got what’s coming to him and if he was smart he would have had his stable mates at ringside from the get go!”




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PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules




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Match Highlights:



- The Behemoth immediately goes on the offensive, trying to overpower Texas Hangman with his arsenal of impact moves


- The Behemoth takes down Hangman with a nasty powerbomb on the apron


- After several minutes of being beaten down The Hangman sets up and no sells everything The Behemoth can throw at him


- Hangman drops The Behemoth with a Last Ride Powerbomb and incapacitates him with his SoulTaker Claw hold



Texas Hangman defeats The Behemoth by submission






Dane: “Looks like The Behemoth threw everything he could at the Hangman but to no avail.”



Frank: “This Texas Hangman character looks mighty unstoppable. This might be the wrong guy for Wicked LEster to be picking a fight with.”





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Kurt Laramee comes to the ring as the crowd cheers wildly.




He slides into the ring, poses on each ring post and grabs a microphone…




Kurt: “I know it's been said before but I’ll say it again, man is it good to be back in a real wrestling company in front of real wrestling fans!



Second off, Jerry Eisen, you bitch ass mark! You can f$%king suck my f$%king d%$k! Tweeting about how you just wanted me to apologize and I wouldn't have been fired? Like nothing happened? Like you didn’t make me an example in front of the whole world. You wanted me gone long before this sh%t went down! And you think I’m gonna come up to New England and grovel to you. I will never apologize, and I will never work for your sorry ass wrestling company again. Don’t think I’m not aware that the minute I start putting more asses in seats you wouldn’t come down here and try to stroke me a fat check!



And now thanks to the magic of live television I’m gonna show the whole f$%king world, why for over a decade I was the unscripted, uncensored, loose cannon that kept the internet a buzzing and kept the people tuned in. F$%k your weak ass sports entertainment. I was the only thing not watered down about that sh%tty show!



14 goddamn years ago SWF called me, I didn’t call these assholes because I was looking for a job. I didn’t need a job. SWF called me because they needed some edge, they needed someone different. So I get my spot, and week after week I’ve got an ongoing lecture about the differences in hardcore wrestling and sports entertainment. I’m not allowed to say ‘pro wrestling’, I’m not allowed to say ‘wrestler’. I have to say ‘sports entertainment’ and refer to my fellow wrestlers as ‘superstars’. Well let me tell you pieces of sh%t something, I’m not a sports entertainer, I’m a goddamn professional wrestler!!!!!



Here’s the best part, because I’m not a sports entertainer I get pulled from Supreme Challenges, stop getting as many TV Spots, and the reason I’m given is, is because I wasn’t embracing the ‘SWF’ style. What the f$% kind of bull sh$t is that!



Well you know what? I am sick to my goddamn stomach of sports entertainment, I am sick of lazy creative, I am sick of Hollywood writing teams that don’t know sh%t about pro wrestling. I am sick of boogers and bathroom humor and I am sick of our chairman. That’s you Jerry Eisen and all the piece of sh%t marks that he surrounds himself with. I will never sports entertain again, as long as I live!”




The crowd chants P-W-C loudly as Kurt Laramee drops the mic and exits the ring







Dane: “Hell yes Kurt, tell us how you really feel! Sports entertainment is a disease that needs eradicating!”



Frank: “Laramee’s always been a guy who never holds back and tonight, he sure as hell didn’t hold anything back!”



Dane: “That’s all the time we have today, we’ll see you next week!”





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Pick'em Results through week 2:



(whoever has the most correct picks after the week 4 TV episode gets to pick who goes over in the finals of the World Title tourney)






hailthebulldog: 4


Sco_xY2Jx: 4


smw88: 6


Historian: 7


Kyterran: 7


scmurph01: 8


BHK1978: 9

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Thursday, January Week 2

Fort Worth, TX









Ricky Dale Johnson speeds down the dirt road leading to his ranch in his Ford F-250 Super Duty. The truck was his retirement present from the wife and he absolutely loved it. He wouldn’t trade it for five BMW’s he always said. What the hell is a cowboy gonna do with a BMW anyway.



Fresh off a red eye flight from Philadelphia, he was energetic and full of vigor earlier in the night, definitely an adrenaline rush from how well the show went, but now he was feeling the effects. “The drive home from the airport gets awfully long when you're dead tired” he thought to himself. Finally he pulls up to the main house, grabs his suitcase and something wrapped in a brown paper bag and walks inside. He checks on the Misses, “dead asleep, man I wish I could sleep like that girl.”






RDJ grabs his laptop and walks outside to his outdoor patio/kitchen area. He turns the TV on sports highlights. “Something I can easily ignore” he thought and takes his trademark Stetson Hat off and gently sets it on the counter. “Only time anyone sees me without that hat is when I’m wrestling and when I’m lounging at home, still livin' the gimmick I guess.”






RDJ grabs a glass from the bar area, kicks back on the couch and makes himself comfortable. He unwraps a small pine box from the paperbag he was carrying around, pops the gold latch and pulls out a bottle of McCallan 25. “Havin’ a good show means celebratin’ with the good stuff, ha!” He pours himself 3 fingers of scotch and takes a big gulp from his glass. “Always goes down smooth.”






RDJ boots up his laptop and checks various social media sources, seeing what the fans are saying about the show. “Mostly positive reviews, a couple people were turned off by the Satanic stuff. Meh, whatever, we are tryin’ to push the envelope here.” He starts thinking about future storylines in his head. Who or whom would make a good blood feud. Feuds are what make wrestling interesting, not straight up matches and the hotter the rivalry, the more hatred involved the better. RDJ had scars that could tell you that much. He starts scanning the wrestling websites for any news updates, “Looks like SWF let some more people go, those f$%kers are always cutting down that roster, stop hiring every worker in the business with a f$%king pulse!”.



As RDJ goes through the list of people “let go” he fixates on one name in particular. In one of those rare genius moments that are virtually inexplicable, RDJ finds his answer. That was it, that was his next big feud. His next blood feud. His jaw almost hits the floor as he grabs his cell phone. “Holy sh%t, I gotta call Chris right f$%king now!”






Chris: “Sh%t, it’s late RDJ. I didn’t figure you would be up still. What’s up?”



RDJ: “I just got in not too long ago. Have you seen the latest list of SWF releases?”



Chris: “Can’t say that I have, I was passed out on the couch honestly.”



RDJ: “Well take a f$%kin look. There’s one guy that could make one of our top storylines the feud of the f$%king year! I mean we could print money with these two. Can you believe they would release…”





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Did RDJ just put his cowboy hat brim down on the table!?!?! He should know better! It goes CROWN DOWN RDJ! YOU SON OF A ****!


On a serious note, I'm really enjoying all of these narratives.



Nice catch, didn't even think about that. I should have found a picture of one of those cowboy hat stands. Despite RDJ's egregious mistake I'm glad you are enjoying the narratives though so far.

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Nice catch, didn't even think about that. I should have found a picture of one of those cowboy hat stands. Despite RDJ's egregious mistake I'm glad you are enjoying the narratives though so far.


I am! You're pumping out good stuff. I'm really enjoying the world you're building and am excited to see where you take American Hardcore.

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Kissimmee, FL












A hulking muscular man sits on a bench in the locker room of the American Top Team Gym in Kissimmee, Florida. As he meticulously tapes up his hands he looks to be deep in thought. Perhaps mentally preparing himself for an upcoming fight or even briefly meditating before unleashing hell on some poor bastard, the calm before the storm if you will. That man is professional wrestler and MMA fighter Scott “Hammer” Hadley. Despite looking like your typical meathead The self proclaimed “Sultan Of Suplexes” is not only a very skilled wrestler but also adept in MMA offense including hard strikes and submissions.






Hadley looks up just in time to see his coach and mentor, Buddy Garner and his girlfriend/valet, Marina Del Rey enter the locker room area.



Garner: “You look focused, that’s good. Focus wins fights. You remember the game plan?”



Hadley: “Yeah, I got it. Take him down and put him away with ground and pound. Take the submission if I see an opening.”



Garner: “Good, now I know this is just an exhibition match but I want you to unleash hell on this kid, understood?”


Hadley: “Understood coach, I’ll make sure he feels it for a long while.”



Hadley and crew exit the locker room and walk across the large open area of the main gym heading to the octagon set up in the back.






He passes a group lifting weights. Hadley always found solace in the gym. That was where he released all his stress and one of the few places he truly felt comfortable. Lifting was therapeutic for him.






Just pass the free weight area there is a boxing class in session. The reverberating sound of several men hitting the speed bags in unison echoes throughout the area. “Boxing, huh, man that just reminds me of how much I need to work on my stand up game. Can’t just get by being a wrestler these days” Hadley thought to himself.






Toward the back of the gym in a large area by itself sits an octagon. On the other side are mats for grappling and jiu-jitsu practice. Mostly used for training and sparring, but sometimes used to teach wanna be tough guys a lesson, the octagon was where fighters could get the most realistic experience next to being in an actual fight.



Garner checks on Hadley one last time and reminds him of the game plan as Marina Del Ray washes off his mouthpiece with a water bottle and sticks it in his mouth. Hadley steps in the octagon, pounds his chest and lets out a big roar.






A large muscular fighter stands across him in the octagon. Hadley stares him right in the eyes, not blinking, not looking away even for a split second. The referee motions them to the center of the ring and goes over the rules. The two men touch gloves and the ref starts the fight.



Hadley checks a couple of leg kicks, eats a few jabs and shoots for a take down. His opponent sprawls and stops the take down but Hadley drives his legs and shoves him up against the cage. Hadley lifts him up high in the air and slams him down to the mat. He postures up and rains down elbows until the referee intervenes and stops the fight.



Cage-side, Buddy Garner takes a look at Marina Del Ray and smiles…



Garner: “He’s ready, damn is he ready. It’s time to unleash the beast on the tri-state!”






Hammer Hadley is coming to PWC...



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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FF0404; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">



Camp Jewell River

Jewel River, NJ







John Johnson, a reporter for Wrestling News World sits in a small wooden cabin with tape recorder and notepad in hand, awaiting his interview subject…






As he waits, anxiously fidgeting, trying to fool his body into thinking he’s comfortable at this moment PWC Wrestler, Martyr walks through the door…






Johnson: “Oh, perfect timing. How are you doing today Mr Martyr? I mean I guess you prefer that I call you Martyr right? Is it cool if I record this?”



Johnson takes out a digital recorder and begins taping…






Martyr: “---------------------------------------------------”



Johnson: “Ummmm, okay. A man of few words I see. While we are making introductions do you mind if I ask you why you live in an old shut down summer camp? Just an outdoorsman at heart, or maybe the rent is super cheap? It just seems strange to me.”



Martyr: “---------------------------------------------------”



Johnson: “Sooooo, I guess no more personal questions then. I get it man, living the gimmick 24/7! Respect man, respect!”


Martyr: “---------------------------------------------------”



Johnson: “Jeez man, look, you don’t have to be some awesome wordsmith or anything like that but you gotta give me something here. Let’s talk about why you wanted to be a pro wrestler? Was it a childhood dream of yours? Who trained you?”



Martyr: “---------------------------------------------------”



Johnson: “Goddamnit man! I can’t write anything if you don’t answer any of my questions. This is ridiculous!




Wait, what the hell are you doing with that machete?!?!?!?!



Oaky, your freaking me out man! Seriously, just get the hell away from me…”






Johnson: “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!…”











Martyr: “---------------------------------------------------”









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Hardcore Rising Episode #3



PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell



2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

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Hardcore Rising Episode #3




PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell



2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

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That Martyr segment was excellent. I used to bring him into any small promotion I had when I would play TEW 16. Such a great character to have.


PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell



2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray


I am a Jerry Martin mark, but you just did a huge segment building up Hammer so I highly doubt he will lose here.


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

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Hardcore Rising Episode #3




PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell


I love Wes Revell so hopefully the Outlaw gets a big push here.


2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

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PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell



2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent



Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus

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PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance


MexiCain vs Babau vs Wes Revell


Wes Revell


2 vs 2

PWC Rules


Brothers In Vengeance w/Shane Sneer vs Local Talent




Singles Match

PWC Rules


"Blonde Bomber" Jerry Martin vs "Sultan Of The Suplex" Hammer Hadley w/Marina Del Ray


You just did a vignette on the guy. Even if this is the son of Jonny Martin he is taking on. MMA gimmick works if you win.



PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


"Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine vs Ricky Turner


Logan! All the way to the title


PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules


Harlem Haynes vs Nate DeMarcus


Tough one, but Haynes has a program with Harker , so match on PPV, DeMarcus could be your lead babyface against Logan

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #1BBDFF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">




PWC Hardcore Rising Episode #3

The Weston Gymnasium, New Jersey



Streaming Live On:





Broadcast Team:




Dane O’Hara & Honest Frank






(opening theme)





Hardcore Rising opens once again with a video package and pyro as the theme song plays over the PA system.



Dane O’Hara and Honest Frank greet us at ringside…








Dane: “Welcome once again to Hardcore Rising, streaming live on the Wrestleworld Network. We are coming at you from The Weston Gymnasium in New Jersey and we have a great show in store for you tonight!”



Frank: “Once again Dane you surprise me by accidentally saying something intelligent. We definitely have a hell of a card tonight, the only thing that would make it better is if I could get myself a new broadcast partner.”



Dane: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Let’s get the action started. We have a 3 Way Dance to determine who will be facing Austin Smooth for the Internet Championship up next! ”





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PWC Internet Championship Qualifier #2

3 Way Dance




enSAgJd.jpgVS 5dauQrY.jpgVS IuENMBv.jpg





Match Highlights:



- MexiCain clears the ring with some vicious strikes including setting a chair in front of Wes Revell as he is down in the corner and planting him with a running knee strike


- Babau sticks to his high flying offense, using fast paced, high risk moves to ground the his two larger opponents


- Wes Revell grabs a chair and takes both men down with repeated chair shots


- Babau goes for a 450 Splash onto MexiCain who is on a table on the outside of the ring but MexiCain rolls out of the way at the last minute, causing Babau to crash through the table. MexiCain rolls Babau in the ring and hits him with his diving headbutt finisher for the pin to eliminate Babau.


- MexiCain drops Revell with some brutal forearms and grabs a sack of thumbtacks and pours them all over the ring mat


- MexiCain attempts to powerbomb Revell onto the thumbtacks but Revell reverses it and backdrops MexiCian into the thumbtacks. This allows Revell to hit him with The Stick Up (Pop-up Bull Hammer Elbow)




Wes Revell defeats MexiCain and Babau by pinfall










Dane: “Looks like it’s Wes Revell taking on Austin Smooth at From The Ashes, man that will be a barn burner!”



Frank: “My moneys on smooth, Revell doesn’t have the technical chops to keep up with ‘em!”



Dane: “I just knew you would say something like that, I don’t even know why I ask. Now on a more serious note ladies and gentlemen, we are about to show you CCTV footage from earlier in the day when Kurt Laramee was brutally assaulted before the show by Los Guerilleros. Have Los Guerrilleros gone too far, we will let you be the judge.”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">













The CCTV footage shows Kurt Laramee getting out of his rental car in the Weston Gymnasium parking lot with his bags in tow. As he begins walking to the venue entrance suddenly....

















Los Guerrilleros jump him from behind armed with baseball bats. Laramee fights them off for a brief moment but they soon overwhelm him and proceed to pummel him with the bats.



Laramee is quickly busted open and visibly bruised from the shots from the baseball bat when…













Carl Batch and Dead Men Walking make the save, chasing off Los Guerrilleros!!!



They help Laramee up and carry him into the venue, the only remnants of the melee that just occurred is a bloody bat laying in the parking lot.















Dane: “This beef between Los Guerrilleros and Kurt Laramee is getting out of hand! If it wasn’t for Dead Men Walking coming to his aid there is no telling how bad he would be hurt right now!”



Frank: “You mess with the wrong people Dane and you suffer the consequences. Laramee messed with three legit tough guys from the streets. This is bigger than wrestling for them!”



Dane: “Just cause you lose a couple matches doesn’t give you the right to damn near commit murder! You are insufferable! I’m done talking to you about this, let’s go to the ring.”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">





2 VS 2 Tag Match

PWC Rules










zeSUM6X.jpgUnTfFMR.jpg w/wrevUk9.jpgVS ZuxNA5r.jpgZuxNA5r.jpg




Match Highlights:




- Total domination by the Brothers In Vengeance from the start. Sakata introduces a steel chair early and both local competitors take several shots to the head


- Morisue hits a running power slam through a table in the corner on one opponent


- Sakate with a Sakata Twist to put the other one down for good





Brothers In Vengeance defeat local talent by pinfall










Frank: “So far these so-called local talents haven’t fared too well here.”



Dane: “I think that’s the point Frank.”





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Harlem Haynes makes his way down the aisle to the ring and grabs a microphone.



The crowd boos loudly as he makes several attempts to speak...



Haynes: “Looks like all you little…



Shut the hell up when I’m trying to speak!!!!



Looks like all you little bitch ass marks are so sad that I took out your boy Animal Harker.



Well boo-f$%king-hoo, this is wrestling, this ain’t some soft ass office job. It’s kill or be killed. Either you're the hunter or the hunted and last week I was the hunter and that little bitch Animal Harker was my prey!



Now he will be lucky if he can ever use that arm of his again after I tore that thing to pieces last week!”



The chorus of boos from the fans gets louder…



“Again, keep booing me, you can hate me all you want but you damn sure better respect me. When RDJ and CC started PWC I was number one on their list for a reason and you better believe I’ll be the first one to win that championship in two weeks after I take care of Nate DeMarcus tonight.



And Harker, if you think you're gonna send your boys down tonight to try and screw me out of my title shot, think again. Because I’m gonna have two big insurance policies with me. And they love to beat people up just as much as I do! It’s amazing what kind of loyalty money can buy when you're the top guy around here.”



Harlem Haynes tosses the mic and rolls out of the ring, giving the double bird to the crowd as he makes his way to the back










Dane: “Well there you have it, looks like Harlem Haynes has some kind of insurance policy. Let’s get back to the ring for more action.”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">










ZxVd1Sj.jpg w/ K4SUexw.jpgwKGI7Vt.jpg





Team Hammer makes their way to the ring…





Singles Match

PWC Rules





YOUHMol.jpg VS ZxVd1Sj.jpg





Match Highlights:



- Martin immediately retreats to the outside to find weapons. He smashes Hadley w/a garbage can lid and then a few shots from a kendo stick


- Martin whips Hadley hard into the ring post, and charges at him but Hadley cuts him off with a vicious spear


- Hadley with a T-Bone suplex to Martin, then back to back to back German suplexes


- One more suplex for good measure and Hadley locks in the Hammer Lock (Dragon Sleeper)





Hammer Hadley defeats Jerry Martin via submission










Dane: “What a debut by Hammer Hadley!”



Frank: “That kid is a monster Dane.”



Dane: “And now time for a word from our sponsors…”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background:#F3F3F3; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">













A brain surgeon is operating on a patient surrounded by his surgical team…





Surgeon: “Oh man, my 8th straight surgery in the last 48 hours, boy am I tired. Nurse, hand me the thing-a-ma-jig.”



Nurse: “Here you go Doctor.”










Surgeon: “Damnit Nurse, that’s not it. I need the doo-hickey!”



Nurse: “Here you are sir.”










Surgeon: “Yes, this is definitely what I need!”





The surgeon grabs the lightsaber and uses it on the patient's brain…










Enter Honest Frank...









Frank: “Lack of sleep got you down? Are you losing focus at work? Is your brain not working like it should? Having trouble making it through your shift? Well I’m Honest Frank and I’ve got a solution for you…



Breaking Bad: The Gum!




That’s right, everyone’s favorite lovable meth makers now make long lasting, energy boosting chewing gum!



Topped with Heisenberg’s secret ingredient, BB Gum tastes delicious while giving you that pick me up you need. Trust me, you won’t sleep for days!”










Surgeon: “WOW! Thanks to Breaking Bad: The Gum, I feel as alert as ever! You can get so much done when you never have to sleep again!”



Frank: “Hahahaha, that’s right Doc! Breaking Bad: The Gum, pick some up at your local convenience store today.”










Dane: “Well Frank, aren’t you quite the celebrity.”



Frank: “I’m kind of a big deal Dane, kind of a big deal.”



Dane: “Let’s take a look at the updated bracket for the PWC Championship Tournament.”










Dane: “With the last two frist round matchups still to come, the semi’s will be set for next week. Of course the big question is what kind of shape is Animal Harker in after that vicious assault last week?”



Frank: “His arm looked to be in bad shape, Dane. It wouldn’t surprise me if he can’t compete.”



Dane: “Hold on one sec Frank, I hate to cut you off but it looks like we have a response from Kurt Laramee and Dead Men Walking after that brutal assault from Los Guerrilleros earlier today.”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">











Kurt Laramee is sitting on a bench in the locker room with several ice packs taped around his ribs, shoulders and arms. His chest and back are covered with red welts and his head is heavily bandaged up. Carl Batch, Gravedigga and Mobstar are gathered around him talking…





Batch: “See Kurt, that’s why numbers are so important. You watch our backs and we watch yours. We are the real kings of the streets and you know that! Together we can send those punk bitches back to the barrio!”



Mobstar: “Yo Kurt dawg, we got you son. These fools can’t f$%k with us!”



Kurt: “I get what your sayin’ and I damn sure need someone to watch my back, I always had Scott to do that at that clown circus I used to work at. We are the hardest motherf$%kers in PWC, We are the Street Kingz…”





Kurt looks up and stares at the camera…





Kurt: “Look out you Los Guerrelleros motherf$%kers! At From The Ashes The Street Kingz are challenging you to a Six Man Philadelphia Street Fight. Do you vatos have the cojones to accept?”










Dane: “There you have it folks, a new faction forms in PWC and a new challenge thrown down!”



Frank: “I for one think that will be one hell of a wild match!”



Dane: “Let’s get back to the action, another tournament matchup is up next!”





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PWC Championship Tournament First Round

PWC Rules





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Match Highlights:



- The match begins with some great grappling and transition changes between the two wrestlers, with neither one getting the edge on the other


- Turner takes control of the match with a series of arm drags and a hip toss. He starts laying in some hard punches on Logan


- Turner charges the corner but Logan moves at the last second causing him to hit the ring post clearly hurting his shoulder


- This allows Logan to take over and begin working the shoulder over with stomps and strikes and big shoulder breaker


- The damage to the shoulder is enough to keep Tuner down and allow Logan to hit the Faded Glory (Impaler DDT)





Logan Wolfsbaine defeats Ricky Turner by pinfall










Dane: “Logan Wolfsbaine punches his ticket to the finals with some great wrestling, which is often times few and far between here at PWC.”



Frank: “I feel like he should have used a chair or some thumbtacks just for the hell of it. But hey, the crowd enjoyed it so what do I know.”



Dane: “Wait, what’s that…





Frank, looks like Chris Caulfield has a special announcement about Animal Harker’s status after last week’s vicious attack from Harlem Haynes…”





<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #71A9FF; max-width:80%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">










Chris Caulfield sits at a makeshift desk area backstage…





Chris: “Fans, friends and fellow PWC staff, as you all know Animal Harker was taken to the hospital last week following the assault from Harlem Haynes. He could barely move his shoulder and arm and had lost feeling in both.



After extensive treatment it has been brought to my attention that Animal Harker has not been cleared by his doctors to compete next week or at the pay per view.



While we will miss Animal Harker while he rests and recovers we are excited to see him return with a full bill of health.



Since Animal Harker is not cleared to compete in the PWC Championship tournament I have decided that the finals will now be a three way dance between Logan Wolfsbaine, Texas Hangman and either Nate DeMarcus or Harlem Haynes, live next week at From The Ashes.”









Dane: “Holy sh%t Frank, a three way dance for the PWC Championship…



This could throw a wrench in all three of the competitors strategy.”



Frank: “If DeMarcus and Wolfsbaine are smart they will work together to get rid of The Hangman first. I wouldn’t want any part of that guy if I were them.”



Dane: “Always looking for an advantage, you make me sick!”





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Harlem Haynes walks down to the aisle then stops at the bottom of the ramp and points to the stage…















Otis Von Battenberg and Sasquatch McGraw, the two huge monsters that make up the tag team Canadian Hardcore join Haynes at ringside…





Dane: “Wait, what is this all about?




It’s Canadian Hardcore! I guess this is the insurance policy Haynes was referring to!”






PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round

PWC Rules





x0quNbU.jpg w/ BMXiJ6L.jpgfGEfnJY.jpgVS CusDT6A.jpg





Match Highlights


- The two competitors start off the match exchanging stiff strikes with neither man gaining the advantage


- Haynes eventually tosses DeMarcus to the outside and distracts the ref while his cohorts double team DeMarcus


- Haynes with a running powerslam onto a pile of chairs


- Haynes charges DeMarcus but DeMarcus takes him down with a drop toe hold onto the same pile of chairs


- Canadian Hardcore once again try to interefere but Redneck Rampage run down and even the odds


- Haynes throws powder into the eyes of DeMarcus and sets him up for the Harlem Hustle when Clare South comes out from under the ring and kicks Haynes square in the nuts


- DeMarcus runs off the ropes and drops Haynes with the Snap Tackle (Gore)





Nate DeMarcus defeats Harlem Haynes by pinfall










Dane: “Wow Frank! Clare South was hiding under the ring the whole time! Looks like she gets a little revenge for her man tonight!”



Frank: “That’s despicable! Clare South should be banned from ringside from here on out! How dare she screw Harlem Haynes like that!”



Dane: “Oh please, if someone would have helped out your boy Haynes you would be singing a different tune right now!”





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Flocked by Canadian Hardcore, an irate Harlem Haynes recovers on the mat, cursing and screaming at Clare South and the rest of Backwoods Justice as they retreat to the back…











Dane: “That’s all the time we have for today, we’ll see you next week with more hardcore action!”






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