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Always good work, and Im still very interested in how you handle Taker, especially with you having him say "you can call me Taker". He is distancing himself, but at the same time not.


Very nice, good sir.


Yeah, I'm trying to maintain his former notoriety through subtle references to his past character (while giving him a new persona); it'll be a fine line to tread. We'll see how it goes, eh :p?


Quote The Raven


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I think I know how your going to book "The Soul Taker" this is the way he SHOULD have been booked when he was the American Bad-Ass


I'm going to be controversial. I liked the American Bad Ass gimmick. I thought it worked with Taker and all the history he had with the E. Sure, it was no Deadman gimmick, but there have been very few gimmicks that have worked as well as The Undertaker's Phenom gimmick anyway.


So if your Taker is like an extreme version of his A.B.A gimmick then I certainly think it'll work.

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


World Cup Pool Stage Matches


USA vs. Italy (Pool A)

India vs. Mexico (Pool B)

Japan vs. Scotland (Pool C)

Ireland vs. Samoa (Pool D)



For The Number One Contendership To The World Tag Team Championship

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz




plus, in the main event...


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven & CM Punk





ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!


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World Cup Pool Stage Matches


USA vs. Italy (Pool A)

India vs. Mexico (Pool B)

Japan vs. Scotland (Pool C)

Ireland vs. Samoa (Pool D)




The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz oooo tough one tough one. have to go w/the more experienced though


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven & CM Punk I like Raven and Punk but this is Taker we're talking about here!

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World Cup Pool Stage Matches


USA vs. Italy (Pool A)

India vs. Mexico (Pool B)

Japan vs. Scotland (Pool C)

Ireland vs. Samoa (Pool D)




The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven & CM Punk

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Saturday, week 1, July

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles alongside former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Joey, man, I am digging this World Cup so far and if the pool matches we've got lined up ain't good enough, we've also got two blinding tag matches scheduled.

Joey: That's right Taz, The Hardcore Innovators and The Dudley Boyz will compete for a shot at the tag titles and, in the main event, "The Soul Taker" will have an opportunity to leave an indelible mark on the World Champions psyche and Vito Thomaselli will get a chance to avenge his sister, Kelli.

Taz: ...and you know what, Joe.

Joey: Go on.

Taz: These pool stages tonight are pretty important.

Joey: Indeed. In Pool B, Mexico have the opportunity to take the top spot away from England for the first time when they take on India.

Taz: Likewise, Japan can top pool C with a victory over Scotland... which, to be honest, seems fairly likely.

Joey: It also seems likely that the USA will further their lead over Italy and the sWo tonight. What is far less, certain, however, is the situation in Pool D; it really is anyone's game as Ireland can pull away at the top with a victory, while a victory for Samoa could tie the whole thing up even. Don't forget, only the top two teams go through.

Taz: Man, I'm too pumpesd for this! Let's shut up and get to the action!




Perhaps the most vital pool stage match of the evening kicks off the show and does not disappoint.

Dave Finlay and Ekmo start as the legal men.

Despite his experience, Finlay is no match for the sheer power of the Samoan heavyweight.

After a vicious looking lariat, the Irish veteran rolls out and both his partners enter.

Sheamus and Vinny combine their strength to whip Ekmo to the ropes.

As he rebounds, they again combine for a Double Back Body Drop.

The force of the Samoan hitting the canvas sends echoes around the arena.

Sheamus sprints and knocks the othjer two Samoans off the apron with Flying Back Elbows as Red Vinny locks in an Irish (Texas) Cloverleaf on Ekmo.

As referee, John Finnegan, checks on Anoai and Afa, the wiley Finlay ducks down to rings and grabs on Ekmo's arms and pulls them away from the pressure point for further leverage.

As Finnegan turns back, Finlay releases and Ekmo taps.



Fall 1



Ekmo rolls out in agony and, due to lucha rules, Anoai replaces him.

He immediatley brings the fight to Vinny with a series of jabs followed by a stiff Powerslam.

The match continues with the Samoan firmly in control.

However, in the tenth minute, Vinny tags out to Sheamus.

Sheamus turns the tables with a flurry of kicks but is whipped to the ropes.

He rebounds and, as Anoai ducks, he leapfrogs.

However, as he rebounds again he is caught wiuth a foirearm to the back of the head by Afa.

He stumbles into Anoai's clutches for a Samoan (Swinging/Blackhole) Sideslam.

The pin is made.



Fall 2



After a few more evenly contested minutes, Afa picks up Finlay in an Electric Chair position on his shoulders.

Anoai climbs up top and a version of the Doomsday device is delivered.

Ekmo climbs up after his brother to deliver a Flying Splash.


Taz: Oh, man, I'm told they call that "The Samoan Drive-By"

Joey: Yeah, well it's a bout as destructive!





Fall 3



Match Rating: D+


Backstage, the bWo are seen conversing.



After something is clearly decided upon, "BW Snow" darts around the corner.


The camera zooms out to see Rhino stretching against the corridor wall.



Snow: Hey, Sh*t-Features!


Rhino's head snaps up like lightning and the Man Beast glares at his recent nemesis.

He charges down the corridor towards Snow.

However, Big Stevie Cool steps out from around the corner and delivers the Stevie Kick.

The rest of the bWo then start to lay the boots.


Hollywood Nova: Whatcha gonna do, Daddy-O, when the Blue World Order rumbles on you?!


Before they leave, Stevie spraypaints "bWo" over Rhino's face in blue.


Taz: Oh man, that's gonna be one angry Man Beast when he comes to! I woulsn't want to be the bWo come Summer Assylum!




Japan fieds an entirely different starting line-up but it is just as effective.

Despite Scotland's competitors putting up an admirable showing, the experience and talent of the Japanese is too much.

Masato Tanaka pins Drew Macdonald for the first fall after a Roaring Elbow.

Yoshihiro Tajiri pins Eric Canyon after a Brainbuster for the second fall and the bonus point.

Match Rating: C+


Paul Heyman enters the ring with microphone.



Heyman: I am out here tonight to confirm several matches for the Summe Assylum pay-per-view card. Sunday, July 29, as well as seeing Rhino in a handicap match against the entire Blue World Order, we will also witness the winners of tonight's Number One Contendership match challenge the Whole F**kin' Show for the World Tag Team Championship.


The fans pop at the mention of Michaels and RVD.


Heyman: In another title match, I can confirm that Juventud Guerrera will receive another shot at AJ Styles' World Television Title!


The fans, again, pop.


Heyman: ...but best of all, I can now declare with great anticipation that it is one hundred percent official. Raven will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against...... "The Soul Taker" Mark Calaway!


This pop far overwhelms the previous two.


Taz: Wow! We're only one week into July and Summer Assylum is already looking like it'll be a great show!




The first fall is relatively easy for the Mexicans.

Their technical superiority leaves the Headhunters looking like amateurs.

Eddie picks up the first pn after a Frog Splash to Headhunter B.



Fall 1



As Headhunter B rolls out, his partner tries to take his place.

However, team captain, Sabu, clearly fed up, stops him.

The Human Highlight Reel drops to ringside and grabs a chair.

He enters and, put simply, goes on a rampage, throwing the steel at any Mexican that moves.

After Chavo and Ricky Marvin are forced to ringside, Sabu lays into a grounded Eddie with several sickening chair shots.

He then points for his partners to subdue the other two Mexicans as he sets up the chair to deliver the Triple Jump Moonsault.



Fall 2



Sabu tags back out, hoping to have inspired his partners but... alas.

Not much time passes before Headhunter A is, once again, outgunned.

He is pinned following a Tornado DDT from the young Ricky Marvin.



Fall 3



Match Rating: C+


Paul Burchill and his mentor, Shane Douglas, are backstage.



Douglas lets out his trademark laugh.


Douglas: Raven, I do love good news and it looks like you're going to face your toughest challenge to date at Summer Assylum... and that is f**king great news.


Burchill: Your toughest challenge except me!


Douglas slaps his forehead in feigned embarrasment.


Douglas: I knew I'd forgotten someone! You see, "champ", The New Franchise may be disqualified from challenging for your World Title but that doesn't mean sh*t. Not only is he, arguably, the world's greatest athlete and, undoubtedly, the single greatest spectacle in wrestling today, he is also your worst f**king nightmare.


Burchill: Fact is, Raven, title or no title, it is still my one sole aim in life to make yours a living hell!


Douglas: You better believe it. See, you may be on top, now, with your lackies picking up the gruntwork but, like all great empires, yours will fall, Raven, and the man that's going to take great pride in tearing down the walls is Paul Burchill!


"The New Franchise" smiles.


Douglas: ...and don't go thinking that we are otherwise engaged, particpating in the World Cup. The fact is I've negotiated Burchill an unconditional release from his squad duties whenever he so pleases. You know what that means, Raven? It means you're a marked man.


Burchill nods in agreemnet with his mentor's words.


Douglas: Oh, and one last thing: I hear you and Punk have got Calaway and Vito in the main event tonight... Break a leg, "champ"...


Douglas, again, lets out his laugh before his face becomes stern.


Dougals: ...no, really!


Team USA---------------------------------------------------------Italy


The Americans look pretty comfortable throughout.

The first fall comes over Tony Mamaluke after a Shooting Star Press from Paul London.



Fall 1



However, in the eighth minute, the Italians manage a coup as , after a Corner Avalache from Big Sal, Guido locks in the Sicilian Crab on Brian Kendrick.

The youngster is forced to tap.



Fall 2



It is not long before the Americans regain control, though.

Eventually Big Sal is put away after a BME by Daniels.



Fall 3



Match Rating: C+


<table border="1">

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Pool A






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<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool B






<table border="1">

<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool C






<table border="1">

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Pool D




<tr><td>Puerto Rico</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>4</td></tr>



Vito Thomaselli approaches Mark Calaway backstage.



The front of Calaway's shirt reads "Give blood...".

The back, "...to me"


Vito: It looks like we're teaming up tonight.


"The Soul Taker" removes his glasses and scowls at Vito.


Taker: Kid, you've got some balls just strutting up to me like that.


Vito nods.


Taker: ...and you don't even flinch when I make a statement like that. What's your name, kid?


Vito: Vito Thomaselli but you can call me ECW's next superstar...


Calaway frowns and goes to speak but he is cut off.


Vito: ...and I just want to say what an honour it will be to team with a legend like yourself.


Taker smiles as Vito offers his hand.


Taker: Like I said, kid, you've got balls... and I like that.


Taker shakes the youngster's hand.


Taker: So, word around this place is that Raven has done wrong by your family.


Vito: Oh, yeah... and he'll pay for it... along with Punk!


Taker nods.


Taker: Okay, so, you and me are gonna make a pact; right here, right now.


Vito: Which is?


Taker: When we step out that curtain tonight, we'll kick their asses nine ways to sunday. Agreed?


Vito: Agreed, amico.


For the Number One Contendership to the World Tag Team Titles


The match is a decent hardcore spectacle.

However, it is clear all four men are leaving something in the tank.

By the tenth minute, the Hardcore Innovators have started to take control.


However, a man and woman emerge from the crowd, dressed just like Bubba and D-Von.



The behemoth of a man pulls Tommy Dreamer off the apron and drops him, facefirst, on the steel guard rail.

Meanwhile, the girl climbs up on the apron and starts to, well... strut her stuff; Cactus Jack is, understandably, distracted.


Joey: Who the hell are these two?

Taz: I have no idea.

Joey: Is that Big Dick Dudley?

Taz: No... it can't be. He looks too young.


A distracted Cactus Jack is caught with a lowblow by D-Von.

The man mountain then climbs into the ring and delivers a Choke Driver to Cactus Jack.

D-Von covers.


Match Rating: B-


After the match, The Dudley Boyz, along with the two new entrants, assault Cactus.

Tommy Dreamer returns to the ring to make the save but is quickly subdued.

D-Von ducks out to ringside and slides a table into the ring.


Taz: Uh oh.


The rest is innevitable... Dreamer tastes the Dudley Death Drop through the table!

All four four-eyes hug in the ring.


Taz: What the hell is going on?


Jim Mitchell and Nate Hatred are backstage.



Minister: Behold... Nate Hatred, the most extreme athlete in the history of ECW! What's more, he's prepared to prove it. So, we are issuing an open challenge to anyone foolish enough to accept it. Next week, on Revolution, come see how extreme Nate really is!


Hatred merely nods menacingly.



Vito and Raven start as the legal men.

After a moment of consideration, Vito tags out to Calaway.

Raven immediately tags out as well.


Joey: What a coward!

Taz: Kinda smart, though...


Taker simply dominates Punk for the best part of five minutes, throwing him from pillar to post in an oldschool beatdown.

He then tags out to Vito.

The young Italian immediately mounts the man responsible for his sister's hospitalisation.

He lands punch after punch.

He turns Punk over onto his front and follows up with a series of Crossface Forearms.


Taz: Jesus... a page outta my old book right there. Any other promotion and that'd be illegal!


Sure enough, blood starts to spill from Punk's forehead.

Vito lifts him up for the Vito Driver.

Punk, somehow, manages to grab the top rope and escape.

The International All Action Champion then crawls towards his corner, blood streaming from his open wound.

Rather than stop him, Vito merely laughs and tags in his partner.

Punk reaches for the tag...

...Raven steps off the apron and heads to the back.


Joey: What the hell?


Back in the ring, Calaway shakes his head in disgust.

However, he still goes through with the finishing touches.

With one hand, he lifts Punk off the canvas and into the air by the throat.



Match Rating: A*


After the match, Vito enters and throws a lifeless Punk from the ring.

The show goes off air as "The Soul Taker" points up the aisle-way after the champion and makes his slit-throat motion.


Taz: Wow... I, for one, think Raven's days as champ are numbered!


Show Rating: A

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Is that one of the Highlanders?


Haha, it's not. A while back I was gearing a guy called Apocalypse up for a push. Well, he went back to development as the guy I was gonna feud him with got injured and I was outta ideas.


Now, however, he's in a new gimmick. It is Melina, who the 'F released recently, though.


All will become clear ;).


Quality. Liking that Taker is already making friends. Thats very nice for him. :p


...and you wonder why your friends think you're gonna be a teacher? :rolleyes:


"It is apparent that, since joining the class, little 'Taker has fitted in exceptionally well. He shows a great deal of kindness and consideration to his peers and he is making friends quickly..."




Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


World Cup Pool Stage Matches


USA vs. The sWo (Pool A)

India vs. England (Pool B)

Japan vs. Canada (Pool C)

Ireland vs. Puerto Rico (Pool D)


The pool stages are heating up as all billed matches have great significance.

<table border="1">

<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool A






In Pool A, can the sWo finally get their first win or will Team USA, under the guidance of Kurt Angle, continue their dominance?

<table border="1">

<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool B






A win for England in Pool B will see them take the top spot from Mexico as India also search for the so-far-elusive first victory.

<table border="1">

<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool C






The two likely qualifiers in Pool C square off for first place. Remember final table positioning determines Quarter-Final seeding. So, both Japan and Canada will be anxious for a win.

<table border="1">

<tr><th colspan="6">

Pool D




<tr><td>Puerto Rico</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>4</td></tr>


And, in Pool, D any result will break the deadlock. With things so even, who will qualify and who will be eliminated?








Nate Hatred vs. The Sandman



Who better to answer Hatred's open challenge than the Hardcore Icon himself? Nate may have a pinfall victory over Rhino but, with no outside interference likely, can he really challenge the legacy of The Sandman?




Those damn Dudleyz!



Bubba Ray and D-Von wish to make it known that they have "kindly" taken time from their hectic schedule as Number One Contenders to introduce "y'all" (we're paraphrasing, here) to the family.




Mark Calaway vs. Monsters Inc.



There is no prize for guessing who booked this. Commissioner and World Champion Raven clearly seeks to stop The Soul Taker's momentum... dead.


Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Monday, week 2, July

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: We are in line for some exciting action here tonight, ladies and gentlemen, as all pool stage matches that are scheduled for this evening are of the utmost importance.

Gertner: That's true, Huddy: USA, England and Canada are all looking for victories to take the top spot in their pools, while the sWo and India are searching for their very first victories.

Hudson: Huddy?!

Gertner: ...and, of course, any result can seperate the deadlock in Pool D.

Hudson: On top of that, Gerty, we can look forward to The Sandman beating some objectivity into Nate Hatred and Jim Mitchell and The Soul takeer doing the same to Raven's Nest.

Gertner: Don't ever call me that...

Hudson: But I was just...

Gertner: ...ever!


Sasuke World Order-----------------------------------------------Team USA


Once again, Team USA come ou looking determined.

Once again, the sWo come out like a bunch of headless chickens.

The first fall comes after not very long at all.

Following a Cradle Piledriver to Espiritu, Jerry Lynn tags in Paul London who hits a beautiful Shooting Star Press for the fall.



Fall 1



In the tenth minute, The USA seem set for the win.

However, from the apron, Chessman taps referee, John Finnegan, on the back.

He points to his opponents on the opposite apron with an obvious "Hey, look over there!" expression.

As the referee looks, Escoria emerges from under the ring with what looks like a cowbell.

He sprints into the ring, decks Paul London squarely in the forehead and sprints back under the ring.

As Finnegan turns, Oz has made the cover.



Fall 2



The sWo cannot pull off a second coup, though.

The match goes their way after a pinfall following a J-Driller from Briscoe.



Fall 3



Match Rating: C


Rhino is standing backstage in his locker room.



He bends down and pulls a bWo poster from his bag and sticks it on the wal with blue tac.

He steps back to look at it and laughs.

As the rage builds in his face, he steps forward and drives his fist through both the poster and the wall.




Sabu and Doug Williams start as the legal men, the former looking determined to rectify poor form.

Indeed, Sabu comes out like a man posessed, landing blow after blow and ensuring that the technical game of Williams cannot be established.

Before long, he locks in the Camel Clutch.

Williams reaches for the ropes.

Sabu yanks back on his neck.

But the Englishmen manages to touch the bottom rope.

However, as Williams recovers, Sonjay Dutt throws a chair to his team captain.

An Arabian Facebuster later and the first fall is achieved.



Fall 1



Regal enters as Sabu tags out to Dutt.

This exchange is more in favour of the English as Regal immediately grounds Dutt, establishing the mat game.

After several minutes of gradually wearing down the youngster, Regal applies his patented Regal Stretch.

Dutt has no choice but to submit.



Fall 2



Regal stays the active man as Sabu re-enters.

A few minutes of even action ensue.


Gertner: Hey, what's going on there?

Hudson: Where?

Gertner: There in the crowd.

Hudson: It's Raven. What the hell does the World Champion want?


Raven catches the attention of Paul Burchill as CM Punk heads to the ring from the back.



Rashly Burchill heads into the crowd to confront his nemesis as Doug Williams tries to stop him.

Meanwhile, Punk enters the ring with his International All Action Title belt and decks Regal with the gold.

Sabu, never one to pass on such an opportunity, sets up a chair and hits the Triple Jump Moonsault as Burchill enters the crowd.




Fall 3



Match Rating: C


Burchill turns back to the ring in realisation of the bell ringing as Raven and Punk make a hasty retreat.


Gertner: Oh, man. The Raven and Burchill mind games continue.

Hudson: Yeah, and this may have cost England big in the World Cup. Instead of taking first place in their pool, their place in second doesn't even look secure now!


Juventud Guerrera and Francine are backstage for a shoot interview.



Francine: AJ Styles, at Summer Assylum, Juvi is gonna get another shot at that World Television Title and, this time, you won't have such an easy out.


Juvi: You see, Styles, that on my most recent tour of Mexico, I beat the likes of Shocker, Hector Garza and Cibernetico: all far more worthy opponents than you and, at Summer Assylum, aI'm gonna prove that you are not worthy of that belt. It's time that the gold was back around the waist of someone who actually cares for this company and its fans.


Puerto Rico--------------------------------------------------------Ireland


Jeff Jeffrey and Red Vinny start as the legal men, leading to some intense fast-paced action.

The first breakthrough comes when Apolo is tagged in and the OPuerto Rican powerhouse hits a thunderous Sitout Powerbomb on the young Irishman.

Chicano is tagged in to hit the 450 Splash and make the cover.



Fall 1



Sheamus O'Shaunessy replaces Vinny and immediatley takes the fight to Chicano.

After a string of quick moves, he hits the Celtic (Death Valley) Driver on the Puerto Rican.

He then picks up his opponent and pushes him forwards into the ropes.

As Chicano rebounds backwards, dazed, O'Shaunessy catches him with a lowblow kick from behind.

He rolls him up in a Small Package.



Fall 2



After Dave Finlay and Carly Colon enter, the match,again, becomes more even.

However, after gaining the upper-hand, Colon tags in Apolo who holds Finlay in a Full Nelson.

Colon then climbs to the top and hits a Missile Dropkick directly into Finlay's chest.

Apolo covers for the 3.



Fall 3



Match Rating: D


The Whole F**kin' Show approach Paul Heyman backstage.



RVD: Hey, Paul E.


Heyman: Hey, guys. What can I do for you?


Traci: Well, y'know this upcoming Tag Titles Match with The Dudley Boyz?


Heyman: At Summer Assylum... yeah.


Michaels: Well, we want it to be a Tables Match.


Heyman laughs.


Heyman: You're joking, right.


RVD: Nah, man. If I was joking I'd say "What did the transvestite say to the homosexual Catholic priest?"


Heyman makes a throat slitting motion and whispers in pig latin.


Heyman: Guys, live TV! Onay oorpay-astetay okesjay.


Michaels: O... kay.


Heyman: Anyway, why?


RVD: Well, we figure that, time and time again, we've proven that, in standard competition, we're the best tag team in the world today.


Traci interjects.


Traci: Ever?


Michaels nods.


Michaels: Yeah, f**k it. Why not?


RVD: Anyway, at Summer Assylum, we want to beat The Dudley Boyz at their own game and prove just how damn good we are.


The camera cuts back to the ring.




This match is extremely even right from the start.

The first fall comes when Kensuke Sasaki hits teh Northern Lights Bomb on Chris Benoit.



Fall 1



However, the Canadians pull back when Lance Storm gets the pin after a Stump Piledriver on Masato Tanaka.



Fall 2



Finally, Chris Jericho forces Ultimo Dragon to tap to the Walls Of Jericho.



Fall 3



Match Rating: C+


The Dudley Boyz come to the ring with their new accomplices.



D-Von: We are back, my brothers. The first family of Dudleyville is back in ECW!


The crowd boos.


D-Von: Oh, that's right, I feel righteous today! Praise the good lord, I feel righteous!


Hudson: Does any of this have a point?


D-Von: ...and it is on this most righteous of righteous days that it is my great pleasure to introduce y'all to the second generation of Dudleyz.


Gertner: The second generation?

Hudson: Oh good grief


D-Von: Now it is a well-known fact that Big Dick Dudley has not been seen in ECW since the good year of our lord, 2000. There was, of course, a rumour that he was spotted in the Allegheny National Forest just last year but that appears to have been dismissed as a sasquatch.


Hudson: What does this have to do with anything?


D-Von: Well, it appears that Big Dick was a busy man! You see, like the rest of you, we hadn't heard from our good brother in some eight years but, just a few months back, what did we receive but news of his exploits? You see, some of y'all may remember a big ol' lady by the name of Nicole Bass.


The name receives a mixed and somewhat apathetic response.


D-Von: Well, it turns out, my good brothers, that Ms. Bass sired Big Dick a little son way back in the day, unbeknown to the rest of us.


Gertner: My god... can you imagine the conception?

Hudson: Frankly, I'd rather not.


D-Von: So, while keeping her steadily-growing bundle of joy as an oversized secret, Ms. Bass tried everything she could to get back in touch with the father but he was nowhere to be found. After discovering there was no Big Dick to milk...


Hudson: Excuse me?!


D-Von: She decided to milk Bubba and me.


Bubba Ray whispers something to D-Von.


D-Von: Yeah, for child support, I mean.


Hudson: Ugh...


D-Von: Well, turns out that when we went back on down to Dudleyville, where Ms Bass is now residing, we discovered that our mysterious nephew was no longer that much of a child. In fact, just so happens, that he was the big, mammoth beast that you see before you with your very eyes here today... ladies and gentlemen, I give you Big Dick Dudley Jr!


Hudson: Oh god... something tells me this is not good news.


Dick Jr takes the microphone from his uncle and lets out the most retarded, southern-hick, inbred chuckle that you ever did hear (oh, god, now I'm speaking like the narrator from Tom Sawyer... this sh*t is infectious :rolleyes:)


Dick Jr: Thanks, Uncle D-Von.


He hesitates.


Dick Jr: Y'see, my uncles convinced me to err... err...


The young latina girl stood next to him takes the microphone.


Girl: ...come to ECW.


Dick Jr: Err... yeah... that. And, uh... well... I'm uh... here to err... err...


Girl: ...kick some ass.


Dick gets excited.


Dick Jr: YEAH! YEAH! Kick some ass! YEAH!


The young latina takes Dick Jr's face in her hands, stands on her tiptoes and kisses him.

Dick, at last, falls silent... thank god.


Gertner: Aah, isn't that nice?


Before long, the kiss has turned into a full-on grope.


Hudson: Well... maybe, I guess.

Gertner: They're an affectionate bunch in Dudleyville, Hudson.


D-Von: And this lil' lady, right here, is Daizy Dudley. Bubba and I have known 'bout her for a long time and, truth be told, we've been raisin' her like our own.


Gertner: ...and isn't that sweet?

Hudson: Yeah... you couldn't wish for better parents...


D-Von: As you can tell, she's Junior's girlfriend but we're not entirely sure where she came from. We think that, back in the good year of our lord, 1995, when that big budget movie "Desperado" was shot is when she was conceived. Y'see, Big Dick Dudley, the first incarnation that is, was a body double for Antonio Banderas and it's rumoured that he became a bit "over-zealous" in one of the love scenes with Salma Hayek.


Hudson: 1995? There's no way she's thirteen! Or Salma Hayek and Big Dick Dudley's lovechild!

Gertner: I Dunno, Hudson. The rich and famous do have a lot of skeletons in their closets.

Hudson: Come on, Joel, don't tell me you're actually buying this. She was probably the result of a one night stand.

Gertner: Whatever. You're just jealous.

Hudson: Of what?!

Gertner completely disregards this.

Gertner: So, Big Dick is Daizy's daddy too, eh?

Hudson: ...and that would make Dick Jr and Daizy brother and sister.


Hudson realises.


Hudson: Wait? What?! No!

Gertner: Half-sister, Hudson. It's all legal in Dudleyville!


D-Von: So, now that Bubba and I have brought the second generation of Dudleyz to ECW, we will be an unstoppable force!


"Uncle" D-Von hands the mic to his brother.


Bubba: Thou shalt not mess with the D...D..D.D.D...DD...D...D...


Clearly losing patience with his brother's stutter, D-Von rips the microphone away and hands it to Big Dick Jr.


Dick Jr: ...with the D...D...D..DD...D.D...D..D.D...


Hudson: Oh, for crying out loud!


This time, Lil' Daizy takes the mic from Dick.


Daizy: ...Dudleyz!


The Hardcore Innovators storm the ring with their Singapore canes.



Cactus Jack takes out Bubba Ray and Dreamer takes out D-Von.

However, Daizy approaches and lands simultaneous lowblows on both of them.

Big Dick follows by grabbing them both by their throats and hitting a Double Chokebomb.


Hudson: Oh, man!


A four-on-two assault ensues until security finally disperse the groups.



As always, Nate Hatred is accompanied to ringside by James "Sinister Minister" Mitchell and his iron, barbed wire-wrapped, pentagram.

This match, however, does no start in his favour as others often have.

The Sandman immediately breaks his trusty cane over Hatred's forehead and follows up with a quick series of rights and lefts that leave the face-painted satanist reeling.

He follows up with a DDT.




Hudson: I think The Sandman is well up to the challenge of disproving Nate Hatred's "Most Extreme Athlete" theory.


However, upon returning to his feet, Hatred boots Sandman in the gut and follows up with an Inverted Piledriver.

He then picks up the Hardcore Icon and whips him to the ropes.

Decapitator Lariat!


Gertner: Ouch!

Hudson: The force of that clothesline gets more sickening every time!





Hudson: But The Sandman is no pushover!


Hatred seems genuinely shocked by Sandman's kickout.

This allows the Hardcore Icon a chance to get back into the match and he capitlaises.

From here on, the contest is extremely even, momentum swinging back and forth.

However, by the tenth minute, The Sandman has recaptured the advantage.

He knocks Hatred down with another stiff cane shot, pulls a beer from his pocket and toasts the fans.


Hudson: ...and here comes the White Russian Legsweep.


Indeed, The Sandman hooks him up with the Singapore cane.

However, Hatred pushes the Sandman forward and, as he stumbles, the Hardcore Icon is struck in the forehead by the metal tip of the Sinister Minister's walking cane.

Sandman staggers around, dazed.

Decapitator Lariat!


Gertner: Oh, man... again.


Hatred covers.


Match Rating: B-


Hudson: Damn it! Thanks to Jim Mitchell, Nate Hatred stays undefeated in ECW.

Gertner: Yeah and he's now got pinfall victories over both Rhino and The Sandman! Maybe he really is as extreme as he says.

Hudson: Or maybe we'll never find out... as long as Jim Mitchell is around!


The Sandman staggers to his feet and picks up a microphone.


Sandman: You think that was extreme, Hatred? You're a f**kin' wannabe! So, I'll tell ya what... you and me at Summer Assylum!


The Sinister Minister merely nods as the crowd pops.



This match goes down pretty much as one would expect.

Taker starts off looking dominant as hell but, before too long, is worn down by the combined force of the monsters.

However, by the twelfth minute, Calaway starts to mount his comeback.

A Big Boot to Abyss.

A huge Clothesline to Goliath.

Both Monsters stagger to their feet.

Calaway grabs them both by the throats.


Gertner: No way!

Hudson: It's impossible.


Sure, enough, the monsters both kick him in the gut.

...and both grab him by the throat.

Double Chokeslam!

Goliath covers.




Hudson: My god!


As Goliath backs away, stunned, 'Taker sits up in lightning time.


Gertner: Uh oh... I think all that did was piss him off!


Again, The Soul Taker floors both Monsters and this time heads to ringside to pick up his biker's chain.

Upon re-entering, he wraps it around his fist.

He lands two jaw-breaking haymakers on both giants.


CM Punk and Raven make their second appearance of the night.



Both men carry chairs and sprint down to the ring.

They swing from either side of The Soul Taker but Calaway ducks.

The two chairs strike each other and both Punk and Raven are left looking like idiots.

Taker grabs Punk by the throat.



Hudson: Oh! Here wer go!


But Raven crawls up behind Calaway and lands the lowblow.


Hudson: Ugh... come on! That's just pathetic!


Raven pulls the grounded Deadman back to his feet.

Raven Effect!

The World Champion then sets about reviving the monsters.


Vito Thomaselli sprints to the ring with a chair of his own.



Goliath arises, only to be floored by a chairshot from the young Italian.

Raven is felled too as the Deadman gets to his feet.

Abyss staggers up simultaneously as Vito pulls the chair back.

However, Taker nudged Vito out of the way and grabs Abyss by the throat.



Match Rating: B+


As the show goes off air Vito raises Calway's hand in victory and the two men touch fists above a decimated Raven's Nest.


Show Rating: B+

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