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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©

Dragon's got the gold, and he's got the girl. Now he picks up a win over the leader of the sWo, taking his first step towards battling with Juvi.


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©

Alexis just gained the title, and Daizy's still embroiled in the turmoil with Beulah and Traci ... Laree retains, but I think the fans win here. ;)


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley

I think Tommy gets a small bit of revenge for the chaos at Anarchy Rulz, with an assist to STD, but before the final bell, this match will end up in bedlam.


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo

By the time this feud is over, these guys will have dressed up as each other so often, no one will actually remember who they are. Al Oz, Big Stevie Sasuke, The Blue Chessman ...


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

Sabu is homocidal, suicidal, and genocidal ... Nate Hatred killed off a Franchise!


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk

I can see the Soul Taker putting away an up and coming CM Punk, but I have a sneaky feeling the world champ makes a cameo, and there will be at least 1 GORE ... GORE ... GORE!!!


The bigger question in all of this is ... will Joey be back? You can't spell ECW without Joey Styles ... and a C and a W!

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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©


I think there may be an all in brawl between the Dudleys and the Nest.


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley


The bWo vs. The sWo


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Should be a great hardcore match.


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk


Rhino to get involved and Gore Taker, much to Ravens disgust.

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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©

Dragon gets the win after his recent title victory.


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©

I can see Laree holding the title for quite a while.


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley

During the mayhem Dreamer manages to sneak the win.


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo

The bWo have something up their sleeve after the defeat at Anarchy Rulz.


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

Gotta go with Hatred here after his amazing win against Burchill.


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk

I think Rhino and Raven will be imvolved and Punk will capitalize to get a fantastic win.

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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon©


He is about to feud with Juvi, which I think will include the title on the line.


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree©


I think Alexis Laree won't lose the belt until its almost time for Raven to lose the belt.


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley


I think D-Von will get a win so that the Dudley Family can keep both belts.


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo


Who even knows anymore.


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


Even though he is fired, I see The New Franchise getting involved somehow.


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk


I see either some Flock action or Rhino action, getting CM Punk the win as he moves up the roster after being in the All Action scene.

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Big Sasuke Cool vs. Ultimo Dragon © - For the love of god keep the world orders out of this one.


Daizy Dudley vs. Alexis Laree © - I see the only person who could possibly take the strap off of Laree being Jazz, or Awesome Kong, *please sign Kong*


Tommy Dreamer vs. D-Von Dudley - TWFS, Cactus, and the Dudleys all get involved but D-Von escapes with the gold.


bWo vs. sWo - Just guessin'.


Nate Hatred vs. Sabu - Though I'm mad at Burchill losing, I smell a major push and I'm behind you on it.


Mark Calaway vs. CM Punk - Calaway fights off Rhino and Raven while fighting Punk.

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I just read this entire thread (over the course of several days) and let me just say that Nevermore, you are the King. Your shows just seem to get better and better. Baptism of Fire was brutally awesome, only to be topped by the Vito - Raven match, that was pure greatness. Just, when I think Raven's reign is over, you give it back to him on contract linguistics. I can't wait to see him lose that belt!

Your storylines are unbelievable, never have I been so moved staring at a computer screen. I can't wait to see what happens on the Juvi/Francine front.

I love the fact that the young guys who were basically jobbing at the beginning of the diary (Hatred and Hero to give a couple of examples) have come back to play seemingly big roles in the future.


Congratulations on a 100+ excellent pages and keep up the good work.

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Saturday, week 4, September

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Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Don Callis, filling in for the sadly absent Joey Styles. Alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Callis. It sucks for Joey to not be here but it's great to have a replacement as up to scratch as you.

Callis: Well, thanks for that, Taz. I have to say, though, after all that expired at Anarchy Rulz, you can't really blame Joey.

Taz: That's true, man... and I don't. Burchill getting fired, that just ain't right but, hell, lets just do Styles proud tonight.

Callis: Well said... and with that, let's get to it!




The two men combine for a laudible performance, though it is obvious they are holding a little back.

With Francine cheering him on from ringside, Ultimo Dragon seems to posess an new fire.

Hwe puts Big Sasuke Cool away with an Asai DDT in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: B


ECW's Most Extreme Athlete is backstage with his manager.



Mitchell: In this modern, harsh existence we all-too-often hear of how the individual's needs are sacrificed in favour of the will of multinational corporations; how those who represent independence are trampled beneath the feet of the behemoth conglomorates. Well, beside me stands the greatest and, perhaps, the only living example of a single man able to topple a Franchise.


Hatred smiles sadistically.


Mitchell: "How is this possible?" you ask yourselves, your feeble minds incapable of the necessary comprehension. Simple... beside me stands Nate Hatred... ECW's Most Extreme Athlete and New Main Event.




The two womens' recent run as partners matters little in this match.

Despite Daizy's efforts, Alexis proves herself as the far more experienced competitor.

She picks up the win with an Alexis Effect in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: C-


Becky Bayless is backstage with her regular guest.



Bayless: Welcome to Backstage With Becky. I'm Becky Bayless, once again alongside the ever-arrogant Chris Hero.


Hero: It's not arrogance, Becky, when you're as good as you say are. It's a gift!


Bayless: But youy're not as good as you say you are...


Hero: Exactly!


Bayless looks bemused.


Hero: I'm even better!


Bayless rolls her eyes.


Bayless: Well, then, Mr Fantastic...


Hero: Mr Hero will suffice, thank you, Becky. Perhaps, "My Hero" or our "Our Hero" or even...


Bayless interjects.


Bayless: The question everyone wants answered is why did you aid Nate Hatred in his match last night and cost The New Franchise his place on the ECW roster?


Hero: No, Becky, the question everyone wants answered is why you're still persisting with the facade that you even vaguely resemble a competent interviewer. I'd say that you should be half-way to your innevitable transition into adult entertainment but, even then, they'd have to gag you.


Bayless: Just answer the question before I force-feed you your own balls!


Hero: I see the concept of wit is not something you are familiar with...


Bayless: Answer the f**king question!


Hero: Why did I help Nate Hatred, Becky? Why did I banish Paul Burchill? It's very simple...


Bayless: Then why is it taking so long to explain?


Hero: Because I like to give my legions of fans the opportunity to savour my every word... Now, The Saviour of ECW is not in cahoots with ECW's Most Extreme Athlete or, at least, not exactly.


Bayless: Meaning?


Hero: Meaning, Becky, that it's about damn time that the old-guard got the hell out of the spotlight and allowed the new breed of ECW excellence, like Chris Hero and Nate Hatred, the opportunity to prove their superiority to the world!


Bayless: Are you saying Paul Burchill was part of the Old Guard? He's only 25. In fact, he's younger than you!


Hero: I don't mean to insinuate that Burchill is old, Becky. Not at all... I mean to insinuate that he is useless. I know and will often use as many as 34 variations on a Front Facelock. Paul Burchill probably can't even count to 34 or apply a regular Facelock!


Bayless: Yeah, I'll bet...


Hero: Do you mock me, woman?


Bayless: Who the f**k are you calling "woman"?


Hero: I'm sorry... You're right; you're quite right. How about you let me apologise?


He sleezily lifts his eyebrows.

Becky goes to slap Hero.

But ECW's Saviour catches her hand and plants a kiss on her as she struggles to break free.

When he pulls away, leaving Bayless looking disgusted, he gives a cheesy thumbs up to the camera.


Hero: Chicks dig a Hero!



The two men combine for a chaotic hardcore brawl.

Despite a lack of psychology from either competitor, their superior brawling abilities is enough to entertain the fans.


Bubba Ray comes running out in the thirteenth minute.



He slides into the ring as Dreamer is whipped to the ropes.

D-Von picks his opponent up in a Flapjack...



Cactus Jack runs out.



A two-on-two brawl ensues.

The Hardcore Innovators start to claim the upper-hand.


That is until "The Second Generation Appear".



It soon becomes a four-on-two beatdown which The Dudleyz obviously dominate.

Dreamer falls prey to another Dudley Death Drop as his partner suffers a Second Gen 3D!

D-Von covers Dreamer.


Match Rating: A


Callis: Damn it! The Dudleyz are leaving with the belts!

Taz: All four of 'em!


Owen Hart wlaks to the ring with a microphone in hand.



Hart: Those of you who read the internet dirtsheets will already know why I'm out here. This is a very hard thing to say but, at the same time, I am very excited by the prospect. At the end of this month, after Guilty As Charged, I will be officially retiring.


Callis: What?

Taz: I had no idea!


The fans boo the announcement.


Hart: It may be a disappointment to you guys but I've had a good run and, truth be told, although wrestling is in my blood, I've got two wonderful kids and a beautiful wife at home and I love the idea of being able to...


Raven walks out with his nest.



Raven: I hate to break it to you, Owen, but no one hear gives a crap about your two unfortunate children or your ugly golddigger of a wife!


Owen looks furious.


Raven: But, most of all, I can't think of a single person who would be even slightly affected by your long-overdue retirement!


Hart: Is that right? Well, I'll tell you what "champ", you were certainly affected by my debut a year ago, so, why don't we fix it so that you will be affected by retirement.


Raven: I don't see h...


Hart: For nearly twelve months, I was on the verge of getting the chance to shut your mouth and take that title from your waist. The best I ever got was a Triangle Match with my brother.


Raven: You can't be serious...


Hart: Oh, I'm serious! If you're so sure that my retirement is "overdue", then why not back it up and put that title on the line?


Raven: Y'know what? I'm so confident that I'm better than you and turned on by the idea of kicking your ass to the curb that... yeah, you got it!


The fans explode.


Callis: Wow!


Hart: Fine... next week on Revolution!


Raven: Fine by me, hotshot, but you better know you're not getting through me... or my Nest!


Taz: Well, as much as I like the idea, I gotta admit the odds aren't exactly in Owen's favour!

Callis: But, if anyone can pull it off, it'll be the Jack of Harts!

Taz: I dunno man... Rhino, Taker, Vito, Burchill... they've all failed to take him down.



The match is as even as it often is between these two groups.

However, the bWo pick up the win following a Stevie Kick on Espiritu at 5:22

Match Rating: D+


After the match, Big Stevie Cool picks up a mic.


Stevie: That may have sucked for you boys but things are gonna get a whole lot worse. Tell your freaky little boss that there's a mole in your ranks... someone who knows that the Blue World Order are the True World Order!


Taz: A mole?

Callis: Who would that be?


Vito Thomaselli approaches Paul Heyman backstage.



Vito: Paul E...


Heyman: Yes, my freind?


Vito: I want Punk! I want him at Guilty As Charged! He thinks he can just jump me fr...


Heyman: I'll see what I can do, kid, but the fact is your the International All Action Champion, now. Not only does that mean you'll have to defend the title at pay-per-views, it also probably means that Raven is gonna be doing his best to book you into the ground.


Vito: You just get me Punk, Paul E. As far as The Nest goes, I can handle myself!



The match is not as good as the men's past efforts due to the violence restrictions enforced by the FX network.

However, they still put on a solid performance.

ECW's NME is fairly dominant in the early stages but, before long, Sabu starts to come back.


Chris Hero makes his way to the ring in the tenth minute.



As Sabu rebounds off the ropes, he is tripped by the rookie...



Match Rating: B


After the match Chris Hero shakes hands with The Sinister Minister and hugs Nate Hatred.


Taz: ECW's Most Extreme Athlete has a sensitive side! Who knew?

Callis: How can you joke about this! Those two are parasites!


The celebrations are interrupted by Bret Hart who appears at the entrance-way.



Taz: It's The Hitman!

Callis: We've barely seen him since Wrestlepalooza!


Hart: What is this sh*t? I come back to an ECW arena after heading down to APW to see crap like this?


Mitchell: Just who the hell do you think you are?


Hart: I'm Bret Hart, a six time World Champion and a two-time winner of the Power 100. How about these two rookies?


All three men in the ring look pissed.


Hart: Hero... you used to talk about improving ECW "one quality wrestling match at a time", as though you were some kind of old-school icon and now look at you. You're nothing more than a whining little narcissist who sticks his nose in just about everyone else's business and gives his employers lip for getting booked on a B show. Sh*t, kid, if you were around in the eighties, yoiu'd have been stiffed more times than the adult entertainment stars you referenced earlier!


Taz: Haha, Hero don't look happy!


Hart: ...and Nate Hatred. ECW's Most Extreme Athlete? You might be a damn masochist but the difference that will always exist between you and Sabu is that guys like him paid there dues and actually leasrned how to work before picking up a flaming 2x4 or whatever other silly sh*t you seem to think is "hardcore". Let me tell you, son, the most "hardcore" thing you can do is impress these fans and I don't think you're in any danger of doing that!


The fans applaud Bret's tirade.


Hart: So, I'm laying down a challenge to either of you ingrates for this Monday's Revolution. It's about time you learnt some respect!


Jerry Lynn is backstage for a shoot promo.



Lynn: I'm gonna keep this short, Kurt, 'cos there really ain't much to say. You better get your ass in the ring in time for me to embarras you at Guilty As Charged. If not, it's gonna be a lot more than your inflated sense of pride that takes a kicking!



Punk is like a lamb to the slaughter.

He puts up an admirable fight but Calaway just looks too determined.

Plus, The Nest stay well away, clearly wanting no part of The Soul Taker jusr yet.

Calaway puts Punk away with a Chokeslam in the twelfth minute.

Match Rating: A


After the match, The Man Beast sprints to the ring.



Taker turns around a spilt second too late to react.




Taz: Damn... Taker's out, man!


The show goes off-air as Rhino stands wuith his foot on the chest of an unconscious Soul Taker.


Show Rating: B+

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


"The NME" Nate Hatred vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart



ECW's NME (New Main Event) and Most Extreme Athlete is the man to accept Bret Hart's challenge from Blood, Sweat an Beers. As hardcore brawling meets technical finesse and youth meets experience, it is anyone's guess as to who will come out on top.



War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo



Once again, the two world orders face off but, this time, the sWo are in the unenviable position of knowing a mole is in their ranks. Who is it? Or is it all just a bluff?





Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Rhino & CM Punk



Once more, Vito Thomaselli and "The Soul Taker" renew their mutual respect as they step into the ring to face their respective nemeses one more time. This one could certainly go either way!




ECW The Lioness' Championship Match


Beulah McGillicutty vs. Alexis Laree©




Alexis puts her newly acquired title on the line again... this time, it's against Beulah McGillicutty.




Shawn Michaels vs. Bubba Ray Dudley



Like Tommy Dreamer before him, Shawn Michaels challenges one of those damn Dudleyz with a view to taking back his and RVD's World Tag Title belts. The champs have not been on the best of terms recently but were able to put this behind them at Anarchy Rulz. With The Second Generation likely to make an appearance will the bad blood re-emerge?



ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match


Owen Hart vs. Raven©



In what is undoubtedly a hugely anticipated match, Owen Hart is set to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion. After nearly a year's wait to get his hands on Raven one-on-one, will Owen be the one to topple the champion or will Raven's reign of terror continue?






Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Another brilliant show. A mole in the sWo? I have a suspect ... but it makes me a little sad. Could it be ... the BlOz? (Blahs?) No ... nothing? I bring to comedy what ... Tony Blair brings to comedy. :p


"The NME" Nate Hatred vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart

The Franchise Killer, ECW's Most Extreme Athlete, the NME will put away the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be ... with help from your hero, and mine! Ardal O'Hanlon ... no, wait ...


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo

I see some opponent miscommunication, like Chessman going for his sidekick, and catching Sasuke instead of Stevie, thus causing the sWo to see him as the mole, especially after the whole Chessman beatdown of last month-ish.


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Rhino & CM Punk

The Man Beast is enraged, and CM Punk can use the win to catapult himself back in the drivers seat for the All Action Title.


ECW The Lioness' Championship Match

Beulah McGillicutty vs. Alexis Laree©

Same circumstances as BS&B, Beulah puts up something of a fight, Laree levels her, adding another name to the list as she builds her way back up to Jazz or Kelly Thomaselli.


Shawn Michaels vs. Bubba Ray Dudley

This one is tough. On one hand, you have the Dudleys and the Second Genners against 2 men, who, to the best of my knowledge, still haven't fully repaired the "Topless Tracy" incident of a few weeks back. By the same token, the Icons will be looking for revenge. I'm gonna assume the 2nd Generation gives Bubba the push he needs for victory.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Owen Hart vs. Raven©

Jericho and the nest will all make appearances, and Owen will have some backup of his own, whether he realizes it or not. This match gets thrown out, once again saving Raven from inevitably losing the gold. That sneaky lil rogue! :D

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Nate Hatred vs. Bret Hart - You kiddin'?


bWo vs. sWo - Just 'cause it's always one wins one week and another another week.


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Rhino & CM Punk - Red-hot pissed off Rhino will be unstoppable against MC.


Beulah McGillicutty vs. Alexis Laree © - One more time, You kiddin'?


Shawn Michaels vs. Bubba Ray Dudley - Like on BSE, mayhem between tag teams but BRD escapes with title.


Owen Hart vs. Raven © - Probably won't happen but seeing Owen go out with the title would certainly be most interesting as Raven goes on to reclaim title after his retirement and then goes on with him feuding with Rhino or Calaway.

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ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Owen Hart vs. Raven©

Jericho and the nest will all make appearances, and Owen will have some backup of his own, whether he realizes it or not. This match gets thrown out, once again saving Raven from inevitably losing the gold. That sneaky lil rogue! :D


Isn't he just? :D


Cheers for the predictions boys.


The show should be up later, my chronic hangover permitting.


Quote The Raven


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"The NME" Nate Hatred vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart - Not a good night for the Harts.


War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Rhino & CM Punk - GOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


ECW The Lioness' Championship Match

Beulah McGillicutty vs. Alexis Laree© - Poor Beulah!


Shawn Michaels vs. Bubba Ray Dudley - Dudleys both get a singles win.


ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Owen Hart vs. Raven© - Raven keeps the title. Again.

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Nate Hatred vs. Bret Hart

Another legend killed by Hatred.


bWo vs. sWo

sWo are very concerned about the mole and can't get things together.


Mark Calaway & Vito Thomaselli vs. Rhino & CM Punk

Rhino is on fire and Punk could do with the win after last week.


Beulah McGillicutty vs. Alexis Laree ©

Another easy title match for Laree.


Shawn Michaels vs. Bubba Ray Dudley

After D'von's win last week I think the Dudleys momentum will carry on.


Owen Hart vs. Raven ©

Hart puts up a valient effort, but isn't a match for Raven and his nest.

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If only that gimmick hadn't already been used :rolleyes:.


Quote The Raven



Anyone can Kill the Legends....that sick b~stard Hatred tortures and maimes them instead, then leaves them alive to warn others and think about how Hatred took them apart piece of piece.


PLUS this is an alternate universe, I don't see any 3rd Generation Orton's around here, do you?

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Monday, week 1, October

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: Anarchy Rulz was a real rollercoaster ride, two titles changing hands, the first Lioness Champion being crowned and all four Tag Title belts being stolen. However, perhaps the biggest news in ECW transpired just two nights ago on Blood, Sweat and Beers.

Gertner: No, Scotty-boy, the biggest news was the size of the Studmuffin's manhood while delivering his awe-inspiring monologue on Friday. However, aside from that, I agree wholeheartedly.

Hudson: Feel free to ignore the inane and explicit comments, ladies and gentlemen, I certainly try to. Of course, what I refer to is the news that Owen Hart will challenge Raven for the World Heavyweight Title.

Gertner: Feel free to ignore the horrificaly boring stammers coming from beside, me, ladies and... ladies. The Quintessential Studmuffin is here for your enjoyment and he says "Let's get to the action!"

Hudson: For crying out loud, Joel.



As always, ECW's NME comes out looking to prove a point.

However, the returning Hart looks on top form and is far from the cannon fodder Hatred has, on occassion, previously been fed.

Indeed, by the tenth minute, Hatred finds himself on the canvas.

Bret grabs his legs ready to apply the Sharpshooter.

However, The Sinister Minister runs in and swings his walking cane...

...but Hart grabs it and just snaps it over his knee.

He then throws Mitchell over the top rope to the concrete.

He locks in the Sharpshooter on Hatred.


Chris Hero runs down the aisle-way with a chair.



He nails Hart in the back with the steel.

As Bret grimmaces in agony Hero turns him around...

Hero's Welcome!

Nate Hatred doesn't bothjer to stand, immediately covering his opponent.


Match Rating: B+


Kurt Angle is bcakstage for a shoot promo. He is not wearing his neck brace.



Angle: As you all know, the sheer lack of professionalism demonstrated by Jerry Lynn five months ago resulted in a broken neck that I have to endure with good grace. Despite the pain and my ongoing struggle with Subconscious Independent Retribution Therapy, I have been told by my doctors that the affected section of my spine is healing well. As such, in view of my love for active competition and even going against doctors' orders, I am returning to the ring as of this Saturday. As uncertain as my form may be, there is one thing I can guarantee... I will not be facing Jerry Lynn for fear of my own safety if nothig else.



The mtch goes down with a surprising lack of shennanigans.

The bWo come out victorious in the sixth minute following a Stevie Kick to Chessman.

Match Rating: D+


However, it is after the match that the chaos ensues.



Espiritu, Oz, Escoria, and Cuervo take out Big Stevie Cool and BW Snow from behind and lay the boots in.

Meanwhile Big Sasuke Cool a groggy Chessman take a large, black linen sack and a length of rope from under the ring.

The sWo then proceed to bundle BW Snow into the bag and tie it up.

Dragging their hostage behind them, they make a quick exit through the crowd as Hollywood Nova and Da Blue Guy arrive a little too late.


Chris Hero is backstage for a shoot promo.



Hero: Bret I thought I'd save you some time so that you don't have to ask The Saviour of ECW why he cost you your match. The reason is the same as why I took great pride in defeating Jerry Lynn a few weeks ago; it is the same as why I destroyed ECW's supposed "Franchise". You are a washed-up, pathetic old-timer who just doesn't know when to retire. You should take a cue from your brother Bret... he's stepping aside for us young guys and he's younger than you! But, since you won't willingly step out of the spotlight, I figure I'll force you out. So, with that in mind, ECW's Saviour is challenging you to a match for Blood, Sweat and Beers!



The two teams combine well for a fantastic match in which all dour men see much offence.

By the twelfth minute, all competitors are in the ring for a chaotic brawl.

Rhino seizes the opportunity to charge at Vito...


Hudson: GORE! GORE... No!


Vito rolls out of the way as Rhino flies towards "The Soul Taker".

However, it is scouted... Taker sticks up his boot and The Man Beast charges straight into it.


Hudson: My god! That nearly took his head off!

Gertner: It sounded like a damn car wreck!


Vito boots Punk in the gut as Calaway picks up Rhino.

Vito Driver!


Simultaneous covers for the three.

Match Rating: A


After the match, Taker and Vito hug and raise one another's hands.


Chris Jericho is backstage.



Jericho: Bravo, Owen, it was one hell of a trcik you pulled... putting me in the Walls Of Jericho. It certainly made me see you in a whole new light... and made me want to make you tap even more! But, now, you say you're retiring at the end of the month? Well, that may suit you, Owen, but it doesn't suit me. You see, this ain't over as far as I'm concerned and, at Guilty As Charged, I want you in a Submission Match again so that I can be the one to end your career!




Alexis dominates the match comfortably.

She wins with an Alexis Effect in the fifth minut6e.

Match Rating: D-


The camera cuts to a darkened room backstage where BW Snow sits.



As the camera pans around, it becomes apparent that he is, in fact, tied to the chair and gagged with a length of duck tape.

A single light bulb hanging above his head provides the chilling atmosphere.

A click of fingers is heard as Snow looks terrified.


The entire sWo step forward out of the blackness, Sasuke at the front.



Sasuke clicks his fingers again and Cuervo pulls the tape from Snow's mouth.


Snow: Don't rape me!


Sasuke: Oh... we have no intention of laping you, Mister Snow. Since Big Stevie Tool speak of mole I have been mindful of Amelican ringo... rook before you reap!


Snow: Who's Ringo?


Sasuke: Sirence!


Sasuke pauses.


Sasuke: Do you learise why you are here, Mister Snow?


Snow: You want me to give you head, don't you? Everybody wants me to give them head but I tell them "No, you can't have head! I only give head to my bestest of friends!"


Sasuke: Sirence! I do not want your sirry mannequin! I want to know who is the mole?


Snow: What mole?


Sasuke slaps Snow.


Sasuke: Don't tly and be crever! We have ways of making you talk!


Snow: Do your worst!


Sasuke clicks his fingers for a third time and Oz produces a DVD case from behind his back.

However, the camera is not in-focus enough to display the information on the cover.


Snow: Oh, god no! Anything but that!


Chessman and Escoria pull down a projector screen at the back wall as Oz puts the DVD into a player.


Sasuke: Pray it!


What appears on the screen is the match between Kevin Nash and John Cena from last months WWF UNforgiven pay-per-view.


Snow: No, please! If I knew anything, I'd tell you! God... no!


Sasuke: You better start talking, Snow. You think this is bad? Wait 'til Cena tlies a Figure Four Reg Rock!


The shot fades to black as Snow's screams become even more urgent.

The camera cuts back to ringside.



The two men put on a great match despite their styles not quite gelling.

Shawn Michaels is the man to gain the upper-hand after the opening minutes.


However, D-Von Dudley emerges from the back.



He slides in and a 2-on-1 beatdown begins.

Michaels starts to fade.

However, he has back-up too.


Rob Van Dam sprints to the ring with a chair.



He nails D-Von with the steel and the match becomes a 2-on-2 slugfest as the odds even up.


Gertner: This might as well be a tag match!

Hudson: Well, the Tag Titles are the main reason this match was scheduled.


The Hardcore Innovators stride to the ring with their Singapore canes.



Gertner: ...and it looks like it's gonna get even more chaotic.


However, before The Inoovators make it to the ring, HBK hits a Duper Kick out of nowher on Bubba Ray.

He covers for the three.

Match Rating: B+


The Whole F**kin' Show go to grab their belts from ringside but, rather expectedly, are cut off by the arriving Hardcore Innovators.


As another brawl starts up "The Second Generation" emerge from the crowd.



Dick, Daizy and Banzai pull their uncles from the ring and make an escape with all four belts as the four champions keep brawling.


However, before they reach the back they are stopped in their tracks.



Heyman: Woah... woah... woah! As interesting as all of this chaos has been to watch, it's about time we sorted it out! The Hardcore Innovators are the Hardcore Champions, The Whole F**kin' Show are the World Champions and The Dudleyz posess all four belts. Seeing as all three teams bring something to the table, I say we re-visit an old ECW tradition. At Guilty As Charged it will be The Whole F**kin' Show versus The Dudley Boyz versus The Hardcore Innovators in a Three Way Dance to unify the Tag Team Titles!


The fans explode as all three teams look happy with the solution.


AJ Styles is backstage for a shoot promo.



Styles: Dragon, you may have taken my TV Title at Anarchy Rulz, a title that rightfully belongs around the waist of The Phenomenal One, but it only happened because of a distraction from your filthy whore of a girlfriend. Let me ask you something, Ultimo. Does it not strike you as strange that she only picked you up after you picked up the strap? A word of advice... Franny ain't changed, man. She's the same gold-digging slut she always was. You're just the schmuck along for the ride. But, don't sweat it, 'cos I'm challenging you to a rematch at Guilty As Charged and, when the title comes home to Georgia, ECW's Extreme Escort will probably have a crack at me too. At least I'll have the integrity to kick her ass to the curb.


The camera cuts back to ringside.


Hudson: This is the one we've all been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen... the first time The World Heavyweight Championship has been defended on a television broadcast since February!

Gertner: Man, I can't wait for this one!


Raven makes his way to the ring.



Raven: I want to make something perfectly clear. Thomaselli boys, Bret Hart... if any of you even think about interfering in this match, I'll fire you on the spot. You stick one hair through that curtain and you'll be jobbing in The Federation before the month is up!


As "Black Heart" by Calexico blares over the arena speakers, Owen Hart makes his way to the ring to a huge response.




Both men come out looking strong and it is clear that the television crowd is in for a treat!

Raven employs his usual tactics, immediatley starting the match with a kick to Hart's groin.

But, no, Owen scouts it, grabs his foot and throws him to the canvas.


No! Raven kicks him away.


Hudson: He nearly had it!


The match continues in an even manner until, in the thirteenth minute, Raven sets up Hart for the Evenflow DDT.

However, Owen reverses it into a Northern Lights Suplex.

From here, he lays in the boots and starts to take control.


The Nest come out to the ring.



Hart ducks out to ringside and grabs a chair.

He re-enters as The Nest reach the ring.

He throws Alexis clean over the top rope.

Chair shot to Punk's skull!


Hudson: Oh, the impact!


...and another stiff steel shot that sends Abyss toppling over the top rope.

He then rams the chair into Goliath's gut.

The giant bends double in pain and Hart blasts him over the back with the chair.


Hudson: Owen Hart just took out The Nest!

Gertner: Single-handedly!


However, as Hart turns, he is booted in the gut by Raven and he drops the chair.

The Champion, again, sets him up for the DDT but Hart, this time, strikes him in the mid-section, releasing the facelock.

The two men continue to brawl.


Chris Jericho emerges from the back to a chorus of boos.



Hudson: What the hell is he doing here?!


He slides into the ring undetected and picks up the chair.

As Owen goes to land a punch, Raven smiles and motions for him to turn around.

He turns to see Jericho holding the chair.

Jericho smiles as Owen shields his face.

The Lionheart nails Raven in the face!


Gertner: What the hell?!


The fans go crazy as Owen looks completely confused.

Jericho motions for him to make the cover.

Instead, Hart locks in The Sharpshooter.


Hudson: It's locked in!


The pain on Raven's face is obvious...

...and he is forced to tap!

Match Rating: A



Gertner: He did it! He actually did it!


Referee, John Finnegan, hands the World Heavyweight Championship to Owen Hart as Chris Jericho raises his hand in victory.

The fans go crazy as Hart collapses to his knees, weeping into his first ever World Title!


Hudson: Just look at the emotion on the face of Owen Hart!


The show goes off air as Jericho applauds the efforts of the new champion along with 9,000 fans in attendance.


Show Rating: B+

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Okay, it's just you and I here, Nevvy, you can tell me ... are you really Paul E.? The genius of this booking, the flow, the utter captivation of the storylines ... I won't tell, I promise. ;)


In all seriousness (unless you really are Heyman, in which case ... yahoo!), another absolutely brilliant show. You should change your name to UPS, because you deliver! (Yes, yes, I broke out the late 1990's lingo, you're that good.)


The bWo/sWo feud finds new ways of building steam, and keeps that strong humor to it. Hero is making his mark, and building his way up the card, and Owen Hart, just before he walks away, becomes world champion. It seemed impossible, but someone beat Raven. Until the loophole, sure, but still! :p


I just had to throw praise, and express my appreciation for the thorough amount of entertainment you provide.

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