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sWo vs. bWo - Got to love the Blue


Jazz vs. Alexis© - Big (for a woman), Black, and Bitchy. The three B's will win it for Jazz


The Whole F**kin' Show - Only reason is because I hate the other two


The Dudley Boyz


The Hardcore Innovators


Chris Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon© - Just because I think Chris is awesome


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli© - Duh! He is badass


Rhino vs. Mark Calaway - The Beast over The Soul Taker


Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart - Favorite Wrestler

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bWo v sWo - Mole finally reveals himself.

Jazz v Alexis © - The Flock needs to be holding at least one title by the end of the night.

The Whole F**kin' Show v The Dudley Boyz v The Hardcore Innovators - I think it's time for the WFS's reign to end and I think the Dudleys have enough trouble with their STD problem.

Chris Daniels v AJ Styles v Rey Mysterio v Ultimo Dragon © - I smell push.

CM Punk v Vito Thomaselli © - Big Vito mark so he gets my vote on this one.

Rhino v Mark Calaway - I think a broken wrist would fare better against a broken face in this one.

Chris Jericho v Owen Hart © - I say let the Era of Jericho begin. again.

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All right, I believe I successfully picked wrong on every match leading into Revolution ... which means I'm due for a huge turnaround. (This might be why I'm not allowed to go to the horse track. :p) But I digress.


sWo vs. bWo

The culmination of the war of the world orders, and the impact of the mole will be too much for the sWo to overcome. And for bonus points, I'm gonna say we are introduced to the Bluezard of Ozz. I'll more than likely be wrong, but I'ma say it anyway.


Jazz vs. Alexis©

Jazz has been on a roll, but Alexis has the backing of the Flock. And maybe she gained Raven's win streak via osmosis.


The Whole F**kin' Show vs. The Dudley Boyzvs. The Hardcore Innovators

This is a tough call. One match, albeit impressive, over Axl/Balls does not a reunified team make, and the off chance of STD infecting the match (see what I did there?) does make the chance for the Dudleyz to take the gold seem less likely, but I have a feeling the second generation will help swing things in their favor.


Chris Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon©

Dark horse pick. Juvi appears, and with Eddie, they begin the lWo, giving the bWo someone new to ... no, wait. Juvi will cost the Dragon the title, but he holds no love loss for AJ either, and Daniels will be caught in the crossfire. I think Rey-Rey wins by default.


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli©

Vito's another one who is on a roll, and even the wiles of the mysterious blonde won't push Punk over the top to victory.


Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

The man escaped a hospital with his head held together with gauze and duct tape. Hard to lift anyone with a broken wrist, especially one as rabid as the man beast. Calaway falls victim to the gore!


Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

I'll be honest, this was a coin toss. I can see Jericho gaining the belt, and being ravaged by a riled up Raven. I can see Raven tweaking the match, and working his way in, making it a three way, and regaining the gold. And I can see Owen holding on through a vicious bout, and thus walking away as champ. It came up heads, so Jericho obviously wins. lol

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In so far as it'spossible to pick wrong succesfully :D.


But, nah, you got Dragon right, if I'm not mistaken.


Quote The Raven



Well, my mom always told me that my ability to do things wrong should be considered an art form. lol


And yeah, I got the Dragon, and Vito right. Totally flubbed those. :p GaC will fix all that. lol

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Hey man, loved the last show, especially the end bit with the trap and the "fake Kelly" bit. Thought that was cool.


Anyway, predictions...


"War of the World Orders"

sWo vs. bWo

In a swerve there is a mole in bWo. As great as this diary is (and it is quite simply the best thing on these boards) I do think this storyline has played its course


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Jazz vs. Alexis©

Alexis to retain to give the belt a bit of credibility


Ladders, Chairs, Canes and Flaming Tables

Three Way Dance To Unify The Tag Team Championships

The Whole F**kin' Show


The Dudley Boyz


The Hardcore Innovators

Wow. Somewhat of an insane match... and to think TLC has the "oh my" line attached, I think it is only appropriate this one has Joey's "oh my God!" attached. I want to say the WFI to win because they're awesome but I think we may see one of them either accidentily or purposely screw the other one. I'm guessing HBK will become the heel because he is an amazing heel and RVD can be the main face for you with the main event getting on in years


Stairway To Hell Match for the ECW World Television Title

Chris Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon©

This... will be awesome. Like, unbelievably awesome. I reckon AJ will sneak it just because... I don't know, really


Last Man Standing Match for the ECW International All Action Title

CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli©

Perhaps with Kelly turning. Although I wouldn't be surprised to see Vito win just to gain a measure of retribution for everything


Ambulance Match

"The Man Beast" vs. "The Soul Taker"

Rhino vs. Mark Calaway

I think Taker realistically doesn't have long left and Rhino is still a bit part of ECW so he'll get the win, fractured skull and all...


Ultimate Submission Match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship

Owen Hart's Last Match

Chris Jericho vs. Owen Hart

It's a shame he has to retire really, but it's so preferable to the way his career did end, obviously. I'm guessing Owen, being the amazing professional he was (and he really was- everyone loved him. You hear stories of jobbers from WWF waxing lyrical over him because he was one of hte only guys to let them get offence in, just a class act) will do the right thing and put Jericho over on his way out. Will be a great match though


Someone likes their stipulation matches, huh?! But this looks to be an amazing card and I suspect my vote for Show of the Year in the year end awards. Can't wait for it buddy.

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Someone likes their stipulation matches, huh?! But this looks to be an amazing card and I suspect my vote for Show of the Year in the year end awards. Can't wait for it buddy.


Yes, yes...


Most of them were built as such for a reason (e.g. Ambulance Match, Ultimate Submission, Three Way Dance). One, admittedly, is just to bolster the match rating (Stairway To Hell) 'cos it would suck if those four don't have a good match! However, the annoying one is Punk and Vito, which was always intended to be Last Man Standing and I was just so tired writing up the last show that I forgot to include the set-up angle! What a tit :rolleyes:.


And, honestly, if you think this has show of the year potential, wait for November To Remember XV next month! I have been planning it for far too long!


Quote The Raven


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Yes, yes...


Most of them were built as such for a reason (e.g. Ambulance Match, Ultimate Submission, Three Way Dance). One, admittedly, is just to bolster the match rating (Stairway To Hell) 'cos it would suck if those four don't have a good match! However, the annoying one is Punk and Vito, which was always intended to be Last Man Standing and I was just so tired writing up the last show that I forgot to include the set-up angle! What a tit :rolleyes:.


And, honestly, if you think this has show of the year potential, wait for November To Remember XV next month! I have been planning it for far too long!


Quote The Raven



That sucks about the Last Man Standing, but such is their rivalry that I don't think it seems out of them place to have a gimmick match. Besides, you know I was just kidding. While there are a lot of gimmick matches, they all have a point and that's what matters. They add to the excitement of the match and don't take away from the others, so they certainly work.


And I get what you're saying about N2R 15. I'm the same with Mania 15 in FMTA. I really want to get it posted because I've been building towards it for so long, I've known where I was pretty much going with it since I started the diary, which is like 3 years!

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Friday, week 4, October

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Callis: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ECW's pay-per-view specatcular on this 26th day of October. In an industry where no one is truly inoocent, ECW is proud to be Guilty As Charged! I'm Don Callis alongside Scott Hudson and, former World Heavyweight Champion and Master of Pain, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Callis. Man, am I psyched for this one?

Hudson: Me too, Taz, the matches on tonight's card are easily as strong as any I've seen during my time in ECW.

Callis: Absolutely, as tonight not only will we witness an Ultimate Submission match between two Canadian Technical greats for the ECW World Heavyweight Title but we will also see two straight-up grudge matches.

Hudson: I assume you mean the Last Man Standing Match between Vito Thomaselli and CM Punk, a feud that has become more personal than perhaps any I've seen.

Taz: ...and, of course, "The Man Beast" versus "The Soul Taker". Let me tell ya, I never liked that whole cliche about the irresistible force and the immovable object but those two are the two toughest bastards I've ever seen, no doubt.

Hudson: ...and let's not forget the Three Way Dance to unify the Tag Titles.

Taz: What? Chairs, Canes, Ladders and Flaming Tables? How could forget?

Callis: AND the Stairway To Hell Match for the TV Title between four of the best all-around wrestling stars in the world.

Taz: AND Joel Gertner's intro!

Hudson: Of cour... wait. What? Oh, crap...




Gertner: Well, well, well... it is I, The man your mother warned you about and the one who makes your panties moist, The Quinesstial Stud Muffin... Joel "You'll only get my marrow when you suck my bone dry"...


He pauses.


Gertner: ...Gertner.


Taz laughs.

Callis: How do you put up with this every Monday?

Hudson: Honestly, I don't know. How did you cope?

Callis: In the end, I got the tech guy to set it so that his mic feed didn't come through my headphones.

Hudson: Wow... I'll look into that!


Gertner: So, it's ECW's pay-per-view for this, the 26th of October

and the matches look so good that I've already got a boner.


Hudson: That doesn't even rhyme!


Gertner: And you better know Joel Gertner is always Guilty As Charged

If the crime for which I'm standing trial... is my package being large!


Gertner heads to the back as the fans cheer.




As the match kicks off, Jazz comes out like a bulldozer.

Alexis is thrown about like a ragdoll as ECW's traditional Lioness flatout dominates the early-going.

In the fifth minute, Alexis slips out the back of a Powerslam and instinctively lands a lowblow.

But Jazz turns, obviously unphased, and lifts up her opponent by the neck.


Callis: We're surely going to have a new ch... Wait... what the hell?


The mysterious blonde from Revolution slides into the ring.



Jazz drops Alexis and goes to Clothesline the newcomer.

However, the blonde ducks underneath, rebounds underneath and lands a flying lariat of her own.


Taz: Woah!

Hudson: Jazz is down!


The blonde helps up Alexis who looks puzzled.

Jazz rises to her feet, only to be booted in the gut.

Double DDT!

Alexis covers...


Match Rating: C-


Callis: Jazz just got screwed?

Taz: Who the hell is that?

Hudson: Well, it seems like a new member of Raven's Nest... but I have no idea who.


Rey Mysterio Jr is backstage for a shoot promo.



Mysterio: It's a long while since I've been given any mic time. Hell, it's a long time since I've been on a pay-per-view. The last time I did get a shot at gold at a big event was against the Whole F**kin' Show alongside Juventud Guerrera. The reason I didn't win that night is because my partner was dead weight. Oh, yeah, you heard me. Juventud Guerrera was the reason that Los Increibles never won the tag titles and he proved it when he couldn't get it done against AJ Styles at Heatwave. If that wasn't proof enough, I'm gonna prove how much he was holding me back by winning the World Television Title this very night!


He pauses.


Mysterio: You may notice I've changed my mask. Well, this change of appearance signals a change of fortunes because, from this day on, Rey Mysterio will be the name on evry ECW fan's lips.


The camera cuts back to ringside.


Callis: Wow, strong words from Mysterio.

Taz: Yeah and I don't think that was the brightest thing to say what with Juventud Guerrera likely to be waiting in the shadows!




The match is used in its usual manner of crowd control.

By the sixth minute, Hollywood Nova and Big Sasuke Cool are the legal men.

As the fight becomes too close to call, all four non-legal men flood the ring.

A wild brawl ensues.

Gradually, each man is taken down until only Sasuke, Nova and Stevie are left standing.

Stevie Kick to Nova!


Callis: What the...?


Sasuke makes the cover.


Match Rating: D+


BW Snow stands up to confront Stevie but is also met by a Stevie Kick.


Taz: Is Stevie the mole?!

Hudson: But he's in the bWo!


The other members of the sWo stand to celebrate.

Suddenly, Sasuke Superkicks Chessman.

Stevie hits a third Stevie Kic on Ozz.


Callis: Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?


Stevie picks up a mic.


Stevie: I wasn't lying... there was a mole in the sWo. It's just that none of you suspected it to be Sasuke himself! And I bet you didn't expect there to be a second mole... me.


Taz: Are Stevie and Sasuke... together?

Hudson: I am so confused.


Stevie: That masked guy who kept managing to take out the bWo and not the sWo... that was me and it was no accident. You see, Sasuke and I are the only respectable wrestlers in this whole bunch and we are f**King sick of being held down in the undercard by this stupid f**king angle! The nWo died seven years ago and just 'cos The Federation wants a trip down memory lane, it shouldn't mean that one of the most succesful wrestlers in the history of Japan and one of the best workers in ECW to never receive a title shot should be held back!


Some boos are heard from the crowd but cheers are equally prevalent.

He clearly has a point.


Stevie: F**k the bWo! I have wasted too many stinking years in a god damn comedy gimmick wearing these ridiculous f**king daisy dukes! And to hell with the Sasuke World Order! Who even dreamed thart sh*t up? It's a f**king parody of parody... when was that ever called for?


Taz: Wow, I've never seen Stevie this mad!


Stevie: Consider this ridiculous angle dead and buried! Sasuke and I are now reborn as the credible wresterls we once were. We are the TRUE World Order and... WE'RE TAKING OVER!


Backstage, the camera just catches the back of a figure walking out of Paul Heyman's office.



Heyman waves the mysterious figure off.


Heyman: The natural order will be restored? I actually like the sound of that! Man, has he changed his tune...


Heyman shuts the door of his office as the camera pans out to reveal the bWo.



Snow: Dude, was that...


Nova: ...in Heyman's office?


They look at each other.


Snow & Nova: Nah...


The camera cuts back to the ring.


Taz: Natural order?! That's the video! That's the video slogan!

Hudson: ...but what does it mean?

Taz: Screw that, who was the guy?

Callis: Well, that videos been appearing for literally months. Maybe we're about to find out what it means.

Taz: Get Becky to interview the bWo. I want to know what they saw.


--------------------Ladders, Chairs, Canes & Flaming Tables Match





The match starts off chaotic, as one would expect, all six men being legal.

And by no means does it settle down as a full-on brawl ensues.

By the eighth minute, a ladder has been set up just in front of the turnbuckle.

The Dudleyz whip RVD to the ropes.

Bubba lifts him up as D-Von runs in...


Bubba climbs the ladder as D-Von sets up a table straight in front of it.

D-Von climbs the turnbuckle and pulls RVD up into his grasp.

He walks a short way along the rope to lift Van Dam onto Bubba's shoulders.


Callis: Oh... it's gonna be the Superbomb through the table.

Taz: ...and D-Von's got the gas, Callis.


D-Von, still balanced on the top rope, squirts the fluid onto the table and sets it ablaze as Bubba stands straight for the Superbomb.

However, Michaels jumps onto the apron and shoves D-Von through the burning table.


Hudson: OH!


As soon as D-Von crashes through the wood, RVD leans back and Hurricanranas Bubba off the ladde onto his partner.




Taz: Damn! D-Von's dead!


Michaels rolls Bubba out of the way and makes the coer on D-Von.



Hudson: D-Von is gone and the Dudleyz suffer the first casualty.


John Finnegan sends D-Von to the back as the match continues as a chaotic spotfest.

In the eleventh minute, Michaels and Dreamer are brawling in the middle of the ring.

Bubba Ray sets up a table nearby.

Dreamer goes for the clothesline but Michaels ducks underneath...

Sweet Chin Music!

Dreamer staggers back from the force straight into a Bubba Bomb!

Dudley covers for the 1...2...3!


Taz: Dreamer's gone!

Callis: And now the Whole F**kin' Show are at a real advantage!


Cactus Jack enters with a Singapore and goes on a vengeful rampage.

He cracks it over Michaels head and then Bubba's.

Both men crash to the mat.

Van Dam enters... cane shot that sends him dow too.

Jack raises the cane for the crowd.

He picks up Bubba Ray.

Double Arm DDT!

He makes to cover but both Michaels and Van Dam charge him before he can do so.

A 2-on-1 beatdown ensues.

Van Dam rolls Jack onto the table that Bubba set up earlier as Michaels sets up another ladder in the opposite corner.

Both members of the Whole F**kin' Show head up the ladders in opposite corners of the ring.


Taz: Uh oh. Here it comes!


420 Splash through the table!


Taz: ...and now Cactus is dead.

Hudson: But so are the Whole F**kin' Show!


Bubba staggers to his feet and sees all his opponents down.

He covers Jack...



Taz: ...and The Innovators are gone in quick succession.

Hudson: Bubba Ray eliminated them both!


Ray now covers RVD.




Callis: ...and, surely, The Whole F**kin' Show can seal this one now. It's two on one!


All three men rise and the tag champs soon sieze the opportunity to take the advantage.

Sweet Chin Music!




Taz: Wow... Bubba ain't going down easily.


The Dudley Family head down to the ring.



As the family enter the ring, the exhausted champions are soon out-muscled.

D-Von, Dick and Banzai drag Michaels to the outside as Daizy sets up a table on the concrete.

For the second time, D-Von sets up a table ablaze as Big Dick Jr picks up HBK for the Powerbomb.

RVD sees whats happening and rebounds off the ropes.

Michaels strikes Dick Jr in the head twicer and fights his way of the behemoth's shoulders.

RVD launches himself over the ropes in a Cross Body.

The Dudley Family duck.

Michaels never sees it coming and is driven through the flaming table by his own partner.


Taz: Man! Van Dam just planted Michaels!

Hudson: I don't like the look of this all of a sudden.


D-Von rolls Michaels in and Bubba covers.



Callis: It's RVD and Bubba Ray, one-on-one!

Hudson: More like four-on-one.


However, as RVD is thrown back in, Bubba Ray arrogantly tells his relatives to head to the back.

They do so as he picks up Van Dam for a Bubba Cutter!



Bubba backs away as Van Dam staggers to his feet.

Right hand from Bubba...


...and another...

...one more...

He spins his forearms and makes a thrusting motion.

Bionic Elbow...


Van Dam ducks underneath...

He kicks Bubba in the gut...

...but Bubba catches it.



Bubba ducks the Enziguiri kick.

But Van Dam spins back around and catches his opponent with a heel kick.

Ray crashes to the mat as RVD looks at the fans.

He points his thumbs.


Taz: Here we go!


Van Dam leaps to the top.

Five Star Frog Splash...

Michaels leaps to his feet...

...and Superkicks Van Dam right out of the air!


Callis: What the hell?!


Bubba rolls over to make the cover.




Hudson: No!




Callis: What just...




Callis: ...happ... Damn it!


Match Rating: B+


Jeers ring around the arena.


Hudson: The Dudley Boyz are the new unified tag champs...

Taz: ...and I think The Whole F**kin' Show just imploded!


But Michaels looks more confused than anything.


Traci runs down to the ring to check on Van Dam.



After she makes sure he is okay, she stands up to confront Michaels.

However, Michaels just shakes his head and holds his hands up.


Callis: Was it an accident?

Taz: An accident?! He nearly kicked his teeth out!

Hudson: But he was down unconscious.

Callis: And he certainly looks confused.


Michaels finally snaps out of his confusion and walks over to his partner.


Taz: Look. He's gonna finish him off.


However, Michaels helps Van Dam up.

"I'm sorry" he says. "I'm so sorry".

RVD stretches his neck out, clearly still in pain.

Michaels extends his hand as a peace offering.


Callis: I told you it was an accident.


RVD lands a haymaker on his partner!


Hudson: But that wasn't!


Van Dam storms to the back as Traci runs after him.

Michaels is left in the ring, clutching his jaw with a look of pure hate in his eyes.


Raven sits alone in a drak corner backstage.



Raven: Failure is nature's method to prepare one for great responsibility and, in recent weeks, I have known failure like I have never before had to endure. However, the simple fact remains that it is only an ill-fated plan that cannot be changed and no further ill fate shall befall he who is eternally scorned. The alignment of the stars may have changed, but one still shines far brighter than the others and, in this manner, it shall continue. So call me the sun...


He smiles.


Raven: ...the father and the unholy spirit. So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven



Stairway To Hell Match



The match starts as chaotically as the one before, all four men looking to prove a point.

Before long, a fast-paced classic is underway.

Indeed, considering the competitors' limited overness, the crowd are fully engaged.

In the seventh minute, Ultimo Dragon and Mysterio combine for a Double Suplex on Styles.

Meanwhile, Daniels sets up a ladder in the middle of the ring.

Mysterio throws Styles over the ropes to the outside as Dragon catches Daniles off guard with a Spinning Wheel Kick.

Dragon starts to climb the ladder towards his belt.

Mysterio climbs up the other side.

Both still relatively fresh, they have reached the top in seconds.

Mysterio hits Dragon.

Dragon returns the favour.

Blows are traded.

Daniels rebounds off the ropes.

Mysterio sees him coming and jumps backwards off the ladder.

Daniels continues, though, and dropkicks the ladder.

As Styles comes to on the outside, the ladder topples and Ultimo Dragon is sent flying over the top rope.

However, as he hurtles to the outside, Styles catches him on his shoulders for a Powerbomb.


Callis: My god, the strength of AJ Styles.


However, the momentum of Ultimo Dragon takes Styles down in a Spinning Headscissors.


Hudson: And the balance of Ultimo Dragon! He fell twenty foot to the outside but still took out Styles in a headscissors!




Meanwhile, as Daniels rises from kicking the ladder, the force of Mysterio's backwards jump sends him rebounding off the ropes.

He hits a Spinning Headscissors on Daniels that sends him through the ropes.


Taz: Another spinning headscissors! This is awesome!


Mysterio gets back up and rebounds again.

Flying Sommersault Plancha over the ropes!

Daniels is taken out cleanly.

Mysterio jumps up again as Ultimo Dragon slides back in the ring.

Mysterio hops onto the guard rail for a Moonsault onto Daniels.

Meanwhile, Ultimo Dragon rebounds off the ropes...

Springboard Shooting Star Press onto both Mysterio and Daniels!


Taz: Damn! This is better than awesome!


As all three of his opponents lay spent on the outside, Styles crawls back in and sets up the ladder.

He climbs up slowly.

He reaches the top as all three other men are still down on the outside.

He looks up at the belt.

He looks all the way down at his opponents.

He looks back up at the belt...

...and back at his opponents.




Styles shrugs his shoulders...

...and dives all the way over the top rope onto his opponents on the outside.


Taz: Holy ****! This is better than better than awesome!




All four men lie in a heap, exhausted on the outside as the fans go nuts.

Eventually, they make their way back in and the match continues.

By the sixteenth minute, a ladder is laid against the turnbuckle.

Daniels punches Mysterio so that he falls back against it.

He then pushes Styles back into the opposite corner.

He whips AJ towards Mysterio.

However, Mysterio steps away from the ladder and launches Styles over his head.

"The Phenomenal One" manages to balance on the top rung of the ladder.

But Ultimo Dragon runs along the apron and pushes the ladder out of the corner.

The ladder falls backwards as does Styles.

However, in an amazing display of athleticism, at the opportune moment, AJ jumps backwards as the ladder falls and grabs the strap from which the belt is hung.


Callis: Styles is hanging! He's just gotta get his hands on the belt.


Ultimo Dragon leaps onto the turnbuckle.

Mysterio pushes the ladder back towards the champion.

But Dragon catches it and uses it to vault off the top rope onto the strap.


Taz: They're both hanging up there!


Dragon and Styles try to kick each other off but there is not enough room to get any decent leg power.

Daniels and Mysterio decide to work together to get them down.

They set up the ladder in the middle of the ring and climb up opposite sides.

They reach the top and grab the hanging cruiserweights by the legs.

But both Styles and Dragon kick free.


Hudson: This is crazy!


Suddenly, Ultimo Dragon is able to kick the top of the ladder.

Both Mysterio and Daniels go toppling over.

Mysterio grabs the champion's legs as he falls.

The champ crashes to the canvas along with Mysterio and "The Fallen Angel".

Styles seizes his moment, shifting his hands from the strap onto the belt.

He too goes crashing to the canvas but with the gold in his grasp!

Match rating: B+


Taz: That was incredible!

Callis: The fans are on their feet!


As all four competitors lay on the canvas exhausted, a newly familiar face runs in.



Hudson: It's Juventud Guerrera!

Callis: ...and he's got a chair.


The fans get even louder as Juvi stands in the corner.


Taz: But who's he gunning for? I mean AJ cost him his mask and Daniels helped him do it. Ultimo Dragon stole his girl and Mysterio just sold him out on live pay-per-view.

Hudson: My god, the atmosphere in this arena... listen to the crowd!


Gradually, the four competitors rise as Juvi stays parked in the corner.

All four men back away, clearly not wanting an altercation after such an exhausting bout.

But Guerrera charges.

Chair shot to Daniels...

...and Mysterio...

...and Dragon.

He turns to face Styles.

He motions his hands around his waist, indicating that he's coming for the belt.


Taz: ...and a chair shot to Styles as well!

Hudson: Guerrera is well and truly back in ECW!


"The Man Beast" is backstage for a shoot promo. His head is still lightly bandaged.



Rhyno: I'd be a fool not give you props, Calaway. I broe your wrist last Saturday and you were still able to come back on Monday to try and settle the score. But the fact is there is no score to settle. I HAVE BEEN DENIED MY RIGHT TO THE TITLE FOR TOO F**KING LONG! You cost me my title match with Raven and, while I'm sure you'll say that it was "payback" for me costing you the same opportunity, my actions were justified. I HAVE BEEN A SLAVE IN THIS PROMOTION FOR NEARLY TEN YEARS! I HAVE GIVEN MY BLOOD, MY SWEAT AND MY TEARS AND NOT ONCE HAVE I BEEN GIVEN A FAIR BREAK! Well, this is my time. You hear that? MY TIME! And it's oh so fitting that it's an ambulance match tonight because, not only will I take your blood, sweat and tears in retribution, Taker; I will break the neck of any ass hole stupid enough to get in my way!


He screams into the camera.




Last Man Standing Match



Just like last month, the chemistry between these two is obvious and they combine for another phenomenal bout.

Punk makes his intentions known, thumbing Vito in the eye in his first action.

Clearly, the challenger wants revenge for Vito's personal assault on him.

However, the young Italian soon comes back and, before long, a frenetic affair is in full swing.

Punk is the first to score a count as he hits Vito with a stiff chair shot.












But Vito makes it back up and ducks another chair shot.

Vito Driver!


Hudson: Wow... where did that come from?




















Punk grabs a rope and gets to his knees, enough to stop the count.

But Vito seizes the opportunity going on the attack.


Before long, though, The Nest's muscle shows up.



Callis: Damn it... will we ever see a match with a Nest member without interference?

Taz: It does get dull.

Hudson: ...and ridiculously unfair!


Vito sees them coming.

He charges and swandives over the top rope, catching both Monsters with a Crossbody Plancha.

But no! They catch him and run him back into the post.


Taz: Damn! His kidneys!


The Monsters roll him in...



Callis: Damn it!
























Vito now grabs the bottom rope and eases his way up.

Punk looks pissed.

He picks up his opponent...

...another GTS!
























Vito, again, starts to rise.

Abyss intervenes...

But is punched in the stomach from a grounded Vito.

Goliath walks over...



Callis: Ha, a page out of The Nest's own book!


Punk now goes back on the offensive...

...no, he's stopped by a kick in the gut.

A right hand...

...and another.

A further strike from Vito.

But Punk thumbs him in the eye for the second time...

...and a Bionic Elbow sends the champion down.














Vito rises.

Abyss intervenes again. This time, for a Black Hole Slam.


Hudson: Oh come on! Someone stop this!

Taz: Who? Kelly? What's she gonna do?

Hudson: Sal and Brandon?

Taz: Probably on some stupid campaign trail.

Callis: But he's stranded out there!

Taz: Doesn't matter; it's over!




























Thomaselli crawls to his feet.


Taz: How the hell did he get up from that?!


Goliath steps in... Chokeslam.
































Again, Vito crawls up.


Taz: This is insane!

Hudson: Come on, kiddo!


Another GTS!
































Callis: No!






Vito staggers up.


Taz: How?! How the hell?!


Punk loses it.

He says for the monsters to hold Vito whilst he grabs a chair from the outside.

He re-enters.

He paces back to the ring ropes and charges.



Callis: Jesus Christ!

Taz: That's it! He's dead!




































Thomaselli rolls onto his knees.


Taz: No way! I won the Masters of Pain and I couldn't do this sh*t!

Hudson: Just stay down! It can't be worth it!


The monsters pick him up again.

Punk backs away again.

He charhes and this time throws the chair at full force into Thomaselli's face.






































Punk drops to his knees in relief.

Vito sits up, shakily.

The challenger's jaw drops.

Punk lays in the boots and rolls Vito onto his front.

He holds the chair over Vito's head and instructs Abyss to climb the turnbuckle.


Taz: Hell no!

Hudson: No!


Abyss jumps off the middle rope, driving a full 350lbs onto the steel across Vito's cranium!






































The monsters pick up Punk in celebration...

...as Vito's hand clasps the bottom rope.

The ref ceases the count.



Callis: He's done it again!

Hudson: Punk can't believe it!

Taz: I can't believe it!

Callis: He beat 'Taker clean in a first blood match, he beat Raven and it should have been for the title...

Hudson: ...this kid is becoming a superstar!


Vito staggers up, grasping the top rope...

...he falls straight back down.

He sits up again, not able to support the weight of his head, it dropping to his chest.

Punk throws the chair at his face again.

Saliva seeps from Thomaselli's mouth.


Taz: He is unconscious! He just won't stay down! I don't understand!


Mystified, the monsters pick up Thomaselli again and hold him steady.

Punk hits a chair shot...

...and another...

...and another...

...and another...



Blood starts dripping from the champion's head.

Jeers ring out.


Callis: Somebody stop the damn thing!


Sure enough, referee, Jim Molineaux stops the match, awarding the victory to CM Punk.

Match Rating: A


The monsters drop Vito and he falls to his knees.. then staright to his face.


Taz: But what does that mean about the belt? He never stayed down for ten!


Molineux, steps out of the ring to talk to Bob Artese.

There is a intense aura of anticipation.

Artese nods as Molineaux walks away.


Bob Artese: Your winner and NEW ECW International All Action Champion...


Callis: God damn it!

Hudson: I cannot believe what I have just witnessed.

Taz: Neither can I!


Punk heads to the back with his belt as EMTs flood the ring.

Thomaselli is strapped onto a stretcher and wheeled to the back.




The camera cuts to backstage where The Dudley Family are laid out cold.


The view pans around to the Hardcore Innovators.



Holding Singapore canes and all four tag belts, they laugh and head out of the arena.


Hudson: The Hardcore Innovators just returned the favour to The Dudleyz. They may not have one the Three Way Dance but they're leaving with the belts.

Taz: ...and with five pissed off inbreds likely to be coming round, there's sure to be one hell of an altercation tomorrow night.


Ambulance Match


At the start of the match, an ambulance is parked specially just in front of the entrance-way steps.

The two powerhouses come out swinging and it is a slugfest from the very get go.

The nemeses set about kicking nine shades of sh*t out of each other.

It is in the third minute that Calaway first lands a haymaker with his right hand.

"The Man Beast" falls flat to the canvas but Taker's wrist is clearly in agony.


Callis: I can't work out if Calaway's casted wrist is a liability or weapon.

Hudson: How about both?


Surprisingly, perhaps, it is Rhino who rises from the predicament first, Taker still on the canvas clutching his wrist.

"The Man Beast" is like a shark that smells blood and he immediately goes straight after the wrist, laying the boots in.


Callis: My god, Calaway may actually need that ambulance sooner rather than later!


Sure enough, Rhino jumps out to ringside to grab a chair.

He re-enters and wraps the chair around Taker's wrist.

He stomps down on the steel.


Hudson: ...and it's not looking any better for him.


Rhino continues to hold the edge.

In the tenth minute, he grabs two tables from under the ring.

He sets up one alongside theapron and slides the other in the ring.

He rests the second up against the turnbuckle.

He picks up Taker and positions him against the wood.

He backs away to the opposite corner.


Taz: Uh-oh!


Rhino charges.


Taker steps to the side and Rhino hurtles head-first through the table, driving his shoulder into the ring post.


Callis: This is brutal!


Taker throws the wooden shards out of the way and sits Rhino on the top rope facing out into the crowd.

He steps out onto the apron and grabs "The Man Beast" By the throat with his good left hand.


Taz: No way...


Chokeslam off the top rope, through the ringside table and all the way to the concrete.




Hudson: Rhino's out surely! He just needs to get him in the ambulance.


Sure enough, Calaway drags Rhino towards the ambulance.

He opens the vehicle's doors.

He then picks up Rhino and tries to trhow him in.

Rhino grabs the sides of the ambulance, though, to stop himself and elbows Taker in the gut.

Calaway hits a left hand on Rhino.


He swings his cast...

...Rhino ducks and Calaway's bad hand hits the steel of the ambulance door.

Once more, Taker collapses in agony.

Rhino picks him up and rams his head into the side of the ambulance.

"The Man Beast" pulls the stetcher out of the vehicle.

He pulls his opponent over to the stretcher and drags him on top.

He picks him up in a Piledriver position.


Hudson: Surely not!


Rhino Driver through the stretcher!


Callis: If either of these guys are alive at the end of this...


Rhino throws Calaway into the ambulance.

He slams one door.


Taz: Here we go!


He slams the other...

...but Taker's boot prevents it from closing.

"The Dead Man" kicks open the other door and staggers out.

Rhino does not let up, however.

He lays the right hands into Calaway's canium.

But, suddenly, Taker drives his cast into Rhino's stomach and "The Man Beast" is visibly winded.

Calaway takes a few seconds to gather himself.

He climbs int the ambulance and grabs the shock pads.


Taz: What the hell?!


Rhino gets up...

...and Taker places the pads on either side of Rhino's head, electrocuting him.


Hudson: Jesus!


Calaway boots Rhino in the gut and picks him up in a Piledriver position.

He lifts him high above his shoulders.


Callis: Elevated Powerbomb!


No... Rhino grabs the roof of the ambulance.

As Taker goes to sling him down, he stays grasping the top of the ambulance and is able to crawl on top.

Frustrated, Calaway looks up at him.

He places his foot on the inner handle of the door to boost himself up.


Hudson: Calaway's going up as well.


A slugfest breaks out on top of the ambulance.

Rhino boots Taker in the gut and pcks him up for a Rhino Driver...

...but Taker uses his weight to invert the pressure and turn the move over.

He stands poised for a Tomstone Piledriver.

However, Rhino wriggles free and slips through his legs.

Taker turns around to face him.





Rhino picks up Taker and goes to throw him off the roof of the ambulance.

But Calaway plants his feet and will not budge.

Rhino tries again.

Still no movement.

And again.

This time Rhino's effort sends himself staggeriong towards the edge.

He stops just in time to avoid a fall.

Left hand from Calaway!


Hudson: Rhino is staggering. He's in trouble.


Another... Rhino nearly falls of backwards.

Another... No!

Rhino ducks underneath.

He turns back to face Calaway.

Taker grabs him by the throat.


Rhino crashes through the roof of the ambulance into the vehicle's medical bay.




Taz: That's it! He's dead!


Calaway climbs down off the ambulance and slams the doors for the victory.

Match Rating: A


The mysterious video returns to the big screen.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Taz: Tommorow night?

Callis: I guess we find out tomorrow night on Blood, Sweat and Beers what all this video business has been about.

Hudson: And who Heyman was talking to.


30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match



The anticipation is tangible in the crowd as the bell rings.

The two men shake hands.

Hart makes to dart forward to fake out Jericho.

They pace around the edge of the ring.

Jericho is the first to move in, taking out Hart with a shooter-style takedown.

He immediatley tries to lock in The Liontamer.

Hart kicks him away, though.

As Hart rises, Jericho runs in again but is caught by a Hip Toss.

Hart tries to apply the Sharpshooter.

But, now, Jericho kicks his opponent away.

They both rise and the pacing continues.

Hart offers a test of strength.

Jericho accepts and the two men engage.

Hart gets the advantage and transfers the hold into a Belly To Belly Suplex.

As Jericho hits the mat, he locks in a body scissors.

Jericho rolls Hart onto his back, though.

He awaits the count but it does not come.

The hold is released and both men rise.

The champion reminds the challenger it is an Ultimate Submission match.

Jericho smiles before hitting a lightning fast Enziguiri.

He then rolls Owen onto his back for a Naked Rear Chinlock.

The match continues as a technical clinic.

In the twelfth minute, Jericho hits a DDT on Hart.

He runs to the ropes for the Lionsault.

But Hart jumps to his feet and catches Jericho upside down in the air.


He grabs Hart's legs, positioning his own leg in between them...



Callis: It's locked in.


Jericho writhes in pain.

He begins to crawl towards the ropes.

However, Hart pulls him back into the centre of the ring.

Jericho taps!


Taz: The first fall goes to the champion.


The match, again, continues as though it were a wrestling instruction video.

By the eighteenth minute, both competitors begin to tire noticeably.

Hart goes for the Vertical Suplex.

Jericho uses his foot to block.

Again, Hart tries.

Again, it is blocked.

Jericho reverses it into a Snap Suplex of his own.

He floats over...

...and hits another.

He floats over again...

He lifts up Hart for a third time...

...and holds him there...



...Hanging Vertical Suplex.

He grabs Hart's legs...

...for the Liontamer!


Taz: There it is!


Now, Hart reels in agony.

He reaches out for a rope but he is too far away.

The champion is forced to tap.


Hudson: It's one all.


As Hart hobbles to his feet, the match, once again, continues.

In the twenty-fourth minute, Jericho springboards off the middle rope, looking for a back elbow.

Hart, catches him in middair, again, though...

...and slings him over in a German Suplex.

Hart follows up with a Legdrop.

But Jericho blocks it and crosses his opponent's legs.

He then flips Hart onto his stomach and stands up.


Hudson: He's got the Sharpshooter locked in.

Callis: The precision invloved in reversing the legdrop into the Sharpshooter... that's phenomenal!

Taz: ...and it's gotta be twice as bad for Owen!


Owen screams out in pain.

Jericho leans back to really wrench in the hold.

Hart pushes up with his hands to try and force Jericho out of the hold but it's no good.

Hart taps.


Hudson: The challenger's in front.

Callis: There's only six minutes left. Jericho can see this one out if he's concentrating!


Indeed, things seem to go in the challenger's favour as the clock runs down.

Then, Hart's deathnail comes in the twenty-ninth minute.

Jericho takes down the champion with a Full Nelson Bulldog.

He grabs his leg,, applying a Spinning Toe Hold...

...and quickly turns it into a Figure Four Leg Lock.


Taz: This has to be it. One fall up with the Figure Four locked in.


Again, Hart is in agony.

His eyes glaze over as he looks ready to drop unconscious.

But, mustering all his strength, he crawls towards the rope.

Inch by inch he crawls as the seconds tick away.

28:45 rolls around as Hart reaches for the bottom rope...

He throws his hand down...

...and falls short!


Hudson: He's gotta tap!


Hart grimmaces. He looks across at Jericho as 29:00 rolls around.

In one monumental effort, the champ rolls onto his stomach and Jericho screams out.


Callis: No! He's rolled over. The pressure's all on Jericho!

Taz: Man, he could draw level.

Hudson: But there's only a minute!


Hart continues to grimace as Jericho screams out.

But he manages to position his right foot out flat on the canvas.

In another great effort, he does with his left.

He raises up into a seated position and arches back.


Callis: There it is! The Sharpshooter! Hart has reversed the Figure Four into the Sharpshooter!

Hudson: Forty five seconds.

Taz: It's gonna be two all!


Jericho gorans in agony as the fans go wild, cheering on either competitor.

The challenger now begins to crawl but Hart's body is between him and the nearest rope.

So, he has to crawl seemingly twice as far, all the time with tremendous pressure placed on his lower back.

29:25... He continues to crawl.

29:30... Still crawling.

29:40... The Challenger edges closer to the rope.

29:45... Hart arches back even further and Jericho screams in pain.

29:50... Jericho reaches out for the bottom rope... but Hart pulls him back to the centre of the ring.


Taz: He's gotta tap.

Hudson: ten seconds!


As the seconds whittle down, Jericho's screams become louder.

29:55... The challenger raises his hand ready to tap.

hart wrenches even harder.

29:58... Jericho's hand falls...

...but he throws it up before it hits the canvas.

29:59... John Finnegan looks at the clock.

30:00... Jericho taps!

Match Rating: B+


Callis: He held on!

Taz: Did he?!


Hart collapses in a heap.


Hudson: The fans are on their feet!

Callis: As well they should be!

Taz: But what's the call? If Hart got the fall, it's sudden death.


The two men lay spent in the ring as the referee talks to Bob Artese.


Artese: Referee, John Finnegan, has ruled that...


There is a pause.


Artese: Chris Jericho tapped.


Half the crowd goes nuts.


Artese: ...after the time limit had expired.


The other half of the crowd erupts.


Artese: Thus, your winner and NEW Extreme Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion... Chris Jericho!


Callis: He did it! Jericho is a two time champion!

Taz: But how gutting for Owen.


Gradually, both men stagger to their feet.

As John Finnegan approaches Jericho with the belt, Hart snatches it.

He looks at it...

...and passes it to Jericho.

He raises the new champion's hand.

Cheers ring out.




Jericho pulls his hand away and walks away into the corner, leaving Hart in the middle of the ring.

"The Lionheart" applauds along with the sell-out crowd.

As the cheers ring on, Hart wells up.

Jericho re-approaches and hugs the retiree.


Taz: Let's not forget the bond between these two. Not only are they both Canadian technical greats, Jericho trained under Owen's father.

Callis: A great point, Taz, and no one, seemingly, has more respect for "The Jack of Harts" than "The Lionheart".


Jericho raises Owen's hand as the cheers still do not stop.


Suddenly, a figure emerges from the crowd.



Taz: What the hell?!


Raven slides in, boots Hart in the gut and throws him over the rope.


Callis: What god damn business does Raven have out here?!


Jericho goes to punch Raven but his fatigue makes him slow.

Raven ducks underneath and boots him in the gut...



Hudson: He has ruined this celebration!


Raven picks up a mic.


Raven: You idiots might remember what Punk said a few nights ago. As Commissioner, I have the right to book at least one match of my choosing on any given pay-per-view. Well, the sole match I book for Guilty As Charged is... Raven versus Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title! Count the f**king fall!


Raven covers Jericho.

Finnegan looks confused.

Raven screams at him.


Taz: No way!

Callis: He can't!




Raven grabs the belt, slides out and shouts something at Artese.

He then makes a quick exit.


Artese: Your winner and new seven-time ECW World Heavyweight Champion... Raven!


Hudson: I am sick of this!

Taz: This is bullsh*t!


As jeers ring thunderously around the arena and fans start to throw rubbish into the ring, the show goes off-air.


The feed ends with the following video...

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>


Show Rating: B+

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That was EPIC!!! LOVED the ending. And I can't wait to see what this whole "Natural Order" has been about. plus im actually lookin forward to the Stevie/Sasuke team. The only complaint i have is there was a serious lack of Chris Hero on this show!!!! Other than that, this was another awesome PPV. Almost a 5 Star show I would say.
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I really don't know what to say. What is there to say? Vito becomes one of your main players in one match. The ending to the LMS match makes sense but leads to a future match. Raven continues to be a dick. Whole F**kin' Show explode. The Ambulance match was brutal. Stairway was awesome with the right guy going over. Juvi is finally properly back and is as hot as ever. The bWo and sWo storyline has finally come to a close with a logical ending. The main event was great. Owen got a great match to go out to. Jericho got to win the title and feel genuinely grieved at losing the belt. Everything came together in an amazing way and put on a really entertaining and varied show. It just doesn't get better than this, and yet I think it probably will for Novemebr to Remember.


I'm going to call Burchill vs Raven at N2R, but if not some kind of multi-man match featuring everyone Raven was screwed or upset during his reigns of terror. Either way it will be class.

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First of all ... how cool would it be to be Joel Gertner? lol


Secondly, and more importantly, WOW! Some awesome matches. I never saw the double swerve with Stevie and Sasuke, and it fit so well, I wondered how I never saw it. Not that it was predictable, it just made so much sense.


The LMS match was the epitome of brutal. I actually heard a small voice in my head yelling "stay down" and cringed after the flurry of chair shots. The ambulance match, the 3 way for the tag titles, the 4 way ... awesome.


And Owen's last match was classic. A super strong showing by Jericho, while allowing Owen to walk away with dignity in that he can still go ... only for the whole thing to be foo-fooed by Raven. Genius.

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