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oh and nevy don't post your vids on youtube anymore. your not gonna be able to hear sound unless the song isn't copywrited which your Deezel song was


Aah, cheers for the heads up, mate.


That's really pissed me off! Fat Of The Land was released on XL who are (or, at least, were independent). Always respected Prodigy for that. I guess those tight-fisted bellends at Warner have taken 'em over. GRRR ARGH!


Problem is, though, that all the video hosting sites seem to be doing it. So, if anyone knows of a site that isn't so ridiculously obnoxious, please let me know.


Love the direction your going with Deezel I mean Andrew Martin, great promo.. I thought it was a great paradoy.... I also think that if Paul Heyman was still in wrestling he would have absolutely stole your Idea for Slyck Tashaun Dudley STD! Really enjoyingthose characters


I get the feeling November To Remember is going to Show of the year in Diary awards


Thank you very much, mate. I always love it when I get feedback on The Dudleyz angle 'cos it's one of my favourite creations I've managed.


As a side note, the whole "Dudley Secret" is going to be a catalyst for some major happenings in the tag ranks over the coming months. It should be ludicrously over the top and I'm very much looking forward to writing it :p. Hope you enjoy reading it.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:


Just five days before ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view, November To Remember XV...


Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn



In his last match before November To Remember XV and his long-awaited showdown with Kurt Angle, Jerry Lynn takes on an old adversary: the self-proclaimed "Saviour of ECW". Chris Hero has promised, on many occasions, to improve ECW one quality wrestling match at a time and there can be no doubt that, whenever these two step in the ring, it's nothing short of the highest quality!




Non-Title Match

Jazz vs. Alexis



After failing to capture the Lioness Title at Guilty As Charged, Jazz faces Alexis in this non-title rematch. Surely being conscious that a Lioness Championship match has not been signed for November To Remember, she will be looking to prove a point regarding who should be the number one contender.




The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Second Generation of Dudleyz



Just five nights before what could be the biggest tag team match in ECW history, crowing the first "Undisputed" Tag Team Champions, The Hardcore Innovators face Ultimo Dudley II and and Big Dick Jr. How important could a victory over Bubba and D-Von's inbred nephews prove to be heading into N2RXV?




"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Brandon Thomaselli



On Saturday, "The Prototype" defeated "Uncle" Sal Thomaselli and, now, he faces his younger brother and "running mate", Brandon. More importantly, it's anyone's guess what character he will be portraying.




ECW World Television Championship Match


Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©



In what we can only assume will be the final rematch between AJ Styles and Juventud Guerrera, "The Phenomenal One" has to defend his ECW World Television Championship once again. Not only will the victor go on to face Ultimo Dragon at November To Remember, he will become the final and permanent owner of this incarnation of the soon-to-be-restyled title belt.




Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven's Nest



Revolution will host a match we have all seen many times before as Vito Thomaselli and "The New Franchise" team up to take on Raven's Nest. However, this will, undoubtedly, be the last time we see it. Why? Because in five days time, either Paul Burchill or Raven will be packing their bags and seeking employment elsewhere! Meanwhile, Vito Thomaselli and CM Punk prepare for what could be called the grudge match of the year at November To Remember XV.


This could get ugly!



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn





Non-Title Match

Jazz vs. Alexis





The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Second Generation of Dudleyz




"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Brandon Thomaselli




ECW World Television Championship Match


Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©-Double DQ sets up a triple threat match so Dragon can do less work.



Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven's Nest

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Chris Hero vs. Jerry Lynn

Chris Hero is quickly becoming my Buff Martinez of ECW. I want to pick him, but I always go against, thinking he's still the dark horse, and WHAMMO! Hero wins. Not fooling me this time, buddy. Lynn comes out looking like a star. Chris simply looks super ... hero ... ic. :p


Non-Title Match

Jazz vs. Alexis

Heck yeah, chick fight! That was wrong, and I apologize. Jazz wins this cooldown match when Miss Burchill negates the impending arrival of the baby Anvil.


The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Second Generation of Dudleyz

This match has pure pandemonium written all over it. 1st Gen Dudleyz are bound to get involved, as is the viral STD, waving a chair like he just don't care. Somewhere in the madness, the Innovators get the W.


"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Brandon Thomaselli

The match is a forgone conclusion. The question lies in who makes the appearance this week? I'm gonna go darkhorse, and guess an amalgam of a classic and assumed current Federation star ... Doinktista! A packed up clown suit, squirting water from a flower, and injuring himself halfway down the rampway.


ECW World Television Championship Match

Juventud Guerrera vs. AJ Styles©

With recent events taken into account, this is a difficult one to call, but I'm gonna follow the original plan, and pick Juvi. However, I think the win comes mirroring the way Juvi lost his last title match, with AJ having a foot under the bottom rope, which would have nullified the count, still allowing for a rematch/triple threat option for N2R.


Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs. Raven's Nest

This one isn't easy to call either, and with the huge announcement regarding the title match, any ounce of momentum gained before the historic night could be the tipping point in title and employment, or banished for good. And if there's one thing in this world that Raven is, above all else, it's smart. Somehow, someway, the champ pulls it out.

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He's gonna have more than one. How could I possibly pass up Boston Crabs?




Quote The Raven




Also when you going to form a faction with him as the leader.


Against Inbred Dudleys Society.


Yes when I think of STD, I think of AIDS.

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Also when you going to form a faction with him as the leader.


Against Inbred Dudleys Society.


Yes when I think of STD, I think of AIDS.


I might roll with that at some stage. However, knowing your sense of humour as I think I now do, I get the feeling you might like the direction the Dudleyz gimick(s) will be heading.


Quote The Raven


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I might roll with that at some stage. However, knowing your sense of humour as I think I now do, I get the feeling you might like the direction the Dudleyz gimick(s) will be heading.


Quote The Raven



Awesome, look forward to it.....as long as it's nothing to do with the resident of Dudley, West Midlands.....Lenny Henry.

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Awesome, look forward to it.....as long as it's nothing to do with the resident of Dudley, West Midlands.....Lenny Henry.


Just stop it now... because, invariably, I'm too tempted to run with your ideas :D.


Show up soon, I hope. About to start writing it up.


Quote The Raven


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In an office in South Philadelphia...


Four men sit around a small table.



The faint sounds of Norwegian Death Metal can be heard from the near-by stereo.


Heyman: Do we really have to talk with this crap on?


Pag: You know it helps me think.


Heyman: So you say but that's ridiculous.


Pag: Anyhow, Yoshi, how you feeling?


Ultimo Dragon waves his hand to suggest that he's not feeling to great.


Heyman: Yeah, we're sorry about all this. We assmue you're out of the mix for November To Remember.


Dragon nods.


Pag: Damn shame but we've gotta make this work somehow and Paul E and I are wondering how best to deal with it.


Mysterio: How exactly do I fit in?


Heyman: Well, usually I'm loathe to lie to the fans. However, we've spent six months writing this story and to just stick in a replacement would be ridiculous.


Mysterio: Okay, so?


Pag: So, how would you feel... both of you... about Rey wearing Yoshi's mask at November To Remember and competing as Ultimo Dragon?


Both men look shocked.


Heyman: We understand if you don't want to go ahead because we get how much heritage is tied up in both of your characters. However, we would ask you to please consider.


Ultimo Dragon is the first to speak up.


Dragon: For me, is okay. I rather my character's story finish than not... even if I not one to finish it.


Pag: Wow... thank you.


Rey shook his head.


Rey: Okay, I see where you're coming from. We have similar styles, we're a similar size, similar skin tone and such but, even if I did say yes, do you not think the "Mexican" tattoo across my stomach might be a give-away.


Heyman: Cover it.


Mysterio: How?


Pag: Well, people know Yoshi's hurt... they just don't know how he's hurt yet 'cos we haven't released a press statement. I say you wear Yoshi's trunks and boots but then wear a longsleeve lycra top under his shoulder pads. That covers your tattoos and we can claim he's wearing it as support for his... err... "broken ribs".


Mysterio smiles.


Mysterio: I gotta be honest... this is unbelievably weird but, if Yoshi's okay with it, so am I.


Heyman and Pag now smile.

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Judging by their matches against each other in WCW, I'd say there's a pretty noticeable size difference between Ultimo and Rey. But I guess it wouldn't be quite as noticeable with just Rey out there, without the real Ultimo to compare/contrast. I give you points for cleverness and figuring out a way to salvage your storyline...and also for not re-doing the show to avoid the injury in the first place. As the Briscoes would say, way to Man Up :).
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Monday, week 4, November

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Rev.flv"></embed>




Hudson: Hello and welcome to ECW Revolution. I'm Scott Hudson...

Gertner: ...and I'm Joel Gertner.

Hudson: We are just five days away from the dawning of a new era, ladies and gentlemen. We are just five days away from November To Remember Fifteen.

Gertner: ...and just five days away from Joel Gertner's greatest ever pay-per-view opening.

Hudson: How about, since we're letting you have your moment, you don't mention it until then?

Gertner: Where's the fun in that?

Hudson: Where's the fun in any of it? The fact is, tonight, we have a fantastic rematch scheduled for the ECW World Television Championship and, in five days time, we have one of the strongest cards the wrestling industry has ever seen. Meanwhile, all you can do is talk about your penis.

Gertner: I prefer the term "jackhammer".

Hudson: Sometimes, I think I preferred APW.



The two men, once more, put on a very respectable performance.

It is a fairly even contest throughout.

However, Hero puts his vixtory beyond doubt with a Hero's welcome...

...and getting his feet on the middle rope for the fall.

Match Rating: B


Kurt Angle sprints to the ring as the bell sounds.



Not allowing Lynn to stand, he immediately locks in the Ankle Lock.

Lynn writhes in pain as Chris Hero makes matters worse by laying some boot shots into the veteran's head.


Hudson: Oh, this is disgusting!


However, the cavalry is not far away.



Hudson: It's Chris Jericho!


Jericho slides in and immediately takes out Angle with an Enziguiri forcing him to break his submission hold.

Hero approaches Jericho but is immediatley taken down in a shooter's takedown...



Hudson: Ha, Hero's screaming like a girl!

Gertner: Not quite like the screaming girls I encounter on a daily basis.

Hudson: For crying out loud, Joel.


Jericho releases the hold and grabs a mic.


Jericho: In case you thought there was a way to get out of it, Hero, it's now official... you and I are settling this at November To Remember and Paul E's already signed it!


The crowd clearly likes the idea.


Hudson: Wow, another great match on the card.


Non-Title Match


Once more, the crowd does not seem particularly enthused with a Lioness match.

However, it works as a decent cooling off match.

Jazz starts off dominant but, slowly, Alexis comes back.

It is a very even affair by the sixth minute.


However, Nathalie runs in.



The Nest's newest member grabs Alexis' title from ringside.

She slides in and nails Jazz with the gold.

Alexis and Nathalie follow up with a Double DDT onto the belt.


Match Rating: D+


As the Nest's women celebrate, Kelly Thomaselli slides in.



She slides in, boots Alexis in the gut and grabs the title belt.

A shot from the golkd to Nathalie...

...and Alexis!

She picks up a mic.


Kelly: It seems pretty obvious that Jazz came out here looking to earn a title shot but you screwed her out of it and, since there's no one you've screwed over more times than me, it looks like it's gonna be me who challenges you for the Lioness title at November To Remember!


A small scetion of the crowd cheer at the prospect of athletci eye-candy.

The vast majority, though, seem to let out a collective sigh.


Gertner: Yes! I'm calling it, best match on the card.

Hudson: I don't know whether you meant that in its slang meaning or not but, let me assure you, there is no way in hell Paul E will let you call that match.

Gertner: God damn backstage politics.

Hudson: Yeah... that'll be it.


The camera cuts to a close-up of Sabu's face.



There are visible remnants of stitches in his throat from last week's attack by Nate Hatred.

"The Human Highlight Reel" smiles and walks out of shot.

Revealed in the corridor is a mannequin replica of Nate Hatred, hanging by a reel of barbed wire wrapped around his throat.

Suddenly, Sabu's hand comes back into focus and, as it opens, a fireball bursts out.

The mannequin, clearly doused in gasoline, ignites and the camera feed fades to black on an image of a hanging, burning Nate Hatred.



It is clear that the Second Generation have improved noticeably as a team.

However, Ultimo Dudley II is still greeted by some legit heat.

Despite the strength of Big Dick being displayed early on, the Hardcore Innovators control this one fairl effectively.


That is until the rest of The Dudley Family run out.



As they slide in, Tommy Dreamer falls prey to the Dudley Death Drop.

Dick covers...

...but Cactus breaks up the fall.


ECW's resident infection emerges from the crowd brandishing a chair.



Hudson: My god, people are appearing out of the woodwork tonight!

Gertner: Yeah... it's chaos!


STD proceeds to take out his whole family with the steel chair until just Ultimo Dudley II is left.

The Angry Asian Inbred develops a look of a startled mouse.

Double DDT from the Innovators!


Match Rating: C+


STD picks up a mic.


STD: I will not rest until I find out what secret my daddy was keepin'. You understand me, mothaf**kas? But before dat, there's some important sh*t to take care of. Ricky mothaf**kin' Marvin... in just five days, mothaf**ka, I'm gonna beat your ass 'til it's as black as mine and blue as a Jenna Jameson flick! That I-double-A belt is comin' back to West Side Dudleyville!


Gertner: Well, I don't know which I'm itching to see more... The Dudleyz versus The Innovators or Ricky Marvin versus STD.

Hudson: Do me a favour and don't ever use STD in the same sentence as "itching" ever again.


"Ready or Not" by the Fugees blares around the arena

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

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Gertner: Da Over-Rated Guy?


Andrew Martin emerges from the back with his hair, once again, died black.

It is tied in a ponytail but rather than a small strand hanging at the front, he has a full emo fringe going on.

He wears a black ring waistcoat with a phone number for Alcoholics Anonymous on the back.

He holds a toothpick between his teeth and a bottle of whisky in his left hand.


Hudson: Wow, this is a little close to the bone.

Gertner: Do me a favour and don't ever use the word "bone" again. It doesn't sound right coming from you.

Hudson: I didn't mean... Oh, never mind.


After taking a few swigs from the bottle, he hands it to a ringside fan.

He then struts and sways his way down to the ring, grabbing a microphone on the way.

The fans are ready to chant his opening line with him.


Martin: Hey yo...


There is a huge cheer.


Martin: It's me, it's me The D.O.G. - Da Overrated Guy! Now, see, people call me "Da Bad Guy" but I ain't sure that's fair, so, I've gone with "Overrated Guy"... maybe "Da Not So Great Guy" or even "Da Never Quite Good Enough To Win A World Title Guy".


Hudson: Ouch...


Martin: But I'm still at the top of the "Why Watch?" Federation 'cos of my political allegiances, chico, and my willingness to keep down real talent like... I dunno... say Andrew Martin.


Having seen enough, Brandon Thomaselli starts the match by attacking the D.O.G.



Once again, Martin dominates.

In the sixth minute, he hits a Crucifix Powerbomb!


Hudson: It's the Alcholic's Edge!

Gertner: Or... the Out-Cider's Edge!

Hudson: Joel?

Gertner: Yeah.

Hudson: Shut up.


Martin makes the cover for the fall.

Match Rating: C


Shawn Michaels is backstage for a shoot promo.



Michaels: It's common knowledge that I wasn't really feeling taking on my former tag partner, Van Dam, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. "RVD versus HBK", "The Whole F**kin' Show versus The Showstopper", "Mister Pay Per View versus Mister Main Event". Well, you fans might have some difficulty in choosing a side and no way am I gonna be arrogant enough to say the result is obvious but, I'll tell you what... this is gonna be the match of the year!




The two men put on another fantastic match in which neither man seems to gain a major advantage.

In the twelfth minute, Guerrera hooks up Styles for a Juvi Driver.

However, the champion slips over the challengers shoulder to land behind him.

Juvi turns... Enziguiri!

As the challenger falls, the champion heads up top.


Hudson: Could it be?




Hudson: Spiral Tap!


However, Juvi hooks his leg and rolls through into a pin...


Match Rating: B+


Hudson: He did it! He did it! Guerrera has his first ECW Gold!


The fans apllaud as Guerrera grabs the belt and falls to his knees in celebration.


However, the celebration is short-lived as Ultimo Dragon appears at the entrance-way with Francine.



Hudson: It's the number one contender! Ultimo Dragon is here!

Gertner: I thought he was dead.

Hudson: Injured, Joel. Not dead but clearly the ECW Television means too much for him to take time off.

Gertner: ...and can you imagine if Juvi loses the title on Friday? How much will it suck to lose the strap to Francine's new guy.

Hudson: Certainly, the subplot to this mtach is going to be quite fascinating.


Dragon points at Francine and runs his hand down her chest as if to say "You may have the belt but I have the girl!"

He then motions to his waist, indicating that the title won't belong to Juvi for long either.



Once again, the four men combine for a stellar match.

The bad blood is obvious but in an obvious act of tension building, Paul Burchill never sees any ring-time with Raven and Vito never sees any with Punk.

The match is an extremely even contest.

That is until in the tenth minute when Punk lands a lowblow on Burchill.


Chris Jericho comes running out.



Hudson: It's Chris Jericho!

Gertner: What the hell is he doing out here?

Hudson: Well, he got screwed over by Hero and Punk last week not to mention how he could screwed out of the title...


However, Chris Hero runs down the aisle-way close behind him.



Gertner: ...and Hero wants a piece of Jericho.


Both men slide in and enter the fight as Referee, Jim Molineaux, looks rather confused.


Jerry Lynn runs down and slides in.



"The Dynamic One" immediately starts pummeling the crap out of Kurt Angle.

What was a tag match seems to generate into an indecipherable brawl.


Kurt Angle runs down and joins the frey.



Hudson: ...and it's Kurt Angle.

Gertner: This is getting ridiculous!

Hudson: It's an eight-man brawl!


Alexis and Nathalie run down to aid the Nest.



...and Jazz and Kelly Thomaselli follow close after to get some payback.



Gertner: I can't keep up!


James Mitchell and Nate Hatred appear at the entrance-way and Hatred grabs Jazz by the hair.



Gertner: What the hell does he want?!

Hudson: Knowing the psychopath that is Nate Hatred... propably just to cripple anyone and everyone.


Hatred turns Jazz around...


"ECW's NME" now joins the chaos with his barbed wire wrapped iron pentagram.

Jim Molineaux now looks entirely bemused.

Suddenly, the lights cut out to a huge cheer.


When they return, Sabu is in the ring with a steel chair.



He proceeds to take out Nate Hatred and then anyone else who moves.


Hudson: How the hell are we gonna get a result out of this.

Gertner: Err... we aren't.


Ricky Marvin bursts through entrance curtain and dances his way down to the ring.



Gertner: What the hell?! Why is he out here?

Hudson: Looks like he just wants to join the party.

Gertner: Oh... great.


The luchadore reaches ringside and climbs onto the turnbuckle.

Jim Molineaux motions as though he is about to call a no-contest.

However, Marvin Springboards onto the top rope and hits a Cross Body that connects with Sabu, Nate Hatred and Chris Hero.

The force sends the three men tumbling backwards into Jim Molineaux who is flattened.

A domino effect continues so that half the people in the ring are laid out.


Slyk Tayshaun Dudley emerges from the crowd with a baseball bat.



The young, militant Dudley slides in and clubs Marvin around the head as the rest of the brawling continues.


Gertner: Scew the result... I can't even call this!

Hudson: You never call anything anyway.


The Dudley Family make their way down to the ring to combat STD.



They immediately start a 5-on-1 assault on Slyk Dudley.


But the cavalry soon shows up.



Gertner: Oh, for f**k's sake!


The Innovators sprint down with Singapore canes and start laying out everyone, starting with the Dudleyz.


Rhino now marches down the aisle-way, beating his chest.



Gertner: Oh, come on! Cut an announcer a break!


"The Man Beast" now slides in and starts Goring everything in sight.


Sure enough, "The Soul Taker" emerges from the back and joins the frey.



Gertner: My god, how many are there now?

Hudson: I don't know... twenty?


Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels appear at the entrance-way to a huge ovation.



The two men watch the carnage for a short while, laughing.

They then look at each other, shrufg their shoulder ans smile.

Both men sprint to the ring to an even bigger pop.

Michaels and Van Dam both climb turnbuckles and nod at each other...

...in unison, they come flying off the top rope landing on everyone brawling, in a massive heap.

The force is too much and the ring collapses.

Most of the wrestlers lose their footing but those who remain standing continue brawling.

Finally, Jim Molineaux is able to get the hell out of the ring and he approaches Bob Artese to announce a rather inevitable no-contest.

Match Rating: B+


Hudson: This is pandaemonium!

Gertner: It's f**king madness... that's what it is!

Hudson: Practically everyone from the November To Remember Card...

Gertner: ...plus others...

Hudson: ...is involved in this titanic brawl. I'm not gonna even attempt to acll this! We'll see you Friday night for ECW's biggest ever pay-per-view!


As the camera focuses on Gertner and Hudson, Ricky Marvin comes flying towards them, flailing his arms as he falls from what is left of the ring.


Gertner: Jesus Christ!

Hudson: This will surely be a November To Remember!


Show Rating: B+

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If anyone has ever wanted to get into this diary but considered it too long (I know this issue has been raised in the past). Now, is the perfect opportunity to start. This next show is the biggest I have ever written/booked and marks the end of many feuds in ECW.


Essentially, the promotion is starting almost from scratch with a new image and new storylines after N2R XV. Moreover, I have put tremendous effort into detailing the storylines leading up to these matches below so that you can have a good idea of what has come before.


Happy reading and thank you so much for taking your time to do so. It is very much appreciated. I love you all :D.




NB: Huge thanks once again go to Game-Face in cutting the following pictures.

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^Final Monday Night Revolution of the month and important post above^


ECW is proud to present its biggest ever pay-per-view and the dawning of a new era...




ECW is somewhat famed for its use of "extreme" contests and stipulations. However, you will notice there are no such matches on the card for November To Remember XV. Not only does this signal the dawn of a new era, it also proves the legitimacy and expectation already surrounding the match-ups. Yes, there are two stipulations included pertaining to the careers of four individuals but no gimmicks are present relating to the nature of the matches themselves because we feel the talent on the card is strong enough to carry itself. Thus, we christen this:


ECW November To Remember XV: No Gimmicks Needed!



Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho



This is the shortest running of the feuds featured at November To Remember but there can be no denying the pride at stake as two of ECW's biggest egos clash. Chris Hero has, undoubtedly, taken the promotion by storm, promising to improve the product "one quality wrestling match at a time". Equally irrefutable is the fans' disgust at his opinion that he is truly better than anyone else on the roster, a feeling only strengthened by recent victories over legends such as Bret Hart and Jerry Lynn. Now, it falls to "The Lionheart" to knock Hero from his perch but, considering the crowd's respect for Chris Jericho, he certainly has a high opinion of himself, particularly in view of his second, short-lived World Title victory. The fact is, both inflated egoes stem from the fact that both men are exceptional in-ring talents and, as such, this match-up should be nothing short of phenomenal.





Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle



The temptation to label every match on the November To Remember card as a "Grudge Match" is extreme. Nevertheless, the visceral hatred between Jerry Lynn and Kurt Angle is obvious for all to see. The tensions started as a result of Kurt Angle's questionable attitude. However, his actions came to shock even the most jaded of fans, walking out of an "I Quit" Match to deny the fans a true victor, betraying the USA at the Wrestling World Cup by blindsiding Lynn and, eventually, tricking his enemy (and everyone else) into believing that he sustained a broken neck. In fact, this final and most disgusting of tricks nearly led to an early retirement for "The Dynamic One". In this match, Jerry Lynn seeks to provider an attitude adjustment for someone he considers to be a cancer on the industry while Kurt Angle seeks to prove his point that Lynn has no place in wrestling anymore.





Streak versus Career Match

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu



November To Remember XV hosts little in the way of gimmick matches for the simple reason that the match-ups themselves are of high enough prestige to not warrant gratuitous stipulations. However, this match is a rare exception and, surely, no stipulation could be more important. In six months of singles competition, "ECW's New Main Event" and "Most Extreme Athlete", Nate Hatred, has remained undefeated. Even more impressivley, he has, quite frankly, destroyed such ECW hardcore legends as Masato Tanaka and The Sandman, both of who left ECW programming after their losses to the monster. Indeed, the only man to provide any true resistance to Hatred's brutal crusade of violence is, perhaps, the biggest hardcore legend of them all: "The Human Highlight Reel". In what will surely be their final battle both men put their most treasured possesions on the line: Nate Hatred's undefeated streak and Sabu's career.





International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley



The inception of this match came when Paul Heyman stripped CM Punk of his International All Action Championship and began a tournament to crown the best young worker in ECW. Two of ECW's brightest hopefuls will do battle for the title as the dancing luchadore, Ricky Marvin, takes on the posterboy of Westside Dudleyvilee, the violent and militant Slyk Tayshaun Dudley.





CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli



How can this feud possibly be described in one paragraph? Few men will ever come to despise another human being in quite the manner tha CM Punk and Vito Thomaselli do in their entire lives... let alone at such a young age. Starting as allies and frequent tag team partners under the common tutelage of Raven, the two were, essentially, blood brothers but has that ever turned sour? If CM Punk and Thomaselli considered Raven as a father figure, it soon was evident that Punk was the preferred son while Vito became tantamount to a bastard child, obviously being the whipping boy of Raven's Nest in his final months with the group. Eventually, the ridicule and beatings, coupled with the frequent abuse of his brothers, became too much for the fiery Italian to bare and he turned his back on his adopted family to reunite with his true brothers. Punk was left feeling angry and betyrayed that his friend could disrespect his mentor in such a manner and sought to prove that Vito had made a fatal mistake. However, the final straw came when Punk hospitalised and near-crippled Vito's sister, Kelly, by throwing her off a sound stage. Since then, insults and blindside assaults have been frequent but so have the more personal attacks. Punk has lured Vito into traps, using his family as pawns, while Thomaselli has ridiculed Punk's straight-edge beliefs, forcing him to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes.


Last time these two met, they threw everythingb they had at one another in a Last Man Standing Match and, while Punk won via a referee's decision, Thomaselli refused to stay down. No gimmicks are needed in this one as two kids in their mid-twenties will seemingly try to take years of one another's life expectancy.





ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©




In all of wrestling history, there has, perhaps, never been a single match with so many sub-plots involved. The roots of this contest and Juventud Guerrera's path to the World Television Championship, his first ever title in ECW, began all the way back in June. Juvi began a feud with AJ Styles that became a bitter and personal war for the gold. The luchadore's true problems started, however, when Christopher Daniels came to the aid of his friend AJ Styles, a situation eventually resulting in Guerrera losing his mask in a "Mask versus Title" Match. However, help was not far away and came in the form of Ultimo Dragon, himself a former TV Champion.


The only problem was that Dragon came to be a counsel to Francine as well as an aid to Guerrera. The luchadore and "The Queen Of Extreme" began their association as little more than a wrestler and valet. However, this quickly blossomed into a friendship and, before long, Guerrera professed his love for his best friend but, seemingly, Franny didn't feel the same way. As it turned out, she too was in love but, as she revealed in a touching reunion with Shane Douglas, she was afraid of breaking Juvi's heart in view of her previous failed relationships. Eventually, with the help of several friends, including Ultimo Dragon, she worked up the courage to explain this to Guerrera and tell him the truth. However, by that time, it was too late; Juvi had lost his mask and blamed his loss of identity on Francine, later disappearing from ECW for over a month.


During this time, a broken-hearted Francine grew closer to Ultimo Dragon, leading many to suspect that she was "on the rebound". Nevertheles, life for Francine went on... until Juvi reappeared, swearing vengeance on all those who had wronged him. He has now defeated his former partner, Rey Mysterio Jr, who sold him out as well as Christopher Daniels who contributed to his unmasking. Lastly, he finally captured the Television Championship from his nemesis, AJ Styles, on Monday Night. However, fittingly, his first defence is against the one man he is yet to beat: Ultimo Dragon, the man who stole Francine from him.


So, with pride, a vendetta, the World Television Championship and Francine's affections on the line, neither man can afford to lose.




ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©



The sitser of Vito, Brandon and Sal, Kelly Thomaselli debuted as a part of Raven's Nest but left the group along with her eldest brother after nearly being crippled by CM Punk. She was seemingly replaced by Alexis who went on to become the first ever ECW Lioness Champion. A member of the group who injured her and disrespected her family, Alexis stands for everything that Kelly despises. Here is her opportunity to take revenge... and her title.





"HBK" versus "RVD"

"Mister Main Event" versus "Mister Pay-Per-View"

"The Showstopper" versus "The Whole F**kin' Show"

Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam



This is a match that not only ECW fans but wrestling fans everywhere have been waiting to see for many years. Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam's first on-scren association began just over a year ago when they joined forces, along with the bWo, to drive the New Age Enterprise out of ECW. However, they have been close freinds ever since Michaels joined ECW in 1998. Shortly after their victory against the NaE, Paul Heyman started booking them as a regular team to both men's delight and, sure enough, everyone's favourite team was born: The Whole F**kin' Show!


Teaming together for just under a year, they dominated the tag team ranks, holding the World Tag Team Titles for eight and a half of those twelve months. Traci was introduced to the group early on and the three became inseperable... perhaps, too inseperable as mistrust over relationships and allegiances started to grow. However, despite fighting like brothers and coming close to blows on many occassions, the team stuck together. Even now, after a dramatic explosion at Guilty As Charged, the two remain friends. This match has only been signed upon Paul Heyman's insistance and Rob Van Dam's wish to prove himself as a legitimate main eventer.


So, only one question remains. Which side are you on: HBK's or RVD's?





ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©



Well, well, well... if Nate Hatred versus Sabu is to be the most brutal singles match of the year, this could well be the most brutal tag team match.


Cactus Jack was on a long losing streak and general downward spiral until he started teaming with Tommy Dreamer. Shortly afterwards, they were serious title contenders, constantly battling with The Whole F**kin Show and The Dudley Boyz. This all culminated in the return of the Three Way Dance at Guilty As Charge. However, The Innovators remain the only pair of the three to have not held the titles. Granted, they won the Dudleyz own "Hardcore Titles" but they were soon stolen by the inbreds and later re-claimed officially


Meanwhile, D-Von and Bubba have introduced an entirely new generation of bastard Dudleyz to help them in their campaign for tag team dominance as well as debuting the Dudleyville Hardcore Titles. They would have become undisputed Champions last month but for one hitch... The Hardcore Innovators repaid a favour and stole all four belts. Now, it has come to this match to crown the very best team in wrestling today.





Mark Calaway vs. Rhino



Where do we even begin? In the last four months, "The Soul Taker" and "The Man Beast" have, perhaps, done more to re-invent hardcore wrestling and bad blood in general than was previously achieved in the hundred year legacy of professional wrestling. It all started when Mark Calaway debuted following a series of video packages threatening World Heavyweight Champion, Raven. In fact, Raven commissioned the videos himself but Calaway called his bluff, his debut coinciding with the the airing of the final video. Heyman soon booked 'Taker in a title match at Summer Asylum in July, a decision which Rhino very much resented after his months of hard work (not to mention the fact that he was screwed out of the title at Cyberslam in April). So, what better recourse than to cost Calaway the title?


As pissed as he has ever been, "The Soul Taker" challenged "The Man Beast" to a number one contendership contest at Heatwave. However, annoyed at how both men were blaming their failings on one another, Paul Heyman invented the "Buck Stops Here" Match and, sure enough, "The Soul Taker" had a dollar bill stapled to his forehead by the "Man Beast". Nevertheless, bitter about his experiences, when Rhino's title shot came at Anarchy Rulz, Taker gave Rhino a taste of his own medicine and cost him the victory.


Soon after, both me were well and truly on the warpath. 'Taker fractured Rhino's skull using a biker chain but, amazingly, retunring just a few days later, Rhino broke Calaway's wrist by driving over it with an ambulance. Then came the Ambulance match, signed to reflect the brutality of their feud and "The Man Beast" found himself being chokeslammed through the roof of the ambulance!


Thus, this match stays true to our mantra of "No Gimmicks Needed". Come on... they've cost each other title shots, destroyed each other's possesions, broken each other's bones and taken everyone in ECW on a brutal ride in the process. If anything more extreme remains physically possible, we are certain that they don't need a match stipulation to encourage them!




Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©



...and here it is... finally... what is, perhaps, the grudge match of the century. Summarising this one is a task and a half but we will do our level best.


The history between these two started way back in July of last year when they formed an unlikely alliance under the leadership of ECW owner, Charlie Pag. Paul Burchill was scheduled to challenge for Raven's World Title but everything became clear when the match started with a handshake. Soon, the trio went on to dominate ECW and new talent was added to the group starting with Monsters Inc: Abyss and Goliath. The New Age Enterprise was born.


The hitch to their plan was the resistance from Revolution's then-commissioner, Mcintosh, Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam and the bWo. Indeed, Michaels was able to claim the World Title from Raven but only held it for one month, after which Mcintosh turned on him, revealing herself to be the newest addition to the NaE. However the group was finally disposed of after an in-ring wedding, held by Pag and Mcintosh to the fans' disgust, was crashed by the Eneterprise's enemies.


With Pag and Mcintosh gone, Burchill and Raven went their seperate ways and, soon, found themselves in a tag rivalry with Burchill backing up his apparent new mentor, Owen Hart, against the makeshift team of Raven and Rhino. However, in a memborable match, the two men showed their true intentions by turning on their respective partners as Pag and Mcintosh returned to reform the NaE. The bond between Burchill and Raven, protege and mentor, was undeniable and their faction strengthened with the addition of ne talent such as CM Punk and Vito Thomaselli. Soon, though, a power struggle broke out between Pag and Raven and, after the champion succesfully converted his compatriots to his way of thinking, Pag and Mcintosh were disposed of in unceremonial fashion by being driven through two tables. The NaE was reborn as the new incarnation of Raven's Nest.


The group continued to dominate, demonstrated by Raven's lengthy title reign and Burchill's victory in the first ever Baptism of Fire match which granted a title shot to its winner. It was then, though, that a mystery masked man started attacking the group on a regular basis. Nevertheless, all was revealed shortly after when Burchill turned his back on his mentor's dubious ways at Cyberslam in April. Moreover, the masked man was, in fact, Shane Douglas, Raven's former adversary from years-gone-by and Paul Burchill's new manager. Together, they shockingly revealed just how long Burchill's turn had been planned for, much to the fans' delight.


"The New Franchise" got his title shot, won at the Baptism of Fire two months prior, at Hardcore Heaven in May. However, as commissioner, a position he had taken from Douglas on the same night that Burchill had earned his shot, Raven added a stipulation: if Burchill lost he could never challenge for the title again. Indeed, "The New Franchise" did lose as a result of trying to spare his girlfriend, Kelly Thomaselli, from Raven's wrath, a decision which was ultimately proved futile in a heinous act by CM Punk.


So, Burchill was unable to challenge evr again but that merely fuelled his hatred further as both former-protege and former-mentor tried their best to make each other's life hell over the course of four months. Burchill did everything he could to outsmart the champion and get in his head, whilst finding enough time to help England win the World Cup. However, what seemed like the final victory went to Raven. Using his power as commissioner, he ruled that, if Burchill ever lost another match, he would be fired. The Brit battled on bravely but his undoing came when he met the undefeated Nate Hatred at Anarchy Rulz who emerged victorious following help from Chris Hero. That was it. Burchill was fired... gone, for good.


Raven's Nest continued their dominance until, finally, Raven's luck started to change. He finally lost his title to Owen Hart but, before long, Owen was beaten by Chris Jericho and Raven seized the opportunity to gain a dubious, quick title victory at Guilty As Charged last month, once again using his powers of commission. It seemed like Raven had weathered the storm and proven himself as the eternal force in ECW... but that's when an old acquintance returned with revenge on his mind.


Charlie Pag appeared, granting full booking powers to Paul Heyman and reinstating Paul Burchill. However, he did not do so without booking this match personally. Heyman's only exception was that the stakes weren't high enough and, thus, it became a Loser Leaves ECW Match. So, here we are sixteen months on from their first association... three title reigns, a battle royal win, a betrayal, a hospitalised girlfriend and a firing later! To say this one is a "Grudge Match" would be a ridiculous understatement.


If Raven wins, he keeps his beloved title and finally disposes of his most tenacious foe; the protege who betrayed him. If Burchill wins, he finally wins his first World title, drives his former-mentor and scurge of ECW from the promotion and, what is more, he will become only the fifth man to achieve the ECW Triple Crown!


Honestly, could this be any bigger?



All predictions welcomed.


Quick Picks:


Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

Because Sabu needs to stay in ECW!


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

STD with the I Double A Championship!


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

Due to Ultimo's injury


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

One of the toughest matches to call.


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

If this was WWF/E, I'd say Calaway for sure but this is E C W


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

The toughest match of the night to call. For Burchill, though, it will be Quote the Raven...Nevermore.

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

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I am overtly psyched about this card, Nevvy. The dawning of a new era has me intrigued, but the possibilities this card offers ... wow. If Chris Walken walks out during the Vixen match and says "this needs more cowbell" I'm pretty sure this show will be the greatest thing in the history of ever! :p


Quick Picks:


Chris Hero vs. Chris Jericho

When Hero v. Jericho is your opening match, you know you have a solid night of action. Our Savior pulls out the victory, in a sleeper for match of the night (if it's possible to underestimate these two), thus prying the torch from Jericho's hand, and taking another step towards fulfilling his destiny. Come N2R XV, everyone's favorite hero ... and mine ... will become a legend.


Jerry Lynn vs. Kurt Angle

This, like so many, is difficult to call. However, I'm giving the edge to Angle. The difference between these two is that Kurt is cold and calculating, where Lynn lets emotion get the best of him. And this is a year worth of bottled anger, ready to be unleashed. The Gold Medalist will be taken to task, but Lynn will eventually let his guard down, and Angle will take advantage.


Streak vs. Career

Nate Hatred vs. Sabu

If anyone could beat Hatred, even on his best night, it's the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal Maniac known as Sabu. In the Home of Extreme, with the fans of Philly losing their minds, the stars look perfectly aligned for the human highlight to take this one. But, there's something poetic about Sabu's final match being in the same building that made him the legend he is, one, no doubt, who will be inducted into the Hall, when the building is converted. Hatred wins, and we all shed a tear as the silent assassin walks through the curtain one last time.


International All Action Championship Tournament Final

Ricky Marvin vs. Slyk Tayshaun Dudley

I'm a fan of the militant Dudley from the west side, but his past indiscretions will ultimately be his downfall. Marvin becomes the new IAA champ, when a whole generation of Dudleyz cost the viral one the match.


CM Punk vs. Vito Thomaselli

I'd love to say I have a reason for siding with Vito on this one. That it all makes sense when you look at this, or consider that. To be honest, I got nuffin'. This is a pick'm match. Punk and Vito are the class of a new generation of ECW. The names that people will utter within a year, and think ECW. Thomaselli may strike the final blow in this battle, but both men will move onward and upward.


ECW World Television Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera©

And the quest was complete. The replacement of Ultimo, to finish this feud, was genius. (Although I thought it'd be Tajiri, since he's been the Dragon previously. :p) This match with be an ariel classic, and the x-factor will decide which way it swings. Francine reunites with Juvi, after turning on an embittered Dragon, allowing the mysterious Mexican to retain.


ECW Lioness Championship Match

Kelly Thomaselli vs. Alexis©

First off, that picture of Alexis in the promo poster ... duh-rool! (Know which part of the crowd I am during Vixen matches. lol) Alexis has proven to be an able champion, but I'm sticking with my prediction from Monday's show, with the roles reversed. Kelly wins the gold when Jazz neutralizes the interference of Nattie, chipping a little more away from the Nest.


Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam

Really? I gotta pick a winner? This isn't fair! I'm gonna take RVD here, proving he belongs in the conversation of elite in ECW. Why? HBK's the Main Event, but Rob's the whole PPV. Thus ignoring RVD being the whole show, and Shawn having the power to stop it. lol


ECW Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match

The Hardcore Innovators vs. The Dudley Boyz©

If I'm accurate about earlier events, this pick makes more sense, as the militant Dudley burns his uncles (see what I did ... STD ... burns? :p)costing them the unified titles, and allowing the Dudley infighting to come to a head.


Mark Calaway vs. Rhino

I have the best reason of the night for picking this match the way I have. It's Rhino's turn. Only reason I've sided the way I have.


Loser Leaves ECW Match For The World Heavyweight Championship

Paul Burchill vs. Raven©

I've struggled with picks before, even earlier in this card, but no match is as difficult to call as this one. On the one hand, you have the New Franchise. An awesome worker, stellar performer, and face of ECW, who has just recently returned. And who has been a difficult backstage presence (if I recall correctly) On the other hand, you have Raven, 7 time ECW champ, face of ECW, and one of the smartest minds to ever step foot in the ring. And who happens to be getting on in years. That little rumor mill reading nerd in me thinks there's a "backstage reason" for the stipulation, as losing one of the faces of the organization is never a good thing. I don't think Raven's ready to hang`m up, so he retains. And we all shed a tear as the heir apparent to the title Franchise walks through the curtain one last time.


I literally hurt my brain making some of those picks! lol

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