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CHIKARA: The Path to Redemption is FUN!

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That's so weird. If chikara closed, it couldn't possibly be only because of quack's allegations. It must be because of bad attendance and losing money of some sorts...which, i wouldn't be surprised if fans never came back following the whole fiasco with the company closing and that weird ARG Storyline that confused and frustrated everyone back in the day.


Besides, he's not guilty of anything, yet, those are still allegations, but i'm not going there.

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Okay first off: It is great to see a Chikara dynasty as they were the promotion that really made me laugh wrestling


Secondly, I don't think you should mention the "allegations" anymore as I don't want anyone to swarm this thread, or you, with hate.


I will be following FYI :D


Oh, don't worry, that's all i have to say on this matter. I too miss chikara. Them and DDT were a breath of fresh air in wrestling.


We're here to have fun, after all.

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Oh, don't worry, that's all i have to say on this matter. I too miss chikara. Them and DDT were a breath of fresh air in wrestling.


We're here to have fun, after all.



Oh no I wasn't saying you were spreading hate buddy!


I just think sometimes it's easier to say "okay, this happened, and move on"



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King of Trios 2020 Participants


As promised here are the 16 Trios taking part in the 2020 King of Trios!



Ice Cream by the Cabana

Cabana Man Dan | Ice Cream Jr. | El Hijo del Ice Cream




Hikari Noa | Hyper Misao | Raku



The Zo' Train

Caz XL | nZo | ???



The Creatures of the Deep

Merlok | Oceana | Cajun Crawdad




Kylie Rae | Smiley | Jigsaw



The Crucible

Ophidian | Devantes | Princess KimberLee



Legion of Rot ft. Mobius

Hallowicked | Frightmare | Mobius



For The Culture

Trish Adora | Saieve Al Sabah | Suge D



The Colony

Fire Ant | Silver Ant | Thief Ant



Fury Road

Leon Scott | Lindsay Snow | Max the Impaler




Nytehawk | Danjerhawk | Sylverhawk



Top Flight to the Nile

Air Wolf | Angel Dorado | Amasis



The Proteus Wheel

Callux the Castigator | Vipress | Volgar



NEO Biishiki-gun

Sakisama | Martha | Mei Saint-Michel



Effy's Big Gay Trio

Effy | Still Life with Apricots & Peaches | Jamie Senegal



Team Dragon Gate

Masaaki Mochizuki | Keisuke Okuda | K-ness


King of Trios Round 1

For The Culture vs. The Proteus Wheel

Team Dragon Gate vs. Legion of Rot ft. Mobius

The Creatures of the Deep vs. The Zo' Train

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs. SmileyKylieSaw

Fury Road vs. The Colony

Ice Cream by the Cabana vs. NEO Biishiki-gun

Team TJPW vs. Xyberhawx2000

The Crucible vs. Top Flight to the Nile


Let me know who you guys have as early favourites!:D

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Small typo i think: it's Mobius and not Morbius if i'm not mistaken :p



For The Culture vs. The Proteus Wheel

Team Dragon Gate vs. Legion of Rot ft. Morbius

The Creatures of the Deep vs. The Zo' Train

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs. SmileyKylieSaw

Fury Road vs. The Colony

Ice Cream by the Cabana vs. NEO Biishiki-gun

Team TJPW vs. Xyberhawx2000

The Crucible vs. Top Flight to the Nile

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This looks like a lot of fun - will definitely be following this!


For The Culture vs. The Proteus Wheel

Team Dragon Gate vs. Legion of Rot ft. Morbius

The Creatures of the Deep vs. The Zo' Train

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs. SmileyKylieSaw

Fury Road vs. The Colony

Ice Cream by the Cabana vs. NEO Biishiki-gun

Team TJPW vs. Xyberhawx2000

The Crucible vs. Top Flight to the Nile


Team TJPW for the win!

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For The Culture vs. The Proteus Wheel

Team Dragon Gate vs. Legion of Rot ft. Mobius

The Creatures of the Deep vs. The Zo' Train

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs. SmileyKylieSaw

Fury Road vs. The Colony

Ice Cream by the Cabana vs. NEO Biishiki-gun

Team TJPW vs. Xyberhawx2000

The Crucible vs. Top Flight to the Nile

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<p>For The Culture vs. <strong>The Proteus Wheel</strong></p><p>

<strong>Team Dragon Gate</strong> vs. Legion of Rot ft. Mobius</p><p>

The Creatures of the Deep vs. <strong>The Zo' Train</strong></p><p>

<strong>Effy's Big Gay Trio</strong> vs. SmileyKylieSaw</p><p>

Fury Road vs. <strong>The Colony</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ice Cream by the Cabana</strong> vs. NEO Biishiki-gun</p><p>

Team TJPW vs. <strong>Xyberhawx2000</strong></p><p>

<strong>The Crucible</strong> vs. Top Flight to the Nile</p>

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<p>For The Culture vs. <strong>The Proteus Wheel</strong></p><p>

<strong>Team Dragon Gate</strong> vs. Legion of Rot ft. Mobius</p><p>

<strong>The Creatures of the Deep</strong> vs. The Zo' Train</p><p>

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs.<strong> SmileyKylieSaw</strong></p><p>

<strong>Fury Road</strong> vs. The Colony</p><p>

<strong>Ice Cream by the Cabana </strong>vs. NEO Biishiki-gun</p><p>

<strong>Team TJPW</strong> vs. Xyberhawx2000</p><p>

The Crucible vs. <strong>Top Flight to the Nile</strong></p>

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King of Trios 2020 Night 1


KOT 2020 opens up with the new Director of Fun UltraMantis Black.


UltraMantis Black: Is there really a better way to kick off our revival then with the one the greatest tournaments in Wrestling today!? King of Trios! As mentioned on our social medias the winners of this years King of Trios will go onto face each other in a Three Way Dance for the vacant CHIKARA Grand Championship! We are proud to announce that that event will be called-


Before Mantis can reveal the show name he is interrupted by the music of The Crucible's Ophidian.


Ophidian: King of Trios should be called off this year at me and my Crucible will be BACK TO BACK WINNERS! Then I will go on to plunge CHIKARA into a new age as it's Grand Champion, The Age of the Serpent, The Age of The Crucible! Mantis you and that "mystery backer" should just hand me the championship now!


UltraMantis Black: It's funny you mention our mystery backer as he's informed me to let you know that if The Crucible do not win King of Trios they are forced to disband and none of you will ever be able to team again!


Ophidian is outraged as he throws down his mic and signals the end to Mantis, leaving to the back.


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

For The Culture vs. The Proteus Wheel


After 10:20 minutes For The Culture defeated The Proteus Wheel after Trish Adora pinned Volgar. At the start of the match Vipress grabbed a mic and declared herself the new leader of The Proteus Wheel although this would ultimately prove to be the groups downfall as Vipress would often tell the larger members of the team to sacrifice themselves for her safety. 32


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

Team Dragon Gate vs. The Legion of Rot ft. Mobius


After 14:26 minutes The Legion of Rot ft. Mobius defeated Team Dragon Gate when Hallowicked pinned K-ness with a Go to Sleepy Hallow. This was a hard hitting back and fourth between the two team, Hallowicked and Mochizuki usually engaging in hard hitting strike battles with one another while Frightmare and K-ness would often match each other in speed based exchanges although Mobius would end up being the deciding factor of the match sacrificing himself and diving from the top to take out Mochizuki and Okuda so Hallowicked could secure the pinfall. 43


On their way to the ring nZo & Caz acknowledge they're a man down.


nZo: So the Zo' Train is man down okay okay, not a problem because we found a man! A this man is not S A W F T... SAWFT, in fact he's got a lot in common with me, we both love the gold!


Razerhawk walks out as he wasn't apart of the Xyberhawx2000 team.


nZo: Bada Boom! King of Trios in the room, HOW YOU DOING!?


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

The Creatures of the Deep vs. The Zo' Train


After 8:34 minutes The Zo' Train defeated The Creatures of the Deep when nZo pinned Cajun Crawdad following A Missle Laucher with the aid of Caz XL. This match was mostly ran by The Zo' Train with Caz overwhelming the opposing team with his power and using the small members of his team as projectiles. Although the fans were mixed on whether they were happen to see The Zo' Train triumph. 42


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

Effy's Big Gay Trio vs. SmileyKylieSaw


After 14:03 SmileyKylieSaw defeated Effy's Big Gay Trio when Jigsaw pinned Jamie Senegal with a Jig 'n' Tonic. This match was an all thrills fast paced contest from the get with the fans being split on who to support but with a CHIKARA veteran like Jigsaw the cheers were ever so slighty in the favour of SmileyKylieSaw. 42


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

Ice Cream by the Cabana vs. NEO Biishiki-gun


After 9:35 minutes NEO Biishiki-gun defeated Ice Cream by the Cabana when Sakisama pinned Ice Cream Jr. with a handful of tights following a broom hit from Martha. NEO Biishiki-gun were not playing fair in this match with the debonair trio breaking the rules as much as they could, hitting the opponents with brooms, serving trays and spraying surface cleaner in the eyes of Cabana Man Dan. 34


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

Team TJPW vs. Xyberhawx2000


After 12:12 minutes Team TJPW defeated Xyberhawx2000 when Hyper Misao pinned Danjerhawk following a Top Rope Crossbody. Team TJPW took advantage of the natural chemistry between Hikari Noa and Raku following their time in the Up Up Girls by using some well oiled team offense and with the no quit attitude of Misao the Hawks couldn't quite overcome the non stop action of the Joshi trio. 36



Following the match Misao riles up the crowd with her signature catchphrase.

Hyper Misao:To all the big kids out there! HELLO! (Translated from Japanese)


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

Fury Road vs. The Colony


After 13:54 The Colony defeated Fury Road when Fire Ant pinned Leon Scott following a Beach Break. The match was all about The Colony, the trio looked better than ever hitting a ton of there classic trio offence, although the new trio of Fury Road held their own at times taking it to the Ants with some not so pretty maneuvers. 42


Before the match starts Ophidian is outraged that Amasis is standing against him, KimberLee and Devantes have to calm him down.


King of Trios 2020 Round 1

The Crucible vs. Top Flight to the Nile


After 17:35 Top Flight to the Nile defeated The Crucible when Amasis pinned Ophidian following a Twist of Funk. The story of this match was Ophidian not being able to disconnect himself from the fact Amasis was stood across the ring from him, Ophidian would charge Amasis every chance he got completely disregarding the consequences if his team lost. 38


Amasis offers his hand to Ophidian after the match but he is rejected as Ophidian storms to the back realising what this loss means.


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