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[CVerse97] Piledriver Wrestling: Where Starrs are made

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Piledriver Wrestling presents

Clobbering Time 1997

Wednesday, Week 1, September 1997

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr


Micky Starr enters the ring as the show begins and welcomes the fans on the mic, then requests that Rich Money comes out to join him.



Rich Money responds, coming out with the PDW Men's title belt around his waist and looking confident as ever.


Money: "Let me guess, Mr. Starr. You're disappointed your pet kitten Brandon didn't manage to defeat me for my title, so now you're going to throw something new at me tonight in hopes of me losing the gold. Well, joke's on you, because that's not going to happen, but it also means I'm once again wrestling the main event, right? And I don't blame you. It's what best for business. After all, Rich Money... makes it rain!"


Starr: "I guess I'm starting to sound like a broken record by now, but you would be correct in your assumptions, Rich. I've had a new idea though, and I wanted to have you here when I'd announce it. See, tonight you won't be wrestling a man for your title... because tonight you'll be wrestling two of them, Blue Sky and Black Eagle in a three way match!"


Fans pop and Rich Money complains on the mic, while Dennis Sims points out that this way, Money will not have to get pinned or submitted to lose the title. However, given the storied rivalry between the two masked high flyers, there is a question of whether they'll team up against the champion or if they'll be too busy fighting each other. If Rich Money can play both sides against each other, he may well manage to come out on top by the end of the night.




Nelson Faber & Chester Berik vs The Young Guns

The opening contest saw newcomer Chester Berik team with his fellow Piledriver graduate Nelson Faber against the debuting high flyer team of The Young Guns, comprised of Harry Allen and Steve Gumble. Not much to write home about as this was a by-the-numbers showcase of everyone involved and all four men are still green as grass, but The Young Guns won after Harry Allen hit Chester Berik with a Flying Fist Drop to score the pin.

Winners: The Young Guns, by pinfall



After the match, the two cowboys ask for microphones to talk.

Allen: "My name is Harry Allen, and this here is Steve Gumble. We're the Young Guns and we've come here to show everyone what we can do."

Gumble: "We thank all you good people for supporting us and we hope to do you justice for your cheers. I know it's still early to say so, but make no mistake, we got our eyes on the Peak Brothers and we're gunning for their gold!"




PDW Women's title match


Cherry Bomb © vs Trauma Doll

Following Trauma Doll's challenge last month, Cherry Bomb put her title on the line in this match against her. Between Bomb's explosive style and Doll's hardcore antics, things were explosive and the two women traded blows inside the ring as much as they did outside it, never really pausing to draw breath or use any form of a rest hold. While it made for an exciting bout, it also saw them get caught up in their fistfight at ringside, leading to a double count out result and Bomb retaining in a manner that left things still unresolved between them.

Result: Draw (Double Count Out)

Cherry Bomb retains (Defences: 3)




Dario Shelton, Henry Bennett & Chris "Nuzzle Bunny" Bruins vs R.T. Kayfabe & The Peak Brothers

More or less a filler six man tag match, this one told no real story despite otherwise being pretty decent, both in terms of in-ring action and fan response. Bruins and the Peaks got involved in a wild ringside brawl that had the audience excited, while at the same time clearing the ring for some more technical wrestling between Shelton, Bennett and Kayfabe. The PDW Tag Team champions ended up getting the upper hand on Bruins before Shelton and Bennett could do the same inside the ring, so they were able to get back and make it a 3 on 2 situation that allowed their teammate to hit the Kayfabe Breaker on Shelton to get the victory.

Winners: R.T. Kayfabe & The Peak Brothers, by pinfall




PDW Men's title three way match

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Piledriver Wrestling presents

Octoberfist 1997

Wednesday, Week 1, October 1997

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



Big Butcher & Chester Berik vs The Young Guns

The Young Guns were in action once again in the opening match, warming up the crowd with their mix of cowboy brawling and exciting high flying moves. Their opponents, the cocky young Chester Berik and the returning giant known as Big Bruiser, fought back by combining the best of their own skills. Berik took most of the beating, bumping around to make the babyface team look good but also shutting them down when he could with his own aerial reversals or downright cheating. By the time Butcher got the hot tag, he got in to clear the ring and dominate for a bit, but the Guns used quick tags and fast attacks to disorient him. Butcher decided to conserve his gas and tagged Berik back in, with the youngster soon catching a Flying Fist Drop courtesy of Harry Allen who scored the pin.

Winners: The Young Guns, by pinfall





hit the speakers as a new face made his debut, a mean looking cowboy carrying a live snake around his shoulders. The man walked to the ring and was handed a microphone to speak his mind.


Man: "My name is Jack Griffith and I'm here to fight! I don't care who it is I have to beat up, I'm hear to stomp a mudhole on 'em and get paid for doing it. Mark my name, remember my face and prepare to see me demolish your heroes one by one!:




Ashley Murphy, Rebecca Petty & Tenille Ven vs Cherry Bomb, Susan Forabruisin & Trauma Doll

The women's 3 vs 3 match was less about action and more about storytelling. The babyface trio showed a lot of fire hoping for a redemptive win after several consecutive losses while the heels, despite being dominant hard hitters in theory, had to struggle between them due to the ongoing title rivalry of Cherry Bomb and Trauma Doll. Susan Forabruisin was forced to play peacemaker when she ran out of patience with their bickering and that set the stage for Murphy and Ven to charge in with stereo dropkicks, leaving a surprised Susan to get rolled up from behind and pinned by Rebecca Petty.

Winners: Ashley Murphy, Rebecca Petty & Tenille Ven, by pinfall




PDW Tag Team titles match


The Peak Brothers © vs Aiden Nine & Skeeter Colquhoun

Piledriver Wrestling's tag team division lacks depth and the Peak Brothers' reign with the titles shows that, with the psychopathic brothers once again defending their belts against a random pairing. This was even worse as it turned out that Nine and Colquhoun have zero chemistry as a team, despite the champions turning this into a wild brawl in hopes of hiding these issues under a ton of hardcore spots. As the least experienced in the match, Aiden Nine ended up taking the pin and the titles remained with the Peak Brothers.

Winners: The Peak Brothers, by pinfall (Defences: 3)




Black Eagle vs Blue Sky

Following their failure to capture the PDW Men's title last month, the two masked wrestlers continued their rivalry in a one on one match and pulled out all the stops to deliver a show-stealing performance. Instead of going for a lucha-style high flying contest, the two competitors incorporated some stiff strikes and slick technical wrestling that seemed to go down well with the excited fans. Momentum swung back and forth from start to finish in a very open contest, which saw Blue Sky come out on top. The fan favorite hit the Phoenix Firebird Splash to score the pin and avenge his loss at Hotlanta Hassle two months ago, levelling the playing field at one victory for each man.

Winner: Blue Sky, by pinfall




Rich Money showed up before the main event and had a few words to say about it.


Money: "Ever since I won the Men's title at the start of the year, I've taken all comers and I've beaten every single one of them. Last month, I was thrown in a three way match, where I didn't even need to be pinned or submitted to lose the gold. Guess what, it's still around my waist. So I got word that tonight's four way main event will determine my next opponent. Let's take a moment and reflect who's in it. Nuzzle Bunny... who I took the title from, in the first place... Henry Bennet, who won a tournament in order to face me... and who I beat... Big Cat Brandon... yeah, I beat him too... R.T. Kayfabe, well that's new. Might be interesting. Regardless, whoever wins this match, once they get in the ring with me, the outcome will be the same. Rich Money... will make it rain!"



#1 contender for the PDW Men's title match

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  • 1 month later...


Piledriver Wrestling presents

Spookshow Wrestling 1997

Wednesday, Week 1, November 1997

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



Blue Sky, Henry Bennett & Skeeter Colquhoun vs R.T. Kayfabe, Big Butcher & Chester Berik

The show opened up with a 3 on 3 match meant to warm up the audience, which it succeeded in by the final bell. Sky and Colquhoun's high flying, complemented by some solid technical wrestling from Bennett, had fans cheering for them against the despicable Kayfabe and his two young allies, Butcher playing the standard monster bruiser while Berik filled in as the cocky high flyer. Other than working the audience, this match came down to experience and the babyface team had the advantage there, leading to Skeeter Colquhoun pinning Berik after an Axe Kick that showcased his agility.

Winners: Blue Sky, Henry Bennett & Skeeter Colquhoun, by pinfall




Jack Griffith vs Nelson Faber

Griffith's in-ring debut was against fellow rookie Nelson Faber, who he bruised into submission before showcasing his Jack in The Box finisher for the pin. Given the two men's inexperience, the match was played safe and by the numbers as they learn while fans warm up to them, portraying Griffith as the no-nonesense brawler that he's supposed to be.

Winner: Jack Griffith, by pinfall




Cherry Bomb & Susan Forabruisin vs Rebecca Petty & Trauma Doll

Rebecca Petty is quickly getting over as a lovable underdog, almost as fast as she seems to develop her wrestling skills. Teaming with the fan favourite hardcore tweener in this match didn't hurt her either and the pairing had fans behind them against the two hard hitting heels. Of course, much of the match itself was about the ongoing feud between Cherry Bomb and Trauma Doll but other than some big spots between them, it generally lacked some sense of flow, story or psychology and it ended with Doll demolishing Susan Forabruisin with her nasty Blunt Force Trauma finisher.

Winners: Rebecca Petty & Trauma Doll, by pinfall




PDW Tag Team titles match


The Peak Brothers © vs The Young Guns

The Young Guns had a hot start since their PDW debut and came into this match looking like the first team to really have a chance at taking the belts off the psychotic Peak Brothers. This was also displayed in terms of in-ring action, as Allen and Gumble backed their high flying moves with some rugged brawling that prevented the champions from turning this into an all-out fistfight all over the venue like they usually do. It was this tactic that allowed the challengers to stay in the fight long enough for the siblings to get frustrated and drop their guard. Steve Gumble saw his chance and capitalized with a Savate Kick to Doug Peak while Eddie was trading shots with Harry Allen, the brawl distracting Eddie from the ongoing pin attempt just enough for the three count.

Winners AND NEW PDW Tag Team champions: The Young Guns, by pinfall




Big Cat Brandon vs Black Eagle

Don't let the cartoonish colours or weird gimmicks fool you, this match packed all the oomph and flash it could, nearly stealing the show and overshadowing the main event itself. No strangers to each other in PDW or the East Coast indy circuit, Brandon and Eagle went back and forth for a full ten minutes before the former was able to wear down his elusive opponent enough to connect with the Big Cat Pounce.

Winner: Big Cat Brandon, by pinfall




Brandon had little time to savour his victory, as Big Butcher decided to show up after the match and attack him while he was still reeling from the bout. The two men hit each other with stiff shots and the fans' reaction suggested that a hoss fight between them would be a good draw, despite Butcher still being quite green; you can't teach size and menace. The weirdest thing though was who came out to Brandon's aid...



Cat E Tude!


Complete with a leopard cape to match her mask and singlet, PDW's resident crazy cat lady and well known Big Cat Brandon fangirl rushed down to the ring and threw herself at Big Butcher for the save. For all the absurdity, fans popped for her appearance and crazy new cartoonish superhero antics, even if they didn't do much to her gigantic target. Butcher had no issue disposing of Cat E Tude, but the distraction proved enough to allow Brandon a counterattack, the Big Cat pouncing on the rookie to force a retreat. With Big Butcher finally leaving the ring, the two feline themed wrestlers had the ring to themselves and Brandon picked up his saviour to carry her backstage, Micky Starr commenting that if Cat E Tude hadn't been knocked out by Big Butcher earlier, she certainly fainted now as Brandon held her in his arms.




PDW Men's title match

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  • 3 weeks later...


Piledriver Wrestling presents

Season's Beatings 1997

Wednesday, Week 1, December 1997

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



The final show of the year opened with Rich Money making his entrance. The PDW Men's champion entered the ring, but before his music got cut off for him to speak, Micky Starr left the announcers' table to join him between the ropes.


Money: "Nah nah nah nah nah, don't waste your breath there, it's not like you got a lot of it left, old man. Let me guess. You've got another challenger lined up for me tonight, right? Like you always do. But it don't matter, because I've beaten everyone you've put in my way. Hell, I've beaten everyone there is on this roster!"


Starr: "You are correct on both accounts, Rich. I can't deny it, no one can, you're one hell of a champion. Which is why I had to go above and beyond to find a proper challenger for you tonight. Someone who's not a regular member of the Piledriver Wrestling roster. Someone who's made waves in Japan and saved a child from the waves in California just last month... Dark EAGLE!"



A high energy electronic theme song laced with guitar riffs blasted on the speakers as Dark EAGLE came out and entered the ring.


Money: "Like I said, it doesn't matter who you put up against me. I'll knock 'em down like I've done with everyone else and when it's all said and done, you'll once again see that Rich Money... makes it rain!"




PDW Women's title match




Ashley Murphy vs Cat E Tude vs Cherry Bomb © vs Rebecca Petty vs Susan Forabruisin vs Trauma Doll

The odds were stacked against the champion in this six way free for all and that was the story told in the match, with Cherry Bomb going all out to not only win, but prevent others from scoring a three count. This played well into her explosive personality, with Bomb throwing a little tantrum every time she broke up a near fall. Cat E Tude's cartoonish new superhero persona also proved to be a hit with the fans who cheered her on during her big spots, while Rebecca Petty also impressed any long time viewers with her apparent development, looking better and better with each match. The night however belonged to Trauma Doll, who finally managed to get her hands on the title, even if she needed a little extra leverage from the ropes to hold Petty down for the count while everyone else was reeling outside the ring.

Winner AND NEW PDW Women's champion: Trauma Doll, by pinfall




Aiden Nine & Dario Shelton vs The Peak Brothers

Losing the tag team titles only served to infuriate the ever-violent Peak Brothers and they took out their aggression and frustration on their opponents in this match, turning it into a crazy brawl like they usually do, in and out of the ring. Shelton and Nine had their moments but spent most of their time playing defense against the two berzerkers and it was Shelton who ended up getting hit with a Peak and Valley for the pin.

Winners: The Peak Brothers, by pinfall




The music of the Peak Brothers got cut off when the new PDW Tag Team champions The Young Guns made an appearance after the match. It seemed like the Peaks were about to leave the ring and continue the brawl against different targets, but Steve Gumble motioned them to hold up.


Gumble: "Whoa whoa whoa, just a minute boys. You wanna fight us, we're happy to oblige, but let's make it proper. Can't win these titles from us if it's not an official match, y'know. But tonight's your lucky night. Because me and Harry here, we like to fight much as any other cowboy. You guys gave us one hell of a fight for this here gold. So if you're up for it, we'd be glad to give you a rematch for the titles, anytime you want!"




R.T. Kayfabe vs Skeeter Colquhoun

Skeeter's happy-go-lucky antics popped the crowd but Kayfabe wasn't too happy about the shenanigans and blindsided his opponent to start the match, before yelling at him to "take this business seriously". This set the tone for the match, with Kayfabe on the offensive working a classic heel match as he focused on his opponent's back, trying to soften it up for his Kayfabe Breaker finisher. This had fans cheering for the plucky babyface and Colquhoun got a couple of hope spots in before he was able to mount a proper comeback and hit an Axe Kick that floored his opponent long enough for the count of three.

Winner: Skeeter Colquhoun, by pinfall




Black Eagle vs Chris "Nuzzle Bunny" Bruins

Both men came into this match having lost their bouts last month, so they were motivated to win and get back on track. Despite being the heel here, Eagle had the high flying moves that excited the audience and it was Bruins who would slow things down with some ground and pound, only for the audience to frustrate him with chants of "Nuzzle Bunny". Bruins lost his temper more than once and while it made for some nice interaction with the fans, it still exposed him to a dangerous counteroffensive from his opponent, who would eventually nail the New Jersey Turnpike for the pin.

Winner: Black Eagle, by pinfall




PDW Men's title match

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Once the lights were out and the show was over, with everyone but himself and Dennis back at the locker room, Micky Starr put down his headset and patted his broadcast partner in the back before standing up to go to the boys and girls. He’d always remember to thank Dennis and offer some encouragement to the kid, even if it didn’t involve words. Micky remembered how awe-struck he was during his early days when any of the established guys paid him any attention, let alone gave him praise or pointers, so he would remind himself to do the same now that he was on the other side of the fence.


The locker room was already in the middle of throwing a small party by the time he entered, guys sharing beers and hugging it out while others would ice their bruises or crack jokes from a nearby bench. The girls were congratulating Trauma Doll on her win and talking to each other about their match, except Tenille Ven of course, who was further to her side with her boyfriend, Aiden Nine. As soon as Micky walked through the door, everyone froze for a second in anticipation of his reaction. He wasn’t that strict about running the locker room, only things he’d ban were drugs and steroids, but the crew weren’t sure if he’d join in or talk them down for all this. Still, tonight was a special night and he wasn’t going to ruin it for these kids.


“I wanna thank you all for tonight, and for all the nights you showed up to do what you do best” he began. “It’s been one hell of a year and you’re all the reason Piledriver Wrestling’s gone from strength to strength. Don’t just take my word for it either, we’ve got some folks moving up in the business to prove it. You know who you are, step right up.”




Rich Money, Chris Bruins, Dario Shelton, R.T. Kayfabe and Jack Griffith broke out of the pack to form something resembling a line between the wrestlers and Starr. They were soon joined by Aiden Nine, with Ven looking over from afar.


“As you all know, I came here to help the school and the company grow, so I can give back to this business. And in this business, it’s not just about who you are, it’s also about who you know. I’ve had my time with the SWF and although I can’t say I got any significant pull with the Eisens, I know they’ve been watching my moves. Watching you all. So of course when they bought out Rapid Pro Wrestling a few weeks ago, they made some calls. They offered contracts. So while I’m sad to see you guys go, I’m glad to know you’re moving on to bigger and better things. I could even say I’m proud of you.”


The locker room burst into a round of applause and toasting, but Starr motioned them to calm down, as he wasn’t done.


“Now, from what I’m hearing, RPW’s gonna be their greenhouse. A place to teach folks the SWF style and give them a shine before calling them up on the main roster. Give ‘em some exposure with the East Coast audience so they’ll get a reaction when they first show up on national television. It’s progress, but it’s not the end of the road. I don’t want you to get complacent, thinking you’ve made it or that it’s only a matter of time before you’re on an episode of Uprising or Supreme TV. This school has given them guys like Honest Frank and Enforcer Roberts, so you got some history to live up to. Give ‘em hell and again, thanks for everything you’ve done here.”


Rich Money was the first to throw himself into a hug, patting Starr on the back as he thanked him for the opportunity. He’d been the top guy for a full year and Rich knew such things didn’t happen much in this day and age. He happily dropped the belt to Dark EAGLE and put him over on his way out, as was tradition. Micky had no doubt he’d be achieving great things in his career. Everyone else walked up to Starr for a hug or handshake, thanking him for the opportunity. Even young Jack Griffith, who’d only worked a few dark matches and one in the main show before he got snatched up. He knew that without Piledriver giving him a chance just weeks after he turned pro, he’d never be getting a paycheck from SWF this early.


“Alright, you got a spare beer for this old man?” Starr exclaimed as the locker room once again burst into cheers. He grabbed one that was tossed to him, cracked it open and took a sip before realizing he hadn’t let it settle. Foam on his moustache, he downed a gulp and let the cool liquid soothe his throat that’d gone dry calling the show. This is surreal, he thought, celebrating the loss of nearly half the roster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">December 1997 News</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

</span></strong><img alt="QH4hYoy.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/QH4hYoy.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">

Annual Awards</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Wrestler: x3 Sam Keith (SWF)</p><p>

Company: x4 SWF</p><p>

Team: Rory McCallum & Sam Keith (SWF)</p><p>

Match: Sam Keith def. Sean McFly @ SWF When Hell Freezes Over</p><p>

Show: BHOTWG Summit Challenge 1</p><p>

Young Wrestler: Sean McFly (SWF)</p><p>

Veteran Wrestler: x2 Rip Chord (HGC)</p><p>

Female Wrestler: x2 Sensational Ogiwara (5SSW)</p><p>

Most Improved Company: OLLIE</p><p>

Indy Wrestler: Koryusai Kitoaji (PGHW)</p><p>

Manager: Professor Nero (HGC)</p><p>

Announcer: Toru Minamoto (BHOTWG)</p><p>

Colour Commentator: Phil Vibert (DAVE)</p><p>

Referee: Nobuhiro Warada (BHOTWG)</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Piledriver Wrestling presents

...and a Happy New Year 1998

Wednesday, Week 1, January 1998

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



Blue Sky & Skeeter Colquhoun vs Chester Berik & Nelson Faber

The opening contest featured four high flyers and some fast paced, high flying action to get the crowd going from the start. Products of Piledriver Wrestling School, Berik and Faber had another opportunity to showcase their skills but would eventually make some rookie mistakes that allowed their opponents to mount a comeback, leading to Blue Sky's impressive Phoenix Firebird Splash for the finish.

Winners: Blue Sky & Skeeter Colquhoun, by pinfall




A furious Cherry Bomb made her way to the ring next, demanding a microphone to speak her mind.


Bomb: "I'm sure everyone had a happy holiday with their family and loved ones, but I can tell you I've been nothing but miserable since the last show. There's no two ways about it, I got robbed of my title! I had to fight five other contenders and most important, I never got pinned to lose the championship! So Trauma Doll, if you've got the guts to prove your mettle in front of all these people, come out here right now and let me reclaim MY title!"




PDW Women's title match


Trauma Doll © vs Cherry Bomb

Trauma Doll did come out, but of course she wasn't going to just surrender the title; instead, fans got a one on one match between current and former champion for the belt. There was nothing pretty or technical about this, it was just a straight up fistfight and the brawl spilled out of the ring as it just couldn't contain the tension between these two. Unfortunately, the two competitors looked a little lost, or at least uninspired as to how to keep the fight going in the outside in some interesting fashion, thus the contest did feel like it dragged down until they got back in the ring to finish the match. Doll managed to get the pin and retain, but she needed a little extra leverage from the ropes, the ref missing her feet on them as he had his attention on the shoulders of Cherry Bomb.

Winner and still PDW Women's champion: Trauma Doll, by pinfall




Big Butcher vs Big Cat Brandon

With Butcher and Brandon in action after the Women's title brawl, one would reasonably expect them to try and one-up the previous match, but the two hosses instead took their time to trade blows, pose and dare each other in a clash of egos that was entertaining as much as it showcased their individual characters. As the more experienced of the two, Brandon held the match together and he used his advantage to eliminate the power edge of his larger opponent, eventually setting him up for the Big Cat Pounce that led to the pin.

Winner: Big Cat Brandon, by pinfall




The PDW Tag Team champions The Young Guns came out next to cut a promo.


Allen: "We said we wanna fight those Peak boys again, but it seems the powers that be thought otherwise."


Gumble: "Word around town's there's a new team on the roster, so them Peak Brothers gotta test themselves against them before any sort o' title match can go down. That's fine with us. We can wait and we'll be happy to fight any and all comers!"




The Peak Brothers vs The New Wave

This brand new team the Young Guns were referring to turned out to be two men in camouflage gear and facepaint, announced as The New Wave. Both making their pro wrestling debuts in this match, they still proved to be a solid challenge for the psychotic Peak siblings due to their spectacular teamwork. The one called Guide had the brawling chops to go toe to toe with either Doug or Eddie Peak, plus he wowed the crowd with his recklessness every time he threw himself on them, using his body as a weapon. Meanwhile, his partner Scout had a completely different approach, a clinical submission style that rounded up their style nicely and it certainly pushed the opposition outside of familiar territory. Still, the New Wave got way too excited and reckless in their pursuits, opening themselves up to a counter from the more experienced Peak Brothers who paced themselves better and exploited all chances to turn the tables until they hit the Peak and Valley on Guide, slamming him onto Scout to make a statement.

Winners: The Peak Brothers, by pinfall




PDW Men's title match

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Just as the match ended, Henry Bennett ran down to the ring with a steel chair and blasted both competitors, ending the show standing tall on both of them as he picked up the PDW Men's title to raise it above his head.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Piledriver Wrestling presents

No Love Lost 1998

Wednesday, Week 1, February 1998

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



Miss Mexico vs Susan Forabruisin

Lauded in her home country but not really having the opportunities there, the fiery Miss Mexico often ends up crossing the border up North to get booked and this was one such occasion, where she wrestled the opening match against Susan Forabruisin. The red headed luchadora got the crowd hyped with her high flying against her brawl-focused opponent and even ended up winning the match using her Red Head Press for a decent reaction.

Winner: Miss Mexico, by pinfall




The Peak Brothers came out next to cut a promo inside the ring.


Eddie: "Young Guns! You said you'd give us a rematch for the tag titles anytime, but then we had to fight another team for that opportunity. It's alright though, me and Doug here are happy to bash in a few skulls, yours or otherwise, doesn't matter. But the thing is, we won that match. So next month, you better put them belts on the line and give us our rematch!"




Black Eagle vs Blue Sky

The perpetual clash of Piledriver Wrestling's two luchadors resumed in this match, with Black Eagle showing the physical and mental scars of his match against Dark EAGLE a month prior. For fans keeping track, the two men went to a double countout on January of '97 and it would take until August of that year for the rematch; Eagle won that one, but Sky got his own win a few months later in October. This made for an even playing field in this one, although Blue Sky clearly had an advantage over his damaged opponent. Black Eagle's selling had some of the fans sympathise with him, to the point where one could reasonably expect a turn, maybe even a double one, but it did not happen and Blue Sky hit his impressive Phoenix Firebird Splash to get the win and one-up his rival.

Winner: Blue Sky, by pinfall




Eagle wasn't happy about his defeat of course, but he didn't take it graciously either and decided to attack Blue Sky from behind after the match as he was celebrating his victory. After the initial beatdown, Eagle began setting up for the New Jersey Turnpike...


...when out came a face-painted man with a steel chair in hand! Rushing down to the ring, the mysterious man never got to swing his weapon as Eagle abandoned the scene, but it all ended with the loser returning backstage as the newcomer helped Blue Sky back to his feet.




PDW Men's title match

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Piledriver Wrestling presents

March Into Battle 1998

Wednesday, Week 1, March 1998

Live from Atlanta, GA



Announcers: Dennis Sims and Micky Starr



The show began with Cherry Bomb making her entrance, but she didn't bother with her usual routine. Instead, she marched straight to the ring and motioned for her music (Cherry Bomb by The Runaways, obviously) to be cut so she could speak.


Bomb: "Last month, a woman by the name of Miss Mexico wrestled in this ring. Ever since, I've been bombarded with that name everywhere I turn. Now, Miss Mexico, I won't deny you've got some moves, but let me make this perfectly clear: you're no title contender. You're not even the alpha redhead in this locker room. All you are is the flavor of the month and if you come out here to face me, I'll kick you all the way back to February where you belong because I am the future of women's wrestling in this company!"




Cherry Bomb vs Miss Mexico

Miss Mexico answered the challenge and surprised her opponent with her speed, giving her the early advantage until Bomb caught her with a clothesline to turn her inside out. From there, Cherry Bomb proceeded to beat down the newcomer with strikes, throwing in plenty of insults in between. Miss Mexico had a few hope spots where she got shut down, until she found herself in a powerbomb position and managed to reverse it using a huracanrana. From there, she began making her comeback and eventually hit the Red Head Press to win.

Winner: Miss Mexico, by pinfall




Archangel vs Black Eagle

The facepainted man who rescued Blue Sky last month was introduced as Archangel and fans who'd bothered to look up wrestling newsletters in the meantime would know that he used to work for Trenton Everund's ill-fated Awesome Max Wrestling in the past. Both men showcased a solid grasp of the basics and a good technical foundation, but where Eagle went for big aerial moves as the match went on, Archangel remained grounded and opted to brawl with his opponent. There was certainly a sense of heat between the two, maybe even a hint of hatred from Eagle, and the match would soon spill outside the ring, with Archangel getting dirty to get the job done while Eagle launched himself off the apron, the barricade and anything else he could use. It was during one of those spots where Archangel managed to catch and slam him to the hard ground, damaging both himself and his target. The dramatic count saw them struggle to get up and although Archangel made it back inside the ropes by the count of nine, Black Eagle couldn't.

Winner: Archangel, by count out




PDW Tag Team titles match


The Young Guns © vs The Peak Brothers

Ever since losing the titles in November, the Peak Brothers have been on a quest to reclaim them and finally they got their rematch here against the team that beat them for the gold. As usual, Doug and Eddie brought some great teamwork and a good dose of hardcore ultraviolence to the bout, with Young Guns struggling to survive the initial onslaught before they could attempt to respond with their own offence.


Some 15 minutes into the match, Guide and Scout jumped the guardrail and appeared from the audience with chairs in their hands. Their intentions were crystal clear, the question was how they'd get away with such blatant interference. In a brilliant (and somewhat comical) display of tactical genius, they surrounded the ring from opposite sides, with one distracting the official while the other delivered a chair shot to Harry Allen or Steve Gumble respectively, a play on the classic "if the ref doesn't see it, they can't call it" trope. Still, this was enough to halt the Guns' momentum and after pressing their advantage, Doug Peak hit Gumble with the House of Horrors and finally scored the pin, returning the titles to him and his brother Eddie.

Winners AND NEW PDW Tag Team champions: The Peak Brothers, by pinfall




PDW Men's title match

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wnTAt7yiCnU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>




After the match, Skeeter Colquhoun made an appearance to cut a promo about how he's been overlooked but now he's taking matters into his own hands and challenging for the title next.



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I'm going to temporarily put this diary on indefinite hiatus, as I got involved in the America at War multiplayer game and got a ton of SWF shows to book/write there, on top of running my ongoing BCG and GSW diaries. The process of all creating workers in Fire Pro Wrestling and running/capturing/uploading matches for the main events here is too much work on top of booking/writing Piledriver shows as well as following every news story and making the image for the monthly updates and the returns, both in terms of personal satisfaction and reader response, do not make up for it right now.


Thanks to everyone who read or commented.

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