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All Elite Wrestling: Join The Revolution

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Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet vs. Shaquille O'Neal & Jade Cargill

AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Final - Thunder Rosa vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier - Orange Cassidy vs. Miro

Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler & Tully Blanchard vs. Jurassic Express

Chris Jericho, MJF & Wardlow vs. Brandon Cutler & The Young Bucks

Penta el Zero Miedo & Scorpio Sky vs. Joey Janela & Lance Archer

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Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet vs. Shaquille O'Neal & Jade Cargill

AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Final - Thunder Rosa vs. Yuka Sakazaki

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier - Orange Cassidy vs. Miro

Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler & Tully Blanchard vs. Jurassic Express

Chris Jericho, MJF & Wardlow vs. Brandon Cutler & The Young Bucks

Penta el Zero Miedo & Scorpio Sky vs. Joey Janela & Lance Archer

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<p><strong>Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet</strong> vs. Shaquille O'Neal & Jade Cargill</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Final - <strong>Thunder Rosa</strong> vs. Yuka Sakazaki</p><p>

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier - Orange Cassidy vs. <strong>Miro</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler & Tully Blanchard</strong> vs. Jurassic Express</p><p>

<strong>Chris Jericho, MJF & Wardlow </strong>vs. Brandon Cutler & The Young Bucks</p><p>

<strong>Penta el Zero Miedo & Scorpio Sky </strong>vs. Joey Janela & Lance Archer</p>

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AEW Dynamite: March 3, 2021


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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>AEW DYNAMITE</b></div><div style="font:20px Roboto;">Wednesday, March 3, 2021 on TNT</div><div style="font:16px Roboto;">Jacksonville, FL | Daily's Place</div></div>

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Mick Foley, Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley</font></b></div>

AEW Dynamite started strong as a car crash blared over the speakers in Daily's Place as wrestling legend Mick Foley walked down to the ring with a smile on his face and the AEW World Championship Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch contract in his hand. Foley was happy to be here in All Elite Wrestling and promised that tonight's signing would stay peaceful under the eyes of Mick Foley. He introduced both the challenger and the champion who joined in the ring but had to be kept separated by members of the AEW security detail. As Foley laid the contract down on the table, his joyous attitude quickly changed to one of doubt. <i>"I hope you guys understand that when you step into that ring with the ropes made of barbed wire, you will create a bond that will stick with you forever. No matter how much you may hate each other, you will always be linked to one another after putting it all on the line for that championship."</i> stated the "Hardcore Legend". Both Moxley and Kenny were fine with putting it all on the line, which grew some more concern with Foley. <i>"As Mick Foley, the man and the father, I urge you to think about this before putting your name on that contract..."</i> added Mick before he turned with a sly grin, unbuttoned his signature red and black flannel, and threw pens at both champion and challenger: <i>"but as Cactus Jack, sign this contract and show the world just how dangerous you are. Show them how much that AEW World belt means to you. Take each other to the limit and prove who is the better man."</i> finished Jack as the pep talk hyped both Kenny and Moxley who were ready to come to blows. Both men signed the contract and Cactus Jack advised them both to not wait for Sunday and THE BRAWL WAS ON! Moxley and Omega duked it out around ringside as Cactus Jack surveyed the violence. AEW General Manager Tony Khan sent out extra security detail as the show crashed to commercial break to try and gather some semblance of normalcy.



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<b>Penta el Zero Miedo & Scorpio Sky defeated Joey Janela & Lance Archer</b></div>

Ahead of their big Face of the Revolution Ladder Match this Sunday night where the winner receives a future shot at the TNT Championship, these four confirmed competitors went all out in tag team action to try and get the upper hand heading into the pay-per-view extravaganza. Returning from injuries, both Scorpio Sky and Penta el Zero Miedo were hard to scout for but Joey Janela and "The MurderHawk Monster" Lance Archer brought their best to try and take out their competition. While Lance Archer looked super impressive, he fell victim to a steel chair attack by Penta outside the ring while Scorpio Sky hit Janela with the Fatal Answer to get the victory.



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Darby Allin & Sting</font></b></div>

After the latest sneak attack last week, Sting and Darby Allin stood in unison in a dark enclosed space in Daily's Place with anger. Sting mentioned that the time for games were over and that he and Darby have prepared for an absolute war this Sunday night at Revolution. The TNT Champion added that the Street Fight does not scare him, nothing scares, him and he has already beaten both Brian Cage and Ricky Starks and would have no problem doing it again. Sting noted that the numbers game had gotten the best of them over recent weeks and that Team Taz could be neutralized if the numbers were not on their side... muffled screams emerged from behind the face painted duo as Sting and Darby casually opened the bodybags to show Hook all bagged up! The camera panned backwards where Powerhouse Hobbs was laid out in the hallway with a skateboard next to his body. Sting and Darby laughed with the numbers now being equal. "Come get your boy Taz." finished Sting as he and Darby walked away.



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Shaquille O'Neal & Jade Cargill</font></b></div>

In their private locker room, Shaquille O'Neal and Jade Cargill were getting ready for their big main event tag team match against Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet. AEW Correspondent Alex Marvez tried to get a word with the intense duo but Shaq very calmly told him to leave and that all of his speaking would be done in the ring tonight.



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AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Final

Yuka Sakazaki defeated Thunder Rosa</b></div>

It all came down to this! After some tough competition in the AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator tournament, "The Magical Girl" Yuka Sakazaki and "La Mera Mera" Thunder Rosa descended upon Jacksonville to stake their claim at a shot at Hikaru Shida Women's World Championship. Sakazaki had previously beaten Mei Suruga, Emi Sakura, and Ryo Mizunami, while Thunder Rosa bested "Legit" Leyla Hirsch, Riho, and her rival Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. This match was all action from the opening bell as both women tried their all to overcome the other and punch their ticket to Revolution. In the end, however, only one could walk out victorious. After excruciating battles, "The Magical Girl" connected with the Magical Girl Splash for the win! After the match, Yuka and the AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida came face to face in the middle of the ring, providing a look at their big match at Revolution on Sunday!



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MJF, Chris Jericho, Santana & Ortiz</font></b></div>

After last week's meeting with former Inner Circle member Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz were questioned by Inner Circle leader Chris Jericho and his right hand man, and tag team partner extraordinaire, MJF. Jericho demanded answers and brought the camera into the Inner Circle's locker room so the proud and powerful tag team wouldn't lie because, according to Jericho, their "abuelitas were watching live on TNT!" Santana and Ortiz were straight up and claimed that Sammy reminded them that they are the best tag team in the world despite Jericho and MJF getting the AEW World Tag Team title shot at Revolution. They haven't been feeling like "THE BEST" lately and mentioned that they wanted to prove themselves. So with Sammy's urging, they went to AEW GM Tony Khan and demanded a match at Revolution... against the Death Triangle's Rey Fenix and PAC! Jericho was thrilled that they were honest but gave them the warning to never - EVA - skip out on Inner Circle business again.



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Peter Avalon, Cezar Bononi & Team Taz</font></b></div>

"Pretty" Peter Avalon and his assistant Cezar Bononi came down to the ring to look for the best looking fans in Daily's Place. After some entertaining facial reactions, they were interrupted by a pissed of Taz who orchestrated an attack by Brian Cage and "Absolute" Ricky Starks. Starks and Cage destroyed Avalon and Bononi with ease as Taz stared down the camera. "Sting, Darby, you've made this personal. This Sunday, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks will put you down for good, and Sting, you'll have wished you never came back from your neck injury." quipped Taz before throwing the microphone down as Team Taz stomped to the back once again.



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<b>Chris Jericho, MJF & Wardlow defeated The Young Bucks & Brandon Cutler</b></div>

Ahead of their AEW World Tag Team Championship match this Sunday at Revolution, The Young Bucks did battle with their challengers Chris Jericho and MJF but with the addition of Brandon Cutler and Wardlow on either sides. The Inner Circle worked as a well oiled machine but The Young Bucks and Cutler flew around the ring with such speed that it took Jericho and his pals off their game. Wardlow's size advantage was in play as he ragdolled the Bucks and Cutler a few times but the best tag team in the world fought back and nearly had Jericho and MJF pinned on a few occasions. Despite the motivation from his previous encounters with the Inner Circle, Brandon Cutler did not roll a D20 and fell victim to Wardlow's F-10!


After the match, the fighting continued as the rest of the Inner Circle came out to put a beat down on The Young Bucks. Jake Hager suplexed Nick Jackson, but the tides turned when The Good Brothers ran down to thwart the attack. As The Good Brothers fought with Santana and Ortiz outside the ring, MJF was going to deal the death blow to Matt Jackson but Sammy Guevara jumped the guardrail and provided a distraction just long enough for The Young Bucks to recuperate and then superkick the gum right out of MJF's mouth! Thanks to Sammy Guevara, The Young Bucks stood tall just days before their big AEW World Tag Team Championship defense at AEW Revolution!



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Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet</font></b></div>

In the Nightmare Family's locker room, Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet prepared for the big tag team main event match against Shaquille O'Neal and Jade Cargill. Rhodes was more prepared than ever when Brandi Rhodes entered the room to wish them both luck tonight. Brandi gave Velvet some mentor advice and Cody finished the hype off by congratulating Velvet on finally earning her spot officially on the AEW main roster. No matter what happens tonight, Cody was proud of her.



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<b>Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifier

Miro defeated Orange Cassidy</b></div>

After months of disputes, butlers, and crashing weddings, "The Best Man" Miro and "Freshly Squeezed" Orange Cassidy finally went one-on-one in this Face of the Revolution Ladder Match Qualifer. With Kip Sabian and Chuck Taylor at ringside, the match had its full share of hijinks with Taylor thwarting all of Sabian's interference attempts. Miro got revenge on his own butler by throwing Chuck Taylor into a heater outside and nearly fell to the Superman Punch by Cassidy but Penelope Ford managed to put Miro's foot on the rope. Despite all of his efforts, Orange Cassidy was juiced when Miro locked in the Game Over to get the win and advance to Sunday's huge ladder match!



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"Hangman" Adam Page & The Dark Order</font></b></div>

Sat around a bar here in Daily's Place, "Hangman" Adam Page finished his drink with the members of the Dark Order sharing road stories around him. John Silver mentioned their adventures this past Monday on Being The Elite but Anna Jay made them cut to the chase: no matter who Matt Hardy and the Matt Hardy Brand have at ringside on Sunday at Revolution, the Dark Order will be one hundred percent behind "Hangman". "Y'all are good friends." toasted Page as he took another drink.



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<b>Jurassic Express defeated Dax Harwood, Cash Wheeler & Tully Blanchard</b></div>

For the first time since 1994, Tully Blanchard wrestled on television! The legendary member of the Four Horsemen stood side-by-side with his two clients Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood to put an end to their feud with the Jurassic Express. For months, these two teams have been at each others' throats and they finally put an exclamation mark on the rivalry tonight in Jacksonville. Tully was back to his old ways with cheating to get an advantage on the much younger Marko Stunt, while Jurassic Express and FTR fought tremendously in the ring. Despite Tully's strategic best efforts, it was Jungle Boy who scored the victory by making Dax Harwood submit once again to the Snare Trap!



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<b>Shaquille O'Neal & Jade Cargill defeated Cody Rhodes & Red Velvet</b></div>

After months in the making and mind games from both sides, Shaquille O'Neal and Jade Cargill finally stepped foot inside an All Elite Wrestling ring to do battle with Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet. Shaq was impressive in the ring as he held the definitive size advantage over Cody Rhodes, but the "American Nightmare" was all heart as he never let it affect his gameplan. Jade Cargill, the enigma of the AEW Women's division, looked like a million dollars as she outsmarted Red Velvet early on but the fiery babyface fought back against the bully. Cody Rhodes and Shaq tumbled out of the ring, leaving it all to Velvet and Jade inside. Red Velvet was ready to hit the Cross Rhodes, but Jade reversed and planted Velvet with a running powerslam to pick up the one-two-three to earn her and Shaq's first win on AEW. Jade and Shaquille O'Neal celebrated the big victory - certainly a fact Shaq will brag about on Inside the NBA on TNT - as Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet looked disappointed as they walked to the back. Despite the result, Cody was still proud of Red Velvet. But the real story of the night? Jade Cargill is not here to play.




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AEW Revolution 2021 - Preview


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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;text-align:center;"><div style="font:44px Roboto;"><b>AEW REVOLUTION 2021 - PREVIEW</b></div><div style="font:20px Roboto;">Sunday, March 7, 2021 on PPV</div><div style="font:16px Roboto;">Jacksonville, FL | Daily's Place</div></div>

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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;" align="center"><b>Songs of the Revolution</b>

Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley in an Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: <a href="

style="color:rgb(4, 255, 146);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;">"Pray For Me" - The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar</div></a>

Darby Allin & Sting vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks in a Street Fight: <a href="

style="color:rgb(4, 255, 146);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;">"Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" - Metallica</div></a></div>

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<div align="left" style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-family:Roboto Slab;font-size:16px;font-style:normal;"><b>Match Card</b>

<b>AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch:</b> Kenny Omega © vs. Jon Moxley

<b>AEW Women's World Championship:</b> Hikaru Shida © vs. Yuka Sakazaki

<b>AEW World Tag Team Championship:</b> The Young Bucks © vs. Chris Jericho & MJF

<b>Street Fight:</b> Darby Allin & Sting vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks

<b>Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match:</b> Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. Miro

<b>Big Money Match:</b> "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy

Santana & Ortiz vs. PAC & Rey Fenix




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AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: Kenny Omega © vs. Jon Moxley

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Yuka Sakazaki

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks © vs. Chris Jericho & MJF

Street Fight: Darby Allin & Sting vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match: Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. Miro

Big Money Match: "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy

Santana & Ortiz vs. PAC & Rey Fenix

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AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: Kenny Omega © vs. Jon Moxley

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Yuka Sakazaki

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks © vs. Chris Jericho & MJF

Street Fight: Darby Allin & Sting vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match: Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. Miro

Big Money Match: "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy

Santana & Ortiz vs. PAC & Rey Fenix

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AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: Kenny Omega © vs. Jon Moxley

AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida © vs. Yuka Sakazaki

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks © vs. Chris Jericho & MJF

Street Fight: Darby Allin & Sting vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match: Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. Miro

Big Money Match: "Hangman" Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy

Santana & Ortiz vs. PAC & Rey Fenix

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<p>AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: <strong>Kenny Omega ©</strong> vs. Jon Moxley</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: <strong>Hikaru Shida ©</strong> vs. Yuka Sakazaki</p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: <strong>The Young Bucks ©</strong> vs. Chris Jericho & MJF</p><p>

Street Fight: <strong>Darby Allin & Sting</strong> vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks</p><p>

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match: Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. <strong>Miro</strong></p><p>

Big Money Match: <strong>"Hangman" Adam Page</strong> vs. Matt Hardy</p><p>

<strong>Santana & Ortiz</strong> vs. PAC & Rey Fenix</p>

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<p>AEW World Championship, Exploding Ring Barbed Wire Deathmatch: <strong>Kenny Omega ©</strong> vs. Jon Moxley</p><p>

AEW Women's World Championship: <strong>Hikaru Shida ©</strong> vs. Yuka Sakazaki</p><p>

AEW World Tag Team Championship: <strong>The Young Bucks ©</strong> vs. Chris Jericho & MJF</p><p>

Street Fight: <strong>Darby Allin & Sting</strong> vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks</p><p>

Face of the Revolution Ladder Match for a future TNT Championship match: Cody Rhodes vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Lance Archer vs. Joey Janela vs. <strong>Miro</strong></p><p>

Big Money Match:<strong> "Hangman" Adam Page</strong> vs. Matt Hardy</p><p>

Santana & Ortiz vs. <strong>PAC & Rey Fenix</strong></p>

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