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CWB Monty’s Minutes




Montgomery: Good evening, this is the inaugural episode of Montys Minutes. During this web series we will go behind the scenes to get to know the different talent who are a part of CWB. In our first episode we sit down with Michel “Leftie” Wilkes. Thank you for coming here to talk with me Leftie.


Wilkes: I am more than happy to be here Monty, it’s an honor to be your first guest.


Montgomery: ok so I will ask you four questions so that the fans can get to know you a little better. The first question is why did you sign with CWB?


Wilkes: I joined this company because I feel like I have a lot to prove. I haven’t been given the chances in other companies that I wish I had. 4C didn’t see me more than a Midcard act and I just want to prove that I can be a building block, so that is why I am here. In CWB I feel like I am more a part of the culture than anywhere else I have been.


Montgomery: I completely get where you are coming from. I felt I was always undervalued where I was working and wish I could have found a place to wrestle that was willing to put faith in me...Question 2, you have been often described as a daredevil. How would you define your in ring style.


Wilkes: I think this is something that has worked against me. One of the reasons I feel I have never been taken too seriously in my former companies is that they see me as this high flyer who does flips. I’m actually comfortable fighting in many different match types and hope I can show that soon. I do specialize in the high risk stuff but I can get down and dirty and have an all out brawl or even have a good technical match as well. I wouldn’t call myself elite in those categories but I’m much better than I get credit for.


Montgomery: I’d be excited to see you in a more traditional match going forward to see what you can do! Alright, third question who do you want to have a match with most in this company?


Wilkes: Definitely Harry Allen. He is the most respected member of our roster, I never really had a chance to work with him in Canada and I feel like he is one of the more under appreciated wrestlers of his generation. We also both can take to the sky so it would be interesting putting that match together.


Montgomery: I’d pay to see that! Ok lastly your brother had seen a lot of success in his career. Do you feel sometimes stuck in his shadow?


Wilkes: I’d be lying if I said I didn’t compare myself to my brother’s success. I think I’m as talented as him, I want to be as good as him because he is my idol. I do feel like people see me asDutch’s kid brother even though I’m not much of a kid anymore. I’m looking to carve out my own legacy here in CWB and hopefully at the end of the day people will say that those brothers were equally successful.


Montgomery: Thank you so much for talking with me! Next month we will have another guest who is quite controversial. Be sure to come to Into the Badlands in March! Until next time, be great Boston!

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Into the Badlands Hype


March 2020


This month at Into the Badlands there will be two qualifying matches to determine who will fight for the CWB Championship! Harry Allen will be back in action as well as Leftie Wilkes. Art Reed looks to continue his streak of dominance and we finally get to see Charlston and Frost face off in a tag match. AC/DC's badlands will be the official theme song of the event.


<iframe src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/4wL7XxJ7DNtIao5EaynvuP" width="250" height="75" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

Co-Main Event: Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Co-Main Event: Art Reed v. Leftie Wilkes (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Midcard: Astro & Blue Dragon v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde

Midcard: Brady Prince v. Reilly Patton

Opener: Christina Charlston & Connie Morris v. Joanna Silver & Urena Frost



Predictions welcomed, most likely will get the show up by the end of the weekend.
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Co-Main Event: Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Co-Main Event: Art Reed v. Leftie Wilkes (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Midcard: Astro & Blue Dragon v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde

Midcard: Brady Prince v. Reilly Patton

Opener: Christina Charlston & Connie Morris v. Joanna Silver & Urena Frost

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Co-Main Event: Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Co-Main Event: Art Reed v. Leftie Wilkes (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Midcard: Astro & Blue Dragon v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde

Midcard: Brady Prince v. Reilly Patton

Opener: Christina Charlston & Connie Morris v. Joanna Silver & Urena Frost

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Co-Main Event: Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Co-Main Event: Art Reed v. Leftie Wilkes (CWB Championship Qualifier)

Midcard: Astro & Blue Dragon v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde

Midcard: Brady Prince v. Reilly Patton

Opener: Christina Charlston & Connie Morris v. Joanna Silver & Urena Frost

Urena Frost could be a huge star.

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March 2020




Harry Allen was standing in Davidson’s office waiting to talk about the main event for tonight’s show. He was going to be facing Arthur Dexter Bradley and he wanted to run some ideas behind Davidson. Allen was a unique figure in CWB. He was really the only worker with name value amongst casual fans. He had been a part of TCW for years as a singles and a tag team wrestler. He was able to reach the top of 4C after he had left TCW, but it was short lived due to their closure. He wanted a chance to lead a company and he had been given his opportunity.


He wasn’t promised anything by the owner of CWB. He was told he would be used near the top of the card as a draw to get eyes on the shows. He knew his age and price probably meant he wasn’t in the long term plans of the company but he didn’t care. He wanted to show people he could still go. He still had that fire inside of him that made him want to bring it every time he stepped in the ring.


Allen also felt guilty. Many of the media who follow professional wrestling attributes 4C’s downfall on him. He was a major signing that was supposed to help 4C to get to the next level but people in Canada weren’t interested in an Australian who is actually from America who is also a cowboy. That is why when he was told he wouldn’t be used every month he was OK with it. A part of him just wants to atone for his sins in 4C. The fact that there was a small collection of 4C vets in the company made him self conscious and had been pushing him to be better to make sure he helped them after failing them the first time around…


Davidson walks in and greets Allen




Davidson: OK Harry what’s on your mind?


Allen: I want to figure out how we can best get Bradley over in this match…


Allen’s new goal was to make everyone who worked with him look as good as he could.

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Into the Badlands

Worcester, Ma

39 Fans


As Badlands plays by AC/DC Jamie Peterson and Robert Montgomery Sr. introduces the audience to the show:


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Peterson: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Into the Badlands! Tonight, we have two qualifying matches. The winner of the co-main events this evening will fight to become the first CWB Champion in over 40 years!


Montgomery: I cannot stress enough the opportunity that these four men have! They can make history and become the face of this company’s rebirth!


Peterson: Our first match of the evening is about to start. Urena Frost & Christina Charlston have been going back and forth against each other for months now. They finally step in the ring with one another in a tag team match!


Urena Frost & Joanna Silver v. Christina Charlston & Connie Morris


WpbV1CwhkSFiIj v. wjI3Mr6Ah3bZHS


Urena Frost started the match off against Connie Morris. The two tried to out strike one another until Morris was driven to one knee. Frost hit Morris with a snap DDT and Morris seemed as if she was out. Frost went for the cover and the pin was broken at 2 when Charlston broke it up. Silver jumped to her partner’s aid only to be tossed out of the ring. Frost and Charlston stared each other down until Charlston tried to strike, Frost was able to block and threw Charlston into the corner where she started hammering away. Meanwhile the referee tried to maintain order and get Frost to let Charlston out of the ring.


As Frost came to her senses, she tried to adjust her attack to Morris, but when she turned her back to Charlston she blasted her in the back of the head. Morris now came to her feet and the two started beating down Frost until the ref began to count and Charlston returned to her corner. Frost was able to battle back from Morris’ barrage of attacks and tag Silver who came in firing on all cylinders. She knocked Morris back to one knee, Morris popped in once again but was planted by a dropkick from Silver. Silver tagged Frost in and she was able to hit Frostbite and get the win!


Match Grade: 27



Bryan Fletcher comes to the ring with a microphone with something to say.


Fletcher: You know, I have been thinking all month what I was going to do tonight. I was totally caught off guard with the announcement of these qualifying matches. The fact that I am not in them makes no sense to me. Whomever this “new owner” is has just shown all of us that there is nothing new about them. They represent the corruption that has infected this industry. How can you not include me in these qualifying matches but you can include Leftie Wilkes.


I understand Art Reed and ADB, they are professionals and great at what they do. Harry Allen...don’t get me started with him. I will deal with him later. But, a man who is not even the best wrestler in his own family was given a clear pathway to becoming the champion of this company….. Where is my opportunity? I SHOULD BE FIGHTING TONIGHT! If the owner knows what is best for this company they will change their decision….If they don’t I will make myself a part of tonight's qualifying matches one way or another… You don’t need to be a good detective like me to figure out how I will get involved.


Angle Rating: 43



Brady Prince v. Reilly Patton



In a poor match that was meant to make Prince look strong, Brady Prince defeated Reilly Patton in 6:05 by submission with a Maryland Crossface.


Match Rating: 17


James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde v. Blue Dragon & Astro

hA7WKYA & Ud6sxdZ


Diaz & Pryde beat Astro & Blue Dragon in a squash match, with Diaz planting Astro with the Asian Thumb Spike


Match grade: 14


After the match Pryde & Diaz are celebrating and taunting their defeated foes when:




Christopher Ball hits the ring stealthy and hits a Superman Punch on Pryde. Diaz who is taunting the crowd does not realize his rival is sizing him up until the last second when Ball goes for his finisher and Diaz bails.


Ball glares down Diaz, Diaz can be heard saying “Not like this! When we fight, it will be on my terms.” Ball smiles and turns towards Diaz’s partner and hits him with another Superman Punch as Diaz retreats to the back.


Angle Grade: 10


Art Reed v. Leftie Wilkes

dxnezs6 v. VIZmY2g


Peterson: The first of our two main events for the evening. Art Reed will take on Leftie Wilkes, with the winner getting a shot at becoming CWB Champion.


Montgomery: These next two matches are the biggest since the company was resurrected. The winners of these matches will be 1 victory and will be the face of the company!


Art Reed and Leftie Wilkes start off slow with each worker being careful not to leave an opening for their opponent. Since joining CWB Reed has started to work as more of a cerebral worker than previously known. Targeting weaknesses of opponents and continuously finding ways to damage them. Reed found his target early on when Wilkes landed awkwardly on his knee when he finally tried to take a risk with a double foot stomp from the top rope (and missing).


Reed picked at Wilkes knee to the point where every time he attacked it Wilkes writhed in seemingly extreme pain. Wilkes continued to fight though, the adversity. He was able to build up momentum and was starting to fully come back when…


Bryan Fletcher jumps the guard rail and onto the apron! Wilkes starts yelling at him. The ref goes over to tell Fletcher to leave when Reed hits Wilkes behind with a chop to the knee. Reed then locks Wilkes into a modified version of the Dread Lock where it applies pressure to the injured knee. Wilkes has no choice but to tap!


Match Grade: 33


Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen



Peterson: What a match! Art Reed has punched his ticket to Boston Strong Wrestling, and will be one of the two men to fight for the prestigious CWB Championship!


Montgomery: Now we have to see if Harry Allen can beat Reed’s protégé and get a chance at the ultimate revenge, win the title by pinning Reed.


Before the match Allen looked at ADB with a stare that could only mean one thing. He wanted an all out match with the 29 year old. The two started the exact opposite than the previous match. Each man threw offense at the other and hitting most of their shots. Allen did a springboard moonsault that got the crowd on the edge of their seat. ADB was able to hit a hurricanrana that looked to have put Allen down for good but he only got a 2 count.


After a good ten minutes of back and forth throwing their best moves ADB was on the offensive. He threw heavy blows to Allen’s body driving him into the corner. ADB backs up and hits a big kick to the stomach which doubles the Australian over. ADB squares up Allen for his unique superkick where he hits him in the corner and then when he goes for the swanton that follows but Allen gets his knees up and blocks! Allen hits ADB up with his Flying Fist Drop and gets the win!


Match Grade: 34


Harry Allen grabs a microphone and looks down the ramp:




Allen: In one month I will send two messages. The first will be sent when I win that CWB Championship. The world will know that I am far from done. I have been fighting for almost 25 years and people have counted me out everywhere I have gone. After 4C closed, I took more heat than anyone. People said I was selfish and that I could not be the face of a company...I will prove them wrong….


Allen pauses and paces around the ring


Allen: And the second message is for you Reed. Tonight I beat your little sidekick, and I still have a receipt with your name on it for what you did to me at Fresh Start. So...next month not only will I win gold...I will get revenge for your actions. Reed! You dare call me overrated?! I have won gold at every company I have fought in! You have been around just as long as I have, and you still have nothing to show for it….I do agree you are overlooked though….but that is because you can’t win when it matters most. I’ll see you next month.



Angle Rating: 49



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Prediction score after three months:

The Heel 8/10

Historian 8/10

herrbear 7/10

The Effect 4/5


Thank you guys for your participation! If anyone has any criticism or advise please feel free to share so I can try to improve my presentation!
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March 2020

Boston Strong Wrestling Promo

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JOIN US NEXT MONTH for our next major event Boston Strong Wrestling! We will be crowning a new CWB Champion for the first time in OVER 40 YEARS! Art Reed will do battle with Harry Allen to usher in a new era in CWB. Bryan Fletcher and Kid Fantastic will also be battling in a heated rivalry match. Also, Brady Prince will be in action against the debuting Robert Montgomery Jr! Also a message from our owner and Christina Charlston addresses her loss at Into the Badlands.


Main Event: CWB Championship

Art Reed v. Harry Allen



Bryan Fletcher v. Kid Fantastic



Christopher Ball v. Jack "Prime Time" Pryde



Connie Morris v. Sabrina Wells



Brady Prince v. Robert Montgomery Jr.



Predictions welcomed!
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After Boston Strong Wrestling there will be some in game decisions that people will be able to contribute.


The winner of the predictions will be able to pick two workers to sign that will feud with each other. The workers must be:

1. Under 40 years old

2. Have popularity under 10 in New England in the default database

3. Between the two workers one should be able to be strong at being a

face and one should be strong at being a heel.


Additionally, anyone who has predicted for the show can pick 1 worker under the age of 25 to be signed. That worker must be:

1. Under 25 years old at the start of the game.

2. Have a popularity under 10 in New England.


After you predict you can either include your worker in your post, or if you'd like to make it secret you can private message it to me! Know that I am a couple of months ahead so you won't begin to see these changes until after the summer events.
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Main Event: CWB Championship

Art Reed v. Harry Allen

While both of these guys are past their primes and are hanging on to their careers, I think you have more mileage out of Allen than you do Reed.



Bryan Fletcher v. Kid Fantastic



Christopher Ball v. Jack "Prime Time" Pryde



Connie Morris v. Sabrina Wells



Brady Prince v. Robert Montgomery Jr.

The 6'7" eldest son of the Montgomery family has all the makings to be a HUGE star and Brady Prince has more miles in his rearview than he does his windshield. This would be a good win for RMJR.

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<p>Main Event: CWB Championship</p><p>

Art Reed v. <strong>Harry Allen</strong> </p><p>

Not looking at age or mileage I’d go with Reed, but I’m a fan of the Pure Athlete. But I think Harry is the choice</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Bryan Fletcher</strong> v. Kid Fantastic </p><p>

The Kid has never been a big name but he fills the role of shining up Fletcher</p><p> </p><p>


Christopher Ball v. <strong>Jack "Prime Time" Pryde </strong></p><p>

Pryde just feels like a bigger name and star</p><p> </p><p>


Connie Morris v. <strong>Sabrina Wells</strong> </p><p>

I’m becoming a fan of Sabrina based on my diary so I’ll take her here</p><p> </p><p>


Brady Prince v. <strong>Robert Montgomery Jr.</strong></p><p>

A little torn here with the impressive rookie and the veteran enhancement guy. I can see an early story going either way here. My booking guy tells me one thing and my story gut tells me the other. I’ll go Jr. but it is a lean</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Theheel" data-cite="Theheel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52831" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Main Event: CWB Championship<p> Art Reed v. <strong>Harry Allen</strong> </p><p> Not looking at age or mileage I’d go with Reed, but I’m a fan of the Pure Athlete. But I think Harry is the choice</p><p> </p><p> Midcard</p><p> <strong>Bryan Fletcher</strong> v. Kid Fantastic </p><p> The Kid has never been a big name but he fills the role of shining up Fletcher</p><p> </p><p> Midcard</p><p> Christopher Ball v. <strong>Jack "Prime Time" Pryde </strong></p><p> Pryde just feels like a bigger name and star</p><p> </p><p> Midcard</p><p> Connie Morris v. <strong>Sabrina Wells</strong> </p><p> I’m becoming a fan of Sabrina based on my diary so I’ll take her here</p><p> </p><p> Opener</p><p> Brady Prince v. <strong>Robert Montgomery Jr.</strong></p><p> A little torn here with the impressive rookie and the veteran enhancement guy. I can see an early story going either way here. My booking guy tells me one thing and my story gut tells me the other. I’ll go Jr. but it is a lean</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I played TEW13 for so long that I couldn’t start this diary without two guys that I loved using in that game (Prince & Allen). Also Pryde/Montgomery Jr./Wells are three great characters I love using!</p>
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Boston Strong Wrestling


36 Fans

<div style="padding: 50px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #21610B; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">




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Peterson: Welcome to Boston Strong Wrestling brought to you by CWB! Tonight we will be crowning a brand new CWB Champion. Also Bryan Fletcher will go one on one with Kid Fantastic!


Montgomery: Fantastic and Fletcher have developed a bit of animosity that they hope to settle their differences inside the ring! But MOST IMPORTANTLY THE LEGACY CONTINUES! My son Robert Montgomery Jr. makes his debut! I am so proud of him I might cry!


Brady Prince v. Robert “Monty Jr.” Montgomery Jr.

YRBV6Sd v. sUlHlyr


Montgomery enters the arena oozing star presence. Monty Jr. enters the ring rowing over the veteran Prince who appears to be second guessing agreeing to the match. Early on Prince does a lot of avoiding Monty Jr. as he began to frustrate his much larger opponent; he took advantage of Monty Jr. 's overly aggressive nature and blindsided him. After a minute or two of consistent pressure, Monty Jr. grabbed Prince by the thought with two hands and tossed him across the ring. Prince tried to escape but Monty Jr. grabbed Prince one more time by the neck and threw him into the corner where Prince ricocheted back into the middle of the ring and Monty Jr. Hit him with a beautiful spear to put him out for the win.


Match Grade: 22



After Montgomery leaves Jamie Peterson grabs a microphone and heads to the middle of the ring:




Peterson: Thanks to the success of the rebirth of CWB we will be crowning a brand new CWB Championship tonight. Our owner is thrilled with the progress the company has made over the first few months so he has made an important decision that I am here to announce. Next month’s event will be called “Tag Team Wrestling”. At that event there will be a six team tournament to crown the first ever CWB Tag Team Champions! The teams and brackets will be released through our website next week! Good luck to all of those involved, and be sure to be here next month to see all of the action!


Angle Grade: 28


Connie Morris v. Sabrina Wells

Ah3bZHS v. nAY9WMF


In a short match (6 minutes) Sabrina Wells defeated Connie Morris via pinfall.


Match Grade: 18



Christina Charlston comes out to the ring with a look of frustration on her face.


Charlston: Last month at Into the Badlands I made a mistake. I thought that fighting Frost in a tag match would expose her for the overrated wrestler that she is. Instead, my weak a** partner got throttled by Joanna Silver and now I have a loss on my record. So… I have made it clear to management that I want a 1 on 1 opportunity against Urena Frost to show them that Frost is not as good as she says she is. Frost, it’s up to you. Prove that you are truly better than me and accept my challenge… Unless you don’t think you can beat me.


Match Grade: 18


Christopher “Rubber” Ball v. Jack “Prime Time” Pryde

pAdMh2c v. Ud6sxdZ


Pryde and Ball over the past couple of months have been getting on each other’s nerves and finally Ball gets a shot at Pryde 1 v. 1. Before the match even started Diaz was sent to the back by the referee per instruction of the owner to ensure a fair fight. Ball started off the match absolutely wailing on his opponent. His MMA experience was shown in this match. Pryde tried to avoid the onslaught but Ball gave him no room to breathe. Pryde was able to slow down Ball a couple of times by using the referee as a shield and then suckering Ball when he let his guard down. When Pryde went to hide behind the ref again when Ball was on the second rope, Ball had enough of him and jumped over the referee delivering a superman punch and getting the victory.


Match Grade: 19




Almost immediately after the match, James Diaz returns from the back and blasts Ball in the back of the head. Both Pryde & Diaz pounce on the downed Ball until security intervenes.


Angle Rating: 18


Bryan Fletcher v. Kid Fantastic

gAxl8mS v. XCJc3MW


Fletcher starts off the match controlling the action. He focuses on keeping the pace slow and methodical cutting of Fantastic before he can gain momentum. Fletcher continues to put Kid Fantastic down on the mat in different holds trying to tire the energetic high flyer. Fletcher continued to dominate the match until he went to hit Cupid’s Arrow and Fantastic was able to avoid it. Fantastic from there went on a role hitting a series of high impact moves. He hit a nasty tornado DDT to set up his Fantasm finisher when Fletcher jumped out of the way and inadvertently knocked out the referee…


Peterson: WAIT WHO IS THAT?!



Montgomery Sr. : IT”S Ryan Turner and Stan Manna THE ROCK CITY STARS! The former 4C and RIPW Tag Team Champions!


Stan Manna and Ryan Turner hit the ring hard and grab Kid Fantastic with The Cover Version. Fletcher rises and smiles and barks orders at them. The tag team looks at one another and then at Fantastic and hit The Cover Version and grabs the referee and wakes him. Fletcher smuggly goes for the pin and the win over Fantastic!


Match Grade: 30


After the match Fletcher grabbed a microphone as Ryan Turner and Stan Manna flank him as the crowd boo’s the trio in the ring.


Fletcher: It seems as if we have two new members of the CWB roster…. Stan Manna and Ryan Turner have arrived! Like me they were both members of RIPW who were cast away, and were screwed over by the closing of 4C. For the past couple of months they have been on tour, but now they have returned to the ring from their Aerosmith cover band to fight alongside me. We will make Leftie Wilkes see that he is all alone in this industry! And when we are done with him...we have some unfinished business with another member of this roster. In the meantime all you need to know is that we are taking over CWB, and that we are Back to the 80’s!



Angle Grade: 28



CWB Championship Match


Art Reed v. Harry Allen

dxnezs6 v. SGCP1hM

Peterson: I cannot wait for this match! Two industry veterans going at it for a prize that helped put wrestling on the map in New England. A completion of the rebirth of a company thought to be forgotten in the ashes!


Montgomery: Jamie you are such a sap! But I agree this is going to be a hell of a match!


Reed and Allen stand in the middle of the ring as the referee raises the CWB Championship. Both men stare into each other's eyes, examining the other’s intentions. The two start the match off sizing the other up. They trade strikes and eventually Reed the bigger, stronger man starts dictating the pace. Reed clearly watched Allen’s match with ADB from last month because he was able to counter much of Allen’s early offense.


Reed drives Allen into the corner and starts kicking Allen’s mid section until Allen doubles over. Reed places Allen seated in the corner as he drives his knee into the face of the former 4C champion. Allen starts yelling in agony as the ref beginnings to count. Reed lets up and walks to the opposite corner.


Reed begins to play to the crowd before her sprints towards Allen. Reed goes to kick Allen but Allen avoids it and Reed drives his knee into the ring post. Allen immediately takes advantage of this opening, and begins to work on Reed’s knee like Reed did to Wilkes a month prior. Allen applies pressure in numerous different holds to do further damage to the knee of Reed. As Allen seems to get closer to putting away Reed, Art is able to shift momentum.


Allen goes to pick Reed off of the mat and Reed rakes at the eyes of Allen. Reed uses the opening to lock in the dread lock! Allen is squirming but can’t seem to break free. Reed begins struggling to keep hold of the submission because of the damage done to his knee. Allen eventually is able to break out of the submission by attacking Reed’s knee and as Reed grips his knee Allen climbs the ropes and hits The Flying Fist Drop on Reed and gets the win!


Match Grade: 40




Allen: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has believed in me! I will defend this with honor and will honor each and every one of you!


Reed: If you think I am done with you Allen…. Then you are certainly not paying attention. You might have one because of a fluke injury on my part today. But know… I will get my fair shot to prove that you are just a fluke with a cowboy hat. Nothing more nothing less.


Allen: Reed, if you get another shot. The results will be the same. I will win… and you will still be a titleless disappointment. I’ll see you down the road.


Angle Rating: 32







Thank you for the patience!
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Prediction score after four months:

The Heel 12/15

Historian 12/15

herrbear 9/15

The Effect 4/5


Since The Heel and Historian tied, both earn the top prize and can send me your choices through private message. herrbear and The effect can also send me their young workers through private message! Thank you for your participation! I have put the requirements for the workers below as a refresher..


The winner of the predictions will be able to pick two workers to sign that will feud with each other. The workers must be:

1. Under 40 years old

2. Have popularity under 10 in New England in the default database

3. Between the two workers one should be able to be strong at being a

face and one should be strong at being a heel.


Additionally, anyone who has predicted for the show can pick 1 worker under the age of 25 to be signed. That worker must be:

1. Under 25 years old at the start of the game.

2. Have a popularity under 10 in New England.

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May 2020

Tag Team Wrestling


<div style="padding: 50px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #21610B; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">This month there will be a tag team tournament to determine the inaugural tag team champions! There will be six teams competing for the gold. The Rock City Stars and the newly formed team of Kid Fantastic and Leftie Wilkes drew byes through the first round. Christopher Ball will face off against his rivals James Diaz and Jack "Prime Time" Pryde with a mystery partner. Rumor has it he is a Massachusetts native currently working at another promotion. The other opening match involves a heated rivalry that includes the top wrestlers in the company and the CWB Championship. Harry Allen gets the help of Bradley Blaze and they will face off against Art Reed and his protégé Arthur Dexter Bradley.


Main Event for CWB Tag team Championship & Tournament Finals: Winner Match 4 v. Winner Match 3

Match 4: Dynamic Duo (Kid Fantastic & Leftie Wilkes) v. Winner Match #2

Match 3: Rock City Stars v. Winner Match #1

Match 2: Christopher Ball & Mystery Partner v. James Diaz & Jack Pryde

Match 1: Art Reed & Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen & Bradley Blaze


Bonus Prediction: Who is Ball's mystery partner? There is a hint in the description of the event.



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<p>Main Event for CWB Tag team Championship & Tournament Finals: Winner Match 4 v. <strong>Winner Match 3</strong></p><p>

Match 4: <strong>Dynamic Duo (Kid Fantastic & Leftie Wilkes)</strong> v. Winner Match #2</p><p>

Match 3: Rock City Stars v. <strong>Winner Match #1</strong></p><p>

Match 2: Christopher Ball & Mystery Partner v. <strong>James Diaz & Jack Pryde</strong></p><p>

Match 1: <strong>Art Reed & Arthur Dexter Bradley</strong> v. Harry Allen & Bradley Blaze</p>

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Tag team Wrestling

Biker’s Paradise

39 Fans

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Peterson: WELCOME EVERYONE! Today we are hosting our first tournament! This evening’s Tag Tournament will result in crowning the inaugural CWB Tag Team Champions!


Montgomery: Yes Jamie, we crown new champions one month after we crowned a new CWB Champion in Harry Allen who will be in action tonight.


Peterson: Speaking of which our first match of the evening features Allen and his partner versus Allen’s main antagonist Art Reed alongside Arthur Dexter Bradley!


Art Reed & Arthur Dexter Bradley v. Harry Allen & Bradley Blaze

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Harry Allen makes his walk to the ring with a big grin on his face. He is shaking hands as he makes his walk, showing the pride he has in being the CWB Champion. By his side is the MAW Champion Bradley Blaze. Art Reed and ADB come to the ring next. Reed is clearly focused on the belt of Harry Allen. He has revenge on his mind and it shows throughout this opening contest. ADB in this match looks like the more focused out of the two while Reed looks to inflict pain. Reed so focused on trying to hurt Allen inadvertently kicks ADB in the head and causes them to lose the match.


In a good match, Harry Allen and Bradley Blaze defeated Reed & A.D.B. in 15:14 when Harry Allen pinned Arthur Dexter Bradley with a Flying Fist Drop.


Match Grade: 36


Following the match Jamie Peterson steps into the ring with a microphone.


Peterson: Due to the early success of CWB I am proud to announce a series of three summer events. Summer Daze, Summer Fights, and finally Summer Nights will be three events held in the coming months that will be highlighted by major matchups and championship battles. Please be sure to attend so you do not miss any of the action!


Angle Rating: 28


Christopher "Rubber" Ball & Jonah Pilgrim v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde

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The next quarterfinal match of the tournament pitted Pryde & Diaz against their rival Christopher Ball and his mystery partner. The reveal was a little underwhelming in that it was Jonah Pilgrim. Although he is from the area and working with MAW he still wasn’t to the level of a surprise as the crowd had hoped. Pryde & Diaz dominated the match and Pilgrim played the role of punching bag and ended up taking the pin before Ball could even enter the match.


In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Diaz & Pryde defeated Christopher Ball and Jonah Pilgrim in 6:16 when James Diaz pinned Jonah Pilgrim with an Asian Thumb Spike.


Match Rating: 21




Bryan Fletcher makes his way out to the ring flanked by Turner and Manna and he has something to say.


Fletcher: I faced Oscar Ozy at Heartbroken and I embarrassed him. Now I find out backstage that next month I have to face him again. All because our “fearless leader” created this summer series with the expectation that each month will have fantastic matches. I do admit I am worthy of the task to put on a show, but I am insulted that I have to face an inferior opponent once again.


I promise that next month at Summer Daze that I will put Ozy in his place. He will be picked a part to the point that he may consider retiring from wrestling altogether. I do not care that he was my former partner. He might as well not show up because you do not need to be a detective to know he is not in my league.


Fletcher drops his microphone and walks out of the ring with his allies at his side.


Angle Grade: 41


Dynamic Duo v. James "The Monster" Diaz & Jack "Prime Time" Pryde



In the semi finals the newly official team of Dynamic Duo (Leftie Wilkes & Kid Fantastic) faced off with the team of Diaz and Pryde. The two teams had an explosive match with a lot of acrobatic moves, and Diaz supplied the power. There was a cool spot where Diaz threw Pryde into Fantastic who was jumping from the top rope, and Pryde delivered a mid air spear (semi convincingly albeit). In the end though Fantastic and Wilkes hti double frog splashes (The Dynamic Splash) on Pryde for the victory.


In a decent match, Dynamic Duo defeated Diaz & Pryde in 9:59 when Leftie Wilkes pinned Prime Time Jack Pryde with a Dynamic Splash.


Match Rating: 26


The Rock City Stars made their entrance while Allen & Blaze waited backstage when all of a sudden Reed & Bradley blasted Allen from behind. ADB had a chair and targeted Allen’s knee, and then Reed put Allen in the modified version of the dreadlock to further the damage on his knee. After the damage had been done, Reed leaned over and spoke to Allen:


Reed: Good luck in the semis… break a leg.


ADB and Reed walked away, proud of what they accomplished as Allen’s music hit.


Angle Rating: 41


Harry Allen & Bradley Blaze v. The Rock City Stars

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The second semi finals match was a little less even with Harry Allen noticeably hurt from the pre-match attack. Allen and Blaze put up a good fight but The Rock City Stars are a veteran team that have won gold in other companies and they showed that experience in isolating Allen’s knee and making him pretty much immobile. The tag team focused their attention on Blaze and he didn’t stand a chance.

In a good match, The Rock City Stars defeated Harry Allen and Bradley Blaze in 15:26 when Stan Manna pinned Bradley Blaze with The Cover Version.


Match Grade: 36



Urena Frost and Christina Charlston get in an argument backstage.


Charlston: You need to figure out if you are going to continue to be a chicken or you are going to grow up and fight your own battles.


Frost: Just because I beat you in a tag match you have made it your mission to tear me down. Well I’ll say it right here and now, next month you and me let’s settle our dispute once and for all!


Before Charlston could respond Peterson interrupts


Peterson: This is the type of fire CWB is looking for! I have been sent here by our owner to tell you two if you agree to fight next month at Summer Daze, you will be fighting to become the first CWB Women’s Champion! So what do you two say?


Frost: You know I am in...Charlston, are you ready to back up your threats?


Charlston: … Not only will I back up my threats. I will become the first CWB Women’s Champion!

Angle Rating: 33


CWB Tag Team Tournament

CWB Tag Team Championship



Dynamic Duos v. The Rock City Stars


The finals of the tournament and the two teams who are fighting for the Tag Team Championship are two teams in the midst of a rivalry. The Rock City stars joined by Bryan Fletcher face off against Dynamic Duo. The two teams differed in their approaches. The Rock City Stars like in their previous match focused on their experience in this matchup. Every time Fantastic & Wilkes attempt a high impact move they are cut down and countered. Eventually the Dynamic Duo gain the upper hand and are looking to finally hit their Dynamic Splash when Bryan Fletcher distracts Leftie Wilkes and Wilkes gets clocked by Manna. Turner hits the Cover Version and gets the pin for the win!


In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, The Rock City Stars defeated Dynamic Duo in 14:47 when Rockin' Ryan Turner pinned Kid Fantastic with The Cover Version. During the match we also had Bryan Fletcher distract Wilkes. The Rock City Stars win the CWB Ed Henson Tag Team Tournament. The Rock City Stars win the CWB Tag Team Championship titles.


Match Grade: 35






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June 2020


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CWB is proud to announce a series of events that will be running during the summer. Summer Daze, Summer Fights, and Summer Nights will all feature title matches as well as other important matches that will have large implications on the CWB promotion. The first event Summer Daze will be on the 4th Sunday of this month. Art Reed will be in action to try and earn a rematch for the CWB Championship. He will be going up against the former GCG World heavyweight Champion Jimmy Cox. Also in action Bryan Fletcher and Oscar Ozy will continue their rivalry, and who knows who will get involved in that match! Christopher Ball and James Diaz look to finally end their feud as they square off with one another. Christina Charlston and Urena Frost will finally go 1 on 1 against each other and the winner will become the first ever CWB Women's Champion!




Summer Daze Prediction sheet!

Main Event (CWB Championship #1 Contender): Art Reed v. Jimmy Cox

Midcard Bryan Fletcher v. Oscar Ozy

Midcard Christopher Ball v. James Diaz

Midcard(CWB Women's Championship): Christina Charlston v. Urena Frost

Opener: Joanna Silver v. Katya Kornishkova

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Summer Daze Prediction sheet!

Main Event (CWB Championship #1 Contender): Art Reed v. Jimmy Cox

Midcard Bryan Fletcher v. Oscar Ozy

Midcard Christopher Ball v. James Diaz

Midcard(CWB Women's Championship): Christina Charlston v. Urena Frost

Opener: Joanna Silver v. Katya Kornishkova

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