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1.29 Questions

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Piggy-backing off this thread http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=551014

I have two questions.


1) Is experience supposed to affect matches to the extent of making/breaking amazing young wrestlers? It doesn't seem right for these young wrestlers with high stats but low experience to be having subpar matches.

2) Is "bad improvising" a truly random draw, not affected by any stat? I feel like it should be based on entertainment skills and consistency.


Thank you!

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Having 100 in every entertainment skill doesn't mean you won't get the penalty, only that it's far less likely than someone with a lower level skill set. Being probability-based, there's always the chance that you'll just get bad luck.


Consistency has nothing to do with it; that's to do with in-ring performance, as explained in-game.

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I suppose I've had loads of bad luck then, because I've gotten that penalty fairly often in tests (for guys with high entertainment skills). Like 1 every 5-7 times, to the point it felt like a bug. Thank you for answering the questions however.
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