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Fearless 08 - Feb 2008 Real World Data

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Fearless 2008 - February 2008 Real World Data

Originally by HurryZone


This was a mod that I started work on for TEW2016 but by the time I had gotten a small about into working on it TEW2020 was announced and my focus shifted onto that. However since releasing tMoBS for 2020, I have decided to focus my attention onto this and completely remaster it.


Data Beta #4 - 13.07.21

Pictures Beta #3 - 19.06.21

People Beta #3 - 19.06.21


Gone is the old Kyky picture pack and its now being replace by a new organic one with thanks to MrVillain and steesh07 for letting me use some of their pictures.


Its February 2008. John Cena has just made his surprise return at the Royal Rumble, Orton retained his title over Jeff Hardy and Ric Flair is currently putting retirement on the line against wrestlers like MVP and Mr Kennedy.


Against All Odds is happening on the 10th headlined by Kurt Angle putting the TNA Championship up for grabs against Christian Cage with Samoa Joe as the referee and the second-ever Barbed Wire Massacre is being promoted for Against All Odds between Abyss and Judas Mesias.



There is still a lot of work to be done on the mod. NJPW, WWE, TNA and ROH have so far gotten the most amount of work done on them with all their wrestlers getting a new organic picture and attributes being set. Next up will probably be AAA, NOAH, Chikara, Dragon Gate and then a few lower level companies. Currently the mod has 43 active companies with 16 more yet to debut. Ideally I would like to drop the active companies to around 35 and will be posting lists of the companies to see who people think could be up for the chopping block.



The mod also has 2354 active workers which again I would like to cut down on with 192 set to debut.


A very raw beta will be released soon so that people can get a feel for the mod and provide some much needed feedback.


Much love,




With help from:

DJ - For all your beta testing and help

NoLegs Gaming - For help with popularity and WWE

Raspy - For just basically doing all of the title stuff

Biblet02/kasainity - For all your help with Japan

Slicknick - For your continued work and knowledge

MrVillain and steesh07 for their respective pictures

JoeMurphy for SAMPP

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A few things that have been edited/adjusted since posting this yesterday.


Coachmans pop have been severely nerfed and ive removed his occasional wrestler role

All WWE Wrestlers have had their colour commentary skill lowered

Jeff Hardys aerial has been bumped up

Joe, Abyss, AJ and Daniels have had their pop boosted

Prazak has been nerfed

AAA have been given 25m starting money

All companies have been given a little bit more starting money

All companies have had their backstage rules edited and production values lowered

Stat boost for Shingo, Bobby Fish, KENTA, Suwama, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Takashi Suguira, Ishii, Hirooki Goto & Yuji Nagata

Aries, Jack Evans, Romero & Reyes nerfed

Completely redone WWE womens stats

Matt Cross stat overhaul

Mark Dallas has been added and set to ICW owner.

All TNA Wrestlers have had their colour commentary skill lowered

ROH wrestlers have had their stats adjusted

Broadcasting Deals have been adjusted

Renamed Minoru-Gundan to Tokyo Gurentai, Add Takemura, make Minoru a supporting member.

Satoshi Kojima and TARU are the World Tag Team Champions instead of Kawada/Kea

AJPW's King's Road TV show on Samurai TV instead of Chiba

Nerf Tajiri japan pop

Added Aaron Aguilera, Silver King, Katsushi Takemura, Osamu Nishimura, Ryuji Hijikata, KAI, YAMATO and T28 to AJPW

Removed D-Lo, Buchanan, Zach Gowen, Vampiro and Tajiri from AJPW

Removed Raimu and Brute Issei from the mod

Matthews and Puders pop has been nerfed

Mamaluke has been nerfed, picture and attributes added

Giant Titan has been added and added to FCW

Set ECW to a minor brand focused on Developmental

Unticked Occ Wrestler from Lawlers contract

Brad Attitude and Joe Hennig have been added and added to FCW

Added Low-Ki to NJPW and RISE

Suzuki is now a middleweight

Raised Stings pop

Lowered Dustins pop

Lowered wxws dojo so they lose less money

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Kendrick & London were never that high on the totem pole (Star & Well Known??). Kendrick might have just scraped being well known when he was The Brian Kendrick later in the year but as a team I'd say they were recognisable at best.


Similar thing with 'popular main eventer' Kip James on the TNA screenshots too lol.


Looks promising though.

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Kendrick & London were never that high on the totem pole (Star & Well Known??). Kendrick might have just scraped being well known when he was The Brian Kendrick later in the year but as a team I'd say they were recognisable at best.


Similar thing with 'popular main eventer' Kip James on the TNA screenshots too lol.


Looks promising though.


Ill adjust them now, thank you for that quick little bit of feedback.

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I see what you mean, but also you could argue that Kip James was considerably more well known with general public than the rest of the TNA roster ?


Personally I think that his popularity should be lowered. He may be more well known but he isn't someone that is going to get people tuning in just to see him. Unfortunately despite the perception system in this game coming close, there is no way to properly simulate someone's overness being lower than their popularity.

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Here is a list of all the current active companies in the mod, its currently set to 43 but ideally I would like to get it down to 40 at the maximum to help with loading times.


Currently up for the chopping block is:


All-Star Wrestling

Heartland Wrestling Association

Osaka Pro-Wrestling

Italian Championship Wrestling or German Stampede Wrestling (I definitely want 2 EU companies so if any one has any suggestions for a replacement for one of them)

International Wrestling Syndicate (Replace them with C4 or just add C4)

IWA Mid South and/or Deep South

Juggalo Championship Wrestling

International Wrestling Cartel





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