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Venue Exclusivity

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Obviously this is a suggestion for a future version of TEW, as I don't know if it's possible to integrate it now. The feature would mimic the territories having exclusives on venues within their territories and, post-death of the territories, the cutthroat business strategies used by Vince and the rest who tried to go national.


The basics would work in one of two scenarios:


A. the company offers the venue money to get the exclusive rights to running events there.


B. the venue suggests that they are open to a bribe.


Scenario B can still be in play even if a company has used scenario A, so that venues aren't completely locked down as they can always take a better offer and, indeed, seek a better offer.


Example: Vince had a pretty iron clad grip on Boston Garden, but for the right price Crockett or ol' Verne or Fritz could've stepped in to run it. And then the venue could go back to Vince and try to start a bidding war of sorts.


Of course, there would need to be a method to mitigate just having larger companies war amongst themselves for venue exclusivity across the board which would end up just locking smaller companies out completely. A solution could be to have venues take into account loyalty (years/time the company has used the venue) and the specific wants of the audience in the region (and here I mention that broadening the product trends from area to region was another suggestion I had).


Additionally, the companies themselves would take into account importance of the region and the venue, size of the venue, the make-up of the crowd, etc.


Those two things would make it so, say, Turner's WCW isn't gonna seek out to run shows at the ECW Arena in Philly because they would figure that area wouldn't dig them and the arena isn't good enough for them.

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It's funny you suggest this today. I was listening to Jeff Jarrett's podcast this afternoon, and he was talking about a promoter that basically had an exclusive deal with the Nashville Sports Arena (in the '80's, if I'm recalling correctly). He was saying that when CWA/USWA/Memphis ran Nashville, they worked with that guy, who basically had to run a show every other month to maintain his deal with the arena (and he and Conrad both said that wasn't an unusual arrangement). I think this would be an interesting thing to see if it's possible to recreate.



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