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Hello all! I am a longtime EW/TEW player, this is my first time playing TEW 2020.


For the product section, I am looking for a product that has 100% matches but allows an entire mix of styles. My goal is to create a promotion that has death matches, lucha, pure wrestling, and comedy but no angles.


I am failing to see a product that will allow me to do this in the current section. Does TEW 2020 allow you to alter the styles, match ratio, and danger/intensity to a certain levels like TEW 2016 did or is this completely overhauled? I loved the way I was able to specifically select what I wanted my product to be.

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Hello all! I am a longtime EW/TEW player, this is my first time playing TEW 2020.


For the product section, I am looking for a product that has 100% matches but allows an entire mix of styles. My goal is to create a promotion that has death matches, lucha, pure wrestling, and comedy but no angles.


I am failing to see a product that will allow me to do this in the current section. Does TEW 2020 allow you to alter the styles, match ratio, and danger/intensity to a certain levels like TEW 2016 did or is this completely overhauled? I loved the way I was able to specifically select what I wanted my product to be.


The production section has been completely overhauled in 2020 to picking from one of the products that you see in the game. The closest you're going to find is No-Style Style, but even that still requires there to be some angles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why were the products changed in TEW 2020? We used to be able to create our own. It just seems like an odd step back to do it like this.


The following is from the Developer's Journal for 2020.


#42: Products


Although I like the product set up from TEW2016, it does have several big issues. Most notably, a lot of people don't seem to really understand it, it's extremely fiddly for database makers and players to use, and, having looked through most of the major databases currently available, it's very rare for people to actually use it for anything other than a handful of 'standard' product definitions.


With that in mind, for TEW2020 we'll not be continuing with that set up and instead taking the previous method and upgrading that instead. This entry of the journal will cover how it now looks.


Rather than having each product broken down into parts - Mainstream, Comedy, Risque, etc - TEW2020 instead has numerous pre-written products. So, if you're in the product screen, you'll see a list which includes things like Classic Sports Entertainment, LuchaResu, Wrestling As A Sport, Extreme Hardcore, Deathmatch, etc.


Each company will pick one from this list for their Current Product (how they are currently presented) and one from this list for their Core Product (what the company is about at its most fundamental) - you can select the same for both, incidentally. The Core Product is used by the game to make sure that companies don't stray too far from what they're really about (so you won't see Ring of Honor evolve into a death match company, for example) and basically replaces the old Minimum / Maximum product settings. To be clear, you can still give the product a custom name, just like in TEW2016, you're not limited to the name the game uses.


When making these selection you get both a text description of what the product means and also a full list of how this impacts the game (unlike TEW2016, this is all on the same screen so you don't need to keep loading sub-windows to check this). So, one big advantage of this is user friendliness - what took 36 drop-down menu selections and multiple clicks in TEW2016 now takes 2 drop-down menus in TEW2020 while actually giving a greater level of depth.


The upgrade to this is that each of the products has been custom made. So whereas TEW2016 gave you a list of pros, cons, and effects that were fairly generic, the new system makes sure that each product has been hand crafted to be as accurate as possible, and is therefore much deeper.


Once you're in-game, you can still change your product but the system now works by comparing your old and new product and working out the level of change. So, for example, going from PG Rated Sports Entertainment to Classic Sports Entertainment is obviously a very small change as they're very closely related - therefore the change takes less time to complete and there's minimal disruption. Going from Attitude Entertainment to Comic Book Lucha Libre is a much more severe change in direction and so will take much longer to complete and involve more disruption.


There are also a couple of other changes to the product screen to discuss.


Firstly, the Women's Wrestling selection has been expanded so that if you give a company a division, you can now select the size of it: small, medium, or large. This allows you to better reflect reality, especially with how the WWE has greatly enlarged the size and importance of their women's division over the past few years.


Secondly, you can now set a Match Focus and Angle Focus. What this does is allow you to tinker with the way show grades are calculated. As most of you will know, currently your matches affect the final rating by taking a certain percentage of the main event, a certain percentage of the best match, and a certain percentage of the remainder of the show. With these new settings, you have the option of altering these ratios. For example, one option is Main Event Spotlight focus: with this, the ratio is 90% of the main event's rating and 10% of the average of the remainder of the matches, which is ideal if you're modelling a company for whom the undercard is pretty much an afterthought. By twinning this with the selection of products you're increasing the depth of what you're able to model.


So, overall, the advantages to this change are that it is significantly easier to understand, it makes life much easier for database makers as their workload is massively reduced and they no longer have to fiddle around to try and get the results they want, it's far more intuitive to use (whether in the editor or main game), and you're opening up products that you couldn't accurately model previously. There is the disadvantage that you're losing some flexibility in that you can no longer make up crazy thinking-outside-the-box products, but as already discussed, virtually nobody was actually ever doing this in TEW2016 anyway, so I think that's a fairly minor drawback...


The original post from Adam goes on further. If you want to read the full post, you can do so here.

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